
Christopher Chan

School of Human Resource Management

Associate Professor

Office: Atkinson Building, 150G
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30593

Dr Christopher Chan teaches and researches in the human resource management area. Chris earned his PhD in Commerce (Management) from Murdoch University in Australia. He has taught organizational behavior, human resource management, international human resource management, international management, strategic management, cross-cultural management, Asian business, business research methods, entrepreneurship, and introduction to management in Australia and Singapore. Before joining York University, Chris was a faculty member at the Australian National University (in Canberra, 2003-2006) and Murdoch University (in Perth, 1999-2002). Chris was an honorary research fellow at the University of Notre Dame Australia in 2003 and at the Faculty of Law and Business, Australian Catholic University from 2011-2020. He regularly visits l'Institut de Gestion de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1 in France. He also set up and ran a marketing and management research consultancy from 1999 to 2003. He has published in the areas of organizational learning, cross-cultural management, health care management, and work-life balance. Chris is well-versed in using SPSS and AMOS for various statistical modeling. His current research focus on: (1) the interfaces between religious ethics and business/HR practices, (2) work-family conflict and work enrichment among social workers in Australia and India, and (3) cross cultural management themes.


PhD, Murdoch University
MBus, University of Notre Dame Australia
BCom, Murdoch University


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Human Resources , Management, Interfaces between religious ethics and business practices, Work-Family Interface
Book Chapters


Anazodo, K., Chan, C. and Ricardelli, R. (2017). Employment and Desistance from Crime. In R. Ricciardelli, R. & A. Peters. (Eds.) . After Prison: Navigating Employment and Reintegration. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier Press.


Shantz, A., Schoenberg, J. and Chan, C. (2014). Relevance of Employee Engagement Across Cultures from the Perspective of HR Professional Associations. In Truss, C., Delbridge, R., Alfes, K., Shantz, A. and Soane, E. (Eds.) , Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice., New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 253-272.


Journal Articles


Fragomeni, P. and Chan, C. (2023). Considerations for Remuneration in Papal Social Encyclicals. Journal of Markets & Morality, 26(2), 211-229.


Parida, S., Chan, C., Ananthram, S., and Brown, K. (2023). In the Search for Greener Buildings: The Role of Green Human Resource Management. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(8), 5952-5968.


Parida, S., Ananthram, S., Chan, C. and Brown, K. (in press). Green Buildings and Sustainability: Does Green HRM Elicit Green Behaviors? Journal of Cleaner Production,


Chan, C., Ananthram, S. Taker, K. and Liu, Y. (2022). Do Religiosity and Ethical Principles Influence Ethical Decision-Making in a Multi-Faith Context? Evidence from India. Journal of Business Research, 149, 772-785.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2021). Institutions and Frugal Innovation: The Case of Jugaad. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38(3), 1031-1060.


Chan, C. and Ananthram, S. (2020). A Neo-Institutional Perspective on Ethical Decision-Making. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(1), 227-262.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T., Chan, X.W. and Chan, C. (2020). Enhancing Job Satisfaction Through Work-Family Enrichment and Perceived Supervisor Support: The Case of Australian Social Workers. Personnel Review, 49(9), 2055-2072.


Anazodo, K. S., Ricciardelli, R. and Chan, C. (2019). Employment After Incarceration: Managing a Socially Stigmatized Identity. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38(5), 564-582.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T., Chan, X.W. and Chan, C. (2019). Linking Work-Family Enrichment to Job Satisfaction through Job Well-Being and Family Support: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Social Workers across India. British Journal of Social Work, 49(1), 234-255.


Chan, C. and Ananthram, S. (2019). Religion-Based Decision Making in Indian Multinationals: A Multi-faith Study of Ethical Virtues and Mindsets. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(3), 651-677.


Liu, Y., Chan, C., Zhao, C. and Liu, C. (2019). Unpacking Knowledge Management Practices in China: Do Institutional, National and Organizational Culture Matter? Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(4), 619-643.


Poilpot-Rocaboy, G., Berthe, B. et Chan, C. (2018). Normes Sociales de Genre et Inégalité Professionnelle : Quelle Influence du Sentiment de Culpabilité des Femmes ? Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 4(110), 3-17.


Malik, A., Singh, P. and Chan, C. (2017). High Potential Programs and Employee Outcomes: The Roles of Organizational Trust and Employee Attributions. Career Development International, 22 (7), 772-796.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2017). Work-Family Conflict, Family Satisfaction and Employee Wellbeing: A Comparative Study of Australian and Indian Social Workers. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (3), 366–381.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2016). Religiosity, Spirituality and Ethical Behavior: Perspectives from Some Executives in Indian Multinational Enterprises. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33 (3), 843-880.


Duff, A. J., Podolsky, M., Biron, M. and Chan, C. (2015). The Interactive Effect of Team and Manager Absence on Employee Absence: A Multi-Level Field Study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88 (1), 61-79.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2015). Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict as Predictors of Psychological Strain: Does Social Support Matter? British Journal of Social Work, 45(8), 2387-2405.


Lim, C.H., Chavan, M. and Chan, C. (2014). "Culture" – The Elephant in the Room in Structured Behavioral Selection Interviews.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 42, 1-24.


Duff, A. J. and Chan, C. (2014). Investigating Suicide as a Career Response. Career Development International, 19(1), 4-26.


Chan, C. & Scott-Ladd, B. (2014). The Judas Within: A Look at the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church. Ethics & Behavior, 24 (4), 326-339.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2013). Challenges and Strategies for Global Human Resource Executives: A Canadian and U.S. Perspective. European Management Journal, 31 (3), 223-233.


Ananthram, S., Nankervis, A. and Chan, C. (2013). Strategic Human Asset Management: Evidence from North America. Personnel Review, 42 (3), 281-299.


Goh, S. C., Chan, C. and Kuziemsky, C. (2013). The Impact of Teamwork and Organizational Learning on Patient Safety Culture and Employee Job Outcome: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26(5), 420-432.


Bassett, M. L., Ramsey, W. and Chan, C. C. A. (2012). Improving the Selection and Appointment of Medical Personnel. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance , 25 (5), 442-452.


Duff, A. J., Tahbaz, A. and Chan, C. (2012). The Interactive Effect of Cultural Intelligence and Openness on Task Performance. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management (Special Issue), 20 (1), 1-12.


Chan, C. C. A., McBey, K. and Scott-Ladd, B. (2011). Ethical Leadership in Modern Employment Relationships: Lessons from St. Benedict. Journal of Business Ethics, 100 (2), 221-228.


Lim, L. L. K., Chan, C. C. A. and Dallimore, P. (2010). Perceptions of Human Capital Measures: From Corporate Executives and Investors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25 (4), 673-688.


Chan, C. C. A., Monroe, G. S., Ng, J. and Tan, R. C. W. (2008). Effects of Employee Support on Junior Accountants' Job Attitudes and Intention to Quit. Australian Accounting Review, 18 (2), 149-160.


Chew, J. and Chan, C. C. A. (2008). Human Resource Practices, Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay. International Journal of Manpower , 29 (6), 503-522.


Scott-Ladd, B. and Chan, C. C. A. (2008). Using Action Research to Teach Students to Manage Team Learning and Improve Teamwork Satisfaction. Active Learning in Higher Education, 9 (3), 231-248.


Lim, C. H., Winter, R. and Chan, C. C. A. (2006). Cross-Cultural Interviewing in the Hiring Process: Challenges and Strategies. Career Development Quarterly, 54 (3), 265-268.


Lim, L. L. K., Laosirihongthong, T. and Chan, C. C. A. (2006). Learning Organization: The Case of a Thai Manufacturing Organization. Journal of Applied Business Research, 22 (2), 49-60.


Chan, C. C. A., Monroe, G. M., Ng, J. and Tan, R. C. W. (2006). The Conflict Management Styles of Accountants: An Empirical Study in Australia. International Journal of Management, 23 (2), 289-295.


Wang, X. and Chan, C. C. A. (2006). The Multiplier Effect of Training Investment in China. International Journal of Management, 23 (2), 234-242.


Chan, C. C. A., McBey, K, Bassett, M., O’Donnell, M. and Winter, R. (2004). Nursing Crisis: Retention Strategies for Hospital Administrators. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 12 (2), 31-56.


Chan, C. C. A. and Scott-Ladd, B. (2004). Organizational Learning: Some Considerations for Human Resource Practitioners. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 42 (3), 336-347.


Lim, L. L. K. and Chan, C. C. A. (2004). The Development and Application of an Organizational Learning Matrix. International Journal of Management, 21 (1), 100-107.


Chan, C. C. A., Pearson, C. A. L. and Entrekin, L. (2003). Examining the Effects of Internal and External Team Learning on Team Performance.Team Performance Management, 9 (7), 174-181.


Chan, C. C. A., Lim, L. L. K. and Keasberry, S. K. (2003). Examining the Linkages between Team Learning Behaviors and Team Performance. The Learning Organization, 10 (4), 228-236.


Chan, C. C. A. (2003). Individual, Team and Organizational Learning in an Australian Hospital. Learning in Health and Social Care, 2 (4) 223-235.


Chan, C. C. A., Entrekin, L. and Anderson, C. (2003). Psychometric Assessment of the Perception of Service Quality. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 11 (1), 65-74.


Chan, C. C. A. and Pearson, C. A. L. (2002). A Comparison of Managerial Work Goals across Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. Journal of Management Development, 21 (7), 545-556.


Chan, C. C. A. (2002). Work Goals of Bruneian Managers: A Comparison Across Gender, Age Groups, Educational Levels and Managerial Levels. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 40 (3), 363-373.


Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Cultivating a Learning Culture in South East Asian Organizations. Management Development Journal of Singapore, 10 (1), 25-34.


Pearson, C. A. L. and Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Managerial Roles and Practices: A Brunei Case Study. International Journal of Management, 18 (3), 330-336.


Duffy, C. and Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Pressures and Stress in a West Australian Hospital. Personnel Review, 30 (2), 227-239.




Fragomeni, P., Chan, C., Budworth, M. H. and Harrison, J. (2024). Future Work-Self and Job Search Strategies: The Hindering Roles of Dark Personality Traits. 33rd International Congress of Psychology, July 21-26, Prague, Czech Republic.


Fragomeni, P., Chan, C., Harrison, J. and Budworth, M. H. (2024). Linking Hiring of Neurodiverse Individuals to Dismantling Disability Stereotypes Through CSR: A Conceptual Model. Administrative Science Association of Canada Conference, June 1-3, Montréal, Canada.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2023). Can Jugaad Be Ethical? 8th Indian Academy of Management Conference, Jan 6-8, Mumbai, India.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2019). Frugal Innovation and Jugaad Mindset: A Neo-Institutional Perspective. Asia Academy of Management Conference, June 19-21, Bali, Indonesia.


Chan, C. and Ananthram, S. (2017). Challenges and Strategies of Ethical Decision-Making in Indian Multinational Corporations: An Institutional Theory Perspective. 10th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan, June 20-21.


Kalliath, T., Chan, X.W., Kalliath, P. and Chan, C. (2017). How Does Family Support Facilitate Job Satisfaction among Australian Social Workers? The Roles of Work-Family Enrichment and Job-Related Well-Being. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, December 5-8. Melbourne, Australia.


Poilpot-Rocaboy, G., Berthe, B. et Chan, C. (2017). L’Influence Médiatrice du Sentiment de Culpabilité dans la Relation entre les Normes Sociales de Genre et la Régulation des Comportements des Femmes au Travail : Une Alternative à la Compréhension de l’Inégalité. 28ème congrès de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 11-13 octobre, Aix-en-Provence, France.


Malik, A., Singh, P. and Chan, C. (2017). The Roles of Organizational Trust and Employee Attributions in the Context of Talent Management. Academy of Management Conference, August 4-8, Atlanta, GA.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2017). Work-Family Conflict, Family Satisfaction and Employee Well-Being: A Comparative Study of Australian and Indian Social Workers. 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 11-14.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P., Chan, C. and Chan, C. (2017). Work-Family Enrichment and Job Satisfaction of Indian Social Workers: The Mediating Role of Job Well-Being and Moderating Role of Family Support. Academy of Management Conference, August 4-8, Atlanta, GA.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2016). Supervisory Support and Work-Family Enrichment: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in Samples of Australian and Indian Social Workers. Work-Family Researchers Network Conference, June 23-25, Washington D.C.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2015). Religiosity, spirituality and ethical decision-making: Perspectives from some executives in Indian multinational enterprises. Proceedings of the 9th Asia Academy of Management 2015 Conference: Innovation for and from Asian Emerging Markets, Jun 22-14, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P. and Chan, C. (2015). Work-Family Conflict, Family Satisfaction and Employee Wellbeing: A Comparative Study of Australian and Indian Social Workers. The 14th European Congress of Psychology, July 7-10, Milan, Italy.


Duff, A., Chan, C., Deutsch Salomon, & Budworth, M. (2014). Compromising innovative behaviour with work shame. Academy of Management Proceedings, August, Philadelphia.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P. and Chan, C. (2014). Psychological Strain as a Mediator of Work-Family Conflict and Wellbeing: A Study of Indian Social Workers. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, July 8-13, Paris, France.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P., Chan, C., and Thachil, G. (2013). The Path to Wellbeing: The Role of Work-Family Conflict, Family-Work Conflict and Psychological Strain. XXXIV International Conference on Psychology, July, London, UK.


Duff, A. J. and Chan, C. (2012). Taking a Sickie for the Team: Team and Manager Influences of Employee Absence. Proceedings for the 2012 ASAC Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.


Chan, C. C. A., Monroe, G., Ng, J. and Tan, R. C. W. (2007). Effects of Employee Support on Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement and Junior Accountants’ Intention to Quit. Nineteenth Asia Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, November 11-14, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Gayatri, G., Chan, C., Mort, G. M. S. and Hume, M. (2006). Islamic Value Influences on Service Quality Measurement. Frontiers in Service Conference, Brisbane, Australia.


Gayatri, G., Chan, C., Mort, G. M. S. and Hume, M. (2005). Understanding Service Quality from the Islamic Consumer Perspective. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference, Perth, Australia.


Chan, C. C. A. and Bassett, M. L. (2004). Applying Knowledge Management in Nursing Administration. Hawaiian International Conference on Business, June 21-24, Waikiki, Hawaii.


Scott-Ladd, B. and Chan, C. C. A. (2003). Emotional Intelligence and Participation in Decision Making – Sound Strategies for Promoting Organizational Learning. 1st International Conference on Contemporary Management, September 1-2, Adelaide, Australia.


Lim, L. L. K. and Chan, C. C. A. (2003). Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: Implications for Competitive Advantage. The 12th International Conference of Management of Technology, May 13-15, Nancy, France.


Anderson, C. and Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Organizational Learning and Service Quality: An Empirical Investigation. Australasian Association for Quality in Health Care, June 5-6, Melbourne, Australia.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/HRM4470 3.0 M International Human Resources Management LECT
Winter 2025 GS/HRM7040 3.0 M Univariate Statistics ONLN

Dr Christopher Chan teaches and researches in the human resource management area. Chris earned his PhD in Commerce (Management) from Murdoch University in Australia. He has taught organizational behavior, human resource management, international human resource management, international management, strategic management, cross-cultural management, Asian business, business research methods, entrepreneurship, and introduction to management in Australia and Singapore. Before joining York University, Chris was a faculty member at the Australian National University (in Canberra, 2003-2006) and Murdoch University (in Perth, 1999-2002). Chris was an honorary research fellow at the University of Notre Dame Australia in 2003 and at the Faculty of Law and Business, Australian Catholic University from 2011-2020. He regularly visits l'Institut de Gestion de Rennes, Université de Rennes 1 in France. He also set up and ran a marketing and management research consultancy from 1999 to 2003. He has published in the areas of organizational learning, cross-cultural management, health care management, and work-life balance. Chris is well-versed in using SPSS and AMOS for various statistical modeling. His current research focus on: (1) the interfaces between religious ethics and business/HR practices, (2) work-family conflict and work enrichment among social workers in Australia and India, and (3) cross cultural management themes.


PhD, Murdoch University
MBus, University of Notre Dame Australia
BCom, Murdoch University


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Human Resources , Management, Interfaces between religious ethics and business practices, Work-Family Interface

All Publications

Book Chapters


Anazodo, K., Chan, C. and Ricardelli, R. (2017). Employment and Desistance from Crime. In R. Ricciardelli, R. & A. Peters. (Eds.) . After Prison: Navigating Employment and Reintegration. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier Press.


Shantz, A., Schoenberg, J. and Chan, C. (2014). Relevance of Employee Engagement Across Cultures from the Perspective of HR Professional Associations. In Truss, C., Delbridge, R., Alfes, K., Shantz, A. and Soane, E. (Eds.) , Employee Engagement in Theory and Practice., New York, NY: Routledge, pp. 253-272.


Journal Articles


Fragomeni, P. and Chan, C. (2023). Considerations for Remuneration in Papal Social Encyclicals. Journal of Markets & Morality, 26(2), 211-229.


Parida, S., Chan, C., Ananthram, S., and Brown, K. (2023). In the Search for Greener Buildings: The Role of Green Human Resource Management. Business Strategy and the Environment, 32(8), 5952-5968.


Parida, S., Ananthram, S., Chan, C. and Brown, K. (in press). Green Buildings and Sustainability: Does Green HRM Elicit Green Behaviors? Journal of Cleaner Production,


Chan, C., Ananthram, S. Taker, K. and Liu, Y. (2022). Do Religiosity and Ethical Principles Influence Ethical Decision-Making in a Multi-Faith Context? Evidence from India. Journal of Business Research, 149, 772-785.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2021). Institutions and Frugal Innovation: The Case of Jugaad. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 38(3), 1031-1060.


Chan, C. and Ananthram, S. (2020). A Neo-Institutional Perspective on Ethical Decision-Making. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 37(1), 227-262.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T., Chan, X.W. and Chan, C. (2020). Enhancing Job Satisfaction Through Work-Family Enrichment and Perceived Supervisor Support: The Case of Australian Social Workers. Personnel Review, 49(9), 2055-2072.


Anazodo, K. S., Ricciardelli, R. and Chan, C. (2019). Employment After Incarceration: Managing a Socially Stigmatized Identity. Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal, 38(5), 564-582.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T., Chan, X.W. and Chan, C. (2019). Linking Work-Family Enrichment to Job Satisfaction through Job Well-Being and Family Support: A Moderated Mediation Analysis of Social Workers across India. British Journal of Social Work, 49(1), 234-255.


Chan, C. and Ananthram, S. (2019). Religion-Based Decision Making in Indian Multinationals: A Multi-faith Study of Ethical Virtues and Mindsets. Journal of Business Ethics, 156(3), 651-677.


Liu, Y., Chan, C., Zhao, C. and Liu, C. (2019). Unpacking Knowledge Management Practices in China: Do Institutional, National and Organizational Culture Matter? Journal of Knowledge Management, 23(4), 619-643.


Poilpot-Rocaboy, G., Berthe, B. et Chan, C. (2018). Normes Sociales de Genre et Inégalité Professionnelle : Quelle Influence du Sentiment de Culpabilité des Femmes ? Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 4(110), 3-17.


Malik, A., Singh, P. and Chan, C. (2017). High Potential Programs and Employee Outcomes: The Roles of Organizational Trust and Employee Attributions. Career Development International, 22 (7), 772-796.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2017). Work-Family Conflict, Family Satisfaction and Employee Wellbeing: A Comparative Study of Australian and Indian Social Workers. Human Resource Management Journal, 27 (3), 366–381.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2016). Religiosity, Spirituality and Ethical Behavior: Perspectives from Some Executives in Indian Multinational Enterprises. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 33 (3), 843-880.


Duff, A. J., Podolsky, M., Biron, M. and Chan, C. (2015). The Interactive Effect of Team and Manager Absence on Employee Absence: A Multi-Level Field Study. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 88 (1), 61-79.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2015). Work-Family Conflict and Family-Work Conflict as Predictors of Psychological Strain: Does Social Support Matter? British Journal of Social Work, 45(8), 2387-2405.


Lim, C.H., Chavan, M. and Chan, C. (2014). "Culture" – The Elephant in the Room in Structured Behavioral Selection Interviews.International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 42, 1-24.


Duff, A. J. and Chan, C. (2014). Investigating Suicide as a Career Response. Career Development International, 19(1), 4-26.


Chan, C. & Scott-Ladd, B. (2014). The Judas Within: A Look at the Sexual Abuse Crisis in the Catholic Church. Ethics & Behavior, 24 (4), 326-339.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2013). Challenges and Strategies for Global Human Resource Executives: A Canadian and U.S. Perspective. European Management Journal, 31 (3), 223-233.


Ananthram, S., Nankervis, A. and Chan, C. (2013). Strategic Human Asset Management: Evidence from North America. Personnel Review, 42 (3), 281-299.


Goh, S. C., Chan, C. and Kuziemsky, C. (2013). The Impact of Teamwork and Organizational Learning on Patient Safety Culture and Employee Job Outcome: A Conceptual Framework. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance, 26(5), 420-432.


Bassett, M. L., Ramsey, W. and Chan, C. C. A. (2012). Improving the Selection and Appointment of Medical Personnel. International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance , 25 (5), 442-452.


Duff, A. J., Tahbaz, A. and Chan, C. (2012). The Interactive Effect of Cultural Intelligence and Openness on Task Performance. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management (Special Issue), 20 (1), 1-12.


Chan, C. C. A., McBey, K. and Scott-Ladd, B. (2011). Ethical Leadership in Modern Employment Relationships: Lessons from St. Benedict. Journal of Business Ethics, 100 (2), 221-228.


Lim, L. L. K., Chan, C. C. A. and Dallimore, P. (2010). Perceptions of Human Capital Measures: From Corporate Executives and Investors. Journal of Business and Psychology, 25 (4), 673-688.


Chan, C. C. A., Monroe, G. S., Ng, J. and Tan, R. C. W. (2008). Effects of Employee Support on Junior Accountants' Job Attitudes and Intention to Quit. Australian Accounting Review, 18 (2), 149-160.


Chew, J. and Chan, C. C. A. (2008). Human Resource Practices, Organizational Commitment and Intention to Stay. International Journal of Manpower , 29 (6), 503-522.


Scott-Ladd, B. and Chan, C. C. A. (2008). Using Action Research to Teach Students to Manage Team Learning and Improve Teamwork Satisfaction. Active Learning in Higher Education, 9 (3), 231-248.


Lim, C. H., Winter, R. and Chan, C. C. A. (2006). Cross-Cultural Interviewing in the Hiring Process: Challenges and Strategies. Career Development Quarterly, 54 (3), 265-268.


Lim, L. L. K., Laosirihongthong, T. and Chan, C. C. A. (2006). Learning Organization: The Case of a Thai Manufacturing Organization. Journal of Applied Business Research, 22 (2), 49-60.


Chan, C. C. A., Monroe, G. M., Ng, J. and Tan, R. C. W. (2006). The Conflict Management Styles of Accountants: An Empirical Study in Australia. International Journal of Management, 23 (2), 289-295.


Wang, X. and Chan, C. C. A. (2006). The Multiplier Effect of Training Investment in China. International Journal of Management, 23 (2), 234-242.


Chan, C. C. A., McBey, K, Bassett, M., O’Donnell, M. and Winter, R. (2004). Nursing Crisis: Retention Strategies for Hospital Administrators. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 12 (2), 31-56.


Chan, C. C. A. and Scott-Ladd, B. (2004). Organizational Learning: Some Considerations for Human Resource Practitioners. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 42 (3), 336-347.


Lim, L. L. K. and Chan, C. C. A. (2004). The Development and Application of an Organizational Learning Matrix. International Journal of Management, 21 (1), 100-107.


Chan, C. C. A., Pearson, C. A. L. and Entrekin, L. (2003). Examining the Effects of Internal and External Team Learning on Team Performance.Team Performance Management, 9 (7), 174-181.


Chan, C. C. A., Lim, L. L. K. and Keasberry, S. K. (2003). Examining the Linkages between Team Learning Behaviors and Team Performance. The Learning Organization, 10 (4), 228-236.


Chan, C. C. A. (2003). Individual, Team and Organizational Learning in an Australian Hospital. Learning in Health and Social Care, 2 (4) 223-235.


Chan, C. C. A., Entrekin, L. and Anderson, C. (2003). Psychometric Assessment of the Perception of Service Quality. Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 11 (1), 65-74.


Chan, C. C. A. and Pearson, C. A. L. (2002). A Comparison of Managerial Work Goals across Brunei, Malaysia and Singapore. Journal of Management Development, 21 (7), 545-556.


Chan, C. C. A. (2002). Work Goals of Bruneian Managers: A Comparison Across Gender, Age Groups, Educational Levels and Managerial Levels. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 40 (3), 363-373.


Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Cultivating a Learning Culture in South East Asian Organizations. Management Development Journal of Singapore, 10 (1), 25-34.


Pearson, C. A. L. and Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Managerial Roles and Practices: A Brunei Case Study. International Journal of Management, 18 (3), 330-336.


Duffy, C. and Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Pressures and Stress in a West Australian Hospital. Personnel Review, 30 (2), 227-239.




Fragomeni, P., Chan, C., Budworth, M. H. and Harrison, J. (2024). Future Work-Self and Job Search Strategies: The Hindering Roles of Dark Personality Traits. 33rd International Congress of Psychology, July 21-26, Prague, Czech Republic.


Fragomeni, P., Chan, C., Harrison, J. and Budworth, M. H. (2024). Linking Hiring of Neurodiverse Individuals to Dismantling Disability Stereotypes Through CSR: A Conceptual Model. Administrative Science Association of Canada Conference, June 1-3, Montréal, Canada.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2023). Can Jugaad Be Ethical? 8th Indian Academy of Management Conference, Jan 6-8, Mumbai, India.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2019). Frugal Innovation and Jugaad Mindset: A Neo-Institutional Perspective. Asia Academy of Management Conference, June 19-21, Bali, Indonesia.


Chan, C. and Ananthram, S. (2017). Challenges and Strategies of Ethical Decision-Making in Indian Multinational Corporations: An Institutional Theory Perspective. 10th Asia Academy of Management Conference, Kitakyushu City, Fukuoka, Japan, June 20-21.


Kalliath, T., Chan, X.W., Kalliath, P. and Chan, C. (2017). How Does Family Support Facilitate Job Satisfaction among Australian Social Workers? The Roles of Work-Family Enrichment and Job-Related Well-Being. Australian and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference, December 5-8. Melbourne, Australia.


Poilpot-Rocaboy, G., Berthe, B. et Chan, C. (2017). L’Influence Médiatrice du Sentiment de Culpabilité dans la Relation entre les Normes Sociales de Genre et la Régulation des Comportements des Femmes au Travail : Une Alternative à la Compréhension de l’Inégalité. 28ème congrès de l’Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, 11-13 octobre, Aix-en-Provence, France.


Malik, A., Singh, P. and Chan, C. (2017). The Roles of Organizational Trust and Employee Attributions in the Context of Talent Management. Academy of Management Conference, August 4-8, Atlanta, GA.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2017). Work-Family Conflict, Family Satisfaction and Employee Well-Being: A Comparative Study of Australian and Indian Social Workers. 15th European Congress of Psychology, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 11-14.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P., Chan, C. and Chan, C. (2017). Work-Family Enrichment and Job Satisfaction of Indian Social Workers: The Mediating Role of Job Well-Being and Moderating Role of Family Support. Academy of Management Conference, August 4-8, Atlanta, GA.


Kalliath, P., Kalliath, T. and Chan, C. (2016). Supervisory Support and Work-Family Enrichment: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction in Samples of Australian and Indian Social Workers. Work-Family Researchers Network Conference, June 23-25, Washington D.C.


Ananthram, S. and Chan, C. (2015). Religiosity, spirituality and ethical decision-making: Perspectives from some executives in Indian multinational enterprises. Proceedings of the 9th Asia Academy of Management 2015 Conference: Innovation for and from Asian Emerging Markets, Jun 22-14, Hong Kong: Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P. and Chan, C. (2015). Work-Family Conflict, Family Satisfaction and Employee Wellbeing: A Comparative Study of Australian and Indian Social Workers. The 14th European Congress of Psychology, July 7-10, Milan, Italy.


Duff, A., Chan, C., Deutsch Salomon, & Budworth, M. (2014). Compromising innovative behaviour with work shame. Academy of Management Proceedings, August, Philadelphia.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P. and Chan, C. (2014). Psychological Strain as a Mediator of Work-Family Conflict and Wellbeing: A Study of Indian Social Workers. 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, July 8-13, Paris, France.


Kalliath, T., Kalliath, P., Chan, C., and Thachil, G. (2013). The Path to Wellbeing: The Role of Work-Family Conflict, Family-Work Conflict and Psychological Strain. XXXIV International Conference on Psychology, July, London, UK.


Duff, A. J. and Chan, C. (2012). Taking a Sickie for the Team: Team and Manager Influences of Employee Absence. Proceedings for the 2012 ASAC Conference, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada.


Chan, C. C. A., Monroe, G., Ng, J. and Tan, R. C. W. (2007). Effects of Employee Support on Organizational Commitment, Job Involvement and Junior Accountants’ Intention to Quit. Nineteenth Asia Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, November 11-14, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Gayatri, G., Chan, C., Mort, G. M. S. and Hume, M. (2006). Islamic Value Influences on Service Quality Measurement. Frontiers in Service Conference, Brisbane, Australia.


Gayatri, G., Chan, C., Mort, G. M. S. and Hume, M. (2005). Understanding Service Quality from the Islamic Consumer Perspective. Australian and New Zealand Marketing Association Conference, Perth, Australia.


Chan, C. C. A. and Bassett, M. L. (2004). Applying Knowledge Management in Nursing Administration. Hawaiian International Conference on Business, June 21-24, Waikiki, Hawaii.


Scott-Ladd, B. and Chan, C. C. A. (2003). Emotional Intelligence and Participation in Decision Making – Sound Strategies for Promoting Organizational Learning. 1st International Conference on Contemporary Management, September 1-2, Adelaide, Australia.


Lim, L. L. K. and Chan, C. C. A. (2003). Knowledge Management and Organizational Learning: Implications for Competitive Advantage. The 12th International Conference of Management of Technology, May 13-15, Nancy, France.


Anderson, C. and Chan, C. C. A. (2001). Organizational Learning and Service Quality: An Empirical Investigation. Australasian Association for Quality in Health Care, June 5-6, Melbourne, Australia.


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