George B Fallis

Professor Emeritus
Office: Vari Hall, 1048
Phone: (416)736 2100 Ext: 77027
I am a University Professor and a Professor of Economics and Social Science at York University. I hold a PhD in Economics from Princeton University. My research interests are in urban and housing economics, public policy, and higher education. My current research focuses on universities and their roles in democratic post-industrial societies, Canadian higher education policy, the growth and evolution of the welfare state, and income inequality in Canadian housing policy.
Ph. D., Economics, Princeton UniversityB.A., Political Science and Economics, University of Toronto
Community Contributions
Member Green Paper Working Groups on University Reputation and on Enrolment Planning, Provost’s White Paper Process, September 2009-
Advisor to the Vice-President Academic and to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Consultation Leader Re: Graduate Realignment, July 2008-October 2009.
Member President’s Committee on University Planning, January 2008-2009.
Chair, Senate Academic Policy and Planning Committee, 2006-2008.
Auditor (one of seven provincial auditors), Ontario Universities Undergraduate Audit Program, 2006-2010
Research Interests
- York Massey Senior Fellow Massey College in the University of Toronto, 2000-present - 2000-present
- Canadian Who's Who, 1992-present - 1992-present
- Canada Council Fellowship, 1970-72. - 1970-72
- Princeton University Tuition Award, 1969-72. - 1969-72
- University Professor York University, June 2008. - 2008
- Undergraduate 1991, Mathematics Dean’s List - 1991
- Northwestern University Fellowships, 1968 and 1969 - 1969
- Trinity College Honour Society 1966 - 1966
- Varsity Fund (Victoria) Scholarship, 1965. - 1965
- The Edward Blake Admission Scholarship, 1965. - 1965
- York University First Class Honours Scholarships, 1964 and 1966 - 1965
Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, pp. 475.
The Costs of Constitutional Change: A Citizen's Guide to the Issues. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company, 1992, pp. 108.
Housing the Homeless and Poor: New Partnerships Among the Private, Public and Third Sectors. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, pp. 301, (with Alex Murray, eds.).
Housing Economics. Toronto: Butterworths, 1985, pp. 241.
Housing Programs and Income Distribution in Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto Press for the Ontario Economic Council, 1980, pp. 184.
"The Social Policy Challenge and Social Housing," in J. Richards and W.G. Watson, eds., Home Remedies: Rethinking Canadian Housing Policy. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1995, 1-49.
"The Federal Government and the Metropolitan Housing Problem," in F. Frisken, ed., The Changing Canadian Metropolis. Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies Press, University of California, Berkeley, and the Canadian Urban Institute, 1994, 357-90.
"The Suppliers of Housing," in J. Miron, ed., House, Home and Community: Progress in Housing Canadians 1945-1986. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993, 76-93.
“The Urban Housing Market,” in George Fallis and Alex Murray, eds., Housing the Homeless and Poor: New Partnerships Among the Private, Public and Third Sectors. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, 49-81.
"Tax Reform and Residential Real Estate," in J. Mintz and John Whalley, eds., The Economic Impacts of Tax Reform. Toronto: The Canadian Tax Foundation, 1989, 336-365, (with L.B. Smith).
"The Normative Basis of Housing Policy," in G.W. Gau and M. Goldberg, eds., North American Housing Markets into the Twenty First Century. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1983, 293-310.
"Socialization, Family Background and the Secondary School," in R. Pike and E. Zureik, eds., Socialization and Values in Contemporary Canada. Toronto: The Carleton Library Series, McClelland and Stewart, 1975, 77-103, (with E. Clark and D. Cook).
“Professors as Public Intellectuals,” Academic Matters: The Journal of Higher Education, Oct-Nov 2008, 19-22.
“The Role of Academic Colleagues in the Council of Ontario Universities,” COU Colleagues’ Working Paper, January 2008.
“What universities must do to shape our democracy,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2007.
“The Mission of the University,” Professional File, Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, July 2005, No. 26, 1-24.
“Universities and Democracy,” COU Colleagues’ Working Paper, Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2005, 1-8.
“Privatizing Knowledge,” Opinion, The Toronto Star, October 22, 2003.
“Imagine: A cultural precinct,” Opinion, The Toronto Star, April 22, 2002.
“Academic Citizenship: An Academic Colleagues’ Working Paper,” Journal of Academic Ethics, Vol. 3 Nos. 2-4, Dec. 2005, 127-142, (with Paul Thompson and Philippe Constantineau).
"Rent Control: The Citizen, The Market and The State," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1988, 1, 309-320. Also in R.J. Arnott and J.M. Mintz, eds. Rent Control: The International Experience. Kingston, Ontario: The John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, 1989.
"Housing Allowances, Nonprofit Housing, and Cost-Effective Program Choice," Journal of Housing Economics, 1995, 4, 1-17 (with A.J. Hosios and G.V. Jump).
"On Choosing Social Policy instruments: The Case of Non-Profit Housing, Housing Allowances or Income Assistance," Progress in Planning, 1993, 40, Part 1, 1-88.
"Housing Finance and Housing Subsidies in Canada," Urban Studies, 1990, 27, 877-903. Reprinted in G. Arbuckle and H. Bartel, eds., Readings in Canadian Real Estate, Third edition. Toronto: Captus University Publications, 1996.
"The Optimal Design of Housing Allowances," Journal of Urban Economics, 1990, 27, 381-397.
"Recent Developments in Economic Models of Housing Markets," Journal of Economic Literature, 1988, 26, 28-64, (with L.B. Smith and K.T. Rosen).
"Stage Two Tax Reform and Housing," Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 1988, 26, 603-628.
"Price Effects of Rent Control on Controlled and Uncontrolled Rental Housing in Toronto: A Hedonic Index Approach," Canadian Journal of Economics, 1985, 18, 652-59, (with L.B. Smith).
"Rent Control in Toronto: Tenant Rationing and Tenant Benefits," Canadian Public Policy, 1985, 11, 543-550, (with L.B. Smith).
"Uncontrolled Prices in a Controlled Market: The Case of Rent Controls," American Economic Review, 1984, 74, 193-200, (with L.B. Smith). Reprinted in John M. Quigley, ed., The Economics of Housing Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
"Housing Tenure in a Model of Consumer Choice: A Simple Diagrammatic Analysis," American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Journal, 1983, 11, 30-44.
"Factor Substitution, Employment Density and Suburbanization," Journal of Urban Economics, 1979, 6, 156-175.
“The University as an Institution of Democracy,” Journal of the World Universities Forum, Vol. 1, No. 6, 107-114.
“Progressive Housing Policy in the 21st Century: A Contrarian View.” The Second National Conference on Housing and Homelessness, Growing Home: Housing and Homelessness in Canada, University of Calgary, Feb. 2009.
“Tax Expenditures and Policy: A Case Study of Housing Policy in Canada.” Conference: Tax Expenditures and Public Policy in Comparative Perspective, Osgoode Hall Law School, Sept. 2009.
“The Growth and Composition of Government Spending in Canada: The Constrained Welfare State.” Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association, University of Toronto, May 2009.
“University-based Research within National Innovation Systems: A Comparison and Ranking across 15 High-income Countries.” Conference of the World Universities Forum, Mumbai, India, Jan., 2009.
“Research at Canadian Universities in International Perspective.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, B.C., June 2008
“The University as an Institution of Democracy.” Conference of the World Universities Forum, Davos, Switzerland, Feb. 2008.
“The University as an Institution of Democracy: Implications for General Education.” Symposium on General Education, Founders and Vanier Colleges, York University, March 2008.
“What Is Democracy?”Invited presentation to students in the Vic One Program, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Oct. 2008
“Going Beyond Grants: Performance Indicators for Research.” Presentation to the Performance Indicators Workshop for Universities, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Nov. 2007.
“Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy.” Colloquium Series on Post-Secondary Education, Faculty of Education, York University, Sept. 2007.
“Professional Schools in the Multiversity.” School of Public Policy and Governance University of Toronto, Oct. 2007.
“The Role of the Dean.” Seminar for Delegation of Presidents from Henan Universities, China York University, Oct. 2007.
“Assessing the Intensity, Quality and Impact of Faculty Research.” Presentation to York University Senate, March 2006.
“The University and Democracy.” Annual Meetings of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Toronto, May 2006.
“Liberal Arts Education in the 21st Century: Anachronism or Vanguard?” Presidential Inauguration Faculty Symposium American University of Beirut, May 2009.
“Universities and Democracy” University of Victoria, February 2006.
"The Economic Analysis of University Participation Rates,"
Journal of Education Finance, Spring 2015, Vol. 40, No. 4, 391-413.
"Une nouvelle belle époque,"
Literary Review of Canada, November 2014, Vol. 22, No 9, 20-22.
Rethinking Higher Education: Participation, Research, and Differentiation.
Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2013, pp. 308
"Canada’s Surprising One Percent,"
Literary Review of Canada, Vol. 21, No. 2, March 2013, 5-6.
"Tax Expenditures and Policy: A Case Study of Housing Policy in Canada," in Lisa Philipps, Neil Brooks, and Jinyan Li, eds.
Tax Expenditures: State of the Art. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 2011, 10:1-10:26.
I am a University Professor and a Professor of Economics and Social Science at York University. I hold a PhD in Economics from Princeton University. My research interests are in urban and housing economics, public policy, and higher education. My current research focuses on universities and their roles in democratic post-industrial societies, Canadian higher education policy, the growth and evolution of the welfare state, and income inequality in Canadian housing policy.
Ph. D., Economics, Princeton UniversityB.A., Political Science and Economics, University of Toronto
Community Contributions
Member Green Paper Working Groups on University Reputation and on Enrolment Planning, Provost’s White Paper Process, September 2009-
Advisor to the Vice-President Academic and to the Dean of Graduate Studies and Consultation Leader Re: Graduate Realignment, July 2008-October 2009.
Member President’s Committee on University Planning, January 2008-2009.
Chair, Senate Academic Policy and Planning Committee, 2006-2008.
Auditor (one of seven provincial auditors), Ontario Universities Undergraduate Audit Program, 2006-2010
Research Interests
- York Massey Senior Fellow Massey College in the University of Toronto, 2000-present - 2000-present
- Canadian Who's Who, 1992-present - 1992-present
- Canada Council Fellowship, 1970-72. - 1970-72
- Princeton University Tuition Award, 1969-72. - 1969-72
- University Professor York University, June 2008. - 2008
- Undergraduate 1991, Mathematics Dean’s List - 1991
- Northwestern University Fellowships, 1968 and 1969 - 1969
- Trinity College Honour Society 1966 - 1966
- Varsity Fund (Victoria) Scholarship, 1965. - 1965
- The Edward Blake Admission Scholarship, 1965. - 1965
- York University First Class Honours Scholarships, 1964 and 1966 - 1965
All Publications
"The Social Policy Challenge and Social Housing," in J. Richards and W.G. Watson, eds., Home Remedies: Rethinking Canadian Housing Policy. Toronto: C.D. Howe Institute, 1995, 1-49.
"The Federal Government and the Metropolitan Housing Problem," in F. Frisken, ed., The Changing Canadian Metropolis. Berkeley: Institute of Governmental Studies Press, University of California, Berkeley, and the Canadian Urban Institute, 1994, 357-90.
"The Suppliers of Housing," in J. Miron, ed., House, Home and Community: Progress in Housing Canadians 1945-1986. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1993, 76-93.
“The Urban Housing Market,” in George Fallis and Alex Murray, eds., Housing the Homeless and Poor: New Partnerships Among the Private, Public and Third Sectors. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, 49-81.
"Tax Reform and Residential Real Estate," in J. Mintz and John Whalley, eds., The Economic Impacts of Tax Reform. Toronto: The Canadian Tax Foundation, 1989, 336-365, (with L.B. Smith).
"The Normative Basis of Housing Policy," in G.W. Gau and M. Goldberg, eds., North American Housing Markets into the Twenty First Century. Cambridge, Mass.: Ballinger, 1983, 293-310.
"Socialization, Family Background and the Secondary School," in R. Pike and E. Zureik, eds., Socialization and Values in Contemporary Canada. Toronto: The Carleton Library Series, McClelland and Stewart, 1975, 77-103, (with E. Clark and D. Cook).
Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007, pp. 475.
The Costs of Constitutional Change: A Citizen's Guide to the Issues. Toronto: James Lorimer and Company, 1992, pp. 108.
Housing the Homeless and Poor: New Partnerships Among the Private, Public and Third Sectors. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1990, pp. 301, (with Alex Murray, eds.).
Housing Economics. Toronto: Butterworths, 1985, pp. 241.
Housing Programs and Income Distribution in Ontario. Toronto: University of Toronto Press for the Ontario Economic Council, 1980, pp. 184.
“Professors as Public Intellectuals,” Academic Matters: The Journal of Higher Education, Oct-Nov 2008, 19-22.
“The Role of Academic Colleagues in the Council of Ontario Universities,” COU Colleagues’ Working Paper, January 2008.
“What universities must do to shape our democracy,” Op-ed, The Globe and Mail, Wednesday, Sept. 12, 2007.
“The Mission of the University,” Professional File, Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, July 2005, No. 26, 1-24.
“Universities and Democracy,” COU Colleagues’ Working Paper, Vol. 4, No. 2, November 2005, 1-8.
“Privatizing Knowledge,” Opinion, The Toronto Star, October 22, 2003.
“Imagine: A cultural precinct,” Opinion, The Toronto Star, April 22, 2002.
“Academic Citizenship: An Academic Colleagues’ Working Paper,” Journal of Academic Ethics, Vol. 3 Nos. 2-4, Dec. 2005, 127-142, (with Paul Thompson and Philippe Constantineau).
"Rent Control: The Citizen, The Market and The State," Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics, 1988, 1, 309-320. Also in R.J. Arnott and J.M. Mintz, eds. Rent Control: The International Experience. Kingston, Ontario: The John Deutsch Institute for the Study of Economic Policy, 1989.
"Housing Allowances, Nonprofit Housing, and Cost-Effective Program Choice," Journal of Housing Economics, 1995, 4, 1-17 (with A.J. Hosios and G.V. Jump).
"On Choosing Social Policy instruments: The Case of Non-Profit Housing, Housing Allowances or Income Assistance," Progress in Planning, 1993, 40, Part 1, 1-88.
"Housing Finance and Housing Subsidies in Canada," Urban Studies, 1990, 27, 877-903. Reprinted in G. Arbuckle and H. Bartel, eds., Readings in Canadian Real Estate, Third edition. Toronto: Captus University Publications, 1996.
"The Optimal Design of Housing Allowances," Journal of Urban Economics, 1990, 27, 381-397.
"Recent Developments in Economic Models of Housing Markets," Journal of Economic Literature, 1988, 26, 28-64, (with L.B. Smith and K.T. Rosen).
"Stage Two Tax Reform and Housing," Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 1988, 26, 603-628.
"Price Effects of Rent Control on Controlled and Uncontrolled Rental Housing in Toronto: A Hedonic Index Approach," Canadian Journal of Economics, 1985, 18, 652-59, (with L.B. Smith).
"Rent Control in Toronto: Tenant Rationing and Tenant Benefits," Canadian Public Policy, 1985, 11, 543-550, (with L.B. Smith).
"Uncontrolled Prices in a Controlled Market: The Case of Rent Controls," American Economic Review, 1984, 74, 193-200, (with L.B. Smith). Reprinted in John M. Quigley, ed., The Economics of Housing Cheltenham, Edward Elgar.
"Housing Tenure in a Model of Consumer Choice: A Simple Diagrammatic Analysis," American Real Estate and Urban Economics Association Journal, 1983, 11, 30-44.
"Factor Substitution, Employment Density and Suburbanization," Journal of Urban Economics, 1979, 6, 156-175.
“The University as an Institution of Democracy,” Journal of the World Universities Forum, Vol. 1, No. 6, 107-114.
“Progressive Housing Policy in the 21st Century: A Contrarian View.” The Second National Conference on Housing and Homelessness, Growing Home: Housing and Homelessness in Canada, University of Calgary, Feb. 2009.
“Tax Expenditures and Policy: A Case Study of Housing Policy in Canada.” Conference: Tax Expenditures and Public Policy in Comparative Perspective, Osgoode Hall Law School, Sept. 2009.
“The Growth and Composition of Government Spending in Canada: The Constrained Welfare State.” Annual Meetings of the Canadian Economics Association, University of Toronto, May 2009.
“University-based Research within National Innovation Systems: A Comparison and Ranking across 15 High-income Countries.” Conference of the World Universities Forum, Mumbai, India, Jan., 2009.
“Research at Canadian Universities in International Perspective.” Presentation at the annual meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Vancouver, B.C., June 2008
“The University as an Institution of Democracy.” Conference of the World Universities Forum, Davos, Switzerland, Feb. 2008.
“The University as an Institution of Democracy: Implications for General Education.” Symposium on General Education, Founders and Vanier Colleges, York University, March 2008.
“What Is Democracy?”Invited presentation to students in the Vic One Program, Victoria College, University of Toronto, Oct. 2008
“Going Beyond Grants: Performance Indicators for Research.” Presentation to the Performance Indicators Workshop for Universities, Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario, Nov. 2007.
“Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy.” Colloquium Series on Post-Secondary Education, Faculty of Education, York University, Sept. 2007.
“Professional Schools in the Multiversity.” School of Public Policy and Governance University of Toronto, Oct. 2007.
“The Role of the Dean.” Seminar for Delegation of Presidents from Henan Universities, China York University, Oct. 2007.
“Assessing the Intensity, Quality and Impact of Faculty Research.” Presentation to York University Senate, March 2006.
“The University and Democracy.” Annual Meetings of the Canadian Society for the Study of Higher Education, Toronto, May 2006.
“Liberal Arts Education in the 21st Century: Anachronism or Vanguard?” Presidential Inauguration Faculty Symposium American University of Beirut, May 2009.
“Universities and Democracy” University of Victoria, February 2006.
"The Economic Analysis of University Participation Rates,"
Journal of Education Finance, Spring 2015, Vol. 40, No. 4, 391-413.
"Une nouvelle belle époque,"
Literary Review of Canada, November 2014, Vol. 22, No 9, 20-22.
Rethinking Higher Education: Participation, Research, and Differentiation.
Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press 2013, pp. 308
"Canada’s Surprising One Percent,"
Literary Review of Canada, Vol. 21, No. 2, March 2013, 5-6.
"Tax Expenditures and Policy: A Case Study of Housing Policy in Canada," in Lisa Philipps, Neil Brooks, and Jinyan Li, eds.
Tax Expenditures: State of the Art. Toronto: Canadian Tax Foundation, 2011, 10:1-10:26.