Adrian Shubert
Professor Emeritus
Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Office: 2160 Vari Hall
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30431
PhD, History, University of LondonMA, Comparative Social History, University of Warwick
MA, History, University of New Mexico
BA, History, University of Toronto
Professional Leadership
Extra University:
Member, Editorial Board, Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies , 2010-
Member, Advisory Board, Semata. Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 2010
Consultant, International Division, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, July-August 2009
Chair, Program Committee, 2009 Annual Meeting, Canadian Bureau for International Education
Member, Advisory Committee on Delivery of Educational Programs and Services Abroad, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 2008
Member, Conference Advisory Board, Association of International Education Administrators, 2007-2008
Member, Working Group on South Africa, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario, 2007-2008
Member, Reference Group on Internationalization, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario, 2006-2008
Member, Advisory Committee, Alcores. Revista de Historia Contemporánea de Castilla y León, 2005-
Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Institute in Greece, 2003-6
Member, International Advisory Board, Penélope. Revista de Historia y Ciencias Sociais (Lisbon), 2002-
Member, Quality Assessment Panel, Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board, Ontario Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities, 2002
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 2000-2003
Member, Editorial Board, Hispania Nova (on line journal), 1998 2000
President and General Secretary, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 1996 1998
Chair, History Panel, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, 1996 1997
Executive Committee, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 1994 1996
Programme Chair, Annual Meeting, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS), 1992 1993
Contributing Editor, American Historical Association Guide to Historical Literature, 1992 1993
Chair, Prize Committee, SSPHS, 1991 1992
Member, Editorial Board, Social History/Histoire sociale, 1991 1994
Member, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Selection Committee, 1989 1991
Member, Advisory Board, Historia Social (Spain), 1988
Research Interests
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship 1997?1998 - 1997?1998
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - 2014
- Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford University 1983-1985 - 1983?1985
- Killam Rsearch Fellowship - 2015
- Vicente Cañada Blanch Fellowship, University of London 1981-1982 - 1981?1982
- SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship 1978-1981 - 1978?1981
- William Lyon Mackenzie King Travelling Fellowship 1977-1978 - 1977?1978
- Leadership in Internationalization, Canadian Bureau for International Education 2009 - 2009
- Comendador de la Orden de Mérito Civil (awarded by King Juan Carlos of Spain) 1999 - 1999
- Nave Fellowship, Department of History, University of Wisconsin at Madison 1994 - 1994
- Elected Research Fellow in Modern History, The Queen’s College, Oxford 1986 - 1986
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary 1982-1983 - 1982-1983
- Canada Research Fellowship - 1987
Espartero, el Pacificador, (Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018)
History of Modern Spain: Chronologies, Themes, Individuals, with José Álvarez Junco, (London, Bloomsbury, 2018)
Nueva Historia de España, with José Álvarez Junco, (Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018)
Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil War: Memory and the Digital in Contested Histories, with Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez, (New York, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2018)
Globalizing Confederation, with Jaqueline Krikorian and Marcel Martel, (University of Toronto Press, 2017)
Canada’s Universities go Global, (Halifax, Lorimer, 2009), with Roopa Desai-Trilokaker and Glenn Jones
“Bullfighting” in Iberia and the Americas: Culture, Politics and History, (Sanra Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2005)
The West and the World since 1500: Selected Readings, (Toronto, Gage, 2003), 310 pages, with Arthur Haberman
The Historical Practice of Diversity: Transcultural Interactions from the Early Modern Mediterranean World to the Twentieth-Century Postcolonial World, with Dirk Hoerder and Christiane Harzig, (New York, Berghan, 2003), 278 pages
A las Cinco de la Tarde: Historia de la Corrida de Toros, (Madrid, Turner, 2002), 300 pages
The West and the World: Contacts, Conflicts, Connections, (Toronto, Gage, 2002), 500 pages, with Arthur Haberman
Negotiating Nations: Exclusions, Networks, Inclusions, special issue of Histoire sociale/Social History, Dec. 2000, with Christiane Harzig and Dirk Hoerder
Spanish History since 1800, with José Alvarez Junco, (London, Edward Arnold, 2000)
Death and Money in the Afternoon: A History of Spanish Bullfighting, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1999), 270 pages
Spectacle, Monument and Memory, special issue of Histoire sociale/Social History, Nov. 1997, with Nicholas Rogers
Spain at War: the Spanish Civil War in Context, 1931-1939, (London, Longmans, 1995), co-authored with George Esenwein, 289 pages
The Land and People of Spain, (New York, HarperCollins, 1992), 256 pages
Historia social de Espana, 1800-1990, (Madrid, Nerea, 1991), 390 pages
A Social History of Modern Spain, 1800-1982, (London and Boston, Unwin Hyman, 1990), 292 pages - second printing by Routledge, 1993
The Road to Revolution in Spain. The Coal Miners of Asturias, 1860-1934, (Champaign Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1987), 185 pages
Hacia la revolución. Orígenes sociales del movimiento obrero en Asturias, 1860-1934, (Barcelona, Crítica, 1984), 174 pages
“After Civil War: Francoism and the Reconstruction of Spain”, in Ute Planert and James Retallack, eds., Decades of Reconstruction: Postwar Societies, State-Building, and International Relations from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 315-329
“José Alvarez Junco: un historiador transatlántico” in Miguel Martorel and Javier Moreno, eds., Pueblo y nación: homenaje a José Alvarez Junco, (Madrid, Taurus, 2013), pp. 309-15, with Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez
"North of 49: Global citizenship a la canadienne”, in Ross Lewin, ed., The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad: Higher Education and the Quest for Global Citizenship, (New York, Routledge, 2009), with Roopa Desai-Trilokekar
“Introducción”, Conde de Romanones, Espartero. El general del pueblo, (Vitoria, Lusiger, 2007)
“Treading the Spanish Earth: Using Propaganda Films in the Classroom”, in Noel Valis, ed., Teaching the Spanish Civil War, (New York, MLA, 2007)
“El toreo en la historia española”, in Javier Paniagua, ed., De toros, toreros y tendidos, (Valencia, UNED, 2004)
“Cu-Cut! Incident”, in D. Jones, ed., Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, (London, Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001)
“The Liberal State” in P. Stearns, ed., Scribner’s Encyclopedia of European Social History, (New York, Scribner’s, 2001)
“Espartero: del ídolo al olvido”, in Isabel Burdiel and Manuel Pérez Ledesma, eds., Agitadores, conspiradores y revolucionarios, (Madrid, Espasa, 2000)
"The Spaniards", in The Peoples of Canada: An Encyclopedia for the Country, (Toronto, Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1999) with Antonio Cazorla
"Iberia", in American Historical Association Guide to Historical Literature, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1995) with Richard Kagan
"A Community Divided: the Social Development of the Asturian Coalfields to 1934", in K. Tenfelde, ed., Sozialgeschichte des Bergbaus in 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, (Munich, C.H. Beck, 1992), pp. 284-93
"Asturias", "Marcelino Camacho" and “Juan March" in R.W. Kern, ed., Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain, (New York, Greenwood Press, 1990), pp. 51-55, 97-99, 320-321
"Civil War, Revolution and Foreign Corporations: the Case of 'La Canadiense'", in Historia, Literatura, Pensamiento: Estudios en homenaje a María Dolores Gómez Molleda, (Salamanca, 1990), 461-74
"Reinterpreting the Spanish Popular Front: the Case of Asturias", in M. Alexander and H. Graham, eds., The Popular Front in France and Spain, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 213-225
"La Epopeya Trágica. La Revolución Asturiana de 1934", in P. Preston, ed., Guerra y Revolución en España, 1931-1939, (Madrid, Alianza, 1986), pp. 101-120
"Entre Arboleya y Comillas: El Fracaso del Sindicalismo Católico en Asturias", in Octubre 1934, (Madrid, Alianza, 1985), pp. 243-252
"The Epic Failure: The Asturian Revolution of October 1934", in P. Preston, ed., Revolution and War in Spain, 1931-1939, (London, Methuen, 1984), pp. 113-136
"Private Initiative in Law Enforcement. Associations for the Prosecution of Felons, 1744-1856", in V. Bailey, ed., Policing and Punishment in Nineteenth Century Britain, (London, Croom Helm and New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1981), pp. 25-41
“What historians really think about biography”, Letras de Hoje, (v. 53, #2, 2018), pp. 196-202
"Baldomero and Jacinta: Scenes from a Nineteenth-Century Spanish Marriage," Journal of Modern History, (December 2017), pp. 749-71
“El Hombre Imprescindible: Baldomero Espartero y la crisis revolucionaria de 1868-1876”, Ayer, #4, 2016, pp. 125-151
“Being – and Staying – Famous in 19th-century Spain: Baldomero Espartero and the Birth of Political Celebrity”, Historia y Política, (Julio-Diciembre 2015), pp. 211-37
“Women Warriors and National Heroes: Agustina de Aragón and her Indian Sisters”, Journal of World History, June 2012, pp. 279-313
“The Pursuit of Exotica: A Comment”, Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, Winter 2007, pp. 197-201
“American Exceptionalism and the Teaching of European History”, Perspectives, (November 2006), with Arthur Haberman
“The Teaching of European History”, American Historical Association Perspectives, October 2005, with Arthur Haberman
“Spanish historians and English-speaking scholarship”, Social History, (August 2004)
“Why we shouldn't treat higher education as a commodity”, Globe and Mail (online edition), November 23, 2004
“En la vanguardia del ocio comercializado de masas: la corrida de toros en España, siglos XVIII y XIX”, Historia social, Fall 2001
“A inmigración española en Canadá: unha vision de conxunto”, in Estudios Migratorios, December 2000, pp. 9-26 (with Antonio Cazorla)
"La historiografía contemporánea en Norteamérica", Ayer, 1999
“O Franquismo Vai a Feira: O Regime Franquista as Feiras Mundiais e as Imagens da Nacao", Penelope, 1999
"Spain", Encyclopedia Britannica, (Chicago, 1994)
"'Charity Properly Understood': Changing Ideas Towards Poor Relief in Nineteenth Century Spain", Comparative Studies in Society and History, (Janauary, 1991), pp. 36-55
"Spain", Collier's Encyclopedia Yearbook, 1989, 1990 and 1991
"The Spanish Civil War: New Questions for Old?", Peasant Studies, (Summer, 1991), pp. 279-290
"Autobiografía obrera e historia social", Historia Social, 1990, pp. 141-159
"Observaciones sobre el socialismo en Asturias", Anales de Historia, 1988, pp. 119-138
"Anarchism and Civil War in Spain: a Review Essay", International Labor and Working Class History, Spring 1985, pp. 77-82
"The Socialists and NATO: Bringing Spain Back into Europe", The Nation, December 21, 1985
"A Militancia dos Mineiros: Teoria e Realidade. O Caso dos Mineiros do Carvao das Asturias", Boletim de Estudos Operarios, July 1984, pp. 1-11
"Nuevos enfoques sobre la beneficencia en la España del Siglo XIX", Estudia Zamorensia, 1984, pp. 325-336
"The Threat to Spanish Democracy" A Historical Perspective on the Military in Politics", Armed Forces and Society, Summer 1984, pp. 529-544
"Spanish Labor Historiography, 1979-1982", International Labor and Working Class History, Spring 1983, pp. 9-20
"En el Feudo del Marqués de Comillas. La Práctica Social de la Hullera Española", in Cuadernos del Norte, May June 1982, pp. 82-90
"Revolution in Self Defence: The Radicalization of the Asturian Coal Miners, 1921-1934", Social History, October 1982, pp. 265-282
"The Social Origins of Labour Militancy in Asturias, 1860-1914", European Studies Review, April 1982, pp. 167-185
"Una revolución de autodefensa. La radicalización de los mineros asturianos, 1921-1934", Sistema, January 1982, pp. 103-120
"Los raices sociales del radicalismo obrero en Asturias, 1860-1914", Estudios de Historia Social, January 1981, pp. 229-240
"Oil Companies and Governments: International Reaction to the Nationalization of the Petroleum Industry in Spain, 1927-1930", Journal of Contemporary History, October 1980, pp. 701-720
“Quan Catalunya celebrava Espartero, 1856-1868”, Recerques, 73 (2017) 105-131
“Press and Theatre Censorship in Spain”, meeting of the Working Group on 19th Century European Censorship, University of Milan, May 2010
“Women Warriors and National Heroines: Agustina de Aragón and her Indian Sister”, Annual Meeting, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Ottawa, April 2010
“Canada”, Roundtable on Global Perspectives on Global Citizenship, Annual Meeting of NAFSA, Los Angeles, May 2009
“Canadian Panorama: Government and Institutional Policy Shifts” Annual meeting of NAFSA, Washington, DC, May 2008
“Does the Dos de Mayo Matter?”, Symposium on Spain and Latin America and the Birth of Liberalism, University of Toronto, October 2008
“Global Citizenship and Study Abroad: North of 49”, Annual Meeting of the Association of International Education Administrators, Washington, DC, February 2008
“Operación Bisonte”, Symposium on Reflexiones sobre la migración en Aragón, Amarga Memoria, Gobierno de Aragón, Teruel, November 2008
“What’s in an Acronym? The Development of the Tranborder Research University Network”, Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bureau for Internacional Education, St. John’s, November 2008
“York University Engages Asia”, Annual Meeting of the Asia-Pacific Association for International Education, Tokyo, March 2008
“The Bologna Process and International Mobility”, Conference on Transatlantic Academic Mobility and the Bologna Process, Canadian Centre for German and European Studies, December 2006
“The Bullfighter Puts On Her Makeup: Gender and the Bullfight in Modern Spain”, Seasons of Iberia series, Trent University, March 2006
“Teaching European History: the Next Task”, Beijing Forum, Peking University, November 2005
“The Bullfighter takes off her make-up: Gender and the Bullfight in Spain”, Institute for the Study of Spain and Latin America, Tel Aviv University, January 2005
"A las cinco de la tarde: la historia social de la corrida de toros en España, 1700-1900", Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, June 2003
“The Co-ordinates of Time and Place: History and the Paradoxes of Globalization”, Symposium on the Paradoxes of Globalization, Canadian centre for German and European Studies, York University, March 2002
“When Spain wasn’t Different: the Beginnings of Tourism Policy in Spain, 1905-1936”, Annual Meeting, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, University of Georgia, April 2002
“Censorship in 19th-century Spain”, Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Boston, January, 2001
“What do the Basques Want?: The Basque Situation in Spain Today”, World Events Forum, Toronto, February, 2001
“’At Five in the Afternoon”: Writing the History of Spanish Bullfighting”, Centre for European Studies, University of Connecticut, October 2001
“Death and Money in the Afternoon: Writing the History of Bullfighting”, University of Bielefeld (Germany), May 2000
“Death and Money in the Afternoon: Writing the History of Bullfighting”, Graduate Programme in Sociology Workshop, York University, March 2000
“Espartero: from idol to oblivion”, Annual meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, New York, April 2000
"A las cinco de la tarde: la historia social de la corrida de toros en España, 1700-1900", ISCTE, University of Lisbon, May 1998
"La Historiografía Norteamericana", Sypmosium on "España: la Mirada del Otro", Universitat de Valencia, June 1998
Chair, Session on "Making and Breaking Empire: Hegemony and Counter Hegemony in the Spanish Imperial Order, 1833-1898", Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Seattle, Jan. 1998
"Spain Goes to the Fair: Spanish Self Representation at International Expositions, 1893-1992", Conference on "Discovery, New Frontiers and Expansion in the Luso Iberian World", Lisbon, May 1998
"'At Five in the Afternoon': An Overview of the Social History of Bullfighting", Shelby Cullom Davis Center for Historical Studies, Princeton University, Dec. 5, 1997
"Consuming Leisure: the Professional Bullfight in Spain: 1750-1880", Conference on Consumption in the Ibero American World, University of Delaware, April 1996
"Francoism Goes to the Fair: the Franco Regime, World's Fairs and Visions of the Nation", Symposium on Spanish Nationalism, Fletcher School of Diplomacy, October 1996
"The Gender of Bullfighters: Women and the Corrida in 19th-Century Spain", Annual Meeting of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, University of Arizona, April 1996
"Politics in the Afternoon: Bullfighting, Power and Nation in Spain, 1789-1921", Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Chicago, January 1995
"'I Never Been to Spain': Spain in the Modern History of Europe", Prince of Asturias Roundtable, Tufts University, May, 1994
"Consuming Leisure: The Bullfight as a Form of Consumption in 18th and 19th-Century Spain", International Congress of Latin American Studies, Stockholm, July 1994
"Spain in the Modern History of Europe: The Peculiarities of the Historians", University of Wisconsin at Madison, October 1994
"Pioneering Commercialized Leisure: Bullfighting in 18th and 19th-Century Spain", Huron College, University of Western Ontario, January 1994 and University of Toronto, November 1993
"Politics in the Afternoon: Bullfighting, Power and Nation in Spain, 1789-1898", Iberian Group, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, December 1993
"Doña Leonor's Divorce: Defining Gender in Early 19th Century Spain", International Conference on the History of Marriage and the Family, Carleton University, Ottawa, May 1992
"The Spanish Civil War: New Questions for Old?", Conference of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 1992
"El federalismo español visto desde Canadá", Ciclo sobre la transición española, Universidad de Oviedo, May 1991
"Pioneering Spectator Sport, or Just a Lot of Bull? First Thoughts on the Social History of Bullfighting in Spain", Seminar on Anthropology and History, York University, May 1991
"A Community Divided: The Social Development of the Asturian Coalfields to 1934", International Mining History Conference, Bochum, West Germany, September 1989
"La Historia Social de la España Contemporánea: una Visión Global", Universidad de Salamanca, June 1989
"The Bourgeois Experience of Revolution: Fraser Lawton and Barcelona Traction During the Spanish Civil War", Conference of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Nashville, April 1988
"El Socialismo en Asturias hasta la Guerra Civil", Ciclo sobre el Socialismo en las regiones de España, Fundación Pablo Iglesias, Madrid, October 1987
"The Spanish Transition to Democracy and its Implications for Latin America", Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Windsor, October 1987
"The Popular Front in Asturias", Conference on the Spanish Civil War, Center for European Studies, Harvard University, November 1986
"The Spanish Experience", Fifty Years of the Popular Front: A Symposium, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, November 1985
"Morality, Discipline and Social Control: In the Fief of the Marquis of Comillas", Conference of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Bloomington, April 1984",Morality
"El Sindicalismo Católico", Simposio sobre la Revolución Asturiana de 1934", Oviedo, October 1984
"Asturias and the Revolution of October 1934", Conference of the Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, Boston, April 1983
"The Military in Contemporary Spain", Symposium on the Military in Spain and Portugal Under Democracy, Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, January 1983
“Does the Dos de Mayo Matter?”, Department of History, University of Buffalo, May 2009
“Espartero y el Liberalismo Español”, Department of History, University of Santiago de Compostela, October 2009
“Does the Dos de Mayo Matter?”, Keynote lecture, Conference on the Bicentenary of the Dos de Mayo, May 2, 2008, King’s College, London
“The Bullfight” Commercial Spectacle and National Nostalgia”, keynote address, Second Annual York University Symposium on the Modern Mediterranean, Athens, March 2005
“Internationalizing the University: A Canadian Perspective”, Keynote Address for the Symposium on Languages and Cultures across the Curriculum, Binghamton University, November 2004
“La corrida y la historia de España”, 25th Annual Inaugural Lecture, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Valencia, November 2003
“Espartero: del ídolo al olvido”, Symposium on Biography in Spanish History, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Y Pelayo, Valencia, September, 2000
PhD, History, University of LondonMA, Comparative Social History, University of Warwick
MA, History, University of New Mexico
BA, History, University of Toronto
Professional Leadership
Extra University:
Member, Editorial Board, Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies , 2010-
Member, Advisory Board, Semata. Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, 2010
Consultant, International Division, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, July-August 2009
Chair, Program Committee, 2009 Annual Meeting, Canadian Bureau for International Education
Member, Advisory Committee on Delivery of Educational Programs and Services Abroad, Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada, 2008
Member, Conference Advisory Board, Association of International Education Administrators, 2007-2008
Member, Working Group on South Africa, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario, 2007-2008
Member, Reference Group on Internationalization, Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario, 2006-2008
Member, Advisory Committee, Alcores. Revista de Historia Contemporánea de Castilla y León, 2005-
Member, Board of Directors, Canadian Institute in Greece, 2003-6
Member, International Advisory Board, Penélope. Revista de Historia y Ciencias Sociais (Lisbon), 2002-
Member, Quality Assessment Panel, Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board, Ontario Ministry of Colleges, Training and Universities, 2002
Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 2000-2003
Member, Editorial Board, Hispania Nova (on line journal), 1998 2000
President and General Secretary, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 1996 1998
Chair, History Panel, Ontario Graduate Scholarships, 1996 1997
Executive Committee, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 1994 1996
Programme Chair, Annual Meeting, Society for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies (SSPHS), 1992 1993
Contributing Editor, American Historical Association Guide to Historical Literature, 1992 1993
Chair, Prize Committee, SSPHS, 1991 1992
Member, Editorial Board, Social History/Histoire sociale, 1991 1994
Member, Ontario Graduate Scholarship Selection Committee, 1989 1991
Member, Advisory Board, Historia Social (Spain), 1988
Research Interests
- John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Fellowship 1997?1998 - 1997?1998
- Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada - 2014
- Andrew W. Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship, Stanford University 1983-1985 - 1983?1985
- Killam Rsearch Fellowship - 2015
- Vicente Cañada Blanch Fellowship, University of London 1981-1982 - 1981?1982
- SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship 1978-1981 - 1978?1981
- William Lyon Mackenzie King Travelling Fellowship 1977-1978 - 1977?1978
- Leadership in Internationalization, Canadian Bureau for International Education 2009 - 2009
- Comendador de la Orden de Mérito Civil (awarded by King Juan Carlos of Spain) 1999 - 1999
- Nave Fellowship, Department of History, University of Wisconsin at Madison 1994 - 1994
- Elected Research Fellow in Modern History, The Queen’s College, Oxford 1986 - 1986
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Calgary Institute for the Humanities, University of Calgary 1982-1983 - 1982-1983
- Canada Research Fellowship - 1987
All Publications
“After Civil War: Francoism and the Reconstruction of Spain”, in Ute Planert and James Retallack, eds., Decades of Reconstruction: Postwar Societies, State-Building, and International Relations from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2017), pp. 315-329
“José Alvarez Junco: un historiador transatlántico” in Miguel Martorel and Javier Moreno, eds., Pueblo y nación: homenaje a José Alvarez Junco, (Madrid, Taurus, 2013), pp. 309-15, with Antonio Cazorla-Sánchez
"North of 49: Global citizenship a la canadienne”, in Ross Lewin, ed., The Handbook of Practice and Research in Study Abroad: Higher Education and the Quest for Global Citizenship, (New York, Routledge, 2009), with Roopa Desai-Trilokekar
“Introducción”, Conde de Romanones, Espartero. El general del pueblo, (Vitoria, Lusiger, 2007)
“Treading the Spanish Earth: Using Propaganda Films in the Classroom”, in Noel Valis, ed., Teaching the Spanish Civil War, (New York, MLA, 2007)
“El toreo en la historia española”, in Javier Paniagua, ed., De toros, toreros y tendidos, (Valencia, UNED, 2004)
“Cu-Cut! Incident”, in D. Jones, ed., Censorship: A World Encyclopedia, (London, Fitzroy Dearborn, 2001)
“The Liberal State” in P. Stearns, ed., Scribner’s Encyclopedia of European Social History, (New York, Scribner’s, 2001)
“Espartero: del ídolo al olvido”, in Isabel Burdiel and Manuel Pérez Ledesma, eds., Agitadores, conspiradores y revolucionarios, (Madrid, Espasa, 2000)
"The Spaniards", in The Peoples of Canada: An Encyclopedia for the Country, (Toronto, Multicultural History Society of Ontario, 1999) with Antonio Cazorla
"Iberia", in American Historical Association Guide to Historical Literature, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1995) with Richard Kagan
"A Community Divided: the Social Development of the Asturian Coalfields to 1934", in K. Tenfelde, ed., Sozialgeschichte des Bergbaus in 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, (Munich, C.H. Beck, 1992), pp. 284-93
"Asturias", "Marcelino Camacho" and “Juan March" in R.W. Kern, ed., Historical Dictionary of Modern Spain, (New York, Greenwood Press, 1990), pp. 51-55, 97-99, 320-321
"Civil War, Revolution and Foreign Corporations: the Case of 'La Canadiense'", in Historia, Literatura, Pensamiento: Estudios en homenaje a María Dolores Gómez Molleda, (Salamanca, 1990), 461-74
"Reinterpreting the Spanish Popular Front: the Case of Asturias", in M. Alexander and H. Graham, eds., The Popular Front in France and Spain, (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989), pp. 213-225
"La Epopeya Trágica. La Revolución Asturiana de 1934", in P. Preston, ed., Guerra y Revolución en España, 1931-1939, (Madrid, Alianza, 1986), pp. 101-120
"Entre Arboleya y Comillas: El Fracaso del Sindicalismo Católico en Asturias", in Octubre 1934, (Madrid, Alianza, 1985), pp. 243-252
"The Epic Failure: The Asturian Revolution of October 1934", in P. Preston, ed., Revolution and War in Spain, 1931-1939, (London, Methuen, 1984), pp. 113-136
"Private Initiative in Law Enforcement. Associations for the Prosecution of Felons, 1744-1856", in V. Bailey, ed., Policing and Punishment in Nineteenth Century Britain, (London, Croom Helm and New Brunswick, Rutgers University Press, 1981), pp. 25-41
Espartero, el Pacificador, (Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018)
History of Modern Spain: Chronologies, Themes, Individuals, with José Álvarez Junco, (London, Bloomsbury, 2018)
Nueva Historia de España, with José Álvarez Junco, (Barcelona, Galaxia Gutenberg, 2018)
Public Humanities and the Spanish Civil War: Memory and the Digital in Contested Histories, with Alison Ribeiro de Menezes and Antonio Cazorla-Sanchez, (New York, Palgrave-MacMillan, 2018)
Globalizing Confederation, with Jaqueline Krikorian and Marcel Martel, (University of Toronto Press, 2017)
Canada’s Universities go Global, (Halifax, Lorimer, 2009), with Roopa Desai-Trilokaker and Glenn Jones
“Bullfighting” in Iberia and the Americas: Culture, Politics and History, (Sanra Barbara, ABC-CLIO, 2005)
The West and the World since 1500: Selected Readings, (Toronto, Gage, 2003), 310 pages, with Arthur Haberman
The Historical Practice of Diversity: Transcultural Interactions from the Early Modern Mediterranean World to the Twentieth-Century Postcolonial World, with Dirk Hoerder and Christiane Harzig, (New York, Berghan, 2003), 278 pages
A las Cinco de la Tarde: Historia de la Corrida de Toros, (Madrid, Turner, 2002), 300 pages
The West and the World: Contacts, Conflicts, Connections, (Toronto, Gage, 2002), 500 pages, with Arthur Haberman
Negotiating Nations: Exclusions, Networks, Inclusions, special issue of Histoire sociale/Social History, Dec. 2000, with Christiane Harzig and Dirk Hoerder
Spanish History since 1800, with José Alvarez Junco, (London, Edward Arnold, 2000)
Death and Money in the Afternoon: A History of Spanish Bullfighting, (New York, Oxford University Press, 1999), 270 pages
Spectacle, Monument and Memory, special issue of Histoire sociale/Social History, Nov. 1997, with Nicholas Rogers
Spain at War: the Spanish Civil War in Context, 1931-1939, (London, Longmans, 1995), co-authored with George Esenwein, 289 pages
The Land and People of Spain, (New York, HarperCollins, 1992), 256 pages
Historia social de Espana, 1800-1990, (Madrid, Nerea, 1991), 390 pages
A Social History of Modern Spain, 1800-1982, (London and Boston, Unwin Hyman, 1990), 292 pages - second printing by Routledge, 1993
The Road to Revolution in Spain. The Coal Miners of Asturias, 1860-1934, (Champaign Urbana, University of Illinois Press, 1987), 185 pages
Hacia la revolución. Orígenes sociales del movimiento obrero en Asturias, 1860-1934, (Barcelona, Crítica, 1984), 174 pages
“What historians really think about biography”, Letras de Hoje, (v. 53, #2, 2018), pp. 196-202
"Baldomero and Jacinta: Scenes from a Nineteenth-Century Spanish Marriage," Journal of Modern History, (December 2017), pp. 749-71
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