
Darryl Reed

Photo of Darryl Reed

Department of Social Science

Professor Emeritus

Office: 764 Ross Building South
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 77817
Email: dreed@yorku.ca
Primary website: www.yorku.ca/dreed

Darryl Reed is Associate Professor in the Division of Social Science at York University and teaches in the Business & Society Program. He has a PhD in political economy and public policy (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, ’95) and a PhD in social ethics (University of Southern California, ’97). He has studied in Germany as an Adenauer Fellow (Frankfurt, 1989-90), has taught at the Budapest University of Economics (1994-1995) and was the Sir Ratan Tata Visiting Fellow at the Management Centre for Human Values at the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta (1997-1998). He has a wide range of research interests in the field of Business and Society, including corporate governance, community economic development, business ethics and development ethics. He has published in a number of business and economic ethics journals including the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society, Business Ethics: A European Review, and the International Journal of Social Economics. He also sits on the editorial board of several journals in the field.



Ph. D., Social Ethics, University of Southern California
Ph. D., Political Economy & Public Policy, University of Southern California

Professional Leadership

Editorial Boards
Journal of Business Ethics Springer (Kluwer Academic) Publishers, (2004 – present),
Journal of Human Values, SAGE Publications (1997 – present)


Management Review, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (India)
Journal of Management Education, SAGE Publications
Business and Society, SAGE Publications
Business Ethics Quarterly, Society for Business Ethics
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Greenleaf Publishing
Journal of Academic Ethics, Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Agriculture and Human Values, Springer

Prentice Hall Press
Kluwer Academic Publishers (Springer)

Research Interests

, Social Science
  • Erasmus Mundus Scholarly Mobility Scholarship (European Union), Masters in Applied Ethics Consortium, (Linköping University, Sweden; Utrecht University, Netherlands; Trondheim University, Norway) 2009-10 - 2009-10
  • Sir Ratan Tata Visiting Fellowship (Management Centre for Human Values, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta) 1997-1998 - 1997-98
  • Haynes Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (University of Southern California) 1992-1993 - 1992-93
  • Konrad Adenauer Foundation Fellowship (held at J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany) 1989-1990 - 1989-90
  • Visiting Faculty (Centre for Corporate Governance & Citizenship, Indian Institute (Jan.-July) of Management, Bangalore) - 2009


Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operation across Borders (with J.J. McMurtry) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009 (272 pages).


Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development (with Sanjoy Mukherjee). Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003.


Three Historical Models of Corporate Governance: An Examination of Corporate Economic Responsibility in India. Calcutta: Indian Institute of Management, 1998 (151 pages).


Book Chapters


“Analysing the Internationalization of Co-operatives”, in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 7-53.


“Fair Trade: A Model for International Co-operation Among Co-operatives?”, (with Erbin Crowell) in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 141-177.


“From Critique to Contribution: Investigating the Purposes of Universities in an Age of Globalization”, (with John Dwyer) in R.D. Trilokekar, G.A. Jones and A. Shubert, eds, Canada’s Universities Go Global. Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 2009, pp. 337-354.


“Globalization and Co-operative Development: The Challenges of the Alternative Globalization Movement”, (with Ananya Mukherjee Reed) in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 242-272.


“Mondragon’s Response to the Challenges of Globalization: A Multi-localization Strategy”, (with Greg MacLeod) in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 111-140.


“Good Governance in Corporations: What is at Issue?”, in Surendra Munshi and Biju Abraham, eds., Good Governance in Democratic Societies in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New Delhi: Sage, 2004.


“Corporate Governance in India: Three Historical Models and their Development Impact”, (with Ananya Mukherjee Reed) in Darryl Reed and Sanjoy Mukherjee, eds, Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development. Oxford University Press, 2003.


“Corporate Governance Reforms in Developing Countries” in Darryl Reed and Sanjoy Mukherjee, eds, Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development. Oxford University Press, 2003.


“The Roles and Responsibilities of Corporations as Agents of Development” in Darryl Reed and Sanjoy Mukherjee, eds. Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development, Oxford University Press, 2003.


“Management Education in an Age of Globalization: Some Insights from Critical Theory,” in Charles Wankel and Robert DeFillippi, eds, Rethinking Management Education. Greenwich CT: Information Age Publishing, 2002, 209-236.


“Evaluating Corporate Governance in a Global Economy: Towards A Universal Normative Theory,” in N. Balasubramanian, editor, Corporate Boards and Governance. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers for the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, 1998, 91-111. Reprinted in N. Balasubramanian, editor, An International Perspective on Corporate Boards and Governance. Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian Insurance Institute. 1999, 41-63.


“Restructuring Beyond the First World,” in Leo Groarke, ed, The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and Beyond. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1998, 239-244.


Book Reviews


Capitalizing Knowledge: Essays on the History of Business Education in Canada, Barbara Austin, ed., (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000) in Canadian Historical Review, Sept. 2004.


Small Industrialists, Big Ambitions: Economic and Political Networks on a Large Industrial Estate in Western India by Pieter Gorter (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996) in Journal of Human Values, 4 (1) April 1998, 119-112.


Journal Articles


“Fair Trade and Development: What are the Implications of Mainstreaming?” (with Ananya Mukherjee), Universitas Forum 1(2), 2009.


“Partnerships for Development: Four Models of Business Involvement” (with Ananya Mukherjee), Journal of Business Ethics 90(1), May 2009, 3-37.


“What do Corporations have to do with Fair Trade? Positive and Normative Analysis from a Value Chain Perspective” Journal of Business Ethics 86(1), April 2009, 3-26.


“Universities and the Promotion of Corporate Responsibility: Reinterpreting the Liberal Arts Tradition,” Journal of Academic Ethics 2 (1), 2004, 3-41.


“Corporate Governance Reforms in Developing Countries,” Journal of Business Ethics, 37 (3), May 2002, 223-247.


“Employing Normative Stakeholder Theory in Developing Countries: A Critical Theory Perspective,” Business and Society, 4 (2), June 2002, 166-207.


“Resource Extraction Industries in Developing Countries,” Journal of Business Ethics, 39 (3) September 2002, 199-226.


“Responding to Globalization: The Vision and Practice of New Dawn Enterprises,” Économie et Solidarités, 33 (1), Printemps 2002, 57-73.


“Will Freeing up Corporate Activity Lead to Development? (and Why Should Corporations Care?) ” General Business Review, III (1) April-June 2001, 8-20.


“Ethics, Community Development and Not-for-Profit Business: The Case of New Dawn Enterprises,” International Journal of Social Economics 26 (5) 1998, 660-673 (author cited as being “Highly Commended” in the Literati Club Awards for Excellence 2000, MCB Press).


“Stakeholder Management Theory: A Critical Theory Perspective,” Business Ethics Quarterly, 9 (2), 1999, 453-483.


“Three Realms of Corporate Responsibility: Distinguishing Legitimacy, Morality and Ethics,” Journal of Business Ethics, 21 (1), 1999, 23-35.


“Corporate Social Responsibility and Development in India,” Journal of Human Values, 4 (2) October 1998, 201-217


“Critical Theory and the Catholic Church’s Ambivalence Towards Capitalism,” International Journal of Social Economics, 22 (2) Spring 1995, 19-39.


"Values and Ethics in Eastern European Business: Some Contemporary Issues,” Journal of Human Values, 1 (2) September 1995, 191-203.


“Catholic Social Thought and Economic Democracy in Eastern Europe?” New Blackfriars, 75 (879) February 1994, 97-108.


Professional Journal Articles


“Business Ethics in an Indian Setting,” Business Ethics: A European Review, 4 (2) July 1995, 162-165.


“Collapse and Transition in Eastern Europe: Some Implications for Business Ethics,” Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, XVII (5) 1995, 72-88.


“Ethics, Social Science Analysis and Transition Processes,” Studia Filosofica, (Spring) 1995


Conference Papers


June 2010 “Fair Trade and Inter-cooperation” Joint Session of Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation, Montreal (refereed).


April 2010 “Fair Trade as a Form of Non-State Regulation: Possibilities, Tensions and Prospects”, Global Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop, Trondheim, Norway (invited).


June 2010 “Procurement Policies and Purchasing Practices”, Annual Meeting of the Association for Non-Profit and Social Economy Research, Montreal (referreed).


October 2009 “Co-operative Internationalization: Lessons from the Fair Trade Movement”, (with JJ McMurtry) 2nd International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Östersunde, Sweden (refereed).


October 2009 “The Challenges of Co-operative Internationalization in a Global Economy” plenary address at the 2nd International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Östersunde, Sweden (invited).


June 2008 “Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Accountability & Social Economy Contributions to Development: A Comparative Analysis through the Lens of Fair Trade” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for the Studies of International Development, Vancouver (refereed).


May 2008 “Fair Trade and Development: Conceptualizing the Possibilities and Analysing the Practice(s)”, 3rd International Colloquium on Fair Trade and Sustainable Development. Montpellier, France (refereed).


Sept 2008 “Fair Trade, Non-State Regulation and Social Transformation: The Diversity of Practice and its Implications for Development” Workshop on Non-state Regulation and Development, York University (invited).


May 2008 “The Legitimacy of Fair Trade Organizations”, plenary address at the 3rd International Colloquium on Fair Trade and Sustainable Development. Montpellier, France (invited)


June 2008 “What is in a Name? A Critical Theory Approach to Understanding the Social Economy” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation, Vancouver(invited).


October 2007 “Fair Trade and Development: Investigating the Possibilities, Tensions and Contradictions”, 1st International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Victoria, Canada (refereed).


November 2006 “El Desarrollo Endógeno y el Comercio Justo” (Endogenous Development and Fair Trade) keynote address at the annual symposium of the International Center of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC) Venezuela, Universidad del Oriente, Cumaná, Venzuela (invited).


October 2006 “From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Accountability (and Beyond?)” International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Université de Quebec à Montrèal (by invitation).


March 2006 “From critique to contribution: investigating the roles of universities in an age of globalization” (with John Dwyer), Internationalizing Canada's Universities: Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities, York University (refereed).


June 2006 “Investigating what is ‘fair’ about Fair Trade”, Second 2nd International Colloquium on Fair Trade and Sustainable Development. Université de Quebec à Montrèal (refereed).


August 2006 “PPPs, CSR & Sustainable Human Development: Towards a Critical Research Agenda”, (with Ananya Mukherjee) Public-Private Partnerships in the Post WSSD Context, Copenhagen Business School (by invitation).


July 2003 “Firms, Governance and Development in the New Economy: Examining the Alternatives for Marginalized Communities,” 4th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, Dublin (refereed).


June 2002 “Community Economic Development in the Global Economy,” 3rd Annual Festival of Community Economic Development, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S.


April 2002 “Corporate Governance: A Conceptual Analysis,” Good Governance in Democratic Societies in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.


May 2002 “The roles and responsibilities of international actors in development-induced displacement: An analysis from a critical-theory perspective,” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for the Studies of International Development, Toronto (refereed).


June 2002 “The roles and responsibilities of international actors in development-induced displacement: An analysis from a critical-theory perspective,” 6th Annual International Conference on Ethics and Development, sponsored by the International Development Ethics Association, Zamorano, Honduras (refereed).


April 2000 “Corporate Governance, Economic Reform and Development: The Case of India,” Corporate Governance & Corporate Responsibility in Developing Economies, York University, Toronto.


Dec. 2000 “The Knowledge-Based Economy and Community Economic Development,” Challenges and Opportunities of a Knowledge-Based Economy, sponsored by Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.


June 2000 “The Roles and Responsibilities of Corporations as Agents of Development,” Corporate Governance and Development: Harmonizing Opportunities and Responsibilities, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.


July 1999 “Capitalist Firms as ‘Agents of Development’?” (joint paper with Ananya Mukherjee) First International Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK. (refereed)


Feb. 1998 “Ethics in the Industry-Government Interface,” Applied Ethics In Management, Management Centre for Human Values, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.


Oct. 1996 “Critical Theory and the Normative Analysis of Social Policy: The Case of Post-Communist Hungary,” First Annual Laurier Conference on Business and Professional Ethics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario (refereed).


July 1996 “Towards a Discourse Ethics Approach to Business Ethics,” First World Congress of the International Society for Business, Economics and Ethics, Reitaku University, Tokyo, Japan (refereed).


April 1994 “Collapse & Transition in Eastern Europe: Implications for Business Ethics,” Annual Meeting of Research Institutes, European Business Ethics Network, Charles University, Prague (refereed)


June 1994 “Examining Ethical Issues in Transition Processes,” opening address of Ethics in Transition: Political and Economic Transition in East and Central Europe, conference sponsored by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Gödöllô University, Gödöllô, Hungary


Conference Proceedings


“The Calling of Business: The Capitalist vs. the Social Economy”, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Festival of Community Economic Development, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S., 2003.


“Revitalizing Depleted Communities in the New Economy: The Role of Social Capital and Social Entrepreneurship”, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Festival of Community Economic Development, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S., 2002




“Developing a Normatively-Grounded Research Agenda for Fair Trade: Examining the Case of Canada” (with B. Thomson, I. Hussey and J.F. LeMay) Journal of Business Ethics (forthcoming).

Darryl Reed is Associate Professor in the Division of Social Science at York University and teaches in the Business & Society Program. He has a PhD in political economy and public policy (University of Southern California, Los Angeles, ’95) and a PhD in social ethics (University of Southern California, ’97). He has studied in Germany as an Adenauer Fellow (Frankfurt, 1989-90), has taught at the Budapest University of Economics (1994-1995) and was the Sir Ratan Tata Visiting Fellow at the Management Centre for Human Values at the Indian Institute of Management in Calcutta (1997-1998). He has a wide range of research interests in the field of Business and Society, including corporate governance, community economic development, business ethics and development ethics. He has published in a number of business and economic ethics journals including the Journal of Business Ethics, Business Ethics Quarterly, Business and Society, Business Ethics: A European Review, and the International Journal of Social Economics. He also sits on the editorial board of several journals in the field.


Ph. D., Social Ethics, University of Southern California
Ph. D., Political Economy & Public Policy, University of Southern California

Professional Leadership

Editorial Boards
Journal of Business Ethics Springer (Kluwer Academic) Publishers, (2004 – present),
Journal of Human Values, SAGE Publications (1997 – present)


Management Review, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (India)
Journal of Management Education, SAGE Publications
Business and Society, SAGE Publications
Business Ethics Quarterly, Society for Business Ethics
Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Greenleaf Publishing
Journal of Academic Ethics, Springer (Kluwer Academic Publishers)
Agriculture and Human Values, Springer

Prentice Hall Press
Kluwer Academic Publishers (Springer)

Research Interests

, Social Science


  • Erasmus Mundus Scholarly Mobility Scholarship (European Union), Masters in Applied Ethics Consortium, (Linköping University, Sweden; Utrecht University, Netherlands; Trondheim University, Norway) 2009-10 - 2009-10
  • Sir Ratan Tata Visiting Fellowship (Management Centre for Human Values, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta) 1997-1998 - 1997-98
  • Haynes Foundation Dissertation Fellowship (University of Southern California) 1992-1993 - 1992-93
  • Konrad Adenauer Foundation Fellowship (held at J.W. Goethe University, Frankfurt, Germany) 1989-1990 - 1989-90
  • Visiting Faculty (Centre for Corporate Governance & Citizenship, Indian Institute (Jan.-July) of Management, Bangalore) - 2009

All Publications

Book Chapters


“Analysing the Internationalization of Co-operatives”, in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 7-53.


“Fair Trade: A Model for International Co-operation Among Co-operatives?”, (with Erbin Crowell) in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 141-177.


“From Critique to Contribution: Investigating the Purposes of Universities in an Age of Globalization”, (with John Dwyer) in R.D. Trilokekar, G.A. Jones and A. Shubert, eds, Canada’s Universities Go Global. Toronto: James Lorimer & Co., 2009, pp. 337-354.


“Globalization and Co-operative Development: The Challenges of the Alternative Globalization Movement”, (with Ananya Mukherjee Reed) in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 242-272.


“Mondragon’s Response to the Challenges of Globalization: A Multi-localization Strategy”, (with Greg MacLeod) in Darryl Reed and J.J. McMurtry, eds, Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operating across Borders. Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009, pp. 111-140.


“Good Governance in Corporations: What is at Issue?”, in Surendra Munshi and Biju Abraham, eds., Good Governance in Democratic Societies in Cross-Cultural Perspective. New Delhi: Sage, 2004.


“Corporate Governance in India: Three Historical Models and their Development Impact”, (with Ananya Mukherjee Reed) in Darryl Reed and Sanjoy Mukherjee, eds, Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development. Oxford University Press, 2003.


“Corporate Governance Reforms in Developing Countries” in Darryl Reed and Sanjoy Mukherjee, eds, Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development. Oxford University Press, 2003.


“The Roles and Responsibilities of Corporations as Agents of Development” in Darryl Reed and Sanjoy Mukherjee, eds. Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development, Oxford University Press, 2003.


“Management Education in an Age of Globalization: Some Insights from Critical Theory,” in Charles Wankel and Robert DeFillippi, eds, Rethinking Management Education. Greenwich CT: Information Age Publishing, 2002, 209-236.


“Evaluating Corporate Governance in a Global Economy: Towards A Universal Normative Theory,” in N. Balasubramanian, editor, Corporate Boards and Governance. New Delhi: Sterling Publishers for the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, 1998, 91-111. Reprinted in N. Balasubramanian, editor, An International Perspective on Corporate Boards and Governance. Kuala Lumpur: The Malaysian Insurance Institute. 1999, 41-63.


“Restructuring Beyond the First World,” in Leo Groarke, ed, The Ethics of the New Economy: Restructuring and Beyond. Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1998, 239-244.


Book Reviews


Capitalizing Knowledge: Essays on the History of Business Education in Canada, Barbara Austin, ed., (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2000) in Canadian Historical Review, Sept. 2004.


Small Industrialists, Big Ambitions: Economic and Political Networks on a Large Industrial Estate in Western India by Pieter Gorter (Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1996) in Journal of Human Values, 4 (1) April 1998, 119-112.




Co-operatives in a Global Economy: The Challenges of Co-operation across Borders (with J.J. McMurtry) Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2009 (272 pages).


Corporate Governance, Economic Reforms and Development (with Sanjoy Mukherjee). Delhi: Oxford University Press, 2003.


Three Historical Models of Corporate Governance: An Examination of Corporate Economic Responsibility in India. Calcutta: Indian Institute of Management, 1998 (151 pages).


Journal Articles


“Fair Trade and Development: What are the Implications of Mainstreaming?” (with Ananya Mukherjee), Universitas Forum 1(2), 2009.


“Partnerships for Development: Four Models of Business Involvement” (with Ananya Mukherjee), Journal of Business Ethics 90(1), May 2009, 3-37.


“What do Corporations have to do with Fair Trade? Positive and Normative Analysis from a Value Chain Perspective” Journal of Business Ethics 86(1), April 2009, 3-26.


“Universities and the Promotion of Corporate Responsibility: Reinterpreting the Liberal Arts Tradition,” Journal of Academic Ethics 2 (1), 2004, 3-41.


“Corporate Governance Reforms in Developing Countries,” Journal of Business Ethics, 37 (3), May 2002, 223-247.


“Employing Normative Stakeholder Theory in Developing Countries: A Critical Theory Perspective,” Business and Society, 4 (2), June 2002, 166-207.


“Resource Extraction Industries in Developing Countries,” Journal of Business Ethics, 39 (3) September 2002, 199-226.


“Responding to Globalization: The Vision and Practice of New Dawn Enterprises,” Économie et Solidarités, 33 (1), Printemps 2002, 57-73.


“Will Freeing up Corporate Activity Lead to Development? (and Why Should Corporations Care?) ” General Business Review, III (1) April-June 2001, 8-20.


“Ethics, Community Development and Not-for-Profit Business: The Case of New Dawn Enterprises,” International Journal of Social Economics 26 (5) 1998, 660-673 (author cited as being “Highly Commended” in the Literati Club Awards for Excellence 2000, MCB Press).


“Stakeholder Management Theory: A Critical Theory Perspective,” Business Ethics Quarterly, 9 (2), 1999, 453-483.


“Three Realms of Corporate Responsibility: Distinguishing Legitimacy, Morality and Ethics,” Journal of Business Ethics, 21 (1), 1999, 23-35.


“Corporate Social Responsibility and Development in India,” Journal of Human Values, 4 (2) October 1998, 201-217


“Critical Theory and the Catholic Church’s Ambivalence Towards Capitalism,” International Journal of Social Economics, 22 (2) Spring 1995, 19-39.


"Values and Ethics in Eastern European Business: Some Contemporary Issues,” Journal of Human Values, 1 (2) September 1995, 191-203.


“Catholic Social Thought and Economic Democracy in Eastern Europe?” New Blackfriars, 75 (879) February 1994, 97-108.


Professional Journal Articles


“Business Ethics in an Indian Setting,” Business Ethics: A European Review, 4 (2) July 1995, 162-165.


“Collapse and Transition in Eastern Europe: Some Implications for Business Ethics,” Society and Economy in Central and Eastern Europe, XVII (5) 1995, 72-88.


“Ethics, Social Science Analysis and Transition Processes,” Studia Filosofica, (Spring) 1995


Conference Papers


June 2010 “Fair Trade and Inter-cooperation” Joint Session of Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation, Montreal (refereed).


April 2010 “Fair Trade as a Form of Non-State Regulation: Possibilities, Tensions and Prospects”, Global Regulation of Corporate Social Responsibility Workshop, Trondheim, Norway (invited).


June 2010 “Procurement Policies and Purchasing Practices”, Annual Meeting of the Association for Non-Profit and Social Economy Research, Montreal (referreed).


October 2009 “Co-operative Internationalization: Lessons from the Fair Trade Movement”, (with JJ McMurtry) 2nd International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Östersunde, Sweden (refereed).


October 2009 “The Challenges of Co-operative Internationalization in a Global Economy” plenary address at the 2nd International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Östersunde, Sweden (invited).


June 2008 “Corporate Social Responsibility, Corporate Accountability & Social Economy Contributions to Development: A Comparative Analysis through the Lens of Fair Trade” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for the Studies of International Development, Vancouver (refereed).


May 2008 “Fair Trade and Development: Conceptualizing the Possibilities and Analysing the Practice(s)”, 3rd International Colloquium on Fair Trade and Sustainable Development. Montpellier, France (refereed).


Sept 2008 “Fair Trade, Non-State Regulation and Social Transformation: The Diversity of Practice and its Implications for Development” Workshop on Non-state Regulation and Development, York University (invited).


May 2008 “The Legitimacy of Fair Trade Organizations”, plenary address at the 3rd International Colloquium on Fair Trade and Sustainable Development. Montpellier, France (invited)


June 2008 “What is in a Name? A Critical Theory Approach to Understanding the Social Economy” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for Studies in Co-operation, Vancouver(invited).


October 2007 “Fair Trade and Development: Investigating the Possibilities, Tensions and Contradictions”, 1st International CIRIEC Research Conference on the Social Economy, Victoria, Canada (refereed).


November 2006 “El Desarrollo Endógeno y el Comercio Justo” (Endogenous Development and Fair Trade) keynote address at the annual symposium of the International Center of Research and Information on the Public, Social and Cooperative Economy (CIRIEC) Venezuela, Universidad del Oriente, Cumaná, Venzuela (invited).


October 2006 “From Corporate Social Responsibility to Corporate Accountability (and Beyond?)” International Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility, Université de Quebec à Montrèal (by invitation).


March 2006 “From critique to contribution: investigating the roles of universities in an age of globalization” (with John Dwyer), Internationalizing Canada's Universities: Practices, Challenges, and Opportunities, York University (refereed).


June 2006 “Investigating what is ‘fair’ about Fair Trade”, Second 2nd International Colloquium on Fair Trade and Sustainable Development. Université de Quebec à Montrèal (refereed).


August 2006 “PPPs, CSR & Sustainable Human Development: Towards a Critical Research Agenda”, (with Ananya Mukherjee) Public-Private Partnerships in the Post WSSD Context, Copenhagen Business School (by invitation).


July 2003 “Firms, Governance and Development in the New Economy: Examining the Alternatives for Marginalized Communities,” 4th Annual Conference of the Association for Heterodox Economics, Dublin (refereed).


June 2002 “Community Economic Development in the Global Economy,” 3rd Annual Festival of Community Economic Development, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S.


April 2002 “Corporate Governance: A Conceptual Analysis,” Good Governance in Democratic Societies in Cross-Cultural Perspective, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.


May 2002 “The roles and responsibilities of international actors in development-induced displacement: An analysis from a critical-theory perspective,” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for the Studies of International Development, Toronto (refereed).


June 2002 “The roles and responsibilities of international actors in development-induced displacement: An analysis from a critical-theory perspective,” 6th Annual International Conference on Ethics and Development, sponsored by the International Development Ethics Association, Zamorano, Honduras (refereed).


April 2000 “Corporate Governance, Economic Reform and Development: The Case of India,” Corporate Governance & Corporate Responsibility in Developing Economies, York University, Toronto.


Dec. 2000 “The Knowledge-Based Economy and Community Economic Development,” Challenges and Opportunities of a Knowledge-Based Economy, sponsored by Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.


June 2000 “The Roles and Responsibilities of Corporations as Agents of Development,” Corporate Governance and Development: Harmonizing Opportunities and Responsibilities, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.


July 1999 “Capitalist Firms as ‘Agents of Development’?” (joint paper with Ananya Mukherjee) First International Critical Management Studies Conference, Manchester, UK. (refereed)


Feb. 1998 “Ethics in the Industry-Government Interface,” Applied Ethics In Management, Management Centre for Human Values, Indian Institute of Management, Calcutta.


Oct. 1996 “Critical Theory and the Normative Analysis of Social Policy: The Case of Post-Communist Hungary,” First Annual Laurier Conference on Business and Professional Ethics, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario (refereed).


July 1996 “Towards a Discourse Ethics Approach to Business Ethics,” First World Congress of the International Society for Business, Economics and Ethics, Reitaku University, Tokyo, Japan (refereed).


April 1994 “Collapse & Transition in Eastern Europe: Implications for Business Ethics,” Annual Meeting of Research Institutes, European Business Ethics Network, Charles University, Prague (refereed)


June 1994 “Examining Ethical Issues in Transition Processes,” opening address of Ethics in Transition: Political and Economic Transition in East and Central Europe, conference sponsored by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Gödöllô University, Gödöllô, Hungary


Conference Proceedings


“The Calling of Business: The Capitalist vs. the Social Economy”, Proceedings of the 4th Annual Festival of Community Economic Development, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S., 2003.


“Revitalizing Depleted Communities in the New Economy: The Role of Social Capital and Social Entrepreneurship”, Proceedings of the 3rd Annual Festival of Community Economic Development, University College of Cape Breton, Sydney, N.S., 2002




“Developing a Normatively-Grounded Research Agenda for Fair Trade: Examining the Case of Canada” (with B. Thomson, I. Hussey and J.F. LeMay) Journal of Business Ethics (forthcoming).