
Gerald Bareebe

Photo of Gerald Bareebe

Department of Politics

Associate Professor

Office: Ross Building, S658
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Accepting New Graduate Students

Dr. Gerald Bareebe completed his doctorate in 2019 as a Trudeau Scholar in the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communications (Makerere University), a Master’s degree in International Relations (Makerere University), and an advanced Master’s degree in Governance and Development (University of Antwerp).​

Dr. Bareebe’s doctoral dissertation analyzed the convergence of military and regime interests in the process of post-conflict state reconstruction in two cases: post-genocide Rwanda and post-war Uganda. Drawing upon original qualitative data, this work explained the strategies used by actors who win civil wars to transform themselves from ‘war-makers’ into ‘state-makers’ and, more precisely, how they use their newfound power to fundamentally restructure economic, social, and political systems in a new post-war society.​

Recently, Dr. Bareebe served as Provost Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. His work has been published in top international journals and book publishers, including African Affairs, Civil Wars, Journal of Democracy, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, Lynne Rienner, and The University of Antwerp Press. Additional publications include: “Developing (and diffusing) African norms: The Pan-African solidarity norm” (Lynne Rienner, 2018), “Uganda 2016 elections: Not even faking it anymore” (African Affairs, Oxford University Press, 2016), "Uganda’s Fraudulent Elections" (Journal of Democracy, 2021), "Elections without democracy: A political chronicle of Uganda’s 2016 presidential election” (in Filip Rentijens, eds.), and “Personalization of power under the Museveni regime in Uganda” (L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire, 2013).​



PhD Political Science, University of Toronto
MA, University of Antwerp
MA, Makerere University
BA, Makerere University

Research Interests

Politics and Government , International Relations, Civil Wars and Political Violence, Comparative Politics of the Global South, Ethnic politics , African Politics
  • Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship, $240,000 - 2014
  • Provost Postdoctoral Fellowship $15,000 - 2020
  • University of Toronto (Scarborough) Postdoctoral Fellowship $90,000 - 2019
  • Research Fellowship, Trudeau Centre, Munk School of Global Affairs, $3,000 - 2018
  • Massey College Graduate Excellence Scholarship, $4,000 - 2016
  • University of Toronto SGS Research Travel Grant, $3,000 - 2016
  • Catherall Research Grant, Massey College, $2,500 - 2015
  • University of Toronto, Dpt. of Pol. Science Research Travel Grant, $3,000 - 2015
  • One Earth Foundation Conference Travel Grant, $4,000 - 2015
  • Jeanne Sauvé Fellowship, McGill University, $64,000 (8 months) - 2012
  • Vlir-UOS Master’s Scholarship/Belgium Government, €36,000 (one year) - 2011
  • The World Bank Institute fellowship, $3,000 - 2010
  • Belz International Fellowship, World Journalism Institute, New York, $5, 000 - 2009
  • University of Toronto SGS Dissertation Completion Award, $10, 000 - 2019
  • University of Toronto Department of Pol. Science, Completion Award, $ 4,000 - 2019
Book Chapters


“Developing (and Diffusing) African Norms: The Pan-African Solidarity Norm” in: Katharina P. Coleman and Tieku K. Thomas, (eds.) African Impacts on Contemporary International Peace and Security Norms: Five Pathways of Influence, Boulder, CO. Lynne Rienner Publishers.


“Personalization of Power Under the Museveni Regime in Uganda” in: Reyntjens Filip., Vandeginste Step., Verpoorten Marijke, (eds.) (2012) L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire 2013, Paris, L’Harmattan: 120-164


“Simplified Campaign Narratives on Civil War: Case of Kony 2012” in: Reyntjens Filip, Verpoorten Marijke. (eds.) (2012) L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire 2012, Paris, L’Harmattan: 131-156.


Book Reviews


"Review of Maggie Dwyer’s book “Soldiers in Revolt: Army Mutinies in Africa” published by Council for the Development of Social Science Research Africa (CODESRIA).


Journal Articles


(2023) "Controlling consent, dealing with dissent, and planting misinformation: how the Museveni regime stifled Bobi Wine's youth movement in Uganda." Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, DOI: 10.1080/00083968.2023.2268751


(2023) "Rwanda-Uganda relations: elites’ attitudes and perceptions in interstate relations." Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 61:2, 152-176, DOI: 10.1080/14662043.2023.2200598 (with M. Khisa).


(2022) Book Review “Arbitrary States: Social Control and Modern Authoritarianism in Museveni’s Uganda by Rebecca Tapscott,” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 60:2, 224-227, DOI 10.1080/14662043.2022.2059264.


(2021) "Uganda's Fraudulent Election." Journal of Democracy, vol. 32 no. 2, 2021, p. 90-104. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/jod.2021.0021 (with R. Abrahamsen )


“Predators or Protectors? Military Corruption as a Pillar of Regime Survival in Uganda” Civil Wars: Vol. 21, No.4, SN: 1369-8249.


“Elections Without Democracy: A political Chronicle of Uganda’s 2016 Presidential Election” “L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire 2018


“Uganda's 2016 Elections: Not Even Faking It Anymore”, African Affairs; 115 (461): 751-765. London, Oxford University Press


Policy Papers


“Closed Borders and Fighting Words: Rwanda and Uganda’s Depinning Rift” African Arguments published online by Royal African Society, Oxford University, UK.


"A Police Chief on Trial and Deepening Suspicions with Rwanda” African Arguments published online by Royal African Society, Oxford University, UK.


“Frenemies for Life: Has the love gone between Uganda and Rwanda?” African Arguments published online by Royal African Society, Oxford University, UK


“Making Sense of the Violent Political Crisis in South Sudan,” published by The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Tufts University


Research Reports


2021 "An Evaluation of Grassroots Performance of the National Strategy Against Child Marriages and Teenage Pregnancy (NSCM&TP) in Uganda."


(2019) "Shrinking Political and Civic Space and Actors Mapping in Uganda" Action Aid International-Uganda


Public Lectures


2016 “Elections Without Democracy: A case of Uganda’s 2016 Presidential Election?” Nkumba University, Entebbe, Uganda.


2016 “The African Union’s shifting Norm from Non-Intervention to Non-Indifference,” United Nations Institute, University of Accra, Ghana.


2016 “Uganda’s Stalled Democratic Transition 50 years after Independence,” Makerere University, Uganda.


2014 “Human Rights and Media in Uganda: Impressions from Inside,” the Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Marburg University, Germany.




2019 “Power-Sharing as a Peacebuilding Tool: Lessons from Rwanda and Burundi Models” paper presented at the ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.


2019 “The Military and the Survival Strategies of the Museveni Regime in Uganda” paper presented at CCDS Graduate Association Conference, University of Toronto, Canada


2018 “The Military and Elite Interests in Post-Conflict State Reconstruction and Regime Consolidation in Uganda and Rwanda,” paper presented at the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.


2018 “The Role of Military in Ugandan Politics since 1962,” paper presented at a conference titled “Re-thinking Civil-Military Relations in Africa: Beyond the Coup?” North Carolina State University, USA.


2017 “Post-Conflict State and Regime Formation in Uganda,” paper presented at the 60th annual meeting of African Studies Association, Chicago, USA.


2017 “The 2017 Kenyan Elections and Democracy in Africa: What Happened and What Comes Next?” paper presented at a roundtable discussion organized by the African Studies Program, University of Toronto, Canada.


2015 “The Development of Pan-African Solidarity Norm,” paper presented at a workshop organised by the UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.


2015 “The ‘Responsibility to Protect and Emerging African Union’s Interventionism,” paper presented at the ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, USA.


2014“The African Union & the Paradox of the Responsibility to Protect,” paper presented at the 4th annual Global International Studies Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.


2013 “Democracy in the Balance: Understanding the State of Multiparty Politics in Uganda," paper presented at a roundtable organised by the Jeanne Sauve Foundation and the Department of Political Science, McGill University, Canada.




"Uganda’s Fraudulent Election: Museveni and the Military" forthcoming in the Journal of Democracy 2021


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/POLS2201 3.0 M Introduction to International Politics LECT
Winter 2025 AP/POLS3200 3.0 M Global Conflict and Security I LECT

Dr. Gerald Bareebe completed his doctorate in 2019 as a Trudeau Scholar in the Department of Political Science, University of Toronto. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Communications (Makerere University), a Master’s degree in International Relations (Makerere University), and an advanced Master’s degree in Governance and Development (University of Antwerp).​

Dr. Bareebe’s doctoral dissertation analyzed the convergence of military and regime interests in the process of post-conflict state reconstruction in two cases: post-genocide Rwanda and post-war Uganda. Drawing upon original qualitative data, this work explained the strategies used by actors who win civil wars to transform themselves from ‘war-makers’ into ‘state-makers’ and, more precisely, how they use their newfound power to fundamentally restructure economic, social, and political systems in a new post-war society.​

Recently, Dr. Bareebe served as Provost Postdoctoral Fellow and Lecturer in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. His work has been published in top international journals and book publishers, including African Affairs, Civil Wars, Journal of Democracy, Canadian Journal of African Studies, Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, Lynne Rienner, and The University of Antwerp Press. Additional publications include: “Developing (and diffusing) African norms: The Pan-African solidarity norm” (Lynne Rienner, 2018), “Uganda 2016 elections: Not even faking it anymore” (African Affairs, Oxford University Press, 2016), "Uganda’s Fraudulent Elections" (Journal of Democracy, 2021), "Elections without democracy: A political chronicle of Uganda’s 2016 presidential election” (in Filip Rentijens, eds.), and “Personalization of power under the Museveni regime in Uganda” (L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire, 2013).​


PhD Political Science, University of Toronto
MA, University of Antwerp
MA, Makerere University
BA, Makerere University

Research Interests

Politics and Government , International Relations, Civil Wars and Political Violence, Comparative Politics of the Global South, Ethnic politics , African Politics


  • Trudeau Foundation Doctoral Scholarship, $240,000 - 2014
  • Provost Postdoctoral Fellowship $15,000 - 2020
  • University of Toronto (Scarborough) Postdoctoral Fellowship $90,000 - 2019
  • Research Fellowship, Trudeau Centre, Munk School of Global Affairs, $3,000 - 2018
  • Massey College Graduate Excellence Scholarship, $4,000 - 2016
  • University of Toronto SGS Research Travel Grant, $3,000 - 2016
  • Catherall Research Grant, Massey College, $2,500 - 2015
  • University of Toronto, Dpt. of Pol. Science Research Travel Grant, $3,000 - 2015
  • One Earth Foundation Conference Travel Grant, $4,000 - 2015
  • Jeanne Sauvé Fellowship, McGill University, $64,000 (8 months) - 2012
  • Vlir-UOS Master’s Scholarship/Belgium Government, €36,000 (one year) - 2011
  • The World Bank Institute fellowship, $3,000 - 2010
  • Belz International Fellowship, World Journalism Institute, New York, $5, 000 - 2009
  • University of Toronto SGS Dissertation Completion Award, $10, 000 - 2019
  • University of Toronto Department of Pol. Science, Completion Award, $ 4,000 - 2019

All Publications

Book Chapters


“Developing (and Diffusing) African Norms: The Pan-African Solidarity Norm” in: Katharina P. Coleman and Tieku K. Thomas, (eds.) African Impacts on Contemporary International Peace and Security Norms: Five Pathways of Influence, Boulder, CO. Lynne Rienner Publishers.


“Personalization of Power Under the Museveni Regime in Uganda” in: Reyntjens Filip., Vandeginste Step., Verpoorten Marijke, (eds.) (2012) L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire 2013, Paris, L’Harmattan: 120-164


“Simplified Campaign Narratives on Civil War: Case of Kony 2012” in: Reyntjens Filip, Verpoorten Marijke. (eds.) (2012) L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire 2012, Paris, L’Harmattan: 131-156.


Book Reviews


"Review of Maggie Dwyer’s book “Soldiers in Revolt: Army Mutinies in Africa” published by Council for the Development of Social Science Research Africa (CODESRIA).


Journal Articles


(2023) "Controlling consent, dealing with dissent, and planting misinformation: how the Museveni regime stifled Bobi Wine's youth movement in Uganda." Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, DOI: 10.1080/00083968.2023.2268751


(2023) "Rwanda-Uganda relations: elites’ attitudes and perceptions in interstate relations." Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 61:2, 152-176, DOI: 10.1080/14662043.2023.2200598 (with M. Khisa).


(2022) Book Review “Arbitrary States: Social Control and Modern Authoritarianism in Museveni’s Uganda by Rebecca Tapscott,” Commonwealth & Comparative Politics, 60:2, 224-227, DOI 10.1080/14662043.2022.2059264.


(2021) "Uganda's Fraudulent Election." Journal of Democracy, vol. 32 no. 2, 2021, p. 90-104. Project MUSE, doi:10.1353/jod.2021.0021 (with R. Abrahamsen )


“Predators or Protectors? Military Corruption as a Pillar of Regime Survival in Uganda” Civil Wars: Vol. 21, No.4, SN: 1369-8249.


“Elections Without Democracy: A political Chronicle of Uganda’s 2016 Presidential Election” “L’Afrique des grands lacs Annuaire 2018


“Uganda's 2016 Elections: Not Even Faking It Anymore”, African Affairs; 115 (461): 751-765. London, Oxford University Press


Policy Papers


“Closed Borders and Fighting Words: Rwanda and Uganda’s Depinning Rift” African Arguments published online by Royal African Society, Oxford University, UK.


"A Police Chief on Trial and Deepening Suspicions with Rwanda” African Arguments published online by Royal African Society, Oxford University, UK.


“Frenemies for Life: Has the love gone between Uganda and Rwanda?” African Arguments published online by Royal African Society, Oxford University, UK


“Making Sense of the Violent Political Crisis in South Sudan,” published by The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Tufts University


Research Reports


2021 "An Evaluation of Grassroots Performance of the National Strategy Against Child Marriages and Teenage Pregnancy (NSCM&TP) in Uganda."


(2019) "Shrinking Political and Civic Space and Actors Mapping in Uganda" Action Aid International-Uganda


Public Lectures


2016 “Elections Without Democracy: A case of Uganda’s 2016 Presidential Election?” Nkumba University, Entebbe, Uganda.


2016 “The African Union’s shifting Norm from Non-Intervention to Non-Indifference,” United Nations Institute, University of Accra, Ghana.


2016 “Uganda’s Stalled Democratic Transition 50 years after Independence,” Makerere University, Uganda.


2014 “Human Rights and Media in Uganda: Impressions from Inside,” the Centre for Near and Middle Eastern Studies, Marburg University, Germany.




2019 “Power-Sharing as a Peacebuilding Tool: Lessons from Rwanda and Burundi Models” paper presented at the ISA Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.


2019 “The Military and the Survival Strategies of the Museveni Regime in Uganda” paper presented at CCDS Graduate Association Conference, University of Toronto, Canada


2018 “The Military and Elite Interests in Post-Conflict State Reconstruction and Regime Consolidation in Uganda and Rwanda,” paper presented at the Trudeau Centre for Peace, Conflict and Justice at the Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.


2018 “The Role of Military in Ugandan Politics since 1962,” paper presented at a conference titled “Re-thinking Civil-Military Relations in Africa: Beyond the Coup?” North Carolina State University, USA.


2017 “Post-Conflict State and Regime Formation in Uganda,” paper presented at the 60th annual meeting of African Studies Association, Chicago, USA.


2017 “The 2017 Kenyan Elections and Democracy in Africa: What Happened and What Comes Next?” paper presented at a roundtable discussion organized by the African Studies Program, University of Toronto, Canada.


2015 “The Development of Pan-African Solidarity Norm,” paper presented at a workshop organised by the UNU Institute for Natural Resources in Africa (UNU-INRA), University of Ghana, Accra, Ghana.


2015 “The ‘Responsibility to Protect and Emerging African Union’s Interventionism,” paper presented at the ISA Annual Convention, New Orleans, USA.


2014“The African Union & the Paradox of the Responsibility to Protect,” paper presented at the 4th annual Global International Studies Conference, Frankfurt, Germany.


2013 “Democracy in the Balance: Understanding the State of Multiparty Politics in Uganda," paper presented at a roundtable organised by the Jeanne Sauve Foundation and the Department of Political Science, McGill University, Canada.




"Uganda’s Fraudulent Election: Museveni and the Military" forthcoming in the Journal of Democracy 2021


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/POLS2201 3.0 M Introduction to International Politics LECT
Winter 2025 AP/POLS3200 3.0 M Global Conflict and Security I LECT