Eric Mykhalovskiy
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 66405
BA, King's College, UWOMA, York University
PhD, York University
Faculty of HealthProfessional Leadership
2016 - 2020 International Sociological Association, Thematic Group on Institutional Ethnography, Vice President; 2015 - present, Senior Editor, Canadian Journal of Public Health; 2014 - present, International Advisory Board, Critical Public Health; 2014 – present, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Medicine and Society Advisory Group; 2010-2015 Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV (ASSHH), Founding Member and Member, Board of Directors
Community Contributions
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Board of Directors, 2017-2020, Treasurer (2017); HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario, Board of Directors, 2011-15; Ontario Working Group on Criminal Law and HIV Exposure, Founding Member, 2007-2018; AIDS ACTION NOW! Steering Committee Member, 2008-2018
Research Interests
- 2006-7 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research, Faculty of Arts, York University - 2006-7
- 2000-02 Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and Social Science and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship,Place of Tenure: Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, $76,800 2000-20002 - 2000-02
- President’s Dissertation Scholarship, York University, $14,000 1998-2000 - 1998-00
- 1997-98 Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Scholarship, $13,500 - 1997-98
- 1994-97 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship, $43,200 - 1994-97
- Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty Teaching Award, York University - 2022
- 2009 Editor’s Choice. Mykhalovskiy et al. 2009 chosen as outstanding article “with respect to scientific quality and public health relevance” for 54(3) issue of International Journal of Public Health. - 2009
- 2000 Nominated, York University Dissertation Prize - 2000
- 1994 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (declined) - 1994
- 1993 York Scholarship, $2,500 - 1993
- 1987 Nominated, Governor-General’s Gold Medal for highest distinction in scholarship, York University - 1987
- Grand Prix International de Poésie de la 11ème Biennale Azuréenne de Cannes pour Echosmos, April 1, 1987. - 1987
- 1986 Graduated with the designation summa cum laude, York University - 1986
- Inaugural Award for Distinction in Research in Social Justice - 2015
- Canadian Association for HIV/AIDS Research-Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research Excellence in Research Award for the Social Sciences - 2017
Mykhalovskiy, E. Choiniere, J., Armstrong, H., Armstrong, P. (Eds.) 2020. Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science and Health Care in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and V. Namaste (Eds.) 2019. Thinking differently about HIV/AIDS: Contributions from critical social science. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Weir, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E.. Global Public Health Vigilance: Creating a World on Alert. Routledge. 2010.
Armstrong, P., H. Armstrong, J. Choiniere, E. Mykhalovskiy, and J.P. White. Medical Alert: New Work Organizations in Health Care. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1997.
French, M., Mykhalovskiy, E. and Carmen Lamothe. 2018. Epidemics, Pandemics and Outbreak. In J. Trevino (ed.) Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Foote, C. E., Bernard, E. and Mykhalovskiy, E. forthcoming. Solutions to Ending the Global Social Problem of HIV Criminalization. In G. Muschert, K. Budd, M. Christian, B. Klocke, R. Perrucci and J. Shefner (eds.) Agenda for Social Justice. Policy Press.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2016. "Making science count: significant risk, HIV non-disclosure and science-based criminal law reform: a reflexive analysis." in C. Stanton and H. Quirk (Eds.) Criminalising Contagion Legal and Ethical Challenges of Disease Transmission and the Criminal Law.Cambridge University Press. pp. 150-174.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2010. Integrating HIV Treatment and Prevention: Shifts in Community-based organizing and Biopolitics in the Canadian Context In Davis, M. and Squire, C. (Eds.) HIV, technology and subjectivity: international cases studies of HIV treatment and prevention Palgrave MacMillan.
Weir, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. 2007. The Geopolitics of Global Public Health Surveillance in the 21st Century. In Bashford, A. (Ed.) Medicine at the Border: The History, Politics and Culture of Global Health. Palgrave. Pp. 240-263.
Smith, G.W., Mykhalovskiy, E. and Weatherbee, D. (2006) . A Research Proposal. In Smith, D.E. (Ed.) Institutional Ethnography as Practice. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. Pp. 165-180.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Church, K. (2006) . Of T-shirts and Ontology: The Pedagogical Legacies of George Smith. In Kinsman , G. et al. (Eds.) Sociology for Changing the World. Social Movements/Social Research. Toronto: Fernwood. Pp.
Mykhalovskiy, E. (2001) . “Towards a Sociology of Knowledge in Health Care: Exploring Health Services Research as Active Discourse.” In Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., and Coburn, D. (Eds.) Unhealthy Times: The Political Economy of Health and Health Care in Canada. eds., Toronto: Oxford University Press. Pp.
Mykhalovskiy, E. (1997) . “Reconsidering Table Talk: Critical Thoughts on the Relationship Between Sociology, Autobiography and Self-Indulgence.” In Hertz, R. (Ed.) Reflexivity and Voice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Pp. 229-251. (Reprint)
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2009. Will to live: AIDS therapies and the politics of survival. João Biehl. Photographs by Torben Eskerod. Book Review. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 14(1):110-111.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2004. Globalizing AIDS. Book Review Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 8(1):133-136.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Frohlich, K., Poland, B. Ruggiero, E., Rock, M., and Comer, L. 2019. Critical social science with public health: Agonism, critique and engagement. Critical Public Health, 29(5): 522-533
Mykhalovskiy, E., Eakin, J., Beagan, B., Beausoleil, N., Gibson, B.E., Macdonald, M. Rock, M.J. 2018. Beyond bare bones: critical, theoretically-engaged qualitative research in public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 109(5-6): 613-621.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2015. The public health implications of HIV criminalization: past, current and future research directions. Critical Public Health. 25(4):373-85.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and G. Betteridge. 2012. Who? What? Where? When? And with what consequences? An analysis of criminal cases of HIV non-disclosure in Canada. Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 27(1):31-53.
Frohlich, K., Mykhalovskiy, E. Poland, B., Haines-Saah, R. and Johnson, J. 2012. Creating the socially marginalised youth smoker: the role of tobacco control. Sociology of Health and Illness. 34(7):978-993.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2011. The problem of ‘significant risk’: Exploring the public health impact of criminalizing HIV non-disclosure. Social Science & Medicine. 73: 670-77.
Frohlich, K.L., Poland, B., Mykhalovskiy, E., Alexander, S., Maule, C. (2010) . Tobacco control and the inequitable socio-economic distribution of smoking: Smokers’ discourse and implications for tobacco control. Critical Public Health. 20(1):35-46.
Schlich, T., Mykhalovskiy, E., and Rock, M. (2009) . Animals in surgery—surgery in animals: Nature and culture in animal-human relations and modern surgery. History of Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 31:321-354.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. 2009. Beyond Buzzwords: Towards a Community-Based Model of the Integration of HIV Treatment and Prevention. AIDS Care 21(1):25-30.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. 2009. Conceptualizing the integration of HIV treatment and prevention: findings from a process evaluation of a community-based, national capacity-building intervention. International Journal of Public Health. 54:133-41.
Social Theory and Health, Special issue on HIV/AIDS in its third decade: renewed critique in social and cultural analysis. With Marsha Rosengarten. August 2009.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Brown, G., and Kort, R. (2009) . XVII International AIDS Conference: From evidence to action—social, behavioural and economic science and political science. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 12(Suppl 1):S5 (16 pages)
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2008. Beyond decision making: Class, community organizations and the healthwork of people living with HIV/AIDS. Contributions from institutional ethnographic research. Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness. 27(2):136-63.
Rosengarten, M., Michael M., Mykhalovskiy, E., Imrie, J. 2008. Dealing with the challenges of technological innovation in HIV prevention and treatment. The Lancet 2;372(9636):357-8
Mykhalovskiy, E., Armstrong, P., H. Armstrong, I. Bourgeault, J. Choiniere, E. Lexchin, S. Peters, and J.P. White. 2008. Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence. The possibilities and perils of immanent critique. Social Science and Medicine. 67(1): 195-203.
Grunfeld, E., Urquhart, R., Mykhalovskiy, E., Folkes, A., Johnston, G., Burge, F.I., Earle, C., Dent, S. 2008. Toward population-based indicators of quality end-of-life care. Testing stakeholder agreement. Cancer. 112(10):2301-2308.
Rock, M., Mykhalovskiy, E. and Schlich, T. 2007. People, other animals, and health knowledges: Towards a research agenda. Social Science and Medicine. 64(9):1970-6.
Sigurdson, L., Mykhalovskiy, E., Kirkland, S., Pallen, A. 2007. Symptoms and related severity experienced by women with breast hypertrophy. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 119(2):481-86.
Sigurdson, L., Kirkland, S. and Mykhalovskiy, E. 2007. Validation of a questionnaire for measuring morbidity in breast hypertrophy. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 120(5):1108-1114.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Weir, L. 2006. The Global Public Health Intelligence Network and early warning outbreak detection: A Canadian contribution to global public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 97(1):42-44.
Poland, B., Frohlich, K., Haines, R., Mykhalovskiy, E., Rock, M., and Sparks, R. 2006. The social context of smoking: the next frontier in tobacco control? Tobacco Control 15:59-63.
Eakin, J. and Mykhalovskiy, E. 2005. Teaching against the grain: The challenges of teaching qualitative research in the health sciences. FQS: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 6(2), Art. 42. Available at:
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Farrel, K. 2005. ‘Nothing happens in medical school that prepares you for working with anyone who’s different:’ Exploring informal learning and the development of socio-clinical knowledge amongst family physicians. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 23:161-183.
Frohlich, K.L., Mykhalovskiy, E., Miller, F., Daniel, M. 2004. Advancing the population health agenda: Encouraging the integration of social theory into population health research and practice. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 95(5):392-95.
Bourgeault, I. L., Lindsey, S., Mykhalovskiy, E., Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Choiniere, J., Lexchin, J., Peters, S., White, J. 2004. At first you will not succeed: negotiating for care in the context of health reform. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 22:263-278.
Mykhalovskiy, E., McCoy, L., and Bresalier, M. 2004. Compliance/Adherence, HIV/AIDS and the critique of medical power. Social Theory and Health. 2(4):315-340.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. Weir. 2004. The problem of evidence-based medicine: Directions for social science. Social Science and Medicine. 59(5):1059-1069.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2003. Evidence-based medicine: Ambivalent reading and the clinical recontextualization of science. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. 7(3):331-352.
Armstrong, P., H. Armstrong, I. Bourgeault, J. Choiniere, E. Mykhalovskiy, S. Peters, and J.P. White. 2003. Market Principles, Business Practices and Health Care: Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Experiences. International Journal of Canadian Studies. 28:13-38.
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. The Criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada: An analysis of trends and patterns. Poster XVIII International AIDS Society 18-23 July 2010.
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. Using Research Evidence to Influence Criminal Law Policy: Contributions form a Law Reform Project on HIV non-disclosure in Ontario, Canada. Poster XVIII International AIDS Society 18-23 July 2010
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. HIV Non-disclosure and the Criminal Law: Promoting an Evidence-based Policy Response. Poster, CAHR Conference 14-16 May 2010
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. Criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Ontario: Using research and knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) to promote and inform sound public policy, Leading Together 2010, 6th Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium, 4-7 March 2010
Frohlich, K, Mykhalovskiy, E. Poland, B., Johnson, J. and Haines, R. The “construction” of marginalized youth smokers by health promotion. International Union of Health Promotion and Education Conference, Geneva. July 10, 2010.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Betteridge, G. The criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada: A preliminary analysis of trends and patterns. Ontario HIV Treatment Network Research Conference. 16 November, 2009.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and R. Kanarek. Animals, the social and the constitution of therapeutic value. Paper presented at the Annual meetings of the Canadian Sociology Association. Carleton University, May 2009.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey M., and Taylor, D. Beyond Buzzwords: ASO Perspectives on the Integration of HIV Treatment and Prevention. Findings from a Process Evaluation of a Canadian National Capacity Building Initiative. Poster presented at XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Risk, responsibility and HIV prevention. Perspectives on the unintended social and political consequences of HAART. Poster presented at XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Sanders, C. “There is no excuse for this wanton, reckless, self-indulgent behavior.” A critical analysis of media representation of the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada. Presented at the November 2008 Ontario HIV Treatment Network Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Mehes, M., Flicker, S., Mykhalovskiy, E., Teolis, C., Smith, T., Taylor, D. The Men’s Body Mapping Project: Storytelling, Advocacy and HIV Knowledge Exchange Through an Arts-based Process. Presented at the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Annual Conference, Toronto, November 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. , San Patten. Integrating Treatment Information and Prevention Education in Community-based AIDS Organization: A Process Evaluation of a National Capacity-building Imitative. Poster presented at Canadian Public Health Association, Halifax, NS, June 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. Integrating treatment information and prevention education in community-based AIDS organizations: A Process evaluation of a national capacity building initiative. Ontario HIV Treatment Network Annual Conference. Toronto, November 19-20, 2007.
Mykhalovskiy, E. On the articulation of public health and biomedicine in HIV: Reflections on the discourse of integration. British Sociological Association Annual Meetings, London, April 12-14 2007.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., and Sanders, C. Public health, biomedicine and the discourse of integration in HIV: Sociological reflections. Canadian Sociology Association Annual General Meetings, University of Saskatchewan, May 29-June1 2007.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Loving Eulogies: Custom Made and Ready to Go. Paper presented at the Society for Study of Social Problems Annual General Meeting, August, Montreal, August 2006.
Grunfeld, E., Cicchelli, L., Mykhalovskiy, E. Zitzelsberger, L., Burge, F., Dents, S., Dewar, R.Earle, C., Johnston, G., Lawson, B., McIntrye, P., Paszat, L. Quality indicators for end-of-life breast cancer care: Is there agreement between stakeholder groups in two provinces? Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance , Reasons for Hope, Montreal, May 6-8, 2006
Grunfeld, E. Cicchelli, L., Mykhalovskiy, E., Dents, S., Zitzelsberger, L., Johnston, G., Burge, F., Earle, C., Paszat, L. Quality indicators for end-of-life breast cancer care. Is there agreement between stakeholder groups? ASCO Proceedings. June. 2006
Grunfeld E, Johnston G, Mykhalovskiy E, Cicchelli L, McIntyre P, Burge F, Dent S, Zitzelsberger L, Paszat L, Earle C. Quality Indicators for End-of-Life Breast Cancer Care: Is there agreement between stakeholder groups in two provinces? Oral presentation. 16th International Congress on Care of Terminally Ill, Montreal, September 2006.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Beyond the Moment of the decision: Complex medical treatment and the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, June 1-4, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and McCoy, L. Texts, Time and Place: Using Institutional Ethnography in Health Research. Health Care Technology and Place: Annual Interdisciplinary Workshop. University of Toronto. May 2006.
Poland, B., Frohlich, K., Haines, R., Sparks,B., Mykhalovskiy, E., Rock, E. Unpacking the social context of smoking: insights from social theory and empirical research. National Conference on Tobacco and Health, Ottawa, June 19-23, 2005.
*Weir, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. News of Outbreak: Global Epidemiological Surveillance in the Twenty-first Century. Invisible Enemies: The Cultural Meaning of Infection and the Politics of Plague. University of Zurich. September 21-23, 2005.
*Mykhalovskiy, E. and Weir, L. Texts, critique and global public health. Paper presented at the Society for Study of Social Problems Annual General Meeting, August, Philadelphia, August 2005.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Rethinking decision making: contributions from research on the healthwork of people living with HIV. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Annual General Meeting, San Francisco, August 2004.
*Weir, L and Mykhalovskiy, E. Borders, secrecy and the detection of outbreak. Paper presented at Medicine at the Border: The History, Politics and Culture of Global Health: an International Conference. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, July 2004.
Mykhalovskiy, E.¸McCoy, L., and Bresalier, M. 2003. From compliance to medication practice: Exploring the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at Vital Politics: Health, Medicine and Bio-economics into the Twenty-first Century: An International Conference, London School of Economics, September 5-7, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Beyond decision making: Living with HIV/AIDS in a time of complex medical treatment. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Atlanta, Georgia. August 15-17, 2003.
Bourgeault, I., Lindsay, S., Mykhalovskiy, E., Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Choiniere, J., Lexchin, J., and White, J.P Negotiative care work: A new variation of care work as a consequence of health care reform. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University, June 25-27, 2003.
Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Bourgeault, I., Choiniere, J., Lexchin, J., Mykhalovskiy, E., and White, J.P. Space, place and time: Managing nursing care in Canada and the United States. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University, June 25-27, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Beyond the Moment of the decision: Complex medical treatment and the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, June 1-4, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and McCoy, L. Making medication an everyday thing: Shifting the social science gaze from adherence to health work. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Canadian Association for HIV Research, Halifax, April 10-13, 2003.
McCoy, L. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Doing health work across epistemic boundaries: The experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at “Boundaries: Geographies, Genres, and Gender: Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association 37th Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 29-June 1, 2002.
McCoy, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. Information, information, information: developing community-based treatment information services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at Sociology for Changing the World: Political Activist Ethnography. Laurentian University, Sudbury, November 8-10, 2002.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and McCoy, L. Institutional ethnography, activism and social movements: reflecting on George Smith’s legacy. Paper presented at Sociology for Changing the World: Political Activist Ethnography. Laurentian University, Sudbury, November 8-10, 2002.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Bresalier, M., Gillis, L., McClure, C., McCoy, L., Taylor, D., and Webber, M. Knowledge, experience and treatment decision making amongst people living with HIV/AIDS. Poster presentation, Canadian Association for HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, 2002.
Bourgeault, I., P. Armstrong. H. Armstrong, J. Choiniere, J. Lexchin, E. Mykhalovskiy, S. Peters, and J. White. Negotiative care work: Cross national perspectives on health care in Canada and the United States. Paper presented at “Boundaries: Geographies, Genres, and Gender: Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association 37th Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 29-June 1, 2002.
Eakin, J. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Reframing the judgement of qualitative health research: Reflections on a review of appraisal guidelines in the health sciences. Qualitative Health Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada. April 4-6, 2002.
Bresalier,M., L. Gillis, C. McClure, L. McCoy, D. E. Mykhalovskiy, D. Taylor and M. Webber. Community-based research and the Making Care Visible Project. Poster presentation, Forging New Directions: Urban Health Research and Policy Forum, Toronto, April 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. McCoy. Health work at the institutional interface: The final report of the Making Care Visible Project. Paper presented at Mapping Social Relations: Social Inquiry through Institutional Ethnography, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, June 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. McCoy. HIV/AIDS and the critique of ruling discourses: Looking institutionally at people’s narratives of health work. Paper presented at 18th Qualitative Analysis Conference: Doing Ethnographies and Ethnographic Doings. McMaster University, Hamilton, May 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and K. Church. The man who wanted to be faithful: A fairy tale about prostate cancer. Texts of Testimony. Autobiography, Life-Story Narratives and the Public Sphere, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, England, August 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. On the uses of health services research: Troubled hearts, care pathways and the reform of hospital care. Paper presented at Making Links: New Research in Institutional Ethnography, Toronto, OISE, May 2000.
McCoy, L. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Community-based research into the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at Social Transformation and Activism: The Application of Institutional Ethnography. Arizona State University West, Phoenix, March 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Investigating health services research as formal discourse of knowledge: care maps, heart attacks and hospital restructuring. Paper presented at Knowledge as a Constituent of Health Care. Open Seminar, Graduate Programme in Sociology, York University, North York, February 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Qualitative research on health care restructuring: Trade union collaboration and the use of immanent critique. Paper presented at Advances in Qualitative Methods. First International Conference of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, February 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. The Making Care Visible Project. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Ontario HIV Treatment Network Research Day,” Panel Session—Research and Community: Working it Through. December 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E., C. McClure, D. Taylor, L. McCoy and M. Webber. The Making Care Visible Project: Exploring the ‘health work’ of people living with HIV/AIDS. Poster presentation, AIDS Impact Conference, Ottawa, 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. McCoy. ‘I’m not someone who enjoys reading medical crap’: Rethinking health information through community-based AIDS research. Paper presented at Citizenship in an Era of Globalization: Threats to and Struggles for Legal, Political, Social and Cultural Rights. 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems.” Chicago, August 1999
Mykhalovskiy, E. ‘We do meaning’: Health services research, research transfer, and the social organization of interpretive practices. Paper presented at Restructuring and Transformation of Canadian Institutions: Applications of Institutional Ethnography. York University, North York, October 1998.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Health services research and the social relations of evidential knowledge. Paper presented at Bodies, Languages and Voices in Health Research, York Centre for Health Studies. York University, North York, May 1997.
McCoy, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. The practical accomplishment of institutional ethnography: Issues of designing, conducting, and writing up I.E. research. Workshop session presented at Sociology for Women/Sociology for People: The Practice of Institutional Ethnography, A workshop co-sponsored by the Sex and Gender Section of the American Sociological Association and the Women’s Studies Program, OISE, Toronto, August 1997.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Toward a sociology of health services research. Paper presented at the International Conference on Knowledge, Economy, and Society, Université de Montréal, Montreal, July 1997.
Mykhalovskiy, E. “Rethinking the practice of health promotion for people living with HIV/AIDS: A critique of individualization.” Poster presentation, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, July 1996.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Texts, work; government, medicine: Exploring the social organization of access to family benefits assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual General Meeting, Learned Societies Conference, Trent University, Peterborough, June 1996.
“Mykhalovskiy, E. Organizing new social relations of research in the community-based AIDS movement. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS, Montreal, June 1995.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Producing an active sociological text: Experiences doing research on the barriers PWAs face accessing social services. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual General Meeting, Learned Societies Conference, UQAM, Montreal, June 1995.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Reconsidering ‘Table Talk:’ Thoughts on the relationship between sociology, autobiography and self-Indulgence. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual General Meeting, Learned Societies Conference, University of Calgary, June 1995.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Unintended consequences of health promotion practices. Paper presented at HIV/AIDS--Practical Approaches for Health Care, 6th Annual Conference. A Program of the Immunodeficiency Clinic, Toronto Hospital and Continuing Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, December 1995.
Smith, G. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Doing community-based AIDS research. Paper presented at Health and Behaviour 1994, Queen’s University, Kingston, March 1994.
Mykhalovskiy, E. The stigma of HIV/AIDS: Exploring the social relations of access to Social services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto. Paper presented at the Qualitative Research Conference, University of Waterloo, May 1994.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Doing social research that meets the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, June 1993.
Smith, G. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Getting hooked up: A study of the organization of access to social services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto, Canada. Poster presentation, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, June 1993.
Smith, G. and E. Mykhalovskiy. The social organization of the life work of people living with HIV/AIDS” Paper presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for HIV Research. Vancouver, May 1992.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Hastings, C., Sanders, C., Hayman, M. and Bisaillon, L. 2016. ‘Callous, Cold and Deliberately Duplicitous: Racialization, Immigration and the Representation of HIV Criminalization in Canadian Mainstream Newspapers. A Report Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Centre for Social Research in HIV Prevention. Available:
Mykhalovskiy, E., Betteridge, G. and McLay, D. 2010. HIV Non-disclosure and the criminal law: Establishing policy options for Ontario. Toronto: Ontario HIV Treatment Network.
Kort, R., Flynn, M., Mascolini, M., Mykhalovskiy, E., Brown, G., Gilden, D., Baijal, P. 2008. AIDS 2008 Impact Report: From Evidence To Action. Available: (First author for sections on Social, Behavioural and Economic Science and Political Science and Policy).
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | GS/SOCI6684 3.0 | M | Critical Social Policy Analys | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOCI3820 6.0 | A | Sociology of Health and Health Care | LECT |
BA, King's College, UWOMA, York University
PhD, York University
Faculty of HealthProfessional Leadership
2016 - 2020 International Sociological Association, Thematic Group on Institutional Ethnography, Vice President; 2015 - present, Senior Editor, Canadian Journal of Public Health; 2014 - present, International Advisory Board, Critical Public Health; 2014 – present, Canadian Medical Association Journal, Medicine and Society Advisory Group; 2010-2015 Association for the Social Sciences and Humanities in HIV (ASSHH), Founding Member and Member, Board of Directors
Community Contributions
Canadian HIV/AIDS Legal Network, Board of Directors, 2017-2020, Treasurer (2017); HIV & AIDS Legal Clinic Ontario, Board of Directors, 2011-15; Ontario Working Group on Criminal Law and HIV Exposure, Founding Member, 2007-2018; AIDS ACTION NOW! Steering Committee Member, 2008-2018
Research Interests
- 2006-7 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research, Faculty of Arts, York University - 2006-7
- 2000-02 Canadian Health Services Research Foundation and Social Science and Humanities Research Council Postdoctoral Fellowship,Place of Tenure: Department of Public Health Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, $76,800 2000-20002 - 2000-02
- President’s Dissertation Scholarship, York University, $14,000 1998-2000 - 1998-00
- 1997-98 Queen Elizabeth II Ontario Scholarship, $13,500 - 1997-98
- 1994-97 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council Doctoral Fellowship, $43,200 - 1994-97
- Faculty of Graduate Studies Faculty Teaching Award, York University - 2022
- 2009 Editor’s Choice. Mykhalovskiy et al. 2009 chosen as outstanding article “with respect to scientific quality and public health relevance” for 54(3) issue of International Journal of Public Health. - 2009
- 2000 Nominated, York University Dissertation Prize - 2000
- 1994 Ontario Graduate Scholarship (declined) - 1994
- 1993 York Scholarship, $2,500 - 1993
- 1987 Nominated, Governor-General’s Gold Medal for highest distinction in scholarship, York University - 1987
- Grand Prix International de Poésie de la 11ème Biennale Azuréenne de Cannes pour Echosmos, April 1, 1987. - 1987
- 1986 Graduated with the designation summa cum laude, York University - 1986
- Inaugural Award for Distinction in Research in Social Justice - 2015
- Canadian Association for HIV/AIDS Research-Canadian Foundation for AIDS Research Excellence in Research Award for the Social Sciences - 2017
All Publications
French, M., Mykhalovskiy, E. and Carmen Lamothe. 2018. Epidemics, Pandemics and Outbreak. In J. Trevino (ed.) Cambridge Handbook of Social Problems.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Foote, C. E., Bernard, E. and Mykhalovskiy, E. forthcoming. Solutions to Ending the Global Social Problem of HIV Criminalization. In G. Muschert, K. Budd, M. Christian, B. Klocke, R. Perrucci and J. Shefner (eds.) Agenda for Social Justice. Policy Press.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2016. "Making science count: significant risk, HIV non-disclosure and science-based criminal law reform: a reflexive analysis." in C. Stanton and H. Quirk (Eds.) Criminalising Contagion Legal and Ethical Challenges of Disease Transmission and the Criminal Law.Cambridge University Press. pp. 150-174.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2010. Integrating HIV Treatment and Prevention: Shifts in Community-based organizing and Biopolitics in the Canadian Context In Davis, M. and Squire, C. (Eds.) HIV, technology and subjectivity: international cases studies of HIV treatment and prevention Palgrave MacMillan.
Weir, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. 2007. The Geopolitics of Global Public Health Surveillance in the 21st Century. In Bashford, A. (Ed.) Medicine at the Border: The History, Politics and Culture of Global Health. Palgrave. Pp. 240-263.
Smith, G.W., Mykhalovskiy, E. and Weatherbee, D. (2006) . A Research Proposal. In Smith, D.E. (Ed.) Institutional Ethnography as Practice. Lanham: Rowman and Littlefield. Pp. 165-180.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Church, K. (2006) . Of T-shirts and Ontology: The Pedagogical Legacies of George Smith. In Kinsman , G. et al. (Eds.) Sociology for Changing the World. Social Movements/Social Research. Toronto: Fernwood. Pp.
Mykhalovskiy, E. (2001) . “Towards a Sociology of Knowledge in Health Care: Exploring Health Services Research as Active Discourse.” In Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., and Coburn, D. (Eds.) Unhealthy Times: The Political Economy of Health and Health Care in Canada. eds., Toronto: Oxford University Press. Pp.
Mykhalovskiy, E. (1997) . “Reconsidering Table Talk: Critical Thoughts on the Relationship Between Sociology, Autobiography and Self-Indulgence.” In Hertz, R. (Ed.) Reflexivity and Voice. Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications. Pp. 229-251. (Reprint)
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2009. Will to live: AIDS therapies and the politics of survival. João Biehl. Photographs by Torben Eskerod. Book Review. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 14(1):110-111.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2004. Globalizing AIDS. Book Review Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine 8(1):133-136.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Choiniere, J., Armstrong, H., Armstrong, P. (Eds.) 2020. Health Matters: Evidence, Critical Social Science and Health Care in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and V. Namaste (Eds.) 2019. Thinking differently about HIV/AIDS: Contributions from critical social science. Vancouver: UBC Press.
Weir, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E.. Global Public Health Vigilance: Creating a World on Alert. Routledge. 2010.
Armstrong, P., H. Armstrong, J. Choiniere, E. Mykhalovskiy, and J.P. White. Medical Alert: New Work Organizations in Health Care. Toronto: Garamond Press, 1997.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Frohlich, K., Poland, B. Ruggiero, E., Rock, M., and Comer, L. 2019. Critical social science with public health: Agonism, critique and engagement. Critical Public Health, 29(5): 522-533
Mykhalovskiy, E., Eakin, J., Beagan, B., Beausoleil, N., Gibson, B.E., Macdonald, M. Rock, M.J. 2018. Beyond bare bones: critical, theoretically-engaged qualitative research in public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 109(5-6): 613-621.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2015. The public health implications of HIV criminalization: past, current and future research directions. Critical Public Health. 25(4):373-85.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and G. Betteridge. 2012. Who? What? Where? When? And with what consequences? An analysis of criminal cases of HIV non-disclosure in Canada. Canadian Journal of Law and Society. 27(1):31-53.
Frohlich, K., Mykhalovskiy, E. Poland, B., Haines-Saah, R. and Johnson, J. 2012. Creating the socially marginalised youth smoker: the role of tobacco control. Sociology of Health and Illness. 34(7):978-993.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2011. The problem of ‘significant risk’: Exploring the public health impact of criminalizing HIV non-disclosure. Social Science & Medicine. 73: 670-77.
Frohlich, K.L., Poland, B., Mykhalovskiy, E., Alexander, S., Maule, C. (2010) . Tobacco control and the inequitable socio-economic distribution of smoking: Smokers’ discourse and implications for tobacco control. Critical Public Health. 20(1):35-46.
Schlich, T., Mykhalovskiy, E., and Rock, M. (2009) . Animals in surgery—surgery in animals: Nature and culture in animal-human relations and modern surgery. History of Philosophy of the Life Sciences. 31:321-354.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. 2009. Beyond Buzzwords: Towards a Community-Based Model of the Integration of HIV Treatment and Prevention. AIDS Care 21(1):25-30.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. 2009. Conceptualizing the integration of HIV treatment and prevention: findings from a process evaluation of a community-based, national capacity-building intervention. International Journal of Public Health. 54:133-41.
Social Theory and Health, Special issue on HIV/AIDS in its third decade: renewed critique in social and cultural analysis. With Marsha Rosengarten. August 2009.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Brown, G., and Kort, R. (2009) . XVII International AIDS Conference: From evidence to action—social, behavioural and economic science and political science. Journal of the International AIDS Society. 12(Suppl 1):S5 (16 pages)
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2008. Beyond decision making: Class, community organizations and the healthwork of people living with HIV/AIDS. Contributions from institutional ethnographic research. Medical Anthropology: Cross Cultural Studies in Health and Illness. 27(2):136-63.
Rosengarten, M., Michael M., Mykhalovskiy, E., Imrie, J. 2008. Dealing with the challenges of technological innovation in HIV prevention and treatment. The Lancet 2;372(9636):357-8
Mykhalovskiy, E., Armstrong, P., H. Armstrong, I. Bourgeault, J. Choiniere, E. Lexchin, S. Peters, and J.P. White. 2008. Qualitative research and the politics of knowledge in an age of evidence. The possibilities and perils of immanent critique. Social Science and Medicine. 67(1): 195-203.
Grunfeld, E., Urquhart, R., Mykhalovskiy, E., Folkes, A., Johnston, G., Burge, F.I., Earle, C., Dent, S. 2008. Toward population-based indicators of quality end-of-life care. Testing stakeholder agreement. Cancer. 112(10):2301-2308.
Rock, M., Mykhalovskiy, E. and Schlich, T. 2007. People, other animals, and health knowledges: Towards a research agenda. Social Science and Medicine. 64(9):1970-6.
Sigurdson, L., Mykhalovskiy, E., Kirkland, S., Pallen, A. 2007. Symptoms and related severity experienced by women with breast hypertrophy. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 119(2):481-86.
Sigurdson, L., Kirkland, S. and Mykhalovskiy, E. 2007. Validation of a questionnaire for measuring morbidity in breast hypertrophy. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. 120(5):1108-1114.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Weir, L. 2006. The Global Public Health Intelligence Network and early warning outbreak detection: A Canadian contribution to global public health. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 97(1):42-44.
Poland, B., Frohlich, K., Haines, R., Mykhalovskiy, E., Rock, M., and Sparks, R. 2006. The social context of smoking: the next frontier in tobacco control? Tobacco Control 15:59-63.
Eakin, J. and Mykhalovskiy, E. 2005. Teaching against the grain: The challenges of teaching qualitative research in the health sciences. FQS: Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research [On-line Journal], 6(2), Art. 42. Available at:
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Farrel, K. 2005. ‘Nothing happens in medical school that prepares you for working with anyone who’s different:’ Exploring informal learning and the development of socio-clinical knowledge amongst family physicians. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 23:161-183.
Frohlich, K.L., Mykhalovskiy, E., Miller, F., Daniel, M. 2004. Advancing the population health agenda: Encouraging the integration of social theory into population health research and practice. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 95(5):392-95.
Bourgeault, I. L., Lindsey, S., Mykhalovskiy, E., Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Choiniere, J., Lexchin, J., Peters, S., White, J. 2004. At first you will not succeed: negotiating for care in the context of health reform. Research in the Sociology of Health Care. 22:263-278.
Mykhalovskiy, E., McCoy, L., and Bresalier, M. 2004. Compliance/Adherence, HIV/AIDS and the critique of medical power. Social Theory and Health. 2(4):315-340.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. Weir. 2004. The problem of evidence-based medicine: Directions for social science. Social Science and Medicine. 59(5):1059-1069.
Mykhalovskiy, E. 2003. Evidence-based medicine: Ambivalent reading and the clinical recontextualization of science. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine. 7(3):331-352.
Armstrong, P., H. Armstrong, I. Bourgeault, J. Choiniere, E. Mykhalovskiy, S. Peters, and J.P. White. 2003. Market Principles, Business Practices and Health Care: Comparing the U.S. and Canadian Experiences. International Journal of Canadian Studies. 28:13-38.
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. The Criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada: An analysis of trends and patterns. Poster XVIII International AIDS Society 18-23 July 2010.
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. Using Research Evidence to Influence Criminal Law Policy: Contributions form a Law Reform Project on HIV non-disclosure in Ontario, Canada. Poster XVIII International AIDS Society 18-23 July 2010
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. HIV Non-disclosure and the Criminal Law: Promoting an Evidence-based Policy Response. Poster, CAHR Conference 14-16 May 2010
Mykhalovskiy, E. et al. Criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Ontario: Using research and knowledge translation and exchange (KTE) to promote and inform sound public policy, Leading Together 2010, 6th Canadian HIV/AIDS Skills Building Symposium, 4-7 March 2010
Frohlich, K, Mykhalovskiy, E. Poland, B., Johnson, J. and Haines, R. The “construction” of marginalized youth smokers by health promotion. International Union of Health Promotion and Education Conference, Geneva. July 10, 2010.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Betteridge, G. The criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada: A preliminary analysis of trends and patterns. Ontario HIV Treatment Network Research Conference. 16 November, 2009.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and R. Kanarek. Animals, the social and the constitution of therapeutic value. Paper presented at the Annual meetings of the Canadian Sociology Association. Carleton University, May 2009.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey M., and Taylor, D. Beyond Buzzwords: ASO Perspectives on the Integration of HIV Treatment and Prevention. Findings from a Process Evaluation of a Canadian National Capacity Building Initiative. Poster presented at XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Risk, responsibility and HIV prevention. Perspectives on the unintended social and political consequences of HAART. Poster presented at XVII International AIDS Conference, Mexico City, Mexico, August 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and Sanders, C. “There is no excuse for this wanton, reckless, self-indulgent behavior.” A critical analysis of media representation of the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada. Presented at the November 2008 Ontario HIV Treatment Network Annual Conference. Toronto, Ontario.
Mehes, M., Flicker, S., Mykhalovskiy, E., Teolis, C., Smith, T., Taylor, D. The Men’s Body Mapping Project: Storytelling, Advocacy and HIV Knowledge Exchange Through an Arts-based Process. Presented at the Ontario HIV Treatment Network Annual Conference, Toronto, November 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. , San Patten. Integrating Treatment Information and Prevention Education in Community-based AIDS Organization: A Process Evaluation of a National Capacity-building Imitative. Poster presented at Canadian Public Health Association, Halifax, NS, June 2008.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., Sanders, C., Bailey, M. and Taylor, D. Integrating treatment information and prevention education in community-based AIDS organizations: A Process evaluation of a national capacity building initiative. Ontario HIV Treatment Network Annual Conference. Toronto, November 19-20, 2007.
Mykhalovskiy, E. On the articulation of public health and biomedicine in HIV: Reflections on the discourse of integration. British Sociological Association Annual Meetings, London, April 12-14 2007.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Patten, S., and Sanders, C. Public health, biomedicine and the discourse of integration in HIV: Sociological reflections. Canadian Sociology Association Annual General Meetings, University of Saskatchewan, May 29-June1 2007.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Loving Eulogies: Custom Made and Ready to Go. Paper presented at the Society for Study of Social Problems Annual General Meeting, August, Montreal, August 2006.
Grunfeld, E., Cicchelli, L., Mykhalovskiy, E. Zitzelsberger, L., Burge, F., Dents, S., Dewar, R.Earle, C., Johnston, G., Lawson, B., McIntrye, P., Paszat, L. Quality indicators for end-of-life breast cancer care: Is there agreement between stakeholder groups in two provinces? Canadian Breast Cancer Research Alliance , Reasons for Hope, Montreal, May 6-8, 2006
Grunfeld, E. Cicchelli, L., Mykhalovskiy, E., Dents, S., Zitzelsberger, L., Johnston, G., Burge, F., Earle, C., Paszat, L. Quality indicators for end-of-life breast cancer care. Is there agreement between stakeholder groups? ASCO Proceedings. June. 2006
Grunfeld E, Johnston G, Mykhalovskiy E, Cicchelli L, McIntyre P, Burge F, Dent S, Zitzelsberger L, Paszat L, Earle C. Quality Indicators for End-of-Life Breast Cancer Care: Is there agreement between stakeholder groups in two provinces? Oral presentation. 16th International Congress on Care of Terminally Ill, Montreal, September 2006.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Beyond the Moment of the decision: Complex medical treatment and the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, June 1-4, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and McCoy, L. Texts, Time and Place: Using Institutional Ethnography in Health Research. Health Care Technology and Place: Annual Interdisciplinary Workshop. University of Toronto. May 2006.
Poland, B., Frohlich, K., Haines, R., Sparks,B., Mykhalovskiy, E., Rock, E. Unpacking the social context of smoking: insights from social theory and empirical research. National Conference on Tobacco and Health, Ottawa, June 19-23, 2005.
*Weir, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. News of Outbreak: Global Epidemiological Surveillance in the Twenty-first Century. Invisible Enemies: The Cultural Meaning of Infection and the Politics of Plague. University of Zurich. September 21-23, 2005.
*Mykhalovskiy, E. and Weir, L. Texts, critique and global public health. Paper presented at the Society for Study of Social Problems Annual General Meeting, August, Philadelphia, August 2005.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Rethinking decision making: contributions from research on the healthwork of people living with HIV. Paper presented at the American Sociological Association, Annual General Meeting, San Francisco, August 2004.
*Weir, L and Mykhalovskiy, E. Borders, secrecy and the detection of outbreak. Paper presented at Medicine at the Border: The History, Politics and Culture of Global Health: an International Conference. University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, July 2004.
Mykhalovskiy, E.¸McCoy, L., and Bresalier, M. 2003. From compliance to medication practice: Exploring the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at Vital Politics: Health, Medicine and Bio-economics into the Twenty-first Century: An International Conference, London School of Economics, September 5-7, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Beyond decision making: Living with HIV/AIDS in a time of complex medical treatment. Paper presented at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems, Atlanta, Georgia. August 15-17, 2003.
Bourgeault, I., Lindsay, S., Mykhalovskiy, E., Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Choiniere, J., Lexchin, J., and White, J.P Negotiative care work: A new variation of care work as a consequence of health care reform. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University, June 25-27, 2003.
Armstrong, P., Armstrong, H., Bourgeault, I., Choiniere, J., Lexchin, J., Mykhalovskiy, E., and White, J.P. Space, place and time: Managing nursing care in Canada and the United States. Paper presented at the Third Biennial Gender, Work and Organization Conference, Keele University, June 25-27, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Beyond the Moment of the decision: Complex medical treatment and the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Congress of Humanities and Social Sciences, June 1-4, 2003.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and McCoy, L. Making medication an everyday thing: Shifting the social science gaze from adherence to health work. Paper presented at the 12th Annual Canadian Association for HIV Research, Halifax, April 10-13, 2003.
McCoy, L. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Doing health work across epistemic boundaries: The experiences of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at “Boundaries: Geographies, Genres, and Gender: Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association 37th Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 29-June 1, 2002.
McCoy, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. Information, information, information: developing community-based treatment information services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at Sociology for Changing the World: Political Activist Ethnography. Laurentian University, Sudbury, November 8-10, 2002.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and McCoy, L. Institutional ethnography, activism and social movements: reflecting on George Smith’s legacy. Paper presented at Sociology for Changing the World: Political Activist Ethnography. Laurentian University, Sudbury, November 8-10, 2002.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Bresalier, M., Gillis, L., McClure, C., McCoy, L., Taylor, D., and Webber, M. Knowledge, experience and treatment decision making amongst people living with HIV/AIDS. Poster presentation, Canadian Association for HIV/AIDS Research, Winnipeg, 2002.
Bourgeault, I., P. Armstrong. H. Armstrong, J. Choiniere, J. Lexchin, E. Mykhalovskiy, S. Peters, and J. White. Negotiative care work: Cross national perspectives on health care in Canada and the United States. Paper presented at “Boundaries: Geographies, Genres, and Gender: Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association 37th Annual Meeting, Toronto, May 29-June 1, 2002.
Eakin, J. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Reframing the judgement of qualitative health research: Reflections on a review of appraisal guidelines in the health sciences. Qualitative Health Conference, Banff, Alberta, Canada. April 4-6, 2002.
Bresalier,M., L. Gillis, C. McClure, L. McCoy, D. E. Mykhalovskiy, D. Taylor and M. Webber. Community-based research and the Making Care Visible Project. Poster presentation, Forging New Directions: Urban Health Research and Policy Forum, Toronto, April 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. McCoy. Health work at the institutional interface: The final report of the Making Care Visible Project. Paper presented at Mapping Social Relations: Social Inquiry through Institutional Ethnography, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York, June 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. McCoy. HIV/AIDS and the critique of ruling discourses: Looking institutionally at people’s narratives of health work. Paper presented at 18th Qualitative Analysis Conference: Doing Ethnographies and Ethnographic Doings. McMaster University, Hamilton, May 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and K. Church. The man who wanted to be faithful: A fairy tale about prostate cancer. Texts of Testimony. Autobiography, Life-Story Narratives and the Public Sphere, Liverpool John Moores University, Liverpool, England, August 2001.
Mykhalovskiy, E. On the uses of health services research: Troubled hearts, care pathways and the reform of hospital care. Paper presented at Making Links: New Research in Institutional Ethnography, Toronto, OISE, May 2000.
McCoy, L. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Community-based research into the health work of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at Social Transformation and Activism: The Application of Institutional Ethnography. Arizona State University West, Phoenix, March 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Investigating health services research as formal discourse of knowledge: care maps, heart attacks and hospital restructuring. Paper presented at Knowledge as a Constituent of Health Care. Open Seminar, Graduate Programme in Sociology, York University, North York, February 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Qualitative research on health care restructuring: Trade union collaboration and the use of immanent critique. Paper presented at Advances in Qualitative Methods. First International Conference of the International Institute for Qualitative Methodology. Edmonton, February 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. The Making Care Visible Project. Paper presented at the 2nd Annual Ontario HIV Treatment Network Research Day,” Panel Session—Research and Community: Working it Through. December 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E., C. McClure, D. Taylor, L. McCoy and M. Webber. The Making Care Visible Project: Exploring the ‘health work’ of people living with HIV/AIDS. Poster presentation, AIDS Impact Conference, Ottawa, 1999.
Mykhalovskiy, E. and L. McCoy. ‘I’m not someone who enjoys reading medical crap’: Rethinking health information through community-based AIDS research. Paper presented at Citizenship in an Era of Globalization: Threats to and Struggles for Legal, Political, Social and Cultural Rights. 49th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Social Problems.” Chicago, August 1999
Mykhalovskiy, E. ‘We do meaning’: Health services research, research transfer, and the social organization of interpretive practices. Paper presented at Restructuring and Transformation of Canadian Institutions: Applications of Institutional Ethnography. York University, North York, October 1998.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Health services research and the social relations of evidential knowledge. Paper presented at Bodies, Languages and Voices in Health Research, York Centre for Health Studies. York University, North York, May 1997.
McCoy, L. and Mykhalovskiy, E. The practical accomplishment of institutional ethnography: Issues of designing, conducting, and writing up I.E. research. Workshop session presented at Sociology for Women/Sociology for People: The Practice of Institutional Ethnography, A workshop co-sponsored by the Sex and Gender Section of the American Sociological Association and the Women’s Studies Program, OISE, Toronto, August 1997.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Toward a sociology of health services research. Paper presented at the International Conference on Knowledge, Economy, and Society, Université de Montréal, Montreal, July 1997.
Mykhalovskiy, E. “Rethinking the practice of health promotion for people living with HIV/AIDS: A critique of individualization.” Poster presentation, XI International Conference on AIDS, Vancouver, July 1996.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Texts, work; government, medicine: Exploring the social organization of access to family benefits assistance for people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual General Meeting, Learned Societies Conference, Trent University, Peterborough, June 1996.
“Mykhalovskiy, E. Organizing new social relations of research in the community-based AIDS movement. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Home and Community Care for Persons Living with HIV/AIDS, Montreal, June 1995.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Producing an active sociological text: Experiences doing research on the barriers PWAs face accessing social services. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual General Meeting, Learned Societies Conference, UQAM, Montreal, June 1995.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Reconsidering ‘Table Talk:’ Thoughts on the relationship between sociology, autobiography and self-Indulgence. Paper presented at the Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association Annual General Meeting, Learned Societies Conference, University of Calgary, June 1995.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Unintended consequences of health promotion practices. Paper presented at HIV/AIDS--Practical Approaches for Health Care, 6th Annual Conference. A Program of the Immunodeficiency Clinic, Toronto Hospital and Continuing Education, Faculty of Medicine, University of Toronto, December 1995.
Smith, G. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Doing community-based AIDS research. Paper presented at Health and Behaviour 1994, Queen’s University, Kingston, March 1994.
Mykhalovskiy, E. The stigma of HIV/AIDS: Exploring the social relations of access to Social services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto. Paper presented at the Qualitative Research Conference, University of Waterloo, May 1994.
Mykhalovskiy, E. Doing social research that meets the needs of people living with HIV/AIDS. Paper presented at the IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, June 1993.
Smith, G. and E. Mykhalovskiy. Getting hooked up: A study of the organization of access to social services for people living with HIV/AIDS in Toronto, Canada. Poster presentation, IX International Conference on AIDS, Berlin, June 1993.
Smith, G. and E. Mykhalovskiy. The social organization of the life work of people living with HIV/AIDS” Paper presented at the Second Annual Meeting of the Canadian Association for HIV Research. Vancouver, May 1992.
Mykhalovskiy, E., Hastings, C., Sanders, C., Hayman, M. and Bisaillon, L. 2016. ‘Callous, Cold and Deliberately Duplicitous: Racialization, Immigration and the Representation of HIV Criminalization in Canadian Mainstream Newspapers. A Report Funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research Centre for Social Research in HIV Prevention. Available:
Mykhalovskiy, E., Betteridge, G. and McLay, D. 2010. HIV Non-disclosure and the criminal law: Establishing policy options for Ontario. Toronto: Ontario HIV Treatment Network.
Kort, R., Flynn, M., Mascolini, M., Mykhalovskiy, E., Brown, G., Gilden, D., Baijal, P. 2008. AIDS 2008 Impact Report: From Evidence To Action. Available: (First author for sections on Social, Behavioural and Economic Science and Political Science and Policy).
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | GS/SOCI6684 3.0 | M | Critical Social Policy Analys | SEMR |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/SOCI3820 6.0 | A | Sociology of Health and Health Care | LECT |