
Dale Domian

Photo of Dale Domian


Office: Atkinson College, 239
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 20009
Email: ddomian@yorku.ca

Dr. Dale L. Domian is a Professor of Finance in the School of Administrative Studies at York University. Dr. Domian’s research interests include investments and financial planning, with 26 articles in refereed academic journals and another 42 publications which are mainly conference proceedings and abstracts.


Dale is Associate Editor of Financial Services Review, the leading academic journal in personal financial planning. An avid investor for the past 35 years, he currently owns shares in about 200 Canadian and US corporations. Dr. Domian received his B.A. in Economics, Mathematics, and Music from the University of Wisconsin, and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1987.


PhD, University of Minnesota
BA, University of Wisconsin

Research Interests

Business , Financial and Monetary Systems, Finance

Current Research Projects

    See more
    ATK Fellowship


Canadian co-author (with David J. Fowler) of Investments, Third Canadian edition, U.S. authors William F. Sharpe, Gordon J. Alexander, and Jeffery V. Bailey, 936 pages, Prentice Hall Canada, 2000. Also co-author of Instructor’s Manual, 250 pages.


Book Reviews


Dale L. Domian, Book review of “Wealth Management” by Harold Evensky, Financial Services Review 6 (No. 3, 1997), pp. 223-224.


Journal Articles


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Returns-Based Style Analysis of Convertible BondFunds, The Journal of Fixed Income 18 (No. 3, Winter 2009), 14 pages.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Stocks for the Long Term: Why Prospects are Rosy, AAII Journal 31 (No. 1, January 2009), pp. 5-10 (cover story).


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Returns-Based Style Analysis of High-Yield Bonds, The Journal of Fixed Income 17 (No. 4, Spring 2008), pp. 72-87. Abstracted in CFA Digest 38 (August 2008), pp. 25-26.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Diversification in Portfolios of Individual Stocks: 100 Stocks Are Not Enough, The Financial Review 42 (November 2007), pp. 557-570. Abstracted in CFA Digest 38 (May 2008), pp. 66-68.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, An Empirical Analysis of Margin Debt, International Review of Economics and Finance 15 (No. 2, 2006), pp. 151-163.


Dale L. Domian, Marie D. Racine, and Craig A. Wilson, Leveraged Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods: A Continuous Time Model, Journal of Economics and Finance 30 (No. 3, 2006), pp. 356-375.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Leveraged Canadian Stock Portfolios: Long-Run Effects on Wealth and Risk, Canadian Investment Review 16 (Winter 2003), pp. 39-43.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Portfolio Diversification for Long Holding Periods: How Many Stocks Do Investors Need?, Studies in Economics and Finance 21 (No. 2, 2003), pp. 40-64.


Domian, D. and M.D. Racine. (2002) . An Empirical Analysis of Margin Debt. International Review of Economics and Finance 15, 2, pp. 151-163.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Predicting Municipal Bond Fund Returns, The Journal of Investing 11 (No. 3, 2002), pp. 53-65.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Wealth and Risk from Leveraged Stock Portfolios, Financial Services Review 11 (No. 1, 2002), pp. 33-46.


Domian, D., Racine, M.D. and C.A. Wilson. (2000) . Leveraged Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods: A Continuous Time Model. Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2003), CD-ROM,29 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2003), p. 34.


Govind Hariharan, Kenneth S. Chapman, and Dale L. Domian, Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation for Investors Nearing Retirement, Financial Services Review 9 (No. 2, 2000), pp. 159-170.


Ken B. Cyree, Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Elizabeth J. Yobaccio, Evidence of Psychological Barriers in the Conditional Moments of Major World Stock Indices, Review of Financial Economics 8 (No. 1, 1999), pp. 73-91. Abstracted in CFA Digest 30 (Spring 2000), pp. 49-50.


William Reichenstein and Dale L. Domian, Choosing a Winning Money Market Fund, Baylor Business Review 16 (Fall 1998), pp. 12-14.


Dale L. Domian, Terry S. Maness, and William Reichenstein, Rewards to Extending Maturity: Implications for Investors, Journal of Portfolio Management 24 (Spring 1998), pp. 77-92. Abstracted in CFA Digest 28 (Fall 1998), p. 99.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Term Spreads and Predictions of Bond and Stock Excess Returns, Financial Services Review 7 (No. 1, 1998), pp. 25-44.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Charles E. Mossman, The Rise and Fall of the ‘Dogs of the Dow’, Financial Services Review 7 (No. 3, 1998), pp. 145-159. Abstracted in CFA Digest 29 (Fall 1999), pp. 102-103.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, A Threshold Autoregressive Analysis of Stock Returns and Real Economic Activity, International Review of Economics and Finance 6 (No. 2, 1997), pp. 167-179.


Janet M. Todd and Dale L. Domian, Participation Rates of Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Differences Between Utility and Nonutility Firms, Review of Financial Economics 6 (No. 2, 1997), pp. 121-135.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Performance and Persistence in Money Market Fund Returns, Financial Services Review 6 (No. 3, 1997), pp. 169-183.


Dale L. Domian, John E. Gilster, and David A. Louton, Expected Inflation, Interest Rates, and Stock Returns, The Financial Review 31 (November 1996), pp. 809-830.


Ramon P. DeGennaro and Dale L. Domian, Market Efficiency and Money Market Fund Portfolio Managers: Beliefs Versus Reality, The Financial Review 31 (May 1996), pp. 453-474.


Kirt C. Butler, Dale L. Domian, and Richard R. Simonds, International Portfolio Diversification and the Magnitude of the Market Timer’s Penalty, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 6 (Winter 1995), pp. 193-206.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Business Cycle Asymmetry and the Stock Market, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 35 (Winter 1995), pp. 451-466.


David A. Louton and Dale L. Domian, Dividends and Investment: Further Empirical Evidence, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics 34 (Spring 1995), pp. 53-64.


David M. Eagle and Dale L. Domian, Quasi-Real Bonds: Inflation-Indexing that Retains the Government's Hedge Against Aggregate Supply Shocks, Applied Economics Letters 2 (December 1995), pp. 487-490.


Kirt C. Butler and Dale L. Domian, Long-Run Returns on Stock and Bond Portfolios: Implications for Retirement Planning, Financial Services Review 2 (No. 1, 1993), pp. 41-49.


Dale L. Domian, Money Market Mutual Fund Maturity and Interest Rates, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 24 (November 1992), pp. 519-527.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Richard L. Patterson, The Unemployment Response to Positive and Negative Stock Returns, Journal of Economics 18 (1992), pp. 87-90.


Kirt C. Butler and Dale L. Domian, Risk, Diversification, and the Investment Horizon, Journal of Portfolio Management 17 (Spring 1991), pp. 41-47.


Takatoshi Ito and Dale L. Domian, A Musical Note on the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis, Economics Letters 25 (September 1987), pp. 95-99.


Conference Proceedings


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Long-Horizon Stock Predictability: Evidence and Applications, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2009), http://academyfinancial.org/Proceedings.html, 23 pages.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Returns-Based Style Analysis of Convertible BondFunds, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2008), CD-ROM, 28 pages.


Marie D. Racine, Dale L. Domian, and David A. Louton, Financial Kurtosis, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2008), CD-ROM, 66 pages.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, A Returns-Based Style Analysis of High-Yield Bond Funds, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2007), CD-ROM, 32 pages.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Diversification in Portfolios of Individual Stocks: A Comparison of Large-Cap and Small-Cap Stocks, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2006), CD-ROM, 20 pages.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, The Impact of Leverage on Portfolios of Individual Stocks, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2005), CD-ROM, 18 pages.


Scott Barron, Dale L. Domian, and Glenn Feltham, Do High-Dividend Stocks Provide a Superior Income Stream to Government of Canada Bonds?, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (2004), CD-ROM, one-page abstract.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Winner-Loser Effects and Optimal Rebalancing Strategies for Long Time Horizons, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2004), CD-ROM, 33 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2004), p. 15.


Dale L. Domian, Marie D. Racine, and Craig A. Wilson, Leveraged Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods: A Continuous Time Model, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2003), CD-ROM, 29 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2003), p. 34.


Dale L. Domian, Marie D. Racine, and Craig A. Wilson, Theoretical and Empirical Distributions for Leveraged Canadian Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 24 (No. 1, 2003), pp. 40-60.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Why Your Portfolio Should Have Over 100 Stocks, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2003), CD-ROM, 32 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2003), p. 52.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, An Empirical Analysis of Margin Debt, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2002), CD-ROM, 30 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2002), p. 14.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Leveraged Canadian Stock Portfolios: Long-Run Effects on Wealth and Risk, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 23 (No. 1, 2002), pp. 26-36.


Kenneth E. Kalu, Dale L. Domian, and Marie D. Racine, The Asymmetric Relationship Between Interest Rates and Stock Returns: Can Individual Investors Exploit It?, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2002), CD-ROM, 24 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2002), p. 3.


Calvin Fiendell, Dale L. Domian, and William Reichenstein, Performance and Persistence in Canadian Money Market Fund Returns, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2001) p. 60.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Risk and Return from Leveraged Stock Portfolios, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2001) p. 33.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Charles E. Mossman, Market Overreaction and Dividend Yields on Common Stocks, Proceedings of the Southwestern Finance Association (1999), pp. 55-59.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Portfolio Diversification for Long Holding Periods: How Many Stocks Do Investors Need?, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1999) p. 1.


Dale L. Domian, The Stock Selector’s Penalty: Measuring the Hurdle for Active Portfolio Management, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1999), p. 37.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Canadian Stock Market Responses to Interest Rate Changes, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1998), p. 4:2.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Canadian Stock Market Responses to Interest Rate Changes, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 19 (No. 1, 1998), pp. 22-31.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Charles E. Mossman, The Rise and Fall of the ‘Dogs of the Dow’, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1998), p. 23:2.


Domian, D., and J.W. Wong. (1996) . Further Evidence on Dividends and Losses: The Role of Unusual Income Items. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 17(1), pp. 161-168.


Domian, D., Louton, D.A., and E.J. Yobaccio. Psychological Barriers in Canadian and U.S. Stock Indices. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 17(1),pp. 1-10.


Domian, D. and J.W. Wong. (1995) . Dividends and Losses in Canadian Corporations. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 16(1), pp. 21-29.


Domian, D. and J.A. Carlson. (1994) . Long-Run Return Distributions for Canadian Stock Portfolios: Is Stock Less Risky than Treasury Bills? Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 15(1), pp. 41-49.


Domian, D. and Louton, D.A. and I.M. Seahawk. (1994) . The Dow Dividend Strategy: How It Works - and Why. AAII Journal 16, May, pp. 7-10.


Domian, D. and D.A. Louton. (1994) . Threshold Autoregressive Models of the Relationship Between TSE 300 Stock Returns and Canadian Unemployment. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 15 (1), pp. 72-81.


Domian, D. (1989) . A Time Series Analysis of Corporate Dividends, Earnings, and Investment. Proceedings of the Second Annual Michigan-Ontario Finance and Accounting Conference (edited by Robert T. Kleiman), pp. 128-155.


Research Reports


Domian, D. and David A. Louton. (1999) . Portfolio Diversification for Long Holding Periods: How Many Stocks Do Investors Need? Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts, p. 1.


Dr. Dale L. Domian is a Professor of Finance in the School of Administrative Studies at York University. Dr. Domian’s research interests include investments and financial planning, with 26 articles in refereed academic journals and another 42 publications which are mainly conference proceedings and abstracts.

Dale is Associate Editor of Financial Services Review, the leading academic journal in personal financial planning. An avid investor for the past 35 years, he currently owns shares in about 200 Canadian and US corporations. Dr. Domian received his B.A. in Economics, Mathematics, and Music from the University of Wisconsin, and his Ph.D. from the University of Minnesota in 1987.


PhD, University of Minnesota
BA, University of Wisconsin

Research Interests

Business , Financial and Monetary Systems, Finance

Current Research Projects

    Project Type: Funded
    ATK Fellowship

All Publications

Book Reviews


Dale L. Domian, Book review of “Wealth Management” by Harold Evensky, Financial Services Review 6 (No. 3, 1997), pp. 223-224.




Canadian co-author (with David J. Fowler) of Investments, Third Canadian edition, U.S. authors William F. Sharpe, Gordon J. Alexander, and Jeffery V. Bailey, 936 pages, Prentice Hall Canada, 2000. Also co-author of Instructor’s Manual, 250 pages.


Journal Articles


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Returns-Based Style Analysis of Convertible BondFunds, The Journal of Fixed Income 18 (No. 3, Winter 2009), 14 pages.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Stocks for the Long Term: Why Prospects are Rosy, AAII Journal 31 (No. 1, January 2009), pp. 5-10 (cover story).


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Returns-Based Style Analysis of High-Yield Bonds, The Journal of Fixed Income 17 (No. 4, Spring 2008), pp. 72-87. Abstracted in CFA Digest 38 (August 2008), pp. 25-26.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Diversification in Portfolios of Individual Stocks: 100 Stocks Are Not Enough, The Financial Review 42 (November 2007), pp. 557-570. Abstracted in CFA Digest 38 (May 2008), pp. 66-68.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, An Empirical Analysis of Margin Debt, International Review of Economics and Finance 15 (No. 2, 2006), pp. 151-163.


Dale L. Domian, Marie D. Racine, and Craig A. Wilson, Leveraged Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods: A Continuous Time Model, Journal of Economics and Finance 30 (No. 3, 2006), pp. 356-375.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Leveraged Canadian Stock Portfolios: Long-Run Effects on Wealth and Risk, Canadian Investment Review 16 (Winter 2003), pp. 39-43.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Portfolio Diversification for Long Holding Periods: How Many Stocks Do Investors Need?, Studies in Economics and Finance 21 (No. 2, 2003), pp. 40-64.


Domian, D. and M.D. Racine. (2002) . An Empirical Analysis of Margin Debt. International Review of Economics and Finance 15, 2, pp. 151-163.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Predicting Municipal Bond Fund Returns, The Journal of Investing 11 (No. 3, 2002), pp. 53-65.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Wealth and Risk from Leveraged Stock Portfolios, Financial Services Review 11 (No. 1, 2002), pp. 33-46.


Domian, D., Racine, M.D. and C.A. Wilson. (2000) . Leveraged Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods: A Continuous Time Model. Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2003), CD-ROM,29 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2003), p. 34.


Govind Hariharan, Kenneth S. Chapman, and Dale L. Domian, Risk Tolerance and Asset Allocation for Investors Nearing Retirement, Financial Services Review 9 (No. 2, 2000), pp. 159-170.


Ken B. Cyree, Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Elizabeth J. Yobaccio, Evidence of Psychological Barriers in the Conditional Moments of Major World Stock Indices, Review of Financial Economics 8 (No. 1, 1999), pp. 73-91. Abstracted in CFA Digest 30 (Spring 2000), pp. 49-50.


William Reichenstein and Dale L. Domian, Choosing a Winning Money Market Fund, Baylor Business Review 16 (Fall 1998), pp. 12-14.


Dale L. Domian, Terry S. Maness, and William Reichenstein, Rewards to Extending Maturity: Implications for Investors, Journal of Portfolio Management 24 (Spring 1998), pp. 77-92. Abstracted in CFA Digest 28 (Fall 1998), p. 99.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Term Spreads and Predictions of Bond and Stock Excess Returns, Financial Services Review 7 (No. 1, 1998), pp. 25-44.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Charles E. Mossman, The Rise and Fall of the ‘Dogs of the Dow’, Financial Services Review 7 (No. 3, 1998), pp. 145-159. Abstracted in CFA Digest 29 (Fall 1999), pp. 102-103.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, A Threshold Autoregressive Analysis of Stock Returns and Real Economic Activity, International Review of Economics and Finance 6 (No. 2, 1997), pp. 167-179.


Janet M. Todd and Dale L. Domian, Participation Rates of Dividend Reinvestment Plans: Differences Between Utility and Nonutility Firms, Review of Financial Economics 6 (No. 2, 1997), pp. 121-135.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Performance and Persistence in Money Market Fund Returns, Financial Services Review 6 (No. 3, 1997), pp. 169-183.


Dale L. Domian, John E. Gilster, and David A. Louton, Expected Inflation, Interest Rates, and Stock Returns, The Financial Review 31 (November 1996), pp. 809-830.


Ramon P. DeGennaro and Dale L. Domian, Market Efficiency and Money Market Fund Portfolio Managers: Beliefs Versus Reality, The Financial Review 31 (May 1996), pp. 453-474.


Kirt C. Butler, Dale L. Domian, and Richard R. Simonds, International Portfolio Diversification and the Magnitude of the Market Timer’s Penalty, Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting 6 (Winter 1995), pp. 193-206.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Business Cycle Asymmetry and the Stock Market, Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance 35 (Winter 1995), pp. 451-466.


David A. Louton and Dale L. Domian, Dividends and Investment: Further Empirical Evidence, Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics 34 (Spring 1995), pp. 53-64.


David M. Eagle and Dale L. Domian, Quasi-Real Bonds: Inflation-Indexing that Retains the Government's Hedge Against Aggregate Supply Shocks, Applied Economics Letters 2 (December 1995), pp. 487-490.


Kirt C. Butler and Dale L. Domian, Long-Run Returns on Stock and Bond Portfolios: Implications for Retirement Planning, Financial Services Review 2 (No. 1, 1993), pp. 41-49.


Dale L. Domian, Money Market Mutual Fund Maturity and Interest Rates, Journal of Money, Credit, and Banking 24 (November 1992), pp. 519-527.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Richard L. Patterson, The Unemployment Response to Positive and Negative Stock Returns, Journal of Economics 18 (1992), pp. 87-90.


Kirt C. Butler and Dale L. Domian, Risk, Diversification, and the Investment Horizon, Journal of Portfolio Management 17 (Spring 1991), pp. 41-47.


Takatoshi Ito and Dale L. Domian, A Musical Note on the Efficiency Wage Hypothesis, Economics Letters 25 (September 1987), pp. 95-99.


Conference Proceedings


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Long-Horizon Stock Predictability: Evidence and Applications, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2009), http://academyfinancial.org/Proceedings.html, 23 pages.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, Returns-Based Style Analysis of Convertible BondFunds, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2008), CD-ROM, 28 pages.


Marie D. Racine, Dale L. Domian, and David A. Louton, Financial Kurtosis, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2008), CD-ROM, 66 pages.


Dale L. Domian and William Reichenstein, A Returns-Based Style Analysis of High-Yield Bond Funds, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2007), CD-ROM, 32 pages.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Diversification in Portfolios of Individual Stocks: A Comparison of Large-Cap and Small-Cap Stocks, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2006), CD-ROM, 20 pages.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, The Impact of Leverage on Portfolios of Individual Stocks, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2005), CD-ROM, 18 pages.


Scott Barron, Dale L. Domian, and Glenn Feltham, Do High-Dividend Stocks Provide a Superior Income Stream to Government of Canada Bonds?, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (2004), CD-ROM, one-page abstract.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Winner-Loser Effects and Optimal Rebalancing Strategies for Long Time Horizons, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2004), CD-ROM, 33 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2004), p. 15.


Dale L. Domian, Marie D. Racine, and Craig A. Wilson, Leveraged Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods: A Continuous Time Model, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2003), CD-ROM, 29 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2003), p. 34.


Dale L. Domian, Marie D. Racine, and Craig A. Wilson, Theoretical and Empirical Distributions for Leveraged Canadian Stock Portfolios over Long Holding Periods, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 24 (No. 1, 2003), pp. 40-60.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Marie D. Racine, Why Your Portfolio Should Have Over 100 Stocks, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2003), CD-ROM, 32 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2003), p. 52.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, An Empirical Analysis of Margin Debt, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2002), CD-ROM, 30 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2002), p. 14.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Leveraged Canadian Stock Portfolios: Long-Run Effects on Wealth and Risk, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 23 (No. 1, 2002), pp. 26-36.


Kenneth E. Kalu, Dale L. Domian, and Marie D. Racine, The Asymmetric Relationship Between Interest Rates and Stock Returns: Can Individual Investors Exploit It?, Academy of Financial Services Proceedings (2002), CD-ROM, 24 pages. Also one-page abstract in Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2002), p. 3.


Calvin Fiendell, Dale L. Domian, and William Reichenstein, Performance and Persistence in Canadian Money Market Fund Returns, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2001) p. 60.


Dale L. Domian and Marie D. Racine, Risk and Return from Leveraged Stock Portfolios, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (2001) p. 33.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Charles E. Mossman, Market Overreaction and Dividend Yields on Common Stocks, Proceedings of the Southwestern Finance Association (1999), pp. 55-59.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Portfolio Diversification for Long Holding Periods: How Many Stocks Do Investors Need?, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1999) p. 1.


Dale L. Domian, The Stock Selector’s Penalty: Measuring the Hurdle for Active Portfolio Management, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1999), p. 37.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Canadian Stock Market Responses to Interest Rate Changes, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1998), p. 4:2.


Dale L. Domian and David A. Louton, Canadian Stock Market Responses to Interest Rate Changes, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 19 (No. 1, 1998), pp. 22-31.


Dale L. Domian, David A. Louton, and Charles E. Mossman, The Rise and Fall of the ‘Dogs of the Dow’, Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts (1998), p. 23:2.


Domian, D., and J.W. Wong. (1996) . Further Evidence on Dividends and Losses: The Role of Unusual Income Items. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 17(1), pp. 161-168.


Domian, D., Louton, D.A., and E.J. Yobaccio. Psychological Barriers in Canadian and U.S. Stock Indices. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 17(1),pp. 1-10.


Domian, D. and J.W. Wong. (1995) . Dividends and Losses in Canadian Corporations. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 16(1), pp. 21-29.


Domian, D. and J.A. Carlson. (1994) . Long-Run Return Distributions for Canadian Stock Portfolios: Is Stock Less Risky than Treasury Bills? Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 15(1), pp. 41-49.


Domian, D. and Louton, D.A. and I.M. Seahawk. (1994) . The Dow Dividend Strategy: How It Works - and Why. AAII Journal 16, May, pp. 7-10.


Domian, D. and D.A. Louton. (1994) . Threshold Autoregressive Models of the Relationship Between TSE 300 Stock Returns and Canadian Unemployment. Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada 15 (1), pp. 72-81.


Domian, D. (1989) . A Time Series Analysis of Corporate Dividends, Earnings, and Investment. Proceedings of the Second Annual Michigan-Ontario Finance and Accounting Conference (edited by Robert T. Kleiman), pp. 128-155.


Research Reports


Domian, D. and David A. Louton. (1999) . Portfolio Diversification for Long Holding Periods: How Many Stocks Do Investors Need? Academy of Financial Services Paper Abstracts, p. 1.