Alan Durston

Office: 2190 Vari Hall
Accepting New Graduate Students
Alan Durston studies the cultural and social history of Peru, 16th-20th centuries. He teaches courses on Latin American indigenous history, Spanish colonial history, and the history of language politics.
Ph.D. Anthropology, University of ChicagoM.A. History, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
M.A. History, University of Cambridge
Research Interests
Escritura en quechua y sociedad serrana en transformación. Perú, 1920-1960. Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos and Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Lima, Peru), 2019 (132p).
Alan Durston and Bruce Mannheim (eds.), Indigenous Languages, Politics, and Authority in Latin America: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives. University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), 2018 (ix, 265p).
Pastoral Quechua: The History of Christian Translation in Colonial Peru, 1550-1650. University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), 2007 (xvi+395p).
“Quechua for the Patria Nueva: Indigenous-Language Government Propaganda in 1920s Peru.” In Indigenous Languages, Politics, and Authority in Latin America: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives, edited by Alan Durston and Bruce Mannheim(University of Notre Dame Press, 2018), 161-180.
“Cristóbal Choquecasa and the Making of the Huarochirí Manuscript.” In Indigenous Intellectuals: Knowledge, Power, and Colonial Culture in Mexico and the Andes, edited by Gabriela Ramos and Yanna Yannakakis (Duke University Press, 2014), 151-169.
“Standard Colonial Quechua.” In Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America, edited by Salikoko Mufwene (University of Chicago Press, 2014), 225-243.
“Language.” In Lexikon of the Hispanic Baroque: Transatlantic Exchange and Transformation, edited by Evonne Levy and Kenneth Mills, University of Texas Press (Austin, 2014), 189-191.
Alan Durston and Jorge Urioste, “Las peticiones en quechua de Chuschi.” In El quipu colonial: estudios y materiales, edited by Marco Curatola Petrocchi and José Carlos de la Puente Luna, Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, 2013 ), 279-442.
“Quechua Political Literature in Early Republican Peru (1821-1876).” In History and Language in the Andes, edited by Paul Heggarty and Adrian Pearce, Palgrave Macmillan (New York, 2011), 165-186.
“Indigenous Languages and the Historiography on Latin America.” Storia della Storiografía 67:1 (2015), 51-65.
“Ippolito Galante y la filología quechua en los años 1930 y 40”. Lexis 38:2 (2014), 307-336.
“El teatro quechua en la ciudad de Ayacucho, Peru, 1920-1950.” Corpus: Archivos Virtuales de la Alteridad Americana 4:2 (December 2014)
“Inocencio Mamani y el proyecto de una literatura indígena en quechua (Puno, Perú, década de 1920).” A Contracorriente 11:3 (Spring 2014).
“Apuntes para una historia de los himnos quechuas del Cuzco” [Notes on the History of the Quechua Hymns of Cuzco]. Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena 42:1 (2010), 147-155.
“Native-Language Literacy in Colonial Peru: The Question of Mundane Quechua Writing Revisited.” The Hispanic American Historical Review 88:1 (2008), 41-70.
“Notes on the Authorship of the Huarochirí Manuscript.” Colonial Latin American Review 16:2 (2007), 227-241.
“La escritura del quechua por indígenas en el siglo XVII - nuevas evidencias en el Archivo Arzobispal de Lima (estudio preliminar y edición de textos)” [Indigenous Writers of Quechua in the Seventeenth Century: New Evidence from the Archdiocesan Archive of Lima (Preliminary Study and Edition of Texts]. Revista Andina 37 (2003), 207-236.
“El Aptaycachana de Juan de Castromonte - un manual sacramental quechua para la sierra central del Perú (ca. 1650)” [Juan de Castromonte’s Aptaycachana: A Quechua Sacramental Manual for the Central Highlands of Peru (ca. 1650)]. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines 31:2 (2002), 219-292.
“El proceso reduccional en el sur andino: confrontación y síntesis de sistemas espaciales” [The Congregation Process in the Southern Andes: Confrontation and Synthesis of Spatial Systems]. Revista de Historia Indígena 4 (1999), 75-101.
Alan Durston and Jorge Hidalgo L., “La presencia andina en los valles de Arica, siglos XVI-XVIII: casos de regeneración colonial de estructuras archipielágicas” [The Andean Presence in the Arica Valleys: Cases of Colonial Regeneration of Archipelago Structures]. Chungara Revista de Antropología Chilena 29/2 (1997): 249-273. Reprinted in Jorge Hidalgo (lead author) Historia andina en Chile, Editorial Universitaria (Santiago, Chile), 2004, p. 479-506.
“Un régimen urbanístico en la América hispana colonial - el trazado en damero durante los siglos XVI y XVII” [A Town-Planning Regime in Colonial Spanish America: The Grid Plan in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries]. Historia 28 (1994 [published in 1995]), 59-115.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST2720 6.0 | A | Latin America from Conquest to Cold War | LECT |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST3701 6.0 | A | Spain's Global Empire, 1500-1900 | LECT |
Alan Durston studies the cultural and social history of Peru, 16th-20th centuries. He teaches courses on Latin American indigenous history, Spanish colonial history, and the history of language politics.
Ph.D. Anthropology, University of ChicagoM.A. History, Universidad de Santiago de Chile
M.A. History, University of Cambridge
Research Interests
All Publications
“Quechua for the Patria Nueva: Indigenous-Language Government Propaganda in 1920s Peru.” In Indigenous Languages, Politics, and Authority in Latin America: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives, edited by Alan Durston and Bruce Mannheim(University of Notre Dame Press, 2018), 161-180.
“Cristóbal Choquecasa and the Making of the Huarochirí Manuscript.” In Indigenous Intellectuals: Knowledge, Power, and Colonial Culture in Mexico and the Andes, edited by Gabriela Ramos and Yanna Yannakakis (Duke University Press, 2014), 151-169.
“Standard Colonial Quechua.” In Iberian Imperialism and Language Evolution in Latin America, edited by Salikoko Mufwene (University of Chicago Press, 2014), 225-243.
“Language.” In Lexikon of the Hispanic Baroque: Transatlantic Exchange and Transformation, edited by Evonne Levy and Kenneth Mills, University of Texas Press (Austin, 2014), 189-191.
Alan Durston and Jorge Urioste, “Las peticiones en quechua de Chuschi.” In El quipu colonial: estudios y materiales, edited by Marco Curatola Petrocchi and José Carlos de la Puente Luna, Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, 2013 ), 279-442.
“Quechua Political Literature in Early Republican Peru (1821-1876).” In History and Language in the Andes, edited by Paul Heggarty and Adrian Pearce, Palgrave Macmillan (New York, 2011), 165-186.
Escritura en quechua y sociedad serrana en transformación. Perú, 1920-1960. Instituto Francés de Estudios Andinos and Instituto de Estudios Peruanos (Lima, Peru), 2019 (132p).
Alan Durston and Bruce Mannheim (eds.), Indigenous Languages, Politics, and Authority in Latin America: Historical and Ethnographic Perspectives. University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), 2018 (ix, 265p).
Pastoral Quechua: The History of Christian Translation in Colonial Peru, 1550-1650. University of Notre Dame Press (Notre Dame, IN), 2007 (xvi+395p).
“Indigenous Languages and the Historiography on Latin America.” Storia della Storiografía 67:1 (2015), 51-65.
“Ippolito Galante y la filología quechua en los años 1930 y 40”. Lexis 38:2 (2014), 307-336.
“El teatro quechua en la ciudad de Ayacucho, Peru, 1920-1950.” Corpus: Archivos Virtuales de la Alteridad Americana 4:2 (December 2014)
“Inocencio Mamani y el proyecto de una literatura indígena en quechua (Puno, Perú, década de 1920).” A Contracorriente 11:3 (Spring 2014).
“Apuntes para una historia de los himnos quechuas del Cuzco” [Notes on the History of the Quechua Hymns of Cuzco]. Chungara, Revista de Antropología Chilena 42:1 (2010), 147-155.
“Native-Language Literacy in Colonial Peru: The Question of Mundane Quechua Writing Revisited.” The Hispanic American Historical Review 88:1 (2008), 41-70.
“Notes on the Authorship of the Huarochirí Manuscript.” Colonial Latin American Review 16:2 (2007), 227-241.
“La escritura del quechua por indígenas en el siglo XVII - nuevas evidencias en el Archivo Arzobispal de Lima (estudio preliminar y edición de textos)” [Indigenous Writers of Quechua in the Seventeenth Century: New Evidence from the Archdiocesan Archive of Lima (Preliminary Study and Edition of Texts]. Revista Andina 37 (2003), 207-236.
“El Aptaycachana de Juan de Castromonte - un manual sacramental quechua para la sierra central del Perú (ca. 1650)” [Juan de Castromonte’s Aptaycachana: A Quechua Sacramental Manual for the Central Highlands of Peru (ca. 1650)]. Bulletin de l’Institut Français d’Études Andines 31:2 (2002), 219-292.
“El proceso reduccional en el sur andino: confrontación y síntesis de sistemas espaciales” [The Congregation Process in the Southern Andes: Confrontation and Synthesis of Spatial Systems]. Revista de Historia Indígena 4 (1999), 75-101.
Alan Durston and Jorge Hidalgo L., “La presencia andina en los valles de Arica, siglos XVI-XVIII: casos de regeneración colonial de estructuras archipielágicas” [The Andean Presence in the Arica Valleys: Cases of Colonial Regeneration of Archipelago Structures]. Chungara Revista de Antropología Chilena 29/2 (1997): 249-273. Reprinted in Jorge Hidalgo (lead author) Historia andina en Chile, Editorial Universitaria (Santiago, Chile), 2004, p. 479-506.
“Un régimen urbanístico en la América hispana colonial - el trazado en damero durante los siglos XVI y XVII” [A Town-Planning Regime in Colonial Spanish America: The Grid Plan in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries]. Historia 28 (1994 [published in 1995]), 59-115.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST2720 6.0 | A | Latin America from Conquest to Cold War | LECT |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/HIST3701 6.0 | A | Spain's Global Empire, 1500-1900 | LECT |