
George Georgopoulos

Photo of George Georgopoulos

Department of Economics

Associate Professor

Office: Vari Hall, 1080
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30108

Professor Georgopoulos received his M.A. and PhD in Economics from the University of Toronto. Before coming to York University as a professor, he was a lecturer at the University of Toronto. His academic honours include being nominated for the Excellence Award in Teaching at the Schulich School of Business, and wining the Professor of the Year Teaching Award in the Division of Management at the University of Toronto at Scarborough, and the Atkinson Teaching Award at Atkinson Faculty, York University. Research interests are in monetary economics and international money and finance.


George J. Georgopoulos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at York University. He received his M.A. and PhD in Economics from the University of Toronto. His academic honours include receiving the Dean’s Excellence Award in Research. He also received the Dean’s Excellence Award in Teaching, and being nominated for the Excellence Award in Teaching at the Schulich School of Business. His research on International Economics, and Multinational Finance and Monetary Theory has resulted in publications in the journals of the Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Journal of Economics and Business and International Review of Economics and Finance. He has presented papers at many international conferences, including at the Academy of International Business meetings in Stockholm, Sweden, and the American Economics Association meetings in Philadelphia, U.S.A., and the Global Finance meetings in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His work in International Economics includes being part of a team of economists from Canada and the EU that worked on a project commissioned by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and German Chancellor Angela Merkel that investigated the costs and benefits of a Canada-EU Free Trade Agreement. His worked has appeared in various media outlets such as the CBC, The National Post, The Toronto Sun and 640 News. He is a Senior Scholar Fellow at Massey College, University of Toronto.


PhD, University of Toronto
MA Economics, University of Toronto
BA Honours Economics, University of Western Ontario


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Professional Leadership

Served as a Session Chair:

Northern Finance Meetings, Schulich School of Business, Toronto, September 2007
Academy of International Business meetings, Quebec City, Canada, July 2005
Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004
Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


Canadian Journal of Economics
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money:
International Review of Economics and Finance
Atlantic Economic Journal
International Journal of Financial Services Management
SSHRC External Grant Review


Internal-External member of doctoral thesis defence committee for Ari Pandes (Finance), Schulich School of Business, November 2008.
Internal-External member of doctoral thesis defence committee for Marshall Sibling (Marketing/Finance), Schulich School of Business, June 2006.
Textbook review, “Macroeconomics”, Mankiw and Scarth, Third Canadian edition, April-August 2006; Second Edition, January 2000.

Community Contributions

File Preparation Committee, Economics, 2010

Chair of Nomination Committee for Arts Economics Chair and UPD positions, 2008-2009

Chair, Atkinson Economics File Adjudication Committee, 2008

Chair of File Preparation Committee for Ida Ferrera’s Teaching Contribution, 2008

Chair of File Preparation Committee for Henry Tam’s Research Contribution, 2008

Atkinson Committee on Teaching and Learning, July 2008-present

Atkinson Committee on Research (Chair), July 1, 2006 – June 2008

Course director for 19 students for the Directed Reading/Research (4000 level) course.

Attending Atkinson Convocation, June 13, 2007

SASIT/Atkinson Tenure and Promotion Committee, January 2006-December 2006

Atkinson Economics Computing Plan Co-ordinator, 2006-present

Atkinson Awards, Scholarships and Nominating Committee (Chair), July 1, 2006 – June 2007

Acting Chair of Economics, Atkinson, August 2006

Atkinson Economics Representative for the Ontario University Fair, Sept. 30, 2006

Atkinson Economics Representative for Orientation Day, August 28, 2006

Atkinson Economics Representative for Faculty of Graduate Studies, 2005-present.

Involved in producing the UPR Report on the Economics Program at York, Nov. 2003-March 2004

Designed, developed, and maintaining Atkinson Economics website, Feb. 2004-present

Committee member on the proposal for a new School of Business Economics and Policy Analysis, July 2005-present.

Committee member on revamping the Business Economics curriculum, July 2005-present.

Software ordering/ maintenance for Economics, Atkinson, SASIT, Feb. 2004-present.

Atkinson/SASIT/Economics representative at the Ontario University Fair, Sept. 2003


Guest lecturer at the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies, English as a second language, April 15 2006, June 22 2006, and December 12 2006, July 6, 2007, June 26, 2008.

External reviewer a project submitted to the SSHRC External Grant Program.

Hellenic Canadian Academic Association of Ontario, member of the Executive Council

Research Interests

, Financial Economics, Business Economics and Strategy, Theory of Multinationals and Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade and Finance, Applied Monetary Theory
  • 2009 York-Massey College (University of Toronto) Fellowship, Senior Resident - 2009
  • 2009 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research - 2009
  • 2008 Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence - 2008
  • 2006     Nominated for the Seymour Schulich Award for Teaching Excellence, Schulich School of Business, York University - 2006
  • 2002     Professor of the Year Teaching Award at the Division of Management, University of Toronto at Scarborough - 2002
  • 2000  Listed on the Chair’s list for top teaching instructors in Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Toronto (St. George Campus) - 2000

Current Research Projects

    See more
    Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Fund), York University

    See more
    Minor Research Grant (York Internal Grant), York University

    See more
    Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Fund), York University

    See more
    Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Fund), York University

    See more
Journal Articles


“The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Revisited: Is the home-bias much less?”, with Walid Hejazi, in the International Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 341-350
[go to paper]


“Financial Structure and the Heterogeneous Impact of Monetary Policy across Industries”, with Walid Hejazi, Journal of Economics and Business, lead article, Vol. 61, Issue 1, p1-33, Jan/Feb. 2009
[go to paper]


“Measuring Regional Effects of Monetary Policy in Canada”, Applied Economics July 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 16, p2093-2113.


“The J- Curve Revisited: An Empirical Examination for Canada”, Atlantic Economic Journal, July vol. 36, p315-332, July 2008


“Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Does the Exchange Rate Matter?”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2008, vol. 41 (2), May 2008
[go to paper]


“What drives Provincial – Canada Yield Spreads?”, with Laurence Booth and Walid Hejazi, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2007, Vol. 40 (3), 1008-1032.
[go to paper]


“Estimating the Demand for Money in Canada: Does including an own rate of return matter?”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2006, Vol. 46 (4), 513-529.
[go to paper]


“Feldstein-Horioka Meets a Time Trend”, with Walid Hejazi , 2005, Economics Letters, 86, 353-357.


“What are the Determinants of Long-Term Nominal Interest Rates?”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Toronto, Ontario, June 2004


Conference Papers


“Determinants of Indian Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions”, Sept. 20, 2009, University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujurat, India.


Supplier (along with Daniel Trefler and Walid Hejazi) for the Export Development Canada’s Request for Proposal on Canada-European Union Study on the Costs and Benefits of Closer Economic Partnership, January 2008


Key Speaker to the Daxing (China) Foreign Delegation, organized by the Asian Business and Management Program at York University (November 4, 2008; Canada and Global Economic Trends).


Key Speaker to the Chongqing (China) Foreign Delegation, organized by the Asian Business and Management Program at York University (January 9 2008, Canada and the WTO; January 14 2008, Canada and Export Policy of SMEs).


“The Multinational Enterprise’s Dilemma: Where to Exploit and Explore Its Technological Assets”, Academy of International Business meetings, Milan, Italy, July 2008.


Managerial Knowledge Spillovers from FDI: Evidences from UK Survey Data”, Academy of International Business meetings, Milan, Italy, July 2008.


FDI and Spillovers in the Swiss Services/Construction Industry: Interaction Effects between Spillover Mechanisms and Domestic Technological Characteristics”, Academy of International Business meetings, Milan, Italy, July 2008.


“Capital Flows, Financial Development, and Economic Growth”, presented at the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, August 4 2008; Academy of International Business meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 27, 2007; the Canadian Economics Association meetings, Montreal, Quebec, May 2006.


“Mergers and Acquisitions and the Role of the Exchange Rate”, AEA meetings in Philadelphia, PA, Jan, 2005; the Midwest Finance Association Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, March, 2004. Presented as well at the International Atlantic Economics meetings, Quebec City, Quebec, October 2003; North American and European Integration meetings, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 2003; Academy for International Business meetings, Monterey, California, July 2003; Multinational Finance meetings, Montreal, Canada, July 2003; Canadian Economics Association meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2003; Statistics Canada conference, March 2003


“Sub-National Yield Spreads: A Test of Ricardian Equivalence on Canadian Provincial Bonds”, presented at the Global Finance Conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, April 2006; Northern Finance Association meetings, St. John’s, Nfld., September 2004; Canadian Economics Association meetings, Toronto, Ontario, June 2004.


“The Macroeconomic Determinants of Western European Portfolio Investment in the U.S., 1988-2001”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2003


“Economic Globalisation: Costs and Benefits”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, June 2001, Montreal, Quebec


“Are Real Exchange Rates Stationary? Evidence on PPP from Stochastic Unit Root Tests” Midwest Finance Association meetings, Cleveland Ohio, March, 2001


“Analysis of the Canadian-United States Foreign Exchange Rate Market”, Northern Finance Association, Waterloo, Ontario, Oct. 1, 2000


“Measuring the Regional Effects of Monetary Policy”, presented at The Midwest Finance Association meetings, Cleveland Ohio, March, 2001. Presented as well at the International Atlantic Economics meetings, Charleston, South Carolina, October 14, 2000; Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


“Re-estimated the Weights of the Monetary Conditions Index”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June 1998


“Estimating the Demand for Money in Canada: Does including an own rate of return matter?”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, St. Catharines, Ontario, June 1997


Research Reports


“The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Revisited: Gross vs. Net, and Direct vs. Portfolio Investment”, presented at the Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“Determinants of Indian Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions”

“The Sustainability of Ireland’s Attraction of FDI”, with Helen Chen, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland

“Financing Constraints and US Affiliates”, with Laurence Booth and Walid Hejazi, Rotman School of Management

“Capital Flows, Financial Development, and Economic Growth”

“Mergers and Acquisitions, Greenfield Investments, and the Contributions Portfolio Flow Components to GDP per Capita.”

“Industry Capital Structure”, York University

“ Industry Trade and the Exchange Rate”

“Liquidity Effects from Monetary Policy and the Response of Investment”, with Laurence Booth and Walid Hejazi, University of Toronto

“ Determinants of Inter-industry Mergers and Acquisitions”

“Explaining Financing Patterns of Multinationals”, with Varouj Aivazian , University of Toronto

“Can Institutional Differences Explain the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle?”, with Walid Hejazi

“Foreign Direct Investment, Portfolio Investment, and Domestic Capital Formation: Evidence for the OECD”, with Walid Hejazi

Public Lectures


“Subnational Investment Abroad: The Case of California”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“The EU Anti-Dumping Policy Against Russia and China- The Quality of Products and the Choice of an Analogue Country”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“Do International Crises Tear the Fabric of Trade? Oil Trading in the Gulf Crises”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004.


“Export Orientation and the Domestic Merger Policy: Theory and Some Empirical Evidence”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“An Empirical Analysis of the Canadian Credit Channel”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


“Financial Market Transparency and Development”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/ECON3580 3.0 M International Monetary Economics LECT

Professor Georgopoulos received his M.A. and PhD in Economics from the University of Toronto. Before coming to York University as a professor, he was a lecturer at the University of Toronto. His academic honours include being nominated for the Excellence Award in Teaching at the Schulich School of Business, and wining the Professor of the Year Teaching Award in the Division of Management at the University of Toronto at Scarborough, and the Atkinson Teaching Award at Atkinson Faculty, York University. Research interests are in monetary economics and international money and finance.

George J. Georgopoulos is an Associate Professor at the Department of Economics at York University. He received his M.A. and PhD in Economics from the University of Toronto. His academic honours include receiving the Dean’s Excellence Award in Research. He also received the Dean’s Excellence Award in Teaching, and being nominated for the Excellence Award in Teaching at the Schulich School of Business. His research on International Economics, and Multinational Finance and Monetary Theory has resulted in publications in the journals of the Canadian Journal of Economics, Economics Letters, Journal of Economics and Business and International Review of Economics and Finance. He has presented papers at many international conferences, including at the Academy of International Business meetings in Stockholm, Sweden, and the American Economics Association meetings in Philadelphia, U.S.A., and the Global Finance meetings in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. His work in International Economics includes being part of a team of economists from Canada and the EU that worked on a project commissioned by Prime Minister Stephen Harper and German Chancellor Angela Merkel that investigated the costs and benefits of a Canada-EU Free Trade Agreement. His worked has appeared in various media outlets such as the CBC, The National Post, The Toronto Sun and 640 News. He is a Senior Scholar Fellow at Massey College, University of Toronto.


PhD, University of Toronto
MA Economics, University of Toronto
BA Honours Economics, University of Western Ontario


Faculty of Graduate Studies

Professional Leadership

Served as a Session Chair:

Northern Finance Meetings, Schulich School of Business, Toronto, September 2007
Academy of International Business meetings, Quebec City, Canada, July 2005
Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004
Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


Canadian Journal of Economics
Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money:
International Review of Economics and Finance
Atlantic Economic Journal
International Journal of Financial Services Management
SSHRC External Grant Review


Internal-External member of doctoral thesis defence committee for Ari Pandes (Finance), Schulich School of Business, November 2008.
Internal-External member of doctoral thesis defence committee for Marshall Sibling (Marketing/Finance), Schulich School of Business, June 2006.
Textbook review, “Macroeconomics”, Mankiw and Scarth, Third Canadian edition, April-August 2006; Second Edition, January 2000.

Community Contributions

File Preparation Committee, Economics, 2010

Chair of Nomination Committee for Arts Economics Chair and UPD positions, 2008-2009

Chair, Atkinson Economics File Adjudication Committee, 2008

Chair of File Preparation Committee for Ida Ferrera’s Teaching Contribution, 2008

Chair of File Preparation Committee for Henry Tam’s Research Contribution, 2008

Atkinson Committee on Teaching and Learning, July 2008-present

Atkinson Committee on Research (Chair), July 1, 2006 – June 2008

Course director for 19 students for the Directed Reading/Research (4000 level) course.

Attending Atkinson Convocation, June 13, 2007

SASIT/Atkinson Tenure and Promotion Committee, January 2006-December 2006

Atkinson Economics Computing Plan Co-ordinator, 2006-present

Atkinson Awards, Scholarships and Nominating Committee (Chair), July 1, 2006 – June 2007

Acting Chair of Economics, Atkinson, August 2006

Atkinson Economics Representative for the Ontario University Fair, Sept. 30, 2006

Atkinson Economics Representative for Orientation Day, August 28, 2006

Atkinson Economics Representative for Faculty of Graduate Studies, 2005-present.

Involved in producing the UPR Report on the Economics Program at York, Nov. 2003-March 2004

Designed, developed, and maintaining Atkinson Economics website, Feb. 2004-present

Committee member on the proposal for a new School of Business Economics and Policy Analysis, July 2005-present.

Committee member on revamping the Business Economics curriculum, July 2005-present.

Software ordering/ maintenance for Economics, Atkinson, SASIT, Feb. 2004-present.

Atkinson/SASIT/Economics representative at the Ontario University Fair, Sept. 2003


Guest lecturer at the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies, English as a second language, April 15 2006, June 22 2006, and December 12 2006, July 6, 2007, June 26, 2008.

External reviewer a project submitted to the SSHRC External Grant Program.

Hellenic Canadian Academic Association of Ontario, member of the Executive Council

Research Interests

, Financial Economics, Business Economics and Strategy, Theory of Multinationals and Foreign Direct Investment, International Trade and Finance, Applied Monetary Theory


  • 2009 York-Massey College (University of Toronto) Fellowship, Senior Resident - 2009
  • 2009 Dean’s Award for Outstanding Research - 2009
  • 2008 Dean’s Award for Teaching Excellence - 2008
  • 2006     Nominated for the Seymour Schulich Award for Teaching Excellence, Schulich School of Business, York University - 2006
  • 2002     Professor of the Year Teaching Award at the Division of Management, University of Toronto at Scarborough - 2002
  • 2000  Listed on the Chair’s list for top teaching instructors in Economics at the Department of Economics, University of Toronto (St. George Campus) - 2000

Current Research Projects

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Fund), York University

    Project Type: Funded
    Minor Research Grant (York Internal Grant), York University

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Fund), York University

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Fund), York University

    Project Type: Funded

All Publications

Journal Articles


“The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Revisited: Is the home-bias much less?”, with Walid Hejazi, in the International Review of Economics and Finance, Volume 18, Issue 2, March 2009, Pages 341-350
[go to paper]


“Financial Structure and the Heterogeneous Impact of Monetary Policy across Industries”, with Walid Hejazi, Journal of Economics and Business, lead article, Vol. 61, Issue 1, p1-33, Jan/Feb. 2009
[go to paper]


“Measuring Regional Effects of Monetary Policy in Canada”, Applied Economics July 2009, Vol. 41, Issue 16, p2093-2113.


“The J- Curve Revisited: An Empirical Examination for Canada”, Atlantic Economic Journal, July vol. 36, p315-332, July 2008


“Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions: Does the Exchange Rate Matter?”, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2008, vol. 41 (2), May 2008
[go to paper]


“What drives Provincial – Canada Yield Spreads?”, with Laurence Booth and Walid Hejazi, Canadian Journal of Economics, 2007, Vol. 40 (3), 1008-1032.
[go to paper]


“Estimating the Demand for Money in Canada: Does including an own rate of return matter?”, The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance, 2006, Vol. 46 (4), 513-529.
[go to paper]


“Feldstein-Horioka Meets a Time Trend”, with Walid Hejazi , 2005, Economics Letters, 86, 353-357.


“What are the Determinants of Long-Term Nominal Interest Rates?”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Toronto, Ontario, June 2004


Conference Papers


“Determinants of Indian Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions”, Sept. 20, 2009, University of Baroda, Vadodara, Gujurat, India.


Supplier (along with Daniel Trefler and Walid Hejazi) for the Export Development Canada’s Request for Proposal on Canada-European Union Study on the Costs and Benefits of Closer Economic Partnership, January 2008


Key Speaker to the Daxing (China) Foreign Delegation, organized by the Asian Business and Management Program at York University (November 4, 2008; Canada and Global Economic Trends).


Key Speaker to the Chongqing (China) Foreign Delegation, organized by the Asian Business and Management Program at York University (January 9 2008, Canada and the WTO; January 14 2008, Canada and Export Policy of SMEs).


“The Multinational Enterprise’s Dilemma: Where to Exploit and Explore Its Technological Assets”, Academy of International Business meetings, Milan, Italy, July 2008.


Managerial Knowledge Spillovers from FDI: Evidences from UK Survey Data”, Academy of International Business meetings, Milan, Italy, July 2008.


FDI and Spillovers in the Swiss Services/Construction Industry: Interaction Effects between Spillover Mechanisms and Domestic Technological Characteristics”, Academy of International Business meetings, Milan, Italy, July 2008.


“Capital Flows, Financial Development, and Economic Growth”, presented at the Athens Institute for Education and Research, Athens, Greece, August 4 2008; Academy of International Business meetings in Indianapolis, Indiana, June 27, 2007; the Canadian Economics Association meetings, Montreal, Quebec, May 2006.


“Mergers and Acquisitions and the Role of the Exchange Rate”, AEA meetings in Philadelphia, PA, Jan, 2005; the Midwest Finance Association Meetings, Chicago, Illinois, March, 2004. Presented as well at the International Atlantic Economics meetings, Quebec City, Quebec, October 2003; North American and European Integration meetings, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 2003; Academy for International Business meetings, Monterey, California, July 2003; Multinational Finance meetings, Montreal, Canada, July 2003; Canadian Economics Association meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2003; Statistics Canada conference, March 2003


“Sub-National Yield Spreads: A Test of Ricardian Equivalence on Canadian Provincial Bonds”, presented at the Global Finance Conference, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil, April 2006; Northern Finance Association meetings, St. John’s, Nfld., September 2004; Canadian Economics Association meetings, Toronto, Ontario, June 2004.


“The Macroeconomic Determinants of Western European Portfolio Investment in the U.S., 1988-2001”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June 2003


“Economic Globalisation: Costs and Benefits”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, June 2001, Montreal, Quebec


“Are Real Exchange Rates Stationary? Evidence on PPP from Stochastic Unit Root Tests” Midwest Finance Association meetings, Cleveland Ohio, March, 2001


“Analysis of the Canadian-United States Foreign Exchange Rate Market”, Northern Finance Association, Waterloo, Ontario, Oct. 1, 2000


“Measuring the Regional Effects of Monetary Policy”, presented at The Midwest Finance Association meetings, Cleveland Ohio, March, 2001. Presented as well at the International Atlantic Economics meetings, Charleston, South Carolina, October 14, 2000; Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


“Re-estimated the Weights of the Monetary Conditions Index”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Ottawa, Ontario, June 1998


“Estimating the Demand for Money in Canada: Does including an own rate of return matter?”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, St. Catharines, Ontario, June 1997


Research Reports


“The Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle Revisited: Gross vs. Net, and Direct vs. Portfolio Investment”, presented at the Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“Determinants of Indian Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions”

“The Sustainability of Ireland’s Attraction of FDI”, with Helen Chen, Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland

“Financing Constraints and US Affiliates”, with Laurence Booth and Walid Hejazi, Rotman School of Management

“Capital Flows, Financial Development, and Economic Growth”

“Mergers and Acquisitions, Greenfield Investments, and the Contributions Portfolio Flow Components to GDP per Capita.”

“Industry Capital Structure”, York University

“ Industry Trade and the Exchange Rate”

“Liquidity Effects from Monetary Policy and the Response of Investment”, with Laurence Booth and Walid Hejazi, University of Toronto

“ Determinants of Inter-industry Mergers and Acquisitions”

“Explaining Financing Patterns of Multinationals”, with Varouj Aivazian , University of Toronto

“Can Institutional Differences Explain the Feldstein-Horioka Puzzle?”, with Walid Hejazi

“Foreign Direct Investment, Portfolio Investment, and Domestic Capital Formation: Evidence for the OECD”, with Walid Hejazi

Public Lectures


“Subnational Investment Abroad: The Case of California”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“The EU Anti-Dumping Policy Against Russia and China- The Quality of Products and the Choice of an Analogue Country”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“Do International Crises Tear the Fabric of Trade? Oil Trading in the Gulf Crises”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004.


“Export Orientation and the Domestic Merger Policy: Theory and Some Empirical Evidence”, Academy of International Business meetings, Stockholm, Sweden, July 2004


“An Empirical Analysis of the Canadian Credit Channel”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


“Financial Market Transparency and Development”, Canadian Economics Association meetings, Vancouver, B.C., June 2000


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/ECON3580 3.0 M International Monetary Economics LECT