Luin Goldring
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Ph.D., Development Sociology, Cornell UniversityM.S., Rural Sociology, Cornell University
B.A., Anthropology, California State University
Research Interests
- Post-doctoral Fellowship. Social Science Research Council (U.S.), International Migration Program. 1996-1997 - 1996-97
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Population Research Center, University of Chicago. 1991-1993 - 1991-93
- Rural Policy Dissertation Fellowship. Ford Foundation/Aspen Institute. 1989-1990 - 1989-90
- Pre-doctoral Fellow. Center for US-Mexican Studies, UC-San Diego. 1987-1989 - 1987-89
- Herbert H. Lehman Graduate Fellowship. 1982-1987 - 1982-85, 86-87
- University Scholarship, C.S.U., Sonoma. 1981-1982 - 1981-82
- Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Dean’s Award for Distinction in Research, Social Justice. - 2017
Goldring, L. and P. Landolt (eds.) 2013. Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
Goldring, L. and S. Krishnamurti (eds.) 2007 Organizing the Transnational: Labour, politics and social change. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (Co-author: introduction and conclusion) . 304 pgs. (November)
Basok, Tanya, Luin Goldring, Patricia Landolt, Fernando Mata and Paloma E. Villegas. 2022. “Latin American Migration to Canada: Understanding Socially Differentiated Inclusions.” Ch. 19 (pp. 261-274) in The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration Andreas E. Feldmann, Xóchitl Bada, Jorge Durand and Stephanie Schütze (eds.). Routledge.
Goldring, Luin, and Patricia Landolt. 2014. "Transnational Migration and the Reformulation of Analytical Categories: Unpacking Latin American Refugee Dynamics in Toronto." Pp. 103-128 in Liliana Sánchez and Fernando Lozano Asencio (eds). The Practice of Research on Migration and Mobilities. SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace 14. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-02693-0. English version of chapter (and volume) published in Spanish, Goldring & Landolt 2009 in Rivera Sánchez and Lozano Asencio 2009].
Goldring, L. 2014 "Resituating Temporariness as the Precarity and Conditionality of Non-citizenship.” Pp. 218-254 in Leah F. Vosko, Valerie Preston, Robert Latham (eds.). Liberating Temporariness: Migration, Work, and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity in Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2013. "The Conditionality of Legal Status and Rights: Conceptualizing Precarious Non-citizenship in Canada.” Pp. 3-27 in Goldring and Landolt (eds.), Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2013. "The Social Production of Non-citizenship: The Consequences of Intersecting Trajectories of Precarious Legal Status and Precarious Work.” Pp. 154-174 in Goldring and Landolt (eds.), Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
Goldring, Luin, and Patricia Landolt. 2011. "Transnational Migration and the Reformulation of Analytical Categories: Unpacking Latin American Refugee Dynamics in Toronto." In Anna Amelina, Devrimsel D. Nergiz, Thomas Faist, and Nina Glick-Schiller (eds.). Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Transnational Studies. London/New York: Routledge. (December.)
Landolt, Patricia, Luin Goldring and Judith Bernhard 2009 “Las Organizaciones de Migrantes Latinoamericanos en Toronto: Entre la Política de Base y el Imperativo de la Etnización.” Pp. 203-234, Ch. 8 in Angeles Escrivá, Anastasia Bermúdez y Natalia Moraes (eds). Migración y participación política: Estados, organizaciones y migrantes latinoamericanos en perspectiva local-transnacional. Colección Politeya. Córdoba: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Second author. (May) [“Latin American Migrant Organizations in Toronto: Between Grassroots Politics and the Ethnicizing Imperative.” In Migration and political participation: States, organizations and Latin American migrants from a local-transnational perspective.] (32 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2009 “Reformulación de las unidades, identidades, temporalidad, cultura y contextos: reflexiones sobre la investigación de los movimientos migratorios.” Pp. 125-161 in Liliana Rivera Sánchez and Fernando Lozano Asencio (eds). La práctica de la investigación sobre migraciones y movilidades. Mexico: Miguel Angel Porrúa and CRIM-UNAM. (37 pgs.) First author. (October) . [“Reformulating units, identities, temporality, culture and contexts: reflections on migration research.” In The Practice of Research on Migrations and Mobilities.]
Krishnamurti, Sailaja and Luin Goldring 2007 “Conclusion.” Pp. 256-260 in Goldring and S. Krishnamurti (eds.), Organizing the Transnational: Labour, politics and social change. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (5 pgs.) Second author.
Goldring, Luin and Sailaja Krishnamurti 2007 “Introduction.” Pp. 1-22 in Goldring and S. Krishnamurti (eds.), Organizing the Transnational: Labour, politics and social change. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (22 pgs.) First author.
Goldring, Luin. 2007. “Movilidad, ciudadanía y nuevas formas de participación política.” Pp. 145-153 in Marcela Ibarra Mateos (ed.). Migración: Reconfiguración transnacional y flujos de población. Puebla, Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla Press. (9 pgs)
2006 “Latin American Transnationalism in Canada: Does it exist, what forms does it take and where is it going?” Pp. 180-201 (Ch. 10) in Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada. Victor Satzewich and Lloyd Wong (eds). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (22 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin, Patricia Landolt, Judith Bernhard and Martha Barriga 2006 “Toronto Hispano, Toronto Latino: Latin American Institutional Community Development in the Greater Toronto Area (1973-2005)." Pp. 58-71 in Daniel Schugurensky and Jorge Giginiewicz (eds). Ruptures, continuities and re-learning: the political participation of Latin Americans in Canada. Toronto: OISE, Transformative Learning Centre. (14 pgs.)
2005 Remesas familiares, remesas colectivas y desarrollo: Implicaciones sociales y políticas. Pp. 67-93 in Raúl Delgado Weis and Beatriz Knerr (eds.). Contribuciones al análisis de la migración internacional y el desarrollo regional en México. Mexico D.F.: Editorial Porrúa. (27 pgs.)
2003 “Gender, Status, and the State in Transnational Spaces: The gendering of political participation and Mexican Hometown Associations.” Pp. 341-358 in Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo (ed.). Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends. Berkeley: University of California Press. (18 pgs.)
2001 Dissagregating Transnational Social Spaces: Gender, Place and Citizenship in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces. Pp. 59-76 in Ludger Pries (ed), New Transnational Social Spaces: International migration and transnational companies in the early twenty first century. London/New York: Routledge. (18 pgs.)
1999 Desarrollo, Migradólares y la Participación “Ciudadana” de los Norteños en Zacatecas. Pp. 77-87 in Miguel Moctezuma and Héctor Rodríguez Ramírez (eds.), Impacto de la Migración y las Remesas en el Crecimiento Económico Regional. México, D.F.: Senado de la República. (11 pgs.)
1999 El Estado Mexicano y las Organizaciones Transmigrantes: Reconfigurando la Nación y las Relaciones Entre Estado y Sociedad Civil? Pp. 297-316 in Gail Mummert(ed.). Fronteras Fragmentadas. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán/Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo del Estado de Michoacán. (20 pgs.)
1999 "Mexicans." Pp. 975-979 in Paul Robert Magocsi (ed.). Encyclopedia of Canadian Peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (5 pgs.)
1998 "Having One's Cake and Eating It Too: Selective Appropriation of Ejido Reform in an Urbanizing Ejido in Michoacán." Pp. 145-172 in Wayne Cornelius and David Myhre (eds.). The Transformation of Rural Mexico. La Jolla: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. U.C.-San Diego. (28 pgs.)
1996 "Gendered Memory: Reconstructions of the Village by Mexican Transnational Migrants." Pp. 303-329 in Melanie DuPuis and Peter Vandergeest (eds.). Creating the Countryside: The Politics of Rural and Environmental Discourse. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (27 pgs.)
1996 The Changing Configuration of Property Rights under Ejido Reform. Pp. 271-287 in Laura Randall (ed.). The Reform of Mexican Agrarian Reform. New York: M.E. Sharp. (17 pgs.)
1991 Migration and Development?: A Comparative Analysis of Two Mexican Migrant Circuits. Pp. 137-174 in Sergio Díaz-Briquets and Sidney Weintraub (eds.). The Effects of Receiving Country Policies on Migration Flows. Series on Development and International Migration, Vol. VI. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. (38 pgs.)
Girling, Robert and Luin Goldring 1983 U.S. Strategic Interests in Central America: The Economics and Geopolitics of Empire. Pp. 186-205 in: Stanford Central America Action Network (eds.) Revolution in Central America. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. (20 pgs.)
2008 Review of Christian Zlolniski, Janitors, Street Vendors and Activists: The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in Silicon Valley. Journal of International Migration and Integration 9(3): 331-333. (3 pgs.) (September)
2006 Review of “Compartiendo Anhelos y Esperanzas: Género, Migración, Remesas y las Organizaciones Salvadoreñas.” Grassroots Development 27(1): 20-21. (3 pgs.)
1995 "Las Contradicciones del Neoliberalismo y la Transnacionalización. Review-essay of Neoliberalism, Transnationalism and Rural Poverty: A Case Study of Michoacán, Mexico, by John Gledhill. Relaciones. 16(61/62): 169-181. Zamora: Colegio de Michoacán. (13 pgs.)
1994 Review of Seeking Common Ground, Donna Gabaccia (ed.). Contemporary Sociology 23(2): 271. (1 pg.)
Landolt, Patricia, Luin Goldring and Paul Pritchard. 2022. "Decentering methodological nationalism to survey precarious legal status trajectories.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25(2); 183-195). (Published online 2021)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2022. “From illegalised migrant toward permanent resident: assembling precarious legal status trajectories and differential inclusion in Canada.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(1): 33-52. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1866978
Goldring, Luin. 2022. “Precarious legal status trajectories as method, and the work of legal status.” Citizenship Studies 26(4-5):460-470.
Parreñas, Rhacel, Patricia Landolt, Luin Goldring, Tanya Golash-Boza, Rachel Silvey
2021 “Mechanisms of Migrant Exclusion: Temporary Labour, Precarious Noncitizenship, and Technologies of Detention.” Introduction to special issue. Population Space and Place 27(5): e2488 (6 pgs.) doi: 10.1002/psp.2488
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2016. “Assembling Noncitizenship through the Work of Conditionality.” Citizenship Studies 19 (8): 853-869 (16 pgs.) Special issue: Theorising Noncitizenship.
Lewchuck, Wayne, Michelynn Lafleche, Diane Dyson, Luin Goldring, Alan Meisner, Stephanie Procyk, Dan Rosen, John Shields, Peter Viducis, Sam Vrankulj 2014 “Is Precarious Employment Low Income Employment? The Changing Labour Market in Southern Ontario.” Just Labour 22 (Autumn): 51-73
Riaño-Alcalá, Pilar and Luin Goldring. 2014 “Unpacking Refugee Community Transnational Organizing: The Challenges and Diverse Experiences of Colombians in Canada.” Refugee Survey Quarterly 33(2): 1-28. doi:10.1093/rsq/hdu005
Tecle, Samia and Luin Goldring. 2013. “From ‘remittance’ to ‘tax’: the shifting meanings and strategies of capture of the Eritrean transnational party-state.” African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 6(2): 1-19. (19 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2012. “The Impact of Precarious Legal Status on Immigrants' Economic Outcomes.” IRPP Study 35. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Landolt, Patricia, Luin Goldring & Judith K. Bernhard. 2011. “Agenda Setting and Immigrant Politics: the Case of Latin Americans in Toronto.” American Behavioral Scientist 55(9): 1235-1266. (32 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Caught in the Work-Citizenship Matrix: The lasting effects of precarious legal status on work for Toronto immigrants.” Globalizations 8(3): 325-341. (17 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “Temporary Worker Programs as Precarious Status: Implications for Citizenship, Inclusion and Nation Building in Canada.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes Canadiens Spring: 50-54. (4 pgs.) (March)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2010 “Political Cultures and Transnational Social Fields: Chilean, Colombian and Canadian Activists in Toronto.” Global Networks 10(4): 1-24. (24 pgs.)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2009 “Immigrant Political Socialization as Bridging and Boundary Work: Mapping the Multi-Layered Incorporation of Latin American Immigrants in Toronto,” Ethnic and Racial Studies 32(7): 1226-1247. (22 pgs) (September)
Goldring, Luin, Carolina Berinstein and Judith Bernhard 2009 “Institutionalizing Precarious Immigration Status in Canada.” Citizenship Studies 13(3): 239-265. (27 pgs.) (June) .
Bernhard, Judith K., Patricia Landolt and Luin Goldring. 2009 “Transnationalizing Families: Canadian Immigration Policy and the Spatial Fragmentation of Care-giving among Latin American Newcomers.” International Migration 47(2): 3-31. (29 pgs.) (June)
Goldring, Luin, Jenna Hennebry and Kerry Preibisch. 2009. “Temporary worker programs: North America’s second-class citizens.” Canada Watch. Special issue. Spring. (7 pgs.)
Bernhard, J.K., L. Goldring, Julie Young, Carolina Berinstein and Beth Wilson. 2007 “Living with Precarious Legal Status in Canada: Implications for the Wellbeing of Children and Families.” Refuge 24(2): 101-114. (14 pgs)
Goldring, Luin. 2004 “Individual and Collective Remittances to Mexico: A Multi-dimensional Typology of Remittances.” Development and Change 35(4): 799-840. (41 pgs.)
2002 “The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations: Negotiating the Boundaries of Membership and Participation in the Mexican Nation.” Latin American Research Review 37(3): 55-99. (35 pgs.)
2001 “The Gender and Geography of Citizenship in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces.” Identities. 7(4): 501-537. (37 pgs.)
1998 "The Power of Status in Transnational Social Fields.” Comparative Urban and Community Research Vol. 6:165-195. (31 pgs.)
1996 "Blurring Borders: Constructing Transnational Community in the Process of Mexico-U.S. Migration." Research in Community Sociology VI: 69-104. (36 pgs.)
Translated into Spanish. 1997. “Difuminando Fronteras: Construcción de la Comunidad Transnacional en el Proceso Migratorio México-Estados Unidos.” Pp. 55-105 in Saúl Macías Gamboa and Fernando Herrera Lima (eds.). Migración Laboral Internacional. Puebla, Mexico: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. (51 pgs.)
Massey, Douglas, Luin Goldring and Jorge Durand 1994 "Continuities in Transnational Migration: An Analysis of Nineteen Mexican Communities." American Journal of Sociology 99(6): 1492-1533. (42 pgs.)
Massey, Douglas, Luin Goldring and Jorge Durand 1992 "La Migración Mexico-EUA y la Transnacionalización del Espacio Político y Social: Perspectivas Desde el México Rural." (Mexico-U.S. Migration and the Transnationalization of Social and Political Space: Perspectives from Rural Mexico.) Estudios Sociológicos X (29): 315-340. (26 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin 2010 “Temporary Worker Programs as Precarious Status: Implications for Citizenship, Inclusion and Nation Building in Canada.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes Canadiens Spring: 50-54. (4 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin, Jenna Hennebry and Kerry Preibisch 2009 “Temporary worker programs: North America’s second-class citizens.” Canada Watch. Special issue. Spring. (7 pgs.)
Goldring, L. and J. Hellman 2004 “Introduction to the special issue on international migration in the Americas.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 29 (57-58): 11-16. (6 pgs.)
Goldring, L. 2004 “Remesas y microbancos.” Interview with Isabel Cruz. Migración y Desarrollo (University of Zacatecas) Vol. 3: 92-98. (7 pgs.)
Goldring, L. 1998 “From Market Membership to Transnational Citizenship?: The Changing Politization of Transnational Social Spaces.” L’Ordinaire Latino Americain (Toulouse) 173-174:167-172. (6 pgs.)
Reprinted. 1999. Working Paper # 23. Chicano Latino Research Center. University of California, Santa Cruz. (8 pgs.)
1997 "Power and Status in Transnational Social Spaces." Invited paper for Special Issue of Sozialen Welt on Transnational Migration, edited by Ludger Pries. (Sonderbrand 12 der Sozialen Welt) . Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag. Earlier version of CUCR paper (see above). Pp. 59-75. (17 pgs.)
Reprinted: 1999. Pp. 162-186 in Ludger Pries (ed.). Migration and Transnational Social Spaces. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. (25 pgs.)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2011. “The social production of non-citizenship: Legal transitions and the long-term impacts of precarious status on work.” 13th National Metropolis Conference. Vancouver. March 24-26.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Empleo precario y estatus precario entre migrantes latinoamericanos y caribeños en Toronto.” Workshop: Hacia dónde va Aamérica del Norte?” Mexico City: CISAN (Centre for Advanced Research on North America), UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). May 18-20. (Invited)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Precarización, empleo y no-ciudadanía: perspectivas desde Canadá.” IV Congreso de la Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo. Quito, Ecuador: FLACSO/RIMD. May 18-20.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Empleo Precario y Precarización entre Migrantes en Toronto.” Seminario Permanente de Investigación sobre Migración México-Canadá. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Oct. 3, 2011. (Invited)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2010. “The Long Term Impacts of Non-Citizenship on Work: Precarious Legal Status and the Institutional Production of a Migrant Working Poor.” Presented at the workshop “Producing and Negotiating Precarious Status in Canada.” Research Alliance on Precarious Status. Sept. 16, 2010. York University, Toronto.
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “Precarious Status.” Invited presentation for the Conference on “Who Belongs? Rights, Benefits, Obligations and Immigration Status.” Toronto: Canadian Civil Liberties Association. Toronto. Sept. 23-25.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2010. “Caught in the Work-Citizenship Matrix: The lasting effects of precarious legal status on work for Toronto immigrants.” XXIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Sheraton Hotel, Toronto. Oct. 6-9.
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “Implications of Precarious Status for Citizenship and Migration Studies and Practice.” Keynote address, CERIS Graduate Student Workshop on "Migration and Settlement Research: Looking Forward and Moving Ahead." Ryerson University. Oct. 29.
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “The Conditionality of Precarious Legal Status.” Paper presented at the Workshop on Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway to Social Inclusion. York University, Toronto. Dec. 10-11.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2010 “Immigrant Politics in Multicultural Canada: Latin American Pan-Ethnic Organizations in Toronto.” Presented at the Conference on “Re-thinking Multiculturalism: Brazil, Canada and the United States.” Toronto: York University. January 29-30.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2010 “Persistent and Intersecting Precarities: legal status transitions and work in Canada.” CUMBRE, Fourth Latino/Latin American Summit of the Great Plains. Omaha, Nebraska. May 14-15.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2010 “Persistent and Intersecting Precarities: the long-term consequences of precarious status.” Invited Presentation. Community Research Symposium, “Permanently Temporary: Temporary Foreign Workers and Canada’s Changing Attitude to Citizenship and Immigration.” Toronto: Social Planning Toronto, OCASI and CERIS. Toronto: Metro Hall. February 4.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2010 “Persistent and Intersecting Precarities: the long-term consequences of precarious status in Canada.” 12th National Metropolis Conference. Montréal. March 19-21.
Goldring, Luin 2010 “Reflections on Transnational Social Fields.” Keynote address. First International Forum on International Migration and Transnational Studies. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. Puebla, Mexico. February 17-19.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2009 “Intersecting Precarities of Work and Status: Caribbean and Latin American workers in the GTA.” Presented at the workshop on “Migration, Work and Citizenship: Toward decent work and secure citizenship.” York University. October 1-3.
Goldring, Luin 2009 “Temporary Worker Programs as Precarious Status: Implications for Citizenship, Membership and Social Inclusion in Canada.” Invited Presentation. REMESO Inaugural Conference on “Migration, Citizenship and Precarious Labour: Global and Regional Perspectives in Times of Crisis.” Linköping University, Sweden (May 14-15).
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2009 “Unpacking Precarious Work as a Social Determinant of Health.” Presented at the second seminar on “Addressing Social Determinants of Newcomer Health: New Evidence and Promising Practices” organized by Access Alliance. Toronto: CERIS. October 14.
Goldring, Luin, Carolina Berinstein and Judith Bernhard 2008 “Institutionalizing Precarious Migration Status in Canada.” Meeting of the Law and Society Association. Montréal, Québec (May 29-June1).
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2008 “Methodological Challenges of Comparative Migration Research: Lessons from Research on Latin Americans in Toronto.” Workshop on Theoretical and Methodological Challenges of Migration Research: Comparison and Interdisciplinarity. Organized by Liliana Rivera-Sánchez and Fernando Lozano Asencio, UNAM-CRIM. Hotel Montetaxco, Taxco, Mexico (June 19-20, 2008).
Goldring, Luin 2008 “Migrant Political Participation and Development: Re-politicizing development and re-socializing politics.” Conference on “Migration and Development: New Directions for Research and Policy.” Social Science Research Council, New York City. (February 28 - March 1) . Invited Presentation.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2008 “Multi-layered pathways of political incorporation: the case of Latin Americans in Toronto.” Research symposium. CERIS, The Ontario Metropolis Centre. Toronto. (Oct. 17).
Goldring, Luin 2008 “Precarious Status and Citizenship in Canada.” III International Colloquium of the International Network on Migration and Development. Heredia, Costa Rica. Dec. 3-6.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2007 “Activist Dialogues and the Constitution of Transnational Political Spaces.” Conference: Con/founding Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, November 1-3.
Goldring, Luin, Carolina Berinstein and Judith Bernhard 2007 "Institutionalizing Precarious Immigration Status in Canada." Conference: Con/founding Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, November 1-3.
Bernhard, Judith, Luin Goldring and Julie Young 2007 “Living with Precarious Status in Canada: Implications for the Wellbeing of Children and Families.” 9th National Metropolis Conference. Toronto. (March 2)
Goldring, Luin 2007 “Refugee and Immigrant Settlement in Canada: Learning from Two Comparative Research Projects on Latin Americans.” 9th National Metropolis Conference. Toronto. (March 5) . Invited Presentation, Panel organized by Barry Halliday.
Goldring, Luin 2007 ”Social and Political Dimensions of Transnational Migration.” Presented at the “Workshop on Migration and Development: New Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives.” Organized by the International Network on Migration and Development. Funded by the MacArthur Foundation. Zacatecas, Mexico. (July 25-26)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2007 “Unsettling the Boundaries of Activism: Latin American Women, Artists and Indigenous Organizations in Toronto.” XXVII Annual Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Montréal, Québec (Sept. 5-8).
Goldring, Luin 2006 Invited panellist for workshop on "A Transnational Re/View: Cross-Border Histories and Transnational Futures among Mexican (Im)migrants" organized by Debbie Boehm. XXVI Annual Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Puerto Rico. March 15-18.
Riaño, Pilar and Luin Goldring. 2006 “A Colombian Diaspora? Characteristics, tensions and challenges in transnational engagements.” Prepared for the Expert Forum on “Capacity Building for Peace and Development: Roles of Diaspora.” UN University for Peace, Toronto. October 18-19.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2006 “Activist dialogues and the production of refugee political transnationalism: Chileans, Colombians and non-migrant civil society in Canada.” 2nd International Colloquium of the International Network on Migration and Development. Cocoyoc, Mexico. October 26-28.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2006 “Latin Americans in the GTA: Remittances, family dispersal and transnationalism.” Presented at the CSAA / SCSA. Toronto, May 2006.
Goldring, Luin, Patricia Landolt and Judith Bernhard 2006 “Unpacking Political Transnationalism: A comparison of four Latin American groups in the Greater Toronto Area.” XXVI Annual Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Puerto Rico. March 15-18.
2005 “Beyond Remittances and Hometown Associations in Development.” Presented at the Workshop on “Problemas y Desafíos de la Migración y el Desarrollo en América” (Problems and Challenges of Migration and Development in the Americas). Organized by the RIMD-CRIM-CERLAC. Cuernavaca, Mexico. April 7-9.
Goldring, L. 2005 “Multi-layered multi-local citizenship practice: Chileans in Canada.” Invited presentation for the conference on “Migration: Transnational Reconfiguration and Population Flows.” Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla. Puebla, Mexico: October 19-21.
2004 “La migración latinoamericana a Canadá.” Seminar on International Migration from Mexico and Central America to Canada. Zacatecas, Mexico. Organized by FOCAL-Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Oct. 11.
2004 “La migración latinoamericana a Canadá: el papel del contexto de recepción en patrones de inserción y transnacionalidad.” Invited presentation, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias – UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Cuernavaca, Mexico. Oct. 14.
2004 “Latin Americans in Canada: Incorporation and Transnationalism.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Guelph, Ontario. Oct. 28-31.
Bernhard, Judith, Luin Goldring and Patricia Landolt. 2004 “Modeling the Transnational Family: Multi-Local Practices, Relationships, and Authority Structures.” Seventh National Metropolis Conference, Montreal, March 25-27.
Goldring, Luin 2003 Commentator, panel on “Grassroots Transnationalism.” Latin American Studies Association Meeting. Dallas, Texas. March 25.
Goldring, Luin 2003 “Derechos y estatus legal bajo variedades de neoliberalismo: Preguntas sucitadas por el contexto canadiense.” Presented at the First International Colloquium of the Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo. Zacatecas, Zac. Oct. 23-25.
Goldring, Luin and Carolina Berinstein 2003 “More and Less Legal: Critical perspectives on legal status in Canada.” Presented at the CERLAC Conference on “International Migration and Integration in the Americas.” Toronto: September 19-20.
2003 ”Political transnationalism: towards a Canadian research agenda.” Workshop on “The Politics of Transnational Ties: Implications for research, communities and policy.” York University. March 7-8.
2001 “Conceptualizing and Researching Multiple Membership in Transnational Social Spaces.” Invited presentation. Workshop on Transnational Migration: Comparative Perspectives. SSRC/ESC/Princeton University. Princeton, N.J. June 30-July 1.
2001 “Desarrollo, inversión, estatus, y participación política: diversas perspectivas sobre el significado y potencialidad de las remesas.” Invited Presentation. Second International Seminar on “Migracion, Remittances and Regional Economic Development.” Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. September 21-22.
2001 Participant. “Immigrant women making “place” in Canadian cities: transdisciplinary approaches to understanding their social networks.” Strategic Research Workshop, funded by SSHRC. Second workshop, Montreal, Dec. 7-8.
2001 “Social and political dimensions of individual and collective remittances.” Latin American Studies Association Meeting. Washington, D.C. September 6-8.
2000 Participant. “Immigrant women making “place” in Canadian cities: transdisciplinary approaches to understanding their social networks.” Strategic Research Workshop, funded by SSHRC. First workshop, Toronto, Dec. 1-2.
1999 “Gender and Citizenship in Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, Ill. August 5-8.
1999 “Gender and Geography of Citizenship Practices in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces.” Invited presentation. International Symposium on “The Emergence of Transnational Social Spaces.” Center for European and North American Studies, Georg August University, Göttingen, Germany. March 4-5.
1999 “The Gender and Geography of Citizenship Practices in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces.” Invited presentation. Workshop on Engendering Theories of Transnational Migration. Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University. February 5-6.
1999 “The Mexican State and Mexicanos in the U.S.: Negotiating Membership, Rights, and Representation.” Invited presentation. Conference on “Dilemmas of Change in Mexican Politics.” Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. October 7-9.
1999 “Transnational Communities, Gender, and Citizenship: Implications for Latino Policy and Politics.” Invited presentation. Latino Politics Cluster, Chicano and Latino Studies Center, University of California, Santa Cruz. February 16.
1998 “Ciudadanía Fragmentada.” (Fragmented Citizenship). Invited presentation. International Forum on the Vote of Mexicans Abroad, Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Zacatecas, Mexico. November 24-25.
1998 “Constructing and Claiming Transnational Membership Rights: The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations.” Invited presentation. Humanities Dialogues Conference. University of California, Santa Cruz. December 4-5.
1998 "Desarrollo, Migradólares y la Participación Ciudadana de los Norteños en Zacatecas.” (Development, Migrantdollars, and the citizenship participation of Zacatecan migrants in Zacatecas). Invited presentation. First International Conference on International Migration, Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Zacatecas, Mexico. July 15-17.
1998 “Negotiating Nation, Membership, and Participation: Changes in the Claims and Practices of Governments and Transmigrants in the Context of Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Invited presentation. Social Science Research Council International Migration Program Workshop on “Transformations: Immigration and Immigration Research in the United States.” Columbia University. June 11-14.
1998 “The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations.” Invited presentation. Department of Sociology Colloquium Series. University of California, Santa Cruz. November 2.
1998 "The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations in California." Invited presentation. Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University. February 13.
1997 "El Estado Mexicano y las Organizaciones Transmigrantes: Reconfigurando la nación, Ciudadanía, y Relaciones Entre Estado y Sociedad Civil?" Invited presentation. XIX Coloquium of Anthropology and Regional History, Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico. October 22-24.
1997 "The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations." 60th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society, Toronto. August 13-17.
1997 "The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations: Reconfiguring the Nation, Citizenship and State-Society Relations?" XX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Guadalajara, Mexico. April 17-19.
1996 "Desarrollo Rural y Tenencia de la Tierra en Michoacán" and "Comunidades Transnacionales." (Rural Developoment and Land Tenure in Michoacán; Transnational Communities.) Invited presentation. CICSUG, Universidad de Guanajuato. Gto., Mexico. July 3.
1996 “Having one’s Cake and Eating it too: Selective Appropriation of Ejido Reform in an Urbanizing Ejido in Michoacán.” Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property. Berkeley, Ca. June 5-8.
1996 "Migración y Comunidades Transnacionales.” (Migration and Transnational Communities). Invited presentation. International Conference on International Migration, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (CICSUG), University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. December 9-12.
1996 “Transnational Migration.” Panel discussion on the Political Economy of Migration and Globalization. Political Economy Workshop, York University, March 25.
1995 "Blurring Borders: Transnational Community, Status, and Social Change in Mexico-U.S. Migration." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Washington D.C., August 19-23.
1995 "Property Rights in an Urbanizing Ejido in Michoacán." Ejido Reform Research Workshop on Assessing the Rural Reforms in Mexico, 1992-1995.” U.C.-San Diego, Center for Mexico-U.S. Studies. August 25-26.
1995 "The Changing Configuration of Property Rights under Ejido Reform." Invited presentation. Conference on "The Reform of Mexican Agrarian Reform." Columbia University. April 6-7.
1994 "Ejido Reform in an Urban Ejido in Michoacán." Ejido Reform Research Workshop, University of Querétaro, Mexico. October 28-29.
1994 "Methodological and Theoretical Issues in the Analysis of Transnational Migration and Transnational Communities." Invited presentation. Conference on "Creating New Political Practices and Spaces: Transnational Processes in Caribbean and Mexican Migration." Columbia University/New York University. March 25-26.
1993 "The Construction of Transnational Communities." Learned Societies Conference (Canadian Society for International Development), Carleton University, Ottawa, June 7-9.
1993 "The Implementation of the PROCEDE (Ejido Titling Program) in Zamora, Michoacán." Meeting of the Ejido Reform Project, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, U.C.-San Diego. Tepoztlán, Mexico. November 4-7.
1992 "Blurring Borders: Community and Social Transformation in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Migration." Invited presentation. Conference on "New Perspectives on Mexico-U.S. Migration." University of Chicago. October 23-24.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1992 "Continuities in Transnational Migration: An Analysis of 13 Mexican Communities." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Pittsburgh, PA. August 20-24.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1992 "Gendered Memory: Reconstructions of the Village by Mexican Transnational Migrants." 8th World Congress of Rural Sociology. University Park, PA. August 11-16.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1991 Discussant, panel on: Agrarian Change in Mexico. Conference on "Latin America's Future(s): The Challenges of Economic Restructuring and Democratization." Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. March.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1991 "Making it in el Norte: Diversity in the Socioeconomic Incorporation of Mexicans in the U.S." Invited presentation. Carleton College, Minnesota. November 11.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1991 "Theoretical Implications of Diversity in the Modes of Incorporation of Mexicans in the U.S." XVI International Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., April 4-6.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1990 "Migration Networks and Agricultural-Nonagricultural Labor Market Interaction: Sources of Diversity Among Farm Workers and Farm Labor Markets." Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society, Norfolk, VA, August 8-10.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1989 "Transnational Migration and U.S. Immigration Reform." XV International Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Miami, December 4-6.
Bernhard, Judith K., Julie E. E. Young and Luin Goldring. 2023. “Access to Early Childhood Services by Precarious Status Families: Negotiating Multiple Borders in a Sanctuary City, Toronto.” Working Paper No. 2023/02 (February). Toronto: Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement (TMCIS) and the CERC in Migration and Integration at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Borras, Jana, Luin Goldring, Patricia Landolt. 2021. Pandemic Precarities: Immigration Status, Work, Housing, and Health Among Current and Former Non-status Residents of Toronto. Toronto: FCJ Refugee Centre and CEP Project. November.
Lewchuck, Wayne, Michelynn Lafleche, Luin Goldring, Diane Dyson, Alan Meisner, Stephanie Procyk, Dan Rosen, John Shields, Peter Viducis, Sam Vrankulj. 2013. It’s more than Poverty: Employment Precarity and Household Well-being. Toronto: United Way of Greater Toronto and McMaster University. February. and
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 Immigrant Strategies to Improve Work and Achieve Income Security. (Brief Three.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 Immigrants and Precarious Employment in the New Economy. (Introduction to Research Briefs.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 Newcomers and Precarious Work. (Brief Two.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 The Index of Precarious Work (IPW): A Measure to Track Progress Towards Decent Work. (Brief One.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Gabbard, Susan and Luin Goldring 1992 "Occupational Mobility of Current and Former Farmworkers: A Comparative Analysis of Two Labor Markets in California." Employment Development Department, State of California. California Agricultural Studies, 91-3 (July). (47 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin. 1987 "Social and Economic Factors Affecting Water Management: Findings from the Maggia Valley, Niger." Ithaca, NY: Irrigation Studies Series, Cornell University (January).
Goldring, Luin, Christopher Wensley and E. Walter Coward, Jr. 1985 "Indirect Investment in U.S. Irrigation Development: Past Approaches and Emerging Directions." Ithaca, NY: Irrigation Studies Working Paper No. 5, Cornell University. (January)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2021. “Status for All: Pathways to permanent residency in Canada need to include every migrant”, The Conversation, April 15.
Goldring, Luin. 2014. “The alarming new blueprint for Canadian citizenship and immigration policy.” Invited blog. The Broadbent Institute. April 29, 2014.
Upcoming Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/SOCI4360 6.0 | M | Migration Experiences: Theory & Practice | SEMR |
Ph.D., Development Sociology, Cornell UniversityM.S., Rural Sociology, Cornell University
B.A., Anthropology, California State University
Research Interests
- Post-doctoral Fellowship. Social Science Research Council (U.S.), International Migration Program. 1996-1997 - 1996-97
- Post-Doctoral Fellowship. Population Research Center, University of Chicago. 1991-1993 - 1991-93
- Rural Policy Dissertation Fellowship. Ford Foundation/Aspen Institute. 1989-1990 - 1989-90
- Pre-doctoral Fellow. Center for US-Mexican Studies, UC-San Diego. 1987-1989 - 1987-89
- Herbert H. Lehman Graduate Fellowship. 1982-1987 - 1982-85, 86-87
- University Scholarship, C.S.U., Sonoma. 1981-1982 - 1981-82
- Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies. Dean’s Award for Distinction in Research, Social Justice. - 2017
All Publications
Basok, Tanya, Luin Goldring, Patricia Landolt, Fernando Mata and Paloma E. Villegas. 2022. “Latin American Migration to Canada: Understanding Socially Differentiated Inclusions.” Ch. 19 (pp. 261-274) in The Routledge History of Modern Latin American Migration Andreas E. Feldmann, Xóchitl Bada, Jorge Durand and Stephanie Schütze (eds.). Routledge.
Goldring, Luin, and Patricia Landolt. 2014. "Transnational Migration and the Reformulation of Analytical Categories: Unpacking Latin American Refugee Dynamics in Toronto." Pp. 103-128 in Liliana Sánchez and Fernando Lozano Asencio (eds). The Practice of Research on Migration and Mobilities. SpringerBriefs in Environment, Security, Development and Peace 14. DOI:10.1007/978-3-319-02693-0. English version of chapter (and volume) published in Spanish, Goldring & Landolt 2009 in Rivera Sánchez and Lozano Asencio 2009].
Goldring, L. 2014 "Resituating Temporariness as the Precarity and Conditionality of Non-citizenship.” Pp. 218-254 in Leah F. Vosko, Valerie Preston, Robert Latham (eds.). Liberating Temporariness: Migration, Work, and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity in Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2013. "The Conditionality of Legal Status and Rights: Conceptualizing Precarious Non-citizenship in Canada.” Pp. 3-27 in Goldring and Landolt (eds.), Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2013. "The Social Production of Non-citizenship: The Consequences of Intersecting Trajectories of Precarious Legal Status and Precarious Work.” Pp. 154-174 in Goldring and Landolt (eds.), Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
Goldring, Luin, and Patricia Landolt. 2011. "Transnational Migration and the Reformulation of Analytical Categories: Unpacking Latin American Refugee Dynamics in Toronto." In Anna Amelina, Devrimsel D. Nergiz, Thomas Faist, and Nina Glick-Schiller (eds.). Beyond Methodological Nationalism: Research Methodologies for Transnational Studies. London/New York: Routledge. (December.)
Landolt, Patricia, Luin Goldring and Judith Bernhard 2009 “Las Organizaciones de Migrantes Latinoamericanos en Toronto: Entre la Política de Base y el Imperativo de la Etnización.” Pp. 203-234, Ch. 8 in Angeles Escrivá, Anastasia Bermúdez y Natalia Moraes (eds). Migración y participación política: Estados, organizaciones y migrantes latinoamericanos en perspectiva local-transnacional. Colección Politeya. Córdoba: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas. Second author. (May) [“Latin American Migrant Organizations in Toronto: Between Grassroots Politics and the Ethnicizing Imperative.” In Migration and political participation: States, organizations and Latin American migrants from a local-transnational perspective.] (32 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2009 “Reformulación de las unidades, identidades, temporalidad, cultura y contextos: reflexiones sobre la investigación de los movimientos migratorios.” Pp. 125-161 in Liliana Rivera Sánchez and Fernando Lozano Asencio (eds). La práctica de la investigación sobre migraciones y movilidades. Mexico: Miguel Angel Porrúa and CRIM-UNAM. (37 pgs.) First author. (October) . [“Reformulating units, identities, temporality, culture and contexts: reflections on migration research.” In The Practice of Research on Migrations and Mobilities.]
Krishnamurti, Sailaja and Luin Goldring 2007 “Conclusion.” Pp. 256-260 in Goldring and S. Krishnamurti (eds.), Organizing the Transnational: Labour, politics and social change. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (5 pgs.) Second author.
Goldring, Luin and Sailaja Krishnamurti 2007 “Introduction.” Pp. 1-22 in Goldring and S. Krishnamurti (eds.), Organizing the Transnational: Labour, politics and social change. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (22 pgs.) First author.
Goldring, Luin. 2007. “Movilidad, ciudadanía y nuevas formas de participación política.” Pp. 145-153 in Marcela Ibarra Mateos (ed.). Migración: Reconfiguración transnacional y flujos de población. Puebla, Mexico: Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla Press. (9 pgs)
2006 “Latin American Transnationalism in Canada: Does it exist, what forms does it take and where is it going?” Pp. 180-201 (Ch. 10) in Transnational Identities and Practices in Canada. Victor Satzewich and Lloyd Wong (eds). Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (22 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin, Patricia Landolt, Judith Bernhard and Martha Barriga 2006 “Toronto Hispano, Toronto Latino: Latin American Institutional Community Development in the Greater Toronto Area (1973-2005)." Pp. 58-71 in Daniel Schugurensky and Jorge Giginiewicz (eds). Ruptures, continuities and re-learning: the political participation of Latin Americans in Canada. Toronto: OISE, Transformative Learning Centre. (14 pgs.)
2005 Remesas familiares, remesas colectivas y desarrollo: Implicaciones sociales y políticas. Pp. 67-93 in Raúl Delgado Weis and Beatriz Knerr (eds.). Contribuciones al análisis de la migración internacional y el desarrollo regional en México. Mexico D.F.: Editorial Porrúa. (27 pgs.)
2003 “Gender, Status, and the State in Transnational Spaces: The gendering of political participation and Mexican Hometown Associations.” Pp. 341-358 in Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo (ed.). Gender and U.S. Immigration: Contemporary Trends. Berkeley: University of California Press. (18 pgs.)
2001 Dissagregating Transnational Social Spaces: Gender, Place and Citizenship in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces. Pp. 59-76 in Ludger Pries (ed), New Transnational Social Spaces: International migration and transnational companies in the early twenty first century. London/New York: Routledge. (18 pgs.)
1999 Desarrollo, Migradólares y la Participación “Ciudadana” de los Norteños en Zacatecas. Pp. 77-87 in Miguel Moctezuma and Héctor Rodríguez Ramírez (eds.), Impacto de la Migración y las Remesas en el Crecimiento Económico Regional. México, D.F.: Senado de la República. (11 pgs.)
1999 El Estado Mexicano y las Organizaciones Transmigrantes: Reconfigurando la Nación y las Relaciones Entre Estado y Sociedad Civil? Pp. 297-316 in Gail Mummert(ed.). Fronteras Fragmentadas. Zamora: El Colegio de Michoacán/Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo del Estado de Michoacán. (20 pgs.)
1999 "Mexicans." Pp. 975-979 in Paul Robert Magocsi (ed.). Encyclopedia of Canadian Peoples. Toronto: University of Toronto Press. (5 pgs.)
1998 "Having One's Cake and Eating It Too: Selective Appropriation of Ejido Reform in an Urbanizing Ejido in Michoacán." Pp. 145-172 in Wayne Cornelius and David Myhre (eds.). The Transformation of Rural Mexico. La Jolla: Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies. U.C.-San Diego. (28 pgs.)
1996 "Gendered Memory: Reconstructions of the Village by Mexican Transnational Migrants." Pp. 303-329 in Melanie DuPuis and Peter Vandergeest (eds.). Creating the Countryside: The Politics of Rural and Environmental Discourse. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. (27 pgs.)
1996 The Changing Configuration of Property Rights under Ejido Reform. Pp. 271-287 in Laura Randall (ed.). The Reform of Mexican Agrarian Reform. New York: M.E. Sharp. (17 pgs.)
1991 Migration and Development?: A Comparative Analysis of Two Mexican Migrant Circuits. Pp. 137-174 in Sergio Díaz-Briquets and Sidney Weintraub (eds.). The Effects of Receiving Country Policies on Migration Flows. Series on Development and International Migration, Vol. VI. Boulder, CO: Westview Press. (38 pgs.)
Girling, Robert and Luin Goldring 1983 U.S. Strategic Interests in Central America: The Economics and Geopolitics of Empire. Pp. 186-205 in: Stanford Central America Action Network (eds.) Revolution in Central America. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press. (20 pgs.)
2008 Review of Christian Zlolniski, Janitors, Street Vendors and Activists: The Lives of Mexican Immigrants in Silicon Valley. Journal of International Migration and Integration 9(3): 331-333. (3 pgs.) (September)
2006 Review of “Compartiendo Anhelos y Esperanzas: Género, Migración, Remesas y las Organizaciones Salvadoreñas.” Grassroots Development 27(1): 20-21. (3 pgs.)
1995 "Las Contradicciones del Neoliberalismo y la Transnacionalización. Review-essay of Neoliberalism, Transnationalism and Rural Poverty: A Case Study of Michoacán, Mexico, by John Gledhill. Relaciones. 16(61/62): 169-181. Zamora: Colegio de Michoacán. (13 pgs.)
1994 Review of Seeking Common Ground, Donna Gabaccia (ed.). Contemporary Sociology 23(2): 271. (1 pg.)
Goldring, L. and P. Landolt (eds.) 2013. Producing and Negotiating Non-Citizenship: Precarious Legal Status in Canada. University of Toronto Press.
Goldring, L. and S. Krishnamurti (eds.) 2007 Organizing the Transnational: Labour, politics and social change. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press. (Co-author: introduction and conclusion) . 304 pgs. (November)
Landolt, Patricia, Luin Goldring and Paul Pritchard. 2022. "Decentering methodological nationalism to survey precarious legal status trajectories.” International Journal of Social Research Methodology 25(2); 183-195). (Published online 2021)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2022. “From illegalised migrant toward permanent resident: assembling precarious legal status trajectories and differential inclusion in Canada.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 48(1): 33-52. DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2020.1866978
Goldring, Luin. 2022. “Precarious legal status trajectories as method, and the work of legal status.” Citizenship Studies 26(4-5):460-470.
Parreñas, Rhacel, Patricia Landolt, Luin Goldring, Tanya Golash-Boza, Rachel Silvey
2021 “Mechanisms of Migrant Exclusion: Temporary Labour, Precarious Noncitizenship, and Technologies of Detention.” Introduction to special issue. Population Space and Place 27(5): e2488 (6 pgs.) doi: 10.1002/psp.2488
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2016. “Assembling Noncitizenship through the Work of Conditionality.” Citizenship Studies 19 (8): 853-869 (16 pgs.) Special issue: Theorising Noncitizenship.
Lewchuck, Wayne, Michelynn Lafleche, Diane Dyson, Luin Goldring, Alan Meisner, Stephanie Procyk, Dan Rosen, John Shields, Peter Viducis, Sam Vrankulj 2014 “Is Precarious Employment Low Income Employment? The Changing Labour Market in Southern Ontario.” Just Labour 22 (Autumn): 51-73
Riaño-Alcalá, Pilar and Luin Goldring. 2014 “Unpacking Refugee Community Transnational Organizing: The Challenges and Diverse Experiences of Colombians in Canada.” Refugee Survey Quarterly 33(2): 1-28. doi:10.1093/rsq/hdu005
Tecle, Samia and Luin Goldring. 2013. “From ‘remittance’ to ‘tax’: the shifting meanings and strategies of capture of the Eritrean transnational party-state.” African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal 6(2): 1-19. (19 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2012. “The Impact of Precarious Legal Status on Immigrants' Economic Outcomes.” IRPP Study 35. Montreal: Institute for Research on Public Policy.
Landolt, Patricia, Luin Goldring & Judith K. Bernhard. 2011. “Agenda Setting and Immigrant Politics: the Case of Latin Americans in Toronto.” American Behavioral Scientist 55(9): 1235-1266. (32 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Caught in the Work-Citizenship Matrix: The lasting effects of precarious legal status on work for Toronto immigrants.” Globalizations 8(3): 325-341. (17 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “Temporary Worker Programs as Precarious Status: Implications for Citizenship, Inclusion and Nation Building in Canada.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes Canadiens Spring: 50-54. (4 pgs.) (March)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2010 “Political Cultures and Transnational Social Fields: Chilean, Colombian and Canadian Activists in Toronto.” Global Networks 10(4): 1-24. (24 pgs.)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2009 “Immigrant Political Socialization as Bridging and Boundary Work: Mapping the Multi-Layered Incorporation of Latin American Immigrants in Toronto,” Ethnic and Racial Studies 32(7): 1226-1247. (22 pgs) (September)
Goldring, Luin, Carolina Berinstein and Judith Bernhard 2009 “Institutionalizing Precarious Immigration Status in Canada.” Citizenship Studies 13(3): 239-265. (27 pgs.) (June) .
Bernhard, Judith K., Patricia Landolt and Luin Goldring. 2009 “Transnationalizing Families: Canadian Immigration Policy and the Spatial Fragmentation of Care-giving among Latin American Newcomers.” International Migration 47(2): 3-31. (29 pgs.) (June)
Goldring, Luin, Jenna Hennebry and Kerry Preibisch. 2009. “Temporary worker programs: North America’s second-class citizens.” Canada Watch. Special issue. Spring. (7 pgs.)
Bernhard, J.K., L. Goldring, Julie Young, Carolina Berinstein and Beth Wilson. 2007 “Living with Precarious Legal Status in Canada: Implications for the Wellbeing of Children and Families.” Refuge 24(2): 101-114. (14 pgs)
Goldring, Luin. 2004 “Individual and Collective Remittances to Mexico: A Multi-dimensional Typology of Remittances.” Development and Change 35(4): 799-840. (41 pgs.)
2002 “The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations: Negotiating the Boundaries of Membership and Participation in the Mexican Nation.” Latin American Research Review 37(3): 55-99. (35 pgs.)
2001 “The Gender and Geography of Citizenship in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces.” Identities. 7(4): 501-537. (37 pgs.)
1998 "The Power of Status in Transnational Social Fields.” Comparative Urban and Community Research Vol. 6:165-195. (31 pgs.)
1996 "Blurring Borders: Constructing Transnational Community in the Process of Mexico-U.S. Migration." Research in Community Sociology VI: 69-104. (36 pgs.)
Translated into Spanish. 1997. “Difuminando Fronteras: Construcción de la Comunidad Transnacional en el Proceso Migratorio México-Estados Unidos.” Pp. 55-105 in Saúl Macías Gamboa and Fernando Herrera Lima (eds.). Migración Laboral Internacional. Puebla, Mexico: Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla. (51 pgs.)
Massey, Douglas, Luin Goldring and Jorge Durand 1994 "Continuities in Transnational Migration: An Analysis of Nineteen Mexican Communities." American Journal of Sociology 99(6): 1492-1533. (42 pgs.)
Massey, Douglas, Luin Goldring and Jorge Durand 1992 "La Migración Mexico-EUA y la Transnacionalización del Espacio Político y Social: Perspectivas Desde el México Rural." (Mexico-U.S. Migration and the Transnationalization of Social and Political Space: Perspectives from Rural Mexico.) Estudios Sociológicos X (29): 315-340. (26 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin 2010 “Temporary Worker Programs as Precarious Status: Implications for Citizenship, Inclusion and Nation Building in Canada.” Canadian Issues/Thèmes Canadiens Spring: 50-54. (4 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin, Jenna Hennebry and Kerry Preibisch 2009 “Temporary worker programs: North America’s second-class citizens.” Canada Watch. Special issue. Spring. (7 pgs.)
Goldring, L. and J. Hellman 2004 “Introduction to the special issue on international migration in the Americas.” Canadian Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies 29 (57-58): 11-16. (6 pgs.)
Goldring, L. 2004 “Remesas y microbancos.” Interview with Isabel Cruz. Migración y Desarrollo (University of Zacatecas) Vol. 3: 92-98. (7 pgs.)
Goldring, L. 1998 “From Market Membership to Transnational Citizenship?: The Changing Politization of Transnational Social Spaces.” L’Ordinaire Latino Americain (Toulouse) 173-174:167-172. (6 pgs.)
Reprinted. 1999. Working Paper # 23. Chicano Latino Research Center. University of California, Santa Cruz. (8 pgs.)
1997 "Power and Status in Transnational Social Spaces." Invited paper for Special Issue of Sozialen Welt on Transnational Migration, edited by Ludger Pries. (Sonderbrand 12 der Sozialen Welt) . Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag. Earlier version of CUCR paper (see above). Pp. 59-75. (17 pgs.)
Reprinted: 1999. Pp. 162-186 in Ludger Pries (ed.). Migration and Transnational Social Spaces. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate. (25 pgs.)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2011. “The social production of non-citizenship: Legal transitions and the long-term impacts of precarious status on work.” 13th National Metropolis Conference. Vancouver. March 24-26.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Empleo precario y estatus precario entre migrantes latinoamericanos y caribeños en Toronto.” Workshop: Hacia dónde va Aamérica del Norte?” Mexico City: CISAN (Centre for Advanced Research on North America), UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). May 18-20. (Invited)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Precarización, empleo y no-ciudadanía: perspectivas desde Canadá.” IV Congreso de la Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo. Quito, Ecuador: FLACSO/RIMD. May 18-20.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2011. “Empleo Precario y Precarización entre Migrantes en Toronto.” Seminario Permanente de Investigación sobre Migración México-Canadá. Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Oct. 3, 2011. (Invited)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2010. “The Long Term Impacts of Non-Citizenship on Work: Precarious Legal Status and the Institutional Production of a Migrant Working Poor.” Presented at the workshop “Producing and Negotiating Precarious Status in Canada.” Research Alliance on Precarious Status. Sept. 16, 2010. York University, Toronto.
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “Precarious Status.” Invited presentation for the Conference on “Who Belongs? Rights, Benefits, Obligations and Immigration Status.” Toronto: Canadian Civil Liberties Association. Toronto. Sept. 23-25.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2010. “Caught in the Work-Citizenship Matrix: The lasting effects of precarious legal status on work for Toronto immigrants.” XXIX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Sheraton Hotel, Toronto. Oct. 6-9.
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “Implications of Precarious Status for Citizenship and Migration Studies and Practice.” Keynote address, CERIS Graduate Student Workshop on "Migration and Settlement Research: Looking Forward and Moving Ahead." Ryerson University. Oct. 29.
Goldring, Luin. 2010. “The Conditionality of Precarious Legal Status.” Paper presented at the Workshop on Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway to Social Inclusion. York University, Toronto. Dec. 10-11.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2010 “Immigrant Politics in Multicultural Canada: Latin American Pan-Ethnic Organizations in Toronto.” Presented at the Conference on “Re-thinking Multiculturalism: Brazil, Canada and the United States.” Toronto: York University. January 29-30.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2010 “Persistent and Intersecting Precarities: legal status transitions and work in Canada.” CUMBRE, Fourth Latino/Latin American Summit of the Great Plains. Omaha, Nebraska. May 14-15.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2010 “Persistent and Intersecting Precarities: the long-term consequences of precarious status.” Invited Presentation. Community Research Symposium, “Permanently Temporary: Temporary Foreign Workers and Canada’s Changing Attitude to Citizenship and Immigration.” Toronto: Social Planning Toronto, OCASI and CERIS. Toronto: Metro Hall. February 4.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2010 “Persistent and Intersecting Precarities: the long-term consequences of precarious status in Canada.” 12th National Metropolis Conference. Montréal. March 19-21.
Goldring, Luin 2010 “Reflections on Transnational Social Fields.” Keynote address. First International Forum on International Migration and Transnational Studies. Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences. Puebla, Mexico. February 17-19.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2009 “Intersecting Precarities of Work and Status: Caribbean and Latin American workers in the GTA.” Presented at the workshop on “Migration, Work and Citizenship: Toward decent work and secure citizenship.” York University. October 1-3.
Goldring, Luin 2009 “Temporary Worker Programs as Precarious Status: Implications for Citizenship, Membership and Social Inclusion in Canada.” Invited Presentation. REMESO Inaugural Conference on “Migration, Citizenship and Precarious Labour: Global and Regional Perspectives in Times of Crisis.” Linköping University, Sweden (May 14-15).
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2009 “Unpacking Precarious Work as a Social Determinant of Health.” Presented at the second seminar on “Addressing Social Determinants of Newcomer Health: New Evidence and Promising Practices” organized by Access Alliance. Toronto: CERIS. October 14.
Goldring, Luin, Carolina Berinstein and Judith Bernhard 2008 “Institutionalizing Precarious Migration Status in Canada.” Meeting of the Law and Society Association. Montréal, Québec (May 29-June1).
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2008 “Methodological Challenges of Comparative Migration Research: Lessons from Research on Latin Americans in Toronto.” Workshop on Theoretical and Methodological Challenges of Migration Research: Comparison and Interdisciplinarity. Organized by Liliana Rivera-Sánchez and Fernando Lozano Asencio, UNAM-CRIM. Hotel Montetaxco, Taxco, Mexico (June 19-20, 2008).
Goldring, Luin 2008 “Migrant Political Participation and Development: Re-politicizing development and re-socializing politics.” Conference on “Migration and Development: New Directions for Research and Policy.” Social Science Research Council, New York City. (February 28 - March 1) . Invited Presentation.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2008 “Multi-layered pathways of political incorporation: the case of Latin Americans in Toronto.” Research symposium. CERIS, The Ontario Metropolis Centre. Toronto. (Oct. 17).
Goldring, Luin 2008 “Precarious Status and Citizenship in Canada.” III International Colloquium of the International Network on Migration and Development. Heredia, Costa Rica. Dec. 3-6.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2007 “Activist Dialogues and the Constitution of Transnational Political Spaces.” Conference: Con/founding Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, November 1-3.
Goldring, Luin, Carolina Berinstein and Judith Bernhard 2007 "Institutionalizing Precarious Immigration Status in Canada." Conference: Con/founding Refugee and Forced Migration Studies. Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, November 1-3.
Bernhard, Judith, Luin Goldring and Julie Young 2007 “Living with Precarious Status in Canada: Implications for the Wellbeing of Children and Families.” 9th National Metropolis Conference. Toronto. (March 2)
Goldring, Luin 2007 “Refugee and Immigrant Settlement in Canada: Learning from Two Comparative Research Projects on Latin Americans.” 9th National Metropolis Conference. Toronto. (March 5) . Invited Presentation, Panel organized by Barry Halliday.
Goldring, Luin 2007 ”Social and Political Dimensions of Transnational Migration.” Presented at the “Workshop on Migration and Development: New Theoretical and Methodological Perspectives.” Organized by the International Network on Migration and Development. Funded by the MacArthur Foundation. Zacatecas, Mexico. (July 25-26)
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring 2007 “Unsettling the Boundaries of Activism: Latin American Women, Artists and Indigenous Organizations in Toronto.” XXVII Annual Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Montréal, Québec (Sept. 5-8).
Goldring, Luin 2006 Invited panellist for workshop on "A Transnational Re/View: Cross-Border Histories and Transnational Futures among Mexican (Im)migrants" organized by Debbie Boehm. XXVI Annual Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Puerto Rico. March 15-18.
Riaño, Pilar and Luin Goldring. 2006 “A Colombian Diaspora? Characteristics, tensions and challenges in transnational engagements.” Prepared for the Expert Forum on “Capacity Building for Peace and Development: Roles of Diaspora.” UN University for Peace, Toronto. October 18-19.
Landolt, Patricia and Luin Goldring. 2006 “Activist dialogues and the production of refugee political transnationalism: Chileans, Colombians and non-migrant civil society in Canada.” 2nd International Colloquium of the International Network on Migration and Development. Cocoyoc, Mexico. October 26-28.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt 2006 “Latin Americans in the GTA: Remittances, family dispersal and transnationalism.” Presented at the CSAA / SCSA. Toronto, May 2006.
Goldring, Luin, Patricia Landolt and Judith Bernhard 2006 “Unpacking Political Transnationalism: A comparison of four Latin American groups in the Greater Toronto Area.” XXVI Annual Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Puerto Rico. March 15-18.
2005 “Beyond Remittances and Hometown Associations in Development.” Presented at the Workshop on “Problemas y Desafíos de la Migración y el Desarrollo en América” (Problems and Challenges of Migration and Development in the Americas). Organized by the RIMD-CRIM-CERLAC. Cuernavaca, Mexico. April 7-9.
Goldring, L. 2005 “Multi-layered multi-local citizenship practice: Chileans in Canada.” Invited presentation for the conference on “Migration: Transnational Reconfiguration and Population Flows.” Universidad Iberoamericana de Puebla. Puebla, Mexico: October 19-21.
2004 “La migración latinoamericana a Canadá.” Seminar on International Migration from Mexico and Central America to Canada. Zacatecas, Mexico. Organized by FOCAL-Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. Oct. 11.
2004 “La migración latinoamericana a Canadá: el papel del contexto de recepción en patrones de inserción y transnacionalidad.” Invited presentation, Centro Regional de Investigaciones Multidisciplinarias – UNAM (National Autonomous University of Mexico). Cuernavaca, Mexico. Oct. 14.
2004 “Latin Americans in Canada: Incorporation and Transnationalism.” Annual Conference of the Canadian Association of Latin American and Caribbean Studies. Guelph, Ontario. Oct. 28-31.
Bernhard, Judith, Luin Goldring and Patricia Landolt. 2004 “Modeling the Transnational Family: Multi-Local Practices, Relationships, and Authority Structures.” Seventh National Metropolis Conference, Montreal, March 25-27.
Goldring, Luin 2003 Commentator, panel on “Grassroots Transnationalism.” Latin American Studies Association Meeting. Dallas, Texas. March 25.
Goldring, Luin 2003 “Derechos y estatus legal bajo variedades de neoliberalismo: Preguntas sucitadas por el contexto canadiense.” Presented at the First International Colloquium of the Red Internacional de Migración y Desarrollo. Zacatecas, Zac. Oct. 23-25.
Goldring, Luin and Carolina Berinstein 2003 “More and Less Legal: Critical perspectives on legal status in Canada.” Presented at the CERLAC Conference on “International Migration and Integration in the Americas.” Toronto: September 19-20.
2003 ”Political transnationalism: towards a Canadian research agenda.” Workshop on “The Politics of Transnational Ties: Implications for research, communities and policy.” York University. March 7-8.
2001 “Conceptualizing and Researching Multiple Membership in Transnational Social Spaces.” Invited presentation. Workshop on Transnational Migration: Comparative Perspectives. SSRC/ESC/Princeton University. Princeton, N.J. June 30-July 1.
2001 “Desarrollo, inversión, estatus, y participación política: diversas perspectivas sobre el significado y potencialidad de las remesas.” Invited Presentation. Second International Seminar on “Migracion, Remittances and Regional Economic Development.” Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas. September 21-22.
2001 Participant. “Immigrant women making “place” in Canadian cities: transdisciplinary approaches to understanding their social networks.” Strategic Research Workshop, funded by SSHRC. Second workshop, Montreal, Dec. 7-8.
2001 “Social and political dimensions of individual and collective remittances.” Latin American Studies Association Meeting. Washington, D.C. September 6-8.
2000 Participant. “Immigrant women making “place” in Canadian cities: transdisciplinary approaches to understanding their social networks.” Strategic Research Workshop, funded by SSHRC. First workshop, Toronto, Dec. 1-2.
1999 “Gender and Citizenship in Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association, Chicago, Ill. August 5-8.
1999 “Gender and Geography of Citizenship Practices in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces.” Invited presentation. International Symposium on “The Emergence of Transnational Social Spaces.” Center for European and North American Studies, Georg August University, Göttingen, Germany. March 4-5.
1999 “The Gender and Geography of Citizenship Practices in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Spaces.” Invited presentation. Workshop on Engendering Theories of Transnational Migration. Center for International and Area Studies, Yale University. February 5-6.
1999 “The Mexican State and Mexicanos in the U.S.: Negotiating Membership, Rights, and Representation.” Invited presentation. Conference on “Dilemmas of Change in Mexican Politics.” Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, University of California, San Diego. October 7-9.
1999 “Transnational Communities, Gender, and Citizenship: Implications for Latino Policy and Politics.” Invited presentation. Latino Politics Cluster, Chicano and Latino Studies Center, University of California, Santa Cruz. February 16.
1998 “Ciudadanía Fragmentada.” (Fragmented Citizenship). Invited presentation. International Forum on the Vote of Mexicans Abroad, Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Zacatecas, Mexico. November 24-25.
1998 “Constructing and Claiming Transnational Membership Rights: The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations.” Invited presentation. Humanities Dialogues Conference. University of California, Santa Cruz. December 4-5.
1998 "Desarrollo, Migradólares y la Participación Ciudadana de los Norteños en Zacatecas.” (Development, Migrantdollars, and the citizenship participation of Zacatecan migrants in Zacatecas). Invited presentation. First International Conference on International Migration, Autonomous University of Zacatecas. Zacatecas, Mexico. July 15-17.
1998 “Negotiating Nation, Membership, and Participation: Changes in the Claims and Practices of Governments and Transmigrants in the Context of Mexico-U.S. Migration.” Invited presentation. Social Science Research Council International Migration Program Workshop on “Transformations: Immigration and Immigration Research in the United States.” Columbia University. June 11-14.
1998 “The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations.” Invited presentation. Department of Sociology Colloquium Series. University of California, Santa Cruz. November 2.
1998 "The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations in California." Invited presentation. Department of Rural Sociology, Cornell University. February 13.
1997 "El Estado Mexicano y las Organizaciones Transmigrantes: Reconfigurando la nación, Ciudadanía, y Relaciones Entre Estado y Sociedad Civil?" Invited presentation. XIX Coloquium of Anthropology and Regional History, Colegio de Michoacán, Mexico. October 22-24.
1997 "The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations." 60th Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society, Toronto. August 13-17.
1997 "The Mexican State and Transmigrant Organizations: Reconfiguring the Nation, Citizenship and State-Society Relations?" XX International Congress of the Latin American Studies Association. Guadalajara, Mexico. April 17-19.
1996 "Desarrollo Rural y Tenencia de la Tierra en Michoacán" and "Comunidades Transnacionales." (Rural Developoment and Land Tenure in Michoacán; Transnational Communities.) Invited presentation. CICSUG, Universidad de Guanajuato. Gto., Mexico. July 3.
1996 “Having one’s Cake and Eating it too: Selective Appropriation of Ejido Reform in an Urbanizing Ejido in Michoacán.” Sixth Annual Meeting of the International Association for the Study of Common Property. Berkeley, Ca. June 5-8.
1996 "Migración y Comunidades Transnacionales.” (Migration and Transnational Communities). Invited presentation. International Conference on International Migration, Centro de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales (CICSUG), University of Guanajuato, Guanajuato, Mexico. December 9-12.
1996 “Transnational Migration.” Panel discussion on the Political Economy of Migration and Globalization. Political Economy Workshop, York University, March 25.
1995 "Blurring Borders: Transnational Community, Status, and Social Change in Mexico-U.S. Migration." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Washington D.C., August 19-23.
1995 "Property Rights in an Urbanizing Ejido in Michoacán." Ejido Reform Research Workshop on Assessing the Rural Reforms in Mexico, 1992-1995.” U.C.-San Diego, Center for Mexico-U.S. Studies. August 25-26.
1995 "The Changing Configuration of Property Rights under Ejido Reform." Invited presentation. Conference on "The Reform of Mexican Agrarian Reform." Columbia University. April 6-7.
1994 "Ejido Reform in an Urban Ejido in Michoacán." Ejido Reform Research Workshop, University of Querétaro, Mexico. October 28-29.
1994 "Methodological and Theoretical Issues in the Analysis of Transnational Migration and Transnational Communities." Invited presentation. Conference on "Creating New Political Practices and Spaces: Transnational Processes in Caribbean and Mexican Migration." Columbia University/New York University. March 25-26.
1993 "The Construction of Transnational Communities." Learned Societies Conference (Canadian Society for International Development), Carleton University, Ottawa, June 7-9.
1993 "The Implementation of the PROCEDE (Ejido Titling Program) in Zamora, Michoacán." Meeting of the Ejido Reform Project, Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies, U.C.-San Diego. Tepoztlán, Mexico. November 4-7.
1992 "Blurring Borders: Community and Social Transformation in Mexico-U.S. Transnational Migration." Invited presentation. Conference on "New Perspectives on Mexico-U.S. Migration." University of Chicago. October 23-24.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1992 "Continuities in Transnational Migration: An Analysis of 13 Mexican Communities." Annual Meeting of the American Sociological Association. Pittsburgh, PA. August 20-24.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1992 "Gendered Memory: Reconstructions of the Village by Mexican Transnational Migrants." 8th World Congress of Rural Sociology. University Park, PA. August 11-16.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1991 Discussant, panel on: Agrarian Change in Mexico. Conference on "Latin America's Future(s): The Challenges of Economic Restructuring and Democratization." Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. March.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1991 "Making it in el Norte: Diversity in the Socioeconomic Incorporation of Mexicans in the U.S." Invited presentation. Carleton College, Minnesota. November 11.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1991 "Theoretical Implications of Diversity in the Modes of Incorporation of Mexicans in the U.S." XVI International Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Washington, D.C., April 4-6.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1990 "Migration Networks and Agricultural-Nonagricultural Labor Market Interaction: Sources of Diversity Among Farm Workers and Farm Labor Markets." Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociology Society, Norfolk, VA, August 8-10.
Massey, Douglas and Luin Goldring 1989 "Transnational Migration and U.S. Immigration Reform." XV International Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, Miami, December 4-6.
Bernhard, Judith K., Julie E. E. Young and Luin Goldring. 2023. “Access to Early Childhood Services by Precarious Status Families: Negotiating Multiple Borders in a Sanctuary City, Toronto.” Working Paper No. 2023/02 (February). Toronto: Toronto Metropolitan Centre for Immigration and Settlement (TMCIS) and the CERC in Migration and Integration at Toronto Metropolitan University.
Borras, Jana, Luin Goldring, Patricia Landolt. 2021. Pandemic Precarities: Immigration Status, Work, Housing, and Health Among Current and Former Non-status Residents of Toronto. Toronto: FCJ Refugee Centre and CEP Project. November.
Lewchuck, Wayne, Michelynn Lafleche, Luin Goldring, Diane Dyson, Alan Meisner, Stephanie Procyk, Dan Rosen, John Shields, Peter Viducis, Sam Vrankulj. 2013. It’s more than Poverty: Employment Precarity and Household Well-being. Toronto: United Way of Greater Toronto and McMaster University. February. and
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 Immigrant Strategies to Improve Work and Achieve Income Security. (Brief Three.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 Immigrants and Precarious Employment in the New Economy. (Introduction to Research Briefs.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 Newcomers and Precarious Work. (Brief Two.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2009 The Index of Precarious Work (IPW): A Measure to Track Progress Towards Decent Work. (Brief One.) Toronto: Immigrants and Precarious Employment Project. June.
Gabbard, Susan and Luin Goldring 1992 "Occupational Mobility of Current and Former Farmworkers: A Comparative Analysis of Two Labor Markets in California." Employment Development Department, State of California. California Agricultural Studies, 91-3 (July). (47 pgs.)
Goldring, Luin. 1987 "Social and Economic Factors Affecting Water Management: Findings from the Maggia Valley, Niger." Ithaca, NY: Irrigation Studies Series, Cornell University (January).
Goldring, Luin, Christopher Wensley and E. Walter Coward, Jr. 1985 "Indirect Investment in U.S. Irrigation Development: Past Approaches and Emerging Directions." Ithaca, NY: Irrigation Studies Working Paper No. 5, Cornell University. (January)
Goldring, Luin and Patricia Landolt. 2021. “Status for All: Pathways to permanent residency in Canada need to include every migrant”, The Conversation, April 15.
Goldring, Luin. 2014. “The alarming new blueprint for Canadian citizenship and immigration policy.” Invited blog. The Broadbent Institute. April 29, 2014.
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