David Etkin

School of Administrative Studies
Disaster & Emergency Management
Office: Atkinson College, 230
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 44016
Email: etkin@yorku.ca
Attached CV
Prof. David Etkin is a professor of Disaster and Emergency Management at York University.
David Etkin is a Professor of Disaster and Emergency Management at York University. Previously, he worked for Environment Canada from 1977-2005. During his career, he has been a weather forecaster in Nova Scotia and Ontario, taught meteorology to new forecasters, and done applied research in the Arctic and Industrial Climatology Divisions of the Canadian Climate Centre. In 1993 he joined the Adaptation and Impacts Research Group of the Meteorological Service of Canada, specializing in the interdisciplinary study of natural hazards and disasters, and climate change. From 1996-2005 he worked at the University of Toronto with the Institute for Environmental Studies doing research on natural hazards and disasters. He has contributed to several national and international natural hazard projects including the 2nd U.S. national assessment of natural hazards, the IPCC, was Principal Investigator of the Canadian National Assessment of Natural Hazards and is Past President of the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network. His current areas of research are disaster risk assessment and disaster ethics. He has 90 publications including two textbooks and 6 edited volumes.
M.Sc., York UniversityB.Ed., University of Toronto
B.Sc., York University
Research Interests
Etkin, D. (2021). The Ethical Emergency Manager: Issues, Morality and Dilemmas, 2nd Edition, https://www.amazon.ca/Ethical-Emergency-Manager-Morality-Dilemmas/dp/B095GJ5T2S/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+ethical+emergency+manager+2nd+edition&qid=1622745491&sr=8-1
Textbook on disaster theory
Etkin, D. and Malkin-Dubbins, L. (2010) Disasters and the In-Between City. In, “In-Between Infrastructure: Urban Connectivity in an Age of Vulnerability”, Roger Keil, Patricia Wood, Douglas Young (eds.) Kelowna, BC: Praxis(e) Press. (invited paper – in press)
Etkin, D. (2009) . Patterns of Risk: Spatial Planning as a Strategy for the Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards. In Fra Paleo, U. (ed.) 2009. Building safer communities. Risk governance, spatial planning, and responses to natural hazards. Amsterdam, IOS Press. (invited paper)
Etkin, D., Cohen, S., B. Bass, B. Jones, J. Lacroix, B. Mills, D. Scott and G.C. van Kooten. (2004) . “Regional adaptation strategies”. In H. Coward and A.J. Weaver (eds.), Hard Choices: Climate Change in Canada, Wilfred Laurier University Press, Waterloo, pp. 151-179.
Etkin, D. and Dore, M., (2003). “Natural Disasters, Adaptive Capacity and Development in the 21st Century”. In: Pelling, M. (ed.) Natural Disasters and Development in a Globalizing World, Routledge, London, chapter 5, 75-92.
Etkin, D.A. and M.F. Myers, (2000). "Thunderstorms in a Social Context" in Storms Vol. II, eds. Pielke and Pielke, Routledge Press, pp. 43-59.
Etkin, D., (1998). "Climate Change and Extreme Events: Canada" in Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation - Volume VIII : National Cross-Cutting Issues, M. Mayer and W. Avis, eds. (Downsview: Environment Canada, Environmental Adaptation Research Group) pp. 31-80.
Etkin, D., M.T. Vázquez and I. Kelman, (1998). “Natural Disasters and Human Activity”, A Contribution to the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation State of the Environment Report (Montréal, Canada: North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation).
Etkin, D. (1993) . “Planning in a Climate of Change: Choices under Uncertainty”. In: G. Wall (editor), Impacts of Climate Change on Resource Management in the North. Dep't. of Geography Occasional Paper no. 16, University of Waterloo, pp. 29-41.
Etkin, D., (1999). Extreme Events and Natural Disasters in an Era of Increasing Environmental Change. In, Report of a May 14, 1999 Workshop on Emerging Environmental Issues in Ontario. Environmental Monograph No. 15. Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, pp. 19-22.
Mamuji, A. and Etkin, D. (2019). Disaster Risk Analysis Part 2: The Systemic Underestimation of Risk. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 16(1).
Etkin, D. (2019) How Risk Assessments by Emergency Management Organizations Fall Prey to Narrow Framing. International Journal of Emergency Management, 15(1), 81-97.
Etkin, D., Mamuji, A. & Clarke, L. (2018). Disaster Risk Analysis Part 1: The Importance of Including Rare Events. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 15(2).
Feldmann-Jensen, S., Smith, S., Etkin, D., and Jensen, S. (2016). Toward a substantive dialogue: The case for an ethical framework in emergency management, Part 1, Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 20(1).
Etkin, D., Feldmann-Jensen, S., Smith, S., & Jensen, S. (2016). Toward A Substantive Dialogue: The Case For An Ethical Framework In Emergency Management, Part 2. The Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 20(1), 49-53.
Etkin, D., Ivanova, J., MacGregor, S., & Serota, T. (2014). Risk Perception and Belief in Guardian Spirits. SAGE Open, 4(3),
Etkin, D. and Timmerman, P. (2013). Emergency Management and Ethics. International Journal of Emergency Management, 9(4), 277-297.
Etkin, D., Higuchi, K. and Medayle, J. (2012). Climate Change and Natural Disasters: An Exploration of the Issues. Journal of Climate Change, June 2012, Volume 112, Issue 3-4, pp. 585-599.
Nirupama, N., & Etkin, D. (2012). Institutional perception and support in emergency management in Ontario, Canada. Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 21, Iss:5
Etkin, D. and Nirupama, N. (2009) "Emergency Managers in Ontario: An Exploratory Study of Their Perspectives," Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: Vol. 6(1), Article 38. (As of May 4, 2010, this paper has been downloaded 199 times from the journal website)
Etkin, D. (2009). Beyond the Four Pillars. CRHNet Newsletter, Vol. 1(1), pp. 18-19.
Etkin, D. (2008) . Global Change and Risk Management. In, Time to Pass the Baton: Disaster Risk Reduction from the Perspective of Environmental Management, Land Use Management, Finance and Public Investment. J.P. Sarmiento Ed., International Resources Group, USAID, 281-284. (invited paper)
Etkin, D. and Ho, E. (2007) . Climate Change: Perceptions and Discourses of Risk. Journal of Risk Research. Vol. 10, No. 5, 623–641.
Etkin, D. and Haque, C.E. (2007) . People and community as constituent parts of hazards: the significance of societal dimensions in hazards analysis. Natural Hazards Vol. 41(2), 271-282.
Etkin, D. and Haque, C.E. (2007) . Preface. In, Haque, C.E. and Etkin, D. (editors) 2007. People, Community and Resilience: Societal Dimensions of Environmental Hazards. Natural Hazards, Vol. 41(2).
Etkin, D. Murphy, B. and Pearce, L. (editors) . 2007. The Theory and Practice of Emergency Management in Canada. International Journal of Emergency Management. Vol. 4(2).
Etkin, D. and Stefanovic, I.L. (2005) . Mitigating Natural Disasters: The Role of Eco-Ethics. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Vol. 10, pp. 469-490.
Etkin, D., Haque, E. and Brooks, G. (editors) . (2003). An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. Natural Hazards. Kluwer. Vol. 28 (2-3).
Etkin, D., Haque, C.E. and Brooks, G.R. (2003) Editorial: Towards A Better Understanding of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. In: An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. Natural Hazards. Kluwer, Vol. 28, No. 2-3.
Etkin, D., Kelman, I., and Vasquez, M.T., (2001). Natural Disasters. In The North American Mosaic: A State of the Environment Report. Commission for Environmental Co-operation, NAFTA, pp. 71-74.
Etkin, D, S.E. Brun, A. Shabbar, and P. Joe, (2001). Tornado Climatology of Canada Revisited: Tornado Activity During Different Phases of ENSO. Int’l. J. of Climatology, 21(8), 915-938.
Etkin, D. and Dore, M. (2000) . The Importance of Measuring the Social Costs of Natural Disasters at a Time of Climate Change. Australian J. of Emergency Management. Spring 2000, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 46-48.
Etkin, D.A. and Brun, S.E. (1999) . "A Note on Canada's Hail Climatology, 1974-1993" International Journal of Climatology. Vol. 19(12) pp. 1357-1373.
Etkin, D., Kerry, M., G. Kelk,, I. Burton and S. Kalhok, (1999). "Glazed Over: Canada Copes with the Ice Storm of 1998" in Environment 41(1): 6-11, pp. 28-33.
Etkin, D.A., (1999). 'Natural Hazards'. In ‘Human Activity and the Environment’ (Ottawa: Statistics Canada) pp.187-192
Etkin, D., Colombo, A.F., and Karney, B.W. (1999). Climate variability and the frequency of extreme temperature events for nine sites across Canada: Implications for power usage. Journal of Climate, vol. 12(8), pp.2490-2502.
Etkin, D., (1999). Risk transference and related trends: driving forces towards more mega-disasters. Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards, Vol: 1(2), pp. 51-92, December 1999 , pp. 69-75.
Etkin, D., Bush, E., D. Hayley, E. Hivon, B. Ladanyi, B. Lavender, G. Paoli, D. Riseborough, J. Smith and M. Smith, (1998). Climate Change Impacts on Permafrost Engineering Design (Downsview: Environment Canada, Environmental Adaptation Research Group).
Etkin, D. and Brun, S.E. (1997) . "The Space-Time Proposal" The Review- Worldwide Reinsurance, October 1997: pp.49-51
Etkin, D. and Brun, S.E., (1997): Climate Change and The Future of Canadian Atmospheric Hazards, in; Coping with Natural Hazards in Canada: Scientific, Government and Insurance Industry Perspectives, Insurers Advisory Org. Inc., Toronto, pp. 66-72.
Etkin, D. and White, R. (1997) : Climate Change, Extreme Events and The Canadian Insurance Industry, Natural Hazards, vol. 16, pp. 135-163.
Etkin, D. and Brun, S.E. (1997) : Discourse on Occurrence Definition, in; Coping with Natural Hazards in Canada: Scientific, Government and Insurance Industry Perspectives, Insurers Advisory Org. Inc., Toronto, pp. 111-120.
Etkin, D., (1997): The Social and Economic Impact of Hydrometeorological Hazards and Disasters in Canada: a Preliminary Inventory in; Coping with Natural Hazards in Canada: Scientific, Government and Insurance Industry Perspectives, Insurers Advisory Org. Inc., Toronto, pp. 74-110.
Etkin, D., Yazici, D., Pressnail, K., O’Malley,D., and O’Malley, L. (1996) Impact of Climate on the Cost of Buildings. CMOS Bulletin, vol. 24(5), 105-111.
Etkin, D. and Maarouf, A. (1995) . An Overview of Atmospheric Natural Hazards in Canada.
Etkin, D.A. (1995). Beyond the Year 2000, More Tornadoes in Western Canada? Implications from the Historical Record. Natural Hazards, vol. 12, pp. 19-27.
Etkin, D. (editor) . In: Proceedings of a Tri-Lateral Workshop on Natural Hazards., Merrickville, Canada, Feb. 11-14, 1995, pp. 63-92.
Etkin, D., Joe, P., Crozier, C., Donaldson, N., Brun, E., Clodman, S., Abraham. J., Siok. S., Biron, H., Leduc, M., Chadwick, P., Knott, S., Archibald, J., Vickers, G., Blackwell, S., Droullard, R., Whitman, A., Brooks, H., Kouwen, N., Verret, R., Fournier, G. and Kochtubajda, B. (1995) . Recent Progress in the Operational Forecasting of Summer Severe Weather. Atmosphere-Ocean, vol. 33(1), pp. 249-302.
Etkin, D.A. and Leduc, L. (1994) . A Non-Tornadic Severe Storm Climatology of Southern Ontario Adjusted for Population Bias: Some Surprising Results. CMOS Bulletin, vol. 22(3), pp. 4-8.
Etkin, D.A. and Ramseier, R.O. (1993). A Comparison of Conventional and Passive Microwave Sea Ice Data Sets for Hudson Bay. Atmosphere-Ocean, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 359-378.
Etkin, D. (1991). Break-up in Hudson Bay: It’s Sensitivity to Air Temperatures and Implications for Climate Warming. Climatological Bulletin, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 21-34.
Etkin, D. (1991). Winter and Summer Surface Air Temperature Trends in the Northern Hemisphere: 1950 to 1988. Climatological Bulletin vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 182-193.
Etkin, D. (1990) . Equivalency of Greenhouse Gases. CO2 Climate Report, no. 90-01, Environment Canada.
Etkin, D. (1990) . Greenhouse Warming: Consequences for Arctic Climate. ASCE Journal of Cold Regions Engineering, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 54-66.
Etkin, D. (1989). Elevation as a Climate Control in Yukon. Inversion, The Newsletter of Arctic Climate, no. 2, Atmospheric Environment Service, Canada, pp. 12-14.
Etkin, D., Headley, A. and Stoker, K.J.L. (1988) . A Long-Term Permafrost and Climate Monitoring Program in Northern Canada. Fifth International Conference on Permafrost. Trondheim, Norway. August, 1988, pp. 73-77.
Etkin, D. and Higuchi, K. (1986). Trends in Year-to-Year Fluctuations in the Surface Air Temperature, Canadian Arctic. Physical Geography, Dec. 1986.
Etkin, D. (1980) . Black is the Same as White. Chinook, vol. 3(1).
Etkin, D. Patterns of Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk. NATO Advanced Training Course: Spatial Planning as a Strategy for Mitigation and Adaptation to Natural Hazards. March 3-8, 2008, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Etkin, D. The Big Picture - Climate Change Effects in Canada by 2027 (Panel moderator and presenter). Conference Board of Canada: Adapting to Climate Change: Business Planning, Risk Management and Emergency Preparedness. Ottawa, Jan. 21/22, 2008.
Etkin, D., (1999). Socio-Economic Impacts of Extreme Events, and Issues on the Effectiveness of Warnings. Proceedings: Sixth Workshop on Operational Meteorology. Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 1999. Halifax NS. pp. 189-197.
Etkin, D. (2005) . A Synthesis of the Symposium and Reflection on Reducing Risk through Partnerships. In, Nirupama, N., Bogutska, T., and Etkin, D. (editors) . 2005. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium. Toronto, Nov. 17-19, 2005 (www.crhnet.ca) pp. 36-39.
Etkin, D., Nirupama, N., and Bogutska, T., (editors). 2005. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium. Toronto, Nov. 17-19, 2005 (www.crhnet.ca)
Etkin, D. (editor) (2002) . Proceedings of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society Natural Hazards Workshop, Toronto, Canada, April 2002 http://www.utoronto.ca/env/nato/
Etkin, D. (editor) (2002) . Proceedings of the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation, Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society Natural Hazards Workshop, Toronto, Canada, April 2002 http://www.utoronto.ca/env/nato/
Etkin, D.A. and Agnew, T. (1991) . Arctic Climate in the Future. In: Arctic Environment: Past, Present and Future, M. Woo and K.J. Gregor (editors). Proceedings of a Symposium, McMaster University, Nov. 14-15, 1991, pp. 17-34.
Etkin, D. and Hutton, D. (2009) . Emergency Management: From Principles to Action. In, Health Policy Research Bulletin: Recognizing the Diversity of Emergency Management as a Discipline and Practice in Canada. Health Canada (invited paper).
Etkin, D., Haque, E., Bellisario, L. and Burton, I., (2004). An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada - A Report for Decision-Makers and Practitioners- http://www.crhnet.ca/, 45pp.
Etkin, D. (2017). Hail Climatology for Canada: An Update. Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction research paper series No. 58, Toronto, Canada, 48 pp.
Etkin, D. (editor) . 2009. Canadians at Risk: Our Exposure to Natural Hazards. Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction Research Paper #47, 238 pgs. http://www.iclr.org/listofclimateextremes.html
Etkin, D. (2008) . Global Change and Risk Management. In, Time to Pass the Baton: Disaster Risk Reduction from the Perspective of Environmental Management, Land Use Management, Finance and Public Investment. J.P. Sarmiento Ed., International Resources Group, USAID, 281-284.
Etkin, D. and Bellisario, L.M. (2001) . Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events in the Toronto-Niagara Region. AIRG Meteorological Service of Canada, TNR Report 2001-2, 32 pgs.
Etkin, D., Kumar, A., and Burton, I. (2000) . Assessment of the Flood Hazard and Mitigative Measures in Canada: Report of an Independent Expert Panel. Government of Canada Report, 30pp.
Etkin, D., Burton, I., and Lauterbach, D., Geneva 25 August (1998), UNDP Report. Disasters and Development: El Niño pleads not guilty. A Report on the Impacts of El Niño in 1997/98 and the Implications for Disaster Management
Etkin, D. and MacGregor, S. (2010) Disaster Data: A Global View of Loss of Life and Damage. In “Treatise on Geomorphology, Hazards/Applied/Anthropogenic/Cultural Geomorphology”, Elsevier Press (invited paper – in press).
Prof. David Etkin is a professor of Disaster and Emergency Management at York University.
David Etkin is a Professor of Disaster and Emergency Management at York University. Previously, he worked for Environment Canada from 1977-2005. During his career, he has been a weather forecaster in Nova Scotia and Ontario, taught meteorology to new forecasters, and done applied research in the Arctic and Industrial Climatology Divisions of the Canadian Climate Centre. In 1993 he joined the Adaptation and Impacts Research Group of the Meteorological Service of Canada, specializing in the interdisciplinary study of natural hazards and disasters, and climate change. From 1996-2005 he worked at the University of Toronto with the Institute for Environmental Studies doing research on natural hazards and disasters. He has contributed to several national and international natural hazard projects including the 2nd U.S. national assessment of natural hazards, the IPCC, was Principal Investigator of the Canadian National Assessment of Natural Hazards and is Past President of the Canadian Risk and Hazards Network. His current areas of research are disaster risk assessment and disaster ethics. He has 90 publications including two textbooks and 6 edited volumes.
M.Sc., York UniversityB.Ed., University of Toronto
B.Sc., York University
Research Interests
All Publications
Etkin, D. and Malkin-Dubbins, L. (2010) Disasters and the In-Between City. In, “In-Between Infrastructure: Urban Connectivity in an Age of Vulnerability”, Roger Keil, Patricia Wood, Douglas Young (eds.) Kelowna, BC: Praxis(e) Press. (invited paper – in press)
Etkin, D. (2009) . Patterns of Risk: Spatial Planning as a Strategy for the Mitigation of Risk from Natural Hazards. In Fra Paleo, U. (ed.) 2009. Building safer communities. Risk governance, spatial planning, and responses to natural hazards. Amsterdam, IOS Press. (invited paper)
Etkin, D., Cohen, S., B. Bass, B. Jones, J. Lacroix, B. Mills, D. Scott and G.C. van Kooten. (2004) . “Regional adaptation strategies”. In H. Coward and A.J. Weaver (eds.), Hard Choices: Climate Change in Canada, Wilfred Laurier University Press, Waterloo, pp. 151-179.
Etkin, D. and Dore, M., (2003). “Natural Disasters, Adaptive Capacity and Development in the 21st Century”. In: Pelling, M. (ed.) Natural Disasters and Development in a Globalizing World, Routledge, London, chapter 5, 75-92.
Etkin, D.A. and M.F. Myers, (2000). "Thunderstorms in a Social Context" in Storms Vol. II, eds. Pielke and Pielke, Routledge Press, pp. 43-59.
Etkin, D., (1998). "Climate Change and Extreme Events: Canada" in Canada Country Study: Climate Impacts and Adaptation - Volume VIII : National Cross-Cutting Issues, M. Mayer and W. Avis, eds. (Downsview: Environment Canada, Environmental Adaptation Research Group) pp. 31-80.
Etkin, D., M.T. Vázquez and I. Kelman, (1998). “Natural Disasters and Human Activity”, A Contribution to the North American Commission on Environmental Cooperation State of the Environment Report (Montréal, Canada: North American Commission for Environmental Cooperation).
Etkin, D. (1993) . “Planning in a Climate of Change: Choices under Uncertainty”. In: G. Wall (editor), Impacts of Climate Change on Resource Management in the North. Dep't. of Geography Occasional Paper no. 16, University of Waterloo, pp. 29-41.
Etkin, D. (2021). The Ethical Emergency Manager: Issues, Morality and Dilemmas, 2nd Edition, https://www.amazon.ca/Ethical-Emergency-Manager-Morality-Dilemmas/dp/B095GJ5T2S/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=the+ethical+emergency+manager+2nd+edition&qid=1622745491&sr=8-1
Textbook on disaster theory
Etkin, D., (1999). Extreme Events and Natural Disasters in an Era of Increasing Environmental Change. In, Report of a May 14, 1999 Workshop on Emerging Environmental Issues in Ontario. Environmental Monograph No. 15. Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Toronto, pp. 19-22.
Mamuji, A. and Etkin, D. (2019). Disaster Risk Analysis Part 2: The Systemic Underestimation of Risk. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 16(1).
Etkin, D. (2019) How Risk Assessments by Emergency Management Organizations Fall Prey to Narrow Framing. International Journal of Emergency Management, 15(1), 81-97.
Etkin, D., Mamuji, A. & Clarke, L. (2018). Disaster Risk Analysis Part 1: The Importance of Including Rare Events. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management, 15(2).
Feldmann-Jensen, S., Smith, S., Etkin, D., and Jensen, S. (2016). Toward a substantive dialogue: The case for an ethical framework in emergency management, Part 1, Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 20(1).
Etkin, D., Feldmann-Jensen, S., Smith, S., & Jensen, S. (2016). Toward A Substantive Dialogue: The Case For An Ethical Framework In Emergency Management, Part 2. The Australasian Journal of Disaster and Trauma Studies, 20(1), 49-53.
Etkin, D., Ivanova, J., MacGregor, S., & Serota, T. (2014). Risk Perception and Belief in Guardian Spirits. SAGE Open, 4(3),
Etkin, D. and Timmerman, P. (2013). Emergency Management and Ethics. International Journal of Emergency Management, 9(4), 277-297.
Etkin, D., Higuchi, K. and Medayle, J. (2012). Climate Change and Natural Disasters: An Exploration of the Issues. Journal of Climate Change, June 2012, Volume 112, Issue 3-4, pp. 585-599.
Nirupama, N., & Etkin, D. (2012). Institutional perception and support in emergency management in Ontario, Canada. Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 21, Iss:5
Etkin, D. and Nirupama, N. (2009) "Emergency Managers in Ontario: An Exploratory Study of Their Perspectives," Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management: Vol. 6(1), Article 38. (As of May 4, 2010, this paper has been downloaded 199 times from the journal website)
Etkin, D. (2009). Beyond the Four Pillars. CRHNet Newsletter, Vol. 1(1), pp. 18-19.
Etkin, D. (2008) . Global Change and Risk Management. In, Time to Pass the Baton: Disaster Risk Reduction from the Perspective of Environmental Management, Land Use Management, Finance and Public Investment. J.P. Sarmiento Ed., International Resources Group, USAID, 281-284. (invited paper)
Etkin, D. and Ho, E. (2007) . Climate Change: Perceptions and Discourses of Risk. Journal of Risk Research. Vol. 10, No. 5, 623–641.
Etkin, D. and Haque, C.E. (2007) . People and community as constituent parts of hazards: the significance of societal dimensions in hazards analysis. Natural Hazards Vol. 41(2), 271-282.
Etkin, D. and Haque, C.E. (2007) . Preface. In, Haque, C.E. and Etkin, D. (editors) 2007. People, Community and Resilience: Societal Dimensions of Environmental Hazards. Natural Hazards, Vol. 41(2).
Etkin, D. Murphy, B. and Pearce, L. (editors) . 2007. The Theory and Practice of Emergency Management in Canada. International Journal of Emergency Management. Vol. 4(2).
Etkin, D. and Stefanovic, I.L. (2005) . Mitigating Natural Disasters: The Role of Eco-Ethics. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Vol. 10, pp. 469-490.
Etkin, D., Haque, E. and Brooks, G. (editors) . (2003). An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. Natural Hazards. Kluwer. Vol. 28 (2-3).
Etkin, D., Haque, C.E. and Brooks, G.R. (2003) Editorial: Towards A Better Understanding of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. In: An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada. Natural Hazards. Kluwer, Vol. 28, No. 2-3.
Etkin, D., Kelman, I., and Vasquez, M.T., (2001). Natural Disasters. In The North American Mosaic: A State of the Environment Report. Commission for Environmental Co-operation, NAFTA, pp. 71-74.
Etkin, D, S.E. Brun, A. Shabbar, and P. Joe, (2001). Tornado Climatology of Canada Revisited: Tornado Activity During Different Phases of ENSO. Int’l. J. of Climatology, 21(8), 915-938.
Etkin, D. and Dore, M. (2000) . The Importance of Measuring the Social Costs of Natural Disasters at a Time of Climate Change. Australian J. of Emergency Management. Spring 2000, Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 46-48.
Etkin, D.A. and Brun, S.E. (1999) . "A Note on Canada's Hail Climatology, 1974-1993" International Journal of Climatology. Vol. 19(12) pp. 1357-1373.
Etkin, D., Kerry, M., G. Kelk,, I. Burton and S. Kalhok, (1999). "Glazed Over: Canada Copes with the Ice Storm of 1998" in Environment 41(1): 6-11, pp. 28-33.
Etkin, D.A., (1999). 'Natural Hazards'. In ‘Human Activity and the Environment’ (Ottawa: Statistics Canada) pp.187-192
Etkin, D., Colombo, A.F., and Karney, B.W. (1999). Climate variability and the frequency of extreme temperature events for nine sites across Canada: Implications for power usage. Journal of Climate, vol. 12(8), pp.2490-2502.
Etkin, D., (1999). Risk transference and related trends: driving forces towards more mega-disasters. Global Environmental Change Part B: Environmental Hazards, Vol: 1(2), pp. 51-92, December 1999 , pp. 69-75.
Etkin, D., Bush, E., D. Hayley, E. Hivon, B. Ladanyi, B. Lavender, G. Paoli, D. Riseborough, J. Smith and M. Smith, (1998). Climate Change Impacts on Permafrost Engineering Design (Downsview: Environment Canada, Environmental Adaptation Research Group).
Etkin, D. and Brun, S.E. (1997) . "The Space-Time Proposal" The Review- Worldwide Reinsurance, October 1997: pp.49-51
Etkin, D. and Brun, S.E., (1997): Climate Change and The Future of Canadian Atmospheric Hazards, in; Coping with Natural Hazards in Canada: Scientific, Government and Insurance Industry Perspectives, Insurers Advisory Org. Inc., Toronto, pp. 66-72.
Etkin, D. and White, R. (1997) : Climate Change, Extreme Events and The Canadian Insurance Industry, Natural Hazards, vol. 16, pp. 135-163.
Etkin, D. and Brun, S.E. (1997) : Discourse on Occurrence Definition, in; Coping with Natural Hazards in Canada: Scientific, Government and Insurance Industry Perspectives, Insurers Advisory Org. Inc., Toronto, pp. 111-120.
Etkin, D., (1997): The Social and Economic Impact of Hydrometeorological Hazards and Disasters in Canada: a Preliminary Inventory in; Coping with Natural Hazards in Canada: Scientific, Government and Insurance Industry Perspectives, Insurers Advisory Org. Inc., Toronto, pp. 74-110.
Etkin, D., Yazici, D., Pressnail, K., O’Malley,D., and O’Malley, L. (1996) Impact of Climate on the Cost of Buildings. CMOS Bulletin, vol. 24(5), 105-111.
Etkin, D. and Maarouf, A. (1995) . An Overview of Atmospheric Natural Hazards in Canada.
Etkin, D.A. (1995). Beyond the Year 2000, More Tornadoes in Western Canada? Implications from the Historical Record. Natural Hazards, vol. 12, pp. 19-27.
Etkin, D. (editor) . In: Proceedings of a Tri-Lateral Workshop on Natural Hazards., Merrickville, Canada, Feb. 11-14, 1995, pp. 63-92.
Etkin, D., Joe, P., Crozier, C., Donaldson, N., Brun, E., Clodman, S., Abraham. J., Siok. S., Biron, H., Leduc, M., Chadwick, P., Knott, S., Archibald, J., Vickers, G., Blackwell, S., Droullard, R., Whitman, A., Brooks, H., Kouwen, N., Verret, R., Fournier, G. and Kochtubajda, B. (1995) . Recent Progress in the Operational Forecasting of Summer Severe Weather. Atmosphere-Ocean, vol. 33(1), pp. 249-302.
Etkin, D.A. and Leduc, L. (1994) . A Non-Tornadic Severe Storm Climatology of Southern Ontario Adjusted for Population Bias: Some Surprising Results. CMOS Bulletin, vol. 22(3), pp. 4-8.
Etkin, D.A. and Ramseier, R.O. (1993). A Comparison of Conventional and Passive Microwave Sea Ice Data Sets for Hudson Bay. Atmosphere-Ocean, vol. 31, no. 3, pp. 359-378.
Etkin, D. (1991). Break-up in Hudson Bay: It’s Sensitivity to Air Temperatures and Implications for Climate Warming. Climatological Bulletin, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 21-34.
Etkin, D. (1991). Winter and Summer Surface Air Temperature Trends in the Northern Hemisphere: 1950 to 1988. Climatological Bulletin vol. 25, no. 3, pp. 182-193.
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Etkin, D. (1980) . Black is the Same as White. Chinook, vol. 3(1).
Etkin, D. Patterns of Hazard, Vulnerability and Risk. NATO Advanced Training Course: Spatial Planning as a Strategy for Mitigation and Adaptation to Natural Hazards. March 3-8, 2008, University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
Etkin, D. The Big Picture - Climate Change Effects in Canada by 2027 (Panel moderator and presenter). Conference Board of Canada: Adapting to Climate Change: Business Planning, Risk Management and Emergency Preparedness. Ottawa, Jan. 21/22, 2008.
Etkin, D., (1999). Socio-Economic Impacts of Extreme Events, and Issues on the Effectiveness of Warnings. Proceedings: Sixth Workshop on Operational Meteorology. Nov. 29-Dec. 3, 1999. Halifax NS. pp. 189-197.
Etkin, D. (2005) . A Synthesis of the Symposium and Reflection on Reducing Risk through Partnerships. In, Nirupama, N., Bogutska, T., and Etkin, D. (editors) . 2005. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium. Toronto, Nov. 17-19, 2005 (www.crhnet.ca) pp. 36-39.
Etkin, D., Nirupama, N., and Bogutska, T., (editors). 2005. Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Canadian Risk and Hazards Network Symposium. Toronto, Nov. 17-19, 2005 (www.crhnet.ca)
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Etkin, D.A. and Agnew, T. (1991) . Arctic Climate in the Future. In: Arctic Environment: Past, Present and Future, M. Woo and K.J. Gregor (editors). Proceedings of a Symposium, McMaster University, Nov. 14-15, 1991, pp. 17-34.
Etkin, D. and Hutton, D. (2009) . Emergency Management: From Principles to Action. In, Health Policy Research Bulletin: Recognizing the Diversity of Emergency Management as a Discipline and Practice in Canada. Health Canada (invited paper).
Etkin, D., Haque, E., Bellisario, L. and Burton, I., (2004). An Assessment of Natural Hazards and Disasters in Canada - A Report for Decision-Makers and Practitioners- http://www.crhnet.ca/, 45pp.
Etkin, D. (2017). Hail Climatology for Canada: An Update. Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction research paper series No. 58, Toronto, Canada, 48 pp.
Etkin, D. (editor) . 2009. Canadians at Risk: Our Exposure to Natural Hazards. Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction Research Paper #47, 238 pgs. http://www.iclr.org/listofclimateextremes.html
Etkin, D. (2008) . Global Change and Risk Management. In, Time to Pass the Baton: Disaster Risk Reduction from the Perspective of Environmental Management, Land Use Management, Finance and Public Investment. J.P. Sarmiento Ed., International Resources Group, USAID, 281-284.
Etkin, D. and Bellisario, L.M. (2001) . Climate Change and Extreme Weather Events in the Toronto-Niagara Region. AIRG Meteorological Service of Canada, TNR Report 2001-2, 32 pgs.
Etkin, D., Kumar, A., and Burton, I. (2000) . Assessment of the Flood Hazard and Mitigative Measures in Canada: Report of an Independent Expert Panel. Government of Canada Report, 30pp.
Etkin, D., Burton, I., and Lauterbach, D., Geneva 25 August (1998), UNDP Report. Disasters and Development: El Niño pleads not guilty. A Report on the Impacts of El Niño in 1997/98 and the Implications for Disaster Management
Etkin, D. and MacGregor, S. (2010) Disaster Data: A Global View of Loss of Life and Damage. In “Treatise on Geomorphology, Hazards/Applied/Anthropogenic/Cultural Geomorphology”, Elsevier Press (invited paper – in press).