Carla Lipsig-Mumme

Professor Emerita
Series Editor, Routledge Studies in Climate, Work and Society.
2018 Recipient, Sefton-Williams Award in Labour Relations and Human Rights.
Office: 761A Ross Building South
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 33751
Primary website: Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces (ACW)
My areas of research and activism are labour and organising, climate change and work, young workers,the social impact of global warming. I began my working life as a trade union organiser in Quebec, California and Ontario, working with farmworkers, garment workers, and teachers.
PhD en sociologie, Universite de MontrealMA in Sociology, Boston University
BA in History, Brandeis University
GlendonProfessional Leadership
Recipient Sefton-Williams Award for Contributions in Labour Relations and Human Rights Research Leader 2015, York University Professor and Convenor of Work and Labour Studies, LA&PS Principal Investigator, Work in a Warming World (SSHRC 2010-2016); Adapting Canadian Work to Climate Change (SSHRC 2014-2022) Series Editor, Routledge Studies in Climate, Work and Society Associate-Dean, Research, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia Research Professor, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia Honorary Professosr, Monash University, Australia
Community Contributions
2015, Lipsig-Mumme and S. McBride, eds. Work in a Warming World, MQP. Voted one of the 100 best politics books, The Hill Report. 2013, C. Lipsig-Mumme, Climate@Work, Fernwood, Book of the Week, PWR.
Research Interests
My areas of research and activism are labour and organising, climate change and work, young workers,the social impact of global warming. I began my working life as a trade union organiser in Quebec, California and Ontario, working with farmworkers, garment workers, and teachers.
PhD en sociologie, Universite de MontrealMA in Sociology, Boston University
BA in History, Brandeis University
GlendonProfessional Leadership
Recipient Sefton-Williams Award for Contributions in Labour Relations and Human Rights Research Leader 2015, York University Professor and Convenor of Work and Labour Studies, LA&PS Principal Investigator, Work in a Warming World (SSHRC 2010-2016); Adapting Canadian Work to Climate Change (SSHRC 2014-2022) Series Editor, Routledge Studies in Climate, Work and Society Associate-Dean, Research, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia Research Professor, Faculty of Arts, Monash University, Australia Honorary Professosr, Monash University, Australia
Community Contributions
2015, Lipsig-Mumme and S. McBride, eds. Work in a Warming World, MQP. Voted one of the 100 best politics books, The Hill Report. 2013, C. Lipsig-Mumme, Climate@Work, Fernwood, Book of the Week, PWR.