
Amelie Barras

Photo of Amelie Barras

Department of Social Science

Associate Professor
Graduate Program Director (GPD), Socio-Legal Studies (SLST)

Office: 726 Ross Building South
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 77619
Email: abarras@yorku.ca
Primary website: www.ameliebarras.com
Secondary website: yorku.academia.edu/AmelieBarras

I am interested in studying the relationship between politics, religion and law in and beyond Canada.


In my research I am interested in thinking about the relationship between politics, religion, gender and law in and beyond Canada. I recently published my first book, in which I document the work of activists fighting headscarf bans in France and Turkey (Refashioning Secularisms in France and Turkey. The case of the headscarf ban. Routledge, 2014). I continue to conduct research on the relationship between French secularism, law and Islam. I am finishing a collaborative project that I started during my postdoctorate on Islam in Canada with Jennifer Selby (Memorial University) and Lori Beaman (University of Ottawa). We are currently working on a manuscript that explores how Muslims in Canada negotiate their religion in their everyday lives. Finally, I am starting a new project funded by a SSHRC Insight Development Grant that explores the work of faith-based activists at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva. I am particularly interested in documenting the extent to which these activists contribute and shape the direction of human rights discussions at the HRC, and the creation of new human rights standards internationally. I teach in the department of Social Science at York University in the Law and Society Program. I am also a member of the Socio-Legal Studies Graduate Program and the Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women's Studies.


PhD, London School of Economics
MSc, London School of Economics
BA, McGill University

Research Interests

Human Rights , Religion, Politics, Secularism, Gender, Religion, politics and law


Réguler le Religieux dans les Sociétés Libérales? (eds) . Labor et Fides. Forthcoming Winter 2015-2016. (with S. Nicolet and F. Dermange). http://www.laboretfides.com/?page_id=3&product_id=687242


Refashioning Secularisms in France and Turkey: The Case of the Headscarf Ban. Routledge. http://www.tandf.net/books/details/9780415821780/


Book Chapters


“Introduction: Réguler le religieux dans les sociétés libérales ?” Amélie Barras, Francois Dermange, et Sarah Nicolet (eds). Réguler le Religieux dans les Sociétés Libérales ? Labor et Fides. 2016. (with S. Nicolet). [first author]


“Religion as Visible and Invisible in Public Institutions: Canadian Muslims Public Servants.” Benjamin Berger and Richard Moon (eds). Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority. Hart Publishing. 2016. (with J. Selby and L. Beaman) [first author].


“Only Skin Deep: Revising the Secular Narrative through Circumcision? A study of recent case-law”. Heather Shipley (ed) Globalized Religion and Sexuality. Brill 2014. (with D. Dabby)


Journal Articles


"Exploring the intricacies and dissonances of religious governance: The case of Quebec and the discourse of request.” Critical Research on Religion. 4.1 (2016), 57-71


“Sacred laïcité and the politics of religious resurgence in France: wither religious freedom?” Mediterranean Politics 18. 2 (2013), 276 -293


“The Safety of Authenticity: Ali Kebap and the Swiss political imaginary of foreignness” with Guillaume Xavier. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 16.3 (2013). 310-328.


“Devout Turkish Women Struggle for Full Citizenship”. MERIP 262 (Spring 2012): 32-35.


“Transnational understandings of secularism and the right to religious freedom – exploring UN and ECHR cases” Journal of Human Rights. 11.2 (2012): 263-279.


“A rights based discourse to contest the boundaries of state secularism? The case of the headscarf ban in France and Turkey.” Democratization 16.6 (December 2009): 1237 – 1260


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/SOSC4372 6.0 A Religion and law in a Global Context SEMR

I am interested in studying the relationship between politics, religion and law in and beyond Canada.

In my research I am interested in thinking about the relationship between politics, religion, gender and law in and beyond Canada. I recently published my first book, in which I document the work of activists fighting headscarf bans in France and Turkey (Refashioning Secularisms in France and Turkey. The case of the headscarf ban. Routledge, 2014). I continue to conduct research on the relationship between French secularism, law and Islam. I am finishing a collaborative project that I started during my postdoctorate on Islam in Canada with Jennifer Selby (Memorial University) and Lori Beaman (University of Ottawa). We are currently working on a manuscript that explores how Muslims in Canada negotiate their religion in their everyday lives. Finally, I am starting a new project funded by a SSHRC Insight Development Grant that explores the work of faith-based activists at the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) in Geneva. I am particularly interested in documenting the extent to which these activists contribute and shape the direction of human rights discussions at the HRC, and the creation of new human rights standards internationally. I teach in the department of Social Science at York University in the Law and Society Program. I am also a member of the Socio-Legal Studies Graduate Program and the Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women's Studies.


PhD, London School of Economics
MSc, London School of Economics
BA, McGill University

Research Interests

Human Rights , Religion, Politics, Secularism, Gender, Religion, politics and law

All Publications

Book Chapters


“Introduction: Réguler le religieux dans les sociétés libérales ?” Amélie Barras, Francois Dermange, et Sarah Nicolet (eds). Réguler le Religieux dans les Sociétés Libérales ? Labor et Fides. 2016. (with S. Nicolet). [first author]


“Religion as Visible and Invisible in Public Institutions: Canadian Muslims Public Servants.” Benjamin Berger and Richard Moon (eds). Religion and the Exercise of Public Authority. Hart Publishing. 2016. (with J. Selby and L. Beaman) [first author].


“Only Skin Deep: Revising the Secular Narrative through Circumcision? A study of recent case-law”. Heather Shipley (ed) Globalized Religion and Sexuality. Brill 2014. (with D. Dabby)




Réguler le Religieux dans les Sociétés Libérales? (eds) . Labor et Fides. Forthcoming Winter 2015-2016. (with S. Nicolet and F. Dermange). http://www.laboretfides.com/?page_id=3&product_id=687242


Refashioning Secularisms in France and Turkey: The Case of the Headscarf Ban. Routledge. http://www.tandf.net/books/details/9780415821780/


Journal Articles


"Exploring the intricacies and dissonances of religious governance: The case of Quebec and the discourse of request.” Critical Research on Religion. 4.1 (2016), 57-71


“Sacred laïcité and the politics of religious resurgence in France: wither religious freedom?” Mediterranean Politics 18. 2 (2013), 276 -293


“The Safety of Authenticity: Ali Kebap and the Swiss political imaginary of foreignness” with Guillaume Xavier. European Journal of Cultural Studies. 16.3 (2013). 310-328.


“Devout Turkish Women Struggle for Full Citizenship”. MERIP 262 (Spring 2012): 32-35.


“Transnational understandings of secularism and the right to religious freedom – exploring UN and ECHR cases” Journal of Human Rights. 11.2 (2012): 263-279.


“A rights based discourse to contest the boundaries of state secularism? The case of the headscarf ban in France and Turkey.” Democratization 16.6 (December 2009): 1237 – 1260


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/SOSC4372 6.0 A Religion and law in a Global Context SEMR