
James Chowhan

Photo of James Chowhan

School of Human Resource Management

Associate Professor

Office: Atkinson Building, 150 R
Phone: (416) 736-2100 Ext: 22818
Primary website:

James Chowhan researches and teaches in the areas of strategic human resource management. He holds a PhD in the field of Management of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, and a Master’s in Economics. Generally, speaking, he is interested in understanding how workplace practices and employment arrangements contribute to employee outcomes both at an individual and organizational level. His research has an over-arching theme focusing on human capital. In particular, his research has focused on human capital broadly as a composition of ideas, information, knowledge, skills, and health, and how investments in human capital (such as education, training, healthcare, migration, and information search) are related to employee outcomes (e.g. employment status, earnings, promotion, and satisfaction). This has resulted in three sub-themes dominating his research projects: (1) Strategic Human Resource Management with a focus on training in the context of technology and innovation, (2) immigrant status and employee outcomes, and (3) workers’ health outcomes.



PhD, Management of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
MA, Economics, McMaster University
BA, Economics, University of Guelph

Research Interests

, Strategic Human Resources Management, Research and Quantitative Methods
Book Chapters


Cooke, G. B., Sayin, F.K., Chowhan, J., Mann, S.L., and Zeytinoglu, I.U. (2019). Zero-hours and near zero-hours work in Canada. In book edited by Dr. Michelle O'Sullivan, Prof. Thomas Turner, Prof. Patrick Gunnigle, Dr. Juliet McMahon, Dr. Jonathan Lavelle, Dr. Caroline Murphy, Dr. Lorraine Ryan, entitled 'Zero Hours and On-Call Work in Anglo-Saxon Countries'. Springer Nature Singapore Pte.


Solymossy, E., Chowhan, J., and Gross, A. (2013). Taking the Engineering Path to Business Leadership and Entrepreneurial Success in Canada and USA. In Eggers, F. and Hills, G.E. (Eds), Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface (pp. 28-37). Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship.


Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2010). The Effect of Age and Age of Onset on Involuntary Retirement for People with Disabilities in Canada. In Mayer, Mary J. and Florence L. Denmark (Eds.), Issues of Ageing and Disability: International Perspectives (pp. 38-45). NGO Committee on Ageing/NY, United Nations.


Journal Articles


Petersen, B., Chowhan, J., Cooke, G., Gosine, R., and Warrian, P. (2022, online). Automation and future of work: An intersectional study of the role of human capital, income, gender, and visible minority status. Economic and Industrial Democracy,


HakemZadeh, F., Chowhan, J., Neiterman, E., Zeytinoglu, I.U., Geraci, J., and Lobb, D. (2022, online). The differential relationships between work-life interface constructs and intention to stay or leave the profession: Evidence from a cross-sectional survey of midwives in Canada. Psychological Reports.


Chowhan, J. and Pike, K. (2022 online). Workload, work-life interface, stress, job satisfaction, and job performance: A job demand-resource model study during COVID-19. International Journal of Manpower. Online


Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., McDonald, K., and Mann, S.L. (2021, online). Talent Management: Four ‘Buying versus Making’ Talent Development Approaches. Personnel Review, (online).


Chowhan, J., MacDonald, K, Mann, S., and Cooke, G.B. (2021). Telework in Canada: Who is working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 76(4):761-791.


Sayin, F.K., Denton, M., Brookman, C., Davies, S., Chowhan, J., and Zeytinoglu, I.U. (2021). The role of work intensification in intention to stay: a study of personal support workers in home and community care in Ontario, Canada. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 42(4), 917–936.


HakemZadeh, F., Neiterman, E., Chowhan, J., Plenderleith, J., Geraci, J., Zeytinoglu, I., and Lobb, D.. (2020). Work-life interface and the impact on intention to stay in the midwifery profession among pre- and post-clinical placement students: a nationwide cross-sectional quantitative study in Canada. Human Resources for Health. 18(1):68


Chowhan, J., Denton, M., Brookman, C., Davies, S., Sayin, F.K., and Zeytinoglu, I.U. (2019). Work intensification and health outcomes of health sector workers. Personnel Review, 48(2), 342-359.


Zeytinoglu, I.U., Chowhan, J., Cooke, G.B., and Mann, S. (2017). An ill-informed choice: Empirical evidence of the link between employers’ part-time or temporary employment strategies and workplace performance in Canada. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(19),2713-2737.


Chowhan, J., Pries, F., and Mann, S. (2017). Persistent innovation and the role of human resource management practices, work organization, and strategy. Journal of Management & Organization, 23(3), 456-471. doi:10.1017/jmo.2016.8.


Kitchen, P., and Chowhan, J. (2016). Forecheck, Backcheck, Health Check: The Benefits of Playing Recreational Ice Hockey for Adults in Canada. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(21), 2121-2129.


Chowhan, J., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Cooke, G. B. (2016). Immigrants and job satisfaction: Do high performance work systems play a role? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 37(4) 690–715.


Wojkowski, S., Richardson, J., Chowhan, J., Boyle, M., and Birch, S. (2016). Unmet Needs Reported by Adults with Chronic Conditions: An Analysis of Data from the Canadian Community Health Survey. International Journal of Physiotherapy, 3(6), 613-623.


Chowhan, J. (2016). Unpacking the Black Box: Understanding the relationship between Strategy, Human Resources Management Practices, Innovation and Organizational Performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(2), 112-133.


Zeytinoglu, I.U., Denton, M., Plenderleith, J.M. and Chowhan, J. (2015). Associations between workers’ health, and non-standard hours and insecurity: The case of home care workers in Ontario, Canada. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, (forthcoming).


Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., and Cooper, T. (2014). Dialing it in: A Missed Opportunity Regarding the Strategic Use of Telework? Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 69(3), 550-574.


Chowhan, J. and Stewart, J. M. (2014). While Mothers Work do Children Shirk? Television Viewing and Other Determinants of Youth Obesity. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 36(2).


Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2013). Health and Disability as Determinants for Involuntary Retirement of People with Disabilities. Canadian Journal on Aging/Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 32(2), 159-172.


Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2013). Impact of Type of Retirement on Income for People with Disabilities. Disability & Society, 28(3), 338-352.


Chowhan, J., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Cooke, G. B. (2012). Are Immigrants' Pay and Benefit Satisfaction Different than Canadian-born? Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 67(1), 3-24.


Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2012). Sense of Belonging and Mental Health in Hamilton, Ontario: An Intra-Urban Analysis. Social Indicators Research, 108(2), 277-297.


Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., and Brown, T. (2011). Declining versus Participating in Employer-supported Training in Canada. International Journal of Training and Development, 15(4), 271-289.


Mann, S. L. and Chowhan, J. (2011). Selection Practices in Canadian Firms: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 19(4), 435-437.


Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2011). Sense of Community Belonging and Health in Canada: A Regional Analysis. Social Indicators Research, 107(1), 103-126.


Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2011). Walking to Work in Canada: Health, Benefits, Socio-Economic Characteristics and Urban-regional Variations. BMC Public Health, 11, 212.


Mann, S. L. and Chowhan, J. (2011). Weighting Large Datasets with Complex Sampling Designs: Choosing the Appropriate Variance Estimation Method. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 10(1), 110-115.


Chowhan, J. and Duncan, L. (2009). Generating and Comparing Aggregate Variables for Use Across Datasets in Multilevel Analysis. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 8(2), 613-625.


Zeytinoglu, I. U., Cooke, G. B., Harry, K., and Chowhan, J. (2008). Low-Paid Workers and On-the-Job Training in Canada. Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 63(1), 5-29.


Chowhan, J., and Stewart, J. M. (2007). Television and the Behaviour of Adolescents: Does Socio-economic Status Moderate the Link? Social Science & Medicine, 65, 1324–1336.


Chowhan, J., and Prud’homme, M. (2005). City Comparisons of Shelter Costs in Canada: A Hedonic Approach. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 28(3), 417-438.


Buckley, N., Chan, K. S., Chowhan, J., Mestelman, S., and Shehata, M. (2001). Value Orientations, Income and Displacement Effects, and Voluntary Contributions. Experimental Economics, 4: 183-195.


Conference Proceedings


Chowhan, J., Isik U. Zeytinoglu and Gordon B. Cooke. (2012). Skilled Immigrants & Promotion: Good and Bad News from Canada. Proceedings of the 16th ILERA World Congress, Philadelphia, USA, July 2-5, 2012.


Research Reports


Chowhan, J. and Pike, K. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 on the Working Arrangements of Faculty and Staff. A report by the project on COVID Homeworking for University Staff Survey, facilitated by the Global Labour Research Centre at York University.
[Short Report: [Long Report:]


Cooke, G. B., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Chowhan, J. (2009). Barriers to Training Access. Perspectives on Labour and Income, 10(7), 14-25 (July). Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.


Chowhan, J., and Buckley, N. (2005). Using Mean Bootstrap Weights in Stata: A BSWREG Revision. The Research Data Centres Information and Technical Bulletin, (Spring) 2(1), 23-37. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 12-002-XIE.


Chowhan, J. (2005). Who Trains? High-tech Industries or High-tech Workplaces? The Canadian Economy in Transition Research Paper Series, Catalogue no.11-622-MIE no. 006. Analytical Studies Branch. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.


Piérard, E., Buckley, N., and Chowhan, J. (2004). Bootstrapping Made Easy: A Stata ADO File. The Research Data Centres Information and Technical Bulletin, (Spring) 1(1), 23-40. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 12-002-XIE.


Chowhan, J., and Prud’homme, M. (2004). City Comparisons of Shelter Costs in Canada: A Hedonic Approach. Analytical Series-Prices Division, Statistics Canada. Catalogue No. 62F0014MIE—No.17.


Chowhan, J. (2004). Stat/Transfer’s Command Files and the Efficient Transfer of Data Files. The Research Data Centres Information and Technical Bulletin, (Fall) 1(2), 16-21. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 12-002-XIE.


Baldwin, J. R. and Chowhan, J. (2003). The Impact of Self-employment on Labour-Productivity Growth: A Canada and United States Comparison. Economic Analysis (EA) Research Paper Series, Catalogue no. 11F0027MIE - No. 016. Statistics Canada, Ottawa.


Baldwin, J. R. and Chowhan, J. (2003). The Impact of Self-employment on Productivity Growth in Canada and the US. Canadian Economic Observer, August, Catalogue no. 11-010-XIB. Statistics Canada, Ottawa.


James Chowhan researches and teaches in the areas of strategic human resource management. He holds a PhD in the field of Management of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, and a Master’s in Economics. Generally, speaking, he is interested in understanding how workplace practices and employment arrangements contribute to employee outcomes both at an individual and organizational level. His research has an over-arching theme focusing on human capital. In particular, his research has focused on human capital broadly as a composition of ideas, information, knowledge, skills, and health, and how investments in human capital (such as education, training, healthcare, migration, and information search) are related to employee outcomes (e.g. employment status, earnings, promotion, and satisfaction). This has resulted in three sub-themes dominating his research projects: (1) Strategic Human Resource Management with a focus on training in the context of technology and innovation, (2) immigrant status and employee outcomes, and (3) workers’ health outcomes.


PhD, Management of Organizational Behaviour and Human Resources, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University
MA, Economics, McMaster University
BA, Economics, University of Guelph

Research Interests

, Strategic Human Resources Management, Research and Quantitative Methods

All Publications

Book Chapters


Cooke, G. B., Sayin, F.K., Chowhan, J., Mann, S.L., and Zeytinoglu, I.U. (2019). Zero-hours and near zero-hours work in Canada. In book edited by Dr. Michelle O'Sullivan, Prof. Thomas Turner, Prof. Patrick Gunnigle, Dr. Juliet McMahon, Dr. Jonathan Lavelle, Dr. Caroline Murphy, Dr. Lorraine Ryan, entitled 'Zero Hours and On-Call Work in Anglo-Saxon Countries'. Springer Nature Singapore Pte.


Solymossy, E., Chowhan, J., and Gross, A. (2013). Taking the Engineering Path to Business Leadership and Entrepreneurial Success in Canada and USA. In Eggers, F. and Hills, G.E. (Eds), Research at the Marketing/Entrepreneurship Interface (pp. 28-37). Global Research Symposium on Marketing and Entrepreneurship.


Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2010). The Effect of Age and Age of Onset on Involuntary Retirement for People with Disabilities in Canada. In Mayer, Mary J. and Florence L. Denmark (Eds.), Issues of Ageing and Disability: International Perspectives (pp. 38-45). NGO Committee on Ageing/NY, United Nations.


Journal Articles


Petersen, B., Chowhan, J., Cooke, G., Gosine, R., and Warrian, P. (2022, online). Automation and future of work: An intersectional study of the role of human capital, income, gender, and visible minority status. Economic and Industrial Democracy,


HakemZadeh, F., Chowhan, J., Neiterman, E., Zeytinoglu, I.U., Geraci, J., and Lobb, D. (2022, online). The differential relationships between work-life interface constructs and intention to stay or leave the profession: Evidence from a cross-sectional survey of midwives in Canada. Psychological Reports.


Chowhan, J. and Pike, K. (2022 online). Workload, work-life interface, stress, job satisfaction, and job performance: A job demand-resource model study during COVID-19. International Journal of Manpower. Online


Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., McDonald, K., and Mann, S.L. (2021, online). Talent Management: Four ‘Buying versus Making’ Talent Development Approaches. Personnel Review, (online).


Chowhan, J., MacDonald, K, Mann, S., and Cooke, G.B. (2021). Telework in Canada: Who is working at home during the COVID-19 pandemic? Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations, 76(4):761-791.


Sayin, F.K., Denton, M., Brookman, C., Davies, S., Chowhan, J., and Zeytinoglu, I.U. (2021). The role of work intensification in intention to stay: a study of personal support workers in home and community care in Ontario, Canada. Economic and Industrial Democracy, 42(4), 917–936.


HakemZadeh, F., Neiterman, E., Chowhan, J., Plenderleith, J., Geraci, J., Zeytinoglu, I., and Lobb, D.. (2020). Work-life interface and the impact on intention to stay in the midwifery profession among pre- and post-clinical placement students: a nationwide cross-sectional quantitative study in Canada. Human Resources for Health. 18(1):68


Chowhan, J., Denton, M., Brookman, C., Davies, S., Sayin, F.K., and Zeytinoglu, I.U. (2019). Work intensification and health outcomes of health sector workers. Personnel Review, 48(2), 342-359.


Zeytinoglu, I.U., Chowhan, J., Cooke, G.B., and Mann, S. (2017). An ill-informed choice: Empirical evidence of the link between employers’ part-time or temporary employment strategies and workplace performance in Canada. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 28(19),2713-2737.


Chowhan, J., Pries, F., and Mann, S. (2017). Persistent innovation and the role of human resource management practices, work organization, and strategy. Journal of Management & Organization, 23(3), 456-471. doi:10.1017/jmo.2016.8.


Kitchen, P., and Chowhan, J. (2016). Forecheck, Backcheck, Health Check: The Benefits of Playing Recreational Ice Hockey for Adults in Canada. Journal of Sports Sciences, 34(21), 2121-2129.


Chowhan, J., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Cooke, G. B. (2016). Immigrants and job satisfaction: Do high performance work systems play a role? Economic and Industrial Democracy, 37(4) 690–715.


Wojkowski, S., Richardson, J., Chowhan, J., Boyle, M., and Birch, S. (2016). Unmet Needs Reported by Adults with Chronic Conditions: An Analysis of Data from the Canadian Community Health Survey. International Journal of Physiotherapy, 3(6), 613-623.


Chowhan, J. (2016). Unpacking the Black Box: Understanding the relationship between Strategy, Human Resources Management Practices, Innovation and Organizational Performance. Human Resource Management Journal, 26(2), 112-133.


Zeytinoglu, I.U., Denton, M., Plenderleith, J.M. and Chowhan, J. (2015). Associations between workers’ health, and non-standard hours and insecurity: The case of home care workers in Ontario, Canada. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, (forthcoming).


Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., and Cooper, T. (2014). Dialing it in: A Missed Opportunity Regarding the Strategic Use of Telework? Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 69(3), 550-574.


Chowhan, J. and Stewart, J. M. (2014). While Mothers Work do Children Shirk? Television Viewing and Other Determinants of Youth Obesity. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 36(2).


Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2013). Health and Disability as Determinants for Involuntary Retirement of People with Disabilities. Canadian Journal on Aging/Revue canadienne du vieillissement, 32(2), 159-172.


Denton, M., Plenderleith, J. M. and Chowhan, J. (2013). Impact of Type of Retirement on Income for People with Disabilities. Disability & Society, 28(3), 338-352.


Chowhan, J., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Cooke, G. B. (2012). Are Immigrants' Pay and Benefit Satisfaction Different than Canadian-born? Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 67(1), 3-24.


Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2012). Sense of Belonging and Mental Health in Hamilton, Ontario: An Intra-Urban Analysis. Social Indicators Research, 108(2), 277-297.


Cooke, G. B., Chowhan, J., and Brown, T. (2011). Declining versus Participating in Employer-supported Training in Canada. International Journal of Training and Development, 15(4), 271-289.


Mann, S. L. and Chowhan, J. (2011). Selection Practices in Canadian Firms: An Empirical Investigation. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 19(4), 435-437.


Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2011). Sense of Community Belonging and Health in Canada: A Regional Analysis. Social Indicators Research, 107(1), 103-126.


Kitchen, P., Williams, A., and Chowhan, J. (2011). Walking to Work in Canada: Health, Benefits, Socio-Economic Characteristics and Urban-regional Variations. BMC Public Health, 11, 212.


Mann, S. L. and Chowhan, J. (2011). Weighting Large Datasets with Complex Sampling Designs: Choosing the Appropriate Variance Estimation Method. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 10(1), 110-115.


Chowhan, J. and Duncan, L. (2009). Generating and Comparing Aggregate Variables for Use Across Datasets in Multilevel Analysis. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 8(2), 613-625.


Zeytinoglu, I. U., Cooke, G. B., Harry, K., and Chowhan, J. (2008). Low-Paid Workers and On-the-Job Training in Canada. Relations Industrielles-Industrial Relations, 63(1), 5-29.


Chowhan, J., and Stewart, J. M. (2007). Television and the Behaviour of Adolescents: Does Socio-economic Status Moderate the Link? Social Science & Medicine, 65, 1324–1336.


Chowhan, J., and Prud’homme, M. (2005). City Comparisons of Shelter Costs in Canada: A Hedonic Approach. Canadian Journal of Regional Science, 28(3), 417-438.


Buckley, N., Chan, K. S., Chowhan, J., Mestelman, S., and Shehata, M. (2001). Value Orientations, Income and Displacement Effects, and Voluntary Contributions. Experimental Economics, 4: 183-195.


Conference Proceedings


Chowhan, J., Isik U. Zeytinoglu and Gordon B. Cooke. (2012). Skilled Immigrants & Promotion: Good and Bad News from Canada. Proceedings of the 16th ILERA World Congress, Philadelphia, USA, July 2-5, 2012.


Research Reports


Chowhan, J. and Pike, K. (2021). Impacts of COVID-19 on the Working Arrangements of Faculty and Staff. A report by the project on COVID Homeworking for University Staff Survey, facilitated by the Global Labour Research Centre at York University.
[Short Report: [Long Report:]


Cooke, G. B., Zeytinoglu, I. U., and Chowhan, J. (2009). Barriers to Training Access. Perspectives on Labour and Income, 10(7), 14-25 (July). Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 75-001-XIE.


Chowhan, J., and Buckley, N. (2005). Using Mean Bootstrap Weights in Stata: A BSWREG Revision. The Research Data Centres Information and Technical Bulletin, (Spring) 2(1), 23-37. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 12-002-XIE.


Chowhan, J. (2005). Who Trains? High-tech Industries or High-tech Workplaces? The Canadian Economy in Transition Research Paper Series, Catalogue no.11-622-MIE no. 006. Analytical Studies Branch. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.


Piérard, E., Buckley, N., and Chowhan, J. (2004). Bootstrapping Made Easy: A Stata ADO File. The Research Data Centres Information and Technical Bulletin, (Spring) 1(1), 23-40. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 12-002-XIE.


Chowhan, J., and Prud’homme, M. (2004). City Comparisons of Shelter Costs in Canada: A Hedonic Approach. Analytical Series-Prices Division, Statistics Canada. Catalogue No. 62F0014MIE—No.17.


Chowhan, J. (2004). Stat/Transfer’s Command Files and the Efficient Transfer of Data Files. The Research Data Centres Information and Technical Bulletin, (Fall) 1(2), 16-21. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 12-002-XIE.


Baldwin, J. R. and Chowhan, J. (2003). The Impact of Self-employment on Labour-Productivity Growth: A Canada and United States Comparison. Economic Analysis (EA) Research Paper Series, Catalogue no. 11F0027MIE - No. 016. Statistics Canada, Ottawa.


Baldwin, J. R. and Chowhan, J. (2003). The Impact of Self-employment on Productivity Growth in Canada and the US. Canadian Economic Observer, August, Catalogue no. 11-010-XIB. Statistics Canada, Ottawa.