
Ibrahim Hamid Badr

Photo of Ibrahim Hamid Badr

Department of French Studies

Associate Professor

Office: Ross Building, N735
Phone: (416) 736-2100 Ext: 77067
Email: ibadr@yorku.ca


Ph.D. (with distinction) in Modern and Contemporary French Literature, Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
Advanced Studies Diploma (D.E.A.) in Modern and Contemporary French Literature, Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
M.A. in French and Francophone Languages and Literatures, Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
B.A. (Honours Part II) in French Language, Literature and Civilisation, University of Khartoum
B.A. / B.Sc. (Honours Part I) in French and Political Science, University of Khartoum

Professional Leadership


Merit Award, Faculty of Arts, York University, 2007-2008 ($2000.00)

OCUFA Teaching Award (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations), 2001

The University-Wide Teaching Award For Teaching Excellence, York University, 1999

The Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Council for International Exchange of Scholars of U.S. Senate, 1991-1992

Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques1, French Government, 1990

French Government Scholarships, 1973-1974, 1976-1983, 1986, 1989, 1991

1“The Ordre des Palmes Académiques is the highest academic distinction that can be given by the Government of France.” (York University GAZETTE, February 2, 1994, p. 1)


At York University:
Department Representative to Faculty of LA & PS Council, 2009-2011
Department Representative to Faculty of Arts Council, 2009-2010
Department Representative to Faculty of Arts Council, 2008-2009
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Representative to Senate, 2009-2010
Faculty of Arts Representative to Senate, 2008-2009
Member, File Preparation Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 2008-2009
Member, Executive Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 2008-2009; 2007-2009, 2003-2005
Member, FPC Committee, Department of French Studies, 2008-2009
Member, T&P Adjudication Committee (Promotion), Department of French Studies, 2009
Member, T&P Adjudication Committee, Department of French Studies, 2004-2006
Chair, Literature Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 2003-2004
Department Representative to Faculty of Arts Council, 2007-2009, 2003-2006
Course Director (multi-section, FR1030), Department of French Studies, Arts, 2004-2006
Course Director (multi-section, FR2200 6.0), Department of French Studies, Arts, 2008-2010
Department Representative to Canada-Maghreb Centre, 2002-2005
Chair, Student Affairs Committee, Department of French Studies, 2002-2003
Member of the Student Affairs Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 1993-1997, 1999-2003
Member of the Literature Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 1998-2009
Member of the Language Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 1993-1997, 1998, 1993-1997.
Voting CUPE Representative, Department of French Studies GM’s, Arts, 1998-1999
Member of “Le Comité d’aide aux étudiants venus de l’étranger,” Glendon College, 1999-2000
Faculty of Arts Representative to Senate, 2007- 2010, 2003-2006
Member, Merit Committee, Faculty of Arts, 2005-2006, 2004-2005
Chair, Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning (SCOTL), 2004-2005
Member of the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning, 2003-2006
Member, Joint Educational Leave Fellowships Committee (YUFA/ASR), 2004-2005
Member of the SCOTL Task Force on Teaching Evaluations, 2003-2004
Fellow, McLaughlin College (since 1999) and Member of the Master’s Advisory Committee 2002-2003
Translator/Proof-reader, Osgoode Hall Law Journal, York University, Vol. 36 (Numbers 1, 2, 3 & 4) and Vol. 37 (Numbers 1, 2, & 3), University of Toronto Press, 1998, 1999 (6 issues)

At the University of Khartoum

Chair, Department of French, 1989-1991
Chair of Mediation and Reconciliation Committee, Student Affairs, 1985-1991
Co-ordinator of Undergraduate French Multi-Section Courses, 1984-1986
Co-ordinator of French Language Summer Courses, 1985-1987
Co-ordinator, University of Khartoum B.A. Honours students Study Course, • Université de Lyon II, France, 1986 & 1990
Member of Faculty Board, Faculty of Arts, 1987-1991
Member of Senate, 1989-1991

Students Service, Advising and Orientation

• Orientation Sessions, McLaughlin College, York University, since 2000
• Orientation for First-Year Francophone Students, Glendon College, York University, • 1999
• Collaboration in “Heritage Canada Project” on Problems faced by Minority Students at Glendon, 1999-2000
• Orientation Sessions and Lecture on Note-taking Skills, Centre for the Support of Teaching, York University, 1999


External Evaluator, SSHRCC Research Grant Project (File # 410-2006-1202)

Member of Ph.D Defense Jury, Candidate: Yacine Addi Adoune; Title of Thesis: L’Abolition de l’esclavage en Algerie 1816—1871, March 26, 2010.

Public Lectures

- Public Talk, Vanier Lecture Series, Vanier College, York University, March 3, 2003 • “Francophone Women Writers: Silent Voices, Vocal Expressions”

- Invited Speaker, Security and Conflict in the Modern Sudan Symposium, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Toronto, September 28, 2001
• “The Sudanese Diaspora”

- Invited Fulbright Lecturer, Foreign Lecture Series, The Fulbright Association and The Office of Vice President Academic, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan, March 2000
• “The Face of a Changing World: Personal and Global Issues…”

Conference Organization

- Co-organiser and Session Reporter, Conference of the French Teachers Association in Africa, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan, 1984

- Reviewer, (Assessor of Conference papers), Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities

Membership in Professional Organizations

- Modern Languages Association (MLA) 1994-1995, 1997-1998

- Conseil international d'études francophones (CIEF) 1994-2003

- Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences (ACFAS) 1994-1995

- African Literature Association (ALA) 1996-1997

- Sudanese Studies Association (SSA) 1999-2004

Community Contributions


Media Interviews

• The French Riots, CBC Morning News (2005)
• About the Root Causes of Riots in France, CTV News (2005)
• With Ann Medina, History On Film “Khartoum”, History Television (2002)
• About Security and Conflict in Modern Sudan, CHRY (2001)
Mariage et Tradition au Soudan, CBCF, Windsor, Ontario (1993)
La Journée de la terre, CBCF, Windsor, Ontario (1992)

Community service

Board Member, Salon du Livre de Toronto, Toronto, 1994-1996

Public Speaker, "Colloque sur le rapprochement des communautés africaines et leur intégration dans la société canadienne," Pan African Centre, Toronto, 1995

Invited Participant, Ministry of Citizenship's Forum on Ontario's Francophone Communities “Forum sur la réalité pluri ethnique de la francophonie ontarienne,” organised by the Ministry of Citizenship (Ontario Anti-Racism Secretariat), Toronto, Ontario, December 3-6, 1993

Board Member and Volunteer of STAG (Sandwich Teen Action Group), Windsor, Ontario, 1992-1993

Volunteer, French Speaking Children with special needs, Centre Culturel Tournesol, Windsor, Ontario, 1992-1993

Research Interests

, Languages, French and Francophone literature and culture, Interdisciplinary research and cultural diversity, French translation


La Francophonie: esthétique et dynamique de libération (ed.) New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007 (211 pages).


Giono et la guerre: Idéologie et imaginaire. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 256 pages.
• Reviewed (in French and Spanish) and selected as the “Book of the Month” by Francfil, France (www.francofil.net)
• Reviewed and recommended by Radio France (www.franceinter.com and www.alapage.com)
• Reviewed by Frans Amelinckx (University of Louisiana, Lafayette) in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XVII, no. 1, 2002 (p. 212--213)


Jean Giono: L'esthétique de la violence. New York: Peter Lang, 1998. 214 pages.
• Reviewed by Dennis Essar (Brock University) in LittéRéalité, Vol. XI, No.1, 1999 (p. 99--101)
• Reviewed by Constantin Grigorut (University of British Columbia) in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XIV, no. 2, 1999 (p. 248--252)


Book Chapters


"Introduction" of La Francophonie : esthétique et dynamique de libération. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007. 211 pages.


"La francophonie féminine : esthétique de libération" in La Francophonie : esthétique et dynamique de libération, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007. 211 pages.


"La dynamique de l'image chez Bouraoui," in De Paroles en figures, essais sur les littératures africaines et antillaises, réunis et présentés par Christiane N'diaye et Josias Sémujanga, éd. Montréal: Harmattan Inc., 1996 (p. 125--136) Reviewed in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XIII, no. 2, 1997 (p. 262--265)


Book Reviews


Sémujanga, Josias. Configuration de l'énonciation interculturelle dans le roman francophone: éléments de méthode comparative in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XIII, no.1, 1998 (p. 262--265)


Des Rosiers, Joël. Théories caraïbes: poétique du déracinement in LittéRéalité, Vol. XI, 1998 (p.184--185)


Journal Articles


"L'exil dans des écrits franco-ontariens," LittéRéalité, Vol. IX, 1997 (p. 43--52)


"Giono et la civilisation paysanne," Revue francophone, Vol. XI, no. 2, 1996 (p. 67--73)


Conference Papers


Session Chair, and Paper, “Les implications politiques et linguistiques de l’infiltration chinoise en Afrique,” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 9-12, 2011


Session Chair, and Paper, “Les défis de la Francophonie II,” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 9-12, 2009


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, Sudan Studies Association International Conference, York University, Toronto, August 18-20, 2005.


Chair, and Paper, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 11-15, 2005
• “Les défies de la Francophonie I ”


Papers, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 12-15, 2003
• “Francophone Women Writers: Vision and Re-vision”
• “Rousseau and Modern Democracies”


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, SSA (Sudan Studies Association) International Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C (U.S.A), July 31 - August 2, 2003
• “Migrations and Displacement”


Panel Chair and discussant, Congrès Mondial du CIEF (Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones) May 27 – June 3, 2001, Portland, Maine (USA)
• “Écritures transculturelles et transgénériques”


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, SSA (Sudan Studies Association) Conference, East – Lansing, Michigan, May 24-26, 2001
• “Scholars and Archives”


Chair and paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Sousse, Tunisie, May 27-June 3, 2000
• “Le Sacré et le profane dans la littérature francophone”


Invited discussant, SSA Conference, Vassar College, New York, April 4-6, 2000
• “Tayeb Saleh and the Sudanese Literary Traditions”


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, Sudanese Studies Association Conference, Tufts University, Boston, June 4-6, 1999
• “Foreign Policy and the Sudanese Diaspora”


Chair and Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Lafayette, Louisiana, May 22-30, 1999
• “Les écrivains québécoises: souvenir et vision d’avenir (Gabrielle Roy, Anne Hébert et Marie-Claire Blais) ”


Chair and Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Moncton (N.B.), May 23-30,1998
• "Marguerite Duras : une écriture de transcendance”


Paper, African Literature Association, Michigan State University, U.S.A., April 16-19,1997
• "Art cinématographique et techniques romanesques dans Le Docker Noir de Sembène Ousmane"


Chair and Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, May 10-17, 1997
• "Assimilation et quête identitaire dans des écrits antillais"


Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Toulouse, France, May 26 – June2, 1996
• "L'Exil dans des écrits franco-ontariens"


Panel Chair, Colloque International Andrée Chédid, York University, Toronto, 1995


Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Charleston, U.S.A., June 1995
• "Jean Giono et André Champson: La poétisation du terroir"


Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Quebec City, Quebec, April 1994
• "Giono et la civilisation paysanne"


Paper, Colloque International sur la littérature marocaine, York University, Toronto, 1994
• "Le poids de la solitude chez Ben Jelloun"


Paper, 62e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Québec à Montréal, May 1994
• "Les Figures discursives dans les textes francophones de l'Afrique, du Maghreb et des Antilles"


Invited Chair, Workshop on African Literature, Festival international de Limoges, Université de Limoges, France, 1990


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/FR4353 3.0 M 20th c. French Lit.: After Modernism LECT
Winter 2025 AP/FR3382 3.0 M French Literature, Culture & Society II LECT
Winter 2025 AP/FR3081 3.0 M Advanced Written Communication in French LECT


Ph.D. (with distinction) in Modern and Contemporary French Literature, Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
Advanced Studies Diploma (D.E.A.) in Modern and Contemporary French Literature, Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
M.A. in French and Francophone Languages and Literatures, Université de Provence (Aix-Marseille I)
B.A. (Honours Part II) in French Language, Literature and Civilisation, University of Khartoum
B.A. / B.Sc. (Honours Part I) in French and Political Science, University of Khartoum

Professional Leadership


Merit Award, Faculty of Arts, York University, 2007-2008 ($2000.00)

OCUFA Teaching Award (Ontario Confederation of University Faculty Associations), 2001

The University-Wide Teaching Award For Teaching Excellence, York University, 1999

The Fulbright Senior Scholar Award, Council for International Exchange of Scholars of U.S. Senate, 1991-1992

Officier dans l'Ordre des Palmes académiques1, French Government, 1990

French Government Scholarships, 1973-1974, 1976-1983, 1986, 1989, 1991

1“The Ordre des Palmes Académiques is the highest academic distinction that can be given by the Government of France.” (York University GAZETTE, February 2, 1994, p. 1)


At York University:
Department Representative to Faculty of LA & PS Council, 2009-2011
Department Representative to Faculty of Arts Council, 2009-2010
Department Representative to Faculty of Arts Council, 2008-2009
Faculty of Liberal Arts and Professional Studies Representative to Senate, 2009-2010
Faculty of Arts Representative to Senate, 2008-2009
Member, File Preparation Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 2008-2009
Member, Executive Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 2008-2009; 2007-2009, 2003-2005
Member, FPC Committee, Department of French Studies, 2008-2009
Member, T&P Adjudication Committee (Promotion), Department of French Studies, 2009
Member, T&P Adjudication Committee, Department of French Studies, 2004-2006
Chair, Literature Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 2003-2004
Department Representative to Faculty of Arts Council, 2007-2009, 2003-2006
Course Director (multi-section, FR1030), Department of French Studies, Arts, 2004-2006
Course Director (multi-section, FR2200 6.0), Department of French Studies, Arts, 2008-2010
Department Representative to Canada-Maghreb Centre, 2002-2005
Chair, Student Affairs Committee, Department of French Studies, 2002-2003
Member of the Student Affairs Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 1993-1997, 1999-2003
Member of the Literature Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 1998-2009
Member of the Language Committee, Department of French Studies, Arts, 1993-1997, 1998, 1993-1997.
Voting CUPE Representative, Department of French Studies GM’s, Arts, 1998-1999
Member of “Le Comité d’aide aux étudiants venus de l’étranger,” Glendon College, 1999-2000
Faculty of Arts Representative to Senate, 2007- 2010, 2003-2006
Member, Merit Committee, Faculty of Arts, 2005-2006, 2004-2005
Chair, Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning (SCOTL), 2004-2005
Member of the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning, 2003-2006
Member, Joint Educational Leave Fellowships Committee (YUFA/ASR), 2004-2005
Member of the SCOTL Task Force on Teaching Evaluations, 2003-2004
Fellow, McLaughlin College (since 1999) and Member of the Master’s Advisory Committee 2002-2003
Translator/Proof-reader, Osgoode Hall Law Journal, York University, Vol. 36 (Numbers 1, 2, 3 & 4) and Vol. 37 (Numbers 1, 2, & 3), University of Toronto Press, 1998, 1999 (6 issues)

At the University of Khartoum

Chair, Department of French, 1989-1991
Chair of Mediation and Reconciliation Committee, Student Affairs, 1985-1991
Co-ordinator of Undergraduate French Multi-Section Courses, 1984-1986
Co-ordinator of French Language Summer Courses, 1985-1987
Co-ordinator, University of Khartoum B.A. Honours students Study Course, • Université de Lyon II, France, 1986 & 1990
Member of Faculty Board, Faculty of Arts, 1987-1991
Member of Senate, 1989-1991

Students Service, Advising and Orientation

• Orientation Sessions, McLaughlin College, York University, since 2000
• Orientation for First-Year Francophone Students, Glendon College, York University, • 1999
• Collaboration in “Heritage Canada Project” on Problems faced by Minority Students at Glendon, 1999-2000
• Orientation Sessions and Lecture on Note-taking Skills, Centre for the Support of Teaching, York University, 1999


External Evaluator, SSHRCC Research Grant Project (File # 410-2006-1202)

Member of Ph.D Defense Jury, Candidate: Yacine Addi Adoune; Title of Thesis: L’Abolition de l’esclavage en Algerie 1816—1871, March 26, 2010.

Public Lectures

- Public Talk, Vanier Lecture Series, Vanier College, York University, March 3, 2003 • “Francophone Women Writers: Silent Voices, Vocal Expressions”

- Invited Speaker, Security and Conflict in the Modern Sudan Symposium, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, Toronto, September 28, 2001
• “The Sudanese Diaspora”

- Invited Fulbright Lecturer, Foreign Lecture Series, The Fulbright Association and The Office of Vice President Academic, Ferris State University, Big Rapids, Michigan, March 2000
• “The Face of a Changing World: Personal and Global Issues…”

Conference Organization

- Co-organiser and Session Reporter, Conference of the French Teachers Association in Africa, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan, 1984

- Reviewer, (Assessor of Conference papers), Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities

Membership in Professional Organizations

- Modern Languages Association (MLA) 1994-1995, 1997-1998

- Conseil international d'études francophones (CIEF) 1994-2003

- Association canadienne-française pour l'avancement des sciences (ACFAS) 1994-1995

- African Literature Association (ALA) 1996-1997

- Sudanese Studies Association (SSA) 1999-2004

Community Contributions


Media Interviews

• The French Riots, CBC Morning News (2005)
• About the Root Causes of Riots in France, CTV News (2005)
• With Ann Medina, History On Film “Khartoum”, History Television (2002)
• About Security and Conflict in Modern Sudan, CHRY (2001)
Mariage et Tradition au Soudan, CBCF, Windsor, Ontario (1993)
La Journée de la terre, CBCF, Windsor, Ontario (1992)

Community service

Board Member, Salon du Livre de Toronto, Toronto, 1994-1996

Public Speaker, "Colloque sur le rapprochement des communautés africaines et leur intégration dans la société canadienne," Pan African Centre, Toronto, 1995

Invited Participant, Ministry of Citizenship's Forum on Ontario's Francophone Communities “Forum sur la réalité pluri ethnique de la francophonie ontarienne,” organised by the Ministry of Citizenship (Ontario Anti-Racism Secretariat), Toronto, Ontario, December 3-6, 1993

Board Member and Volunteer of STAG (Sandwich Teen Action Group), Windsor, Ontario, 1992-1993

Volunteer, French Speaking Children with special needs, Centre Culturel Tournesol, Windsor, Ontario, 1992-1993

Research Interests

, Languages, French and Francophone literature and culture, Interdisciplinary research and cultural diversity, French translation

All Publications

Book Chapters


"Introduction" of La Francophonie : esthétique et dynamique de libération. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007. 211 pages.


"La francophonie féminine : esthétique de libération" in La Francophonie : esthétique et dynamique de libération, New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007. 211 pages.


"La dynamique de l'image chez Bouraoui," in De Paroles en figures, essais sur les littératures africaines et antillaises, réunis et présentés par Christiane N'diaye et Josias Sémujanga, éd. Montréal: Harmattan Inc., 1996 (p. 125--136) Reviewed in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XIII, no. 2, 1997 (p. 262--265)


Book Reviews


Sémujanga, Josias. Configuration de l'énonciation interculturelle dans le roman francophone: éléments de méthode comparative in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XIII, no.1, 1998 (p. 262--265)


Des Rosiers, Joël. Théories caraïbes: poétique du déracinement in LittéRéalité, Vol. XI, 1998 (p.184--185)




La Francophonie: esthétique et dynamique de libération (ed.) New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2007 (211 pages).


Giono et la guerre: Idéologie et imaginaire. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. 256 pages.
• Reviewed (in French and Spanish) and selected as the “Book of the Month” by Francfil, France (www.francofil.net)
• Reviewed and recommended by Radio France (www.franceinter.com and www.alapage.com)
• Reviewed by Frans Amelinckx (University of Louisiana, Lafayette) in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XVII, no. 1, 2002 (p. 212--213)


Jean Giono: L'esthétique de la violence. New York: Peter Lang, 1998. 214 pages.
• Reviewed by Dennis Essar (Brock University) in LittéRéalité, Vol. XI, No.1, 1999 (p. 99--101)
• Reviewed by Constantin Grigorut (University of British Columbia) in Etudes Francophones, Vol. XIV, no. 2, 1999 (p. 248--252)


Journal Articles


"L'exil dans des écrits franco-ontariens," LittéRéalité, Vol. IX, 1997 (p. 43--52)


"Giono et la civilisation paysanne," Revue francophone, Vol. XI, no. 2, 1996 (p. 67--73)


Conference Papers


Session Chair, and Paper, “Les implications politiques et linguistiques de l’infiltration chinoise en Afrique,” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 9-12, 2011


Session Chair, and Paper, “Les défis de la Francophonie II,” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 9-12, 2009


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, Sudan Studies Association International Conference, York University, Toronto, August 18-20, 2005.


Chair, and Paper, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 11-15, 2005
• “Les défies de la Francophonie I ”


Papers, Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 12-15, 2003
• “Francophone Women Writers: Vision and Re-vision”
• “Rousseau and Modern Democracies”


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, SSA (Sudan Studies Association) International Conference, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C (U.S.A), July 31 - August 2, 2003
• “Migrations and Displacement”


Panel Chair and discussant, Congrès Mondial du CIEF (Conseil International d’Etudes Francophones) May 27 – June 3, 2001, Portland, Maine (USA)
• “Écritures transculturelles et transgénériques”


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, SSA (Sudan Studies Association) Conference, East – Lansing, Michigan, May 24-26, 2001
• “Scholars and Archives”


Chair and paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Sousse, Tunisie, May 27-June 3, 2000
• “Le Sacré et le profane dans la littérature francophone”


Invited discussant, SSA Conference, Vassar College, New York, April 4-6, 2000
• “Tayeb Saleh and the Sudanese Literary Traditions”


Invited Panel Chair and discussant, Sudanese Studies Association Conference, Tufts University, Boston, June 4-6, 1999
• “Foreign Policy and the Sudanese Diaspora”


Chair and Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Lafayette, Louisiana, May 22-30, 1999
• “Les écrivains québécoises: souvenir et vision d’avenir (Gabrielle Roy, Anne Hébert et Marie-Claire Blais) ”


Chair and Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Moncton (N.B.), May 23-30,1998
• "Marguerite Duras : une écriture de transcendance”


Paper, African Literature Association, Michigan State University, U.S.A., April 16-19,1997
• "Art cinématographique et techniques romanesques dans Le Docker Noir de Sembène Ousmane"


Chair and Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Pointe-à-Pitre, Guadeloupe, May 10-17, 1997
• "Assimilation et quête identitaire dans des écrits antillais"


Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Toulouse, France, May 26 – June2, 1996
• "L'Exil dans des écrits franco-ontariens"


Panel Chair, Colloque International Andrée Chédid, York University, Toronto, 1995


Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Charleston, U.S.A., June 1995
• "Jean Giono et André Champson: La poétisation du terroir"


Paper, Congrès Mondial du CIEF, Quebec City, Quebec, April 1994
• "Giono et la civilisation paysanne"


Paper, Colloque International sur la littérature marocaine, York University, Toronto, 1994
• "Le poids de la solitude chez Ben Jelloun"


Paper, 62e Congrès de l'ACFAS, Université de Québec à Montréal, May 1994
• "Les Figures discursives dans les textes francophones de l'Afrique, du Maghreb et des Antilles"


Invited Chair, Workshop on African Literature, Festival international de Limoges, Université de Limoges, France, 1990


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/FR4353 3.0 M 20th c. French Lit.: After Modernism LECT
Winter 2025 AP/FR3382 3.0 M French Literature, Culture & Society II LECT
Winter 2025 AP/FR3081 3.0 M Advanced Written Communication in French LECT