
Carlo Fanelli

Photo of Carlo Fanelli

Department of Social Science

Associate Professor
Work & Labour Studies (WKLS)

Office: 759 Ross Building South
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 20508
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Media Requests Welcome

Following the completion of my PhD in Sociology and Political Economy at Carleton University, I held SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at Ryerson University’s Department of Politics and Public Administration, and at the School of Occupational Therapy at the University of Western Ontario. My research is interdisciplinary and broadly comparative. In particular, I am interested in work and labour market restructuring, public policy, political economy and social inequality.

My current work revolves around two major projects. The first explores how urban austerity has impacted public services and labour-management relations in Canadian cities and how these experiences differ and/or share parallels with international examples. The second, led by Principal Investigator Bryan Evans (Ryerson University), explores how Canadian and international living wage movements have responded to low-waged and precarious work amid the erosion of social welfare nets and the widening of inequality across diverse social groups. I am also conducting work on the ‘uberization’ of the charter fishing industry on Lake Ontario, including the work-life implications this has had on operators and potential risks this poses for consumers and fisheries. I am also undertaking studies in the areas of unpaid internships and the nonprofit sector. I am happy to supervise student research in these areas and others related to work and labour studies more broadly. Since 2009, I have also been editor-in-chief of Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research published by Athabasca University Press.


PhD, Carleton University
MA, York University
BA, York University

Professional Leadership

  • 2010-Present -  Editor-in-Chief, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research (Athabasca University Press).
  • 2010-Present -  Peer-Reviewer
      Labour/Le Travail
      Studies in Social Justice
      Studies in Political Economy
      Canadian Journal of Urban Research
      Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography
      Oxford University Press

    Community Contributions

  • Volunteer Instructor, University in the Community Initiative. Innis College, University of Toronto
    • SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, Collaborator - 2014-2017
    • SSHRC Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship - 2013-2015
    • Office of the Dean, Special Event Grant, Ryerson University - 2013-Present
    • Professional Development Fund, Ryerson University - 2013-Present
    • Department of Politics; Sociology, Ryerson University - 2013-Present
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship - 2011-2012
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship - 2008-2009


    Megacity Malaise: Neoliberalism, Labour and Public Services in Toronto. Halifax and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.

  • Reviewed by: Jeff Noonan, Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor,
  • Reviewed by: Jim Silver, Urban and Inner City Studies/Department of Political Science, University of Winnipeg,
  • Reviewed by: Paul Bocking, Department of Geography, York University, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,
  • 2016

    Book Chapters


    Ontario in the Age of Austerity. In Evans, B. and C. Fanelli, eds., The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity: Perspectives from Canada’s Provinces and Territories. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (with Bryan Evans, in print)


    The Permanent Unequal Union: Canada’s Provinces and Territories in an Era of Neoliberalism. In Evans, B. and C. Fanelli, eds., The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity: Perspectives from Canada’s Provinces and Territories. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press (in print, with Bryan Evans).


    The Living Wage Movement in Canada: Responses to Low Wage Work. In Tepperman, L. & P. Albanese, 3rd edition, (eds.), Reading Sociology: A Canadian Sociological Association Reader (pp.103-107). Toronto: Oxford University Press (with Bryan Evans)


    ‘Capital’ and Labour. In Schmidt, I. and C. Fanelli, eds., Reading ‘Capital’ Today: Marx After 150 Years (pp. 138-159) London: Pluto Press. (with Jeff Noonan)


    ‘Capital’ After 150 Years. In Schmidt, I. and C. Fanelli, eds., Reading ‘Capital’ Today: Marx After 150 Years (pp. 1-18) London: Pluto Press. (with Ingo Schmidt)


    Social Movements and the Crisis. In Paulson, J., C. Fanelli and P. Lefebvre (eds.), Capitalism & Confrontation: Critical Perspectives (pp.11-24). Ottawa: Red Quill Books (with Justin Paulson, Priscillia Lefebvre and Gulden Ozcan)


    Renewing Working Class Politics: Marx’s & Engels’ Challenge to the Labour Movement. In Paulson, J., C. Fanelli, P. Lefebvre and G. Ozcan (eds.), Capitalism & Confrontation: Critical Perspectives (pp. 45-63). Ottawa: Red Quill Books.


    Municipal Malaise: Neoliberal Urbanism In Canada. In Tepperman, L. & A. Kalyata, 2nd edition, (eds.), Reading Sociology: A Canadian Sociological Association Reader (pp.223-227). Toronto: Oxford University Press (with Justin Paulson)


    Book Reviews


    The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity: Perspectives from Canada’s Provinces and Territories. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (in print, co-edited with Bryan Evans)


    Reading Capital Today: Marx After 150 Years. London: Pluto Press (co-edited with Ingo Schmidt).


    Capitalism & Confrontation: Critical Perspectives. Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Justin Paulson, Priscillia Lefebvre and Gulden Ozcan).


    Journal Articles


    Austerity Urbanism and the Social Economy, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 28. Edmonton, Athabasca University Press. (co-edited with Steve Tufts)


    Precarity in the Nonprofit Employment Services Sector. Canadian Review of Sociology, 54(3), 331-352. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich)


    Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 27. Edmonton, Athabasca University Press (co-edited with John Shields).


    A Survey of the Living Wage Movement in Canada: Prospects and Challenges. Interface: A Journal For and About Social Movements, 8(1), 77-96. (with Bryan Evans)


    Neoliberalism and the Degradation of Education. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press (co-edited with Bryan Evans).


    The Radical Keynes: An Appraisal. Workplace: A Journal of Academic Labour, 25, 69-81


    The Commodification of Education. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 25, 11-22. (with Bryan Evans)


    Climate Change and Its Discontents, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 25. Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Bryan Evans)


    Austerity, Labour and Social Mobilizations: Rebuilding Trade Union and Working Class Politics. Studies in Social Justice, 8(2).


    Austerity Against Democracy: An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism? Teoria Politica: An International Journal of Theory and Politics, 2014, 65-88 (with Greg Albo). Translated into Indonesian.


    Toronto Civic Workers Bargaining Without a Base: The Significance of 2012. Studies in Social Justice, 8(2), 119-143


    Climate Change: ‘The Greatest Challenge of Our Time’. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 24, 15-32.


    Contesting Public Sector Austerity: Rebuilding Trade Union and Working Class Capacities. Studies in Social Justice, 8(2), 113-119 (with Peter Brogan)


    Canadian Labour and the Struggle for Public Services. New Proposals, 7(1), 38-55.


    Neoliberal Urbanism and the Assault Against Public Services and Workers in Toronto, 2006-2011. Articulo: Journal of Urban Research, 10, 1-19


    Great Recession-Proof? Shattering the Myth of Canadian Exceptionalism, Alternate Routes 24. Ottawa: Red Quill Books. (co-edited with Bryan Evans)


    From Great Recession to Great Deception: Reimagining the Roots of the Crisis. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 23, 7-15. (with Bryan Evans)


    Uniting Struggles: Critical Social Research in Critical Times, Alternate Routes 23, Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Priscillia Lefebvre)


    The Ottawa Museum Workers’ Strike: Precarious Employment and the Public Sector Squeeze. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 23, 121-146. (with Priscillia Lefebvre)


    Saving Global Capitalism: Interrogating Austerity & Working Class Responses to Crises, Alternate Routes 22. Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Chris Hurl, Priscillia Lefebvre and Gulden Ozcan)


    Austerity, Ontario and Post-Secondary Education: The Case of "Canada’s Capital University." Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 9 (2), 24-56 (with James Meades)


    Austerity, Competitiveness and Neoliberalism Redux: Ontario Responds to the Great Recession. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes, 7 (1/2), 140-171 (with Mark P. Thomas)


    Janus-Faced Austerity: Strengthening the ‘Competitive’ Canadian State. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 23, 29-50. (with Chris Hurl)


    The City of Toronto Fiscal Crisis: Neoliberal Urbanism & the Reconsolidation of Class Power. Interdisciplinary Themes, 1 (1), 8-18


    Cubanalismo: Exploring the Cuban Alternative to Neoliberalism. New Proposals, 2 (1), 7-16


    Conference Proceedings


    Opening Ontario and Constraining Collective Bargaining: A Case Study of Carleton University. Unversidad de Holguin, Cuba V Conferencia Ceintifica Internacional: Seminario De Estudios Canadienses. ISBN: 978-959-16-1329-5




    Continuity and Change: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (co-edited with M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko and O. Lyubchencko).


    The New Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. In Thomas, M.P, L.F. Vosko and C. Fanelli, eds., Continuity and Change: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (co-edited with M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko and O. Lyubchencko)


    Fiscal Distress and the Local State: Urban Political Economy in a Canadian Context. In Thomas, M.P, L.F. Vosko and C. Fanelli, eds., Continuity and Change: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (with Greg Albo)




    Interview: Gianpietro Nagliati. (Aired September 4, 2017) . Omni News Italian Edition Labour Day Special.


    Understanding Long-Term Unemployment and How to Move Forward: Learning from Key Stakeholders in the London, Ontario Region. Research Summary #1. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    Long-Term Unemployment: Its Causes, Consequences and How to Move Forward in St. Louis, Missouri. Research Summary #2. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    Tackling Long-Term Unemployment Through New Investments in Public Transportation: Insights from St. Louis, Missouri and London, Ontario. Research Summary #3. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    The Promises and Perils of Online Job-Seeking: Experiences from London, Ontario and St. Louis, Missouri. Research Summary #4. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    Interview: Jeff Gray (March 3, 2016). Toronto Reaches Tentative Four-Year Deal with Inside-Workers Union. Globe & Mail.


    Interview: Geoffrey Vendeville. (February 29, 2016) . ‘Jobs for life’ clause at Centre of Toronto Labour Dispute. Toronto Star.


    Interview: Sara Mojtehedzadeh. (January 25, 2016) . Critics See Bloat in Police Payrolls. Toronto Star.


    Education and Insurgent Pedagogies: An Interview with E. Wayne Ross. In Fanelli, C. and B. Evans, eds., Neoliberalism and the Degradation of Education, Alternate Routes 2015 (Pp.405-422). Edmonton: Athabasca University Press.


    Interview: Marielle Torrefranca. (October 23, 2015) . Debate on Unpaid Internships Still Evolving. J-Source.


    Under Pressure: How Public Policy is Constraining Ontario Municipalities. Toronto: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1-32.


    Neoliberalism and Urban Politics. Canadian Dimension. July/August, 48(4), 39- 42


    Workers Unite! The International 150 Years Later. Edited by Marcello Musto. London: Bloombury Academic Publishing. Translator (Italian to English).


    Book Review: “Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage, eds. Public Sector Unions In The Age of Austerity (Halifax and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing 2013). Labour/Le Travail, 73, 366-371, 2014.


    Interview: Carol Goar (October 23, 2014). Mayoral Candidates Fight over Details, Not Dreams. Toronto Star


    Why Saying No to Toronto Island Airport Expansion Makes Sense. Canadian Dimension Magazine.


    Austerity and Aboriginal Communities: An Interview with David Newhouse. In Fanelli, C. and B. Evans (Eds.), Great Recession-Proof? Shattering the Myth of Canadian Exceptionalism, Alternate Routes 2013 (Pp. 207-214). Ottawa: Red Quill Books.


    Interview: Michael Perelman: The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism: How Market Tyranny Stifles The Economy By Stunting Workers. In Fanelli, C. and P. Lefebvre (eds.). Uniting Struggles: Critical Social Research In Critical Times, Alternate Routes 2012 (Pp. 248-254). Ottawa: Red Quill Books. Republished at MRzine: A Project of the Monthly Review Foundation


    Book Review: “Greg Albo, Sam Gindin & Leo Panitch, In & Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives (Oakland: PM Press). In Fanelli et al., eds., Saving Global Capitalism: Interrogating Austerity and Working Class Responses to Crises, Alternate Routes 2011(Pp. 171-174)


    Trash Piles Up as City Workers in Toronto & Windsor Strike. Labor Education & Research Project, Labor Notes Magazine


    Following the completion of my PhD in Sociology and Political Economy at Carleton University, I held SSHRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowships at Ryerson University’s Department of Politics and Public Administration, and at the School of Occupational Therapy at the University of Western Ontario. My research is interdisciplinary and broadly comparative. In particular, I am interested in work and labour market restructuring, public policy, political economy and social inequality.

    My current work revolves around two major projects. The first explores how urban austerity has impacted public services and labour-management relations in Canadian cities and how these experiences differ and/or share parallels with international examples. The second, led by Principal Investigator Bryan Evans (Ryerson University), explores how Canadian and international living wage movements have responded to low-waged and precarious work amid the erosion of social welfare nets and the widening of inequality across diverse social groups. I am also conducting work on the ‘uberization’ of the charter fishing industry on Lake Ontario, including the work-life implications this has had on operators and potential risks this poses for consumers and fisheries. I am also undertaking studies in the areas of unpaid internships and the nonprofit sector. I am happy to supervise student research in these areas and others related to work and labour studies more broadly. Since 2009, I have also been editor-in-chief of Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research published by Athabasca University Press.


    PhD, Carleton University
    MA, York University
    BA, York University

    Professional Leadership

  • 2010-Present -  Editor-in-Chief, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research (Athabasca University Press).
  • 2010-Present -  Peer-Reviewer
      Labour/Le Travail
      Studies in Social Justice
      Studies in Political Economy
      Canadian Journal of Urban Research
      Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography
      Oxford University Press

    Community Contributions

  • Volunteer Instructor, University in the Community Initiative. Innis College, University of Toronto
  • Awards

    • SSHRC Partnership Development Grant, Collaborator - 2014-2017
    • SSHRC Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship - 2013-2015
    • Office of the Dean, Special Event Grant, Ryerson University - 2013-Present
    • Professional Development Fund, Ryerson University - 2013-Present
    • Department of Politics; Sociology, Ryerson University - 2013-Present
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship - 2011-2012
    • Ontario Graduate Scholarship - 2008-2009

    All Publications

    Book Chapters


    Ontario in the Age of Austerity. In Evans, B. and C. Fanelli, eds., The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity: Perspectives from Canada’s Provinces and Territories. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (with Bryan Evans, in print)


    The Permanent Unequal Union: Canada’s Provinces and Territories in an Era of Neoliberalism. In Evans, B. and C. Fanelli, eds., The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity: Perspectives from Canada’s Provinces and Territories. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press (in print, with Bryan Evans).


    The Living Wage Movement in Canada: Responses to Low Wage Work. In Tepperman, L. & P. Albanese, 3rd edition, (eds.), Reading Sociology: A Canadian Sociological Association Reader (pp.103-107). Toronto: Oxford University Press (with Bryan Evans)


    ‘Capital’ and Labour. In Schmidt, I. and C. Fanelli, eds., Reading ‘Capital’ Today: Marx After 150 Years (pp. 138-159) London: Pluto Press. (with Jeff Noonan)


    ‘Capital’ After 150 Years. In Schmidt, I. and C. Fanelli, eds., Reading ‘Capital’ Today: Marx After 150 Years (pp. 1-18) London: Pluto Press. (with Ingo Schmidt)


    Social Movements and the Crisis. In Paulson, J., C. Fanelli and P. Lefebvre (eds.), Capitalism & Confrontation: Critical Perspectives (pp.11-24). Ottawa: Red Quill Books (with Justin Paulson, Priscillia Lefebvre and Gulden Ozcan)


    Renewing Working Class Politics: Marx’s & Engels’ Challenge to the Labour Movement. In Paulson, J., C. Fanelli, P. Lefebvre and G. Ozcan (eds.), Capitalism & Confrontation: Critical Perspectives (pp. 45-63). Ottawa: Red Quill Books.


    Municipal Malaise: Neoliberal Urbanism In Canada. In Tepperman, L. & A. Kalyata, 2nd edition, (eds.), Reading Sociology: A Canadian Sociological Association Reader (pp.223-227). Toronto: Oxford University Press (with Justin Paulson)


    Book Reviews


    The Public Sector in an Age of Austerity: Perspectives from Canada’s Provinces and Territories. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (in print, co-edited with Bryan Evans)


    Reading Capital Today: Marx After 150 Years. London: Pluto Press (co-edited with Ingo Schmidt).


    Capitalism & Confrontation: Critical Perspectives. Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Justin Paulson, Priscillia Lefebvre and Gulden Ozcan).




    Megacity Malaise: Neoliberalism, Labour and Public Services in Toronto. Halifax and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing.

  • Reviewed by: Jeff Noonan, Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor,
  • Reviewed by: Jim Silver, Urban and Inner City Studies/Department of Political Science, University of Winnipeg,
  • Reviewed by: Paul Bocking, Department of Geography, York University, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research,
  • 2016

    Journal Articles


    Austerity Urbanism and the Social Economy, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 28. Edmonton, Athabasca University Press. (co-edited with Steve Tufts)


    Precarity in the Nonprofit Employment Services Sector. Canadian Review of Sociology, 54(3), 331-352. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich)


    Precarious Work and the Struggle for Living Wages, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 27. Edmonton, Athabasca University Press (co-edited with John Shields).


    A Survey of the Living Wage Movement in Canada: Prospects and Challenges. Interface: A Journal For and About Social Movements, 8(1), 77-96. (with Bryan Evans)


    Neoliberalism and the Degradation of Education. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 26. Edmonton: Athabasca University Press (co-edited with Bryan Evans).


    The Radical Keynes: An Appraisal. Workplace: A Journal of Academic Labour, 25, 69-81


    The Commodification of Education. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 25, 11-22. (with Bryan Evans)


    Climate Change and Its Discontents, Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 25. Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Bryan Evans)


    Austerity, Labour and Social Mobilizations: Rebuilding Trade Union and Working Class Politics. Studies in Social Justice, 8(2).


    Austerity Against Democracy: An Authoritarian Phase of Neoliberalism? Teoria Politica: An International Journal of Theory and Politics, 2014, 65-88 (with Greg Albo). Translated into Indonesian.


    Toronto Civic Workers Bargaining Without a Base: The Significance of 2012. Studies in Social Justice, 8(2), 119-143


    Climate Change: ‘The Greatest Challenge of Our Time’. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 24, 15-32.


    Contesting Public Sector Austerity: Rebuilding Trade Union and Working Class Capacities. Studies in Social Justice, 8(2), 113-119 (with Peter Brogan)


    Canadian Labour and the Struggle for Public Services. New Proposals, 7(1), 38-55.


    Neoliberal Urbanism and the Assault Against Public Services and Workers in Toronto, 2006-2011. Articulo: Journal of Urban Research, 10, 1-19


    Great Recession-Proof? Shattering the Myth of Canadian Exceptionalism, Alternate Routes 24. Ottawa: Red Quill Books. (co-edited with Bryan Evans)


    From Great Recession to Great Deception: Reimagining the Roots of the Crisis. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 23, 7-15. (with Bryan Evans)


    Uniting Struggles: Critical Social Research in Critical Times, Alternate Routes 23, Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Priscillia Lefebvre)


    The Ottawa Museum Workers’ Strike: Precarious Employment and the Public Sector Squeeze. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 23, 121-146. (with Priscillia Lefebvre)


    Saving Global Capitalism: Interrogating Austerity & Working Class Responses to Crises, Alternate Routes 22. Ottawa: Red Quill Books (co-edited with Chris Hurl, Priscillia Lefebvre and Gulden Ozcan)


    Austerity, Ontario and Post-Secondary Education: The Case of "Canada’s Capital University." Journal of Critical Education Policy Studies, 9 (2), 24-56 (with James Meades)


    Austerity, Competitiveness and Neoliberalism Redux: Ontario Responds to the Great Recession. Socialist Studies/Etudes Socialistes, 7 (1/2), 140-171 (with Mark P. Thomas)


    Janus-Faced Austerity: Strengthening the ‘Competitive’ Canadian State. Alternate Routes: A Journal of Critical Social Research, 23, 29-50. (with Chris Hurl)


    The City of Toronto Fiscal Crisis: Neoliberal Urbanism & the Reconsolidation of Class Power. Interdisciplinary Themes, 1 (1), 8-18


    Cubanalismo: Exploring the Cuban Alternative to Neoliberalism. New Proposals, 2 (1), 7-16


    Conference Proceedings


    Opening Ontario and Constraining Collective Bargaining: A Case Study of Carleton University. Unversidad de Holguin, Cuba V Conferencia Ceintifica Internacional: Seminario De Estudios Canadienses. ISBN: 978-959-16-1329-5




    Continuity and Change: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (co-edited with M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko and O. Lyubchencko).


    The New Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium. In Thomas, M.P, L.F. Vosko and C. Fanelli, eds., Continuity and Change: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (co-edited with M.P. Thomas, L.F. Vosko and O. Lyubchencko)


    Fiscal Distress and the Local State: Urban Political Economy in a Canadian Context. In Thomas, M.P, L.F. Vosko and C. Fanelli, eds., Continuity and Change: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queens University Press. (with Greg Albo)




    Interview: Gianpietro Nagliati. (Aired September 4, 2017) . Omni News Italian Edition Labour Day Special.


    Understanding Long-Term Unemployment and How to Move Forward: Learning from Key Stakeholders in the London, Ontario Region. Research Summary #1. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    Long-Term Unemployment: Its Causes, Consequences and How to Move Forward in St. Louis, Missouri. Research Summary #2. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    Tackling Long-Term Unemployment Through New Investments in Public Transportation: Insights from St. Louis, Missouri and London, Ontario. Research Summary #3. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    The Promises and Perils of Online Job-Seeking: Experiences from London, Ontario and St. Louis, Missouri. Research Summary #4. London: Western University. (with Debbie Rudman and Rebecca Aldrich) . Available at:


    Interview: Jeff Gray (March 3, 2016). Toronto Reaches Tentative Four-Year Deal with Inside-Workers Union. Globe & Mail.


    Interview: Geoffrey Vendeville. (February 29, 2016) . ‘Jobs for life’ clause at Centre of Toronto Labour Dispute. Toronto Star.


    Interview: Sara Mojtehedzadeh. (January 25, 2016) . Critics See Bloat in Police Payrolls. Toronto Star.


    Education and Insurgent Pedagogies: An Interview with E. Wayne Ross. In Fanelli, C. and B. Evans, eds., Neoliberalism and the Degradation of Education, Alternate Routes 2015 (Pp.405-422). Edmonton: Athabasca University Press.


    Interview: Marielle Torrefranca. (October 23, 2015) . Debate on Unpaid Internships Still Evolving. J-Source.


    Under Pressure: How Public Policy is Constraining Ontario Municipalities. Toronto: Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, 1-32.


    Neoliberalism and Urban Politics. Canadian Dimension. July/August, 48(4), 39- 42


    Workers Unite! The International 150 Years Later. Edited by Marcello Musto. London: Bloombury Academic Publishing. Translator (Italian to English).


    Book Review: “Stephanie Ross and Larry Savage, eds. Public Sector Unions In The Age of Austerity (Halifax and Winnipeg: Fernwood Publishing 2013). Labour/Le Travail, 73, 366-371, 2014.


    Interview: Carol Goar (October 23, 2014). Mayoral Candidates Fight over Details, Not Dreams. Toronto Star


    Why Saying No to Toronto Island Airport Expansion Makes Sense. Canadian Dimension Magazine.


    Austerity and Aboriginal Communities: An Interview with David Newhouse. In Fanelli, C. and B. Evans (Eds.), Great Recession-Proof? Shattering the Myth of Canadian Exceptionalism, Alternate Routes 2013 (Pp. 207-214). Ottawa: Red Quill Books.


    Interview: Michael Perelman: The Invisible Handcuffs of Capitalism: How Market Tyranny Stifles The Economy By Stunting Workers. In Fanelli, C. and P. Lefebvre (eds.). Uniting Struggles: Critical Social Research In Critical Times, Alternate Routes 2012 (Pp. 248-254). Ottawa: Red Quill Books. Republished at MRzine: A Project of the Monthly Review Foundation


    Book Review: “Greg Albo, Sam Gindin & Leo Panitch, In & Out of Crisis: The Global Financial Meltdown and Left Alternatives (Oakland: PM Press). In Fanelli et al., eds., Saving Global Capitalism: Interrogating Austerity and Working Class Responses to Crises, Alternate Routes 2011(Pp. 171-174)


    Trash Piles Up as City Workers in Toronto & Windsor Strike. Labor Education & Research Project, Labor Notes Magazine
