
David J. Doorey

Photo of David J. Doorey

School of Human Resource Management

Associate Professor
Director, Osgoode Hall Law School, LLM Labour & Employment Law (PDP)
Visiting Research Fellow, Harvard Law School, Labor and Worklife Program

Office: Atkinson Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30592
Email: ddoorey@yorku.ca
Primary website: http://lawofwork.ca

Media Requests Welcome

David Doorey is an Associate Professor of Work Law at York University and Director of Osgoode Hall Law School's part-time LL.M program specializing in Labour & Employment Law. He is a Senior Research Associate at Harvard Law School's Labor and Work Life Program and in 2019-2020, he is a Visiting Research Fellow at Harvard Law School.

Professor Doorey is a multiple award winning teacher including of the prestigious Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Tenured Faculty category. His book The Law of Work, 2nd Ed, is used in universities and colleges across Canada. He is Editor of the Canadian Law of Work Forum, a national collaborative law blog and his former blog Law of Work was a multiple award winner as the top law blog in Canada.


Professor Doorey has served as Director of York's School of HRM and as the Director of Osgoode Hall Law School's Specialist Masters of Law (LL.M) degree in Labour and Employment Law since 2010. He is a Senior Research Fellow at Harvard Law School, Labor and Work Life Program and a visiting research fellow at Harvard during his sabbatical in 2019-2020. Previously he has been a visitor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and Centre for Industrial Relations and HRM.

Prior to returning to academia, Professor Doorey practiced labour law at a law firm in Vancouver and later served as general counsel to the United Steelworkers Union at the national office of the union in Toronto. He is called the bars of Ontario and British Columbia.

Professor Doorey was educated at Osgoode Hall Law School (Ph.D, J.D.), London School of Economics (LL.M), and the University of Toronto (B.A., M.I.R.). He is recipient of multiple teaching awards, including the Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching. Professor Doorey's research and writing is the areas of Canadian and comparative labour and employment law, labour practices management within global and national supply chains, legal theory, and environmental law. Many of his published articles can be downloaded for free at his SSRN homepage: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=553786

His law blog, Law of Work (http://lawofwork.ca) was awarded the Fodden Award for Canada's Top Law Blog, and was a multiple winner of the Canadian Law Blog Awards for best law blog by a legal scholar. His book 'The Law of Work' was described by Professor Emeritus Harry Arthurs as "THE labour and employment law text for our time". Professor Doorey is the recipient of the Morley Gunderson Award and the H.D. Woods Prize for outstanding contributions to Canadian industrial relations. His research on work law, industrial relations, legal theory, corporate social responsibility, and environmental law have been published in leading Canadian and international academic journals. He lives in Toronto's west end and in Prince Edward County with his spouse and two kids, and assortment of animals and coaches kids rep hockey.


PhD, Osgoode Hall Law School
LLM, London School of Economics
MIR, University of Toronto
LLB, Osgoode Hall Law School
BA, Toronto

Professional Leadership

Director, Osgoode Hall Law School LLM in Labour and Employment Law Director (2010-Present)
Director, School of HRM, York University (2016-2019)
Editor in Chief, Canadian Law of Work Forum (2020 -Present)
Articles Review Editor, Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal

Research Interests

Law and Justice , Labour, Industrial Relations, Labour and the Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Law
  • H.D. Woods Prize for Contributions to Canadian Industrial Relations - 2019
  • Morley Gunderson Award for Contributions to Canadian Industrial Relations - 2015
  • Michael Watson Award for Law Journal Article Making Greatest Contribution to Legal Scholarship - 2005
  • Deans Award For Excellence in Teaching - 2015
  • Teaching Award for Senior Faculty, School of HRM - 2014

Current Research Projects

    See more
    Junior Faculty fund

    See more
    Minor Research Grant

    See more
    Junior Faculty fund

    See more
    ATK Fellowship


D. Doorey & A. Braley-Rattai, "Canadian Labour Relations: Law, Policy, Practice" (Emond 2020)


D. Doorey, The Law of Work, 2nd Ed (Emond, 2020)


The Law of Work: Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining (2017, Emond)


The Law of Work: Complete Edition (Emond, 2017)


The Law of Work: Common Law and the Regulation of Work (2016, Emond) http://www.emond.ca/the-law-of-work-common-law-and-the-regulation-of-work.html


Book Chapters


“The Contested Boundaries of Just Transitions Law” in Labour Law and Ecology (2022)


with Ruth Dukes, "Labour Law and its 'Last' Generation' in The Daunting Enterprise of the Law: Essays in Honour of Harry Arthurs (McGill-Queens, forthcoming)


“A Transnational Law of Just Transitions” in A. Blackett & A. Trebilcock, eds, Handbook on Transnational Labour Law (Edward Elgar, forthcoming, 2014)


D. Doorey,“International Business and Globalization” in P. Kissick (Ed.), Aspects of Business Ethics: Concepts, Cases, and Canadian Perspectives (Emond Montgomery)


“Industrial Conflict”, Chapter 7, Labour and Employment Law: Cases and Materials, Labour Law Casebook Group (8th Ed., Irwin Law Publishers, 2010)


“Employee Rights and Discipline”, Chapter 13, in M. Belcourt, et al., Managing Human Resources, (5th Ed., Nelson Canada, 2010)


Journal Articles


“Mapping Ontario’s Distinctive Model of Construction Labour Law” (2022) Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal


"The Stubborn Persistence of the Lawyer Exemption in Canadian Collective Bargaining Law” (2022) Dalhousie Law Journal


“Unjust Dismissal Legislation in Canada: What is the Value of a Job?” (2022) Kings Law Journal (UK)


"Reflecting Back on the Future of Labour Law" (2021) University of Toronto Law Journal


"Clean Slate and the Wagner Model: Comparative Labor Law and a New Plurality" (2021) Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal 95


David Doorey, "Back to the Future of Canadian Labour Law" (2020) Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations


D. Doorey, "A Law of Just Transitions: Putting Labour Law to Work on Climate Change" (2017) 30 J. of Environmental Law & Practice 201


D. Doorey, “Mapping the Ascendance of the Living Wage Standard in Non-State Global Labour Codes" (2015) 6(2) Journal of Legal Theory


D. Doorey, “Graduated Freedom of Association: Worker Voice Beyond the Wagner Model” (2013), 38 Queens Law Journal 511


D. Doorey, “A Model of Responsive Workplace Law" (2012), 50 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 47


D. Doorey, “The Transparent Supply Chain: From Resistance to Implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss” (2011), 103 Journal of Business Ethics 587-603


D. Doorey, “In Defense of Transnational Domestic Labor Law” (2010), 42 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 953-1009


D. Doorey, “Union Access to Workers During Organizing Campaigns: A New Look Through the Lens of Health Services”, (2009-10) 15(1) Canadian Employment & Labour Law Journal 1-49


Doorey, D. (2008) . Harry and the Steelworker. Can. Employment & Labour Law Journal, 13 [forthcoming].


Doorey, D. (2008) . The Medium and the ‘Anti-Union’ Message: Captive Audience Meetings and Forced Listening in Canada. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29(2), p.101.


Doorey, D. (2007) . Can Factory Disclosure Influence Labour Practices in Global Supply Chains: A Case Study of Nike and Levi-Strauss. Comparative Law & Political Economy Research Paper Series.


Doorey, D. (2006) . Neutrality Agreements: Bargaining Representation Rights in the Shadow of the State. Can. Employment & Labour Law Journal, 41, p.11.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Codes of Conduct and Information Disclosure. International Union Rights Journal 12, p.7.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Disclosure of Factory Locations in Global Supply Chains: A Canadian Proposal to Improve Global Labour Practices. Canadian Review of Social Policy 55, p.104


Doorey, D. (2005) . ‘Employer Bullying’: Implied Duties of Fair Dealing in Canadian Employment Contracts. Queens Law Journal 30, p.500.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Who Made That?: Influencing Foreign Labour Practices Through Reflexive Domestic Disclosure Regulation. Osgoode Hall Law Journal 43, p.353.


Doorey, D. (2002) . An American Labour Strategy Comes to Canada. International Union Rights 9, p.22.


Conference Papers


“Graduated Freedom of Association” Law and Society Annual Proceedings, Minneapolis, May 2014


“A Law of Just Transitions”, Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference, Brock University, May 2014


“Saskatchewan’s Bill-85: A Rebellion Without a Cause”, Canadian Industrial Relations Association, Ryerson University, 2013


“Labour Law as Vaccine: Harnessing Risk to Regulate Supply Chain Labour Practices” Labour Law Research Network Inaugural Conference, Barcelona, 2013


“What is Labour Law Scholarship For?”, Law and Society Annual Conference, Boston, 2013 (with Professor Ruth Dukes)


“Laboring Through the Supply Chain”, International Law and Society Conference, Honolulu, 2012


“Good Employer, Bad Employer: Risk, Reward, and Polycentric Ordering in Employment Law”, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 2011, Cambridge University, UK


“Authorizations, Contestations, and Problemitizations: The Case of the Living Wage”, Workshop on the Dynamics of Interaction Among Transnational Business Regulatory Initiatives: Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Contexts and Practitioners' Perspectives, 2011, European University Institute, Florence, Italy


Doorey, D. (2007) . Arthurs and the Steelworker: Teaching Labour Law to Non-lawyers.


Doorey, D. (2007) . Can Factory Disclosure Influence Labour Practices in Global Supply Chains: A Case Study of Nike and Levi-Strauss.


Doorey, D. (2007) . Neutrality Agreements: What Lies Ahead?


Doorey, D. (2007) . Unions, Social Advocacy Groups, and Transparency as Organizing Tool.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Who Made That?: Reflexive Law, Factory Disclosure, and Labour Practices.


Public Lectures


“Traditional Unions Can’t Help Baristas. Can Non-Traditional”, Global Labour Speaker Series, York University, February 2014




Doorey, D. (forthcoming) . Industrial Conflict. Chapter 9, Labour and Employment Law: Cases and Materials, Labour Law Casebook Group.

Approach to Teaching

Professor Doorey teaches undergraduate and graduate school courses in Labour Law, Employment Law, Industrial Relations, Labour Law Theory and Perspectives, and Industrial Conflict, among other courses.

Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/SPRT1020 3.0 M Sport and the Legal Environment LECT
Winter 2025 AP/HRM3420 3.0 N Employment Law ONCA

David Doorey is an Associate Professor of Work Law at York University and Director of Osgoode Hall Law School's part-time LL.M program specializing in Labour & Employment Law. He is a Senior Research Associate at Harvard Law School's Labor and Work Life Program and in 2019-2020, he is a Visiting Research Fellow at Harvard Law School.

Professor Doorey is a multiple award winning teacher including of the prestigious Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching in the Tenured Faculty category. His book The Law of Work, 2nd Ed, is used in universities and colleges across Canada. He is Editor of the Canadian Law of Work Forum, a national collaborative law blog and his former blog Law of Work was a multiple award winner as the top law blog in Canada.

Professor Doorey has served as Director of York's School of HRM and as the Director of Osgoode Hall Law School's Specialist Masters of Law (LL.M) degree in Labour and Employment Law since 2010. He is a Senior Research Fellow at Harvard Law School, Labor and Work Life Program and a visiting research fellow at Harvard during his sabbatical in 2019-2020. Previously he has been a visitor at the University of Toronto Faculty of Law and Centre for Industrial Relations and HRM.

Prior to returning to academia, Professor Doorey practiced labour law at a law firm in Vancouver and later served as general counsel to the United Steelworkers Union at the national office of the union in Toronto. He is called the bars of Ontario and British Columbia.

Professor Doorey was educated at Osgoode Hall Law School (Ph.D, J.D.), London School of Economics (LL.M), and the University of Toronto (B.A., M.I.R.). He is recipient of multiple teaching awards, including the Dean's Award for Excellence in Teaching. Professor Doorey's research and writing is the areas of Canadian and comparative labour and employment law, labour practices management within global and national supply chains, legal theory, and environmental law. Many of his published articles can be downloaded for free at his SSRN homepage: http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=553786

His law blog, Law of Work (http://lawofwork.ca) was awarded the Fodden Award for Canada's Top Law Blog, and was a multiple winner of the Canadian Law Blog Awards for best law blog by a legal scholar. His book 'The Law of Work' was described by Professor Emeritus Harry Arthurs as "THE labour and employment law text for our time". Professor Doorey is the recipient of the Morley Gunderson Award and the H.D. Woods Prize for outstanding contributions to Canadian industrial relations. His research on work law, industrial relations, legal theory, corporate social responsibility, and environmental law have been published in leading Canadian and international academic journals. He lives in Toronto's west end and in Prince Edward County with his spouse and two kids, and assortment of animals and coaches kids rep hockey.


PhD, Osgoode Hall Law School
LLM, London School of Economics
MIR, University of Toronto
LLB, Osgoode Hall Law School
BA, Toronto

Professional Leadership

Director, Osgoode Hall Law School LLM in Labour and Employment Law Director (2010-Present)
Director, School of HRM, York University (2016-2019)
Editor in Chief, Canadian Law of Work Forum (2020 -Present)
Articles Review Editor, Canadian Labour and Employment Law Journal

Research Interests

Law and Justice , Labour, Industrial Relations, Labour and the Environment, Corporate Social Responsibility, Law


  • H.D. Woods Prize for Contributions to Canadian Industrial Relations - 2019
  • Morley Gunderson Award for Contributions to Canadian Industrial Relations - 2015
  • Michael Watson Award for Law Journal Article Making Greatest Contribution to Legal Scholarship - 2005
  • Deans Award For Excellence in Teaching - 2015
  • Teaching Award for Senior Faculty, School of HRM - 2014

Current Research Projects

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty fund

    Project Type: Funded
    Minor Research Grant

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty fund

    Project Type: Funded
    ATK Fellowship

All Publications

Book Chapters


“The Contested Boundaries of Just Transitions Law” in Labour Law and Ecology (2022)


with Ruth Dukes, "Labour Law and its 'Last' Generation' in The Daunting Enterprise of the Law: Essays in Honour of Harry Arthurs (McGill-Queens, forthcoming)


“A Transnational Law of Just Transitions” in A. Blackett & A. Trebilcock, eds, Handbook on Transnational Labour Law (Edward Elgar, forthcoming, 2014)


D. Doorey,“International Business and Globalization” in P. Kissick (Ed.), Aspects of Business Ethics: Concepts, Cases, and Canadian Perspectives (Emond Montgomery)


“Industrial Conflict”, Chapter 7, Labour and Employment Law: Cases and Materials, Labour Law Casebook Group (8th Ed., Irwin Law Publishers, 2010)


“Employee Rights and Discipline”, Chapter 13, in M. Belcourt, et al., Managing Human Resources, (5th Ed., Nelson Canada, 2010)




D. Doorey & A. Braley-Rattai, "Canadian Labour Relations: Law, Policy, Practice" (Emond 2020)


D. Doorey, The Law of Work, 2nd Ed (Emond, 2020)


The Law of Work: Industrial Relations and Collective Bargaining (2017, Emond)


The Law of Work: Complete Edition (Emond, 2017)


The Law of Work: Common Law and the Regulation of Work (2016, Emond) http://www.emond.ca/the-law-of-work-common-law-and-the-regulation-of-work.html


Journal Articles


“Mapping Ontario’s Distinctive Model of Construction Labour Law” (2022) Canadian Labour & Employment Law Journal


"The Stubborn Persistence of the Lawyer Exemption in Canadian Collective Bargaining Law” (2022) Dalhousie Law Journal


“Unjust Dismissal Legislation in Canada: What is the Value of a Job?” (2022) Kings Law Journal (UK)


"Reflecting Back on the Future of Labour Law" (2021) University of Toronto Law Journal


"Clean Slate and the Wagner Model: Comparative Labor Law and a New Plurality" (2021) Employee Rights & Employment Policy Journal 95


David Doorey, "Back to the Future of Canadian Labour Law" (2020) Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations


D. Doorey, "A Law of Just Transitions: Putting Labour Law to Work on Climate Change" (2017) 30 J. of Environmental Law & Practice 201


D. Doorey, “Mapping the Ascendance of the Living Wage Standard in Non-State Global Labour Codes" (2015) 6(2) Journal of Legal Theory


D. Doorey, “Graduated Freedom of Association: Worker Voice Beyond the Wagner Model” (2013), 38 Queens Law Journal 511


D. Doorey, “A Model of Responsive Workplace Law" (2012), 50 Osgoode Hall Law Journal 47


D. Doorey, “The Transparent Supply Chain: From Resistance to Implementation at Nike and Levi-Strauss” (2011), 103 Journal of Business Ethics 587-603


D. Doorey, “In Defense of Transnational Domestic Labor Law” (2010), 42 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 953-1009


D. Doorey, “Union Access to Workers During Organizing Campaigns: A New Look Through the Lens of Health Services”, (2009-10) 15(1) Canadian Employment & Labour Law Journal 1-49


Doorey, D. (2008) . Harry and the Steelworker. Can. Employment & Labour Law Journal, 13 [forthcoming].


Doorey, D. (2008) . The Medium and the ‘Anti-Union’ Message: Captive Audience Meetings and Forced Listening in Canada. Comparative Labor Law & Policy Journal, 29(2), p.101.


Doorey, D. (2007) . Can Factory Disclosure Influence Labour Practices in Global Supply Chains: A Case Study of Nike and Levi-Strauss. Comparative Law & Political Economy Research Paper Series.


Doorey, D. (2006) . Neutrality Agreements: Bargaining Representation Rights in the Shadow of the State. Can. Employment & Labour Law Journal, 41, p.11.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Codes of Conduct and Information Disclosure. International Union Rights Journal 12, p.7.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Disclosure of Factory Locations in Global Supply Chains: A Canadian Proposal to Improve Global Labour Practices. Canadian Review of Social Policy 55, p.104


Doorey, D. (2005) . ‘Employer Bullying’: Implied Duties of Fair Dealing in Canadian Employment Contracts. Queens Law Journal 30, p.500.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Who Made That?: Influencing Foreign Labour Practices Through Reflexive Domestic Disclosure Regulation. Osgoode Hall Law Journal 43, p.353.


Doorey, D. (2002) . An American Labour Strategy Comes to Canada. International Union Rights 9, p.22.


Conference Papers


“Graduated Freedom of Association” Law and Society Annual Proceedings, Minneapolis, May 2014


“A Law of Just Transitions”, Canadian Industrial Relations Association Conference, Brock University, May 2014


“Saskatchewan’s Bill-85: A Rebellion Without a Cause”, Canadian Industrial Relations Association, Ryerson University, 2013


“Labour Law as Vaccine: Harnessing Risk to Regulate Supply Chain Labour Practices” Labour Law Research Network Inaugural Conference, Barcelona, 2013


“What is Labour Law Scholarship For?”, Law and Society Annual Conference, Boston, 2013 (with Professor Ruth Dukes)


“Laboring Through the Supply Chain”, International Law and Society Conference, Honolulu, 2012


“Good Employer, Bad Employer: Risk, Reward, and Polycentric Ordering in Employment Law”, Society of Legal Scholars Annual Conference, 2011, Cambridge University, UK


“Authorizations, Contestations, and Problemitizations: The Case of the Living Wage”, Workshop on the Dynamics of Interaction Among Transnational Business Regulatory Initiatives: Theoretical Approaches, Empirical Contexts and Practitioners' Perspectives, 2011, European University Institute, Florence, Italy


Doorey, D. (2007) . Arthurs and the Steelworker: Teaching Labour Law to Non-lawyers.


Doorey, D. (2007) . Can Factory Disclosure Influence Labour Practices in Global Supply Chains: A Case Study of Nike and Levi-Strauss.


Doorey, D. (2007) . Neutrality Agreements: What Lies Ahead?


Doorey, D. (2007) . Unions, Social Advocacy Groups, and Transparency as Organizing Tool.


Doorey, D. (2005) . Who Made That?: Reflexive Law, Factory Disclosure, and Labour Practices.


Public Lectures


“Traditional Unions Can’t Help Baristas. Can Non-Traditional”, Global Labour Speaker Series, York University, February 2014




Doorey, D. (forthcoming) . Industrial Conflict. Chapter 9, Labour and Employment Law: Cases and Materials, Labour Law Casebook Group.

Approach to Teaching

Professor Doorey teaches undergraduate and graduate school courses in Labour Law, Employment Law, Industrial Relations, Labour Law Theory and Perspectives, and Industrial Conflict, among other courses.

Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/SPRT1020 3.0 M Sport and the Legal Environment LECT
Winter 2025 AP/HRM3420 3.0 N Employment Law ONCA