
Gerald Kernerman

Department of Politics

Associate Professor

Office: N824 Ross Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 20551

Gerald Kernerman (B.A., Toronto; M.A., UBC; Ph.D., York) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at York University, where he is a Faculty Scholar at the Centre for Refugee Studies and a member of the Graduate Programs in Political Science and Social & Political Thought.


Gerald Kernerman (B.A., Toronto; M.A., UBC; Ph.D., York) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at York University, where he is a Faculty Scholar at the Centre for Refugee Studies and a member of the Graduate Programs in Political Science and Social & Political Thought. Among other publications, Professor Kernerman is the author of Multicultural Nationalism: Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community (UBC Press, 2005) and co-editor (with Philip Resnick) of Insiders & Outsiders: Alan Cairns and the Reshaping of Canadian Citizenship (UBC Press, 2005). His interdisciplinary research and teaching explores such topics as the politics of frontiers, borders and sites of exception; the relationship between nationalism, liberalism and multiculturalism; the contemporary clashes of religion, sexuality, and gender in liberal democratic contexts; critical approaches to the study of leaders and leadership; and the development of alternative, student-centred, pedagogical practices. Previously, he has been a Visiting Fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University, a Canada-U.S. Fulbright Scholar at the Walt Whitman Center for the Culture and Politics of Democracy at Rutgers University and a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. As well, he is a member of the new Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, which he co-founded, a research lead of the Refugee Research Network, which he helped create, and an Associate Director of York’s Centre for Refugee Studies, which he helped rebuild.

Research Interests

Multiculturalism , Race and Racism, Critical Border, Migration, and Refugee Studies, Nationalism and Identity Politics, Social & Political Thought, Political Theory; Women & Politics; Canadian Politics; International Relations.

Current Research Projects

A Canadian Refugee Research Network: Globalizing Knowledge

    See more
    Role: Co-Investigator

    SSHRC Cluster Grant
Atkinson Junior Faculty Fund

    See more
    Atkinson Faculty, York University

    See more
    Atkinson Research Incentive Grant
    Atkinson Faculty, York University

    See more
    Junior Faculty Fund (York University)

    See more
    ATK Fellowship (York University)

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/POLS4011 3.0 A Canadian Political Thought SEMR
Winter 2025 AP/POLS4120 6.0 M Political Leadership in Canada SEMR
Fall 2024 GS/POLS6000 3.0 A Histories and Theories of Nationalism SEMR

Gerald Kernerman (B.A., Toronto; M.A., UBC; Ph.D., York) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at York University, where he is a Faculty Scholar at the Centre for Refugee Studies and a member of the Graduate Programs in Political Science and Social & Political Thought.

Gerald Kernerman (B.A., Toronto; M.A., UBC; Ph.D., York) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at York University, where he is a Faculty Scholar at the Centre for Refugee Studies and a member of the Graduate Programs in Political Science and Social & Political Thought. Among other publications, Professor Kernerman is the author of Multicultural Nationalism: Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community (UBC Press, 2005) and co-editor (with Philip Resnick) of Insiders & Outsiders: Alan Cairns and the Reshaping of Canadian Citizenship (UBC Press, 2005). His interdisciplinary research and teaching explores such topics as the politics of frontiers, borders and sites of exception; the relationship between nationalism, liberalism and multiculturalism; the contemporary clashes of religion, sexuality, and gender in liberal democratic contexts; critical approaches to the study of leaders and leadership; and the development of alternative, student-centred, pedagogical practices. Previously, he has been a Visiting Fellow at the Refugee Studies Centre at Oxford University, a Canada-U.S. Fulbright Scholar at the Walt Whitman Center for the Culture and Politics of Democracy at Rutgers University and a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto. As well, he is a member of the new Canadian Association for Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, which he co-founded, a research lead of the Refugee Research Network, which he helped create, and an Associate Director of York’s Centre for Refugee Studies, which he helped rebuild.

Research Interests

Multiculturalism , Race and Racism, Critical Border, Migration, and Refugee Studies, Nationalism and Identity Politics, Social & Political Thought, Political Theory; Women & Politics; Canadian Politics; International Relations.

Current Research Projects

A Canadian Refugee Research Network: Globalizing Knowledge

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Co-Investigator

    SSHRC Cluster Grant
Atkinson Junior Faculty Fund

    Project Type: Funded
    Atkinson Faculty, York University

    Project Type: Funded
    Atkinson Research Incentive Grant
    Atkinson Faculty, York University

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty Fund (York University)

    Project Type: Funded
    ATK Fellowship (York University)

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/POLS4011 3.0 A Canadian Political Thought SEMR
Winter 2025 AP/POLS4120 6.0 M Political Leadership in Canada SEMR
Fall 2024 GS/POLS6000 3.0 A Histories and Theories of Nationalism SEMR