
Mary Jo Ducharme

Photo of Mary Jo Ducharme

School of Human Resource Management

Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Director

Office: Atkinson Building, 044C
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 33817
Email: ducharme@yorku.ca

Dr. Ducharme has a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Guelph. Her research interests include organizational, group and individual level attributes that contribute to improving the individual's experience within the workplace.



PhD, University of Guelph
MA, Wilfrid Laurier University
BA, University of Windsor


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Human Resources , Management, Human Resources Management

Current Research Projects

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Book Chapters


Ducharme, M.J. (2007) . The cognitive-behavioral approach to executive coaching. In R.R. Kilburg & R.C. Diedrich (Eds) The Wisdom of Coaching: Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change (pp. 157-165). American Psychological Association: Washington DC.


Journal Articles


McKenna, S., Ducharme, M.J. , & Budworth, M.H. (2009) . What happens on tour stays on tour: Teams on international short term assignment. Research and Practice in Human Resources Management, 17(1).


Ducharme, M.J., & Podolsky, M. (2006) . Variable pay: Its impact on motivation and organizational performance. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management, 6(1), 68-76.


Ducharme, M.J., Singh, P., & Podolsky, M. (2005) . Exploring the links between performance appraisals and pay satisfaction. Compensation and Benefits Review, 37(5), 46-52.


Ducharme, M.J. (2004) . The cognitive-behavioral approach to executive coaching. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 56(4) , 214-224.


Wood, J.V., Giordano-Beech, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1999) . Compensating for failure through social comparison. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25(11), 1370-1386.


Wood, E., Willoughby, T., McDermott, C., Motz, M., Kaspar, V., & Ducharme, M.J. (1999) . Developmental differences in study behavior. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(3), 527-536.


Wood, E., Willoughby, T., Reilley, S., Elliot, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1995) . Evaluating students’ acquisition of factual material when studying independently or with a partner. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 65(2), 237-247.


Ducharme, M.J., & Santi, A. (1993) . Alterations in the memory code for temporal events induced by differential outcome expectancies in pigeons. Animal Learning and behavior, 21(1), 73-81.


Santi, A., Bridson, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1993) . Memory codes for temporal and nontemporal samples in many-to-one matching in pigeons. Animal Learning and Behavior, 23(2), 120-130.


Santi, A., Ducharme, M.J., & Bridson, S. (1992) . Differential outcome expectancies and memory for temporal and nontemporal stimuli in pigeons. Learning and Motivation, 23(2), 156-169.


Conference Proceedings


Podolsky, M., Ducharme, M.J., & Belcourt, M. (2007, June) . Multi-level performance outcomes of forced distribution rating scales. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Ottawa, ON.


Singh, P., Fang, T., Ducharme, M.J., & Belcourt, M. (2007, June) . The effects of HRM practices on firm performance in small businesses. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Ottawa, ON.


Ducharme, M.J., Singh, P., & Belcourt, M. (2005, June) . Human resource management and firm performance in small and medium-sized businesses. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Toronto, ON.


Podolsky, M., Singh, P., & Ducharme, M.J. (2005, June) . Linking performance appraisals to pay: Implications for pay satisfaction. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Toronto, ON.


Ducharme, M.J., Singh, P., & Belcourt, M. (2004, June) . Assessing the effects of HR strategic fit on firm performance. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Quebec, PQ.


Ducharme, M.J., & Singh, P. (2004, June) . Efficacy of variable pay programs. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Quebec, PQ.


Bandomir, C., & Ducharme, M.J. (2002, August) . The cognitive behavioral approach to executive coaching. Presented at The American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.


Wood, J.V., Giordano-Beech, M. & Ducharme, M.J. (1996, October) . Compensative for failure through social comparison. Presented at The Society for Experimental Social Psychology, annual meeting, Sturbridge, Massachusetts.


Santi, A., & Ducharme, M.J. (1992, July) . Alterations in the memory code for temporal events induced by differential outcome expectancies in pigeons. Paper presented at the XXV International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium.


Ducharme, M.J., & Santi, A. (1992, June) . Differential outcome expectancies of food and no-food and memory for temporal and nontemporal stimuli. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior, & Cognitive Science, Quebec, PQ.


Santi, A., Bridson, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1991, November) . Analogical codes, common codes, and temporal samples in many-to-one matching. Paper presented at the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, California.


Santi, A., Bridson, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1991, June) . Memory codes for temporal and nontemporal samples in many-to-one matching by pigeons. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior, & Cognitive Science, Calgary, Alberta.


Santi, A., Ducharme, M.J., & Bridson, S. (1990, May) . Differential outcome expectancies and memory for temporal and nontemporal stimuli in pigeons. Paper presented at the Conference on Animal Learning, Ottawa.


Ducharme, J.M., Feldman, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1990, September) . The use of stimulus control strategies to promote generalization of teaching skills in direct care staff. Paper presented at the European Behavior Therapy Congress, Paris.


Ducharme, J.M., Feldman, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1989, May) . A comparison of three staff training procedures for promoting generalization of staff skills in teaching developmentally handicapped clients. Paper presented at The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville.


Ducharme, J.M., Feldman, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1989, March) . Mediator Training: The role of stimulus control variables in the generalization of staff programming skills. Paper presented at The American Association on Mental Retardation Conference (Ontario Chapter), Toronto.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 GS/HRM6100 3.0 M Staffing Organizations LECT
Winter 2025 AP/HRM3470 3.0 N Recruitm. Select. & Perform. Appraisal ONLN

Dr. Ducharme has a PhD in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from the University of Guelph. Her research interests include organizational, group and individual level attributes that contribute to improving the individual's experience within the workplace.


PhD, University of Guelph
MA, Wilfrid Laurier University
BA, University of Windsor


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Research Interests

Human Resources , Management, Human Resources Management

Current Research Projects

    Project Type: Funded

All Publications

Book Chapters


Ducharme, M.J. (2007) . The cognitive-behavioral approach to executive coaching. In R.R. Kilburg & R.C. Diedrich (Eds) The Wisdom of Coaching: Essential papers in consulting psychology for a world of change (pp. 157-165). American Psychological Association: Washington DC.


Journal Articles


McKenna, S., Ducharme, M.J. , & Budworth, M.H. (2009) . What happens on tour stays on tour: Teams on international short term assignment. Research and Practice in Human Resources Management, 17(1).


Ducharme, M.J., & Podolsky, M. (2006) . Variable pay: Its impact on motivation and organizational performance. International Journal of Human Resource Development and Management, 6(1), 68-76.


Ducharme, M.J., Singh, P., & Podolsky, M. (2005) . Exploring the links between performance appraisals and pay satisfaction. Compensation and Benefits Review, 37(5), 46-52.


Ducharme, M.J. (2004) . The cognitive-behavioral approach to executive coaching. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 56(4) , 214-224.


Wood, J.V., Giordano-Beech, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1999) . Compensating for failure through social comparison. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25(11), 1370-1386.


Wood, E., Willoughby, T., McDermott, C., Motz, M., Kaspar, V., & Ducharme, M.J. (1999) . Developmental differences in study behavior. Journal of Educational Psychology, 91(3), 527-536.


Wood, E., Willoughby, T., Reilley, S., Elliot, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1995) . Evaluating students’ acquisition of factual material when studying independently or with a partner. British Journal of Educational Psychology, 65(2), 237-247.


Ducharme, M.J., & Santi, A. (1993) . Alterations in the memory code for temporal events induced by differential outcome expectancies in pigeons. Animal Learning and behavior, 21(1), 73-81.


Santi, A., Bridson, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1993) . Memory codes for temporal and nontemporal samples in many-to-one matching in pigeons. Animal Learning and Behavior, 23(2), 120-130.


Santi, A., Ducharme, M.J., & Bridson, S. (1992) . Differential outcome expectancies and memory for temporal and nontemporal stimuli in pigeons. Learning and Motivation, 23(2), 156-169.


Conference Proceedings


Podolsky, M., Ducharme, M.J., & Belcourt, M. (2007, June) . Multi-level performance outcomes of forced distribution rating scales. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Ottawa, ON.


Singh, P., Fang, T., Ducharme, M.J., & Belcourt, M. (2007, June) . The effects of HRM practices on firm performance in small businesses. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Ottawa, ON.


Ducharme, M.J., Singh, P., & Belcourt, M. (2005, June) . Human resource management and firm performance in small and medium-sized businesses. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Toronto, ON.


Podolsky, M., Singh, P., & Ducharme, M.J. (2005, June) . Linking performance appraisals to pay: Implications for pay satisfaction. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Toronto, ON.


Ducharme, M.J., Singh, P., & Belcourt, M. (2004, June) . Assessing the effects of HR strategic fit on firm performance. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Quebec, PQ.


Ducharme, M.J., & Singh, P. (2004, June) . Efficacy of variable pay programs. Administrative Studies Association of Canada Annual Conference. Quebec, PQ.


Bandomir, C., & Ducharme, M.J. (2002, August) . The cognitive behavioral approach to executive coaching. Presented at The American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Chicago, Illinois.


Wood, J.V., Giordano-Beech, M. & Ducharme, M.J. (1996, October) . Compensative for failure through social comparison. Presented at The Society for Experimental Social Psychology, annual meeting, Sturbridge, Massachusetts.


Santi, A., & Ducharme, M.J. (1992, July) . Alterations in the memory code for temporal events induced by differential outcome expectancies in pigeons. Paper presented at the XXV International Congress of Psychology, Brussels, Belgium.


Ducharme, M.J., & Santi, A. (1992, June) . Differential outcome expectancies of food and no-food and memory for temporal and nontemporal stimuli. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior, & Cognitive Science, Quebec, PQ.


Santi, A., Bridson, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1991, November) . Analogical codes, common codes, and temporal samples in many-to-one matching. Paper presented at the Psychonomic Society, San Francisco, California.


Santi, A., Bridson, S., & Ducharme, M.J. (1991, June) . Memory codes for temporal and nontemporal samples in many-to-one matching by pigeons. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior, & Cognitive Science, Calgary, Alberta.


Santi, A., Ducharme, M.J., & Bridson, S. (1990, May) . Differential outcome expectancies and memory for temporal and nontemporal stimuli in pigeons. Paper presented at the Conference on Animal Learning, Ottawa.


Ducharme, J.M., Feldman, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1990, September) . The use of stimulus control strategies to promote generalization of teaching skills in direct care staff. Paper presented at the European Behavior Therapy Congress, Paris.


Ducharme, J.M., Feldman, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1989, May) . A comparison of three staff training procedures for promoting generalization of staff skills in teaching developmentally handicapped clients. Paper presented at The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Association for Behavior Analysis, Nashville.


Ducharme, J.M., Feldman, M., & Ducharme, M.J. (1989, March) . Mediator Training: The role of stimulus control variables in the generalization of staff programming skills. Paper presented at The American Association on Mental Retardation Conference (Ontario Chapter), Toronto.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 GS/HRM6100 3.0 M Staffing Organizations LECT
Winter 2025 AP/HRM3470 3.0 N Recruitm. Select. & Perform. Appraisal ONLN