
Ratiba Hadj-Moussa

Photo of Ratiba Hadj-Moussa


Office: Vari Hall, 2102
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 77989
Email: rhm@yorku.ca

Media Requests Welcome
Accepting New Graduate Students

My areas of specialization are the sociology of culture and political sociology. My research interests range from common cultural artifacts to art (cinema) and visual culture in general. My work is anchored within the scope of three major fields: 1. Mediascapes, principally new media, in relation to politics and shared spaces in non-Western contexts; 2. Memory Studies and Alternatives Memory; 3. Marginalized forms of protest, new forms of the political; 4. Secularism and Islam in the West as well as in Muslim-majority societies.


Other Positions /affiliations • Coordinator GT04- Association internationale des sociologues de langue française. Research Fellow, Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux, (IRIS, École des études en Sciences sociales, Paris) • Member, Editorial Board, Brill Publishers, Collection: Youth in a Globalizing World. Contributions to the Profession (Symposium organization, recent)

2012 Co-organizer with Michael Nijhawan (York). International Workshop, Constellations, Confrontations and Aspirations. Reflections on Diaspora and Transnationalism Through the Lens of Youth Formations, York University, May 22-23.

2011 Co-organiser and co-Chair with Jose Curto (York), Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies («Africa: Here and There»), York University , 5-6-7, May 2011.

2011 Co-organiser with Sophie Wahnich (CNRS, Paris). Workshop on « Riots Around the Mediterranean and Beyond», the Mediterranean Programme, European University University Institue in Florence, April 2011.


Ph.D. in Sociology, Université Laval
Canada Fellow, Université Laval
D.E.A. in Art du Spectacle (cinema), Sorbonne Université (Paris III)
D.E.A. in Sociology (Theory), Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII)


Faculty of Fine Arts

Professional Leadership

*Co founder-Coordonator. GT4 - Association internationale des sociologues de langue française.
* Board Member, Brill Edition, Youth and Globalization Collection.
*Country Expert (Algeria) for the International project “Varieties of Democracy Project”. V-Dem. Institute, Funded, by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Sweden, the European Commission/EuroAID, the Swedish Research Council..
*Member. International Editorial Board, YoGo, Youth and Globalization Journal.
*Member. European Editorial Board, Culture e Studi del Sociale (journal) - http://www.cussoc.unisa.it/en/index
*Member. Editorial Board, Les Cahiers de recherches sociologiques. Université du Québec à Montréal.
Board Member. Recherches sociologiques.

Community Contributions

* Algerian archives.
* Mentoring Programme, GT04- AISLF, Association internationale des sociologues de langue française.

Research Interests

Sociology , Violence, Sociology of Art and Culture; Political Sociology; Common Cultural Artifacts to Art (Cinema and Music), Visual Culture in General; Gender and Post-Colonial Studies; Mediterranean and North African Societies; memory studies/violence., Public Memory, Alternative Memories
  • Dean’s Honorable Mention for Distinction in Research, Faculty of Liberal Art and Professional Studies (LAPS), York University - 2021
  • Massey College Visiting Scholar, Massey College, University of Toronto, - 2021-2022
  • Fellowship & Grantee Merian Center for Advanced Study in the Maghreb (Competition-MECAM). Interdisciplinary- Fellow Group (IFG) "Memory & Justice", University of Tunis, Tunisia- Marburg University, Germany - 2021-2022
  • Awarded 0.5 FCE toward Research Release Program for 2021-22. - 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
  • Essential Readings: The Hirak (Algerian Uprisings of 2019)” by the Middle East Studies Pedagogy Initiative (MESPI), - 2020
  • Fellowship & Grantee, Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften an der Kunstuniversität Linz (IFK), Vienna - 2015-2016
  • ‘Riots Around the Mediterranean and Beyond.” The Mediterranean Programme, European University, Institute in Florence, 12th Mediterranean Research Meeting, European University Institute, Florence - 2011
  • Merit Award, Faculty of Arts, York University 2004 - 2004
  • Book listed in the Reference Book on Algeria by the Institut du Monde Arabe (Paris) 2003 - 2003
  • Book Nominated and shortlisted, Association internationale des sociologues de langue française 1996 - 1996
  • Award of the Association québécoise des études cinématographiques (AQEC)/Olivieri for the best Canadian book on cinema in 1994-1995 - 1995
  • Canada Fellow; SSHRC, PhD; FCAR (various_ - 1988- 1992
  • Best Masters, publication. Laboratoire de sociolgue - 1988

Current Research Projects

New Forms of the Political : The Politics of Small things

    See more
New media and Public Sphere in the Maghreb (SSHRC)

    See more
Media and Muslim in Women in Canada (SSHRC)

    See more
Secularism (New Muslim Philosophers)

    See more
Alternatives memories in Post conflict and authoritarian societies (SSHRC)


    This project addresses the question of public memory in post conflict and authoritarian . Visual studies and digital media studies are its main research directions.

    See more
    Role: Principal Investigator

    Social Sciences and Humanity Research Council of Canada




2005 M. Peressini and R. Hadj-Moussa (Eds.), The Mediterranean Rediscovered, Ottawa-Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilizations, 270 pages


1996 K. Fall, R. Hadj-Moussa and D. Siméoni, Les convergences culturelles dans les sociétés pluriethniques (Cultural Convergences in Multiethnic Societies), Montreal & Sillery, Presses de l’Université du Québec/CELAT: 371 pages.


1994 Le corps, l'histoire, le territoire: les rapports femme-homme dans le cinéma algérien (Body, History, Territory: Gender Relations in Algerian Cinema), Montreal & Paris, Editions Balzac & PubliSud, Coll. l'Univers du discours: 322 pages.


Book Chapters


2011 “The Past’s Suffering and the Body’s Suffering: Algerian Cinema and the Challenge of Experience”, Suffering in Art, R. Hadj-Moussa and M. Nijhawan (Eds.), (Forthcoming, 26 pages).


2010 "Seeking Liberty and Constructing Identities: Algerian Publics and Satellite Television”, Publics, Politics and Participation: Locating the Public Sphere in the Middle East and North Africa, S. Shami (Ed.), New York, Social Sciences Research Council: 263-298 .


2010 “The Undecidable and the Irreversible: Satellite Television in the Algerian Public Arena”, Electronics Elsewhere. Media Technology, and the Experience of Social space, Ch. Berry, L. Spigel and K. Soyoung (Eds.), U. of Minnesota Press: 67-95.


2008 “Beyond the Borders: Which Arab Public for Which Public Sphere?”, The World as A Global Agora: Critical Perspectives on Public Space, L. Touaif, S. Boutkhil (Eds.) Cambridge Scholars Press: 61-73.


2006 «Drifted Liberties and Diffracted Identities? Algerian Audiences and the "Parabola”», Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations, N. Vittinghof and S. Kramer (Eds.), Albany, State University of New –York Press: 181-206.


2005 «Arab Women: Beyond Politics», Blackwell Companion to Gender Studies, Ph. Essed, D. Grossberg, A. Kobayashi (Eds.), London, Blackwell: 279-289.


2003 Reprint of «Diasporas: Ethnies sans frontières et sans politique?». Retours de l’utopie. Recompositions des espaces et mutations du politique, P.-W. Boudreault (Ed.), Quebec, Presses de l’université Laval: 105-120.


2000 «Indétermination, appartenance et identification: penser l’identité» (Indetermination, Belonging and Identification: Thinking Identity. Produire l’identité, produire la culture (Producing Identity, Producing culture?), A. Fortin (Ed.), Quebec, Presses de l’Université Laval: 219-43.


1999 Reprint of «The Locus of Tensions: Gender in Algerian Cinema», African Cinema: Post- Colonial and Feminist Readings, K. Harrow (Ed.) Asmara and Trenton, African World Press: 255-276.


1996 «Le difficile surgissement de la mémoire» (On the Difficult Emergence of Memory), Littérature et cinéma en Afrique francophone. Ousmene Sembène, Assia Djebar, S. Niang (Ed.), Paris, L'Harmattan, Coll. Images Plurielles: 198-208.


1994 Hadj-Moussa, R. and F. Piron, «Etre une femme, être un homme: enjeux et ambiguïtés des rapports femme-homme au Québec» (To Be A Woman, To Be A Man: Issues and Ambiguities in Gender Relations in Québec), La condition du Québec. Enjeux et horizons d'une société en devenir, G. Breton, J.-M. Fecteau and J. Létourneau (Eds.), Montreal, V.L.-B: 252-87.


1994 «Les femmes algériennes, enjeux et actrices» (Algerian Women: Issues and Agents), Entre tradition et universalisme (Between Tradition and Universalism), C. Bariteau and R.-F. Ouellet (Eds.), Montreal, Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture (IQRC): 234-44.


1991 Hadj-Moussa, R. and D. Pérusse, «L'arbre de la connaissance: Yeelen de M. Cisse» (The Tree of Knowledge: M.Cisse's Yeelen). In Films d'Afrique, M. Larouche (Ed.), Montréal, Edition Guernica, Coll.Voix17: 113-25, (refeered by editors).


Book Reviews


2009 Maryse Poitvin. Crises des accommodements raisonnables. Une fiction médiatique?. Montreal, Editions Athéna. In The Canadian Journal of Anthropology and Sociology. 277.


2007 Azouz Begag. Ethnicity and Equality: France in the Balance. University of Nebraska Press, 2007, In Canadian Journal of Sociology Online. Sept.–Oct. 2007.


2003 Review of Bassam Tibi, The Challenges of Fundamentalism. Political Islam and the New World Disorder, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California U. Press, 2002, in Anthropologie et Societés (27), 3: 185-186.


1994 A. Gomez-Moriana and D. Trottier (Eds.), L’«Indien». Instance discursive, Montreal, Balzac, 1993, Anthropologie et Sociétés, (18), 1: 227-231.


1993 N.K. Denzin, Images of Postmodern Society, New York-London, Sage Publication, 1991, Communications, (13), 2: 231-32.


1992 S. Gruzinski, La guerre des images. De Christophe Colomb à Blade Runner, Paris, Fayard, Anthropologie et Sociétés, (16), 1: 118-20.


1992 M. Boyer, L’écran de l’amour. Cinéma et érotisme, Paris, Plon, Cinémas, (2), 2-3: 231-35.


1991 H. Weinmann, Cinéma de l'imaginaire québécois, Montreal, L'Hexagone, 1990, Recherches Sociographiques, (XXXII), 1: 113-16.


1988 Iris («Narration et Cinéma»), 1987, Protée, (16), 1-2: 228-30.


Journal Articles


2012 « Des pauvres de la politique à la politique des pauvres », SociologieS, Théories et recherches, mis en ligne le 27 janvier 2012. URL : http://sociologies.revues.org/3884.


2012 « Sur un concept contesté : la sphère publique arabe est-elle solide sur terre ? », Anthropologie et Sociétés (MédiaMorphoses : la télévision, quel vecteur de changements ?)


2010«Ce que la télévision fait voir. Logique des frontières et enjeux de société en Algérie», SociologieS, (on line, théories et recherches , September 29, www.Sociologies.revues.org/index3221.htlm, 23 pages).


2008 (With K. Côté- Boucher), «Malaise identitaire : islam, laïcité et logique préventive en France et au Québec», Cahiers de recherche sociologique, 46 : 60-79. ?Special mention as article of interest on multiculturalism issues, Québec National Library, January 2009.


2008 «Marginality and Ordinary Memory: Body Centrality and the Plea for Recognition in Recent Algerian Films», Journal of North African Studies,: 13. 2 : 187-199.


2006 «Singularité, vie en commun et télévision par satellite. ‘Celui qui n’a pas voyagé ne connait pas les Hommes’», Cahiers d’études africaines (EHESS Paris), 182, XLVI 2: 389-416.


2005 «The Imaginary Concord and the Reality of Discord: Dealing with the Algerian War», The Arab World Geographer/Le Géographe du monde arabe, 7, 3: 135-149.


2004 «Les femmes musulmanes au Canada: altérité, paroles et politique de l’action», Canadian Revue of Anthropology and Sociology, 41, 4: 397-418.


2003 «New Media, Community and Politics in Algeria», Media, Culture and Society, 25, 4: 451-468.


2001 «Diasporas: Ethnies sans frontières et sans politique?» (Diasporas: Ethnies without Borders and Politics?), Cahiers de Recherche sociologique, 36: 1-16.


1997 «The Locus of Tensions: Gender in Algerian Cinema», Matutu, 19: 45-66.


1996 «Les antennes célestes, les émirs-apparatchiks et le peuple: L'espace public en question» (Celestial Antennas, Military Apparatchicks, Emirs and the People: The Public Space Reconsidered), Anthropologie et Sociétés, (20), 2: 129-55.


1995 «Connaissez-vous Hippone?» (Do You Know Hippone?), Conjonctures, 23: 37-49, (refereed by editors).


1995 «Sujets, images superposées et médiation technologique: questions de postmodernité?» (Subjects, Superimposed Images and Technological Mediation: Questions of Post-Modernity?), Communications, (16), 2: 59-86.


1993 «Le corps dansant au cinéma » (Body Dancing in Cinema), Cinémas, 2-3: 205-21.


1991 «D'une dénégation à l'autre: le corps dans le cinéma algérien» (The Body in Algerian Cinema: A Denial?), Recherche Sémiotique/Semiotic Inquiry, (11), 2-3: 25-41.


1990 R. Hadj-Moussa and M. Lefebvre, «Les savoirs du film: quelques propositions» (Knowledges of Film: Some Proposals), Protée-revue de sémiotique (16), 1-2: 149-55.


1988 «Omar Gatlato ou le corps éloigné» (Omar Gatlato or the Body at a Distance), Ed. Cinémathèque québécoise and the Association québécoise des études cinéma--tographiques, Series «Regarder, Voir», Montreal: 3-9.


Conference Papers


2007 With Karine Côté-Boucher, «les affinities électives: Culture de la loi et production de l’Autre», Conference, Citoyenneté, ethnicité, diversité: Interrogations locales, nationales et internationales», Centre de Recherche sur l’immigration, l’ethnicité et la citoyennet/ACFAS University of Trois Rivières, May 10-11.


2007 With Karine Côté-Boucher, «The No Sharia Campaign in Quebec and the French Hijab: Laicité Law and Deterrence in a Religiophobic Political Imaginary», Conference, Muslim Diasporas: Religious and National Identity, Gender, Cultural Resistance, York University, June 1-3.


2007 Keynote lecture, «Y at-il un espace public arabe?», International Conference, public Space: Text and Context, Mohammed I University, Oujda (Morocco), .


2006 «Centrality and Marginality in Contemporary Algerian films», International Conference Shared History/Decolonizing the Image, University of Amsterdam, June 1-3.


2006 Guest Speaker, «The Indecidable and the Irreversible: Satellite television in the Maghreb. Speaker Series, Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, February 14.


2004 Presentation in «New Media and New Publics», Roundtable (Chair. M. Fischer): The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres, American University of Beirut & Social Science Research Council, Oct. 22-24.


2003 «New Media or Contesting Politics». Conference: Nouveaux médias et débats publics au Maghreb, American Institute of Maghreb Studies, Oran, July 3-5.


2003 «Reconfiguring Public Space in the Maghreb». Conference SSRC: Reconfiguring Public Space in the Maghreb, Cairo, March 6-8.


2003 «The Slippery Road: The Maghreb Meets the New Media». Conference: Electronic Elsewheres. Media, Technologies and Social Space. Northwestern University, May 16- 17.


2002 «A New Public Space? New Media in Algeria». Film Studies Symposium: Look Who’s Talking Now: Globalization, Film, Media, & the Public Sphere, University of Berkeley, March 9.


2002 «Arab Women: Cultural Prisoners?». Symposium: Women’s Voices from the Middle-East, York University, March 6.


2001 Discussant. International Colloquium: Plagues and Viruses (3). Epidemics: Historical Aspects and Contemporary Issues. Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, May 25.


2001 «New Spaces or Power in in Peril: New Media and Identity in Algeria». Conference: Cultural Identities and Media Representation, Fachberich Literatur-Wissenschaft, University of Constance, November 15-18.


2000 «Civil Concord in Algeria: an Impossible Alternative to Civil War?», Conference: Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving in the Life of the Nation and the Community, University of cape Town, August 9-1.


2000 «Espace diasporique et réalité politique (Diasporic Space and Political Reality), Centre d’Études Ehniques de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, December 4.


2000 «Lien social, publicité et nouvelles technologies de communication en Algérie» (Social relations, Publicity and New Media Technologies in Algeria), Conference: Medias et technologies de communication au Maghreb et en Méditerranée: Mondialisation, redéploiements et arts de faire, Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain, Tunis, October 6-7.


1999 «Ni local, ni global: Pour un autre espace identitaire» (Neither Local Nor Global: Towards Another Identity Space), Conference: Universalisation et différentiation des modèles culturels (Globalization and Differentiation of Cultural Forms), University of Mauritius, February 9-11.


1998 «L’identité transversale et politique de la représentation» (Identity and the Politics of Representation), Chaire d’Études sur la Francophonie en Amérique du Nord, Université Laval, November 5.


1996 «De l’emprise et d’autres fatalités: Mouvement de femmes et recomposition du pouvoir en Algérie» (On Constraints and Other Fatalities: The Women’s Movement and Political Power in Algeria), Conference: Crises et Renaissances, Canadian Association of African Studies, McGill University, May 1-5.


1996 «La difficile conversion: Des femmes dans l'actuelle tourmente algérienne» (On a Hard Conversion: Algerian Women's Movement in the Present Crisis), Conference: Acteurs sociaux et Société en changement (Social Actors and Society in Change), Centre de recherche en économie appliquée au développement (CREAD), Algiers, June 23-24.


1996 «La revanche des oubliés ou la télévision reconsidérée» (The Revenge of the Forgotten or Television Reconsidered), Conférence: The Mediterranean Reconsidered, Carleton University, Ottawa, October 16-19.


1996 «Le retour du refoulé: Diversité des pratiques médiatiques dans l’Algérie contemporaine» (The Return of the Repressed: On the Diversity of Media Practices in Contemporary Algeria). Conference: Culture, Language and Development, Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth, March 21-23.


1996 «Positionnements identitaires et pratiques télévisuelles en Algérie» (Identity Positionings and Television Practices in Algeria), Conference: Translation and Globalization, University of Toronto, October 2-5.


1995 «Corps en/jeux: Cinéma et politique symbolique en Algérie» (Bodies that Matter: Cinema and Symbolic Politics in Algeria), Conference: Otros ambitos nuevas miradas (100 años de cine). Las fronteras de la libertad, Universitat de Valencia, September 10-14.


1995 Participation in the Round Table: «Els nous conflites en les societats maghrebis, Las fronteras de la Libertad» (Conflicts in Maghreb: The Boundaries of Liberty), Universitat de valencia, September 12.


1994 R. Hadj-Moussa and M.-B. Tahon, «De l'incarnation politique: Du haïk au hijab» (The Political Incarnation: From the Haïk to the Hijab), Conference: Le corps et ses lettres/Body Words, University of Western Ontario, London, October 7-9.


1993 «Gender Relations in the Arab World: Facing Modernity». The First National Arab Women's Conference, Ottawa, November 12-14.


1993 «Les femmes algériennes, enjeux et actrices» (Algerian Women: Issues and Agents), Conference: Entre tradition et universalisme (Between Tradition and Universalism), ACSALF, Rimouski, May 18-20.


1988 «L’équivoque du visible: Cinéma et société algérienne» (The Ambiguity of the Visible: Algerian Cinema and Society), Conference of C.N.R.S. and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales: Productions culturelles dans les sociétés maghrébines, Paris, June 16.


Research Reports


2003 Encountering New Media: Public Space and Identity in Morocco, Report, American Institute of Maghreb Studies, University of Texas: 11 pages.


1995 Le mouvement associatif en Algérie: Quelques perspectives (Grass-Roots Associations in Algeria: Some Perspectives), Arab Studies Center for Development (CEAD), Montreal: 36 pages.


1993 Lorsque la presse s'affole: la liberté d'expression sous le glaive de la loi (The Panic of the Press: Freedom of Expression Under the Law), Department of Anthropology, Department of Law, Université Laval and UQUAM: 46 pages.


1989 Femmes et changement social: L'impact des professions non-traditionnelles sur les femmes: cadre théorique (Women and Social Change:The Impact of Non-Traditional Professions on Women: A theoretical Framework), Chair of Women’s Studies, Université Laval: 43 pages.




2011 R. Hadj-Moussa et M. Nijhawan (éds.) Suffering In Arts. (forthcoming)


My areas of specialization are the sociology of culture and political sociology. My research interests range from common cultural artifacts to art (cinema) and visual culture in general. My work is anchored within the scope of three major fields: 1. Mediascapes, principally new media, in relation to politics and shared spaces in non-Western contexts; 2. Memory Studies and Alternatives Memory; 3. Marginalized forms of protest, new forms of the political; 4. Secularism and Islam in the West as well as in Muslim-majority societies.

Other Positions /affiliations • Coordinator GT04- Association internationale des sociologues de langue française. Research Fellow, Institut de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les enjeux sociaux, (IRIS, École des études en Sciences sociales, Paris) • Member, Editorial Board, Brill Publishers, Collection: Youth in a Globalizing World. Contributions to the Profession (Symposium organization, recent)

2012 Co-organizer with Michael Nijhawan (York). International Workshop, Constellations, Confrontations and Aspirations. Reflections on Diaspora and Transnationalism Through the Lens of Youth Formations, York University, May 22-23.

2011 Co-organiser and co-Chair with Jose Curto (York), Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of African Studies («Africa: Here and There»), York University , 5-6-7, May 2011.

2011 Co-organiser with Sophie Wahnich (CNRS, Paris). Workshop on « Riots Around the Mediterranean and Beyond», the Mediterranean Programme, European University University Institue in Florence, April 2011.


Ph.D. in Sociology, Université Laval
Canada Fellow, Université Laval
D.E.A. in Art du Spectacle (cinema), Sorbonne Université (Paris III)
D.E.A. in Sociology (Theory), Université Denis Diderot (Paris VII)


Faculty of Fine Arts

Professional Leadership

*Co founder-Coordonator. GT4 - Association internationale des sociologues de langue française.
* Board Member, Brill Edition, Youth and Globalization Collection.
*Country Expert (Algeria) for the International project “Varieties of Democracy Project”. V-Dem. Institute, Funded, by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, Knut & Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs-Sweden, the European Commission/EuroAID, the Swedish Research Council..
*Member. International Editorial Board, YoGo, Youth and Globalization Journal.
*Member. European Editorial Board, Culture e Studi del Sociale (journal) - http://www.cussoc.unisa.it/en/index
*Member. Editorial Board, Les Cahiers de recherches sociologiques. Université du Québec à Montréal.
Board Member. Recherches sociologiques.

Community Contributions

* Algerian archives.
* Mentoring Programme, GT04- AISLF, Association internationale des sociologues de langue française.

Research Interests

Sociology , Violence, Sociology of Art and Culture; Political Sociology; Common Cultural Artifacts to Art (Cinema and Music), Visual Culture in General; Gender and Post-Colonial Studies; Mediterranean and North African Societies; memory studies/violence., Public Memory, Alternative Memories


  • Dean’s Honorable Mention for Distinction in Research, Faculty of Liberal Art and Professional Studies (LAPS), York University - 2021
  • Massey College Visiting Scholar, Massey College, University of Toronto, - 2021-2022
  • Fellowship & Grantee Merian Center for Advanced Study in the Maghreb (Competition-MECAM). Interdisciplinary- Fellow Group (IFG) "Memory & Justice", University of Tunis, Tunisia- Marburg University, Germany - 2021-2022
  • Awarded 0.5 FCE toward Research Release Program for 2021-22. - 2023, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018
  • Essential Readings: The Hirak (Algerian Uprisings of 2019)” by the Middle East Studies Pedagogy Initiative (MESPI), - 2020
  • Fellowship & Grantee, Internationales Forschungszentrum Kulturwissenschaften an der Kunstuniversität Linz (IFK), Vienna - 2015-2016
  • ‘Riots Around the Mediterranean and Beyond.” The Mediterranean Programme, European University, Institute in Florence, 12th Mediterranean Research Meeting, European University Institute, Florence - 2011
  • Merit Award, Faculty of Arts, York University 2004 - 2004
  • Book listed in the Reference Book on Algeria by the Institut du Monde Arabe (Paris) 2003 - 2003
  • Book Nominated and shortlisted, Association internationale des sociologues de langue française 1996 - 1996
  • Award of the Association québécoise des études cinématographiques (AQEC)/Olivieri for the best Canadian book on cinema in 1994-1995 - 1995
  • Canada Fellow; SSHRC, PhD; FCAR (various_ - 1988- 1992
  • Best Masters, publication. Laboratoire de sociolgue - 1988

Current Research Projects

New Forms of the Political : The Politics of Small things

New media and Public Sphere in the Maghreb (SSHRC)

Media and Muslim in Women in Canada (SSHRC)

Secularism (New Muslim Philosophers)

Alternatives memories in Post conflict and authoritarian societies (SSHRC)


    This project addresses the question of public memory in post conflict and authoritarian . Visual studies and digital media studies are its main research directions.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Principal Investigator

    Social Sciences and Humanity Research Council of Canada

All Publications

Book Chapters


2011 “The Past’s Suffering and the Body’s Suffering: Algerian Cinema and the Challenge of Experience”, Suffering in Art, R. Hadj-Moussa and M. Nijhawan (Eds.), (Forthcoming, 26 pages).


2010 "Seeking Liberty and Constructing Identities: Algerian Publics and Satellite Television”, Publics, Politics and Participation: Locating the Public Sphere in the Middle East and North Africa, S. Shami (Ed.), New York, Social Sciences Research Council: 263-298 .


2010 “The Undecidable and the Irreversible: Satellite Television in the Algerian Public Arena”, Electronics Elsewhere. Media Technology, and the Experience of Social space, Ch. Berry, L. Spigel and K. Soyoung (Eds.), U. of Minnesota Press: 67-95.


2008 “Beyond the Borders: Which Arab Public for Which Public Sphere?”, The World as A Global Agora: Critical Perspectives on Public Space, L. Touaif, S. Boutkhil (Eds.) Cambridge Scholars Press: 61-73.


2006 «Drifted Liberties and Diffracted Identities? Algerian Audiences and the "Parabola”», Globalization, Cultural Identities, and Media Representations, N. Vittinghof and S. Kramer (Eds.), Albany, State University of New –York Press: 181-206.


2005 «Arab Women: Beyond Politics», Blackwell Companion to Gender Studies, Ph. Essed, D. Grossberg, A. Kobayashi (Eds.), London, Blackwell: 279-289.


2003 Reprint of «Diasporas: Ethnies sans frontières et sans politique?». Retours de l’utopie. Recompositions des espaces et mutations du politique, P.-W. Boudreault (Ed.), Quebec, Presses de l’université Laval: 105-120.


2000 «Indétermination, appartenance et identification: penser l’identité» (Indetermination, Belonging and Identification: Thinking Identity. Produire l’identité, produire la culture (Producing Identity, Producing culture?), A. Fortin (Ed.), Quebec, Presses de l’Université Laval: 219-43.


1999 Reprint of «The Locus of Tensions: Gender in Algerian Cinema», African Cinema: Post- Colonial and Feminist Readings, K. Harrow (Ed.) Asmara and Trenton, African World Press: 255-276.


1996 «Le difficile surgissement de la mémoire» (On the Difficult Emergence of Memory), Littérature et cinéma en Afrique francophone. Ousmene Sembène, Assia Djebar, S. Niang (Ed.), Paris, L'Harmattan, Coll. Images Plurielles: 198-208.


1994 Hadj-Moussa, R. and F. Piron, «Etre une femme, être un homme: enjeux et ambiguïtés des rapports femme-homme au Québec» (To Be A Woman, To Be A Man: Issues and Ambiguities in Gender Relations in Québec), La condition du Québec. Enjeux et horizons d'une société en devenir, G. Breton, J.-M. Fecteau and J. Létourneau (Eds.), Montreal, V.L.-B: 252-87.


1994 «Les femmes algériennes, enjeux et actrices» (Algerian Women: Issues and Agents), Entre tradition et universalisme (Between Tradition and Universalism), C. Bariteau and R.-F. Ouellet (Eds.), Montreal, Institut québécois de recherche sur la culture (IQRC): 234-44.


1991 Hadj-Moussa, R. and D. Pérusse, «L'arbre de la connaissance: Yeelen de M. Cisse» (The Tree of Knowledge: M.Cisse's Yeelen). In Films d'Afrique, M. Larouche (Ed.), Montréal, Edition Guernica, Coll.Voix17: 113-25, (refeered by editors).


Book Reviews


2009 Maryse Poitvin. Crises des accommodements raisonnables. Une fiction médiatique?. Montreal, Editions Athéna. In The Canadian Journal of Anthropology and Sociology. 277.


2007 Azouz Begag. Ethnicity and Equality: France in the Balance. University of Nebraska Press, 2007, In Canadian Journal of Sociology Online. Sept.–Oct. 2007.


2003 Review of Bassam Tibi, The Challenges of Fundamentalism. Political Islam and the New World Disorder, Berkeley and Los Angeles, California U. Press, 2002, in Anthropologie et Societés (27), 3: 185-186.


1994 A. Gomez-Moriana and D. Trottier (Eds.), L’«Indien». Instance discursive, Montreal, Balzac, 1993, Anthropologie et Sociétés, (18), 1: 227-231.


1993 N.K. Denzin, Images of Postmodern Society, New York-London, Sage Publication, 1991, Communications, (13), 2: 231-32.


1992 S. Gruzinski, La guerre des images. De Christophe Colomb à Blade Runner, Paris, Fayard, Anthropologie et Sociétés, (16), 1: 118-20.


1992 M. Boyer, L’écran de l’amour. Cinéma et érotisme, Paris, Plon, Cinémas, (2), 2-3: 231-35.


1991 H. Weinmann, Cinéma de l'imaginaire québécois, Montreal, L'Hexagone, 1990, Recherches Sociographiques, (XXXII), 1: 113-16.


1988 Iris («Narration et Cinéma»), 1987, Protée, (16), 1-2: 228-30.






2005 M. Peressini and R. Hadj-Moussa (Eds.), The Mediterranean Rediscovered, Ottawa-Hull, Canadian Museum of Civilizations, 270 pages


1996 K. Fall, R. Hadj-Moussa and D. Siméoni, Les convergences culturelles dans les sociétés pluriethniques (Cultural Convergences in Multiethnic Societies), Montreal & Sillery, Presses de l’Université du Québec/CELAT: 371 pages.


1994 Le corps, l'histoire, le territoire: les rapports femme-homme dans le cinéma algérien (Body, History, Territory: Gender Relations in Algerian Cinema), Montreal & Paris, Editions Balzac & PubliSud, Coll. l'Univers du discours: 322 pages.


Journal Articles


2012 « Des pauvres de la politique à la politique des pauvres », SociologieS, Théories et recherches, mis en ligne le 27 janvier 2012. URL : http://sociologies.revues.org/3884.


2012 « Sur un concept contesté : la sphère publique arabe est-elle solide sur terre ? », Anthropologie et Sociétés (MédiaMorphoses : la télévision, quel vecteur de changements ?)


2010«Ce que la télévision fait voir. Logique des frontières et enjeux de société en Algérie», SociologieS, (on line, théories et recherches , September 29, www.Sociologies.revues.org/index3221.htlm, 23 pages).


2008 (With K. Côté- Boucher), «Malaise identitaire : islam, laïcité et logique préventive en France et au Québec», Cahiers de recherche sociologique, 46 : 60-79. ?Special mention as article of interest on multiculturalism issues, Québec National Library, January 2009.


2008 «Marginality and Ordinary Memory: Body Centrality and the Plea for Recognition in Recent Algerian Films», Journal of North African Studies,: 13. 2 : 187-199.


2006 «Singularité, vie en commun et télévision par satellite. ‘Celui qui n’a pas voyagé ne connait pas les Hommes’», Cahiers d’études africaines (EHESS Paris), 182, XLVI 2: 389-416.


2005 «The Imaginary Concord and the Reality of Discord: Dealing with the Algerian War», The Arab World Geographer/Le Géographe du monde arabe, 7, 3: 135-149.


2004 «Les femmes musulmanes au Canada: altérité, paroles et politique de l’action», Canadian Revue of Anthropology and Sociology, 41, 4: 397-418.


2003 «New Media, Community and Politics in Algeria», Media, Culture and Society, 25, 4: 451-468.


2001 «Diasporas: Ethnies sans frontières et sans politique?» (Diasporas: Ethnies without Borders and Politics?), Cahiers de Recherche sociologique, 36: 1-16.


1997 «The Locus of Tensions: Gender in Algerian Cinema», Matutu, 19: 45-66.


1996 «Les antennes célestes, les émirs-apparatchiks et le peuple: L'espace public en question» (Celestial Antennas, Military Apparatchicks, Emirs and the People: The Public Space Reconsidered), Anthropologie et Sociétés, (20), 2: 129-55.


1995 «Connaissez-vous Hippone?» (Do You Know Hippone?), Conjonctures, 23: 37-49, (refereed by editors).


1995 «Sujets, images superposées et médiation technologique: questions de postmodernité?» (Subjects, Superimposed Images and Technological Mediation: Questions of Post-Modernity?), Communications, (16), 2: 59-86.


1993 «Le corps dansant au cinéma » (Body Dancing in Cinema), Cinémas, 2-3: 205-21.


1991 «D'une dénégation à l'autre: le corps dans le cinéma algérien» (The Body in Algerian Cinema: A Denial?), Recherche Sémiotique/Semiotic Inquiry, (11), 2-3: 25-41.


1990 R. Hadj-Moussa and M. Lefebvre, «Les savoirs du film: quelques propositions» (Knowledges of Film: Some Proposals), Protée-revue de sémiotique (16), 1-2: 149-55.


1988 «Omar Gatlato ou le corps éloigné» (Omar Gatlato or the Body at a Distance), Ed. Cinémathèque québécoise and the Association québécoise des études cinéma--tographiques, Series «Regarder, Voir», Montreal: 3-9.


Conference Papers


2007 With Karine Côté-Boucher, «les affinities électives: Culture de la loi et production de l’Autre», Conference, Citoyenneté, ethnicité, diversité: Interrogations locales, nationales et internationales», Centre de Recherche sur l’immigration, l’ethnicité et la citoyennet/ACFAS University of Trois Rivières, May 10-11.


2007 With Karine Côté-Boucher, «The No Sharia Campaign in Quebec and the French Hijab: Laicité Law and Deterrence in a Religiophobic Political Imaginary», Conference, Muslim Diasporas: Religious and National Identity, Gender, Cultural Resistance, York University, June 1-3.


2007 Keynote lecture, «Y at-il un espace public arabe?», International Conference, public Space: Text and Context, Mohammed I University, Oujda (Morocco), .


2006 «Centrality and Marginality in Contemporary Algerian films», International Conference Shared History/Decolonizing the Image, University of Amsterdam, June 1-3.


2006 Guest Speaker, «The Indecidable and the Irreversible: Satellite television in the Maghreb. Speaker Series, Department of Media Studies, University of Amsterdam, February 14.


2004 Presentation in «New Media and New Publics», Roundtable (Chair. M. Fischer): The Beirut Conference on Public Spheres, American University of Beirut & Social Science Research Council, Oct. 22-24.


2003 «New Media or Contesting Politics». Conference: Nouveaux médias et débats publics au Maghreb, American Institute of Maghreb Studies, Oran, July 3-5.


2003 «Reconfiguring Public Space in the Maghreb». Conference SSRC: Reconfiguring Public Space in the Maghreb, Cairo, March 6-8.


2003 «The Slippery Road: The Maghreb Meets the New Media». Conference: Electronic Elsewheres. Media, Technologies and Social Space. Northwestern University, May 16- 17.


2002 «A New Public Space? New Media in Algeria». Film Studies Symposium: Look Who’s Talking Now: Globalization, Film, Media, & the Public Sphere, University of Berkeley, March 9.


2002 «Arab Women: Cultural Prisoners?». Symposium: Women’s Voices from the Middle-East, York University, March 6.


2001 Discussant. International Colloquium: Plagues and Viruses (3). Epidemics: Historical Aspects and Contemporary Issues. Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities, May 25.


2001 «New Spaces or Power in in Peril: New Media and Identity in Algeria». Conference: Cultural Identities and Media Representation, Fachberich Literatur-Wissenschaft, University of Constance, November 15-18.


2000 «Civil Concord in Algeria: an Impossible Alternative to Civil War?», Conference: Memory and History: Remembering, Forgetting and Forgiving in the Life of the Nation and the Community, University of cape Town, August 9-1.


2000 «Espace diasporique et réalité politique (Diasporic Space and Political Reality), Centre d’Études Ehniques de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, December 4.


2000 «Lien social, publicité et nouvelles technologies de communication en Algérie» (Social relations, Publicity and New Media Technologies in Algeria), Conference: Medias et technologies de communication au Maghreb et en Méditerranée: Mondialisation, redéploiements et arts de faire, Institut de recherche sur le Maghreb contemporain, Tunis, October 6-7.


1999 «Ni local, ni global: Pour un autre espace identitaire» (Neither Local Nor Global: Towards Another Identity Space), Conference: Universalisation et différentiation des modèles culturels (Globalization and Differentiation of Cultural Forms), University of Mauritius, February 9-11.


1998 «L’identité transversale et politique de la représentation» (Identity and the Politics of Representation), Chaire d’Études sur la Francophonie en Amérique du Nord, Université Laval, November 5.


1996 «De l’emprise et d’autres fatalités: Mouvement de femmes et recomposition du pouvoir en Algérie» (On Constraints and Other Fatalities: The Women’s Movement and Political Power in Algeria), Conference: Crises et Renaissances, Canadian Association of African Studies, McGill University, May 1-5.


1996 «La difficile conversion: Des femmes dans l'actuelle tourmente algérienne» (On a Hard Conversion: Algerian Women's Movement in the Present Crisis), Conference: Acteurs sociaux et Société en changement (Social Actors and Society in Change), Centre de recherche en économie appliquée au développement (CREAD), Algiers, June 23-24.


1996 «La revanche des oubliés ou la télévision reconsidérée» (The Revenge of the Forgotten or Television Reconsidered), Conférence: The Mediterranean Reconsidered, Carleton University, Ottawa, October 16-19.


1996 «Le retour du refoulé: Diversité des pratiques médiatiques dans l’Algérie contemporaine» (The Return of the Repressed: On the Diversity of Media Practices in Contemporary Algeria). Conference: Culture, Language and Development, Université Saint-Joseph, Beyrouth, March 21-23.


1996 «Positionnements identitaires et pratiques télévisuelles en Algérie» (Identity Positionings and Television Practices in Algeria), Conference: Translation and Globalization, University of Toronto, October 2-5.


1995 «Corps en/jeux: Cinéma et politique symbolique en Algérie» (Bodies that Matter: Cinema and Symbolic Politics in Algeria), Conference: Otros ambitos nuevas miradas (100 años de cine). Las fronteras de la libertad, Universitat de Valencia, September 10-14.


1995 Participation in the Round Table: «Els nous conflites en les societats maghrebis, Las fronteras de la Libertad» (Conflicts in Maghreb: The Boundaries of Liberty), Universitat de valencia, September 12.


1994 R. Hadj-Moussa and M.-B. Tahon, «De l'incarnation politique: Du haïk au hijab» (The Political Incarnation: From the Haïk to the Hijab), Conference: Le corps et ses lettres/Body Words, University of Western Ontario, London, October 7-9.


1993 «Gender Relations in the Arab World: Facing Modernity». The First National Arab Women's Conference, Ottawa, November 12-14.


1993 «Les femmes algériennes, enjeux et actrices» (Algerian Women: Issues and Agents), Conference: Entre tradition et universalisme (Between Tradition and Universalism), ACSALF, Rimouski, May 18-20.


1988 «L’équivoque du visible: Cinéma et société algérienne» (The Ambiguity of the Visible: Algerian Cinema and Society), Conference of C.N.R.S. and Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales: Productions culturelles dans les sociétés maghrébines, Paris, June 16.


Research Reports


2003 Encountering New Media: Public Space and Identity in Morocco, Report, American Institute of Maghreb Studies, University of Texas: 11 pages.


1995 Le mouvement associatif en Algérie: Quelques perspectives (Grass-Roots Associations in Algeria: Some Perspectives), Arab Studies Center for Development (CEAD), Montreal: 36 pages.


1993 Lorsque la presse s'affole: la liberté d'expression sous le glaive de la loi (The Panic of the Press: Freedom of Expression Under the Law), Department of Anthropology, Department of Law, Université Laval and UQUAM: 46 pages.


1989 Femmes et changement social: L'impact des professions non-traditionnelles sur les femmes: cadre théorique (Women and Social Change:The Impact of Non-Traditional Professions on Women: A theoretical Framework), Chair of Women’s Studies, Université Laval: 43 pages.




2011 R. Hadj-Moussa et M. Nijhawan (éds.) Suffering In Arts. (forthcoming)