
Cary Wu

Photo of Cary Wu

Department of Sociology

Associate Professor
York Research Chair

Office: Vari Hall, 2148
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 22825
Primary website: Cary Wu
Secondary website: Google Scholar

Media Requests Welcome
Accepting New Graduate Students


PhD, University of British Columbia


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Community Contributions

International Editorial Board Member-Ethnic and Racial Studies

COVID-19 Social Impacts Network Expert Advisory Committee

Research Interests

Sociology , Health, Trust, Political Sociology of Health, Inequality, Research Methods
  • York Research Leader Award - 2021-2022
  • Canadian Sociological Association Early Investigator Award - 2022-2023
  • Dean's Award for Distinction in Research - 2022-2023
Book Chapters


Cary Wu. 2022. "Categorical inequality in trust." Reading Sociology (4th edition) Unsettling a Settler Colonial Project & Re/writing Sociological Narratives. Oxford University Press.


Terry Clark and Cary Wu. 2021. "Urbanization theorizing." Abrutyn, Seth and Omar Lizardo, eds. Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory. New York: Springer.


Wilkes, Rima, and Cary Wu. "Trust and minority groups." The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust (2018): 231.


Journal Articles


Wu, Cary, and Ichiro Kawachi. 2024. A triple trust penalty? The majority-minority gap in subjective wellbeing. Social Science & Medicine: 117371.


Wu, Cary, and Andrew Dawson. 2024. The Trump Effect? Right-Wing Populism and Distrust in Voting by Mail in Canada. Public Opinion Quarterly 88: 781-813.


Wu, Cary, Patricia Louie, Alex Bierman, and Scott Schieman. 2023. Assessment of sociodemographics and inflation-related stress in the US. JAMA Network Open 6 (5): e2313431-e2313431.


Wu, Cary. 2022. How Anti-Asian Racism is Experienced. Contexts, 21(3), 48-51.


Wu, Cary. Intergenerational Transmission of Trust: A Dyadic Approach. Socius, 8, 23780231221076994.


Wu, Cary, Rima Wilkes, and David C. Wilson. 2022. Race & Political Trust: Justice as a Unifying Influence on Political Trust. Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 151(4), 177-199.


Wu, Cary. 2022. Racial concentration and dynamics of COVID-19 vaccination in the United States. Social Science & Medicine-Population Health, 19, 101198.


Wu, Cary, Alex Bierman, and Scott Schieman. 2022. Socioeconomic stratification and trajectories of social trust during COVID-19. Social Science Research, 102750.


Wu, Cary, and Andrew Dawson. 2022. Why is trust lower in Quebec? A cultural explanation. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 59(3), 309-329.


Wu, Cary. 2021. How stable is generalized trust? Internal migration and the stability of trust among Canadians. Social Indicators Research, 153:129-147.


Sher, Chloe, and Cary Wu. 2021. Who Stays Physically Active during COVID-19? Inequality and Exercise Patterns in the United States. Socius 7: 2378023120987710.


Wu, Cary, Yue Qian, and Rima Wilkes. 2020. Anti-Asian discrimination and the Asian-white mental health gap during COVID-19. Ethnic and Racial Studies: 1-17.


Wu, Cary. 2020. Does migration affect trust? Internal migration and the stability of trust among Americans. The Sociological Quarterly.


Wu, Cary, and Zhilei Shi. 2020. Education and social trust in transitional China. Chinese Sociological Review 52(2): 115-143.


Wu, Cary. 2020. How does gun violence affect Americans’ trust in each other? Social Science Research, 91, 1-15.


Wu, Cary. 2020. Social capital and COVID-19: a multidimensional and multilevel approach. Chinese Sociological Review: 1-28.


Wu, Cary, Rima Wilkes, Malcolm Fairbrother, and Giuseppe Giordano. 2020. Social capital, trust, and state coronavirus testing. Contexts.


Wu, Cary, Sylvia Fuller, Zhilei Shi, and Rima Wilkes. 2020. The gender gap in commenting: Women are less likely than men to comment on (men’s) published research. PloS One 15(4): e0230043.


Wu, Cary, Rima Wilkes, Daniel Silver, and Terry Nichols Clark. "Current debates in urban theory from a scale perspective: Introducing a scenes approach." Urban Studies 56, no. 8 (2019): 1487-1497.


Wilkes, Rima, and Cary Wu. "Immigration, Discrimination and Trust: A Simply Complex Relationship." Frontiers in Sociology 4 (2019): 32.


Wu, Cary, Qiang Fu, Jiaxin Gu, and Zhilei Shi. "Does migration pay off? Returnees, family background, and self-employment in rural China." China Review 18, no. 1 (2018): 59-78.


Wilkes, Rima, and Cary Wu. "Ethnicity, democracy, trust: A majority-minority approach." Social Forces 97, no. 1 (2018): 465-494


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "Finding critical trusters: A response pattern model of political trust." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59, no. 2 (2018): 110-138.


Sher, Chloe, and Cary Wu. "Fracking in China: Community impacts and public support of shale gas development." Journal of Contemporary China 27, no. 112 (2018): 626-641.


Fu, Qiang, Cary Wu, Heqing Liu, Zhilei Shi, and Jiaxin Gu. "Live like mosquitoes: Hukou, rural–urban disparity, and depression." Chinese Journal of Sociology 4, no. 1 (2018): 56-78.


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "Local–national political trust patterns: Why China is an exception." International Political Science Review 39, no. 4 (2018): 436-454.


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "International students’ post-graduation migration plans and the search for home." Geoforum 80 (2017): 123-132.


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "Durable power and generalized trust in everyday social exchange." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 11 (2016): E1417-E1417.


Wu, Cary. "Moving from Urban Sociology to the Sociology of the City." The American Sociologist 47, no. 1 (2016): 102-114.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/SOCI3030 3.0 M Social Statistics I LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 GS/SOCI6112 6.0 A Quantitative Analysis SEMR


PhD, University of British Columbia


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Community Contributions

International Editorial Board Member-Ethnic and Racial Studies

COVID-19 Social Impacts Network Expert Advisory Committee

Research Interests

Sociology , Health, Trust, Political Sociology of Health, Inequality, Research Methods


  • York Research Leader Award - 2021-2022
  • Canadian Sociological Association Early Investigator Award - 2022-2023
  • Dean's Award for Distinction in Research - 2022-2023

All Publications

Book Chapters


Cary Wu. 2022. "Categorical inequality in trust." Reading Sociology (4th edition) Unsettling a Settler Colonial Project & Re/writing Sociological Narratives. Oxford University Press.


Terry Clark and Cary Wu. 2021. "Urbanization theorizing." Abrutyn, Seth and Omar Lizardo, eds. Handbook of Classical Sociological Theory. New York: Springer.


Wilkes, Rima, and Cary Wu. "Trust and minority groups." The Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust (2018): 231.


Journal Articles


Wu, Cary, and Ichiro Kawachi. 2024. A triple trust penalty? The majority-minority gap in subjective wellbeing. Social Science & Medicine: 117371.


Wu, Cary, and Andrew Dawson. 2024. The Trump Effect? Right-Wing Populism and Distrust in Voting by Mail in Canada. Public Opinion Quarterly 88: 781-813.


Wu, Cary, Patricia Louie, Alex Bierman, and Scott Schieman. 2023. Assessment of sociodemographics and inflation-related stress in the US. JAMA Network Open 6 (5): e2313431-e2313431.


Wu, Cary. 2022. How Anti-Asian Racism is Experienced. Contexts, 21(3), 48-51.


Wu, Cary. Intergenerational Transmission of Trust: A Dyadic Approach. Socius, 8, 23780231221076994.


Wu, Cary, Rima Wilkes, and David C. Wilson. 2022. Race & Political Trust: Justice as a Unifying Influence on Political Trust. Daedalus: Journal of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 151(4), 177-199.


Wu, Cary. 2022. Racial concentration and dynamics of COVID-19 vaccination in the United States. Social Science & Medicine-Population Health, 19, 101198.


Wu, Cary, Alex Bierman, and Scott Schieman. 2022. Socioeconomic stratification and trajectories of social trust during COVID-19. Social Science Research, 102750.


Wu, Cary, and Andrew Dawson. 2022. Why is trust lower in Quebec? A cultural explanation. Canadian Review of Sociology/Revue canadienne de sociologie, 59(3), 309-329.


Wu, Cary. 2021. How stable is generalized trust? Internal migration and the stability of trust among Canadians. Social Indicators Research, 153:129-147.


Sher, Chloe, and Cary Wu. 2021. Who Stays Physically Active during COVID-19? Inequality and Exercise Patterns in the United States. Socius 7: 2378023120987710.


Wu, Cary, Yue Qian, and Rima Wilkes. 2020. Anti-Asian discrimination and the Asian-white mental health gap during COVID-19. Ethnic and Racial Studies: 1-17.


Wu, Cary. 2020. Does migration affect trust? Internal migration and the stability of trust among Americans. The Sociological Quarterly.


Wu, Cary, and Zhilei Shi. 2020. Education and social trust in transitional China. Chinese Sociological Review 52(2): 115-143.


Wu, Cary. 2020. How does gun violence affect Americans’ trust in each other? Social Science Research, 91, 1-15.


Wu, Cary. 2020. Social capital and COVID-19: a multidimensional and multilevel approach. Chinese Sociological Review: 1-28.


Wu, Cary, Rima Wilkes, Malcolm Fairbrother, and Giuseppe Giordano. 2020. Social capital, trust, and state coronavirus testing. Contexts.


Wu, Cary, Sylvia Fuller, Zhilei Shi, and Rima Wilkes. 2020. The gender gap in commenting: Women are less likely than men to comment on (men’s) published research. PloS One 15(4): e0230043.


Wu, Cary, Rima Wilkes, Daniel Silver, and Terry Nichols Clark. "Current debates in urban theory from a scale perspective: Introducing a scenes approach." Urban Studies 56, no. 8 (2019): 1487-1497.


Wilkes, Rima, and Cary Wu. "Immigration, Discrimination and Trust: A Simply Complex Relationship." Frontiers in Sociology 4 (2019): 32.


Wu, Cary, Qiang Fu, Jiaxin Gu, and Zhilei Shi. "Does migration pay off? Returnees, family background, and self-employment in rural China." China Review 18, no. 1 (2018): 59-78.


Wilkes, Rima, and Cary Wu. "Ethnicity, democracy, trust: A majority-minority approach." Social Forces 97, no. 1 (2018): 465-494


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "Finding critical trusters: A response pattern model of political trust." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 59, no. 2 (2018): 110-138.


Sher, Chloe, and Cary Wu. "Fracking in China: Community impacts and public support of shale gas development." Journal of Contemporary China 27, no. 112 (2018): 626-641.


Fu, Qiang, Cary Wu, Heqing Liu, Zhilei Shi, and Jiaxin Gu. "Live like mosquitoes: Hukou, rural–urban disparity, and depression." Chinese Journal of Sociology 4, no. 1 (2018): 56-78.


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "Local–national political trust patterns: Why China is an exception." International Political Science Review 39, no. 4 (2018): 436-454.


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "International students’ post-graduation migration plans and the search for home." Geoforum 80 (2017): 123-132.


Wu, Cary, and Rima Wilkes. "Durable power and generalized trust in everyday social exchange." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, no. 11 (2016): E1417-E1417.


Wu, Cary. "Moving from Urban Sociology to the Sociology of the City." The American Sociologist 47, no. 1 (2016): 102-114.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/SOCI3030 3.0 M Social Statistics I LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 GS/SOCI6112 6.0 A Quantitative Analysis SEMR