Eduardo Canel
Associate Professor
International Development Studies (IDS)
Office: 740 Ross Building South
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 22760
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Secondary website: Centre for Research on Latin America & the Caribbean
Eduardo Canel is an Associate Professor, International Development Studies, in the Department of Social Science. At the undergraduate level, he teaches in the International Development Studies (IDS) and Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) programs and he also teaches in the graduate program in Development Studies.
Professor Canel's research focuses on the role that social movements, community organizations and NGOs play in shaping or resisting development agendas through contentious strategies and/or through partnerships with institutional actors. He is currently working on the growth of socio-environmental conflicts arising from the intensification of resource extraction promoted by the new development agendas of leftist governments in Latin America (neo-developmentalism and new extractivism). His book Barrio Democracy in Latin America (Penn State University Press 2010) examines civil society participation in institutional participatory spaces created by governments to foster citizen engagement, highlighting the often conflictual nature of participatory spaces and centrality of local contexts and associative cultures in shaping participatory processes and determining the success or failure of institutional reforms. Professor Canel has served as Director of the Centre for Research on Latin America & the Caribbean (2007-2012), Coordinator of the International Development Studies (2006-2007), Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies programs (1995-2001; 2013), and member of the Board of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (2009-2012). He has been a Fellow of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) since 1992 and teaching in the International Development Studies program (IDS) since 2001 and in the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program (LACS) since 1991. Prof. Canel has worked on a number of institutional collaboration projects. He is currently working with the Centre for Refugee Studies at York to build a research partnership with colleagues from Colombian Universities (Los Andes, Pontificia Javeriana) to identify new determinants of forced displacement in Latin America such as the emerging violence generated by the expansion of extractive activities in the region. Between 2009-2013 he was Co-Director of two projects funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). “Mapping Out the New Area Studies for Development” - a partnership between CERLAC and the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) to renew the association and to strengthen its capacity to fulfill its mandate in relation to development activities. “North-South Knowledge Partnerships: Promoting the Canada-Latin America Connection” - a partnership between Canadian universities and Latin American institutions to promote knowledge mobilization around four themes: Intercultural relations; Local, Regional, and Territorial Development; Virtual Education; and Human and Social Development. He also participated in two other institutional cooperation projects involving CERLAC and Latin American partner institutions in Chile (1998-1994) and Nicaragua (1996-2002). He has also designed and delivered several "Intercultural Effectiveness" and "Pre-departure" workshops for the former Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Canadian Foreign Service Institute (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade). Professor Canel also worked in the field of television, assisting in the production of several CBC television documentaries on Central America and Cuba in the 1980s. He won a York University Teaching-Award in 1998 and received mention in the "Most Popular Professors List" in The Maclean's Guide to Canadian Universities in 2000 and 2001. He was also named one of the "10 Most Influential Hispanic Canadians" of 2009 by the Hispanic Business Association (HBA). In the 2014-2015 academic year he will teach the following courses: AP/SOSC 1430 9.0 Introduction to International Development Studies GS/DVST 5111 3.0 Civil Society & State in Development Discourse & Practice
PhD, Sociology, York UniversityGraduate Diploma in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, York University
MA, Sociology, York University
Honours BA, Sociology, York University
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
International Workshop Co-organizer. Extractive Industries and Violence in Latin America. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, December 2013. Special Panels Organizer. Co-organizer of nine Special Panels on International Development themes. Conference of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, UBC Kelowna, May 2012. Conference Track Co-Chair. Civil Society and Social Movements Track. Latin American Studies Association (LASA), San Francisco, May 2012. International Workshop Co-organizer. Trade and Investment-Induced Displacement in Latin America. York University, Toronto, 2011. National Board Member. Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 2009-2012. International Workshop Co-organizer. Rethinking Extractive Industry. York University, Toronto, 2010. Workshop Co-organizer. Networking and Partnering by Design. Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 2011. Workshop Co-organizer. Outcome Mapping Design and Evaluation Plan Blueprint Workshop: Revisiting Past and Present Practices, Preparing for the Future, Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 2010. Conference Co-Chair, Local Arrangements Committee. Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Toronto, Canada, 2010. Panel Organizer. Panel “Canada in the Americas: Regulating Canadian Extractive Industries in the Hemisphere.” Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 2010. Conference Co-Organizer. “Deepening Democracy as a Way of Life. Challenges for Participatory Democracy and Citizenship Learning in the 21sth Century.” Universidad de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2010. Conference Co-Organizer. “Rethinking Extractive Industries: Regulation, Dispossession, and Emerging Claims.” York University, Toronto, Canada, 2008.
Community Contributions
Member, Advisory Committee, Canadian Hispanic Congress, Toronto (2005-2006)
Member, Steering Committee, Solidarity Committee Mano con Mano, Toronto (2005)
Panelist & Commentator (1995-1997). Current Affairs Program Nuestra Gente. Tele-Latino T.V., Toronto.
President, Board of Directors (1994). Arauco Housing Co-op, Toronto.
Member, Board of Directors (1993). West-End Parents Daycare, Toronto.
Contract Negotiator (1993). West-End Parents Daycare-CUPE, Toronto.
Solidarity Work (1974-1990). Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Uruguay, Solidarity Committee for Latin America, Committee of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, Canadian Action for Nicaragua.
Interpreter Concerts by Uruguayan singer Daniel Viglietti, Tools for Peace, Toronto (1988) and Nicaraguan singer Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy, Canadian Action for Nicaragua (1985).
National Tour Coordinator (1978). Hugo Blanco Tour Committee. Coordinated a cross-country tour by Hugo Bianco, Peruvian peasant leader, and traveled with him for thirty days as his interpreter.
Research Interests
- Post-doctoral Fellowship (1992-1994). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. - 1992-94
- Young Canadian Researchers Award (1987-1988). International Development Research Centre. - 1987-88
- Doctoral Fellowship (1983-1987). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. - 1983-87
- Special M.A. Scholarship (1982-1983). Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada. - 1982-83
- Dean's Honour Roll (1980-1983). Faculty of Arts. York University. - 1980-83
- York University in-Course Scholarship (1980-1982). Faculty of Arts. York University. - 1980-82
- York University Teaching-Award for Untenured Faculty (1998). Faculty of Arts. York University. - 1998 - 1998
Barrio Democracy in Latin America. Participatory Decentralization and Community Activism in Montevideo. Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press (forthcoming 2010).
“Clientelism as a Training Ground for Community Participation in Montevideo’s Decentralized System of Urban Governance.” in Tina Hilgers (ed) Clientelism in Everyday Latin American Politics. Canada: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012
“Securing Human Rights and Democracy: What Role for Civil Society?” in Cohesión Social y Derechos Humanos, Ana Lucía Córdova Cazar y Francisco López-Bermúdez (eds.), Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 2009
"New Social Movement and Resource Mobilization: The Need for Integration." in Michael Kaufman and Haroldo Dilla (eds.) Community Power and Grassroots Democracy, London: Zed Books, 1997 (189-221) (revised version of article below).
"Responses to Neoliberalism: Localization and Globalization Among Popular Movements", in Global Justice, Global Democracy, ed. by Peter Penz, Toronto: Garamond Press, 1997 (253-270).
"New Social Movement and Resource Mobilization: The Need for Integration." in William Carroll (ed.) Organizing Dissent: Contemporary Social Movements in Theory and Practice. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1992 (22-51).
"Urban Social Movements, the State, and the Political System in Montevideo, Uruguay.” in Harry Diaz, Joanna Rummens and Patrick Taylor (eds.) Forging Identities and Patterns of Development. Toronto. Canadian Scholars' Press, 1991 (171-183).
“Introduction. Rethinking Extractive Industries. Regulation, Dispossession and Emerging Claims.” Co-edited with Uwafiuokun Idemudia and Liisa North. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Ottawa: XXX (1-2), Special double issue, (5-26).
“Uruguay’s Tilt Left?" NACLA Report on the Americas, New York. Vol. 38, No.2, September/October 2004.
“Dos Modelos de Descentralizacion y Participacion en America Latina – Una Discusion Conceptual” in Mercados globales y gobernabilidad local: Retos para la descentralización en América Latina y el Caribe. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt and Haroldo Dilla (eds.). Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 2001 (113-125).
“Municipal Decentralization and Participatory Democracy: Building a New Mode of Urban Politics in Montevideo City?” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Ámsterdam, October 2001 (25-46).
"Democratization and the Decline of Urban Social Movements in Uruguay: A Political-lnstitutional Account." in Arturo Escobar and Sonia Alvarez (eds.) New Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy and Democracy. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992 (276-290).
“Aprendizajes populares y clientelismo político: obstáculos para la democracia participativa?” Deepening Democracy as a Way of Life. Challenges for Participatory Democracy and Citizenship Learning in the 21sth Century. Universidad de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2010.
“Barrio Democracy in Latin America. Participatory Decentralization and Community Activism in Montevideo” Munck Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 2009
“Participatory Decentralization and Clientelism: the Case of Montevideo.” Clientelism and Democracy Workshop. Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGill University, Montreal, 2009.
“Participatory Democracy and Community Activism: the Dynamics of Contentious and Pragmatic Politics.” Beyond Good Governance: Rethinking Civil Society, Human Rights, and Democracy Promotion, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, 2009.
“Cooperacion Academica Nort-Sur, Conocimientos desde Canada.” Taller Internacional. Cooperacion, Conocimiento y Desarrollo, La Paz, 2008.
“Development at a Crossroads. Shifting Paradigms and New Research Agendas” V Jornadas de Investigación, Universidad Experimental de Guayana, Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, 2008.
“Securing Human Rights and Democracy: What Role for Civil Society?”, Encuentro Internacional ALC-UE. Cohesión Social y Bienestar Social: Inclusión y Diálogo con Enfoque de Derechos Humanos, Quito, 2008.
“Explaining Local State-Civil Society Synergy: The Role of Local Associational Cultures and Community Capacities”, Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, 2007.
“Rethinking Area Studies” University Consortium on the Global South, York University, 2007.
“Capital Social, Capacidades Locales y Accion Politica Municipal”, guest lecture, Instituto de Ciencias Politicas, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay (2004)
“Beyond Utopias: Constructing Progressive Politics in the Neo-Liberal Age–Left-Wing Politics in Uruguay”, panel “The Emerging Struggles in Latin America”, Toronto Social Forum, Ryerson University, Toronto (2003)
“New Municipal Politics – Democracy and Participatory Budgeting in the South”, panel “Opening Cities – Participatory Spaces in the New Municipal Politics”, Toronto Social Forum, Ryerson University, Toronto (2003).
"Promoting Local Democracy and Decentralization from a Left-Wing Agenda - Lessons from Montevideo”, Canadian Association of Studies in International Development (CASID), University of Toronto, summer 2002.
“Explaining Grassroot Activism – How Useful is the Concept of Social Capital?” Seminar on “Demystifying Social Capital.” Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean and The Rural Community Development Group, York University, Toronto, 2001.
“Municipal Decentralization and Participatory Democracy: Building a New Mode of Urban Politics in Montevideo City?”, Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, 2001
“Decentralization Models – Fostering Citizenship or Free Markets?” Conference on Decentralization and Economic Integration in the Caribbean. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Dominican Republic, 2000.
“Post-colonial Theory in Latin America – a Critical Discussion”. Colloquium. Graduate Sociology Program. York University, Toronto, 1999.
"Municipal Decentralization, Political Opportunities and Local Agency: Community Organizing Among Low-income Neighhourhoods. " Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, 1998.
"Politics and Culture in Latin America: The Emergence of a Social Left. " Closing plenary speaker. Conference "Against the New Right: New Lefts North and South". Conference Organizers: Socialist Register, Studies in Political Economy. Toronto, 1997.
"Globalization from Above and Globalization from Below: Popular Movements in Latin America." Canadian Association of Socialist Studies, Brock University, St. Catherines, 1996.
"Trade Union Responses to Neoliberalism and Globalization: the Latin American Case. " Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Toronto, 1996.
"Canada's Policy for Institutional Development and Collaborative Research." Latin American Centre for Human Economy (CLAEH), Montevideo, Uruguay, 1995.
“Social Movements, Politics and Cultural Production: the Latin American Experience." Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 1993.
"New Social Movement Theory and Resource Mobilization: The Need for Integration. " Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Queens University, Kingston, 1991.
"The Rise and Fall of Social Movements in Uruguay." Conference on "Social Movements and Power Relations: The Latin American Experience." University of Amsterdam. 1991.
"Contemporary Theories of Social Movements: A Comparison of 'Resource Mobilization' and 'New Social Movements' Theories” Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 1990.
"Nicaragua.- the Transition from Sandinista to UNO Government” Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean York University, Toronto, 1990.
"Urban Social Movements, the State, and the Political System in Montevideo, Uruguay." Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Toronto, 1990.
"Diversity and Unity among Latin Americans in Canada. " York University's Outreach Course for Hispanics, "Canada: Aspects of Multiculturalism," Toronto, 1989.
"New Social Movements, Grass-Roots Organizations in the Context of Redemocratization: The Case of Uruguay. " Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Ottawa. 1989.
"The Present Economic Crisis and the Peace Process in Nicaragua." Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 1989.
"Preliminary Findings on Neighbourhood Organizations in Penarol and Paso Carrasco." Latin American Centre for Human Economy (CLAEH), Montevideo, Uruguay, 1988.
"The Uruguayan Elections: A Victory for the Centre." Seminar on "Alternative Development Models for Latin America in the 1980's." Latin American Research Unit (LARU), Toronto, 1985.
"Elections in Nicaragua: An Eyewitness Report. " Seminar on "Alternative Development Models for Latin America in the 1980's." Latin American Research Unit (LARU), Toronto, 1984.
"Honduras' Militarization Process: Social and Political Consequences. " Seminar on "The State in Latin America: Theoretical Analysis and Case Studies. Latin American Research Unit (LARU), Toronto, 1983.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC4600 6.0 | A | International Develop. Studies Seminar | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1430 9.0 | A | Intro. to International Develop. Studies | BLEN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1439 9.0 | A | International Development Studies (ESL) | BLEN |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC4600 6.0 | A | International Develop. Studies Seminar | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1439 9.0 | A | International Development Studies (ESL) | BLEN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1430 9.0 | A | Intro. to International Develop. Studies | BLEN |
Eduardo Canel is an Associate Professor, International Development Studies, in the Department of Social Science. At the undergraduate level, he teaches in the International Development Studies (IDS) and Latin American and Caribbean Studies (LACS) programs and he also teaches in the graduate program in Development Studies.
Professor Canel's research focuses on the role that social movements, community organizations and NGOs play in shaping or resisting development agendas through contentious strategies and/or through partnerships with institutional actors. He is currently working on the growth of socio-environmental conflicts arising from the intensification of resource extraction promoted by the new development agendas of leftist governments in Latin America (neo-developmentalism and new extractivism). His book Barrio Democracy in Latin America (Penn State University Press 2010) examines civil society participation in institutional participatory spaces created by governments to foster citizen engagement, highlighting the often conflictual nature of participatory spaces and centrality of local contexts and associative cultures in shaping participatory processes and determining the success or failure of institutional reforms. Professor Canel has served as Director of the Centre for Research on Latin America & the Caribbean (2007-2012), Coordinator of the International Development Studies (2006-2007), Coordinator of the Latin American and Caribbean Studies programs (1995-2001; 2013), and member of the Board of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (2009-2012). He has been a Fellow of the Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean (CERLAC) since 1992 and teaching in the International Development Studies program (IDS) since 2001 and in the Latin American and Caribbean Studies program (LACS) since 1991. Prof. Canel has worked on a number of institutional collaboration projects. He is currently working with the Centre for Refugee Studies at York to build a research partnership with colleagues from Colombian Universities (Los Andes, Pontificia Javeriana) to identify new determinants of forced displacement in Latin America such as the emerging violence generated by the expansion of extractive activities in the region. Between 2009-2013 he was Co-Director of two projects funded by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC). “Mapping Out the New Area Studies for Development” - a partnership between CERLAC and the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies (CALACS) to renew the association and to strengthen its capacity to fulfill its mandate in relation to development activities. “North-South Knowledge Partnerships: Promoting the Canada-Latin America Connection” - a partnership between Canadian universities and Latin American institutions to promote knowledge mobilization around four themes: Intercultural relations; Local, Regional, and Territorial Development; Virtual Education; and Human and Social Development. He also participated in two other institutional cooperation projects involving CERLAC and Latin American partner institutions in Chile (1998-1994) and Nicaragua (1996-2002). He has also designed and delivered several "Intercultural Effectiveness" and "Pre-departure" workshops for the former Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the Canadian Foreign Service Institute (Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade). Professor Canel also worked in the field of television, assisting in the production of several CBC television documentaries on Central America and Cuba in the 1980s. He won a York University Teaching-Award in 1998 and received mention in the "Most Popular Professors List" in The Maclean's Guide to Canadian Universities in 2000 and 2001. He was also named one of the "10 Most Influential Hispanic Canadians" of 2009 by the Hispanic Business Association (HBA). In the 2014-2015 academic year he will teach the following courses: AP/SOSC 1430 9.0 Introduction to International Development Studies GS/DVST 5111 3.0 Civil Society & State in Development Discourse & Practice
PhD, Sociology, York UniversityGraduate Diploma in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, York University
MA, Sociology, York University
Honours BA, Sociology, York University
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
International Workshop Co-organizer. Extractive Industries and Violence in Latin America. Universidad de Los Andes, Bogota, Colombia, December 2013. Special Panels Organizer. Co-organizer of nine Special Panels on International Development themes. Conference of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies, UBC Kelowna, May 2012. Conference Track Co-Chair. Civil Society and Social Movements Track. Latin American Studies Association (LASA), San Francisco, May 2012. International Workshop Co-organizer. Trade and Investment-Induced Displacement in Latin America. York University, Toronto, 2011. National Board Member. Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. 2009-2012. International Workshop Co-organizer. Rethinking Extractive Industry. York University, Toronto, 2010. Workshop Co-organizer. Networking and Partnering by Design. Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 2011. Workshop Co-organizer. Outcome Mapping Design and Evaluation Plan Blueprint Workshop: Revisiting Past and Present Practices, Preparing for the Future, Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies and Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 2010. Conference Co-Chair, Local Arrangements Committee. Latin American Studies Association (LASA), Toronto, Canada, 2010. Panel Organizer. Panel “Canada in the Americas: Regulating Canadian Extractive Industries in the Hemisphere.” Latin American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada, 2010. Conference Co-Organizer. “Deepening Democracy as a Way of Life. Challenges for Participatory Democracy and Citizenship Learning in the 21sth Century.” Universidad de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2010. Conference Co-Organizer. “Rethinking Extractive Industries: Regulation, Dispossession, and Emerging Claims.” York University, Toronto, Canada, 2008.
Community Contributions
Member, Advisory Committee, Canadian Hispanic Congress, Toronto (2005-2006)
Member, Steering Committee, Solidarity Committee Mano con Mano, Toronto (2005)
Panelist & Commentator (1995-1997). Current Affairs Program Nuestra Gente. Tele-Latino T.V., Toronto.
President, Board of Directors (1994). Arauco Housing Co-op, Toronto.
Member, Board of Directors (1993). West-End Parents Daycare, Toronto.
Contract Negotiator (1993). West-End Parents Daycare-CUPE, Toronto.
Solidarity Work (1974-1990). Committee for the Defense of Political Prisoners in Uruguay, Solidarity Committee for Latin America, Committee of Solidarity with the People of El Salvador, Canadian Action for Nicaragua.
Interpreter Concerts by Uruguayan singer Daniel Viglietti, Tools for Peace, Toronto (1988) and Nicaraguan singer Luis Enrique Mejia Godoy, Canadian Action for Nicaragua (1985).
National Tour Coordinator (1978). Hugo Blanco Tour Committee. Coordinated a cross-country tour by Hugo Bianco, Peruvian peasant leader, and traveled with him for thirty days as his interpreter.
Research Interests
- Post-doctoral Fellowship (1992-1994). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. - 1992-94
- Young Canadian Researchers Award (1987-1988). International Development Research Centre. - 1987-88
- Doctoral Fellowship (1983-1987). Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. - 1983-87
- Special M.A. Scholarship (1982-1983). Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada. - 1982-83
- Dean's Honour Roll (1980-1983). Faculty of Arts. York University. - 1980-83
- York University in-Course Scholarship (1980-1982). Faculty of Arts. York University. - 1980-82
- York University Teaching-Award for Untenured Faculty (1998). Faculty of Arts. York University. - 1998 - 1998
All Publications
“Clientelism as a Training Ground for Community Participation in Montevideo’s Decentralized System of Urban Governance.” in Tina Hilgers (ed) Clientelism in Everyday Latin American Politics. Canada: Palgrave Macmillan. 2012
“Securing Human Rights and Democracy: What Role for Civil Society?” in Cohesión Social y Derechos Humanos, Ana Lucía Córdova Cazar y Francisco López-Bermúdez (eds.), Quito: Corporación Editora Nacional, 2009
"New Social Movement and Resource Mobilization: The Need for Integration." in Michael Kaufman and Haroldo Dilla (eds.) Community Power and Grassroots Democracy, London: Zed Books, 1997 (189-221) (revised version of article below).
"Responses to Neoliberalism: Localization and Globalization Among Popular Movements", in Global Justice, Global Democracy, ed. by Peter Penz, Toronto: Garamond Press, 1997 (253-270).
"New Social Movement and Resource Mobilization: The Need for Integration." in William Carroll (ed.) Organizing Dissent: Contemporary Social Movements in Theory and Practice. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1992 (22-51).
"Urban Social Movements, the State, and the Political System in Montevideo, Uruguay.” in Harry Diaz, Joanna Rummens and Patrick Taylor (eds.) Forging Identities and Patterns of Development. Toronto. Canadian Scholars' Press, 1991 (171-183).
Barrio Democracy in Latin America. Participatory Decentralization and Community Activism in Montevideo. Pennsylvania: Penn State University Press (forthcoming 2010).
“Introduction. Rethinking Extractive Industries. Regulation, Dispossession and Emerging Claims.” Co-edited with Uwafiuokun Idemudia and Liisa North. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, Ottawa: XXX (1-2), Special double issue, (5-26).
“Uruguay’s Tilt Left?" NACLA Report on the Americas, New York. Vol. 38, No.2, September/October 2004.
“Dos Modelos de Descentralizacion y Participacion en America Latina – Una Discusion Conceptual” in Mercados globales y gobernabilidad local: Retos para la descentralización en América Latina y el Caribe. Hans-Jürgen Burchardt and Haroldo Dilla (eds.). Caracas: Nueva Sociedad, 2001 (113-125).
“Municipal Decentralization and Participatory Democracy: Building a New Mode of Urban Politics in Montevideo City?” European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Ámsterdam, October 2001 (25-46).
"Democratization and the Decline of Urban Social Movements in Uruguay: A Political-lnstitutional Account." in Arturo Escobar and Sonia Alvarez (eds.) New Social Movements in Latin America: Identity, Strategy and Democracy. Boulder: Westview Press, 1992 (276-290).
“Aprendizajes populares y clientelismo político: obstáculos para la democracia participativa?” Deepening Democracy as a Way of Life. Challenges for Participatory Democracy and Citizenship Learning in the 21sth Century. Universidad de Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina, 2010.
“Barrio Democracy in Latin America. Participatory Decentralization and Community Activism in Montevideo” Munck Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, 2009
“Participatory Decentralization and Clientelism: the Case of Montevideo.” Clientelism and Democracy Workshop. Centre for Developing-Area Studies, McGill University, Montreal, 2009.
“Participatory Democracy and Community Activism: the Dynamics of Contentious and Pragmatic Politics.” Beyond Good Governance: Rethinking Civil Society, Human Rights, and Democracy Promotion, Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, 2009.
“Cooperacion Academica Nort-Sur, Conocimientos desde Canada.” Taller Internacional. Cooperacion, Conocimiento y Desarrollo, La Paz, 2008.
“Development at a Crossroads. Shifting Paradigms and New Research Agendas” V Jornadas de Investigación, Universidad Experimental de Guayana, Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela, 2008.
“Securing Human Rights and Democracy: What Role for Civil Society?”, Encuentro Internacional ALC-UE. Cohesión Social y Bienestar Social: Inclusión y Diálogo con Enfoque de Derechos Humanos, Quito, 2008.
“Explaining Local State-Civil Society Synergy: The Role of Local Associational Cultures and Community Capacities”, Latin American Studies Association, Montreal, 2007.
“Rethinking Area Studies” University Consortium on the Global South, York University, 2007.
“Capital Social, Capacidades Locales y Accion Politica Municipal”, guest lecture, Instituto de Ciencias Politicas, Universidad de la Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay (2004)
“Beyond Utopias: Constructing Progressive Politics in the Neo-Liberal Age–Left-Wing Politics in Uruguay”, panel “The Emerging Struggles in Latin America”, Toronto Social Forum, Ryerson University, Toronto (2003)
“New Municipal Politics – Democracy and Participatory Budgeting in the South”, panel “Opening Cities – Participatory Spaces in the New Municipal Politics”, Toronto Social Forum, Ryerson University, Toronto (2003).
"Promoting Local Democracy and Decentralization from a Left-Wing Agenda - Lessons from Montevideo”, Canadian Association of Studies in International Development (CASID), University of Toronto, summer 2002.
“Explaining Grassroot Activism – How Useful is the Concept of Social Capital?” Seminar on “Demystifying Social Capital.” Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean and The Rural Community Development Group, York University, Toronto, 2001.
“Municipal Decentralization and Participatory Democracy: Building a New Mode of Urban Politics in Montevideo City?”, Latin American Studies Association, Washington DC, 2001
“Decentralization Models – Fostering Citizenship or Free Markets?” Conference on Decentralization and Economic Integration in the Caribbean. Facultad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Sociales. Dominican Republic, 2000.
“Post-colonial Theory in Latin America – a Critical Discussion”. Colloquium. Graduate Sociology Program. York University, Toronto, 1999.
"Municipal Decentralization, Political Opportunities and Local Agency: Community Organizing Among Low-income Neighhourhoods. " Latin American Studies Association, Chicago, 1998.
"Politics and Culture in Latin America: The Emergence of a Social Left. " Closing plenary speaker. Conference "Against the New Right: New Lefts North and South". Conference Organizers: Socialist Register, Studies in Political Economy. Toronto, 1997.
"Globalization from Above and Globalization from Below: Popular Movements in Latin America." Canadian Association of Socialist Studies, Brock University, St. Catherines, 1996.
"Trade Union Responses to Neoliberalism and Globalization: the Latin American Case. " Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Toronto, 1996.
"Canada's Policy for Institutional Development and Collaborative Research." Latin American Centre for Human Economy (CLAEH), Montevideo, Uruguay, 1995.
“Social Movements, Politics and Cultural Production: the Latin American Experience." Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 1993.
"New Social Movement Theory and Resource Mobilization: The Need for Integration. " Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Queens University, Kingston, 1991.
"The Rise and Fall of Social Movements in Uruguay." Conference on "Social Movements and Power Relations: The Latin American Experience." University of Amsterdam. 1991.
"Contemporary Theories of Social Movements: A Comparison of 'Resource Mobilization' and 'New Social Movements' Theories” Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 1990.
"Nicaragua.- the Transition from Sandinista to UNO Government” Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean York University, Toronto, 1990.
"Urban Social Movements, the State, and the Political System in Montevideo, Uruguay." Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Toronto, 1990.
"Diversity and Unity among Latin Americans in Canada. " York University's Outreach Course for Hispanics, "Canada: Aspects of Multiculturalism," Toronto, 1989.
"New Social Movements, Grass-Roots Organizations in the Context of Redemocratization: The Case of Uruguay. " Canadian Association for Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Ottawa. 1989.
"The Present Economic Crisis and the Peace Process in Nicaragua." Centre for Research on Latin America and the Caribbean, York University, Toronto, 1989.
"Preliminary Findings on Neighbourhood Organizations in Penarol and Paso Carrasco." Latin American Centre for Human Economy (CLAEH), Montevideo, Uruguay, 1988.
"The Uruguayan Elections: A Victory for the Centre." Seminar on "Alternative Development Models for Latin America in the 1980's." Latin American Research Unit (LARU), Toronto, 1985.
"Elections in Nicaragua: An Eyewitness Report. " Seminar on "Alternative Development Models for Latin America in the 1980's." Latin American Research Unit (LARU), Toronto, 1984.
"Honduras' Militarization Process: Social and Political Consequences. " Seminar on "The State in Latin America: Theoretical Analysis and Case Studies. Latin American Research Unit (LARU), Toronto, 1983.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC4600 6.0 | A | International Develop. Studies Seminar | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1430 9.0 | A | Intro. to International Develop. Studies | BLEN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1439 9.0 | A | International Development Studies (ESL) | BLEN |
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC4600 6.0 | A | International Develop. Studies Seminar | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1439 9.0 | A | International Development Studies (ESL) | BLEN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOSC1430 9.0 | A | Intro. to International Develop. Studies | BLEN |