
Deborah Orr

Photo of Deborah Orr

Department of Humanities

Associate Professor

Office: McLaughlin College, 044
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 77024

Attached CV

Professor Deborah Orr is an Associate Professor in the Division of Humanities and the Humanities Graduate Program and in the Graduate Program in Humanities, Religion, Values and Culture Field. Her research and teaching bring a philosophical perspective to issues in the areas of gender, ethics, embodiment, spirituality, and pedagogy. Deborah has been active in organizing a series of conferences on holistic teaching and learning. She also teaches Iyengar method yoga, meditation, and philosophy.


Professor Deborah Orr is appointed to the Division of Humanities and the Humanities Graduate Studies Faculty. Her discipline is philosophy. Her Master’s thesis is "Verstehen: A Critical Study of Dilthey’s Epistemology and Methodology", and her doctoral thesis is on "Concepts of Understanding in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein’s Mature Period". She is currently working on a book about the uses of yoga, including mindfulness practices, in teaching and learning with the working title "Thinking Outside the Academic Box".

Deborah’s research and teaching bring a philosophical perspective to issues in the areas of gender, ethics, embodiment, spirituality, and pedagogy, especially the interface between these and mindfulness practice.

Her Current Teaching is: Huma1951 9.0 "Introduction to Gender: History, Culture and Ideology" and GS/Huma6154 3.0 "Introduction to Mindfulness" Understanding and Using Mindfulness in the Professions"

Deborah has been active in organizing a series of conferences on holistic teaching and learning. She has offered a range of sessions at the conferences, including the pre-conference session, “Mindfulness in Anti-Oppressive Teaching and Learning” at the Sixth Conference in 2007. The Ninth International Holistic Learning Conference will be held at Geneva Park, Orillia in October, 2013. Information on the upcoming conference will be posted as it becomes available on the website:

Deborah sits on the editorial board of 'Other Education"

Deborah also teaches Iyengar method yoga, meditation, and philosophy in various non-academic venues in Toronto. Some Recent Publications: Chapters in Books: (2018 Forthcoming) . “Ethics, Mindfulness and Skillfulness”, Singh, Nirbhay, Ron Purser, Steven Stanley (Eds.). Handbook of Ethical Foundations of Mindfulness. New York: Springer. 2017. “Nature, Human Nature and Human-as-Nature: For Cecil”, Olen Gunnlaugsan, Ed Sarath, Heesoon Bai and Charles Scott (Eds.). Intersubjective Turn in Contemplative Education: Shared Approaches for Contemplative Learning & Inquiry Across Disciplines. New York: SUNY 2017. “Meditating with Wittgenstein: Constructing and Deconstructing the Language-games of Masculinity”, Peters, Michael A. and Jeff Stickney (Eds.) A Companion to Wittgenstein on Education: Pedagogical Investigations. New York: Springer.


1985. Ph.D., York University, Department of Philosophy
1979. M.A., York University, Department of Philosophy
1973. B.A. (Hons.)., York University, Department of Psychology

Professional Leadership

Development of Mindfulness and Contemplative Education website This website is designed to provide opportunities for connection and collaboration and is open to all students, researchers and academics interested in any aspect of contemplative education. Registration is free and full professional information, announcements and other information can be posted.

Community Contributions

Extra-University Community Service:

Iyengar Yoga School of Toronto, “The Ethics of Patajali’s Classical Yoga, 2008 – 2011.
Iyengar Yoga School of Toronto, “The Philosophy of Classical Yoga: Patajali’s Yoga Sutra, 2006-07
Iyengar Yoga School of Toronto, “The Philosophy of Classical Yoga: Patajali’s Yoga Sutra, January 2006 – June, 2006.
Yoga Instructor, Iyengar Yoga School of Toronto, October 2005 – present.
Yoga Instructor, Parks and Recreation Toronto, 1998 - present
Chair, Newsletter Committee, Yoga Centre Toronto, 1996-1999
Editor, The Yoga Flyer, 1996-1999
Yoga Teaching, various venues, 1997 - present

Research Interests

Philosophy , Ethics, Philosophy of Mindfulness, Application of Mindfulness to Anti-oppressive Pedagogy and Praxis