Duygu Biricik Gulseren
School of Human Resource Management
Assistant Professor
Office: Atkinson 048G
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 22503
Email: gulseren@yorku.ca
Primary website: Psychology Today
Secondary website: The OHS Project
Attached CV
Media Requests Welcome
I have a broad range of research interests in the area of occupational health and safety (e.g., leading healthy workplaces, chronic pain at work, work-life-health interface) and leadership (e.g., transformational leadership, abusive supervision, leadership development).
Prior to York University, I worked as a Sr. Research Associate at Haskayne School of Business (within the Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business) and taught at the Haskayne School of Business, Saint Mary's University (psychology department) and Sobey School of Business and worked as a human resources consultant.
PhD (Industrial/Organizational Psychology), Saint Mary's UniversityMA (Social and Organizational Psychology), Koc University
BSc. (Chemical and Biological Engineering), Koc University
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Chair, Canadian Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Editorial Board Member: Human Resource Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, International Journal of Stress Management, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Research Interests
- CSIOP Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award - 2024
- Canadian Psychological Association, Certificate of Academic Excellence for PhD Dissertation - 2021
- BRIC NS Graduate Student Research Award - 2018
- Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling Graduate Student Research Award - 2018
Gulseren, D.B. & Lyubykh, Z. (in press). Leadership interventions to foster mental health and work well-being. In A. Day & C. Cooper (Eds.), Mental Health at Work. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Duval, A., Gulseren, D.B., & Kelloway, E.K. (2020). Supporting employees with invisible disabilities via flexible work. In Sarah Norgate & Cary Cooper (Eds.), Flexible Work: Designing Our Healthier Future Lives (pp. 168-180). Oxon, UK: Taylor Francis.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). Structural equation modeling. In V. Zeigler-Hill and T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York, NY: Springer.
Thibault, T., Gulseren, D.B., & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). The benefits of transformational leadership and transformational leadership training on health and safety outcomes. In R. Burke & A. Richardsen (Eds.), Increasing Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces: Research and Practice (pp. 334–348). Cheltenham, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Gulseren, D.B., Thibault, T. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). The role and importance of leadership in creating psychologically healthy workplaces. In R. Burke & A. Richardsen (Eds.), Creating Psychologically Healthy Workplaces (pp. 197-214). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). Workplace violence: assault. In L. R. Shapiro & M. Maras (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management. New York, NY: Springer.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). Workplace violence: sexual harassment. In L. R. Shapiro & M. Maras (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management. New York, NY: Springer.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2018). Multilevel Analyses. In P. Brough (Ed.), Research Methods for Applied Psychologists: Design, Analysis and Reporting (pp. 271-282). New York, NY: Routledge Publishing Co.
Gulseren, D.B. (2022). Chronic pain and disability in organizations: it’s time to pay attention to work and workers. Canadian Journal of Pain, 6(1), 45–47.
Deng, C., Gulseren, D., & Turner, N. (2022). How to match mentors and mentees: Advice from the best research available. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 43(3), 386-403.
Lyubykh, Z., Gulseren, D.B., Premji, Z., Wingate, T., Deng, C., & Turner, N., (accepted). Role of work breaks in well-being and performance: A systematic review and future research agenda. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Lyubykh, Z., Gulseren, D., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Seifert, M. (2022). Shared transformational leadership and safety behaviours of employees, leaders, and teams: A multilevel investigation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95(2), 431-458.
Koc, Y., Gulseren, D.B., & Lyubykh, Z. (2021). Masculinity contest culture and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27(2), 408-416.
Gulseren, D.B., Thibault, T., Cregan, B., & Catano, V. (2021). Questioning the universality of EI measures used in the employment setting: A comparison between Canada and Turkey. International Journal of Employment Studies.
Gulseren, D.B., Thibault, T., Kelloway, E.K., Mullen, J., Teed, M., Gilbert, S., Dimoff, J. (2021). R.I.G.H.T. Leadership: Scale development and validation of a psychologically healthy leadership model. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.
Gulseren, D.B., Lyubykh, Z., & Turner, N. (2021). Reimagining safety behaviors in light of COVID-19. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 14, 214-216.
Gulseren, D.B., Turner, N., & Weinhardt, J. (2021). What makes ethics education effective? An umbrella review and evidence-led best practices. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 18, 5-24.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2021). Working through the pain: the chronic pain experience of full-time employees. Occupational Health Science, 5, 69-93.
Grocutt, A., Gulseren, D.B., Weatherhead, J.G., & Turner, N. (2020). Can mentoring programs develop leadership?. Human Resources Development International. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2020.1850090. (AJG 2*)
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Career regret among university students from turkey: a test of the social cognitive career theory. Canadian Journal of Career Development. 18(2), 4-17.
Gulseren, D.B. & Aycan, Z. (2019). Health-life agreement: conceptualization of a new construct and measurement. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 34(1), 38-61.
Deng, C., Gulseren, D.B., & Turner, N. (2021). How do you match mentors and mentees?. Bank of Montreal Mentorship Program, Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Isola, C., Grocutt, K., Deng, C., Gulseren, D., & Turner, N. (2021). Leadership white paper 2.0. Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Grocutt, A., Weatherhead, J.G., Gulseren, D.B., & Turner, N. (2020). Can mentoring programs develop leadership skills?. Bank of Montreal Mentorship Program, Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Gulseren, D.B. & Turner, N. (2019). Evidence review of business ethics interventions: What works and when?. Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Harlos, K., Peter, T., Gulseren, D.B., Josephson, W., Taylor, C., & Campbell, C. (2018). Safe and inclusive workplace project. Prepared for Manitoba Teachers Society. SSHRC Workplace Bullying and Mistreatment Partnership.
Smibert, D., Cregan, B., Penney, S., Thibault, T., Gulseren, D., McLeod, C., Wong, J. (2017). Heightened attention training (HAT). Prepared for Lindsay Construction.
Aycan, Z., Biricik, D., Ikizer, E. G., Kilic, B., Karataylioglu, I., Soylu, N., & Tuncer, E. (2012). Successful school-industry collaborations in vocational education: what works and why. Prepared for Education Reform Initiative.
Gulseren, D.. (2022). Chronic pain in the workplace: Important themes and potential solutions. Future of Work Institute, Curtin University. (Rescheduled for November).
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). Chronic pain in the workplace. Health Psychology Graduate Diploma Program Seminar Series. Department of Psychology, York University, ON, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). Developing leaders: An evidence-based approach. Bank of Montreal Mentor Connection, AB, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). How to lead employees with chronic pain. Annual Celebration. Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business, AB, Canada.
Chowhan, J.* & Gulseren, D.B.* (2021). Preparing manuscripts for submission to academic journals. PhD Program Professional Development Series, School of Human Resources Management, York University, ON, Canada.
* Equal contribution
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). Work safety after Covid-19. Safety Panel. Occupational Health Psychology Summer Institute. CN Centre of Occupational Health and Safety, NS, Canada
Gulseren, D.B. (2020). If I only had 15 minutes, what would I say about leadership?. Bank of Montreal Mentor Connection, AB, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2020). The role of leadership preventing chronic pain disability. The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy, ON, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Masculinity contest culture and abusive supervision. Occupational Health Psychology Summer Institute. CN Centre of Occupational Health and Safety.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Reducing employee stress using the RIGHT way of leadership. BRIC NS Foundation Speaker Series, NS, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Why do university experience students’ career regret? Career Services. Saint Mary’s University, NS, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2018). Cultural considerations in research. Inclusive by Design Research Lab. Saint Mary’s University, NS, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B., Sayin, F.K., Kelloway, E.K., & Turner, N. (2022). Chronic pain and work disability: two mechanisms and transformational leadership as a moderator. In S. Bonaccio (Chair), Facilitators of Positive Work Experience for Employees with Disabilities. Presented at the Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Kizilenis Ulusman, G. & Gulseren, D.B. (2022). Effects of feedback and job security on leadership behaviors. In R. Jones-Chick (Chair), CSIOP Graduate Student Symposium. Presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Calgary, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2020). CSIOP Graduate Student Symposium: Emerging ideas in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Symposia organized for and presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, online event.
Gulseren, D.B., Sayin, F.K., Turner, N., Kelloway, E.K. (2020). The role of transformational leadership preventing chronic pain disability at work: Work-in-progress. Presented at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, St. John’s, Canada. – Presented online due to Covid-19.
Inness, M., Gulseren, D.B., Turner, N., & Barling, J. (2020). Transformational leadership and love of one’s job: a within-person, between-jobs design. Accepted at the European Association for Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. – Cancelled due to Covid-19.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K., & Francis, L. (2019). Are men more vulnerable than women?: Gender as a moderator between leadership and its health outcomes. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). I wish I could turn back time: Why do university students experience career regret? Invited poster presented at Cannexus. Ottawa, Canada.
Lyubykh, Z., Gulseren, D.B., & Turner, N. (2019). Shared transformational leadership and employee safety: The moderating role of perceived organizational support. Poster presented at the 13th Work, Stress, and Health conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Panelist. In K. Bielenko (Chair). The naked truth: Getting into graduate school. Panel presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Gulseren, D.B., Kelloway, E.K., & Francis, L. (2019). When your boss puts you in danger: Abusive supervision and safety outcomes. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. Washington, D.C., USA.
Cregan, B. & Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Workplace bullying, mental health, and unhealthy habits. Poster presented at BRIC NS, Primary Healthcare Research Day. Halifax, Canada.
Harlos, K., Josephson, W., Hardy, D., Peter, T., Taylor, C., & Gulseren, D.B., O’Farrell, G. (2019). Workplace bullying, policy awareness and training, and mental health. Presented at the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Annual Convention, Turin, Italy.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2018). The effect of work-family conflict and work-family enhancement on turnover intentions. Presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Employees with chronic pain: results from a Canadian national survey. Presented at Work, Stress and Health. Minneapolis, USA.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Employees with chronic pain: results from a Canadian national survey. Presented at Work, Stress and Health. Minneapolis, USA.
Primrose, H., Harlos, K., Taylor, C., Josephson, W., Peter, T., O`Farrell, G., Gulseren, D.B. (2017). Sexual orientation and workplace bullying: uncovering patterns among LGBTQ employees. Poster presented at the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland.
Primrose, H., Harlos, K., Taylor, C., Josephson, W., Peter, T., O`Farrell, G., Gulseren, D.B. (2017). Sexual orientation and workplace bullying: uncovering patterns among LGBTQ employees. Poster presented at the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Working through pain: the experience of chronic pain in the workplace. Poster presented at the Occupational Health Summer Institute. Halifax, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Working through pain: the experience of chronic pain in the workplace. Poster presented at the Occupational Health Summer Institute. Halifax, Canada.
Baskurt Erarslan, B. & Biricik, D. (2013). Companies go ‘Glocal’: A case study in Turkey. Presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Istanbul, Turkey.
Biricik, D. (2012). Career-shifters: key factors in voluntary career change process. Presented at the International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa.
Baskurt Erarslan, B. & Biricik, D. (2012). Taking the best of both worlds: turkey from a yin yang perspective. Presented at the Yin Yang: A New Perspective on Culture Conference. Stockholm, Sweden.
Biricik D. (2011). Paternalism or maternalism?: The relationship between attitudes toward woman managers and paternalistic leadership preferences in Turkey. Poster presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
Biricik, D. & Kagitcibasi C. (2011). Revisiting "Drawing a Person" over a period of 3 decades in and around Turkey. Poster presented at the European Congress of Psychology. Istanbul, Turkey.
I have a broad range of research interests in the area of occupational health and safety (e.g., leading healthy workplaces, chronic pain at work, work-life-health interface) and leadership (e.g., transformational leadership, abusive supervision, leadership development).
Prior to York University, I worked as a Sr. Research Associate at Haskayne School of Business (within the Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business) and taught at the Haskayne School of Business, Saint Mary's University (psychology department) and Sobey School of Business and worked as a human resources consultant.
PhD (Industrial/Organizational Psychology), Saint Mary's UniversityMA (Social and Organizational Psychology), Koc University
BSc. (Chemical and Biological Engineering), Koc University
Faculty of Graduate StudiesProfessional Leadership
Chair, Canadian Society for Industrial/Organizational Psychology
Editorial Board Member: Human Resource Management, Journal of Business and Psychology, International Journal of Stress Management, Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied
Research Interests
- CSIOP Outstanding Early Career Researcher Award - 2024
- Canadian Psychological Association, Certificate of Academic Excellence for PhD Dissertation - 2021
- BRIC NS Graduate Student Research Award - 2018
- Canadian Education and Research Institute for Counselling Graduate Student Research Award - 2018
All Publications
Gulseren, D.B. & Lyubykh, Z. (in press). Leadership interventions to foster mental health and work well-being. In A. Day & C. Cooper (Eds.), Mental Health at Work. Oxon, UK: Routledge.
Duval, A., Gulseren, D.B., & Kelloway, E.K. (2020). Supporting employees with invisible disabilities via flexible work. In Sarah Norgate & Cary Cooper (Eds.), Flexible Work: Designing Our Healthier Future Lives (pp. 168-180). Oxon, UK: Taylor Francis.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). Structural equation modeling. In V. Zeigler-Hill and T.K. Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Personality and Individual Differences. New York, NY: Springer.
Thibault, T., Gulseren, D.B., & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). The benefits of transformational leadership and transformational leadership training on health and safety outcomes. In R. Burke & A. Richardsen (Eds.), Increasing Occupational Health and Safety in Workplaces: Research and Practice (pp. 334–348). Cheltenham, Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Gulseren, D.B., Thibault, T. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). The role and importance of leadership in creating psychologically healthy workplaces. In R. Burke & A. Richardsen (Eds.), Creating Psychologically Healthy Workplaces (pp. 197-214). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). Workplace violence: assault. In L. R. Shapiro & M. Maras (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management. New York, NY: Springer.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2019). Workplace violence: sexual harassment. In L. R. Shapiro & M. Maras (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Security and Emergency Management. New York, NY: Springer.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2018). Multilevel Analyses. In P. Brough (Ed.), Research Methods for Applied Psychologists: Design, Analysis and Reporting (pp. 271-282). New York, NY: Routledge Publishing Co.
Gulseren, D.B. (2022). Chronic pain and disability in organizations: it’s time to pay attention to work and workers. Canadian Journal of Pain, 6(1), 45–47.
Deng, C., Gulseren, D., & Turner, N. (2022). How to match mentors and mentees: Advice from the best research available. Leadership and Organization Development Journal, 43(3), 386-403.
Lyubykh, Z., Gulseren, D.B., Premji, Z., Wingate, T., Deng, C., & Turner, N., (accepted). Role of work breaks in well-being and performance: A systematic review and future research agenda. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology.
Lyubykh, Z., Gulseren, D., Turner, N., Barling, J., & Seifert, M. (2022). Shared transformational leadership and safety behaviours of employees, leaders, and teams: A multilevel investigation. Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 95(2), 431-458.
Koc, Y., Gulseren, D.B., & Lyubykh, Z. (2021). Masculinity contest culture and organizational citizenship behaviors. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 27(2), 408-416.
Gulseren, D.B., Thibault, T., Cregan, B., & Catano, V. (2021). Questioning the universality of EI measures used in the employment setting: A comparison between Canada and Turkey. International Journal of Employment Studies.
Gulseren, D.B., Thibault, T., Kelloway, E.K., Mullen, J., Teed, M., Gilbert, S., Dimoff, J. (2021). R.I.G.H.T. Leadership: Scale development and validation of a psychologically healthy leadership model. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences.
Gulseren, D.B., Lyubykh, Z., & Turner, N. (2021). Reimagining safety behaviors in light of COVID-19. Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Perspectives on Science and Practice, 14, 214-216.
Gulseren, D.B., Turner, N., & Weinhardt, J. (2021). What makes ethics education effective? An umbrella review and evidence-led best practices. Journal of Business Ethics Education, 18, 5-24.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2021). Working through the pain: the chronic pain experience of full-time employees. Occupational Health Science, 5, 69-93.
Grocutt, A., Gulseren, D.B., Weatherhead, J.G., & Turner, N. (2020). Can mentoring programs develop leadership?. Human Resources Development International. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13678868.2020.1850090. (AJG 2*)
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Career regret among university students from turkey: a test of the social cognitive career theory. Canadian Journal of Career Development. 18(2), 4-17.
Gulseren, D.B. & Aycan, Z. (2019). Health-life agreement: conceptualization of a new construct and measurement. Journal of Workplace Behavioral Health. 34(1), 38-61.
Deng, C., Gulseren, D.B., & Turner, N. (2021). How do you match mentors and mentees?. Bank of Montreal Mentorship Program, Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Isola, C., Grocutt, K., Deng, C., Gulseren, D., & Turner, N. (2021). Leadership white paper 2.0. Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Grocutt, A., Weatherhead, J.G., Gulseren, D.B., & Turner, N. (2020). Can mentoring programs develop leadership skills?. Bank of Montreal Mentorship Program, Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Gulseren, D.B. & Turner, N. (2019). Evidence review of business ethics interventions: What works and when?. Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business.
Harlos, K., Peter, T., Gulseren, D.B., Josephson, W., Taylor, C., & Campbell, C. (2018). Safe and inclusive workplace project. Prepared for Manitoba Teachers Society. SSHRC Workplace Bullying and Mistreatment Partnership.
Smibert, D., Cregan, B., Penney, S., Thibault, T., Gulseren, D., McLeod, C., Wong, J. (2017). Heightened attention training (HAT). Prepared for Lindsay Construction.
Aycan, Z., Biricik, D., Ikizer, E. G., Kilic, B., Karataylioglu, I., Soylu, N., & Tuncer, E. (2012). Successful school-industry collaborations in vocational education: what works and why. Prepared for Education Reform Initiative.
Gulseren, D.. (2022). Chronic pain in the workplace: Important themes and potential solutions. Future of Work Institute, Curtin University. (Rescheduled for November).
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). Chronic pain in the workplace. Health Psychology Graduate Diploma Program Seminar Series. Department of Psychology, York University, ON, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). Developing leaders: An evidence-based approach. Bank of Montreal Mentor Connection, AB, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). How to lead employees with chronic pain. Annual Celebration. Canadian Centre for Advanced Leadership in Business, AB, Canada.
Chowhan, J.* & Gulseren, D.B.* (2021). Preparing manuscripts for submission to academic journals. PhD Program Professional Development Series, School of Human Resources Management, York University, ON, Canada.
* Equal contribution
Gulseren, D.B. (2021). Work safety after Covid-19. Safety Panel. Occupational Health Psychology Summer Institute. CN Centre of Occupational Health and Safety, NS, Canada
Gulseren, D.B. (2020). If I only had 15 minutes, what would I say about leadership?. Bank of Montreal Mentor Connection, AB, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2020). The role of leadership preventing chronic pain disability. The Centre for Research on Work Disability Policy, ON, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Masculinity contest culture and abusive supervision. Occupational Health Psychology Summer Institute. CN Centre of Occupational Health and Safety.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Reducing employee stress using the RIGHT way of leadership. BRIC NS Foundation Speaker Series, NS, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Why do university experience students’ career regret? Career Services. Saint Mary’s University, NS, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2018). Cultural considerations in research. Inclusive by Design Research Lab. Saint Mary’s University, NS, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B., Sayin, F.K., Kelloway, E.K., & Turner, N. (2022). Chronic pain and work disability: two mechanisms and transformational leadership as a moderator. In S. Bonaccio (Chair), Facilitators of Positive Work Experience for Employees with Disabilities. Presented at the Annual Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Conference, Seattle, Washington.
Kizilenis Ulusman, G. & Gulseren, D.B. (2022). Effects of feedback and job security on leadership behaviors. In R. Jones-Chick (Chair), CSIOP Graduate Student Symposium. Presented at the Canadian Psychological Association Annual Convention, Calgary, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2020). CSIOP Graduate Student Symposium: Emerging ideas in Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Symposia organized for and presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, online event.
Gulseren, D.B., Sayin, F.K., Turner, N., Kelloway, E.K. (2020). The role of transformational leadership preventing chronic pain disability at work: Work-in-progress. Presented at Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference, St. John’s, Canada. – Presented online due to Covid-19.
Inness, M., Gulseren, D.B., Turner, N., & Barling, J. (2020). Transformational leadership and love of one’s job: a within-person, between-jobs design. Accepted at the European Association for Occupational Health Psychology Conference, Nicosia, Cyprus. – Cancelled due to Covid-19.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K., & Francis, L. (2019). Are men more vulnerable than women?: Gender as a moderator between leadership and its health outcomes. Presented at the Annual Convention of the Canadian Psychological Association, Halifax, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). I wish I could turn back time: Why do university students experience career regret? Invited poster presented at Cannexus. Ottawa, Canada.
Lyubykh, Z., Gulseren, D.B., & Turner, N. (2019). Shared transformational leadership and employee safety: The moderating role of perceived organizational support. Poster presented at the 13th Work, Stress, and Health conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Panelist. In K. Bielenko (Chair). The naked truth: Getting into graduate school. Panel presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention, Washington, DC.
Gulseren, D.B., Kelloway, E.K., & Francis, L. (2019). When your boss puts you in danger: Abusive supervision and safety outcomes. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Convention. Washington, D.C., USA.
Cregan, B. & Gulseren, D.B. (2019). Workplace bullying, mental health, and unhealthy habits. Poster presented at BRIC NS, Primary Healthcare Research Day. Halifax, Canada.
Harlos, K., Josephson, W., Hardy, D., Peter, T., Taylor, C., & Gulseren, D.B., O’Farrell, G. (2019). Workplace bullying, policy awareness and training, and mental health. Presented at the European Association for Work and Organizational Psychology Annual Convention, Turin, Italy.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2018). The effect of work-family conflict and work-family enhancement on turnover intentions. Presented at the International Congress of Applied Psychology, Montreal, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Employees with chronic pain: results from a Canadian national survey. Presented at Work, Stress and Health. Minneapolis, USA.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Employees with chronic pain: results from a Canadian national survey. Presented at Work, Stress and Health. Minneapolis, USA.
Primrose, H., Harlos, K., Taylor, C., Josephson, W., Peter, T., O`Farrell, G., Gulseren, D.B. (2017). Sexual orientation and workplace bullying: uncovering patterns among LGBTQ employees. Poster presented at the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland.
Primrose, H., Harlos, K., Taylor, C., Josephson, W., Peter, T., O`Farrell, G., Gulseren, D.B. (2017). Sexual orientation and workplace bullying: uncovering patterns among LGBTQ employees. Poster presented at the European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology. Dublin, Ireland.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Working through pain: the experience of chronic pain in the workplace. Poster presented at the Occupational Health Summer Institute. Halifax, Canada.
Gulseren, D.B. & Kelloway, E.K. (2017). Working through pain: the experience of chronic pain in the workplace. Poster presented at the Occupational Health Summer Institute. Halifax, Canada.
Baskurt Erarslan, B. & Biricik, D. (2013). Companies go ‘Glocal’: A case study in Turkey. Presented at the Academy of International Business Annual Meeting. Istanbul, Turkey.
Biricik, D. (2012). Career-shifters: key factors in voluntary career change process. Presented at the International Congress of Psychology. Cape Town, South Africa.
Baskurt Erarslan, B. & Biricik, D. (2012). Taking the best of both worlds: turkey from a yin yang perspective. Presented at the Yin Yang: A New Perspective on Culture Conference. Stockholm, Sweden.
Biricik D. (2011). Paternalism or maternalism?: The relationship between attitudes toward woman managers and paternalistic leadership preferences in Turkey. Poster presented at the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
Biricik, D. & Kagitcibasi C. (2011). Revisiting "Drawing a Person" over a period of 3 decades in and around Turkey. Poster presented at the European Congress of Psychology. Istanbul, Turkey.