Anne G. Rubenstein

Office: Kaneff Tower, 818
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 66961
Ph.D., History, Rutgers UniversityB.A., Fine arts major, Oberlin College
Professional Leadership
Conference organization
2009-2010 Member, Program Committee, Latin American Historical Association. Co-Chair, Mass Media and Popular Culture Track
2005-to date Organizer, Toronto Area Workshop for Historians of Latin America
2005-2006 Co-Chair, Program Committee, Canadian Historical Association
2003-to date Member of organizing committee, Tepoztlán Summer Seminar on Transnational History
2000-to date Member of the organizing committee, Conferences on Gender and Women's History in Mexico
1994 Organizer, Conference on the Politics of Culture in Post-Revolutionary Mexico, Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
Prize juries, manuscript and grant application reviews
2006-2007 Chair, Elinor Melville Prize Committee, Council for Latin American History, American Historical Association
2004-to date Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Urban History
2004 Jury member, Lewis Hanke Prize, Council for Latin American History, American Historical Association
2003- 2004 Jury member, Audre Lorde Prize, Committee for Gay and Lesbian History, American Historical Association
2001- to date Manuscript reviewer, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
2001 - to date Manuscript reviewer, Signos Históricos.(Mexico)
2001- to date Manuscript reviewer, The Americas.
2000- to date Manuscript reviewer, Pittsburgh University Press
1998-2001 Member of Evaluating Committee for Dissertation Fellowships, Social Science Research Council (U.S.).
1998-to date Manuscript reviewer, Duke University Press.
Other Service to the Profession:
2010: Evaluator, Undergraduate program in History, Carleton University.
2010: Member, Advisory Board, Handbook of International Communications and Media History (Routledge Press.)
2003-to date: Tenure file evaluations (in History and Latin American Studies departments), Duke University, Whitman College, Amherst College, University of Georgia, Dartmouth College (all U.S.)
Membership in Professional Organizations:
Latin American Studies Association, American Historical Association, Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies, Committee for Gay and Lesbian History/AHA, Council on Latin American History/AHA.
Community Contributions
2009-10 Member, RAship Committee, Graduate Program in History
Member, TA Liason Committee, History Department
Member, Nominating Committee, Graduate Program in History
Member, Executive Committee, Caribbean and Latin American Studies Program
Chair, File Preparation Committee, tenure and promotion file for Alan Durston
2008-09 Director, Graduate Program in History (ex oficio member of all GPH committees)
Member, History Department Executive Committee
Member, History Department Tenure and Promotion Adjudicating Committee
2007-08 Director, Graduate Program in History (ex oficio member of all GPH committees)
Member, History Department Executive Committee
2006-07 Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Chair, Search Committee for Colonial Latin America position
2005-2006 Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Member, Faculty of Arts Committee on Grants and Awards
Member, Search Committee for Brazilian History position, Glendon History Department
2004-05 Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Chair, History Department Faculty Council
Member, Ethics Review Board for Undergraduate Research, History Department
Member, Faculty of Arts Committee on Grants and Awards
2003-04 On sabbatical leave
2002-03 Member, History Department Curriculum Committee
Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Member, History Department Graduate Program Executive Committee
Speaker, "Settling In at York University" panel, New Faculty Day for Faculty of Arts
Member, University-wide ad hoc organizing committee for Sexuality Studies program proposal
2001-02 Member, Search Committee for South Atlantic History position
Member, History Department Nominating Committee for Canada Chair
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, History Department
Member, University-wide ad hoc organizing committee for Sexuality Studies program proposal
Participant in two TDGA roundtables, graduate program, History Department
Research Interests
- Dean's Award for Outstanding Research, Faculty of Arts, York University 2002 - 2002
- Summer Visiting Fellow, University of Chicago/University of Illinois Joint Center for Latin American Studies 2000 - 2000
- Office of Diversity Affairs Leadership Award, Allegheny College 2000 - 2000
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute participant, Brazil 1998 - 1998
- President's Award for the Best Paper Presented by a Graduate Student, Conference of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies 1994 - 1994
De los pepines a los agachados. Una historia política de las historietas. Fondo de Cultura Económica (Mexico), 2004. (Translation of Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and Other Threats to the Nation.)
(co-edited with Gilbert Joseph and Eric Zolov) Fragments of a Golden Age: Mexican Cultural Politics Since 1940. Duke University Press, 2001 (reprinted 2003)
Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and Other Threats to the Nation: A Political History of Comic Books in Mexico. Duke University Press, 1998 (reprinted 2000).
"Home Loving and Without Vices," in Jeet Heer and Kent Worcester, eds., A Comics Studies Reader. University Press of Mississippi, 2009. Pp. 205-225.
"La Guerra contra 'las pelonas': las mujeres modernas y sus enemigos, Ciudad de México, 1924," in G. Gano, J. Olcott, and M.K. Vaughan, eds., Género, poder y política en el México posrevolucionario. Fondo de cultura económica, 2009. Pp. 91-126.
"The War on las pelonas: Modern women and their enemies, Mexico City, 1924," in G. Cano, J. Olcutt, and M.K. Vaughn, eds., Sex in Revolution: Gender, Politics and Power in Modern Mexico. Duke University Press, 2006. Pp. 57-80.
"El Santo: Many Versions of the Perfect Man," in G. Joseph and T. Henderson, eds., The Mexico Reader, Duke University Press, 2003. Pp. 432-48.
"The General's Daughter Disrobes: Nahui Olin's Life and Art," in Jeffrey Pilcher, ed., The Human Tradition in Mexico. Scholarly Resources, 2003. Pp. 128-151.
"Assembling the Fragments: Writing Cultural Histories of Post-Revolutionary Mexico," (co-authored with G. Joseph and E. Zolov) in G. Joseph, A. Rubenstein and E. Zolov, eds., Fragments of a Golden Age: Mexican Cultural Politics Since 1940. Duke University Press, 2001. Pp. 3-22.
"Bodies, Cities, Cinema: The Death and Funeral of Pedro Infante as a Political Spectacle," in G. Joseph, A. Rubenstein and E. Zolov, eds., Fragments of a Golden Age: Mexican Cultural Politics Since 1940. Duke University Press, 2001. Pp. 198-223.
"Mass Media and Popular Culture in the Twentieth Century," in Michael Meyer and William Beezley, eds., The Oxford History of Mexico, Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp.
"Revolted Negroes and the Devilish Principle: William Blake and Conflicting Visions of Boni's War in Surinam" (co-authored with Camilla Townsend) in J. DiSalvo, ed., Blake, History, Politics, Garland Publishing, 1998. Pp.
Revolutionary Women in Post-Revolutionary Mexico by Jocelyn Olcott. American Historical Review February 2008: 235-236.
The Invention of Dolores del Río by Joanne Hershfield and Cantinflas and the Chaos of Mexican Modernity by Jeffrey M. Pilcher. Film Criticism, Spring 2003: 82-85.
Latin American Popular Culture ed. by William Beezley and Linda A. Curci-Nagy. Journal of the West, 41:2, Spring 2002: 105.
Twentieth Century Art of Latin America by Jaqueline Barnitz. The Americas, 59:2, October 2002
Exhibiting Mestizaje: Mexican (American) Museums in the Diaspora by Karen Mary Davalos. The Americas, 58:2, October 2001: 310-312.
Mexico in the 1940s: Modernity, Politics and Corruption by Stephen R. Niblo. Hispanic American Historical Review, 81:1, February 2001: 179-181.
Imagination Beyond Nation: Latin American Popular Culture ed. by Eva P. Bueno and Terry Caesar. The Americas, 57:2, October 2000: 306-308
Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture by Eric Zolov. Journal of Social History, Winter 2000: 498-501.
Modernity and the Architecture of Mexico ed. by Edward R. Burian. H-LATAM/Humanities Net, February 1998.
Prime-Time Feminism: Television, Media Culture, and the Women's Movement since 1970 by Bonnie J. Dow. Bulletin of the Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, May 1997: 14.
Sexuality and Marriage in Colonial Latin America ed. by Asuncion Lavrin, Village Voice Aug. 14, 1990: 74.
Real Love: the Best of the Romance Comics, 1940-1960 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Village Voice Literary Supplement July 1989: 5.
Tearing Down the Color Bar: a Documentary History of the Sleeping Car Porters Union by Joseph Wilson, Village Voice Literary Supplement June 1989: 4.
The Looking-Glass World of Non-Fiction TV by Elayne Rapping, Monthly Review January 1988: 60-64.
“Locating Male Sexualities in Latin American History: Two Latin American Models,” History Compass 57, Fall 2003: 11-19.
"Mexican Magazine Censors vs. the U.S. Marines: A Case Study of Transnational Reception," International Journal of Comic Art, 1/2, Fall 1999: 41-54.
"Raised Voices at the Cine Montecarlo: Sex Education, Mass Media, and Oppositional Politics in Mexico," Journal of Family History, 23/3, July 1998: 312-323.
"Leaving the Old Nest: Morality, Modernity, and the Mexican Comic Book at Mid-century." Studies in Latin American Popular Culture XVI, 1997, pp. 115-125.
"Elinor G. K. Melville, 1940-2006" Hispanic American Historical Review 88(3): 496-498 (2008)
"Zulma" in Marc Stein, ed., Encyclopedia of American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History and Culture. Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004.
“How Historians Read Newspapers” in Primary Sources for World History, a website produced by George Mason University and funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. 2003.
"Historietas,"pp. , and "Rius (Eduardo del Río)" pp. in Michael Warner, ed., The Encyclopedia of Mexico, Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998.
"A Note on the Difficulties Inherent in Writing Seriously about Graphic Narrative," The Comics Journal 200, December 1997: pp. 98-101.
"Comment: I will restrain ..." in "Discussion on Postmodernism in Latin American History," Itinerario (The Netherlands) XIX/2, 1995: 140-141.
"Mary Ann Dyke Duff, Actress" pp. , "Clara Fisher, Actress" pp. "Catherine Norton Forrest Sinclair, Actress" pp. "Anne Hartley Gilbert, Actress" pp. and "Nico, Rock Star"pp. in Judith Litoff and Judith McDonnell, eds., European Immigrant Women in America: A Biographical Dictionary, Garland Press, 1994.
"Seducing the Mexican Innocent: The History of Comic Book Censorship in Mexico," The Comics Journal 157, March 1992: 91-103.
American Historical Association, New York, New York, January 2009: Roundtable participant, "At the Show: Changes in 20th Century Fan Communities, Audiences, Gendered Spectatorship and Media in a Global Context." (refereed)
Duke University Latin American Labor History Conference, Durham, North Carolina, October 2009: "The Lives of the Artists."
Berkshire Congress on Women's History, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2008: Roundtable participant, " Fan Communities, Porn Wars, and Gendered Spectatorship: Historians (and others) Rethinking the Relationship Between Women and Mass Media" (refereed.)
Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, Quebec, September 2008: "Transgender, Transnational, Transgressive: Zulma as Immigrant, Sex Worker, and Autobiographer." (refereed.)
Toronto International Comics Festival, Toronto, Ontario, August 2007: Roundtable participant, "Comics in the Academy."
Conference on Latin American Comic Books, Georgia State University (Atlanta), April 2005: "Comic Book Studies in Translation" (keynote address.)
American Historical Association, Seattle, Washington, January 2005: "Going to the Movies in Mexico: Men, women and children in public spaces, 1920-1970." (refereed.)
Berkshire Congress on Women's History, Claremont, California, June 2005: "Good Mexicans, Good Catholics, Good Women: Fans and Censors at the Movies, 1940-1960." (refereed.)
Third Conference on the History of Women and Gender in Mexico, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 2005: "The Naked Starlet in the Wax Museum's Bathtub: Scandal, Memory, and Mexican Moviegoers." (refereed.)
Popular Culture Association, Tucson, Arizona, April 2005: "Transnational, Transgender: Reading Zulma in Historical Perspective." (refereed.)
American Historical Association, Seattle, Washington, January 2005: Special Session of the Mexican Studies Committee, "Transnationalism and Gender in New Histories of Mexico."
Tepoztlán Institute for the Study of Transnational History, Morelos, Mexico, July 2004: "Moviemaking and moviegoing as transnational processes: Two case studies."
Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American History, Santa Fe, March 2004: "Theaters of Masculinity: Mexicans at the movies, 1917-1950." (refereed.)
Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas, April 2003: “Not Playing in Chichicastenango: Tarzan versus the Maya, 1934” (refereed.)
Conference on The Body and the Body Politic, History Center, University of Maryland, College Park, May 2003: “Spectacular Behavior and the Body Politic: Going to the Movies in Mexico, 1920 – 1940” (refereed.)
Graduate Student Latin American Studies Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, February 2003: Keynote address: “Sports, Movies, and the New Woman: On the Politics of Feminine Representation in Revolutionary Mexico.”
XI Meeting of Historians of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, Monterrey, Mexico, October 2003: “The War on las Pelonas: Gender and the Revolutionary State in Mexico City, 1924” (refereed.)
Berkshire Conference on Women's History, Storrs, Connecticut, June 2002: "Las pelonas, las futbolistas, and the Spectacle of Female Masculinity in 1920s Mexico" (refereed.)
Critical Studies of Culture Program, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, April 2002: "Las pelonas, Las futbolistas, and their Sisters: Mexican Women and Transnational Modernity, 1920-1940."
Graduate Student History Conference, York University, Toronto, March 2002: Keynote address: "Spherical Cows, or, Why not be a physicist? and other epistemological quandaries ."
Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies, Portland, Oregon, April 2002: "The Vogue for Athletic Women and the Spectacle of Feminine Modernity in 1920s Mexico" (refereed.)
Susman Memorial Conference for Graduate Students of History, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, April, 2002: Keynote address, "What counts? On becoming an authority."
Foro Hispanico, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, October 2001: "Comic Book Censors, Country-Club Ladies, and Some Other Surprising Mexicans of the Twentieth Century."
Conference on the History of Women and Gender in Mexico, Yale University, New Haven, CT, May 2001: "How Las futbolistas became Mexican: Historical Memory and the Revolutionary Female Body" (refereed.)
Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American History, Tucson, Arizona, March 2001: "On the Historical Uses of Queer Theory, or, Why Were Those Men Parking in the Plaza Garibaldi?" (refereed.)
Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, September 2001: "Revolutionary Bodies, Nationalist Gymnastics, and the Mexican State: Mass Patriotic Performance and its Audiences, 1920-1940" (refereed.)
Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series, Latin American Studies Center, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 2000: "Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and the New Cultural History of Mexico."
Latin American Studies Association, Miami, Florida, March 2000: "Bodies, Cities, Cinema: Pedro Infante's Funeral as a Political Protest" (refereed.)
Symposium of Washington Area Historians of Latin America, Howard University, Washington DC, November 2000: "Las futbolistas and Their Sisters: State Mobilizations of Women's Bodies in Post-Revolutionary Mexico" (refereed.)
History Department Lecture Series, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, November 2000: "Revolutionizing Women's Bodies in 1920s Mexico."
Seminar on Surrealism, Institute for the Fine Arts, New York University, November, 2000:"Surrealism in Mexican Film: Questions of Production and Reception."
Seminario sobre las nuevas perspectivas norteamericanas en la historiografia de America Latina, San Marcos University, Lima, Peru, December 1999: "Apuntes para un diálogo entre la nueva historia y la nueva antropología de México" (refereed.)
Popular Culture Association Conference, Puebla, Mexico, October 1999: "Infante, Negrete, and the Ideal (Dead) Man on Film" (refereed.)
Society for Cinema Studies, West Palm Beach, Florida, April 1999: "Migration, Modernity, and Two Mexican Funerals: Public Responses to the Deaths of Jorge Negrete and Pedro Infante" (refereed.)
X Meeting of Historians of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, Fort Worth, Texas, November 1999: "Pedro Infante's Funeral and the Death of Public Space in Mexico" (refereed.)
International Comic Arts Festival, Washington, DC, September 1999: "What Mexican Censors Can Teach Us." (Plenary Address.)
Humanities Center, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, November 1998: "How the Lombardini Brothers Stayed Out of Jail: Pornography, Censorship, and Political Corporatism in Post-Revolutionary Mexico."
Canadian Association for Latin American Studies Conference, Vancouver. March 1998: "Machismo as a Counter-Revolutionary Gesture: The Life and Death of Pedro Infante" (refereed.)
Symposium on the Politics of Culture in Twentieth-Century Mexico, Washington, D.C. November 1997 (Conference organizer and paper presentation): "Mediated Styles of Masculinity in the Post-Revolutionary Imagination, or, El Santo's Strange Career" (refereed)
Society for Cinema Studies, Ottawa, Canada. May, 1997: "The Strange Career of El Santo: A Real Wrestler's Life in the Mexican Imaginary" (refereed.)
Conference on Latin American History/American Historical Association, New York. January, 1997: "Who Picks the Battles in a Culture War?: Conservative Responses to Sex Education in Mexico, 1934-1950" (refereed.)
American Historical Association Conference, Chicago. January, 1995: "How to Not Read Donald Duck: Cultural Imperialism as a Bad Idea" (refereed.)
IX Meeting of Historians of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, Mexico City, October 1994: "Conservative Protest, Pornography, and the Boundaries of Expression in Mexico, 1952-1976" (refereed.)
"The Last Real Mexican Man: Public Reactions to the Death of Pedro Infante," in Debra Castillo and Mary Jo Dudley,eds., Transforming Cultures in the Americas, Occasional Papers of the Cornell University Latin American Studies Program, vol. 4, August 2000: 151-164.
Ph.D., History, Rutgers UniversityB.A., Fine arts major, Oberlin College
Professional Leadership
Conference organization
2009-2010 Member, Program Committee, Latin American Historical Association. Co-Chair, Mass Media and Popular Culture Track
2005-to date Organizer, Toronto Area Workshop for Historians of Latin America
2005-2006 Co-Chair, Program Committee, Canadian Historical Association
2003-to date Member of organizing committee, Tepoztlán Summer Seminar on Transnational History
2000-to date Member of the organizing committee, Conferences on Gender and Women's History in Mexico
1994 Organizer, Conference on the Politics of Culture in Post-Revolutionary Mexico, Wilson Center, Smithsonian Institute, Washington DC.
Prize juries, manuscript and grant application reviews
2006-2007 Chair, Elinor Melville Prize Committee, Council for Latin American History, American Historical Association
2004-to date Manuscript reviewer, Journal of Urban History
2004 Jury member, Lewis Hanke Prize, Council for Latin American History, American Historical Association
2003- 2004 Jury member, Audre Lorde Prize, Committee for Gay and Lesbian History, American Historical Association
2001- to date Manuscript reviewer, Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies.
2001 - to date Manuscript reviewer, Signos Históricos.(Mexico)
2001- to date Manuscript reviewer, The Americas.
2000- to date Manuscript reviewer, Pittsburgh University Press
1998-2001 Member of Evaluating Committee for Dissertation Fellowships, Social Science Research Council (U.S.).
1998-to date Manuscript reviewer, Duke University Press.
Other Service to the Profession:
2010: Evaluator, Undergraduate program in History, Carleton University.
2010: Member, Advisory Board, Handbook of International Communications and Media History (Routledge Press.)
2003-to date: Tenure file evaluations (in History and Latin American Studies departments), Duke University, Whitman College, Amherst College, University of Georgia, Dartmouth College (all U.S.)
Membership in Professional Organizations:
Latin American Studies Association, American Historical Association, Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American Studies, Committee for Gay and Lesbian History/AHA, Council on Latin American History/AHA.
Community Contributions
2009-10 Member, RAship Committee, Graduate Program in History
Member, TA Liason Committee, History Department
Member, Nominating Committee, Graduate Program in History
Member, Executive Committee, Caribbean and Latin American Studies Program
Chair, File Preparation Committee, tenure and promotion file for Alan Durston
2008-09 Director, Graduate Program in History (ex oficio member of all GPH committees)
Member, History Department Executive Committee
Member, History Department Tenure and Promotion Adjudicating Committee
2007-08 Director, Graduate Program in History (ex oficio member of all GPH committees)
Member, History Department Executive Committee
2006-07 Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Chair, Search Committee for Colonial Latin America position
2005-2006 Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Member, Faculty of Arts Committee on Grants and Awards
Member, Search Committee for Brazilian History position, Glendon History Department
2004-05 Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Chair, History Department Faculty Council
Member, Ethics Review Board for Undergraduate Research, History Department
Member, Faculty of Arts Committee on Grants and Awards
2003-04 On sabbatical leave
2002-03 Member, History Department Curriculum Committee
Member, Graduate Program in History Admissions Committee
Member, History Department Graduate Program Executive Committee
Speaker, "Settling In at York University" panel, New Faculty Day for Faculty of Arts
Member, University-wide ad hoc organizing committee for Sexuality Studies program proposal
2001-02 Member, Search Committee for South Atlantic History position
Member, History Department Nominating Committee for Canada Chair
Member, Graduate Admissions Committee, History Department
Member, University-wide ad hoc organizing committee for Sexuality Studies program proposal
Participant in two TDGA roundtables, graduate program, History Department
Research Interests
- Dean's Award for Outstanding Research, Faculty of Arts, York University 2002 - 2002
- Summer Visiting Fellow, University of Chicago/University of Illinois Joint Center for Latin American Studies 2000 - 2000
- Office of Diversity Affairs Leadership Award, Allegheny College 2000 - 2000
- National Endowment for the Humanities Summer Institute participant, Brazil 1998 - 1998
- President's Award for the Best Paper Presented by a Graduate Student, Conference of the Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies 1994 - 1994
All Publications
"Home Loving and Without Vices," in Jeet Heer and Kent Worcester, eds., A Comics Studies Reader. University Press of Mississippi, 2009. Pp. 205-225.
"La Guerra contra 'las pelonas': las mujeres modernas y sus enemigos, Ciudad de México, 1924," in G. Gano, J. Olcott, and M.K. Vaughan, eds., Género, poder y política en el México posrevolucionario. Fondo de cultura económica, 2009. Pp. 91-126.
"The War on las pelonas: Modern women and their enemies, Mexico City, 1924," in G. Cano, J. Olcutt, and M.K. Vaughn, eds., Sex in Revolution: Gender, Politics and Power in Modern Mexico. Duke University Press, 2006. Pp. 57-80.
"El Santo: Many Versions of the Perfect Man," in G. Joseph and T. Henderson, eds., The Mexico Reader, Duke University Press, 2003. Pp. 432-48.
"The General's Daughter Disrobes: Nahui Olin's Life and Art," in Jeffrey Pilcher, ed., The Human Tradition in Mexico. Scholarly Resources, 2003. Pp. 128-151.
"Assembling the Fragments: Writing Cultural Histories of Post-Revolutionary Mexico," (co-authored with G. Joseph and E. Zolov) in G. Joseph, A. Rubenstein and E. Zolov, eds., Fragments of a Golden Age: Mexican Cultural Politics Since 1940. Duke University Press, 2001. Pp. 3-22.
"Bodies, Cities, Cinema: The Death and Funeral of Pedro Infante as a Political Spectacle," in G. Joseph, A. Rubenstein and E. Zolov, eds., Fragments of a Golden Age: Mexican Cultural Politics Since 1940. Duke University Press, 2001. Pp. 198-223.
"Mass Media and Popular Culture in the Twentieth Century," in Michael Meyer and William Beezley, eds., The Oxford History of Mexico, Oxford University Press, 2000. Pp.
"Revolted Negroes and the Devilish Principle: William Blake and Conflicting Visions of Boni's War in Surinam" (co-authored with Camilla Townsend) in J. DiSalvo, ed., Blake, History, Politics, Garland Publishing, 1998. Pp.
Revolutionary Women in Post-Revolutionary Mexico by Jocelyn Olcott. American Historical Review February 2008: 235-236.
The Invention of Dolores del Río by Joanne Hershfield and Cantinflas and the Chaos of Mexican Modernity by Jeffrey M. Pilcher. Film Criticism, Spring 2003: 82-85.
Latin American Popular Culture ed. by William Beezley and Linda A. Curci-Nagy. Journal of the West, 41:2, Spring 2002: 105.
Twentieth Century Art of Latin America by Jaqueline Barnitz. The Americas, 59:2, October 2002
Exhibiting Mestizaje: Mexican (American) Museums in the Diaspora by Karen Mary Davalos. The Americas, 58:2, October 2001: 310-312.
Mexico in the 1940s: Modernity, Politics and Corruption by Stephen R. Niblo. Hispanic American Historical Review, 81:1, February 2001: 179-181.
Imagination Beyond Nation: Latin American Popular Culture ed. by Eva P. Bueno and Terry Caesar. The Americas, 57:2, October 2000: 306-308
Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture by Eric Zolov. Journal of Social History, Winter 2000: 498-501.
Modernity and the Architecture of Mexico ed. by Edward R. Burian. H-LATAM/Humanities Net, February 1998.
Prime-Time Feminism: Television, Media Culture, and the Women's Movement since 1970 by Bonnie J. Dow. Bulletin of the Committee on Lesbian and Gay History, May 1997: 14.
Sexuality and Marriage in Colonial Latin America ed. by Asuncion Lavrin, Village Voice Aug. 14, 1990: 74.
Real Love: the Best of the Romance Comics, 1940-1960 by Joe Simon and Jack Kirby, Village Voice Literary Supplement July 1989: 5.
Tearing Down the Color Bar: a Documentary History of the Sleeping Car Porters Union by Joseph Wilson, Village Voice Literary Supplement June 1989: 4.
The Looking-Glass World of Non-Fiction TV by Elayne Rapping, Monthly Review January 1988: 60-64.
De los pepines a los agachados. Una historia política de las historietas. Fondo de Cultura Económica (Mexico), 2004. (Translation of Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and Other Threats to the Nation.)
(co-edited with Gilbert Joseph and Eric Zolov) Fragments of a Golden Age: Mexican Cultural Politics Since 1940. Duke University Press, 2001 (reprinted 2003)
Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and Other Threats to the Nation: A Political History of Comic Books in Mexico. Duke University Press, 1998 (reprinted 2000).
“Locating Male Sexualities in Latin American History: Two Latin American Models,” History Compass 57, Fall 2003: 11-19.
"Mexican Magazine Censors vs. the U.S. Marines: A Case Study of Transnational Reception," International Journal of Comic Art, 1/2, Fall 1999: 41-54.
"Raised Voices at the Cine Montecarlo: Sex Education, Mass Media, and Oppositional Politics in Mexico," Journal of Family History, 23/3, July 1998: 312-323.
"Leaving the Old Nest: Morality, Modernity, and the Mexican Comic Book at Mid-century." Studies in Latin American Popular Culture XVI, 1997, pp. 115-125.
"Elinor G. K. Melville, 1940-2006" Hispanic American Historical Review 88(3): 496-498 (2008)
"Zulma" in Marc Stein, ed., Encyclopedia of American Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender History and Culture. Charles Scribner's Sons, 2004.
“How Historians Read Newspapers” in Primary Sources for World History, a website produced by George Mason University and funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities. 2003.
"Historietas,"pp. , and "Rius (Eduardo del Río)" pp. in Michael Warner, ed., The Encyclopedia of Mexico, Fitzroy Dearborn, 1998.
"A Note on the Difficulties Inherent in Writing Seriously about Graphic Narrative," The Comics Journal 200, December 1997: pp. 98-101.
"Comment: I will restrain ..." in "Discussion on Postmodernism in Latin American History," Itinerario (The Netherlands) XIX/2, 1995: 140-141.
"Mary Ann Dyke Duff, Actress" pp. , "Clara Fisher, Actress" pp. "Catherine Norton Forrest Sinclair, Actress" pp. "Anne Hartley Gilbert, Actress" pp. and "Nico, Rock Star"pp. in Judith Litoff and Judith McDonnell, eds., European Immigrant Women in America: A Biographical Dictionary, Garland Press, 1994.
"Seducing the Mexican Innocent: The History of Comic Book Censorship in Mexico," The Comics Journal 157, March 1992: 91-103.
American Historical Association, New York, New York, January 2009: Roundtable participant, "At the Show: Changes in 20th Century Fan Communities, Audiences, Gendered Spectatorship and Media in a Global Context." (refereed)
Duke University Latin American Labor History Conference, Durham, North Carolina, October 2009: "The Lives of the Artists."
Berkshire Congress on Women's History, Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2008: Roundtable participant, " Fan Communities, Porn Wars, and Gendered Spectatorship: Historians (and others) Rethinking the Relationship Between Women and Mass Media" (refereed.)
Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, Quebec, September 2008: "Transgender, Transnational, Transgressive: Zulma as Immigrant, Sex Worker, and Autobiographer." (refereed.)
Toronto International Comics Festival, Toronto, Ontario, August 2007: Roundtable participant, "Comics in the Academy."
Conference on Latin American Comic Books, Georgia State University (Atlanta), April 2005: "Comic Book Studies in Translation" (keynote address.)
American Historical Association, Seattle, Washington, January 2005: "Going to the Movies in Mexico: Men, women and children in public spaces, 1920-1970." (refereed.)
Berkshire Congress on Women's History, Claremont, California, June 2005: "Good Mexicans, Good Catholics, Good Women: Fans and Censors at the Movies, 1940-1960." (refereed.)
Third Conference on the History of Women and Gender in Mexico, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 2005: "The Naked Starlet in the Wax Museum's Bathtub: Scandal, Memory, and Mexican Moviegoers." (refereed.)
Popular Culture Association, Tucson, Arizona, April 2005: "Transnational, Transgender: Reading Zulma in Historical Perspective." (refereed.)
American Historical Association, Seattle, Washington, January 2005: Special Session of the Mexican Studies Committee, "Transnationalism and Gender in New Histories of Mexico."
Tepoztlán Institute for the Study of Transnational History, Morelos, Mexico, July 2004: "Moviemaking and moviegoing as transnational processes: Two case studies."
Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American History, Santa Fe, March 2004: "Theaters of Masculinity: Mexicans at the movies, 1917-1950." (refereed.)
Latin American Studies Association, Dallas, Texas, April 2003: “Not Playing in Chichicastenango: Tarzan versus the Maya, 1934” (refereed.)
Conference on The Body and the Body Politic, History Center, University of Maryland, College Park, May 2003: “Spectacular Behavior and the Body Politic: Going to the Movies in Mexico, 1920 – 1940” (refereed.)
Graduate Student Latin American Studies Conference, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, February 2003: Keynote address: “Sports, Movies, and the New Woman: On the Politics of Feminine Representation in Revolutionary Mexico.”
XI Meeting of Historians of Canada, Mexico, and the United States, Monterrey, Mexico, October 2003: “The War on las Pelonas: Gender and the Revolutionary State in Mexico City, 1924” (refereed.)
Berkshire Conference on Women's History, Storrs, Connecticut, June 2002: "Las pelonas, las futbolistas, and the Spectacle of Female Masculinity in 1920s Mexico" (refereed.)
Critical Studies of Culture Program, Drake University, Des Moines, Iowa, April 2002: "Las pelonas, Las futbolistas, and their Sisters: Mexican Women and Transnational Modernity, 1920-1940."
Graduate Student History Conference, York University, Toronto, March 2002: Keynote address: "Spherical Cows, or, Why not be a physicist? and other epistemological quandaries ."
Rocky Mountain Council for Latin American Studies, Portland, Oregon, April 2002: "The Vogue for Athletic Women and the Spectacle of Feminine Modernity in 1920s Mexico" (refereed.)
Susman Memorial Conference for Graduate Students of History, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, April, 2002: Keynote address, "What counts? On becoming an authority."
Foro Hispanico, University of Vermont, Burlington, VT, October 2001: "Comic Book Censors, Country-Club Ladies, and Some Other Surprising Mexicans of the Twentieth Century."
Conference on the History of Women and Gender in Mexico, Yale University, New Haven, CT, May 2001: "How Las futbolistas became Mexican: Historical Memory and the Revolutionary Female Body" (refereed.)
Rocky Mountain Council on Latin American History, Tucson, Arizona, March 2001: "On the Historical Uses of Queer Theory, or, Why Were Those Men Parking in the Plaza Garibaldi?" (refereed.)
Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, September 2001: "Revolutionary Bodies, Nationalist Gymnastics, and the Mexican State: Mass Patriotic Performance and its Audiences, 1920-1940" (refereed.)
Brown Bag Lunch Lecture Series, Latin American Studies Center, University Of Michigan, Ann Arbor, April 2000: "Bad Language, Naked Ladies, and the New Cultural History of Mexico."
Latin American Studies Association, Miami, Florida, March 2000: "Bodies, Cities, Cinema: Pedro Infante's Funeral as a Political Protest" (refereed.)
Symposium of Washington Area Historians of Latin America, Howard University, Washington DC, November 2000: "Las futbolistas and Their Sisters: State Mobilizations of Women's Bodies in Post-Revolutionary Mexico" (refereed.)
History Department Lecture Series, Colgate University, Hamilton, NY, November 2000: "Revolutionizing Women's Bodies in 1920s Mexico."
Seminar on Surrealism, Institute for the Fine Arts, New York University, November, 2000:"Surrealism in Mexican Film: Questions of Production and Reception."
Seminario sobre las nuevas perspectivas norteamericanas en la historiografia de America Latina, San Marcos University, Lima, Peru, December 1999: "Apuntes para un diálogo entre la nueva historia y la nueva antropología de México" (refereed.)
Popular Culture Association Conference, Puebla, Mexico, October 1999: "Infante, Negrete, and the Ideal (Dead) Man on Film" (refereed.)
Society for Cinema Studies, West Palm Beach, Florida, April 1999: "Migration, Modernity, and Two Mexican Funerals: Public Responses to the Deaths of Jorge Negrete and Pedro Infante" (refereed.)
X Meeting of Historians of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, Fort Worth, Texas, November 1999: "Pedro Infante's Funeral and the Death of Public Space in Mexico" (refereed.)
International Comic Arts Festival, Washington, DC, September 1999: "What Mexican Censors Can Teach Us." (Plenary Address.)
Humanities Center, Carnegie-Mellon University, Pittsburgh, November 1998: "How the Lombardini Brothers Stayed Out of Jail: Pornography, Censorship, and Political Corporatism in Post-Revolutionary Mexico."
Canadian Association for Latin American Studies Conference, Vancouver. March 1998: "Machismo as a Counter-Revolutionary Gesture: The Life and Death of Pedro Infante" (refereed.)
Symposium on the Politics of Culture in Twentieth-Century Mexico, Washington, D.C. November 1997 (Conference organizer and paper presentation): "Mediated Styles of Masculinity in the Post-Revolutionary Imagination, or, El Santo's Strange Career" (refereed)
Society for Cinema Studies, Ottawa, Canada. May, 1997: "The Strange Career of El Santo: A Real Wrestler's Life in the Mexican Imaginary" (refereed.)
Conference on Latin American History/American Historical Association, New York. January, 1997: "Who Picks the Battles in a Culture War?: Conservative Responses to Sex Education in Mexico, 1934-1950" (refereed.)
American Historical Association Conference, Chicago. January, 1995: "How to Not Read Donald Duck: Cultural Imperialism as a Bad Idea" (refereed.)
IX Meeting of Historians of Mexico, Canada, and the United States, Mexico City, October 1994: "Conservative Protest, Pornography, and the Boundaries of Expression in Mexico, 1952-1976" (refereed.)
"The Last Real Mexican Man: Public Reactions to the Death of Pedro Infante," in Debra Castillo and Mary Jo Dudley,eds., Transforming Cultures in the Americas, Occasional Papers of the Cornell University Latin American Studies Program, vol. 4, August 2000: 151-164.