
Andrea Emberly

Photo of Andrea Emberly

Department of Humanities

Associate Professor

Office: Vanier 236
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 77094


Ph.D. Ethnomusicology, University of Washington
M.A. Ethnomusicology, University of Washington
M.A. Music Performance, Illinois State University
B.A. Music Performance, University of Alberta

Professional Leadership

Recruitment committee - Department of Humanities, Faculty Liaison - Children’s Studies Student Association, Children’s Studies Curriculum Committee - Member of the Graduate Faculty, Humanities, LA&PS

Research Interests

Music , Children, Ethnomusicology

Current Research Projects

Research on Venda children’s musical cultures, Tshakhuma Village, Limpopo, South Africa.


    Continued research on issues pertaining to music, education and culture in Venda communities. Currently supported by a SSHRC Insight Development grant (2014-2016) to explore the loss of initiation ceremony and music and the impact this has on children’s lives and cultural education.

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Research on children’s music in refugee communities in Western Australia.


    Funded research on the ways in which music can be used to help refugee children achieve wellbeing needs and goals (social, cultural, and physical). Jan 2011-present.

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Research on children’s music in remote Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley.


    Funded research on music in children’s lives in remote Aboriginal communities and the integration of traditional music into the school classroom as a way to support language revitalization. Continued research funded by three-year Australian Research Council Linkage grant (2013-2016 – postponed to 2014-2017) and by York University minor research grant.

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Research on the role of ethnomusicology archives.


    Funded research on ethnomusicology archives and the John Blacking Collection at the Callaway Archive, UWA. Research includes current co-curating of a John Blacking exhibition to open at the University of Western Australia, Perth Nov.1, 2013 and at the University of Venda, Thohoyahdou, Limpopo, South Africa in July 2014.

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Postdoctoral research. John Curtin School for the Arts, Perth Modern, and Lakeside School students Seattle.


    Carried out interview studies on how teenagers use music to regulate personal and social behaviour including use of web-based technologies.

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Postdoctoral research, Tshakhuma Village, Limpopo, South Africa.


    Carried out follow-up research on Venda children’s music and dance as a Postdoctoral Fellow for the University of Western Australia. August 30 - October 1 2009.

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Doctoral field research, Limpopo, South Africa.


    Research on the musical cultures of children in South Africa and the use of music in children’s media and educational programs. Funded by SSHRC (Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Doctoral Fellowship. February 2005 - July 2007.

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Archival Research


    Archival Research, Callaway Centre, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. Research conducted with the John Blacking Collection on the study of Venda children’s music held by the Callaway Centre for Research in Music Education. June - September 2003.

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Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/CCY4999 6.0 A CCY Honours Research Project ONLN


Ph.D. Ethnomusicology, University of Washington
M.A. Ethnomusicology, University of Washington
M.A. Music Performance, Illinois State University
B.A. Music Performance, University of Alberta

Professional Leadership

Recruitment committee - Department of Humanities, Faculty Liaison - Children’s Studies Student Association, Children’s Studies Curriculum Committee - Member of the Graduate Faculty, Humanities, LA&PS

Research Interests

Music , Children, Ethnomusicology

Current Research Projects

Research on Venda children’s musical cultures, Tshakhuma Village, Limpopo, South Africa.


    Continued research on issues pertaining to music, education and culture in Venda communities. Currently supported by a SSHRC Insight Development grant (2014-2016) to explore the loss of initiation ceremony and music and the impact this has on children’s lives and cultural education.

Research on children’s music in refugee communities in Western Australia.


    Funded research on the ways in which music can be used to help refugee children achieve wellbeing needs and goals (social, cultural, and physical). Jan 2011-present.

Research on children’s music in remote Aboriginal communities in the Kimberley.


    Funded research on music in children’s lives in remote Aboriginal communities and the integration of traditional music into the school classroom as a way to support language revitalization. Continued research funded by three-year Australian Research Council Linkage grant (2013-2016 – postponed to 2014-2017) and by York University minor research grant.

Research on the role of ethnomusicology archives.


    Funded research on ethnomusicology archives and the John Blacking Collection at the Callaway Archive, UWA. Research includes current co-curating of a John Blacking exhibition to open at the University of Western Australia, Perth Nov.1, 2013 and at the University of Venda, Thohoyahdou, Limpopo, South Africa in July 2014.

Postdoctoral research. John Curtin School for the Arts, Perth Modern, and Lakeside School students Seattle.


    Carried out interview studies on how teenagers use music to regulate personal and social behaviour including use of web-based technologies.

Postdoctoral research, Tshakhuma Village, Limpopo, South Africa.


    Carried out follow-up research on Venda children’s music and dance as a Postdoctoral Fellow for the University of Western Australia. August 30 - October 1 2009.

Doctoral field research, Limpopo, South Africa.


    Research on the musical cultures of children in South Africa and the use of music in children’s media and educational programs. Funded by SSHRC (Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada) Doctoral Fellowship. February 2005 - July 2007.

Archival Research


    Archival Research, Callaway Centre, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. Research conducted with the John Blacking Collection on the study of Venda children’s music held by the Callaway Centre for Research in Music Education. June - September 2003.

Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/CCY4999 6.0 A CCY Honours Research Project ONLN