Susan J. Henders
Associate Professor
Faculty Associate, York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR)
Office: c/o 672 ROSS SOUTH
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Susan Henders specializes in global/international and comparative politics, teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Her research concerns the domestic and international politics of decentralized state architectures/multi-level governance and regions claiming distinct identities, where her current research is on nationalist-infused politics and on intersecting gender, class, race, ethnicity and other power fields in minority autonomous regions. She also studies the diplomatic practices of non-state actors and world orders, particularly focused on Canadian-Asian interactions and using insights from critical approaches to global politics. Her current individual research examines Canadian nationals living in Hong Kong as “other diplomats”. She has been a visiting scholar at the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong and at KU Leuven, in Belgium. She is particularly interested in Asia and is a Faculty Associate at the York Centre for Asian Research, where she is a past Director.
DPhil Politics, St. Antony’s CollegeMPhil Government and Public Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong
B Journalism, Carleton University
BA Honours History, University of Saskatchewan
Professional Leadership
Graduate Program Director, Political Science, July 2016 - June 2019 Director, York Centre for Asian Research, July 2007-June 2012 M.A. Coordinator, Graduate Programme in Political Science, July 2002-June 2005
Research Interests
- Canadian Foreign Policy Journal Best Paper Prize (Co-winner with Kari Roberts) - 2021
- Maureen Appel Molot Best Paper Prize, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (Co-winner with Mary M. Young) - 2012
- Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - 1993-1997
- Overseas Research Student Award, United Kingdom Government - 1993-1996
- Commonwealth Scholarship, Hong Kong Government - 1989-1991
- Parliamentary Internship, Canadian Political Science Association - 1984-1985
- Exchange Student, Rotary International, São Paulo, Brazil - 1978-1979
Hague Journal of Diplomacy. 11(4)(2016). Journal Special Issue on ‘Other Diplomacies’ of Non-state Actors: The Case of Canadian-Asian Relations. (Co-edited with Mary M. Young)
Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia. Lanham: Lexington, 2014, 2017. (Co-edited with Lily Cho)
Territoriality, Asymmetry, and Autonomy: Catalonia, Corsica, Hong Kong, and Tibet. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Democratization and Identity: Constituting Regimes and Ethnicity in East and South-East Asia, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2004, 2006. (Editor and Contributor)
Macao, Oxford University Press, 1997. (Co-Compiler/Co-Editor with Don Pittis) (Includes my translations from Portuguese)
‘"Nested Newness" and the Quality of Self-government: The Case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region', in Alain-G. Gagnon and Arjun Tremblay, eds., Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, 2020, pp. 131-160.
‘“Nested Newness” and the Engendering of Minority Territorial Autonomy: Women’s Rights and Equality in Hong Kong', in Jill Vickers, Joan Grace, and Cheryl Collier, eds., Handbook on Gender, Diversity and Federalism,, Edward Elgar, 2020, pp. 321-336.
‘Territorial Autonomy, Nationalisms, and Women's Equality and Rights: The Case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’, in Jon Mulholland, Nicola Montagna, and Erin Sanders-McDonagh, eds., Gendering Nationalism: Intersections of Nation, Gender, and Sexuality, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, 2018, pp. 337-356.
'Human Rights and the Arts in Global Asia: Conceptualizing Contexts', in Susan J. Henders and Lily Cho, eds., Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia, Lanham: Lexington, 2014, pp. 1-19. (Co-authored with Lily Cho)
‘Internationalized Minority Territorial Autonomy and World Order: The Early Post-World War I-era Arrangements’, in Will Kymlicka and Jane Boulden, eds., International Approaches to Governing Ethnic Diversity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 262-296.
'Intersectionality, Hybridity, and the Minority Rights Subject: The Macanese of Macau in Literature, Film, and Law', in Susan J. Henders and Lily Cho, eds., Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia, Lanham: Lexington, 2014, pp. 183-199.
'Assessing Hybridity in the People’s Republic of China: The Impact of Post-Mao Decentralization’, in John Loughlin, Wilfried Swenden, and John Kincaid, eds., The Routledge Handbook on Regionalism and Federalism, New York: Routledge, 2013, pp. 371-385.
‘Asian Values’, in Mark Bevir, ed., Encyclopedia of Political Theory, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2010, pp. 84-86.
‘The New Self-Government: The Hong Kong Special Administration Region and International Political Legitimacy in the Post-Cold War Era’, in André Laliberté and Marc Lanteigne, eds., The Chinese Party-State in the 21st Century: Adaptation and the Reinvention of Legitimacy, RoutledgeCurzon, 2008, pp. 106-29.
‘Emerging Post-National Citizenships in International Law: Implications for Transnational Lives and Organizing’, in Luin Goldring and Sailaja Krishnamurti, eds., Organizing the Transnational: Labour, Politics and Social Change. University of British Columbia Press, 2007, pp. 40-54.
‘Reimagining Minority and Aboriginal Self-government: Visions from Buddhist and Aboriginal Philosophies’, in Edmund Ryden and Barbara K Bundy, eds., Human Rights in the Pacific Rim: Imagining a New Critical Discourse, Fu Jen Catholic University Press (Taiwan), 2006, pp. 167-94.
‘Democratization and Identity: Beyond the Asian Values Debate’, in Susan J. Henders, ed., Democratization and Identity: Constituting Regimes and Ethnicity in East and South-East Asia, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2004, pp. 1-21.
‘The Self-Government of Unbounded Communities’, in David Laycock, ed., Representation and Democratic Theory, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2004, pp. 119-140.
‘Prefácio’, to Carlos José Caldeira, Macau em 1850: Crónica de Viagem, Lisbon: Quetzal Editores/Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, 1997, pp. 1-8.
Jacques Bertrand and André Laliberté, eds. Multination States in Asia: Accommodation or Resistance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), Pacific Affairs, Vol. 84(2)(June 2011): 332-34.
Quansheng Zhao, ed., Future Trends in East Asian International Relationa (Portland: Frank Cass, 2002), Political Science Quarterly 118(2)(2003): 330-32.
Gary G. Hamilton, ed. Cosmopolitan Capitalists: Hong Kong and the Chinese Diaspora at the End of the Twentieth Century (Seattle: University of Washington, 1999), Journal of Asian Studies 59(2)(2000): 405-406.
Lo Shiu Hing, Political Development in Macau (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1995), Pacific Affairs, 71(1)(Spring 1998): 100-101.
People Acting Across Borders and Canadian Foreign Policy: A Systemist Analysis, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 27(3): 318-346. (Co-winner of 2021 Best Paper Prize)
Non-state Diplomacies and Norm-making during the Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement: Hong Kong’s Canadian Residents. Global Society 36(1): 69-88.
'Other Diplomacies and Canadianness: Hong Kong-resident Canadians and the Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement Protests', Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 26(3): 313-329.
‘“Other Diplomacies” of Non-state Actors: The Case of Canadian-Asian Relations’, Hague Journal of Diplomacy: 11(4): 331-350. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)
‘“Other Diplomacies” and World Order: Historical Insights from Canadian-Asian Relations”, Hague Journal of Diplomacy 11(4): 351-382. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)
‘“Other Diplomacies” and the Making of Canada-Asian Relations’, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 18(3)(2012): 375-388. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)(Winner of Maureen Molot Best Paper Prize, 2012)
‘Ecological Self-Government: Visions from North American Indigenous and Tibetan Buddhist Thought’ Journal of Human Rights 4(1)(2005): 23-36.
‘So What if It’s Not a Gamble? Post-Westphalian Politics in Macau’, Pacific Affairs 74(3)(Fall 2001): 342-360.
‘Cantonisation: Historical Paths to Territorial Autonomy for Regional Cultural Communities’, Nations and Nationalism, in a special issue entitled ‘Nationalism: Theory and Practice’, 3(4) (1997): 521-540.
‘“Other Diplomacies” and the Making of Canada-Asian Relations: An Interdisciplinary Conversation’. Asia Colloquia Papers 2(1)(Aug. 2012). Toronto: York Centre for Asian Research. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)
‘Democracy and Identity Conflicts in Asia: Identifying the Issues for Canada and Multilateral Institutions’, Canadian Foreign Policy 9(1)(Fall 2001): 55-66. (Principal co-author; Co-authored with Carole Channer, Linda Hershkovitz, André Laliberté, David Nan-Yang Lee, Judith Nagata, Katharine Rankin, Don Rickerd, and Frank Yong Siew-kee)
‘Hong Kong and Macau in Intergovernmental Organizations,’ Policy Options 21(1) (January-February 2000): 88-89.
‘Immigration and Multilevel Governance in Culturally Regionalized States: Québec in Comparative Perspective’, in Proceedings of the Impact of Migration and Cultural Diversity on Economic Development: Canada-China Symposium, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China, Oct. 14-15, 2011, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2011.
‘Hong Kong and Macau Return to China: The Intertwining of Separate Trends’, in Teresa Pinto Coelho, ed., Treaty of Windsor (1386) and 620 Years of Anglo-Portuguese Relations. Papers Presented at a Conference Organised by the Instituto Camões Centre for Portuguese Language, University of Oxford, 18 October 2006, Camões Centre for Portuguese Language, University of Oxford, 2007.
‘Sub-state Governments in International Relations: China Pushes Back the Envelope’, ‘Ontario: Exploring the Region-State Hypothesis: Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the University of Toronto, Friday, March 26, 1999, University of Toronto, March 1999, pp. 23-27.
Susan Henders specializes in global/international and comparative politics, teaching at the graduate and undergraduate levels. Her research concerns the domestic and international politics of decentralized state architectures/multi-level governance and regions claiming distinct identities, where her current research is on nationalist-infused politics and on intersecting gender, class, race, ethnicity and other power fields in minority autonomous regions. She also studies the diplomatic practices of non-state actors and world orders, particularly focused on Canadian-Asian interactions and using insights from critical approaches to global politics. Her current individual research examines Canadian nationals living in Hong Kong as “other diplomats”. She has been a visiting scholar at the Hong Kong Institute for the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Hong Kong and at KU Leuven, in Belgium. She is particularly interested in Asia and is a Faculty Associate at the York Centre for Asian Research, where she is a past Director.
DPhil Politics, St. Antony’s CollegeMPhil Government and Public Administration, Chinese University of Hong Kong
B Journalism, Carleton University
BA Honours History, University of Saskatchewan
Professional Leadership
Graduate Program Director, Political Science, July 2016 - June 2019 Director, York Centre for Asian Research, July 2007-June 2012 M.A. Coordinator, Graduate Programme in Political Science, July 2002-June 2005
Research Interests
- Canadian Foreign Policy Journal Best Paper Prize (Co-winner with Kari Roberts) - 2021
- Maureen Appel Molot Best Paper Prize, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal (Co-winner with Mary M. Young) - 2012
- Doctoral Fellowship, Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada - 1993-1997
- Overseas Research Student Award, United Kingdom Government - 1993-1996
- Commonwealth Scholarship, Hong Kong Government - 1989-1991
- Parliamentary Internship, Canadian Political Science Association - 1984-1985
- Exchange Student, Rotary International, São Paulo, Brazil - 1978-1979
All Publications
‘"Nested Newness" and the Quality of Self-government: The Case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region', in Alain-G. Gagnon and Arjun Tremblay, eds., Federalism and National Diversity in the 21st Century, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, 2020, pp. 131-160.
‘“Nested Newness” and the Engendering of Minority Territorial Autonomy: Women’s Rights and Equality in Hong Kong', in Jill Vickers, Joan Grace, and Cheryl Collier, eds., Handbook on Gender, Diversity and Federalism,, Edward Elgar, 2020, pp. 321-336.
‘Territorial Autonomy, Nationalisms, and Women's Equality and Rights: The Case of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region’, in Jon Mulholland, Nicola Montagna, and Erin Sanders-McDonagh, eds., Gendering Nationalism: Intersections of Nation, Gender, and Sexuality, Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave, 2018, pp. 337-356.
'Human Rights and the Arts in Global Asia: Conceptualizing Contexts', in Susan J. Henders and Lily Cho, eds., Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia, Lanham: Lexington, 2014, pp. 1-19. (Co-authored with Lily Cho)
‘Internationalized Minority Territorial Autonomy and World Order: The Early Post-World War I-era Arrangements’, in Will Kymlicka and Jane Boulden, eds., International Approaches to Governing Ethnic Diversity, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 262-296.
'Intersectionality, Hybridity, and the Minority Rights Subject: The Macanese of Macau in Literature, Film, and Law', in Susan J. Henders and Lily Cho, eds., Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia, Lanham: Lexington, 2014, pp. 183-199.
'Assessing Hybridity in the People’s Republic of China: The Impact of Post-Mao Decentralization’, in John Loughlin, Wilfried Swenden, and John Kincaid, eds., The Routledge Handbook on Regionalism and Federalism, New York: Routledge, 2013, pp. 371-385.
‘Asian Values’, in Mark Bevir, ed., Encyclopedia of Political Theory, Thousand Oaks: Sage, 2010, pp. 84-86.
‘The New Self-Government: The Hong Kong Special Administration Region and International Political Legitimacy in the Post-Cold War Era’, in André Laliberté and Marc Lanteigne, eds., The Chinese Party-State in the 21st Century: Adaptation and the Reinvention of Legitimacy, RoutledgeCurzon, 2008, pp. 106-29.
‘Emerging Post-National Citizenships in International Law: Implications for Transnational Lives and Organizing’, in Luin Goldring and Sailaja Krishnamurti, eds., Organizing the Transnational: Labour, Politics and Social Change. University of British Columbia Press, 2007, pp. 40-54.
‘Reimagining Minority and Aboriginal Self-government: Visions from Buddhist and Aboriginal Philosophies’, in Edmund Ryden and Barbara K Bundy, eds., Human Rights in the Pacific Rim: Imagining a New Critical Discourse, Fu Jen Catholic University Press (Taiwan), 2006, pp. 167-94.
‘Democratization and Identity: Beyond the Asian Values Debate’, in Susan J. Henders, ed., Democratization and Identity: Constituting Regimes and Ethnicity in East and South-East Asia, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2004, pp. 1-21.
‘The Self-Government of Unbounded Communities’, in David Laycock, ed., Representation and Democratic Theory, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 2004, pp. 119-140.
‘Prefácio’, to Carlos José Caldeira, Macau em 1850: Crónica de Viagem, Lisbon: Quetzal Editores/Instituto de Ciências Sociais da Universidade de Lisboa, 1997, pp. 1-8.
Jacques Bertrand and André Laliberté, eds. Multination States in Asia: Accommodation or Resistance (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010), Pacific Affairs, Vol. 84(2)(June 2011): 332-34.
Quansheng Zhao, ed., Future Trends in East Asian International Relationa (Portland: Frank Cass, 2002), Political Science Quarterly 118(2)(2003): 330-32.
Gary G. Hamilton, ed. Cosmopolitan Capitalists: Hong Kong and the Chinese Diaspora at the End of the Twentieth Century (Seattle: University of Washington, 1999), Journal of Asian Studies 59(2)(2000): 405-406.
Lo Shiu Hing, Political Development in Macau (Hong Kong: The Chinese University Press, 1995), Pacific Affairs, 71(1)(Spring 1998): 100-101.
Hague Journal of Diplomacy. 11(4)(2016). Journal Special Issue on ‘Other Diplomacies’ of Non-state Actors: The Case of Canadian-Asian Relations. (Co-edited with Mary M. Young)
Human Rights and the Arts: Perspectives on Global Asia. Lanham: Lexington, 2014, 2017. (Co-edited with Lily Cho)
Territoriality, Asymmetry, and Autonomy: Catalonia, Corsica, Hong Kong, and Tibet. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Democratization and Identity: Constituting Regimes and Ethnicity in East and South-East Asia, Lanham: Lexington Books, 2004, 2006. (Editor and Contributor)
Macao, Oxford University Press, 1997. (Co-Compiler/Co-Editor with Don Pittis) (Includes my translations from Portuguese)
People Acting Across Borders and Canadian Foreign Policy: A Systemist Analysis, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 27(3): 318-346. (Co-winner of 2021 Best Paper Prize)
Non-state Diplomacies and Norm-making during the Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement: Hong Kong’s Canadian Residents. Global Society 36(1): 69-88.
'Other Diplomacies and Canadianness: Hong Kong-resident Canadians and the Occupy Central and Umbrella Movement Protests', Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 26(3): 313-329.
‘“Other Diplomacies” of Non-state Actors: The Case of Canadian-Asian Relations’, Hague Journal of Diplomacy: 11(4): 331-350. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)
‘“Other Diplomacies” and World Order: Historical Insights from Canadian-Asian Relations”, Hague Journal of Diplomacy 11(4): 351-382. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)
‘“Other Diplomacies” and the Making of Canada-Asian Relations’, Canadian Foreign Policy Journal 18(3)(2012): 375-388. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)(Winner of Maureen Molot Best Paper Prize, 2012)
‘Ecological Self-Government: Visions from North American Indigenous and Tibetan Buddhist Thought’ Journal of Human Rights 4(1)(2005): 23-36.
‘So What if It’s Not a Gamble? Post-Westphalian Politics in Macau’, Pacific Affairs 74(3)(Fall 2001): 342-360.
‘Cantonisation: Historical Paths to Territorial Autonomy for Regional Cultural Communities’, Nations and Nationalism, in a special issue entitled ‘Nationalism: Theory and Practice’, 3(4) (1997): 521-540.
‘“Other Diplomacies” and the Making of Canada-Asian Relations: An Interdisciplinary Conversation’. Asia Colloquia Papers 2(1)(Aug. 2012). Toronto: York Centre for Asian Research. (Co-authored with Mary M. Young)
‘Democracy and Identity Conflicts in Asia: Identifying the Issues for Canada and Multilateral Institutions’, Canadian Foreign Policy 9(1)(Fall 2001): 55-66. (Principal co-author; Co-authored with Carole Channer, Linda Hershkovitz, André Laliberté, David Nan-Yang Lee, Judith Nagata, Katharine Rankin, Don Rickerd, and Frank Yong Siew-kee)
‘Hong Kong and Macau in Intergovernmental Organizations,’ Policy Options 21(1) (January-February 2000): 88-89.
‘Immigration and Multilevel Governance in Culturally Regionalized States: Québec in Comparative Perspective’, in Proceedings of the Impact of Migration and Cultural Diversity on Economic Development: Canada-China Symposium, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China, Oct. 14-15, 2011, Beijing, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, 2011.
‘Hong Kong and Macau Return to China: The Intertwining of Separate Trends’, in Teresa Pinto Coelho, ed., Treaty of Windsor (1386) and 620 Years of Anglo-Portuguese Relations. Papers Presented at a Conference Organised by the Instituto Camões Centre for Portuguese Language, University of Oxford, 18 October 2006, Camões Centre for Portuguese Language, University of Oxford, 2007.
‘Sub-state Governments in International Relations: China Pushes Back the Envelope’, ‘Ontario: Exploring the Region-State Hypothesis: Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the University of Toronto, Friday, March 26, 1999, University of Toronto, March 1999, pp. 23-27.