
Amber Gazso

Photo of Amber Gazso

Department of Sociology


Office: Vari Hall, 2082
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 77987
Primary website:

My main areas of research are: citizenship; sociology of the family and intimate relations; sociology of gender; poverty; social policy; and research methods. *This profile contains only select information for the past six years (2012-2018).For more detailed information, please see my website.*



Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Alberta
M.A. in Sociology, Western University
B.A. in Criminal Justice (Minor in Sociology), University of Fraser Valley

Professional Leadership

Professional Associations:

Canadian Sociology Association
International Sociological Association

Research Interests

Gender Issues , Poverty, Family and Intimate Relations, Research Methods, Social Policy, Sociology
  • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Award ($20,000) 2004-2005 - 2004-05  
  • Population Research Scholarship, Population Research Laboratory, U of A ($5,000 per academic year) 2003-2005 - 2003-05
  • Faculty of Arts Merit Award, York University ($2,000) 2008 - 2008
  • Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre Level 1 Research Award ($10,000) 2008 - 2008
  • Knowledge Mobilization Incentive Grant, York University ($2,000) 2008 - 2007
  • Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award ($800) 2005 - 2005
  • U of A Dissertation Fellowship ($22,000) 2005 - 2005
  • Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship, U of A ($4,000) 2004 - 2004

Current Research Projects

Income Inequality in Mid-Life, Looking Toward the Later Years: A Canada/U.S. Longitudinal Comparison

    See more
    Role: Co- investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2010

    End Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2014

Managing Poverty Intergenerationally in Diverse Families: Piecing Together a Network of Social Support

    See more
    Role: Principal

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2008

    End Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2012

Exploring the Welfare-to-Work Experiences of Ontario Works’ Recipients Living with Addiction

    See more
Myth or Reality? Interrogating the Intergenerational Welfare Dependency Hypothesis in Ontario, Canada

    See more


Bischoping, Katherine and Amber Gazso. 2016. Analyzing Talk in the Social Sciences: Conversation, Discourse, and Narrative Strategies. London: Sage.


Book Chapters


Gazso, Amber. 2016. “Low Income Lone Mothers and “Home”: The Importance of Social Relations.” In Sociology of Home, edited by G. Anderson, L. Suski, and J. Moore. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.


Gazso, Amber. 2016. “Mothers’ Maintenance of Families through Market and Family Care Relations. ” In Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality, 6th edition, edited by Nancy Mandell and Jennifer Johnson. Toronto: Pearson/Prentice Hall. (significant revision of 2009 chapter)


Gazso, Amber. 2015. “Gendering Social Assistance Reform. In Welfare Reform in Canada: Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective, edited by Daniel Béland and Pierre-Marc Daigneault. Toronto: Oxford University Press.


Gazso, Amber. 2014. “Parenting Young Children: Decisions and Realities.” In Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives, 3rd edition, edited by Patrizia Albanese and David Cheal. Toronto: Oxford University Press.


Scobie, Olivia and Amber Gazso. 2013. “‘It was easier to say I didn’t have kids’: Mothering, Incarceration, and Relationships with Social and Criminal Justice Policies.” In Incarcerated Mothers: Oppression and Resistance. Toronto: Demeter Press.


Book Reviews


Gazso, Amber. 2014. [Book review of Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Jane Pulkingham, editors, Public Policy for Women: The State, Income Security, and Labour Market Issues.] Basic Income Studies, 8(2), 5 pgs.


Journal Articles


Webb, Jason, and Amber Gazso. 2017. “Being Homeless and Becoming Housed: The Interplay of Fateful Moments and Social Support in Neo-liberal Context.” Studies in Social Justice 11(1): 65-85.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Karen Duncan. 2016. “Relative Prospects of Children as they Age: Canadians and Americans in Mid-Life in the Great Recession Frame Future Generations.” Journal of Aging Studies 37: 69-80


Gazso, Amber, Susan McDaniel and Ingrid Waldron. 2016. “Networks of Social Support to Manage Poverty: More Changeable than Durable.” Journal of Poverty 20(4): 441-463.


Gazso, Amber and Susan McDaniel. 2015. “Families by Choice and the Management of Low Income through Social Supports.” Journal of Family Issues 36(3), 371-395.


McDaniel, Susan and Amber Gazso. 2014. “The Liminality of Aging Families by Choice in Low Income.” Canadian Journal of Aging. 33(4): 1-13.


McDaniel, Susan A., and Amber M. Gazso. 2013. “Income Inequality and Health Trajectories from Mid to Later Life: Are Canadian and American Differences Widening?” International Journal of Canadian Studies 47, 87-99.


Ricciardelli, Rosemary, and Amber Gazso. 2013. “Investigating Risk Perception among Corrections Officers in Canadian Provincial Jails.” Qualitative Sociological Review, 9 (3): 96-120.


McDaniel, Susan A., Amber Gazso, Hugh McCague, and Ryan Barnhart. 2013. “Les disparités en matière de santé au fil du vieillissement: une comparaison du parcours de vie des premiers baby-boomers et des pré-baby-boomers au Canada” (Health Disparities as We Age: A Life Course Comparison of Canadian Early Boomers with Pre-Boomers) Sociologie et Societies, XLV(1): 1-24.


McDaniel, Susan, Gazso, Amber and Seonggee Um. 2013. “Generationing Relations in Challenging Times: Americans and Canadians in Mid-Life in the Great Recession.” Current Sociology, 61, 301-321.


Gazso, Amber. 2012. “Moral Codes of Mothering and the Introduction of Welfare-to-Work in Ontario.” Canadian Review of Sociology 49(1): 26-49.


Conference Papers


Gazso, Amber. 2017. Living with Addiction on Ontario Works Benefits: Neo-liberal Contradictions and Policy Implications. Paper presented at the CSA Meetings, June, Toronto.


Webb, Jason, and Amber Gazso. 2016. Being Homeless and Becoming Housed in a Neo-liberal Policy Context: The Interplay of Fateful Moments and Social Support. Paper presented at The Qualitatives Conference. May, St. Catherine’s.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Karen Duncan. 2015. “Relative Prospects of Children as they Age: Canadians and Americans in Mid-Life in the Great Recession Frame Future Generations.” Paper presented at the Aging Families, Changing Families: An International Conference, RC11 Meetings, June, Syracuse.


Bischoping, Katherine, and Amber Gazso. 2015. “Awkward Moments: Four Case Studies in Reflexivity and Positioning.” Paper presented at the EQRC Conference, February, Las Vegas.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Karen Duncan. 2015. “Pressed and Stretched from Mid Life to Later Life: The Coming Clashes.” Paper presented at the Individualisation, Internationalisation and Family Policy Conference, RC6 Meetings, August, Dublin.


McDaniel, Susan, Adebiyi Germain Boco, Amber Gazso and Karen Duncan. 2014. “Perceived financial well-being of Canadians in Mid to Later Life: a longitudinal and multi-method analysis.” Paper presented at the RDC Conference, October, Winnipeg.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Adébiyi Germain Boco. 2014. “Does Income Inequality at the Community, State/Province and Country level Affect Overall Well-Being Moving from Mid-Life to the Older Years? A Longitudinal Canada/ U.S. Comparison.” Paper presented at the QICSS International Conference: Social Policy and Health Inequalities, May, Montreal.


Gazso, Amber, and Susan McDaniel. 2013. “Families and Familism: Contested Signifiers of Social Citizenship.” Paper presented at the International Sociological Association, Research Committee (RC 19) on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy Conference, August. Budapest, Hungary.


McDaniel, Susan and Amber Gazso. 2013. “The Liminality of Aging Families by Choice in Low Income.” International Symposium on Aging Families, June, Victoria.


Gazso, Amber, and Susan McDaniel. 2013. “When Support Networks among Intimate Relations Hinder.” Paper presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Sociological Meetings, June, Victoria.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, Hugh McCague, Ryan Barnhart and Seong-gee Um. 2013. “Ageing and Intergenerational Relations: A Life Course Comparison of Canadians and Americans in Mid-Life.” Paper presented at the Demographic and Institutional Change in Families, International Sociology Association Meetings, RC06, March, Taipei, Taiwan.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso and Seong-gee Um. 2012. “Applying the Theory of Linked Lives Across Three Generations in the Great Recession.” Paper presented at the International Perspectives on Family Structures and Child Well-being Conference, December, Montreal.


Ricciardelli, Rose and Amber Gazso. 2012. “Investigating Risk Perception among Corrections Officers with Experience Handling Inmates in Canadian Provincial Jails.” Paper presented at the 2012 Qualitative Analysis Conference, June, St. John’s.


Gazso, Amber, McDaniel, Susan and Ingrid Waldron. 2012. “Piecing Together Networks of Support in Diverse Low Income Families: Life Course Challenges, Choices, and Consequences.” Paper presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Sociological Meetings, June, Waterloo.


Gazso, Amber. 2010. “Managing Low Income in Toronto: A Preliminary Analysis of Mothers’ Support Networks.” Paper presented at the Sharing Research on Gender, Social Policy and Collective Action Conference, April, Toronto.


My main areas of research are: citizenship; sociology of the family and intimate relations; sociology of gender; poverty; social policy; and research methods. *This profile contains only select information for the past six years (2012-2018).For more detailed information, please see my website.*


Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Alberta
M.A. in Sociology, Western University
B.A. in Criminal Justice (Minor in Sociology), University of Fraser Valley

Professional Leadership

Professional Associations:

Canadian Sociology Association
International Sociological Association

Research Interests

Gender Issues , Poverty, Family and Intimate Relations, Research Methods, Social Policy, Sociology


  • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship Award ($20,000) 2004-2005 - 2004-05  
  • Population Research Scholarship, Population Research Laboratory, U of A ($5,000 per academic year) 2003-2005 - 2003-05
  • Faculty of Arts Merit Award, York University ($2,000) 2008 - 2008
  • Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre Level 1 Research Award ($10,000) 2008 - 2008
  • Knowledge Mobilization Incentive Grant, York University ($2,000) 2008 - 2007
  • Mary Louise Imrie Graduate Student Award ($800) 2005 - 2005
  • U of A Dissertation Fellowship ($22,000) 2005 - 2005
  • Walter H. Johns Graduate Fellowship, U of A ($4,000) 2004 - 2004

Current Research Projects

Income Inequality in Mid-Life, Looking Toward the Later Years: A Canada/U.S. Longitudinal Comparison

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co- investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2010

    End Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2014

Managing Poverty Intergenerationally in Diverse Families: Piecing Together a Network of Social Support

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Principal

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2008

    End Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2012

Exploring the Welfare-to-Work Experiences of Ontario Works’ Recipients Living with Addiction

    Project Type: Funded
Myth or Reality? Interrogating the Intergenerational Welfare Dependency Hypothesis in Ontario, Canada

    Project Type: Self-Funded

All Publications

Book Chapters


Gazso, Amber. 2016. “Low Income Lone Mothers and “Home”: The Importance of Social Relations.” In Sociology of Home, edited by G. Anderson, L. Suski, and J. Moore. Toronto: Canadian Scholars Press.


Gazso, Amber. 2016. “Mothers’ Maintenance of Families through Market and Family Care Relations. ” In Feminist Issues: Race, Class, and Sexuality, 6th edition, edited by Nancy Mandell and Jennifer Johnson. Toronto: Pearson/Prentice Hall. (significant revision of 2009 chapter)


Gazso, Amber. 2015. “Gendering Social Assistance Reform. In Welfare Reform in Canada: Provincial Social Assistance in Comparative Perspective, edited by Daniel Béland and Pierre-Marc Daigneault. Toronto: Oxford University Press.


Gazso, Amber. 2014. “Parenting Young Children: Decisions and Realities.” In Canadian Families Today: New Perspectives, 3rd edition, edited by Patrizia Albanese and David Cheal. Toronto: Oxford University Press.


Scobie, Olivia and Amber Gazso. 2013. “‘It was easier to say I didn’t have kids’: Mothering, Incarceration, and Relationships with Social and Criminal Justice Policies.” In Incarcerated Mothers: Oppression and Resistance. Toronto: Demeter Press.


Book Reviews


Gazso, Amber. 2014. [Book review of Marjorie Griffin Cohen and Jane Pulkingham, editors, Public Policy for Women: The State, Income Security, and Labour Market Issues.] Basic Income Studies, 8(2), 5 pgs.




Bischoping, Katherine and Amber Gazso. 2016. Analyzing Talk in the Social Sciences: Conversation, Discourse, and Narrative Strategies. London: Sage.


Journal Articles


Webb, Jason, and Amber Gazso. 2017. “Being Homeless and Becoming Housed: The Interplay of Fateful Moments and Social Support in Neo-liberal Context.” Studies in Social Justice 11(1): 65-85.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Karen Duncan. 2016. “Relative Prospects of Children as they Age: Canadians and Americans in Mid-Life in the Great Recession Frame Future Generations.” Journal of Aging Studies 37: 69-80


Gazso, Amber, Susan McDaniel and Ingrid Waldron. 2016. “Networks of Social Support to Manage Poverty: More Changeable than Durable.” Journal of Poverty 20(4): 441-463.


Gazso, Amber and Susan McDaniel. 2015. “Families by Choice and the Management of Low Income through Social Supports.” Journal of Family Issues 36(3), 371-395.


McDaniel, Susan and Amber Gazso. 2014. “The Liminality of Aging Families by Choice in Low Income.” Canadian Journal of Aging. 33(4): 1-13.


McDaniel, Susan A., and Amber M. Gazso. 2013. “Income Inequality and Health Trajectories from Mid to Later Life: Are Canadian and American Differences Widening?” International Journal of Canadian Studies 47, 87-99.


Ricciardelli, Rosemary, and Amber Gazso. 2013. “Investigating Risk Perception among Corrections Officers in Canadian Provincial Jails.” Qualitative Sociological Review, 9 (3): 96-120.


McDaniel, Susan A., Amber Gazso, Hugh McCague, and Ryan Barnhart. 2013. “Les disparités en matière de santé au fil du vieillissement: une comparaison du parcours de vie des premiers baby-boomers et des pré-baby-boomers au Canada” (Health Disparities as We Age: A Life Course Comparison of Canadian Early Boomers with Pre-Boomers) Sociologie et Societies, XLV(1): 1-24.


McDaniel, Susan, Gazso, Amber and Seonggee Um. 2013. “Generationing Relations in Challenging Times: Americans and Canadians in Mid-Life in the Great Recession.” Current Sociology, 61, 301-321.


Gazso, Amber. 2012. “Moral Codes of Mothering and the Introduction of Welfare-to-Work in Ontario.” Canadian Review of Sociology 49(1): 26-49.


Conference Papers


Gazso, Amber. 2017. Living with Addiction on Ontario Works Benefits: Neo-liberal Contradictions and Policy Implications. Paper presented at the CSA Meetings, June, Toronto.


Webb, Jason, and Amber Gazso. 2016. Being Homeless and Becoming Housed in a Neo-liberal Policy Context: The Interplay of Fateful Moments and Social Support. Paper presented at The Qualitatives Conference. May, St. Catherine’s.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Karen Duncan. 2015. “Relative Prospects of Children as they Age: Canadians and Americans in Mid-Life in the Great Recession Frame Future Generations.” Paper presented at the Aging Families, Changing Families: An International Conference, RC11 Meetings, June, Syracuse.


Bischoping, Katherine, and Amber Gazso. 2015. “Awkward Moments: Four Case Studies in Reflexivity and Positioning.” Paper presented at the EQRC Conference, February, Las Vegas.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Karen Duncan. 2015. “Pressed and Stretched from Mid Life to Later Life: The Coming Clashes.” Paper presented at the Individualisation, Internationalisation and Family Policy Conference, RC6 Meetings, August, Dublin.


McDaniel, Susan, Adebiyi Germain Boco, Amber Gazso and Karen Duncan. 2014. “Perceived financial well-being of Canadians in Mid to Later Life: a longitudinal and multi-method analysis.” Paper presented at the RDC Conference, October, Winnipeg.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, and Adébiyi Germain Boco. 2014. “Does Income Inequality at the Community, State/Province and Country level Affect Overall Well-Being Moving from Mid-Life to the Older Years? A Longitudinal Canada/ U.S. Comparison.” Paper presented at the QICSS International Conference: Social Policy and Health Inequalities, May, Montreal.


Gazso, Amber, and Susan McDaniel. 2013. “Families and Familism: Contested Signifiers of Social Citizenship.” Paper presented at the International Sociological Association, Research Committee (RC 19) on Poverty, Social Welfare and Social Policy Conference, August. Budapest, Hungary.


McDaniel, Susan and Amber Gazso. 2013. “The Liminality of Aging Families by Choice in Low Income.” International Symposium on Aging Families, June, Victoria.


Gazso, Amber, and Susan McDaniel. 2013. “When Support Networks among Intimate Relations Hinder.” Paper presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Sociological Meetings, June, Victoria.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso, Hugh McCague, Ryan Barnhart and Seong-gee Um. 2013. “Ageing and Intergenerational Relations: A Life Course Comparison of Canadians and Americans in Mid-Life.” Paper presented at the Demographic and Institutional Change in Families, International Sociology Association Meetings, RC06, March, Taipei, Taiwan.


McDaniel, Susan, Amber Gazso and Seong-gee Um. 2012. “Applying the Theory of Linked Lives Across Three Generations in the Great Recession.” Paper presented at the International Perspectives on Family Structures and Child Well-being Conference, December, Montreal.


Ricciardelli, Rose and Amber Gazso. 2012. “Investigating Risk Perception among Corrections Officers with Experience Handling Inmates in Canadian Provincial Jails.” Paper presented at the 2012 Qualitative Analysis Conference, June, St. John’s.


Gazso, Amber, McDaniel, Susan and Ingrid Waldron. 2012. “Piecing Together Networks of Support in Diverse Low Income Families: Life Course Challenges, Choices, and Consequences.” Paper presented at the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences, Canadian Sociological Meetings, June, Waterloo.


Gazso, Amber. 2010. “Managing Low Income in Toronto: A Preliminary Analysis of Mothers’ Support Networks.” Paper presented at the Sharing Research on Gender, Social Policy and Collective Action Conference, April, Toronto.