Joshua A Fogel

Canada Research Chair
Office: Ross Building, N817
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30420
Ph. D., History, Columbia UniversityM.A., History, Columbia University
B.A., History, University of Chicago
Professional Leadership
Editor, Sino-Japanese Studies (1988-2003, 2009-present), at Chair, Sino-Japanese Studies Committee, Association for Asian Studies Councilor, Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia, Kansai University (2009-present) Editor, “The World of East Asia,” series of books published by the University of Hawai‘i Press (2007-present) Editor, “Asian Interactions and Comparisons,” series of books jointly published by the Association for Asian Studies and the University of Hawai‘i Press (1997-2006) Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the History of Ideas (2006-present) Member, Editorial Board, The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (2006-2009) Member, Executive, York Centre for Asian Research (2006-2011).
Community Contributions
Communications Officer, Executive Board, Parents’ Committee, Institute of Child Study (2009-present)
Principal of Education, Hillel Children’s Workshop, Jewish Sunday school, Toronto (2006-2008)
Youth Chair, Board Member, First Narayever Congregation (2006-2008)
Research Interests
- Chinese University of Hong Kong Honorary Research Fellow 2010-present - 2010-present
- School of Historical Studies, Mellon Visiting Professor 2001-2003 - 2001-03
- Institute for Advanced Study Kyoto University Visiting Professor 1996-1997 - 1996-97
- Kansai University (Osaka) Visiting Professor Summer 2008 - 2008
- British Inter-University China Centre Visiting Fellow Summer 2007 - 2007
- Editor — New Jersey State Police, “Controlled Dangerous Substance Study”, 1979. - 1979
Czernowitz at 100: The First Yiddish Language Conference in Historical Perspective (Rowman & Littlefield, Lexington Books, 2010).
Articulating the Sinosphere: Sino-Japanese Relations in Space and Time (Harvard University Press, 2009).
Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 (EastBridge, 2007).
Writing Histories in Japan: Texts and Their Transformations from Ancient Times through the Meiji Era (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2007).
Traditions of East Asian Travel (Berghahn Books, 2006).
Late Qing China and Meiji Japan: Political and Cultural Aspects of Their Interactions (EastBridge, 2004).
The Role of Japan in Liang Qichao’s Introduction of Modern Western Civilization to China (Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2004).
The Teleology of the Modern Nation-State: Japan and China (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004).
Historiography and Japanese Consciousness of Values and Norms (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2002).
Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period (EastBridge, 2002).
Encyclopedia of World History (Houghton Mifflin, 2001). Associate editor.
The Nanjing Massacre in History and Historiography (University of California Press, 2000). Japanese translation: Okada Ryōnosuke 岡田良之助, Rekishi no naka no Nankin dai gyakusatsu 歴史のなかの南京大虐殺 (Kashiwa shobō, 2000).
Imagining the People: Chinese Intellectuals and the Concept of Citizenship, 1890-1920 (M. E. Sharpe, 1997).
Japanese Travelogues of China in the 1920s: The Accounts of Akutagawa Ryūnosuke and Tanizaki Jun’ichirō (M. E. Sharpe, 1997).
Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought (Columbia University Press, 1997).
The Literature of Travel in the Japanese Rediscovery of China, 1862-1945 (Stanford University Press, 1996).
The Cultural Dimension of Sino-Japanese Relations: Essays on the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (M. E. Sharpe, 1994).
Chinese Women in a Century of Revolution, 1850-1950, by Ono Kazuko (Stanford University Press, 1989).
Nakae Ushikichi in China: The Mourning of Spirit (Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1989). Japanese translation: Sakatani Yoshinao 阪谷芳直, Nakae Ushikichi to Chūgoku, ichi hyūmanisuto no sei to gakumon 中江丑吉と中国、一ヒューマニストの生と学問 (Nakae Ushikichi and China, the life and scholarship of a humanist) (Iwanami shoten, 1992). Chinese translation by Deng Weiquan 邓伟权 and Ishii Tomoaki 石井知章 (Shangwu yinshuguan, forthcoming).
Ai Ssu-ch’i’s Contribution to the Development of Chinese Marxism (Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1987). Chinese translation by Li Jinshan 李今山 (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Press, forthcoming).
Politics and Sinology: The Case of Naitō Konan (1866-1934) (Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1984). Japanese translation: Inoue Hiromasa 井上裕正, Naitō Konan, poritikkusu to shinorojii 内藤湖南、ポリティックスとシノロジー (Heibonsha, 1989).
JAPAN 1979: A New York Times Survey (Arno Press, 1979). Introduction by Edwin O. Reischauer.
Perspectives on a Changing China: Essays in Honor of Professor C. Martin Wilbur on the Occasion of His Retirement (Westview, 1979).
“Kokkyō o koe, dōji ni rekishi o kenkyū suru koto: Kokkyō o koeru rekishi ninshiki: Nit-Chū taiwa no kokoromi o yonde” 国境を越え、同時に歴史を研究すること:『国境を越える歴史認識:日中対話の試み』を読んで (Crossing borders and doing history at the same time: Reflections on reading Historical Perceptions across National Borders: An Attempt at a Sino-Japanese Dialogue), in 1945 nen no rekishi ninshiki: “shūsen” o meguru Nit-Chū taiwa no kokoromi 1945年の歴史認識:〈終戦〉をめぐる日中対話の試み (Historical perceptions of 1945, an attempt at a Sino-Japanese dialogue about the “war’s end”) (Tokyo University Press, 2009), 235-45.
“Hanxue Jingdu xuepai: dangdai yu xianzai?: Neiteng Hunan, Shouye Zhixi, Gongqi Shiding, Jichuan Xingcilang, Daotian Qianci, Xiaoye Hezi, Guchuan Daoxiong” 汉学京都学派:当时与现在?——内藤湖南,狩野直喜,宫崎市定,吉川幸次郎,岛田虔次,小野和子,谷川道雄 (The Kyoto school of Sinology, then and now?: Naitō Konan, Kano Naoki, Miyazaki Ichisada, Yoshikawa Kōjirō, Shimada Kenji, Ono Kazuko, Tanigawa Michiyo), in Cong zhoubian kan Zhongguo 从周边看中国 (Viewing China from the periphery) (Zhonghua shuju, 2009), 271-81.
“A Note on the Translation,” in Chronicle of the Tatar Whirlwind: A Novel of Seventeenth-Century East Asia, by Shiba Ryōtarō (Floating World Editions, 2007) , ix-xii.
“Introduction: Texts and Their Transformations,” in Writing Histories in Japan: Texts and Their Transformations from Ancient Times through the Meiji Era (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2007), 1-10.
“Kano Naoki’s Relationship to Kangaku: His Scholarship from the Meiji Period,” in Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 (EastBridge, 2007), 193-206.
“Lust for Still Life: Chinese Painters in Japan and Japanese Painters in China in the 1860s and 1870s,” in Acquisition: Art and Ownership in Edo Japan, ed. Elizabeth Lillehoj (Floating World Editions, 2007), 149-68.
“Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural Ties,” in Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 (EastBridge, 2007), 149-52.
“Prostitutes and Painters: Early Japanese Migrants to Shanghai,” in Migration in History: Human Migration in Comparative Perspective, ed. Marc C. Rodriguez and Anthony T. Grafton (University of Rochester Press, 2007), 89-117.
“Texts, Contexts, and Intellectual Contacts,” in Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 (EastBridge, 2007), 5-9.
“The Nanking Atrocity and Chinese Historical Memory,” in The Nanking Atrocity 1937-38: Complicating the Picture, ed. Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi (Berghahn Books, 2007), 267-84.
“On Translating Shiba Ryōtarō into English,” in Historical Consciousness, Historiography, and Modern Japanese Values, ed. James C. Baxter (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2006), 153-65.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Aida Yuen Wong, Parting the Mists: Discovering Japan and the Rise of National-Style Painting in Modern China (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2006), xiii-xiv.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in John A. Tucker, ed. and transl., Ogyū Sorai’s Philosophical Masterworks: The Bendō and Benmei (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2006), vii-viii.
“Translator’s Preface,” in Manchuria under Japanese Dominion, by Yamamuro Shin’ichi (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006), vii-viii.
“Naitō Konan 内藤湖南 and His Historiography 内藤史学: A Reconsideration in the Early Twenty-First Century,” in Riben Hanxue yanjiu xutan, sixiang wenhua pian 日本漢學研究續探, 思想文化篇 (Further investigative studies into Japanese sinology, essays on thought and culture), ed. Zhang Baosan 張寶三 and Yang Rubin 楊儒賓 (Taiwan daxue chuban zhongxin, 2005), 343-70.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Wang Zhenping, Ambassadors from the Islands of Immortals: China-Japan Relations in the Han-T’ang Period (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), ix-x.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Crossed Histories: Manchuria in the Age of Empire, ed. Mariko Asano Tamanoi (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), vii-viii.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Temporality, and Imperial Transition: East Asia from Ming to Qing, ed. Lynn A. Struve (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), vii-viii.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Liam C. Kelley, Beyond the Bronze Pillars: Envoy Poetry and the Sino-Vietnamese Relationship (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), ix-x.
“Integrating Late Qing China and Meiji Japan,” in Late Qing China and Meiji Japan: Political and Cultural Aspects of Their Interactions (EastBridge, 2004), vii-ix.
“Introduction: Herbert A. Giles and China,” to Herbert A. Giles and China: Two Early Classics of Modern Sinology (Fukuoka: Kurodahan Press, 2004), vii-xii.
“Introduction: Liang Qichao and Japan,” in The Role of Japan in Liang Qichao’s Introduction of Modern Western Civilization to China (Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2004), 1-12.
“Introduction: The Teleology of the Nation-State,” in The Teleology of the Modern Nation-State: Japan and China (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004), 1-7.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Re-understanding Japan: Chinese Perspective, 1895-1945, by Lu Yan (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2004), ix-x.
“Ershiyi shiji chu chongshen Neiteng Hunan yu Neiteng shixue” 二十一世紀重審內藤湖南與內藤史學 (Reconsidering Naitō Konan and Naitō’s historical studies in the early twenty-first century), in Di’erjie Riben Hanxue guoji xueshu yantaohui huiyi lunwenji第二屆日本漢學國際學術研討會會議論文記 (Second international symposium on Japanese scholarship on China, collected papers) (National Taiwan University, 2004), 183-95.
“Modern Japanese Historical Fiction about China: On Translating Shiba Ryōtarō,” in Nihonjin no kachi kihan ishiki to hisutoriogurafii (Japanese values, norm consciousness, and historiography), ed. James C. Baxter (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2003), 217-225.
“Sakatani Yoshinao: In Memoriam,” in Dekitō fuki no hito, tsuitō Sakatani Yoshinao 倜儻不羈の人 追悼・阪谷芳直 (A man committed to freedom, in memoriam, Sakatani Yoshinao), ed. Sakatani Ayako 阪谷綾子 (Bun’eisha, 2003), 446-47.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: The Realignment of Sino-Indian Relations, 600-1400, by Tansen Sen (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2003), xi-xii.
“Chinese Understanding of the Japanese Language from Ming to Qing,” in Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period (EastBridge, 2002), 63-87.
“Introduction: Placing Japan in China in the Late Imperial Period,” in Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period (EastBridge, 2002), 3-14.
“Japanese Travelers to Shanghai in the 1860s,” in Historiography and Japanese Consciousness of Values and Norms (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2002), 79-99.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in The Genesis of East Asia, 221 B.C.-A.D. 907, by Charles Holcombe (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2001), vii-viii.
“Sino-Japanese Relations in Historical Perspective,” in China-Japan Relations: Old Animosities, New Possibilities (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2001), 28-32.
“Yosano Akiko and Her China Travelogue of 1928,” in Travels in Manchuria and Mongolia: A Feminist Poet from Japan Encounters Prewar China, by Yosano Akiko (Columbia University Press, 2001), 1-8.
Entries in Encyclopedia of World History (Houghton Mifflin, 2001): “China, to 221 BCE” (46-49); “China, 221 BCE-589 CE” (49-53); “China, 589-960” (148-50); “China, 960-1521” (151-55); “China, 1522-1796” (376-80); “China, 1796-1914” (561-66); “China, 1914-1945” (775-81); “China, 1945-2000” (1020-28); “Japan, to 527 CE” (55-56); “Japan, 527-1185” (157-60); “Japan, 1185-1493” (160-63); “Japan, 1542-1793” (381-85); “Japan, 1793-1914” (569-74); “Japan, 1914-1945” (784-87); “Japan, 1946-2000” (1033-36); “Korea, to 540 CE” (54-55); “Korea, 540-918” (155-56); “Korea, 918-1392” (156-57); “Korea, 1392-1800” (380-81); “Korea, 1800-1910” (566-69); “Korea, 1910-1945” (782-84); “Korea, 1945-2000” (1028-33); “Vietnam, to 1009” (163-64); “Vietnam, 1009-1527” (164-65); “Vietnam, 1527-1802” (385-86); “Vietnam, 1802-1902” (574-76); “Vietnam, 1902-1945” (787-88); “Vietnam, 1945-2000” (1036-41).
“Chūgoku ni okeru dentō no sōzō to Nihon no kōken: Sai Jutsu no baai” 中国における伝統の創造と日本の貢献:崔述のばあい (The Japanese contribution to the Chinese invention of tradition: The case of Cui Shu), in Seiyō kindai bunmei to Chūka sekai 西洋近代文明と中華世界 (Modern Western civilization and the universe of China), ed. Hazama Naoki 狭間直樹 (Kyoto University Press, 2001), 55-71.
“Debates over the Asiatic Mode of Production in Soviet Russia and China,” in Kindai Chūgoku to “Seiyō” shisō, riakushon to deforume 近代中国と「西洋」思想:リアクションとデフォルメ (Modern China and “Western” thought, reaction and change), ed. Mori Noriko 森紀子 (Kōbe University, 2000), 31-59.
“Learning How to Teach,” in Asia in the Core Curriculum (Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University, 2000), 77-79.
“Masuda Wataru and the Study of Modern China,” in Japan and China: Mutual Representations in the Modern Era, by Masuda Wataru (Curzon Press, 2000), vii-ix.
“Preface,” in The I Ching in Tokugawa Thought and Culture, by Wai-ming Ng (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2000), ix-x.
“Preface,” in Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations: Irredentism and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, by Unryu Suganuma (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2000), ix-x.
“The Japanese and the Jews: A Comparative Look at the ‘Melting Pot’ of Harbin, 1900-1930,” in New Frontiers: Imperialism’s New Communities in East Asia, 1842-1952, ed. Robert Bickers and Christian Henriot (Manchester University Press, 2000), 88-108.
“The Nanjing Massacre as History,” in The Nanjing Massacre in History and Historiography (University of California Press, 2000), 1-9. Japanese translation: Okada Ryōnosuke 岡田良之助, “Joron, rekishi no naka no Nankin dai gyakusatsu” 序論、歴史のなかの南京大虐殺 (Introduction, the Nanjing Massacre in history), in Rekishi no naka no Nankin dai gyakusatsu 歴史のなかの南京大虐殺 (Kashiwa shobō, 2000), 21-33.
“Harubin ni okeru Nihonjin komyuniti to Yudayajin komyuniti no hikaku bunseki, 1898-1931” ハルビンにおける日本人コミュニティとユダヤ人コミュニティの比較分析、1898-1931 (A comparative analysis of the Japanese and Jewish communities of Harbin, 1898-1931), in Kindai Chūgoku tōhoku ni okeru shakai keizai kōzō no hen’yō, keizai tōkei shiryō narabi ni rekishi bunsho shiryō kara no bunseki 近代中国東北における社会経済構造の変容、経済統計資料並びに歴史文書史料からの分析 (Changes in the social and economic structure of modern Northeast China: Analyses from economic statistics and historical documents), ed. Enatsu Yoshiki 江夏由樹 (Hitotsubashi University, 2000), 157-73.
“Kano Naoki no Kangaku yōgoron” 狩野直樹の漢学擁護論 (Kano Naoki’s Defense of Kangaku), in Kyōsei kara tekitai e, daiyonkai Nit-Chū kankei shi kokusai shinpojiumu ronbunshū 共生から敵対へ、第四回日中関係史国際シンポジウム論文集 (From coexistence to antagonism: Essays from the fourth international symposium on the history of Sino-Japanese relations), ed. Etō Shinkichi 江藤瀋吉 (Tōhō shoten, 2000), 133-46.
“Integrating into Chinese Society: A Comparison of the Japanese Communities of Shanghai and Harbin,” in Japan’s Competing Modernities: Issues in Culture and Democracy, 1900-1930, ed. Sharon Minichiello (University of Hawai‘i Press, 1998), 45-69.
“Sōgo ninshiki to wa nani ka” 相互認識とは何か (What are mutual perceptions?), in Kokusai shinpojiumu: Nihon, Chūgoku, Chōsen kan no sōgo ninshiki to gokai no hyōzō 国際シンポジウム:日本・中国・朝鮮間の相互認識と誤解の表象 (International symposium: Representations of mutual understanding and misunderstand-ing among Japan, China, and Korea), ed. Yamamuro Shin’ichi 山室信一 (Kyoto University, 1998), 8-16.
“The Other Japanese Community: Leftwing Japanese Activities in Wartime Shanghai,” in Wartime Shanghai, ed. Yeh Wen-hsin (Routledge, 1998), 42-61; Chinese translation by Zhang Hesheng ???, “Yige linglei de Ribenren shetuan, zhanshi Shanghai Riben zuoyi de shenghuo” 一个另类的日本人社团:战时上海日本左翼的生活, in Shanghai de waiguoren (1842-1949) (Foreigners in Shanghai, 1842-1949), ed. Xiong Yuezhi 熊月之, Ma Xueqiang 马学强, and Yan Kejia 晏可佳 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2003), 196-215.
“Akutagawa Ryūnosuke and China,” in Japanese Travelogues of China in the 1920s: The Accounts of Akutagawa Ryūnosuke and Tanizaki Jun’ichirō (M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 5-9.
“Confucian Pilgrim: Uno Tetsuto’s Travels in China, 1906,” in Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought (Columbia University Press, 1997), 341-71.
“Introduction,” in Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought (Columbia University Press, 1997), 1-7.
“Kano Naoki’s Relationship to Kangaku,” in New Directions in the Study of Meiji Japan, ed. Helen Hardacre (E. J. Brill, 1997), 358-72.
“The People, a Citizenry, Modern China,” in Imagining the People: Chinese Intellectuals and the Concept of Citizenship, 1890-1920 (M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 279-81.
“The Sinic World,” in Asia in Western and World History: A Guide for Teaching, ed. Ainslie T. Embree and Carol Gluck (M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 683-89.
“Japanese Travelers in Wartime China,” in Disanjie jinbainian Zhong-Ri guanxi yantaohui lunwenji 第三屆近百年中日關係研討會論文集 (Symposium from the third conference on Sino-Japanese relations over the past century), ed. Chen Sanjing 陳三京 et al. (Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, 1996) , 683-95.
“Nit-Chū kankei to Amerika” 日中関係とアメリカ (Sino-Japanese relations and the United States), in Sekai no naka no Nit-Chū kankei 世界のなかの日中関係 (Sino-Japanese relations within the world) (Hōrei bunkasha, 1996), 240-47.
“Japanese Views of Local Autonomy and the Local Community (kyōdōtai) in Imperial China,” in La Société civile face à l’État dans les traditions chinoise, japonaise, coréanne et vietnamienne, ed. Léon Vandermeersch (École française d’Extrême-Orient, 1995), 437-51.
“Bibliography of Sino-Japanese Studies,” in A New Paradigm on the Relationship between China and Japan in the 20th Century, ed. Nishimura Shigeo, Soejima Shōichi, Lang Weicheng, and Joshua Fogel (Nit-Chū-Bei kokusai waakushoppu hōkokusho, 1994), 47-63.
“Sino-Japanese Studies in the United States,” in A New Paradigm on the Relationship between China and Japan in the 20th Century, ed. Nishimura Shigeo, Soejima Sh?ichi, Lang Weicheng, and Joshua Fogel (Nit-Ch?-Bei kokusai waakushoppu h?kokusho, 1994), 29-45.
“Senzen Nihon no minkan Chūgokugaku” 戦前日本の民間中国学 (Non-Academic genres of Sinology in prewar Japan), in Kōsaku suru Ajia 交錯するアジア (Asia entangled), ed. Mizoguchi Yūzō 溝口雄三, Hamashita Takeshi 浜下武志, Hiraishi Naoaki 平石直昭, and Miyajima Hiroshi 宮島博史 (Tokyo University Press, 1993), vol. 1 of 7-volume series, Ajia kara kangaeru アジアから考える (Reconsiderations from Asia), 253-72.
“Yimin Manzhou yu Haerbin de Riben shequ” 移民滿州與哈爾濱的日本社區 (Emigration to Manchuria and the Japanese community of Harbin, 1898-1931), in Jin bainian Zhong-Ri guanxi lunwenji 近百年中日關係論文集 (Symposium on Sino-Japanese relations in the last century), ed. Chiang Yung-ching 蔣永敬, Chang Yu-fa 張玉發, T’an Ju-ch’ien 譚汝謙, and Wu Tien-wei 吳天威 (Historical Research Center of the Republic of China, 1992), 137-47.
“Shmuel Niger and Yiddish Literary Criticism,” in Bilingualism in the History of Jewish Literature, by Shmuel Niger (University Press of America, 1990), 1-9.
“Meiji no Nihonjin, Naitō Konan no baai” 明治の日本人、内藤湖南の場合 (A Japanese of the Meiji period, the case of Naitō Konan), in Sekai no naka no Nihonjin, kindai Nihon no hyōzō to shinsō 世界のなかの日本人、近代日本の表象と深層 (Japanese in the world: Representation and depth in modern Japan) (Kansai University Press, 1990), 267-71.
“Introduction,” in Chinese Women in a Century of Revolution, 1850-1950, by Ono Kazuko (Stanford University Press, 1989), xix-xxvi.
“Itō Takeo and the Research Work of the South Manchurian Railway Company,” in Life along the South Manchurian Railway: The Memoirs of Itō Takeo (M. E. Sharpe, 1988), vii-xxxi.
“Zhanqian zai Zhongguo lüxing de Riben wenxuejia” 战前在中国旅行的日本文学家 (Japanese writers who traveled in China in the pre-war period), in Zhong-Ri guanxi shi guoji xueshu taolunhui lunwenji 中日关系史国际学术讨论会论文集 (Essays from an international academic symposium on the history of Sino-Japanese relations) (Beijing, 1988), 235-46.
“Ai Siqi: Professional Philosopher and Establishment Intellectual,” in Chinese Intellectuals and the State: Search for a New Relationship, ed. Merle Goldman (Council on East Asian Studies, Harvard University, 1987), 23-41.
“Introduction,” in Murder in a Peking Studio, by Chin Shunshin (Arizona State University Press, 1986), ix-xiv.
“Translator’s Introduction,” in Medieval Chinese Society and the Local “Community”, by Tanigawa Michio (University of California Press, 1985), xi-xxxvi.
“Editor’s Introduction,” in Naitō Konan and the Development of the Conception of Modernity in Chinese History (M. E. Sharpe, 1983), 3-11.
“Introduction,” in Perspectives on a Changing China: Essays in Honor of Professor C. Martin Wilbur on the Occasion of His Retirement (Westview, 1979), 1-3.
“On the ‘Rediscovery’ of the Chinese Past: Ts’ui Shu and Related Cases,” in Perspectives on a Changing China (Westview, 1979), 219-35.
Shiping Hua, Chinese Utopianism: A Comparative Study of Reformist Thought with Japan and Russia, 1898-1997, in The Chinese Historical Review 17.1 (Spring 2010), 123-25.
Suping Lu, They Were in Nanjing: The Nanjing Massacre Witnessed by American and British Nationals, and Fei Fei Li, Robert Sabella, and David Liu, eds., Nanking 1937: Memory and Healing, in China Review International 15.1 (2008), 146-55.
Alexander Woodside, Lost Modernities: China, Vietnam, Korea, and the Hazards of World History, in The Chinese Historical Review 13.2 (Fall 2006), 405-7.
Susanna Fessler, Musashino in Tuscany: Japanese Overseas Travel Literature, 1860-1912, in Journal of Japanese Studies 32.2 (Summer 2006), 486-89.
Timothy Brook. Collaboration: Japanese Agents and Local Elites in Wartime China, in Pacific Affairs 79.2 (July-August 2006), 331-32.
Emma Jin-hua Teng, Taiwan’s Imagine Geography: Chinese Colonial Travel Writing and Pictures, 1683-1895, in American Historical Review 110.3 (June 2005), 774-75.
Lydia H. Liu, The Clash of Empires: The Invention of China in Modern World Making, in Études chinoises XXIV (2005), 509-17.
Tonami Mamoru and Fujii Jōji, eds., Kyōdai Tōyōgaku no hyakunen, in Sino-Japanese Studies 15 (April 2003), 175-76.
Inger Sigrun Brodey and Sammy I. Tsunematsu, trans., Rediscovering Natsume Sōseki, with the First English Translation of Travels in Manchuria and Korea, in Journal of Asian Studies 61.4 (November 2002), 1372-73.
Nicholas Clifford, “A Truthful Impression of the Country”: British and American Travel Writing in China, 1880-1949, in American Historical Review 107.4 (October 2002), 1196.
Rana Mitter, The Manchurian Myth: Nationalism, Resistance, and Collaboration in Modern China, in The Journal of Interdisciplinary History 32.3 (Winter 2002), 512-13.
Furuya Tetsuya and Yamamuro Shin’ichi, eds., Kindai Nihon ni okeru higashi Ajia mondai (Issues concerning East Asian in modern Japan), in Sino-Japanese Studies 13.2 (March 2001), 75-76.
Jonathan Goldstein, ed., The Jews of China, Volume 2: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, in China Review International 8.1 (Spring 2001), 112-17.
Liu Jianhua, Mato Shanhai: Nihon chishikijin “kindai” taiken (Demon Shanghai: The “modern” experience of Japanese intellectuals), in Sino-Japanese Studies 13.2 (March 2001), 79-80.
Masahiro Yamamoto, Nanking: Anatomy of an Atrocity, in Journal of Asian Studies 60.2 (May 2001), 518-20.
Viviane Alleton and Michael Lackner, eds., De l’un au multiple: Traductions du chinois vers les langues européennes, in Journal of Asian Studies 60.1 (February 2001), 159-61.
Yoshihide Soeya, Japan’s Economic Diplomacy with China, 1945-1978, in Journal of Economic History 6.1 (March 2001), 213-24.
Caroline Rose, Interpreting History in Sino-Japanese Relations: A Case Study of Political Decision Making, in Journal of Japanese Studies 26.2 (Summer 2000), 518-20.
See Heng Teow, Japanese Cultural Policy Toward China, 1918-1931: A Comparative Perspective, in Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 60.1 (June 2000), 290-93.
“A Recent Publication of Sino-Japanese Interest from Japan: Tao Demin, Nihon Kangaku shisō shi ronkō,” in Sino-Japanese Studies 11.2 (May 1999), 69-70.
Honda Katsuichi, The Nanjing Massacre: A Japanese Journalist Confronts Japan’s National Shame, in Monumenta Nipponica 54.4 (Winter 1999), 543-46.
J. J. Clarke, Oriental Enlightenment: The encounter between Asian and Western thought, in Journal of Early Modern History 3.1 (1999), 87-90.
Li Qing, ed. and annot., Dongying yimo, jindai Zhong-Ri wenhua jiaoliu xijian shiliao jizhu (Posthumous documents from the Eastern Ocean: A collection of rarely seen historical materials from the modern history of Sino-Japanese interchange), in Sino-Japanese Studies 12.1 (November 1999), 65-66.
Pamela Rotner Sakamoto, Japanese Diplomats and Jewish Refugees: A World War II Dilemma, in H-ASIA BOOK REVIEW (July 22, 1999).
Zheng Liangsheng, Zhong-Ri guanxi shi yanjiu lunji (Collection of studies on the history of Sino-Japanese relations, 6 vols.), in Sino-Japanese Studies 12.1 (November 1999), 70.
Iris Chang, The Rape of Nanking: The Forgotten Holocaust of World War II; and George Hicks, Japan’s War Memories: Amnesia or Concealment, in Journal of Asian Studies 57.3 (August 1998), 818-20.
Peter Duus, The Abacus and the Sword: The Japanese Penetration of Korea, 1895-1910, in Journal of Japanese Studies 24.2 (Summer 1998), 473-77.
Bryna Goodman, Native Place, City, and Nation: Regional Networks and Identities in Shanghai, 1853-1937, in American Historical Review 102.3 (June 1997), 869.
D. R. Howland, Borders of Chinese Civilization: Geography and History at Empire’s End, in China Review International 4.2 (Fall 1997), 439-40.
Lincoln Li, The China Factor in Modern Japanese Thought: The Case of Tachibana Shiraki, 1881-1945, in Journal of Japanese Studies 23.2 (Summer 1997), 443-46.
“Ribenxue, Volume 7,” in Sino-Japanese Studies 9.2 (April 1997), 71-72.
“Three Recent Chinese Books on Sino-Japanese Relations: Wang Xiaoqiao, Jindai Zhong-Ri guanxi shi yanjiu (Studies in the history of modern Sino-Japanese relations); Huang Tsu-chin, Jiye Zuozao dui jindai Zhongguo de renshi yu pingjia (1906-1932) (Yoshino Sakuzō’s perceptions and evaluation of modern China); and Zhong Shaohua, Renlei zhishi de xin gongju: Zhong-Ri jindai baikequanshu yanjiu (New tools for human knowledge: Studies of modern Chinese and Japanese encyclopedias),” in Sino-Japanese Studies 10.1 (October 1997), 56-59.
W. G. Beasley, Japan Encounters the Barbarian: Japanese Travellers in America and Europe, in Itinerario: European Journal of Overseas History XXI.2 (1997), 157-59.
Chih-ming Ka, Japanese Colonialism in Taiwan: Land Tenure, Development, and Dependency, 1895-1945, in Journal of Asian Studies 55.4 (November 1996), 1002-3.
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Germaine A. Hoston, The State, Identity, and the National Question in China and Japan, in Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 59.3 (1996), 607-9.
“Several Recent Serials in Sino-Japanese Studies from China: Ribenxue and Zhong-Ri wenhua luncong,” in Sino-Japanese Studies 9.1 (October 1996), 93-95.
“Several Recent Works in Sino-Japanese Studies: The Modernization of Manchuria: An Annotated Bibliography by Ronald Suleski, Ajia jidai no Nit-Chū kankei, kako to mirai (Sino-Japanese relations in the Asian age, past and future) edited by Kojima Tomoyuki, Japanese Scholars of China: A Bibliographical Handbook compiled by John Timothy Wixted, and Jindai Ri-Zhong guanxi shi yanjiu rumen (Introduction to studies in the history of modern Sino-Japanese relations), transl. Zhou Qiqian,” in Sino-Japanese Studies 8.1 (October 1995), 66-68.
Shen Ren’an, Wakoku to Higashi Ajia (The state of Wa and East Asia) and Wu Anlong and Xiong Dayun, Chūgokujin no Nihon kenkyū shi (A history of Chinese studies of Japan), in Ribenxue 5 (1995), 323-26.
Wang Yong, ed., Zhong-Ri Hanji jiaoliu shi lun (Essays on the interactions among literary Chinese texts in China and Japan), in Sino-Japanese Studies 7.2 (April 1995), 68-69.
Akira Iriye, China and Japan in the Global Setting, in American Historical Review 99.1 (February 1994), 280-81.
Douglas R. Reynolds, China, 1898-1912: The Xinzheng Revolution and Japan, in China Review International 1.1 (Spring 1994), 212-14.
John Timothy Wixted, comp., Japanese Scholars of China: A Bibliographical Handbook, in The China Quarterly (September 1994), 843.
“Recent Books of Sino-Japanese Interest from China and Japan,” Sino-Japanese Studies 7.1 (October 1994), 61-66.
Stefan Tanaka, Japan’s Orient: Rendeing Pasts into History, in Monumenta Nipponica 49.1 (Spring 1994), 108-12.
Marius B. Jansen, China in the Tokugawa World, in American Historical Review 98.2 (April 1993), 545.
Paula Harrell, Sowing the Seeds of Change: Chinese Students, Japanese Teachers, 1895-1905, in Monumenta Nipponica 48.2 (Spring 1993), 272-73; reprinted as “Japan Nurtured Chinese Student Activism,” Japan Times (June 22, 1993).
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Werner Meissner, Philosophy and Politics in China: The Controversy over Dialectical Materialism in the 1930s, in Modern Asian Studies 27.2 (May 1993), 448-51.
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Joanna Waley-Cohen, Exile in Mid-Qing China: Banishment to Xinjiang, 1758-1820, in The Historian (Summer 1992), 742-43.
Kurt Werner Radtke, China’s Relations with Japan, 1945-83: The Role of Liao Chengzhi, in Journal of Japanese Studies 18.1 (Winter 1992), 279-82.
“Recent Chinese Serial Publications of Sino-Japanese Interest,” in Sino-Japanese Studies 4.2 (April 1992), 71-75.
“On Chinese Politics and Democratization: A Review Essay on Kokubun Ryōsei’s Chūgoku seiji to minshuka: kaikaku kaihō seisaku no jisshō bunseki (Chinese politics and democratization: Detailed analyses of the reforms and the policy of opening)," in CCP Research Newsletter 10-11 (Spring-Fall 1992), 26-29.
Mary Elizabeth Berry, Hideyoshi, in Asian Thought and Society 46 (January 1991), 74.
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Chalmers Johnson, “The Patterns of Japanese Relations with China, 1952-1982,” Pacific Affairs (Fall 1986), in Sino-Japanese Studies Newsletter 1.1 (November 1988), 45-48.
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Ikeda Yūichi, Japanese Studies on Chinese History (Qin to Five Dynasties), in Sino-Japanese Studies Newsletter 1.1 (November 1988), 35-37.
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J. K. Fairbank and A. Feuerwerker, Cambridge History of China, Volume 13: Republican China, 1912-1949, Part 2, in Journal of Asian Studies 47.2 (May 1988), 342-45.
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Maruyama Noboru, “Lu Xun in Japan,” in Lu Xun and His Generation, ed. Leo Ou-fan Lee (1985), in Sino-Japanese Studies Newsletter 1.1 (November 1988), 53-57.
Okuzaki Hiroshi, Japanese Studies on Chinese History (Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing), in Sino-Japanese Studies Newsletter 1.1 (November 1988), 37-39.
Satō Tamotsu, Japanese Studies of Chinese Literature, in Sino-Japanese Studies Newsletter 1.1 (November 1988), 42-43.
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Huang Fu-ch’ing, Jindai Riben zai-Hua wenhua ji shehui shiye zhi yanjiu (A study of modern Japanese cultural and social enterprises in China), in Journal of Asian Studies 44.2 (February 1985), 371-73.
Nozawa Yutaka and Tanaka Masatoshi, eds., Kōza: Chūgoku kin-gendai shi (Kōza, modern and contemporary Chinese history), 7 vols.; Paul Cohen, Discovering History in China; and J. K. Fairbank, ed., Cambridge History of China, Volume 12: The Republican Period, 1912-1949, Part 1, in Problems of Communism 34 (September-October 1985), 95-101.
Etō Shinkichi and Marius Jansen, trans., My Thirty-Three Years’ Dream: The Autobiography of Miyazaki Tōten, in Journal of Japanese Studies 9.2 (July 1983), 391-99.
Noriko Kamachi, Reform in China: Huang Tsun-hsien and the Japanese Model, in Journal of Asian Studies 42.1 (November 1982), 136-38.
J. K. Fairbank and K. C. Liu, eds., Cambridge History of China, Volume 11: Late Ch’ing, 1800-1911, Part 2, in Tōyōshi kenkyū 40.2 (September 1981), 138-45, in Japanese.
Onogawa Hidemi and Shimada Kenji, eds., Shingai kakumei no kenkyū (Studies on the 1911 Revolution), in Journal of Asian Studies 39.3 (May 1980), 560-61.
J. K. Fairbank, ed., Cambridge History of China, Volume 10: Late Ch’ing, 1800-1911, Part 1, in Tōyōshi kenkyū 38.3 (December 1979), 155-61, in Japanese.
V. G. Burov, Mirovozzrenie kitaiskogo myslitelia XVII veka Van Chuan’-shaniia (The world view of a Chinese thinker of the seventeenth century, Wang Chuanshan), in Journal of Asian Studies 39.1 (November 1979), 129.
E. Stuart Kirby, Russian Studies of China: Problems of Soviet Sinology; and M. Sladkovsky, Japan and China, Past and Present, in China Quarterly 71 (September 1977), 620-23.
Goi Naohiro, Kindai Nihon to Tōyō shigaku (Modern Japan and East Asian studies), in Journal of Asian Studies 37.1 (November 1977), 145-46.
Winston Hsieh, Chinese Historiography on the Revolution of 1911, in China Quarterly 68 (December 1976), 760-6l.
Frederic Wakeman, Jr., History and Will: Philosophical Perspectives on the Thought of Mao Tse-tung, in TELOS 20 (Summer 1974), 153-60.
“The Recent Boom in Shanghai Studies,” Journal of the History of Ideas 71.2 (April 2010), 313-33.
“Chart of the Japanese Embassies to the Tang Court,” online at:; and “Chart to the Embassies to the Ming Court,” online at:
“A Decisive Turning Point in Sino-Japanese Relations: The Senzaimaru Voyage to Shanghai of 1862,” Late Imperial China 29.1 Supplement (June 2008), 104-24.
“The Controversy over Iris Chang’s Rape of Nanking,” Japan Echo 27.1 (February 2000), 55-57; reprinted in An Overview of the Nanjing Debate (Japan Echo, Inc., 2008), 100-7.
“Naitō Konan zenshū ni mishūroku no shiryō ni tsuite” 『内藤湖南全集』に未収録の資料について (On documents not included in the Collected Works of Naitō Konan), Higashi Ajia bunka kōshō kenkyū 東アジア文化交渉研究 3 (December 2008), 37-42.
“Chimera: A Portrait of Manzhouguo. Harmony and Conflict,” on translating Yamamuro Shin’ichi’s Kimera, at (March 2007).
Introduction to “Sun Yat-sen’s 1911 Revolution Had Its Seeds in Tokyo,” by Sato Kazuo, Japan Focus, an Asia Pacific e-journal (November 2007), at
“Opium and China Revisited: How Sophisticated Was Qing Thinking in Matters of Drug Control?” China Review International 13.1 (2006), 43-51.
“Tackling the Translation of an Invaluable Primary Source That No One Person Would Dare Face Alone,” China Review International 12.1 (Spring 2005), 15-28.
“A Response to Herbert P. Bix, ‘Remembering the Nanking Massacre’,” Japan Focus, at (May 2004).
“A Wartime Cinematic Recreation of the Journey Linking China and Japan in the Modern Era,” Journeys: International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 5.1 (May 2004), 100-18; reprinted in Traditions of East Asian Travel (Berghahn Books, 2006), 125-43.
“Preface: Traditions of East Asian Travel,” Journeys: International Journal of Travel and Travel Writing 5.1 (May 2004), 1-3; revised for Traditions of East Asian Travel (Berghahn Books, 2006).
“Dattan shippūroku no honyaku o oete” 『韃靼疾風録』を終えて (Completing a translation of Chronicle of the Tatar Whirlwind), Ryō 遼 12 (Summer 2004), 20-21.
“Ōba Osamu (1927-2002),” Journal of Asian Studies 62.2 (May 2003), 721-22.
“Naitō Konan and Naitō’s Historiography: A Reconsideration in the Early Twenty-First Century,” Qinghua xuebao 清華學報 33.2 (December 2003), 439-53.
“Naitō Konan 内藤湖南 (1866-1934) and Chinese Historiography,” Historiography East and West 1 (January 2003), 117-31.
“An Important Japanese Source for Chinese Business History,” Chinese Business History 12.2 (Fall 2002), 3, 8.
“Shimada Kenji (1917-2000),” in Journal of Asian Studies 60.1 (February 2001), 302-3.
“‘Like Kissing Through a Handkerchief’: Traduttore Traditore,” China Review International 8.1 (Spring 2001), 1-15.
“Sobieto Roshia to Chūgoku ni okeru Ajia teki seisan yōshiki ronsō” ソビエトロシアと中国におけるアジア的生産様式論叢 (Debates on the Asiatic mode of producton in Soviet Russia and China), Kōbe daigaku shigaku nenpō 神戸大学史学年報 16 (May 2001), 39-57.
“‘Shanghai-Japan’: The Japanese Residents’ Association of Shanghai,” Journal of Asian Studies 59.4 (November 2000), 927-50.
“Airisu Chan no egaku Nankin jiken no gonin to henken” アイリス・チャンの描く南京事件の誤認と偏見 (The misunderstanding and biases of the Nanjing Incident as depicted by Iris Chang), Sekai 世界 667 (November 1999), 252-57.
“C. Martin Wilbur (1907-1997),” Journal of Asian Studies 56.3 (August 1997), 878.
“Bakumatsu Meiji jidai ni okeru Nihonjin no Chūgoku ryokōki” 幕末明治時代日本人の中国旅行記 (Japanese travelogues of China in the bakumatsu and Meiji eras), Kansai daigaku tōzai gakujutsu kenkyūjo shohō 関西大学東西学術研究所所報 65 (September 1997), 5-6.
“Nihon no rikai konjaku” 日本の理解今昔 (Understanding Japan, then and now), Jinbun 人文 43 (1997), 8-10.
“Issues in the Evolution of Modern China in East Asian Comparative Perspective,” The History Teacher 29.4 (August 1996), 425-48; reprinted in China’s Quest for Modernization: Historical Studies on Issues Concerning the Evolution of Modern Chinese Society, ed. Frederic Wakeman, Jr. and Wang Xi (Center for East Asian Studies, University of California, 1997), 352-81.
“Miyazaki Ichisada (1901-1995),” Journal of Asian Studies 55.3 (August 1996), 806-8.
“Studies and Translations of Kawabata Yasunari in Contemporary China,” Sino-Japanese Studies 8.1 (October 1995), 56-63.
“Nationalism, the Rise of the Vernacular, and the Conceptualization of Modernization in East Asian Comparative Perspective,” Language and Politics in Modern China 3 (January 1994), 1-12.
“Recent Translation Theory and Linguistic Borrowing in the Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural Context,” Language and Politics in Modern China 2 (July 1993), 20-31.
“Chinese and Japanese Studies of Early Sino-Japanese Contacts in the Modern Era,” Sino-Japanese Studies Newsletter I.2 (March 1989), 41-56.
“Japanese Approaches to the Cultural Revolution,” CCP Research Newsletter 2 (Spring 1989), 21-25.
“Japanese Literary Travelers in Pre-War China, 1902-1937,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 49.2 (December 1989), 575-602.
“Mendacity and Veracity in the Recent Chinese Memoir Literature,” CCP Research Newsletter 1 (Fall 1989), 31-34; reprinted in New Perspectives on State Socialism in China, ed. Timothy Cheek and Tony Saich (M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 354-58.
“On Japanese Expressions for ‘China’,” Sino-Japanese Studies II.1 (December 1989), 5-16; reprinted in The Journal of Intercultural Studies (Kansai University of Foreign Studies) 17-18 (1990-91), 31-40.
“The Asiatic Mode of Production Debates in Soviet Russia, China, and Japan,” American Historical Review 93.1 (February 1988), 56-79.
“A New Direction in Japanese Sinology,” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 44.1 (June 1984), 225-47.
“Esther Kreitman and Her Sketch, ‘A New World,’” The Yale Review 73 (Summer 1984), 525-32; partially reprinted in The Book Peddler 5 (Winter 1985), 21.
“Yehoash’s Tribute to the Japanese,” Stone Lion Review 12 (June 1984), 50-54.
“Nakae Ushikichi: The Lonely Vision of a Japanese Expatriate in China,” Illinois Papers in Asian Studies (Autumn 1983), 5-13.
“Seiyō ni okeru Naitō Konan no ichi” 西洋における内藤湖南の位置 (Naitō Konan’s position in the West), Konan 湖南 4 (November 1983), 21-23.
“To Reform China: Naitō Konan’s Formative Years in the Meiji Press,” Modern Asian Studies 16.3 (July 1982), 353-95.
“Naitō Konan to Miyake Setsurei” 内藤湖南と三宅雪嶺 (Naitō Konan and Miyake Setsurei), Shoron 書論 (1982), 193-98.
“The Historical Fiction of Chin Shunshin,” China Republican Studies Newsletter (February 1981), 17-19.
“Japan: Recent Research,” Trends in History I.2 (March 1980), 131-46.
“Prewar Japanese Studies of Republican China,” Chinese Republican Studies Newsletter IV.2 (February 1979), 13-20.
“Naitō Konan kenkyū bunken mokuroku hoi” 内藤湖南研究文献目録補遺 (Addenda to the list of studies on Naitō Konan) and “Naitō Konan zenshū hoi” 内藤湖南全集補遺 (Addenda to the collected works of Naitō Konan), Shoron 書論 14 (Spring 1979), 127-33, 149.
“Race and Class in Chinese Historiography: Divergent Interpretations of Zhang Binglin and the 1911 Revolution,” Modern China 3.3 (July 1977), 346-75.
“Chinggis on the Japanese Mind,” Mongolian Studies XXXI (2010), 71-81 (forthcoming).
“Art History and Sino-Japanese Relations,” in The Role of Japan in Modern China Art (International and Area Studies, University of California, forthcoming).
The Role of Japan in Modern China Art (International and Area Studies, University of California, forthcoming).
Ph. D., History, Columbia UniversityM.A., History, Columbia University
B.A., History, University of Chicago
Professional Leadership
Editor, Sino-Japanese Studies (1988-2003, 2009-present), at Chair, Sino-Japanese Studies Committee, Association for Asian Studies Councilor, Society for Cultural Interaction in East Asia, Kansai University (2009-present) Editor, “The World of East Asia,” series of books published by the University of Hawai‘i Press (2007-present) Editor, “Asian Interactions and Comparisons,” series of books jointly published by the Association for Asian Studies and the University of Hawai‘i Press (1997-2006) Member, Editorial Board, Journal of the History of Ideas (2006-present) Member, Editorial Board, The Asia Pacific Journal: Japan Focus (2006-2009) Member, Executive, York Centre for Asian Research (2006-2011).
Community Contributions
Communications Officer, Executive Board, Parents’ Committee, Institute of Child Study (2009-present)
Principal of Education, Hillel Children’s Workshop, Jewish Sunday school, Toronto (2006-2008)
Youth Chair, Board Member, First Narayever Congregation (2006-2008)
Research Interests
- Chinese University of Hong Kong Honorary Research Fellow 2010-present - 2010-present
- School of Historical Studies, Mellon Visiting Professor 2001-2003 - 2001-03
- Institute for Advanced Study Kyoto University Visiting Professor 1996-1997 - 1996-97
- Kansai University (Osaka) Visiting Professor Summer 2008 - 2008
- British Inter-University China Centre Visiting Fellow Summer 2007 - 2007
- Editor — New Jersey State Police, “Controlled Dangerous Substance Study”, 1979. - 1979
All Publications
“Kokkyō o koe, dōji ni rekishi o kenkyū suru koto: Kokkyō o koeru rekishi ninshiki: Nit-Chū taiwa no kokoromi o yonde” 国境を越え、同時に歴史を研究すること:『国境を越える歴史認識:日中対話の試み』を読んで (Crossing borders and doing history at the same time: Reflections on reading Historical Perceptions across National Borders: An Attempt at a Sino-Japanese Dialogue), in 1945 nen no rekishi ninshiki: “shūsen” o meguru Nit-Chū taiwa no kokoromi 1945年の歴史認識:〈終戦〉をめぐる日中対話の試み (Historical perceptions of 1945, an attempt at a Sino-Japanese dialogue about the “war’s end”) (Tokyo University Press, 2009), 235-45.
“Hanxue Jingdu xuepai: dangdai yu xianzai?: Neiteng Hunan, Shouye Zhixi, Gongqi Shiding, Jichuan Xingcilang, Daotian Qianci, Xiaoye Hezi, Guchuan Daoxiong” 汉学京都学派:当时与现在?——内藤湖南,狩野直喜,宫崎市定,吉川幸次郎,岛田虔次,小野和子,谷川道雄 (The Kyoto school of Sinology, then and now?: Naitō Konan, Kano Naoki, Miyazaki Ichisada, Yoshikawa Kōjirō, Shimada Kenji, Ono Kazuko, Tanigawa Michiyo), in Cong zhoubian kan Zhongguo 从周边看中国 (Viewing China from the periphery) (Zhonghua shuju, 2009), 271-81.
“A Note on the Translation,” in Chronicle of the Tatar Whirlwind: A Novel of Seventeenth-Century East Asia, by Shiba Ryōtarō (Floating World Editions, 2007) , ix-xii.
“Introduction: Texts and Their Transformations,” in Writing Histories in Japan: Texts and Their Transformations from Ancient Times through the Meiji Era (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2007), 1-10.
“Kano Naoki’s Relationship to Kangaku: His Scholarship from the Meiji Period,” in Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 (EastBridge, 2007), 193-206.
“Lust for Still Life: Chinese Painters in Japan and Japanese Painters in China in the 1860s and 1870s,” in Acquisition: Art and Ownership in Edo Japan, ed. Elizabeth Lillehoj (Floating World Editions, 2007), 149-68.
“Modern Sino-Japanese Cultural Ties,” in Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 (EastBridge, 2007), 149-52.
“Prostitutes and Painters: Early Japanese Migrants to Shanghai,” in Migration in History: Human Migration in Comparative Perspective, ed. Marc C. Rodriguez and Anthony T. Grafton (University of Rochester Press, 2007), 89-117.
“Texts, Contexts, and Intellectual Contacts,” in Crossing the Yellow Sea: Sino-Japanese Cultural Contacts, 1600-1950 (EastBridge, 2007), 5-9.
“The Nanking Atrocity and Chinese Historical Memory,” in The Nanking Atrocity 1937-38: Complicating the Picture, ed. Bob Tadashi Wakabayashi (Berghahn Books, 2007), 267-84.
“On Translating Shiba Ryōtarō into English,” in Historical Consciousness, Historiography, and Modern Japanese Values, ed. James C. Baxter (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2006), 153-65.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Aida Yuen Wong, Parting the Mists: Discovering Japan and the Rise of National-Style Painting in Modern China (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2006), xiii-xiv.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in John A. Tucker, ed. and transl., Ogyū Sorai’s Philosophical Masterworks: The Bendō and Benmei (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2006), vii-viii.
“Translator’s Preface,” in Manchuria under Japanese Dominion, by Yamamuro Shin’ichi (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2006), vii-viii.
“Naitō Konan 内藤湖南 and His Historiography 内藤史学: A Reconsideration in the Early Twenty-First Century,” in Riben Hanxue yanjiu xutan, sixiang wenhua pian 日本漢學研究續探, 思想文化篇 (Further investigative studies into Japanese sinology, essays on thought and culture), ed. Zhang Baosan 張寶三 and Yang Rubin 楊儒賓 (Taiwan daxue chuban zhongxin, 2005), 343-70.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Wang Zhenping, Ambassadors from the Islands of Immortals: China-Japan Relations in the Han-T’ang Period (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), ix-x.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Crossed Histories: Manchuria in the Age of Empire, ed. Mariko Asano Tamanoi (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), vii-viii.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Temporality, and Imperial Transition: East Asia from Ming to Qing, ed. Lynn A. Struve (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), vii-viii.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Liam C. Kelley, Beyond the Bronze Pillars: Envoy Poetry and the Sino-Vietnamese Relationship (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2005), ix-x.
“Integrating Late Qing China and Meiji Japan,” in Late Qing China and Meiji Japan: Political and Cultural Aspects of Their Interactions (EastBridge, 2004), vii-ix.
“Introduction: Herbert A. Giles and China,” to Herbert A. Giles and China: Two Early Classics of Modern Sinology (Fukuoka: Kurodahan Press, 2004), vii-xii.
“Introduction: Liang Qichao and Japan,” in The Role of Japan in Liang Qichao’s Introduction of Modern Western Civilization to China (Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California, Berkeley, 2004), 1-12.
“Introduction: The Teleology of the Nation-State,” in The Teleology of the Modern Nation-State: Japan and China (University of Pennsylvania Press, 2004), 1-7.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Re-understanding Japan: Chinese Perspective, 1895-1945, by Lu Yan (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2004), ix-x.
“Ershiyi shiji chu chongshen Neiteng Hunan yu Neiteng shixue” 二十一世紀重審內藤湖南與內藤史學 (Reconsidering Naitō Konan and Naitō’s historical studies in the early twenty-first century), in Di’erjie Riben Hanxue guoji xueshu yantaohui huiyi lunwenji第二屆日本漢學國際學術研討會會議論文記 (Second international symposium on Japanese scholarship on China, collected papers) (National Taiwan University, 2004), 183-95.
“Modern Japanese Historical Fiction about China: On Translating Shiba Ryōtarō,” in Nihonjin no kachi kihan ishiki to hisutoriogurafii (Japanese values, norm consciousness, and historiography), ed. James C. Baxter (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2003), 217-225.
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“Series Editor’s Preface,” in Buddhism, Diplomacy, and Trade: The Realignment of Sino-Indian Relations, 600-1400, by Tansen Sen (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2003), xi-xii.
“Chinese Understanding of the Japanese Language from Ming to Qing,” in Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period (EastBridge, 2002), 63-87.
“Introduction: Placing Japan in China in the Late Imperial Period,” in Sagacious Monks and Bloodthirsty Warriors: Chinese Views of Japan in the Ming-Qing Period (EastBridge, 2002), 3-14.
“Japanese Travelers to Shanghai in the 1860s,” in Historiography and Japanese Consciousness of Values and Norms (International Research Center for Japanese Studies, 2002), 79-99.
“Series Editor’s Preface,” in The Genesis of East Asia, 221 B.C.-A.D. 907, by Charles Holcombe (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2001), vii-viii.
“Sino-Japanese Relations in Historical Perspective,” in China-Japan Relations: Old Animosities, New Possibilities (Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, 2001), 28-32.
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“Chūgoku ni okeru dentō no sōzō to Nihon no kōken: Sai Jutsu no baai” 中国における伝統の創造と日本の貢献:崔述のばあい (The Japanese contribution to the Chinese invention of tradition: The case of Cui Shu), in Seiyō kindai bunmei to Chūka sekai 西洋近代文明と中華世界 (Modern Western civilization and the universe of China), ed. Hazama Naoki 狭間直樹 (Kyoto University Press, 2001), 55-71.
“Debates over the Asiatic Mode of Production in Soviet Russia and China,” in Kindai Chūgoku to “Seiyō” shisō, riakushon to deforume 近代中国と「西洋」思想:リアクションとデフォルメ (Modern China and “Western” thought, reaction and change), ed. Mori Noriko 森紀子 (Kōbe University, 2000), 31-59.
“Learning How to Teach,” in Asia in the Core Curriculum (Heyman Center for the Humanities, Columbia University, 2000), 77-79.
“Masuda Wataru and the Study of Modern China,” in Japan and China: Mutual Representations in the Modern Era, by Masuda Wataru (Curzon Press, 2000), vii-ix.
“Preface,” in The I Ching in Tokugawa Thought and Culture, by Wai-ming Ng (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2000), ix-x.
“Preface,” in Sovereign Rights and Territorial Space in Sino-Japanese Relations: Irredentism and the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, by Unryu Suganuma (University of Hawai‘i Press, 2000), ix-x.
“The Japanese and the Jews: A Comparative Look at the ‘Melting Pot’ of Harbin, 1900-1930,” in New Frontiers: Imperialism’s New Communities in East Asia, 1842-1952, ed. Robert Bickers and Christian Henriot (Manchester University Press, 2000), 88-108.
“The Nanjing Massacre as History,” in The Nanjing Massacre in History and Historiography (University of California Press, 2000), 1-9. Japanese translation: Okada Ryōnosuke 岡田良之助, “Joron, rekishi no naka no Nankin dai gyakusatsu” 序論、歴史のなかの南京大虐殺 (Introduction, the Nanjing Massacre in history), in Rekishi no naka no Nankin dai gyakusatsu 歴史のなかの南京大虐殺 (Kashiwa shobō, 2000), 21-33.
“Harubin ni okeru Nihonjin komyuniti to Yudayajin komyuniti no hikaku bunseki, 1898-1931” ハルビンにおける日本人コミュニティとユダヤ人コミュニティの比較分析、1898-1931 (A comparative analysis of the Japanese and Jewish communities of Harbin, 1898-1931), in Kindai Chūgoku tōhoku ni okeru shakai keizai kōzō no hen’yō, keizai tōkei shiryō narabi ni rekishi bunsho shiryō kara no bunseki 近代中国東北における社会経済構造の変容、経済統計資料並びに歴史文書史料からの分析 (Changes in the social and economic structure of modern Northeast China: Analyses from economic statistics and historical documents), ed. Enatsu Yoshiki 江夏由樹 (Hitotsubashi University, 2000), 157-73.
“Kano Naoki no Kangaku yōgoron” 狩野直樹の漢学擁護論 (Kano Naoki’s Defense of Kangaku), in Kyōsei kara tekitai e, daiyonkai Nit-Chū kankei shi kokusai shinpojiumu ronbunshū 共生から敵対へ、第四回日中関係史国際シンポジウム論文集 (From coexistence to antagonism: Essays from the fourth international symposium on the history of Sino-Japanese relations), ed. Etō Shinkichi 江藤瀋吉 (Tōhō shoten, 2000), 133-46.
“Integrating into Chinese Society: A Comparison of the Japanese Communities of Shanghai and Harbin,” in Japan’s Competing Modernities: Issues in Culture and Democracy, 1900-1930, ed. Sharon Minichiello (University of Hawai‘i Press, 1998), 45-69.
“Sōgo ninshiki to wa nani ka” 相互認識とは何か (What are mutual perceptions?), in Kokusai shinpojiumu: Nihon, Chūgoku, Chōsen kan no sōgo ninshiki to gokai no hyōzō 国際シンポジウム:日本・中国・朝鮮間の相互認識と誤解の表象 (International symposium: Representations of mutual understanding and misunderstand-ing among Japan, China, and Korea), ed. Yamamuro Shin’ichi 山室信一 (Kyoto University, 1998), 8-16.
“The Other Japanese Community: Leftwing Japanese Activities in Wartime Shanghai,” in Wartime Shanghai, ed. Yeh Wen-hsin (Routledge, 1998), 42-61; Chinese translation by Zhang Hesheng ???, “Yige linglei de Ribenren shetuan, zhanshi Shanghai Riben zuoyi de shenghuo” 一个另类的日本人社团:战时上海日本左翼的生活, in Shanghai de waiguoren (1842-1949) (Foreigners in Shanghai, 1842-1949), ed. Xiong Yuezhi 熊月之, Ma Xueqiang 马学强, and Yan Kejia 晏可佳 (Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2003), 196-215.
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“Introduction,” in Meeting of Minds: Intellectual and Religious Interaction in East Asian Traditions of Thought (Columbia University Press, 1997), 1-7.
“Kano Naoki’s Relationship to Kangaku,” in New Directions in the Study of Meiji Japan, ed. Helen Hardacre (E. J. Brill, 1997), 358-72.
“The People, a Citizenry, Modern China,” in Imagining the People: Chinese Intellectuals and the Concept of Citizenship, 1890-1920 (M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 279-81.
“The Sinic World,” in Asia in Western and World History: A Guide for Teaching, ed. Ainslie T. Embree and Carol Gluck (M. E. Sharpe, 1997), 683-89.
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“Senzen Nihon no minkan Chūgokugaku” 戦前日本の民間中国学 (Non-Academic genres of Sinology in prewar Japan), in Kōsaku suru Ajia 交錯するアジア (Asia entangled), ed. Mizoguchi Yūzō 溝口雄三, Hamashita Takeshi 浜下武志, Hiraishi Naoaki 平石直昭, and Miyajima Hiroshi 宮島博史 (Tokyo University Press, 1993), vol. 1 of 7-volume series, Ajia kara kangaeru アジアから考える (Reconsiderations from Asia), 253-72.
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