
Dr. Antonella Valeo

Photo of Dr. Antonella Valeo

Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics

Associate Professor

Office: Ross Building, S574
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 88740

My research examines instructed second language acquisition with a focus on classroom-based interaction, including corrective feedback, form-focussed instruction, and language teacher education and professional development. My recent research activities include a project investigating teacher beliefs and practices of writing assessment in ESL classrooms and a study examining the impact of corrective feedback in oral task interaction. I am currently supervising graduate students conducting research in corrective feedback, language teacher education and content-based language teaching and am particularly interested in how contextual factors and dimensions interface with pedagogical efficacy and language teacher decision making. My work has been published in international journals including TESOL Quarterly, Language Awareness, System and The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics.

Currently, I am Director of the Undergraduate Program in Languages and Literatures at York University and Co-editor of the TESL Canada Journal.

Teaching is an important and rewarding part of my work and includes courses across three programs: Graduate Program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Undergraduate ESL, and the TESOL Certificate Program, which I also coordinate. In the graduate program, I teach courses in research methods and corrective feedback, and supervise doctoral students working in areas complementary to my own. I have taught several content-based courses in the undergraduate program and I currently teach Socio-political Issues in the TESOL program.

Prior to joining York as faculty, I worked as a teacher, curriculum designer, teacher educator, program administrator, consultant and researcher in a range of adult education programs. This has included post-secondary institutions in Canada and internationally, workplace English language programs in a range of industries and sectors; and government funded community-based ESL for newcomers to Canada. I have also been extensively engaged with the ELT community through my work with TESL Ontario, holding positions on accreditation and research committees and affiliate executive boards, and I was honoured for my service with the 2019 Distinguished Contributions Award.



PhD, OISE/University of Toronto
M.Ed., University of Sheffield
B.A., English Literature, York University
TESOL Certificate, University of Toronto


Faculty of Education

Professional Leadership

Interim Chair, Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics
Director, Undergraduate Program in Languages and Literatures
TESOL Certificate Program Coordinator, York University
TESL Canada Journal Co-editor

Research Interests

Adult Education , Linguistics, instructed second language acquisition, classroom-based research methodology, language teacher education and development

Current Research Projects

Writing Assessment in the ESL Classroom: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices.

    See more
    Role: Co-investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2014

    End Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2019

    SSHRC Insight Grant
Book Chapters


Valeo, A. (in press). Classroom-based research in corrective feedback. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Language Learning and Teaching. Cambridge University Press.


Haque, E., & Valeo, A. (2016) . Teaching and assessment with the CLB: Teacher experiences and perspectives. In Jezak, M (Ed.) Language is the Key: The Canadian Language Benchmark Model, pp. 68-88. Ottawa: Ottawa University Press.


Valeo, A. (2015) . Focus on form: Addressing grammatical accuracy in an employment-specific language program. In Christison, M., Christian, D., Duff, P.A., & Spada, N. (Eds) . Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions (pp 1- 23). NY: Routledge


Book Reviews


Valeo, A. (2008) . [Review of the book Investigating Tasks in Formal Language Learning, edited by Maria del Pilar Garcia Mayo, New York: Multilingual Matters.] Canadian Modern Language Review, 64(3), 534-536.


Valeo, A. (2007) . [Review of plenary address Teaching Spoken English: Seven Essential Concepts, by Judy Gilbert at the TESL Ontario Conference, November 2007] Contact, Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language of Ontario, 33(1), 9-10.


Journal Articles


Lemak, A. & Valeo, A. (in press) Impact of learner personality on their response to oral corrective feedback in an EAP context. TESL Canada Journal Special Issue, Corrective Feedback in Language Teaching and Learning: Connecting Research and Practice.


Valeo, A. & Spada, N. (2016) . Is there a better time to focus on form? Teacher and learner views. TESOL Quarterly, 50(2)


Lum, L., Dowedoff, P., Bradley, P., Kerekes, J., & Valeo, A. (2015) . Challenges in oral communication for internationally educated nurses. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(1), 83-91.


Spada, N., Jessop, L., Tomita, Y., Suzuki, W., & Valeo, A. (2014) . Isolated and integrated form-focused instruction: Effects on different types of L2 knowledge. Language Teaching Research, 18(4), 453-473. doi: 10.1177/1362168813519883


Valeo, A., & Faez, F. (2013) . Career development and professional attrition of novice ESL teachers. TESL Canada Journal, 31(1), 1-19.


Valeo, A. (2013) . Language awareness in a content-based language programme. Language Awareness, 22(2), 126-145.


Valeo, A. (2013) . The integration of language and content: Form-focused instruction in a content- based language program. The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16(1), 25-50.


Faez, F., & Valeo, A. (2012) . TESOL teacher education: Novice teachers’ perceptions of their preparedness and efficacy in the classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 46(3), 450-470.


Spada, N., Barkaoui, K., Peters, C., So, M., & Valeo, A. (2009) . Developing a questionnaire to investigate second-language learners’ preferences for form-focused instruction. System, 37, 70-81.


Valeo, A. (2009) . The integration of language and content. Contact Research Symposium Issue, 35(2), 71-82.


Valeo, A. (1998) . A case study of employee participation in a workplace ESL program. TESL Canada Journal, 16(1), 75-83.


Conference Papers


Valeo, A. & Haque, E. (2017, August) . CLB and NCLC: 20 Years of Policy and Practice. Teacher Perceptions of the Benchmark Policy. Language Policy and Planning Conference. Toronto, ON.


Valeo, A., Barkaoui, K., Cook, W., & Luke, J. (2017, August) . The Relationship between Institutional Language Policy, ESL Teachers’ Conceptions of L2 Writing and Classroom Assessment Practices. Language Policy and Planning Conference, Toronto, ON.


Barkaoui, K. & Valeo, A. (2017, July) . Factors Influencing ELT Teachers’ Decisions when Designing Tasks to Assess Student Writing. 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Rio de Janiero, Brazil


Barkaoui, K., Valeo, A. Rezaei, A. (2017, June) . Designing ESL Writing Assessment Tasks: Teachers’ Conceptions, Decisions and Practices. TESL Canada Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.


Valeo, A. & Barkaoui, K. (2017, May) . Providing Written Feedback in the ESL Classroom: Teachers’ Conceptions and Practices. Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Toronto, ON.


Valeo, A. & Barkaoui, K. (2017, March) . Feedback on L2 Writing: Teachers beliefs and practices across contexts. TESOL Convention, Seattle, WA, USA.


Valeo, A. & Barkaoui, K. (2016, July) .Teachers’ awareness of their use of feedback in L2 Writing: Case studies in ESL classrooms. International Conference for the Association of Language Awareness, Vienna, Austria.


Barkaoui, K. & Valeo, A. (2016, July) . Case studies of ESL teachers’ practices and beliefs about L2 writing assessment.European Conference on Language Learning, Brighton, U.K.


Faez, F. & Valeo, A. (2015, Nov) . Teachers in transition: Career development of novice ESL teachers. TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto, Canada.


Valeo, A., Faez, F., Khan, R., & Priven, D. (2014, Oct) . Questions in the classroom: Action research for ESL teachers. TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto, Canada.


Kerekes, J.,Altidoor-Brooks, A., & Valeo, A. (2014, May) . Integrating pragmatic competence into a bridging program for internationally educated nurses (IENs). Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.


Valeo, A. (2013, September) . The ESL teacher in the ESP classroom: Teaching occupation-specific language. British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.


Valeo, A., & Faez, F. (2013, March) . Connecting TESOL teacher education and career development: Novice teachers’ experiences. TESOL Convention, Dallas, TX, USA.


Valeo, A., Kerekes, J., Lum, L., & Bradley, P. (2013, March) . Internationally educated nurses: Developing their pragmatic competence for workplace success. TESOL Convention, Dallas, TX. USA.


Valeo, A. (2012, June) . Assessing awareness of language and content: What do learners notice? Language Awareness Montreal, QC, Canada.


Concario, M., Da Nobrega, M.H., & Valeo, A. (2012, June) . Colloquia: Content-based approaches and awareness of language. Language Awareness Montreal, QC, Canada.


Faez, F., & Valeo, A. (2012, May) . ESL teacher education: Novice teacher perceptions of preparedness and efficacy to teach. Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL) Conference, Waterloo, ON, Canada.


Valeo, A. & Faez, F. (2012, March) . Novice TESOL teachers’ perceptions of teacher education: what’s useful and what’s not. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Boston, MA, USA.


CLB Revisions and Validation Co-presenter with D. Blouin Carbonneau, N. Elson, and G. Routhier. TESL Ontario Annual Conference 2011, Toronto, Canada.


Enhancing professionalism: Framework of Post TESL Certificate training for ESL instructors Co-presenter with C. Cohen, and C. Peters. TESL Ontario Annual Conference 2011, Toronto, Canada.


Integrating language and content: Focus on form in a content-based language program Lecture Series in Linguistics, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, November 2011, Faculty of LA& PS, York University.


Valeo, A. (2011, August) . Integrating language and content: The effect of FFI in a content-based language class for adults preparing for employment. 15th World Conference of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Beijing, China


Faez, F., & Valeo, A. (2011, October) . TESOL teacher education: Novice teachers’ perceptions of their preparedness and efficacy in the classroom. TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto, Canada


Valeo, A. (2009, March) . Challenges of SLA research in the content-based language classroom. TESOL Doctoral Forum, Denver, CO, USA.


Valeo, A. (2009, March) . The integration of language and content: Form-focused instruction in a content-based language program. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Denver, CO, USA.


Valeo, A. (2008, June) . Language awareness in a content-based language program. 9th International Conference for the Association of Language Awareness (ALA) , Hong Kong, China.


The integration of language and content. 36th Annual TESL Ontario, Conference Symposium, 2008, Toronto, Canada.


Valeo, A. (2008, March) . The integration of language and content: Form-focused instruction in a content-based language program, Poster presentation. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.


Specialised Language Training for Childcare and Healthcare. Co-presenter with H. Cabaj. Moving Forward: Enhanced Language Training Conference, 2007, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.


Spada, N., Peters, C., & So, M., Valeo, A. (2006, March) . Integrated and isolated form-focused instruction. AAAL/CAAL Joint Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Valeo, A., (2006, March). The professional development of ESOL administrators. 41st Annual TESOL Convention, Tampa, Florida, USA.


Career Planning in TESL: Interview Skills. TESL Toronto Conference 2005, Toronto, Canada.


Spada, N., Peters, C., So, M., & Valeo, A. (2005, October) . Integrated and isolated form-focused instruction. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), New York, N.Y., USA.


ESL for the Workplace. Co-presenter with E. Gawronski & L. Dominquez. Ontario Region LINC Assessors Conference, 2002, Toronto, Canada.


Implementing Task-based Assessment and Evaluation: LINC Levels 1-4. Workshop facilitator. New Experiences for Refugee Women Community Agency, 2002, Toronto, Canada.


Using the Internet to Teach and Learn ESL for the Workplace. Frontier College, 2002, Toronto, Canada.


Research Reports


Cohen, C. & Valeo, A. (2012) . Enhancing professionalism: A framework for post TESL certificate training. INSCAN




Valeo, A. (in press) . Isolated and integrated form-focused instruction. TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching.

Valeo, A. (2013, March) . The TESL Ontario member survey: A brief report. Contact, 39(1), 54-58. Retrieved from


TESL Ontario (2011). Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training. Toronto, ON: Author


My research examines instructed second language acquisition with a focus on classroom-based interaction, including corrective feedback, form-focussed instruction, and language teacher education and professional development. My recent research activities include a project investigating teacher beliefs and practices of writing assessment in ESL classrooms and a study examining the impact of corrective feedback in oral task interaction. I am currently supervising graduate students conducting research in corrective feedback, language teacher education and content-based language teaching and am particularly interested in how contextual factors and dimensions interface with pedagogical efficacy and language teacher decision making. My work has been published in international journals including TESOL Quarterly, Language Awareness, System and The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics.

Currently, I am Director of the Undergraduate Program in Languages and Literatures at York University and Co-editor of the TESL Canada Journal.

Teaching is an important and rewarding part of my work and includes courses across three programs: Graduate Program in Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Undergraduate ESL, and the TESOL Certificate Program, which I also coordinate. In the graduate program, I teach courses in research methods and corrective feedback, and supervise doctoral students working in areas complementary to my own. I have taught several content-based courses in the undergraduate program and I currently teach Socio-political Issues in the TESOL program.

Prior to joining York as faculty, I worked as a teacher, curriculum designer, teacher educator, program administrator, consultant and researcher in a range of adult education programs. This has included post-secondary institutions in Canada and internationally, workplace English language programs in a range of industries and sectors; and government funded community-based ESL for newcomers to Canada. I have also been extensively engaged with the ELT community through my work with TESL Ontario, holding positions on accreditation and research committees and affiliate executive boards, and I was honoured for my service with the 2019 Distinguished Contributions Award.


PhD, OISE/University of Toronto
M.Ed., University of Sheffield
B.A., English Literature, York University
TESOL Certificate, University of Toronto


Faculty of Education

Professional Leadership

Interim Chair, Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics
Director, Undergraduate Program in Languages and Literatures
TESOL Certificate Program Coordinator, York University
TESL Canada Journal Co-editor

Research Interests

Adult Education , Linguistics, instructed second language acquisition, classroom-based research methodology, language teacher education and development

Current Research Projects

Writing Assessment in the ESL Classroom: Teachers’ Beliefs and Practices.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-investigator

    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2014

    End Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2019

    SSHRC Insight Grant

All Publications

Book Chapters


Valeo, A. (in press). Classroom-based research in corrective feedback. In H. Nassaji & E. Kartchava (Eds.) The Cambridge Handbook of Corrective Feedback in Language Learning and Teaching. Cambridge University Press.


Haque, E., & Valeo, A. (2016) . Teaching and assessment with the CLB: Teacher experiences and perspectives. In Jezak, M (Ed.) Language is the Key: The Canadian Language Benchmark Model, pp. 68-88. Ottawa: Ottawa University Press.


Valeo, A. (2015) . Focus on form: Addressing grammatical accuracy in an employment-specific language program. In Christison, M., Christian, D., Duff, P.A., & Spada, N. (Eds) . Teaching and Learning English Grammar: Research Findings and Future Directions (pp 1- 23). NY: Routledge


Book Reviews


Valeo, A. (2008) . [Review of the book Investigating Tasks in Formal Language Learning, edited by Maria del Pilar Garcia Mayo, New York: Multilingual Matters.] Canadian Modern Language Review, 64(3), 534-536.


Valeo, A. (2007) . [Review of plenary address Teaching Spoken English: Seven Essential Concepts, by Judy Gilbert at the TESL Ontario Conference, November 2007] Contact, Association of Teachers of English as a Second Language of Ontario, 33(1), 9-10.


Journal Articles


Lemak, A. & Valeo, A. (in press) Impact of learner personality on their response to oral corrective feedback in an EAP context. TESL Canada Journal Special Issue, Corrective Feedback in Language Teaching and Learning: Connecting Research and Practice.


Valeo, A. & Spada, N. (2016) . Is there a better time to focus on form? Teacher and learner views. TESOL Quarterly, 50(2)


Lum, L., Dowedoff, P., Bradley, P., Kerekes, J., & Valeo, A. (2015) . Challenges in oral communication for internationally educated nurses. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 26(1), 83-91.


Spada, N., Jessop, L., Tomita, Y., Suzuki, W., & Valeo, A. (2014) . Isolated and integrated form-focused instruction: Effects on different types of L2 knowledge. Language Teaching Research, 18(4), 453-473. doi: 10.1177/1362168813519883


Valeo, A., & Faez, F. (2013) . Career development and professional attrition of novice ESL teachers. TESL Canada Journal, 31(1), 1-19.


Valeo, A. (2013) . Language awareness in a content-based language programme. Language Awareness, 22(2), 126-145.


Valeo, A. (2013) . The integration of language and content: Form-focused instruction in a content- based language program. The Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics, 16(1), 25-50.


Faez, F., & Valeo, A. (2012) . TESOL teacher education: Novice teachers’ perceptions of their preparedness and efficacy in the classroom. TESOL Quarterly, 46(3), 450-470.


Spada, N., Barkaoui, K., Peters, C., So, M., & Valeo, A. (2009) . Developing a questionnaire to investigate second-language learners’ preferences for form-focused instruction. System, 37, 70-81.


Valeo, A. (2009) . The integration of language and content. Contact Research Symposium Issue, 35(2), 71-82.


Valeo, A. (1998) . A case study of employee participation in a workplace ESL program. TESL Canada Journal, 16(1), 75-83.


Conference Papers


Valeo, A. & Haque, E. (2017, August) . CLB and NCLC: 20 Years of Policy and Practice. Teacher Perceptions of the Benchmark Policy. Language Policy and Planning Conference. Toronto, ON.


Valeo, A., Barkaoui, K., Cook, W., & Luke, J. (2017, August) . The Relationship between Institutional Language Policy, ESL Teachers’ Conceptions of L2 Writing and Classroom Assessment Practices. Language Policy and Planning Conference, Toronto, ON.


Barkaoui, K. & Valeo, A. (2017, July) . Factors Influencing ELT Teachers’ Decisions when Designing Tasks to Assess Student Writing. 18th World Congress of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Rio de Janiero, Brazil


Barkaoui, K., Valeo, A. Rezaei, A. (2017, June) . Designing ESL Writing Assessment Tasks: Teachers’ Conceptions, Decisions and Practices. TESL Canada Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.


Valeo, A. & Barkaoui, K. (2017, May) . Providing Written Feedback in the ESL Classroom: Teachers’ Conceptions and Practices. Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics (CAAL), Toronto, ON.


Valeo, A. & Barkaoui, K. (2017, March) . Feedback on L2 Writing: Teachers beliefs and practices across contexts. TESOL Convention, Seattle, WA, USA.


Valeo, A. & Barkaoui, K. (2016, July) .Teachers’ awareness of their use of feedback in L2 Writing: Case studies in ESL classrooms. International Conference for the Association of Language Awareness, Vienna, Austria.


Barkaoui, K. & Valeo, A. (2016, July) . Case studies of ESL teachers’ practices and beliefs about L2 writing assessment.European Conference on Language Learning, Brighton, U.K.


Faez, F. & Valeo, A. (2015, Nov) . Teachers in transition: Career development of novice ESL teachers. TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto, Canada.


Valeo, A., Faez, F., Khan, R., & Priven, D. (2014, Oct) . Questions in the classroom: Action research for ESL teachers. TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto, Canada.


Kerekes, J.,Altidoor-Brooks, A., & Valeo, A. (2014, May) . Integrating pragmatic competence into a bridging program for internationally educated nurses (IENs). Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics Conference, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada.


Valeo, A. (2013, September) . The ESL teacher in the ESP classroom: Teaching occupation-specific language. British Association for Applied Linguistics (BAAL), Edinburgh, Scotland, U.K.


Valeo, A., & Faez, F. (2013, March) . Connecting TESOL teacher education and career development: Novice teachers’ experiences. TESOL Convention, Dallas, TX, USA.


Valeo, A., Kerekes, J., Lum, L., & Bradley, P. (2013, March) . Internationally educated nurses: Developing their pragmatic competence for workplace success. TESOL Convention, Dallas, TX. USA.


Valeo, A. (2012, June) . Assessing awareness of language and content: What do learners notice? Language Awareness Montreal, QC, Canada.


Concario, M., Da Nobrega, M.H., & Valeo, A. (2012, June) . Colloquia: Content-based approaches and awareness of language. Language Awareness Montreal, QC, Canada.


Faez, F., & Valeo, A. (2012, May) . ESL teacher education: Novice teacher perceptions of preparedness and efficacy to teach. Canadian Association of Applied Linguistics (CAAL) Conference, Waterloo, ON, Canada.


Valeo, A. & Faez, F. (2012, March) . Novice TESOL teachers’ perceptions of teacher education: what’s useful and what’s not. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Boston, MA, USA.


CLB Revisions and Validation Co-presenter with D. Blouin Carbonneau, N. Elson, and G. Routhier. TESL Ontario Annual Conference 2011, Toronto, Canada.


Enhancing professionalism: Framework of Post TESL Certificate training for ESL instructors Co-presenter with C. Cohen, and C. Peters. TESL Ontario Annual Conference 2011, Toronto, Canada.


Integrating language and content: Focus on form in a content-based language program Lecture Series in Linguistics, Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics, November 2011, Faculty of LA& PS, York University.


Valeo, A. (2011, August) . Integrating language and content: The effect of FFI in a content-based language class for adults preparing for employment. 15th World Conference of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Beijing, China


Faez, F., & Valeo, A. (2011, October) . TESOL teacher education: Novice teachers’ perceptions of their preparedness and efficacy in the classroom. TESL Ontario Conference, Toronto, Canada


Valeo, A. (2009, March) . Challenges of SLA research in the content-based language classroom. TESOL Doctoral Forum, Denver, CO, USA.


Valeo, A. (2009, March) . The integration of language and content: Form-focused instruction in a content-based language program. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Denver, CO, USA.


Valeo, A. (2008, June) . Language awareness in a content-based language program. 9th International Conference for the Association of Language Awareness (ALA) , Hong Kong, China.


The integration of language and content. 36th Annual TESL Ontario, Conference Symposium, 2008, Toronto, Canada.


Valeo, A. (2008, March) . The integration of language and content: Form-focused instruction in a content-based language program, Poster presentation. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) Conference, Washington, D.C., USA.


Specialised Language Training for Childcare and Healthcare. Co-presenter with H. Cabaj. Moving Forward: Enhanced Language Training Conference, 2007, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.


Spada, N., Peters, C., & So, M., Valeo, A. (2006, March) . Integrated and isolated form-focused instruction. AAAL/CAAL Joint Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Valeo, A., (2006, March). The professional development of ESOL administrators. 41st Annual TESOL Convention, Tampa, Florida, USA.


Career Planning in TESL: Interview Skills. TESL Toronto Conference 2005, Toronto, Canada.


Spada, N., Peters, C., So, M., & Valeo, A. (2005, October) . Integrated and isolated form-focused instruction. Second Language Research Forum (SLRF), New York, N.Y., USA.


ESL for the Workplace. Co-presenter with E. Gawronski & L. Dominquez. Ontario Region LINC Assessors Conference, 2002, Toronto, Canada.


Implementing Task-based Assessment and Evaluation: LINC Levels 1-4. Workshop facilitator. New Experiences for Refugee Women Community Agency, 2002, Toronto, Canada.


Using the Internet to Teach and Learn ESL for the Workplace. Frontier College, 2002, Toronto, Canada.


Research Reports


Cohen, C. & Valeo, A. (2012) . Enhancing professionalism: A framework for post TESL certificate training. INSCAN




Valeo, A. (in press) . Isolated and integrated form-focused instruction. TESOL Encyclopedia of English Language Teaching.

Valeo, A. (2013, March) . The TESL Ontario member survey: A brief report. Contact, 39(1), 54-58. Retrieved from


TESL Ontario (2011). Framework for Post TESL Certificate Training. Toronto, ON: Author