Catia Martins

Department of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
Office: Ross Building, S522
Phone: 4167362100 Ext: 88745
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Accepting New Graduate Students
Catia Martins, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor, Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program
Instructor, Instituto Camões, I.P. (Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua).
Member of a research group in Brazil named GECAL (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages)
Brazilian Resume (Lattes):
Department of Languages, Literature and Linguistics (DLLL)
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
York University
S522 Rose Building
4700 Keele St., Toronto
Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3
Phone: (416) 736 2100 Ext: 88745
Cátia Martins is a Visiting Professor at the Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program, at York University's Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics and Instituto Camões. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and (Multi)Literacies and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Brasilia (UnB-Brazil). During her post-doctorate studies, pursued at the same university, she developed deep and broad field research in (Multi)Literacies and Teacher Education, as a teacher, a teacher educator, a researcher, and consultant, focusing on Portuguese Language Teaching, Genre, and the development of Teaching Methodologies. For 23 years, Catia has been a university professor and has developed much expertise in Portuguese Language Teacher Education and Multiliteracies. Having started her career in Brazil, she worked as a teacher and professor/researcher, advisor/supervisor, and program coordinator (in Basic and High Education, to undergraduates and graduates in Education and Languages). In addition, Professor Martins has extensive experience in course and material design and consultancy for teaching programs – such as GESTAR, PRALER, GRADOS, Literacies and Languages – of the Ministry of Education and State and City Secretaries of Education. She has also been developing research in the GECAL/UnB/Brazil (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages) since 2014.
Catia Martins, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor, Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program
Instructor, Instituto Camões, I.P. (Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua).
Member of a research group in Brazil named GECAL (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages)
Brazilian Resume (Lattes):
Department of Languages, Literature and Linguistics (DLLL)
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
York University
S522 Rose Building
4700 Keele St., Toronto
Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3
Phone: (416) 736 2100 Ext: 88745
Cátia Martins is a Visiting Professor at the Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program, at York University's Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics and Instituto Camões. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and (Multi)Literacies and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Brasilia (UnB-Brazil). During her post-doctorate studies, pursued at the same university, she developed deep and broad field research in (Multi)Literacies and Teacher Education, as a teacher, a teacher educator, a researcher, and consultant, focusing on Portuguese Language Teaching, Genre, and the development of Teaching Methodologies. For 23 years, Catia has been a university professor and has developed much expertise in Portuguese Language Teacher Education and Multiliteracies. Having started her career in Brazil, she worked as a teacher and professor/researcher, advisor/supervisor, and program coordinator (in Basic and High Education, to undergraduates and graduates in Education and Languages). In addition, Professor Martins has extensive experience in course and material design and consultancy for teaching programs – such as GESTAR, PRALER, GRADOS, Literacies and Languages – of the Ministry of Education and State and City Secretaries of Education. She has also been developing research in the GECAL/UnB/Brazil (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages) since 2014.
Post-PhD, University of Brasilia – Brazil
PhD, University of Brasilia – Brazil
MA, University of Education, Brasilia - Brazil
Professional Leadership
Professor and trainer with participatory and experiential techniques at Department of Linguistics, University of Brasilia, Brazil (LIP - UnB).
Member of a research group of Applied Linguistics, GECAL (Group of Critical Language Studies), in CNPq/Brazil - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
Community Contributions
Responsible, during last ten years in Brazil, for developing a specific methodology and corresponding materials to teach young illiterate adults in that country, while training public school teachers from all over the country. She wrote books about teaching Portuguese in different regions of Brazil, which have assisted countless teachers to (re)organize and reflect about their practices and methodologies in class.
Research Interests
Learning and teaching Portuguese Language from the theory and practice of multiliteracies, and development of methodologies in academic context.
Book Organizer
Geopolítica do português: história, políticas e ensino. Orgs. Catia Martins e Kleber Silva. ed. Mercado das Letras: São Paulo, 2020. (Press*)
Linguagem, Interação e Teorias Socioculturais. Orgs. Catia Martins e Kleber Silva. ed. Mercado das Letras: São Paulo, 2019. (Press*)
Book Chapters
“Avaliação em larga escala e ensino de graduação: reflexões sobre as práticas pedagógicas”. Avaliação acadêmica. Ilma A. Passos., (2013). Ed. Universitária da UFPE: Universidade de Pernambuco, 2013, v.1, 155-177.
“Por que a escola não ensina gramática assim?” Uso e ensino de tempos e modos verbais em uma perspectiva sociolinguística. Ed. Parábola Editorial: São Paulo, 2012.
Lendo e formando leitores: orientações para o trabalho com literatura infantil. Antunes, Valda. Programa de liga: acervo brasileiro. Ed. Global: São Paulo, 2008 v.25, p. 45-80
A construção da leitura e da escrita do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Catia Martins e Elizabeth Bortone. Ed. Parábola Editorial: São Paulo, 2008.
Revista Universitária ACADEMUS. Ed. Planalto Editora: Brasília, out. 2002.
Contribuições epistêmicas e metodológicas dos estudos de gênero para o ensino de língua portuguesa na graduação, Doctoral dissertation. Catia Martins. Retrieved from, 2014.
Análise das concepções de leitura no discurso de professores participantes de projeto de formação continuada, Master thesis. Retrieved from University of Brasilia Bibliography Database (Assession No. 372.41 M386a). Unb/BCE, 2003
Journal Articles
Leia Mais. (Weekly Newspaper Articles). Correio Braziliense: Brasilia, DF. 2000-2002
Conference Proceedings
“Projeto além muros: Teletandem, Podcast e Blog uma experiência de educação linguística a partir de Sequências Didáticas de Gêneros Textuais no PLNM”, 104th AATSP_ Conference Language, Imagining our future: challenges in teaching language and literature in canada, London-CA, October, 2022.
“Projeto Talk to us: uma experiência de Teletandem entre o Brasil e o Canadá com estudantes de português e inglês durante a pandemia”, AOTP_American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese, XI EMEP_Encontro Mundial sobre o Ensino de Português (XI World Conference on the Teaching of Portuguese), Boston-USA, August, 2022.
“BLOG no Ensino de PLNM: perspectivas de multiletramento e multimodalidade na York University, Canadá”, III CIPLIN_ Congresso Internacional de Português como Língua Materna. UNESP, Brazil, 2021.
“Por uma Linguística Aplicada Sulear: políticas linguísticas, formação docente e internacionalização em perspectivas decoloniais”, The annual Conference of the International Association for the Integrational Study of Language and Communication (IAISLC), March 15-20, 2021.
"Sequências Didáticas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa como Língua de Herança e Língua Adicional em contextos Multiculturais de Aprendizagem”, AOTP_American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese, X EMEP_Encontro Mundial sobre o Ensino de Português (X World Conference on the Teaching of Portuguese), NY_USA, August, 2021.
“O ensino de Português como língua adicional em tempos de pandemia: desafios, possibilidades e perspectivas em três universidades canadianas”. Lusoconf_III Encontro Internacional de Língua Portuguesa e Relações Lusófonas, 2021.
“Vozes lusófonas: podcasts em língua portuguesa” na Sessão “Dicas Pedagógicas”, CATPor_Canadian Association of Teachers of Portuguese, III Simpósio “Ensino de Português no Canadá”, May 2021.
“Ensino de Língua Portuguesa como Língua de Herança (LH): ensino de Língua/Cultura no contexto de diáspora”, CIELIN - Congresso Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem, Brasília, Brazil, 2018.
“Ensino de Língua Portuguesa como língua adicional a partir da produção e análise de textos acadêmicos no Canadá 2017”, CIELIN - Congresso Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem:
“Políticas Linguísticas para a Língua Portuguesa enquanto Língua de Herança (LH): resistência, ensino e cultura no contexto de diáspora lusófona em Toronto”, Expressions of Lusofonia, Canadá, 2018.
“Análise de modelos de contextos como condição para a compreensão do discurso de posse do Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados no Brasil”, XI ALED_Associação Latino Americana de Estudos do Discurso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
“Ensino de Língua Portuguesa: Abordagens Epistêmicas e Metodológicas”, I Colóquio sobre Pesquisa Científica. UniCEUB, Brasília, Brasil, 2013.
“Leitura de Artigos Acadêmicos em contexto de baixo Letramento”, 17th European Conference on Reading. Mons, Belgium, 2011
“Ensino leitura e escrita para alunos do ensino fundamental”, 16th European Conference on Reading. Braga, Portugal, 2009
Graduated in Linguistics and Portuguese Literature, 1993, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia / BrazilMaster in Applied Linguistics for Learning an Teaching Portuguese Language, 2002, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia/Brazil
PHD in Applied Linguistics for Learning an Teaching Portuguese Language, 2013, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia/Brazil
Post-PhD in Linguistics and Society, the teaching of the Portuguese Language as a Heritage Language in Context of the Diaspora, 2018, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia/Brazil
Professional Leadership
Professor and trainer with participatory and experiential techniques - Program for Brazilian Basic Education Teachers, Niagara College/CAPES, Niagara 2019.
Professor and trainer with participatory and experiential techniques at Department of Linguistics, Alecrin/Educational Consultancy, Brazil 1997-2017 .
Member of a research group of Applied Linguistics, GECAL (Group of Critical Language Studies), in CNPq/Brazil - National Council for Scientific 2015-2020
Community Contributions
Instructor of the Portuguese Language, Internacional School/ Father Michael Goetz Secondary School. Mississauga, On, 2018-2019
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
Practice: Efficacy of ePortifolio and ChatGPT as technological tools in language education.
In recent years, the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed various fields, including education. In 2022, the emergence of ChatGPT generated questions and reflections about the impact of AI on academic teaching and evaluation practices, particularly regarding the academic integrity of students' work and productions, which are increasingly mediated by AI. In this context, it is important to investigate how AI can be used ethically and effectively in the academic environment, considering the challenges and opportunities that arise with this new technological reality. Based on this, this research project aims to explore the implications of AI on academic integrity, identifying possible solutions and strategies to ensure the quality and reliability of academic productions in an increasingly AI-mediated scenario.
ChatGPT_ Portuguese Language at York University
This study explores the potential contribution of ePortfolio and ChatGPT technologies to language teaching and examines their effectiveness for intercultural mediation among Portuguese language students at York University, Canada. The research questions include: How do teachers' understanding of technological resources impact their teaching practices and evaluation processes? How are language teachers adapting to new teaching technologies in constantly changing learning contexts? The investigation takes place in a multilingual and multicultural online synchronous learning environment using Zoom. The ePortfolio and ChatGPT activities cover language, literature, art, culture, entertainment, and information, considering the sociocultural dimensions of interactional processes and the relationship between multiliteracies perspectives, multiculturalism, and cultural components in language education. The practices provide teaching, research, analysis, synthesis, and language recording activities related to various topics discussed by the interactants. The experiences with the technological resources contribute to the creative dimension of teaching and provide a critical understanding of their limitations.
Approach to Teaching
AP/POR 1000 Elementary Portuguese
AP/POR 2000 Intermediate Portuguese
AP/POR 3000 Advanced Portuguese
Catia Martins, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor, Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program
Instructor, Instituto Camões, I.P. (Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua).
Member of a research group in Brazil named GECAL (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages)
Brazilian Resume (Lattes):
Department of Languages, Literature and Linguistics (DLLL)
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
York University
S522 Rose Building
4700 Keele St., Toronto
Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3
Phone: (416) 736 2100 Ext: 88745
Cátia Martins is a Visiting Professor at the Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program, at York University's Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics and Instituto Camões. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and (Multi)Literacies and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Brasilia (UnB-Brazil). During her post-doctorate studies, pursued at the same university, she developed deep and broad field research in (Multi)Literacies and Teacher Education, as a teacher, a teacher educator, a researcher, and consultant, focusing on Portuguese Language Teaching, Genre, and the development of Teaching Methodologies. For 23 years, Catia has been a university professor and has developed much expertise in Portuguese Language Teacher Education and Multiliteracies. Having started her career in Brazil, she worked as a teacher and professor/researcher, advisor/supervisor, and program coordinator (in Basic and High Education, to undergraduates and graduates in Education and Languages). In addition, Professor Martins has extensive experience in course and material design and consultancy for teaching programs – such as GESTAR, PRALER, GRADOS, Literacies and Languages – of the Ministry of Education and State and City Secretaries of Education. She has also been developing research in the GECAL/UnB/Brazil (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages) since 2014.
Catia Martins, Ph.D.
Visiting Professor, Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program
Instructor, Instituto Camões, I.P. (Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua).
Member of a research group in Brazil named GECAL (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages)
Brazilian Resume (Lattes):
Department of Languages, Literature and Linguistics (DLLL)
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies
York University
S522 Rose Building
4700 Keele St., Toronto
Ontario, Canada, M3J 1P3
Phone: (416) 736 2100 Ext: 88745
Cátia Martins is a Visiting Professor at the Portuguese & Luso-Brazilian Studies Program, at York University's Department of Languages, Literatures & Linguistics and Instituto Camões. She has a Master’s Degree in Education and (Multi)Literacies and a Ph.D. in Applied Linguistics from the University of Brasilia (UnB-Brazil). During her post-doctorate studies, pursued at the same university, she developed deep and broad field research in (Multi)Literacies and Teacher Education, as a teacher, a teacher educator, a researcher, and consultant, focusing on Portuguese Language Teaching, Genre, and the development of Teaching Methodologies. For 23 years, Catia has been a university professor and has developed much expertise in Portuguese Language Teacher Education and Multiliteracies. Having started her career in Brazil, she worked as a teacher and professor/researcher, advisor/supervisor, and program coordinator (in Basic and High Education, to undergraduates and graduates in Education and Languages). In addition, Professor Martins has extensive experience in course and material design and consultancy for teaching programs – such as GESTAR, PRALER, GRADOS, Literacies and Languages – of the Ministry of Education and State and City Secretaries of Education. She has also been developing research in the GECAL/UnB/Brazil (Group of Critical and Advanced Studies in Languages) since 2014.
Post-PhD, University of Brasilia – Brazil
PhD, University of Brasilia – Brazil
MA, University of Education, Brasilia - Brazil
Professional Leadership
Professor and trainer with participatory and experiential techniques at Department of Linguistics, University of Brasilia, Brazil (LIP - UnB).
Member of a research group of Applied Linguistics, GECAL (Group of Critical Language Studies), in CNPq/Brazil - National Council for Scientific and Technological Development.
Community Contributions
Responsible, during last ten years in Brazil, for developing a specific methodology and corresponding materials to teach young illiterate adults in that country, while training public school teachers from all over the country. She wrote books about teaching Portuguese in different regions of Brazil, which have assisted countless teachers to (re)organize and reflect about their practices and methodologies in class.
Research Interests
Learning and teaching Portuguese Language from the theory and practice of multiliteracies, and development of methodologies in academic context.
Book Organizer
Geopolítica do português: história, políticas e ensino. Orgs. Catia Martins e Kleber Silva. ed. Mercado das Letras: São Paulo, 2020. (Press*)
Linguagem, Interação e Teorias Socioculturais. Orgs. Catia Martins e Kleber Silva. ed. Mercado das Letras: São Paulo, 2019. (Press*)
Book Chapters
“Avaliação em larga escala e ensino de graduação: reflexões sobre as práticas pedagógicas”. Avaliação acadêmica. Ilma A. Passos., (2013). Ed. Universitária da UFPE: Universidade de Pernambuco, 2013, v.1, 155-177.
“Por que a escola não ensina gramática assim?” Uso e ensino de tempos e modos verbais em uma perspectiva sociolinguística. Ed. Parábola Editorial: São Paulo, 2012.
Lendo e formando leitores: orientações para o trabalho com literatura infantil. Antunes, Valda. Programa de liga: acervo brasileiro. Ed. Global: São Paulo, 2008 v.25, p. 45-80
A construção da leitura e da escrita do 6º ao 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental. Catia Martins e Elizabeth Bortone. Ed. Parábola Editorial: São Paulo, 2008.
Revista Universitária ACADEMUS. Ed. Planalto Editora: Brasília, out. 2002.
Contribuições epistêmicas e metodológicas dos estudos de gênero para o ensino de língua portuguesa na graduação, Doctoral dissertation. Catia Martins. Retrieved from, 2014.
Análise das concepções de leitura no discurso de professores participantes de projeto de formação continuada, Master thesis. Retrieved from University of Brasilia Bibliography Database (Assession No. 372.41 M386a). Unb/BCE, 2003
Journal Articles
Leia Mais. (Weekly Newspaper Articles). Correio Braziliense: Brasilia, DF. 2000-2002
Conference Proceedings
“Projeto além muros: Teletandem, Podcast e Blog uma experiência de educação linguística a partir de Sequências Didáticas de Gêneros Textuais no PLNM”, 104th AATSP_ Conference Language, Imagining our future: challenges in teaching language and literature in canada, London-CA, October, 2022.
“Projeto Talk to us: uma experiência de Teletandem entre o Brasil e o Canadá com estudantes de português e inglês durante a pandemia”, AOTP_American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese, XI EMEP_Encontro Mundial sobre o Ensino de Português (XI World Conference on the Teaching of Portuguese), Boston-USA, August, 2022.
“BLOG no Ensino de PLNM: perspectivas de multiletramento e multimodalidade na York University, Canadá”, III CIPLIN_ Congresso Internacional de Português como Língua Materna. UNESP, Brazil, 2021.
“Por uma Linguística Aplicada Sulear: políticas linguísticas, formação docente e internacionalização em perspectivas decoloniais”, The annual Conference of the International Association for the Integrational Study of Language and Communication (IAISLC), March 15-20, 2021.
"Sequências Didáticas para o Ensino de Língua Portuguesa como Língua de Herança e Língua Adicional em contextos Multiculturais de Aprendizagem”, AOTP_American Organization of Teachers of Portuguese, X EMEP_Encontro Mundial sobre o Ensino de Português (X World Conference on the Teaching of Portuguese), NY_USA, August, 2021.
“O ensino de Português como língua adicional em tempos de pandemia: desafios, possibilidades e perspectivas em três universidades canadianas”. Lusoconf_III Encontro Internacional de Língua Portuguesa e Relações Lusófonas, 2021.
“Vozes lusófonas: podcasts em língua portuguesa” na Sessão “Dicas Pedagógicas”, CATPor_Canadian Association of Teachers of Portuguese, III Simpósio “Ensino de Português no Canadá”, May 2021.
“Ensino de Língua Portuguesa como Língua de Herança (LH): ensino de Língua/Cultura no contexto de diáspora”, CIELIN - Congresso Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem, Brasília, Brazil, 2018.
“Ensino de Língua Portuguesa como língua adicional a partir da produção e análise de textos acadêmicos no Canadá 2017”, CIELIN - Congresso Internacional de Estudos da Linguagem:
“Políticas Linguísticas para a Língua Portuguesa enquanto Língua de Herança (LH): resistência, ensino e cultura no contexto de diáspora lusófona em Toronto”, Expressions of Lusofonia, Canadá, 2018.
“Análise de modelos de contextos como condição para a compreensão do discurso de posse do Presidente da Câmara dos Deputados no Brasil”, XI ALED_Associação Latino Americana de Estudos do Discurso, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2015.
“Ensino de Língua Portuguesa: Abordagens Epistêmicas e Metodológicas”, I Colóquio sobre Pesquisa Científica. UniCEUB, Brasília, Brasil, 2013.
“Leitura de Artigos Acadêmicos em contexto de baixo Letramento”, 17th European Conference on Reading. Mons, Belgium, 2011
“Ensino leitura e escrita para alunos do ensino fundamental”, 16th European Conference on Reading. Braga, Portugal, 2009
Graduated in Linguistics and Portuguese Literature, 1993, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia / BrazilMaster in Applied Linguistics for Learning an Teaching Portuguese Language, 2002, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia/Brazil
PHD in Applied Linguistics for Learning an Teaching Portuguese Language, 2013, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia/Brazil
Post-PhD in Linguistics and Society, the teaching of the Portuguese Language as a Heritage Language in Context of the Diaspora, 2018, Universidade de Brasilia, UnB, Brasilia/Brazil
Professional Leadership
Professor and trainer with participatory and experiential techniques - Program for Brazilian Basic Education Teachers, Niagara College/CAPES, Niagara 2019.
Professor and trainer with participatory and experiential techniques at Department of Linguistics, Alecrin/Educational Consultancy, Brazil 1997-2017 .
Member of a research group of Applied Linguistics, GECAL (Group of Critical Language Studies), in CNPq/Brazil - National Council for Scientific 2015-2020
Community Contributions
Instructor of the Portuguese Language, Internacional School/ Father Michael Goetz Secondary School. Mississauga, On, 2018-2019
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
Practice: Efficacy of ePortifolio and ChatGPT as technological tools in language education.
In recent years, the evolution of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has transformed various fields, including education. In 2022, the emergence of ChatGPT generated questions and reflections about the impact of AI on academic teaching and evaluation practices, particularly regarding the academic integrity of students' work and productions, which are increasingly mediated by AI. In this context, it is important to investigate how AI can be used ethically and effectively in the academic environment, considering the challenges and opportunities that arise with this new technological reality. Based on this, this research project aims to explore the implications of AI on academic integrity, identifying possible solutions and strategies to ensure the quality and reliability of academic productions in an increasingly AI-mediated scenario.
Project Type: Self-Funded
Approach to Teaching
AP/POR 1000 Elementary Portuguese
AP/POR 2000 Intermediate Portuguese
AP/POR 3000 Advanced Portuguese