Gregory A Albo
Associate Professor
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Phone: (416) 736-5265 Ext: 88833
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Greg Albo teaches political economy at the Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto. He is currently co-editor of the Socialist Register. He is also on the editorial boards of Studies in Political Economy, Relay, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Canadian Dimension, The Bullet and Historical Materialism (England). Co-editor of A Different Kind of State: Popular Power and Democratic Administration and author of numerous articles in journals such as Studies in Political Economy, Socialist Register, Canadian Dimension, and Monthly Review.
Professor Albo is also on the executive of the Centre for Social Justice in Toronto. He has lectured in universities across Canada, and also in the US, Japan, Turkey, Columbia, Cuba, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Italy, Britain, Austria, Germany and elsewhere. Professor Albo’s research interests are the political economy of contemporary capitalism, labour market policies in Canada, and democratization. He teaches courses on the foundations of political economy, Canadian political economy, alternatives to capitalism, and democratic administration.
PhD Political Science, Carleton UniversityMA Economics, University of Manitoba
BA Economics, University of Manitoba
BComm, University of Manitoba
Professional Leadership
Canadian Political Science Association
Progressive Economics Forum
Society for Socialist Studies
1997- Present , Associate Professor
Department of Political Science and Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University.
1994- Assistant Professor
1997 Department of Political Science and Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University.
1990- Lecturer
1994 Department of Political Science, York University.
1987 Lecturer
Department of Political Science, Carleton University.
Research Interests
- York University Research Release - 2015
- York University Research Release - 2013
- York University Merit Pay - 2012
- York University Merit Pay - 2011
- York University Merit Pay - 2010
- York University Merit Pay - 2009
- York University Merit Pay - 2007
- University of Vienna/Forba Visiting Professor - 2007
- York University Merit Pay - 2006
- York University Merit Pay - 2005
- York University Merit Pay - 2004
- York University Merit Pay - 2003
- York University Merit Pay - 2002
- York University Merit Pay - 2001
- York University Research Development Fellowship - 2001
Current Research Projects
- York University Research Release - 2015
- York University Research Release - 2013
- York University Merit Pay - 2012
- York University Merit Pay - 2011
- York University Merit Pay - 2010
- York University Merit Pay - 2009
- York University Merit Pay - 2007
- University of Vienna/Forba Visiting Professor - 2007
- York University Merit Pay - 2006
- York University Merit Pay - 2005
- York University Merit Pay - 2004
- York University Merit Pay - 2003
- York University Merit Pay - 2002
- York University Merit Pay - 2001
- York University Research Development Fellowship - 2001
2018 ‘Divided Province: Ontario in the Age of Neoliberalism’
Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2017 ‘The New Austerity, Social Movements and New Organizational Strategies’
Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, York University
Fellowship, York University
2017 ‘Transcending Pessimism, Reimagining Democracy: Festschrift for Leo Panitch’
York University, Centre for Social Justice
York University, Centre for Social Justice
2015 ‘State Restructuring and Capital Accumulation in Turkey’
MITACS Globalink Research Award, Toronto
MITACS Globalink Research Award
2014- ‘Transit Justice in Ontario’
2016 Centre for Social Justice, Student Research Support
Centre for Social Justice, Student Research Support
2014 ‘Freeing Public Transport: Progressive Transit Struggles in Europe & North America’
Rosa Luxemberg Stiftung Conference Support, Toronto
$20000 approximate
Rosa Luxemberg Stiftung Conference Support
2011 ‘Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan’
Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2011 ‘The New Austerity, Social Movements and New Organizational Strategies’
Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, York University
Fellowship, York University
2009 ‘The New Economy, Union Strategies and Canadian Capitalism in Comparative Context’
Research Grant, Faculty of Arts, York University.
Research Grant, Faculty of Arts, York University
A World Turned Upside Down: Socialist Register 2019, eds, L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2018).
Class, Party, Revolution, eds. Greg Albo, Leo Panitch, Alan Zuege (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2018).
Rethinking Democracy: Socialist Register 2018, eds, L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2017).
Rethinking Revolution: Socialist Register 2017, eds, L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2016).
The Politics of the Right: Socialist Register 2016, eds., L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2015).
Transforming Classes: Socialist Register 2015, eds., L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2014).
Quelle Stratégie? Résurgence des movements sociaux, combativité et Politique, eds. L. Panitch, G. Albo, and V. Chibber (Montreal: M.editeur, 2013).
Registering Class: Socialist Register 2014, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2013).
Empire’s Ally: Canada and the Afghanistan War, eds., G Albo and J. Klassen, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012).
La Crisis et La Gauche: Consequences socials et politiques de la crisis financiere mondiale, eds. L. Panitch, G. Albo, and V. Chibber (Montreal: M.editeur, 2012).
The Question of Strategy: Socialist Register 2013, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2012).
The Crisis and the Left: Socialist Register 2012, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2011).
In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives (Oakland: PM Press 2010). (with Sam Gindin and Leo Panitch)
The Crisis This Time: Socialist Register 2011, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2010).
Working Classes, Global Realities: Socialist Register 2011, eds., L. Panitch, C. Leys, G. Albo and D. Coates (London: Merlin Press, 2001).
A Different Kind of State? Popular Power and Democratic Administration, eds., G. Albo, D. Langille, and L. Panitch (Toronto: Oxford University Press 1993), pp. x and 243.
‘Divided Province: Democracy and the Politics of State Restructuring in Ontario’ in Greg Albo and Bryan Evans, eds., Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018).
‘Market Failures, Failing States: Challenges for Democratization Projects’ in Paul Gray, ed, From the Street to the State (Binghampton: SUNY Press, 2018).
‘Beyond Economic Nationalism: Clashes with Canadian Capitalism’ in Cy Gonick, ed., Canada Since 1960: A People’s History (Toronto: Lorimer, 2016).
‘Rosa Luxemburg and Contemporary Capitalism,’ in Judith Delheim and Frieder Wolf, eds., Rosa Luxemburg: A Permanent Challenge for Political Economy (London: Palgrave/Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 2016).
‘The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally: An Interview with Greg Albo and Jerome Klassen,’ in Carlo Fanelli and Bryan Evans, eds., Climate Change and Its Disconcents: Alternate Routes 2014 (Ottawa: Red Quill Books, 2014).
From the Tar Sands to “Green Jobs”? Work and Ecological Justice’ in S. D’Arcy, ed., Confronting Leviathan: Struggles to Stop the Tar Sands (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2014). (with Lilian Yap) (Published in China in Marxism and Reality). Also published by: The Bullet, Links, Climate and Capitalism, Canadian Dimension.
‘Rosa Luxemburgo y el capitalismo contemporáneo,’ in German Sanchez, Alejandro Bejar, Slivano Delgado, eds., Reproducción, crisis organización y Resistencia (Puebla: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2014).
‘Capital, Crisis and State Economic Policy: A Neoliberal Exit?’ in B. Karagaac, ed., Accumulations, Crises, Struggles: Capital and Labour in Contemporary Capitalism (Berlin: Verlag, 2013). (Published in China in Contemporary World and Socialism, N. 3, 2013.)
‘The Crisis and Economic Alternatives’ in L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber, eds., The Question of Strategy: Socialist Register 2013, (London: Merlin Press, 2012). (Published in China in Marxism and Reality, N. 3, 2014)
‘Contemporary Capitalism’ in B. Fine and A. Saad-Filho, eds., Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics (London: Elgar, 2012).
‘Fewer Illusions: Canadian Foreign Policy Since 2001’ in G Albo and J. Klassen, eds., Empire’s Ally: Canada and the Afghanistan War (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012).
‘From Rescue Strategies to Exit Strategies: The Struggle over Public Sector Austerity’, in L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber, eds., Socialist Register 2011: The Crisis This Time (London: Merlin Press, 2011).
‘Unions and the Crisis: Ways Ahead?’ Nicolas Pons-Vignon, ed., Don’t Waste the Crisis: Labour Responses to the Failures of Neoliberalism (Geneva: ILO, 2010).
‘The “New Economy” and Capitalism Today’ in N. Pupo and M. Thomas, eds., Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuing Work in the 21st Century (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010). (Published in China in Marxism and Reality, N. 6, 2013.)
‘Crucial para la izquierda canadiense: nos ha dado esperanza,’ in Marta Harnecker Un tesoro internacional (Caracas: Centro Internacional Miranda 2009), pp. 17-20.
‘Review: Escape from the Staple Trap,’ Perspectives on Politics, 15: 3 (2017).
‘Review: The Legacy of the Crash,’ Perspectives on Politics, 11: 1 (March, 2013).
‘Demeaning Democracy: Turning Doug Ford’s Attack on Toronto into a Movement for Democratic Renewal,’ The Bullet, 10 September 2018 (with Dennis Pilon, Roger Keil, Bryan Evans).
‘Ford’s Attack on Toronto Can Renew Democracy,’ Toronto Star, 29 August 2018 (with Dennis Pilon, Roger Keil, Bryan Evans).
‘Ford’s Attack on Toronto: The End of Local Democracy as We Know It?,’ The Bullet, 30 August 2018.
‘Local Roads to Austerity: Neoliberal Localism in Canada,’ Austerity and Its Alternatives, McMaster University, March 2018, (with Carlo Fanelli).
‘A New Chapter for the Canadian Left,’ Canadian Dimension, 50: 4 Fall 2016.
‘The Militarization of Policing: Defending the Movements, Challenging the Police: Leslie Wood Interviewed by Greg Albo,’ The Bullet, N. 1206, 13 January 2016.
‘Le nouveau militarism canadien,’ Noveaux Cahiers du socialism: Imperialisme au XXIe siècle: Empires et confrontations, N. 13, 2015.
Austerity Against Democracy: An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism?, Socialist Project, Socialist Interventions Pamphlet Series, N. 13, 2014.
‘Neoliberal Transitions and Political Strategy,’ Canadian Dimension, 48: 2, March-April 2014.
‘Roundtable: Toronto Votes: The Trouble with Chow,’ Canadian Dimension, 48: 4, July-August 2014.
‘The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally,’ The Bullet, N. 923, January 3, 2014.
‘The New Militarism in Canada,’ Canadian Dimension, 48: 6, Nov.-Dec. 2014.
‘Still Here, Still Critical,’ Canadian Dimension, March-April, 2013.
‘Challenging Harper’s Imperialist Agenda,’ Canadian Dimension Toolkit (Winnipeg: Canadian Dimension, 2012). Also in The Bullet, N. 899, November 17, 2013.
‘Celebrating and Struggling This May Day: The Long, Hard Haul at the Vale Inco Strike’, The Bullet, N. 349, 1 May 2010.
‘Crisis and Social Revolt’, Relay, N. 29, 2010.
‘In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives,’ The Bullet, N. 325, 13 March 2010. (Also ZNET, 13 March 2010.) (With Sam Gindin and Leo Panitch)
‘Interview: Capitalist Crisis, Radical Renewal?’ The Bullet, N. 268, 3 August 2010. (Also at ZNET, 29 July 2010. (with Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin)
‘Labour Day 2010: Austerity, Public Services and the Labour Movement,’ The Bullet, N. 412, 6 September 2010. (Also at ZNET, 6 September 2010; Europe Solidaire sans Frontieres, 27 September 2010.)
‘Theses sur la crise,’ Pages de gauche, N.90, August 2010. (with Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin)
‘An End to Neoliberalism? Ontario Responds to the Crisis,’ Relay, N. 27 (2009). (with Bryan Evans)
‘Morbid Symptoms: Current Healthcare Struggles,’ The Bullet N. 276, 20 November 2009. (Interview with Colin Leys; Also published on MRZINE, ZNET, in Greek – Avgi, 2/2/2010).
‘Ontario’s Budgetary Dilemmas: Exit Strategies and Neoliberalism,’ The Bullet, N. 266, 26 October 2009. (with Bryan Evans)
‘Shambles in Copenhagen,’ The Bullet, N. 289, 21 December 2009. (Also MRZINE, 24 December 2009.)
‘Toronto City Workers on Strike: Battling Neoliberal Urbanism,’ The Bullet, N. 232, 2 July 2009.
‘Unions and the Crisis: Ways Forward,’ Canadian Dimension, 43: 3, 2009. (Also in: The Bullet, N. 213, 1 May 2009; International Socialist Review, July-August 2009.)
‘What should we do to help build a new left?’ Relay, N. 28 (2009). (with Herman Rosenfeld)
‘Austerity Against Democracy: An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism?’ Teoria Politica, 2014. (with Carlo Fanelli)
‘Capital, State and Crisis: Neoliberalism at an Impasse?’ Contemporary World and Socialism (2013) (in Chinese).
‘The New Economy and Contemporary Capitalism’, Marxism and Reality (2013) (in Chinese).
‘Grun geht nicht lokal’, Luxemburg: Gessellschaftanalyse unde Linke Praxis, N. 3 (2012).
‘Crise et révolte sociale’, Actuel Marx, N. 47 (April, 2010).
‘Permanent Austerity: The Politics of the Canadian Exit Strategy from Fiscal Stimulus’, Alternate Routes, N. 22 (2010).
‘The Crisis of Neoliberalism and the Union Movement’, Development Dialogue, N. 51 (2009) (Also in Relay, N. 26, 2009.) (Also translated into Portuguese by the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro Press.)
Paper, ‘Climate Vandalism, Work and Eco-Socialist Alternatives: A View from North American Capitalism,’ Marx200 Kongress, Berlin, 2-6 May 2018.
Paper, ‘Fiscal Distress and the Local State: Neoliberal Urbanism in Canada,’ Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy Workshop, York University, 10 December 2015.
‘Capitalist Instability and the Contemporary Crisis: Marxist Debates,’ in Marx and Crises of Capitalism: Interpretations and Interventions (Yokohoma: Kanagawa University, 2012).
The Social Justice Community in Toronto: A Report for the George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation.’ Centre for Social Justice, Toronto 2010.
Panelist, ‘Book Forum: Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan,’ Annual Meeting of the Canadian Peace Alliance, Ryerson University, 19 January 2014.
Panelist, ‘Film Premiere: Sanda (Surviving),’ Canadian Labour International Film Festival, North York Civic Centre, November 22, 2014.
School of Labour Studies, McMaster University, ‘Total Privatization? Permanent Austerity Against Democracy,’ Hamilton, March 5, 2014.
Vancouver Stop the War!, ‘Book Launch: Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan,’ Vancouver, June 9, 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Socialist Register 2014: Registering Class,’ Leftwords, Ryerson University, Toronto, 24 November 2013
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Fernwood Books, Toronto, 31 January 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Octopus Books, Ottawa, 24 January 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Toward the United Front,’ OISE, Toronto, 3 February 2013.
Facultdad de Econimia, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, ‘Keynote Address: Luxemburg and Contemporary Capitalism,’ Rosa Luxenburgo y La acumulacion de capital: Cien ano de reproduction, crisis, organizacion y Resistencia, Puebla Mexico, October 23-25, 2013.
Central Compilation and Translation Bureau/Marxism and Reality Journal, ‘Current Research on Contemporary Capitalism,’ Beijing, China, February 17, 2012.
Paper, ‘The Crisis and Economic Alternatives,’ North Atlantic Left Dialogue, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 30 November, 1 December 2012.
Solidarity Against Austerity Committee, ‘The Meaning of Austerity,’ Ottawa, St. Andrews Church, May 1, 2012.
Panelist/Chair, ‘Socialist Register 2018 Launch: Rethinking Democracy,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, 3 June 2018.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Ottawa and Empire,’ Another Story Bookstore, Toronto, May 2017.
Chair, ‘Exploitative Labour and Racialized Workers,’ Transgressing the Nation-State, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, April 2017.
Chair and Panelist, ‘Globalization, Socialism, and American Empire: Two Roundtables Commemorating the Work of Professor,’ Canadian Political Science Association and Society for Socialist Studies, Ryerson University, Toronto, 29 May 2017.
Chair and Panelist, ‘Rethinking Revolution,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Ryerson University, Toronto, 30 May 2017.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2017 Launch: Rethinking Revolution,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, 3 June 2017.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2018 Launch: Rethinking Democracy,’ Historical Materialism, London, 8-10 November 2017
2017- Co-Convener, ‘The Capitalism Workshop’
Monthly Seminar Series, Centre for Social Justice
Discussant, ‘Book Launch: The BRICS: An Anti-Capitalist Critique,’ CERLAC, York University, 1 April 2016.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: To the Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921,’ Historical Materialism Conference, York University, 13-15 May 2016.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2016 Launch: The Politics of the Right,’ Toronto, 14 January 2016.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2016 Launch: The Politics of the Right,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, 21 May 2016.
Chair/Editor/Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2017 Launch: Rethinking Revolution,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 10-13 November 2016.
Panelist, ‘The Rise of the Right and the Question of Fascism,’ Independent Jewish Voices, Public Forum, Toronto, 30 October 2016.
Panelist, ‘Global Pacification System: Israel and Canada,’ Science for Peace Forum, Beit Zatoun, Toronto, 22 January 2015.
‘Market Failures and Failing States: Challenges for Democratization Projects,’ From the Street to the State: Changing the World By Taking Power Workshop, York University, October 30, 2015.
Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2015 Launch: Transforming Classes,’ Toronto, 15 January 2015.
Chair/Editor/Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2016 Launch: The Politics of the Right,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 5-8 November 2015.
Panelist, ‘The US Middle Class in Crisis: A Panel in Honour of Raqndy Martin,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, May 30.
Chair and Panelist, ‘Transforming Classes, Transforming States,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, 2 June 2015
Chair, ‘Beyond the Gridlock: Public Transit Struggles from Across Europe and North America,’ Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Centre for Social Justice, Toronto, 9 October 2014.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Registering Class: 50 Years of the Socialist Register,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Brock University, Ste. Catherines, 27-30 May 2014.
Panelist, ‘Canada and the Global South,’ People’s Social Forum, University of Ottawa, 21-24 August 2014.
Discussant, ‘Identity Crisis? Canadian Political Culture at a Crossroads,’ Uncaring Canada? Business, Politics and Culture in Canada’s New Engagement in the Americas, Latin American Studies, University of Toronto, 26 September 2014.
Panelist, ‘Localism and Neoliberalism: International Perspectives,’ International Political Economy and Ecology Summer School, York University, 4 July 2014.
Panelist, ‘Neoliberalism and the Far Right,’ GTWA/Global Research Centre, USWA Hall, Toronto, 24 September 2014.
Panelist, ‘People’s University: Against Imperialism and Militarism,’ People’s Social Forum, University of Ottawa, 21-24 August 2014.
Panelist, ‘Radicalism Without Borders: 50 Years of Canadian Dimension,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Brock University, Ste. Catherines, 27-30 May 2014.
Chair/Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2015 Launch: Left Strategy and the US Labour Movement,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 6-9 November 2014.
Panelist, ‘The MST and EZLN Alternatives to Neoliberalism,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 6-9 November 2014.
Panelist, ‘Alternatives,’ Canada’s Development Model: Beyond Extraction, Studies in Political Economy/Mining Watch Canada Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, 16 March 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies and Canadian Political Science Association, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Chair, ‘Book Launch: Socialist Register 2014: Registering Class,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 7-10, November 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Rethinking Marxism, Amherst, MA., 19-22 September 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Chair, ‘Class Struggles in Crisis: From Walmart to the State,’ Socialist Register Forum, Ryerson University, 22 February 2013.
Panelist, ‘Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics,’ FES/Department of Political Science Forum, York University, 13 March 2013.
Chair, ‘Registering Class,’ Rethinking Marxism, Amherst, MA., 19-22 September 2013.
Chair, ‘Studies in Political Economy: The Left After Politics,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Paper, ‘The Crisis and Economic Alternatives,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Panelist, ‘The State Debate,’ Department of Political Science Seminar, 11 February 2013.
Panelist, ‘Capitalist Crisis and the Global Fight Against Austerity,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Paper, ‘Capitalist Instability and the Contemporary Crisis: Marxist Debates,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Paper, ‘Capitalist Instability and the Contemporary Crisis: Marxist Debates,’ Marx and Crises of Capitalism: Interpretations and Interventions, Kanagawa University, Yokohoma, Japan, February 18-19, 2012.
Paper, ‘Capitalist Instability, Economic Policy and the State,’ Historical Materialism Conference, York University, 11-13 May 2012.
Panelist, ‘Contemporary Capitalism and Socialist Alternatives,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, 1 June 2012.
Chair, ‘Dismantling Neoliberalization: Turkey in Focus,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Panelist, ‘Empire’s Ally: Canadian Imperialism Within and Beyond the Afghan War,’ Historical Materialism Conference, York University, 11-13 May 2012.
Panelist, ‘How and why urban economies work,’ Re-Imagining Our Cities: Toward A Comprehensive Strategy for the Urban Economies of Southern Ontario, York University, March 13, 2012.
Panel Organizer, ‘Occupy the Banks: Making Finance a Public Utility,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Panelist, ‘Should Labour and the Left Propose a Global Green Jobs Alternative to Austerity and Climate Change,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Panelist, ‘The Left and the Crisis: Socialist Register 2012,’ LeftWords, Ryerson University, 6 May 2012.
Book Launch Panel, ‘The Left and the Crisis: Socialist Register 2012,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Paper, ‘The State and Exits from the Crisis,’ The Global Economic Crisis and Canadian Austerity, Centre for Labour Management Relations, Ryerson University, March 23, 2012.
‘Fiscal Distress and the Local State: Neoliberal Urbanism in Canada,’ in C. Fanelli, M. Thomas and L. Vosko, eds., Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, forthcoming). (with C. Fanellli)
International Advisory Board, Praksis (Turkey; 2018- ).
Al-Quds University, Jerusalem: External Consultant for Graduate Programmes in Political Science, Fall 2005.
Greg Albo teaches political economy at the Department of Political Science, York University, Toronto. He is currently co-editor of the Socialist Register. He is also on the editorial boards of Studies in Political Economy, Relay, Capitalism, Nature, Socialism, Canadian Dimension, The Bullet and Historical Materialism (England). Co-editor of A Different Kind of State: Popular Power and Democratic Administration and author of numerous articles in journals such as Studies in Political Economy, Socialist Register, Canadian Dimension, and Monthly Review.
Professor Albo is also on the executive of the Centre for Social Justice in Toronto. He has lectured in universities across Canada, and also in the US, Japan, Turkey, Columbia, Cuba, Korea, Mexico, Netherlands, Italy, Britain, Austria, Germany and elsewhere. Professor Albo’s research interests are the political economy of contemporary capitalism, labour market policies in Canada, and democratization. He teaches courses on the foundations of political economy, Canadian political economy, alternatives to capitalism, and democratic administration.
PhD Political Science, Carleton UniversityMA Economics, University of Manitoba
BA Economics, University of Manitoba
BComm, University of Manitoba
Professional Leadership
Canadian Political Science Association
Progressive Economics Forum
Society for Socialist Studies
1997- Present , Associate Professor
Department of Political Science and Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University.
1994- Assistant Professor
1997 Department of Political Science and Faculty of Graduate Studies, York University.
1990- Lecturer
1994 Department of Political Science, York University.
1987 Lecturer
Department of Political Science, Carleton University.
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
2018 ‘Divided Province: Ontario in the Age of Neoliberalism’
Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2017 ‘The New Austerity, Social Movements and New Organizational Strategies’
Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, York University
Fellowship, York University
2017 ‘Transcending Pessimism, Reimagining Democracy: Festschrift for Leo Panitch’
York University, Centre for Social Justice
York University, Centre for Social Justice
2015 ‘State Restructuring and Capital Accumulation in Turkey’
MITACS Globalink Research Award, Toronto
MITACS Globalink Research Award
2014- ‘Transit Justice in Ontario’
2016 Centre for Social Justice, Student Research Support
Centre for Social Justice, Student Research Support
2014 ‘Freeing Public Transport: Progressive Transit Struggles in Europe & North America’
Rosa Luxemberg Stiftung Conference Support, Toronto
$20000 approximate
Rosa Luxemberg Stiftung Conference Support
2011 ‘Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan’
Aid to Scholarly Publications Programme
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences
2011 ‘The New Austerity, Social Movements and New Organizational Strategies’
Sabbatical Leave Fellowship, York University
Fellowship, York University
2009 ‘The New Economy, Union Strategies and Canadian Capitalism in Comparative Context’
Research Grant, Faculty of Arts, York University.
Research Grant, Faculty of Arts, York University
All Publications
‘Divided Province: Democracy and the Politics of State Restructuring in Ontario’ in Greg Albo and Bryan Evans, eds., Divided Province: Ontario Politics in the Age of Neoliberalism (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018).
‘Market Failures, Failing States: Challenges for Democratization Projects’ in Paul Gray, ed, From the Street to the State (Binghampton: SUNY Press, 2018).
‘Beyond Economic Nationalism: Clashes with Canadian Capitalism’ in Cy Gonick, ed., Canada Since 1960: A People’s History (Toronto: Lorimer, 2016).
‘Rosa Luxemburg and Contemporary Capitalism,’ in Judith Delheim and Frieder Wolf, eds., Rosa Luxemburg: A Permanent Challenge for Political Economy (London: Palgrave/Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 2016).
‘The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally: An Interview with Greg Albo and Jerome Klassen,’ in Carlo Fanelli and Bryan Evans, eds., Climate Change and Its Disconcents: Alternate Routes 2014 (Ottawa: Red Quill Books, 2014).
From the Tar Sands to “Green Jobs”? Work and Ecological Justice’ in S. D’Arcy, ed., Confronting Leviathan: Struggles to Stop the Tar Sands (Toronto: Between the Lines, 2014). (with Lilian Yap) (Published in China in Marxism and Reality). Also published by: The Bullet, Links, Climate and Capitalism, Canadian Dimension.
‘Rosa Luxemburgo y el capitalismo contemporáneo,’ in German Sanchez, Alejandro Bejar, Slivano Delgado, eds., Reproducción, crisis organización y Resistencia (Puebla: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, 2014).
‘Capital, Crisis and State Economic Policy: A Neoliberal Exit?’ in B. Karagaac, ed., Accumulations, Crises, Struggles: Capital and Labour in Contemporary Capitalism (Berlin: Verlag, 2013). (Published in China in Contemporary World and Socialism, N. 3, 2013.)
‘The Crisis and Economic Alternatives’ in L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber, eds., The Question of Strategy: Socialist Register 2013, (London: Merlin Press, 2012). (Published in China in Marxism and Reality, N. 3, 2014)
‘Contemporary Capitalism’ in B. Fine and A. Saad-Filho, eds., Elgar Companion to Marxist Economics (London: Elgar, 2012).
‘Fewer Illusions: Canadian Foreign Policy Since 2001’ in G Albo and J. Klassen, eds., Empire’s Ally: Canada and the Afghanistan War (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012).
‘From Rescue Strategies to Exit Strategies: The Struggle over Public Sector Austerity’, in L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber, eds., Socialist Register 2011: The Crisis This Time (London: Merlin Press, 2011).
‘Unions and the Crisis: Ways Ahead?’ Nicolas Pons-Vignon, ed., Don’t Waste the Crisis: Labour Responses to the Failures of Neoliberalism (Geneva: ILO, 2010).
‘The “New Economy” and Capitalism Today’ in N. Pupo and M. Thomas, eds., Interrogating the New Economy: Restructuing Work in the 21st Century (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010). (Published in China in Marxism and Reality, N. 6, 2013.)
‘Crucial para la izquierda canadiense: nos ha dado esperanza,’ in Marta Harnecker Un tesoro internacional (Caracas: Centro Internacional Miranda 2009), pp. 17-20.
‘Review: Escape from the Staple Trap,’ Perspectives on Politics, 15: 3 (2017).
‘Review: The Legacy of the Crash,’ Perspectives on Politics, 11: 1 (March, 2013).
A World Turned Upside Down: Socialist Register 2019, eds, L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2018).
Class, Party, Revolution, eds. Greg Albo, Leo Panitch, Alan Zuege (Chicago: Haymarket Books, 2018).
Rethinking Democracy: Socialist Register 2018, eds, L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2017).
Rethinking Revolution: Socialist Register 2017, eds, L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2016).
The Politics of the Right: Socialist Register 2016, eds., L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2015).
Transforming Classes: Socialist Register 2015, eds., L. Panitch and G. Albo (London: Merlin Press, 2014).
Quelle Stratégie? Résurgence des movements sociaux, combativité et Politique, eds. L. Panitch, G. Albo, and V. Chibber (Montreal: M.editeur, 2013).
Registering Class: Socialist Register 2014, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2013).
Empire’s Ally: Canada and the Afghanistan War, eds., G Albo and J. Klassen, (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012).
La Crisis et La Gauche: Consequences socials et politiques de la crisis financiere mondiale, eds. L. Panitch, G. Albo, and V. Chibber (Montreal: M.editeur, 2012).
The Question of Strategy: Socialist Register 2013, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2012).
The Crisis and the Left: Socialist Register 2012, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2011).
In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives (Oakland: PM Press 2010). (with Sam Gindin and Leo Panitch)
The Crisis This Time: Socialist Register 2011, eds., L. Panitch, G. Albo and V. Chibber (London: Merlin Press, 2010).
Working Classes, Global Realities: Socialist Register 2011, eds., L. Panitch, C. Leys, G. Albo and D. Coates (London: Merlin Press, 2001).
A Different Kind of State? Popular Power and Democratic Administration, eds., G. Albo, D. Langille, and L. Panitch (Toronto: Oxford University Press 1993), pp. x and 243.
‘Demeaning Democracy: Turning Doug Ford’s Attack on Toronto into a Movement for Democratic Renewal,’ The Bullet, 10 September 2018 (with Dennis Pilon, Roger Keil, Bryan Evans).
‘Ford’s Attack on Toronto Can Renew Democracy,’ Toronto Star, 29 August 2018 (with Dennis Pilon, Roger Keil, Bryan Evans).
‘Ford’s Attack on Toronto: The End of Local Democracy as We Know It?,’ The Bullet, 30 August 2018.
‘Local Roads to Austerity: Neoliberal Localism in Canada,’ Austerity and Its Alternatives, McMaster University, March 2018, (with Carlo Fanelli).
‘A New Chapter for the Canadian Left,’ Canadian Dimension, 50: 4 Fall 2016.
‘The Militarization of Policing: Defending the Movements, Challenging the Police: Leslie Wood Interviewed by Greg Albo,’ The Bullet, N. 1206, 13 January 2016.
‘Le nouveau militarism canadien,’ Noveaux Cahiers du socialism: Imperialisme au XXIe siècle: Empires et confrontations, N. 13, 2015.
Austerity Against Democracy: An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism?, Socialist Project, Socialist Interventions Pamphlet Series, N. 13, 2014.
‘Neoliberal Transitions and Political Strategy,’ Canadian Dimension, 48: 2, March-April 2014.
‘Roundtable: Toronto Votes: The Trouble with Chow,’ Canadian Dimension, 48: 4, July-August 2014.
‘The Geopolitical Ecology of Empire’s Ally,’ The Bullet, N. 923, January 3, 2014.
‘The New Militarism in Canada,’ Canadian Dimension, 48: 6, Nov.-Dec. 2014.
‘Still Here, Still Critical,’ Canadian Dimension, March-April, 2013.
‘Challenging Harper’s Imperialist Agenda,’ Canadian Dimension Toolkit (Winnipeg: Canadian Dimension, 2012). Also in The Bullet, N. 899, November 17, 2013.
‘Celebrating and Struggling This May Day: The Long, Hard Haul at the Vale Inco Strike’, The Bullet, N. 349, 1 May 2010.
‘Crisis and Social Revolt’, Relay, N. 29, 2010.
‘In and Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives,’ The Bullet, N. 325, 13 March 2010. (Also ZNET, 13 March 2010.) (With Sam Gindin and Leo Panitch)
‘Interview: Capitalist Crisis, Radical Renewal?’ The Bullet, N. 268, 3 August 2010. (Also at ZNET, 29 July 2010. (with Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin)
‘Labour Day 2010: Austerity, Public Services and the Labour Movement,’ The Bullet, N. 412, 6 September 2010. (Also at ZNET, 6 September 2010; Europe Solidaire sans Frontieres, 27 September 2010.)
‘Theses sur la crise,’ Pages de gauche, N.90, August 2010. (with Leo Panitch and Sam Gindin)
‘An End to Neoliberalism? Ontario Responds to the Crisis,’ Relay, N. 27 (2009). (with Bryan Evans)
‘Morbid Symptoms: Current Healthcare Struggles,’ The Bullet N. 276, 20 November 2009. (Interview with Colin Leys; Also published on MRZINE, ZNET, in Greek – Avgi, 2/2/2010).
‘Ontario’s Budgetary Dilemmas: Exit Strategies and Neoliberalism,’ The Bullet, N. 266, 26 October 2009. (with Bryan Evans)
‘Shambles in Copenhagen,’ The Bullet, N. 289, 21 December 2009. (Also MRZINE, 24 December 2009.)
‘Toronto City Workers on Strike: Battling Neoliberal Urbanism,’ The Bullet, N. 232, 2 July 2009.
‘Unions and the Crisis: Ways Forward,’ Canadian Dimension, 43: 3, 2009. (Also in: The Bullet, N. 213, 1 May 2009; International Socialist Review, July-August 2009.)
‘What should we do to help build a new left?’ Relay, N. 28 (2009). (with Herman Rosenfeld)
‘Austerity Against Democracy: An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism?’ Teoria Politica, 2014. (with Carlo Fanelli)
‘Capital, State and Crisis: Neoliberalism at an Impasse?’ Contemporary World and Socialism (2013) (in Chinese).
‘The New Economy and Contemporary Capitalism’, Marxism and Reality (2013) (in Chinese).
‘Grun geht nicht lokal’, Luxemburg: Gessellschaftanalyse unde Linke Praxis, N. 3 (2012).
‘Crise et révolte sociale’, Actuel Marx, N. 47 (April, 2010).
‘Permanent Austerity: The Politics of the Canadian Exit Strategy from Fiscal Stimulus’, Alternate Routes, N. 22 (2010).
‘The Crisis of Neoliberalism and the Union Movement’, Development Dialogue, N. 51 (2009) (Also in Relay, N. 26, 2009.) (Also translated into Portuguese by the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro Press.)
Paper, ‘Climate Vandalism, Work and Eco-Socialist Alternatives: A View from North American Capitalism,’ Marx200 Kongress, Berlin, 2-6 May 2018.
Paper, ‘Fiscal Distress and the Local State: Neoliberal Urbanism in Canada,’ Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy Workshop, York University, 10 December 2015.
‘Capitalist Instability and the Contemporary Crisis: Marxist Debates,’ in Marx and Crises of Capitalism: Interpretations and Interventions (Yokohoma: Kanagawa University, 2012).
The Social Justice Community in Toronto: A Report for the George Cedric Metcalf Charitable Foundation.’ Centre for Social Justice, Toronto 2010.
Panelist, ‘Book Forum: Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan,’ Annual Meeting of the Canadian Peace Alliance, Ryerson University, 19 January 2014.
Panelist, ‘Film Premiere: Sanda (Surviving),’ Canadian Labour International Film Festival, North York Civic Centre, November 22, 2014.
School of Labour Studies, McMaster University, ‘Total Privatization? Permanent Austerity Against Democracy,’ Hamilton, March 5, 2014.
Vancouver Stop the War!, ‘Book Launch: Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan,’ Vancouver, June 9, 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Socialist Register 2014: Registering Class,’ Leftwords, Ryerson University, Toronto, 24 November 2013
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Fernwood Books, Toronto, 31 January 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Octopus Books, Ottawa, 24 January 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Toward the United Front,’ OISE, Toronto, 3 February 2013.
Facultdad de Econimia, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, ‘Keynote Address: Luxemburg and Contemporary Capitalism,’ Rosa Luxenburgo y La acumulacion de capital: Cien ano de reproduction, crisis, organizacion y Resistencia, Puebla Mexico, October 23-25, 2013.
Central Compilation and Translation Bureau/Marxism and Reality Journal, ‘Current Research on Contemporary Capitalism,’ Beijing, China, February 17, 2012.
Paper, ‘The Crisis and Economic Alternatives,’ North Atlantic Left Dialogue, Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Berlin, Germany, 30 November, 1 December 2012.
Solidarity Against Austerity Committee, ‘The Meaning of Austerity,’ Ottawa, St. Andrews Church, May 1, 2012.
Panelist/Chair, ‘Socialist Register 2018 Launch: Rethinking Democracy,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, 3 June 2018.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Ottawa and Empire,’ Another Story Bookstore, Toronto, May 2017.
Chair, ‘Exploitative Labour and Racialized Workers,’ Transgressing the Nation-State, Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies, April 2017.
Chair and Panelist, ‘Globalization, Socialism, and American Empire: Two Roundtables Commemorating the Work of Professor,’ Canadian Political Science Association and Society for Socialist Studies, Ryerson University, Toronto, 29 May 2017.
Chair and Panelist, ‘Rethinking Revolution,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Ryerson University, Toronto, 30 May 2017.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2017 Launch: Rethinking Revolution,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, 3 June 2017.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2018 Launch: Rethinking Democracy,’ Historical Materialism, London, 8-10 November 2017
2017- Co-Convener, ‘The Capitalism Workshop’
Monthly Seminar Series, Centre for Social Justice
Discussant, ‘Book Launch: The BRICS: An Anti-Capitalist Critique,’ CERLAC, York University, 1 April 2016.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: To the Masses: Proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921,’ Historical Materialism Conference, York University, 13-15 May 2016.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2016 Launch: The Politics of the Right,’ Toronto, 14 January 2016.
Panelist/Editor, ‘Socialist Register 2016 Launch: The Politics of the Right,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, 21 May 2016.
Chair/Editor/Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2017 Launch: Rethinking Revolution,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 10-13 November 2016.
Panelist, ‘The Rise of the Right and the Question of Fascism,’ Independent Jewish Voices, Public Forum, Toronto, 30 October 2016.
Panelist, ‘Global Pacification System: Israel and Canada,’ Science for Peace Forum, Beit Zatoun, Toronto, 22 January 2015.
‘Market Failures and Failing States: Challenges for Democratization Projects,’ From the Street to the State: Changing the World By Taking Power Workshop, York University, October 30, 2015.
Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2015 Launch: Transforming Classes,’ Toronto, 15 January 2015.
Chair/Editor/Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2016 Launch: The Politics of the Right,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 5-8 November 2015.
Panelist, ‘The US Middle Class in Crisis: A Panel in Honour of Raqndy Martin,’ Left Forum, John Jay College, New York, May 30.
Chair and Panelist, ‘Transforming Classes, Transforming States,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, 2 June 2015
Chair, ‘Beyond the Gridlock: Public Transit Struggles from Across Europe and North America,’ Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, Centre for Social Justice, Toronto, 9 October 2014.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Registering Class: 50 Years of the Socialist Register,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Brock University, Ste. Catherines, 27-30 May 2014.
Panelist, ‘Canada and the Global South,’ People’s Social Forum, University of Ottawa, 21-24 August 2014.
Discussant, ‘Identity Crisis? Canadian Political Culture at a Crossroads,’ Uncaring Canada? Business, Politics and Culture in Canada’s New Engagement in the Americas, Latin American Studies, University of Toronto, 26 September 2014.
Panelist, ‘Localism and Neoliberalism: International Perspectives,’ International Political Economy and Ecology Summer School, York University, 4 July 2014.
Panelist, ‘Neoliberalism and the Far Right,’ GTWA/Global Research Centre, USWA Hall, Toronto, 24 September 2014.
Panelist, ‘People’s University: Against Imperialism and Militarism,’ People’s Social Forum, University of Ottawa, 21-24 August 2014.
Panelist, ‘Radicalism Without Borders: 50 Years of Canadian Dimension,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Brock University, Ste. Catherines, 27-30 May 2014.
Chair/Panelist, ‘Socialist Register 2015 Launch: Left Strategy and the US Labour Movement,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 6-9 November 2014.
Panelist, ‘The MST and EZLN Alternatives to Neoliberalism,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 6-9 November 2014.
Panelist, ‘Alternatives,’ Canada’s Development Model: Beyond Extraction, Studies in Political Economy/Mining Watch Canada Conference, Carleton University, Ottawa, 16 March 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: Empire’s Ally: Canada and the War in Afghanistan,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies and Canadian Political Science Association, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Chair, ‘Book Launch: Socialist Register 2014: Registering Class,’ Historical Materialism Conference, SOAS, London, 7-10, November 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Rethinking Marxism, Amherst, MA., 19-22 September 2013.
Panelist, ‘Book Launch: The Question of Strategy,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Chair, ‘Class Struggles in Crisis: From Walmart to the State,’ Socialist Register Forum, Ryerson University, 22 February 2013.
Panelist, ‘Gramsci: Space, Nature, Politics,’ FES/Department of Political Science Forum, York University, 13 March 2013.
Chair, ‘Registering Class,’ Rethinking Marxism, Amherst, MA., 19-22 September 2013.
Chair, ‘Studies in Political Economy: The Left After Politics,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Paper, ‘The Crisis and Economic Alternatives,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, 5-9 June 2013.
Panelist, ‘The State Debate,’ Department of Political Science Seminar, 11 February 2013.
Panelist, ‘Capitalist Crisis and the Global Fight Against Austerity,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Paper, ‘Capitalist Instability and the Contemporary Crisis: Marxist Debates,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Paper, ‘Capitalist Instability and the Contemporary Crisis: Marxist Debates,’ Marx and Crises of Capitalism: Interpretations and Interventions, Kanagawa University, Yokohoma, Japan, February 18-19, 2012.
Paper, ‘Capitalist Instability, Economic Policy and the State,’ Historical Materialism Conference, York University, 11-13 May 2012.
Panelist, ‘Contemporary Capitalism and Socialist Alternatives,’ Annual Meeting of the Society for Socialist Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, 1 June 2012.
Chair, ‘Dismantling Neoliberalization: Turkey in Focus,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Panelist, ‘Empire’s Ally: Canadian Imperialism Within and Beyond the Afghan War,’ Historical Materialism Conference, York University, 11-13 May 2012.
Panelist, ‘How and why urban economies work,’ Re-Imagining Our Cities: Toward A Comprehensive Strategy for the Urban Economies of Southern Ontario, York University, March 13, 2012.
Panel Organizer, ‘Occupy the Banks: Making Finance a Public Utility,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Panelist, ‘Should Labour and the Left Propose a Global Green Jobs Alternative to Austerity and Climate Change,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Panelist, ‘The Left and the Crisis: Socialist Register 2012,’ LeftWords, Ryerson University, 6 May 2012.
Book Launch Panel, ‘The Left and the Crisis: Socialist Register 2012,’ Left Forum, Pace University, New York, March 2012.
Paper, ‘The State and Exits from the Crisis,’ The Global Economic Crisis and Canadian Austerity, Centre for Labour Management Relations, Ryerson University, March 23, 2012.
‘Fiscal Distress and the Local State: Neoliberal Urbanism in Canada,’ in C. Fanelli, M. Thomas and L. Vosko, eds., Change and Continuity: Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium (Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, forthcoming). (with C. Fanellli)
International Advisory Board, Praksis (Turkey; 2018- ).
Al-Quds University, Jerusalem: External Consultant for Graduate Programmes in Political Science, Fall 2005.