
Marie-Hélène Budworth

Photo of Marie-Hélène Budworth

School of Human Resource Management

Associate Professor
Director, School of HRM

Office: Atkinson Building, 150L
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 22867
Email: budworth@yorku.ca

Marie-Hélène Budworth researches and teaches in the areas of individual development and learning. She holds a PhD is in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, a Master’s in Counselling Psychology, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology. Her early work in psychology and natural science guides her work and her approach to research. Her current research program is focussed on development and interpersonal interactions within the context of work. She is interested in how people learn, acquire knowledge, make choices, and negotiate with one another in order to succeed. She believes that learning and development are socially constructed and, therefore, looks at the individuals and networks that surround people as a way of understanding conditions for success. She also examines the value of psychologically based interventions for enhancing and promoting development within systematically disadvantaged populations. She is particularly interested in how people succeed when faced with systemic barriers such as discrimination and bias. She is currently serving an Associate Editor at the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences and sits on the editorial boards of Organizational Dynamics, Human Resources Management Review, Human Resource Development Quarterly.


Marie-Hélène Budworth’s research is guided by the principle that learning is socially constructed. Individuals develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities through interaction with others in the training programs, classrooms, and workplaces. She is interested in how people learn and adapt in applied settings. She has a special interest in how groups benefit from the knowledge, skills, and abilities held by individuals. Her studies have investigated how knowledge is used by groups and how information flows among its members. For example, her work on group learning processes suggests that teams do not utilize important and relevant information when it is held by only one person. Her work has been presented at scholarly conferences in the UK, Portugal, Ireland, the US and Canada and published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, International Journal of Selection and Assessment. She teaches Negotiations for Human Resource Managers, Managing Teams, and Leadership and Managerial Skills.


PhD, University of Toronto
MEd in Counselling Psychology, OISE, University of Toronto
BSc, McMaster University

Research Interests

, Learning, development, performance management, positive psychology.
  • ·         Fellowship, Joseph, L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (09/2001- 2005) - 2001-2005
  • ·         Tuition Scholarship, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (09/2001 - 2005) - 2001-2005
  • ·         Canada Scholar, Canadian Federal Government Merit scholarship (09/1994-1998) - 1994-98
  • School of Administrative Studies, Research Practice Award for paper entitled: Yanar, B., M. Budworth and G. Latham. (2008) “The effect of verbal self-guidance training for overcoming employment barriers: A study of Turkish women” Applied Psychology: An International Review 2008 - 2008
  • Dean’s Award for Teaching nominee, (2008) - 2008
  • Best paper proceedings, Academy of Management, August 2007 - 2007
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (2005) - 2005
  • Teaching Award, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (Fall, 2004). - 2004
  • Academic scholarship, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, (09/2000) - 2000
  • Academic scholarship, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, (09/1999) - 1999
  • President’s Award for Excellence in Leadership, McMaster University (04/1998) - 1998
  • McMaster Merit Award, McMaster University (09/1994) - 1994
Book Chapters


Latham, G. P. & Budworth, M. (2020). The Study of Work Motivation in the 20th and 21st Centuries. In L. Koppes Bryan (Ed.), Historical perspectives in industrial and organizational psychology (2nd ed., pp. 202-226). Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.


Budworth, M. (2018). Modesty. In Zeigler-Hill, W. & Shackelford, T. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer Meteor.


Budworth, M. & Chummar, S. (2017). Feedback for performance development: A review of current trends. In Müller, Scholl, & Greif (Eds), Handbook of Key Concepts in Coaching, pp 1-9.


Budworth, M. (2017). Performance appraisal in nursing. In Nemeth, L. Leadership & Nursing Care Management, 6th edition, pp. 401-408.


Mann, S. & Budworth, M. (2018). The happiest place on earth? A case study of the Disney World Employment Experience. In Burke, R. & Christensen Hughes, J. Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism, pp. 364-380. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.


Latham, G.P., & Budworth, M. (2006) . The study of employee motivation in the 20th Century. In L. Koppes (Ed.), The science and practice of industrial-organizational psychology: The first hundred years, pp. 353-381. Lawrence Erlbaum. Mahwah, NJ.


Latham, G.P. & Budworth, M. (2004) . Behavioural observation scales. In J. Ivancevich & W. Lidwell (Eds.), Guidelines for excellence in management. Applied Management Sciences: Texas.


Latham, G.P. & Budworth, M. (2004) . The situational interview. In J. Ivancevich & W. Lidwell (Eds.), Guidelines for excellence in management. Applied Management Sciences: Texas.


Budworth, M. & Latham, G.P. (2003) . Diversity research in I/O psychology. In F. Avallone, H. Kepir Sinangil & A. Caetano (Eds.), Identity and diversity in organizations. Guerini Studio: Milan.


Journal Articles


Harrison, J., Budworth, M., & Halinski, M. (2021). Trait gratitude and job search: The mediating role of perceived employability. Career Development International, 26(2), 238-251.


Budworth, M. & Harrison, J. (2019). Beyond feedback: Using feedforward to develop employees. Journal of Management Development, 39, 46-57.


Ezzedeen, S., Budworth, M., & Baker, S. (2018). Can I have it all? Emerging adult women’s discourses on balancing career and family. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, 37, 566-581.


Budworth, M., Latham, G.P., & Manroop, L. (2015) . Looking forward to performance improvement: A field test of feedforward. Human Resource Management, 54, 45-54.


Ezzedeen, S. R., Budworth, M., & Baker, S.D. (2015). Does the Glass Ceiling still exist? Early career women’s attitudes towards executive work. Journal of Career Development, 42, 355-369.


Harrison, J. & Budworth, M. (2015). Unintended consequences of an online presence: Effects on hiring-related decisions. Career Development International, 20, 294-314.


Mann, S & Budworth, M. (2012) . Ratings of counterproductive performance: The effect of rating source. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 61, 142-156.


Budworth, M. & DeGama, N. (2012) . Factors affecting cross-cultural adjustment: Training, experience, and individual differences. Human Resources Development Quarterly, 23, 331-340.


Budworth, M. & Mann, S. (2011) . Performance management: Where do we go from here? Human Resource Management Review, 21, 81-84.


Sookhai, F., & Budworth, M. (2010) . Enhancing transfer climate through supervisor training. Human Resources Development Quarterly, 21, 257-272.


Budworth, M. & Sookhai, F. (2010) . Enhancing transfer climate through supervisor training. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 21, 257-272.


Budworth, M. & Mann, S. (2010) . Modesty versus self-promotion: A double edged sword for women in management. Journal of Management Development, 29, 177-186.


McKenna, S., Ducharme, M., & Budworth, M. (2009) . What happens on tour, stays on tour: Teams on short-term international assignment. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 17, 112-127.


Yanar, B., Budworth, M., & Latham, G.P. (2008) . The effect of training in verbal self guidance on self-efficacy and reemployment of Turkish women. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 220-8.


Latham, G.P., Budworth, M., Whyte, G., Yanar, B. (2008) . The influence of a managers’ own performance appraisal on the evaluation of others. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16, 220–228.


Latham, G.P. & Budworth, M. (2006) The effect of training in verbal self guidance on self-efficacy and performance of Native North Americans in the selection interview. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68, 516-523.


Conference Proceedings


Harrison, J., Budworth, M., & Stone, T. (2021). Examining Gratitude's Role
in Moral Partiality for Divergent Help Within Leader-Follower Dyads. Academy of Management Proceedings, online.


Masood, H., Karajovic, S., & Budworth, M. (2020). Extending the Job Crafting Theory: A Mixed Methods Investigation. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vancouver.


Tasa, K. & Budworth, M. (2018). Measuring negotiation-specific knowledge: Development and validation of a situational judgment test. Academy of Management Proceedings, Chicago.


Budworth, M., & Rowbotham, K. (2007) . Modesty, gender, and income: The implications for salary negotiations. Paper published in the proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation Conference, Mount Tremblant.


Budworth, M. & Latham, G.P. (2007) . Vertical transfer of training: Can one person make a difference? Best paper proceedings, Academy of Management, Philadelphia


Latham, G.P., Budworth, M. & Schepmyer (2002). Career exploration, interview performance and feedback seeking: The effect of training Aboriginal youth in functional self-guidance. Paper published in the proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences.


Harrison, J. & Budworth, M. (2013, August). Unintended consequences of an online presence: Effects on hiring-related decisions. Academy of Management Proceedings, Orlando.

Marie-Hélène Budworth researches and teaches in the areas of individual development and learning. She holds a PhD is in Organizational Behaviour and Human Resource Management, a Master’s in Counselling Psychology, and a Bachelor of Science in Biology and Psychology. Her early work in psychology and natural science guides her work and her approach to research. Her current research program is focussed on development and interpersonal interactions within the context of work. She is interested in how people learn, acquire knowledge, make choices, and negotiate with one another in order to succeed. She believes that learning and development are socially constructed and, therefore, looks at the individuals and networks that surround people as a way of understanding conditions for success. She also examines the value of psychologically based interventions for enhancing and promoting development within systematically disadvantaged populations. She is particularly interested in how people succeed when faced with systemic barriers such as discrimination and bias. She is currently serving an Associate Editor at the Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences and sits on the editorial boards of Organizational Dynamics, Human Resources Management Review, Human Resource Development Quarterly.

Marie-Hélène Budworth’s research is guided by the principle that learning is socially constructed. Individuals develop their knowledge, skills, and abilities through interaction with others in the training programs, classrooms, and workplaces. She is interested in how people learn and adapt in applied settings. She has a special interest in how groups benefit from the knowledge, skills, and abilities held by individuals. Her studies have investigated how knowledge is used by groups and how information flows among its members. For example, her work on group learning processes suggests that teams do not utilize important and relevant information when it is held by only one person. Her work has been presented at scholarly conferences in the UK, Portugal, Ireland, the US and Canada and published in the Journal of Vocational Behavior, International Journal of Selection and Assessment. She teaches Negotiations for Human Resource Managers, Managing Teams, and Leadership and Managerial Skills.


PhD, University of Toronto
MEd in Counselling Psychology, OISE, University of Toronto
BSc, McMaster University

Research Interests

, Learning, development, performance management, positive psychology.


  • ·         Fellowship, Joseph, L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (09/2001- 2005) - 2001-2005
  • ·         Tuition Scholarship, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (09/2001 - 2005) - 2001-2005
  • ·         Canada Scholar, Canadian Federal Government Merit scholarship (09/1994-1998) - 1994-98
  • School of Administrative Studies, Research Practice Award for paper entitled: Yanar, B., M. Budworth and G. Latham. (2008) “The effect of verbal self-guidance training for overcoming employment barriers: A study of Turkish women” Applied Psychology: An International Review 2008 - 2008
  • Dean’s Award for Teaching nominee, (2008) - 2008
  • Best paper proceedings, Academy of Management, August 2007 - 2007
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (2005) - 2005
  • Teaching Award, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto (Fall, 2004). - 2004
  • Academic scholarship, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, (09/2000) - 2000
  • Academic scholarship, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, (09/1999) - 1999
  • President’s Award for Excellence in Leadership, McMaster University (04/1998) - 1998
  • McMaster Merit Award, McMaster University (09/1994) - 1994

All Publications

Book Chapters


Latham, G. P. & Budworth, M. (2020). The Study of Work Motivation in the 20th and 21st Centuries. In L. Koppes Bryan (Ed.), Historical perspectives in industrial and organizational psychology (2nd ed., pp. 202-226). Routledge/Taylor and Francis Group.


Budworth, M. (2018). Modesty. In Zeigler-Hill, W. & Shackelford, T. Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. Springer Meteor.


Budworth, M. & Chummar, S. (2017). Feedback for performance development: A review of current trends. In Müller, Scholl, & Greif (Eds), Handbook of Key Concepts in Coaching, pp 1-9.


Budworth, M. (2017). Performance appraisal in nursing. In Nemeth, L. Leadership & Nursing Care Management, 6th edition, pp. 401-408.


Mann, S. & Budworth, M. (2018). The happiest place on earth? A case study of the Disney World Employment Experience. In Burke, R. & Christensen Hughes, J. Handbook of Human Resource Management in the Hospitality and Tourism, pp. 364-380. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.


Latham, G.P., & Budworth, M. (2006) . The study of employee motivation in the 20th Century. In L. Koppes (Ed.), The science and practice of industrial-organizational psychology: The first hundred years, pp. 353-381. Lawrence Erlbaum. Mahwah, NJ.


Latham, G.P. & Budworth, M. (2004) . Behavioural observation scales. In J. Ivancevich & W. Lidwell (Eds.), Guidelines for excellence in management. Applied Management Sciences: Texas.


Latham, G.P. & Budworth, M. (2004) . The situational interview. In J. Ivancevich & W. Lidwell (Eds.), Guidelines for excellence in management. Applied Management Sciences: Texas.


Budworth, M. & Latham, G.P. (2003) . Diversity research in I/O psychology. In F. Avallone, H. Kepir Sinangil & A. Caetano (Eds.), Identity and diversity in organizations. Guerini Studio: Milan.


Journal Articles


Harrison, J., Budworth, M., & Halinski, M. (2021). Trait gratitude and job search: The mediating role of perceived employability. Career Development International, 26(2), 238-251.


Budworth, M. & Harrison, J. (2019). Beyond feedback: Using feedforward to develop employees. Journal of Management Development, 39, 46-57.


Ezzedeen, S., Budworth, M., & Baker, S. (2018). Can I have it all? Emerging adult women’s discourses on balancing career and family. Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, 37, 566-581.


Budworth, M., Latham, G.P., & Manroop, L. (2015) . Looking forward to performance improvement: A field test of feedforward. Human Resource Management, 54, 45-54.


Ezzedeen, S. R., Budworth, M., & Baker, S.D. (2015). Does the Glass Ceiling still exist? Early career women’s attitudes towards executive work. Journal of Career Development, 42, 355-369.


Harrison, J. & Budworth, M. (2015). Unintended consequences of an online presence: Effects on hiring-related decisions. Career Development International, 20, 294-314.


Mann, S & Budworth, M. (2012) . Ratings of counterproductive performance: The effect of rating source. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, 61, 142-156.


Budworth, M. & DeGama, N. (2012) . Factors affecting cross-cultural adjustment: Training, experience, and individual differences. Human Resources Development Quarterly, 23, 331-340.


Budworth, M. & Mann, S. (2011) . Performance management: Where do we go from here? Human Resource Management Review, 21, 81-84.


Sookhai, F., & Budworth, M. (2010) . Enhancing transfer climate through supervisor training. Human Resources Development Quarterly, 21, 257-272.


Budworth, M. & Sookhai, F. (2010) . Enhancing transfer climate through supervisor training. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 21, 257-272.


Budworth, M. & Mann, S. (2010) . Modesty versus self-promotion: A double edged sword for women in management. Journal of Management Development, 29, 177-186.


McKenna, S., Ducharme, M., & Budworth, M. (2009) . What happens on tour, stays on tour: Teams on short-term international assignment. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 17, 112-127.


Yanar, B., Budworth, M., & Latham, G.P. (2008) . The effect of training in verbal self guidance on self-efficacy and reemployment of Turkish women. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 220-8.


Latham, G.P., Budworth, M., Whyte, G., Yanar, B. (2008) . The influence of a managers’ own performance appraisal on the evaluation of others. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 16, 220–228.


Latham, G.P. & Budworth, M. (2006) The effect of training in verbal self guidance on self-efficacy and performance of Native North Americans in the selection interview. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 68, 516-523.


Conference Proceedings


Harrison, J., Budworth, M., & Stone, T. (2021). Examining Gratitude's Role
in Moral Partiality for Divergent Help Within Leader-Follower Dyads. Academy of Management Proceedings, online.


Masood, H., Karajovic, S., & Budworth, M. (2020). Extending the Job Crafting Theory: A Mixed Methods Investigation. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vancouver.


Tasa, K. & Budworth, M. (2018). Measuring negotiation-specific knowledge: Development and validation of a situational judgment test. Academy of Management Proceedings, Chicago.


Budworth, M., & Rowbotham, K. (2007) . Modesty, gender, and income: The implications for salary negotiations. Paper published in the proceedings of the Group Decision and Negotiation Conference, Mount Tremblant.


Budworth, M. & Latham, G.P. (2007) . Vertical transfer of training: Can one person make a difference? Best paper proceedings, Academy of Management, Philadelphia


Latham, G.P., Budworth, M. & Schepmyer (2002). Career exploration, interview performance and feedback seeking: The effect of training Aboriginal youth in functional self-guidance. Paper published in the proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Social Sciences.


Harrison, J. & Budworth, M. (2013, August). Unintended consequences of an online presence: Effects on hiring-related decisions. Academy of Management Proceedings, Orlando.