Ian Greene

School of Public Policy and Administration
Professor Emeritus
Office: 230 McLaughlin College
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 55384
Email: igreene@yorku.ca
Primary website: http://www.yorku.ca/igreene/
Attached CV
Media Requests Welcome
Ian is a Professor Emeritus and University Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration. Now mostly retired, he taught courses in Canadian public law, the Charter of Rights, court organization and management, and public sector ethics. He is a former Master of McLaughlin College, and the former Director of the Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law program. He serves on the Executive of the York Collegium for Practical Ethics.
Ian is a former Master of McLaughlin College. Now mostly retired, he taught courses in Canadian public law, ethics in the public service, the Charter of Rights, ethics and administrative law, and theoretical perspectives in public law.
He has been coordinator of York's undergraduate program in public policy and administration, as well as the undergraduate director in the political science department. He was an associate dean in the Faculty of Arts from 1997 to 2000. He has been associate director of York's MPA Programme, and co-director of the professional development LLM programme in administrative law.
He is a member of the executive of the Collegium for Practical Ethics, and from 2003 to 2004, he was Chair of the York University Senate.
On the research front, Ian's newest co-authored books are Beverley McLachlin: The Legacy of a Supreme Court Chief Justice (Lorimer, 2919) and Honest Politics Now (Lorimer, 2017). The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, was published by Lorimer in 2014. The book tells the story behind the most important Supreme Court decisions on the Charter and Aboriginal rights. He authored The Courts (UBC Press) in 2006, and was the principal author of Final Appeal, which was published in 1998 and co-authored with Carl Baar, Peter McCormick, George Szablowski and Martin Thomas. The book analyses decision-making in Canadian appeal courts, and is based on interviews with 101 of Canada s appellate court judges, including 8 of the 9 Supreme Court of Canada judges. Ian's co-authored book with David Shugarman, Honest Politics, was published in March, 1997. His other books are The Charter of Rights (1989), and Judges and Judging (1990), with Peter McCormick. As well, he was a member of the research team, led by Prof. Maureen Mancuso at the University of Guelph, which published A Question of Ethics (Oxford) in 1998 (second edition, 2006). Ian is a co-author of a book celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Federal Court, which will be published in 2021.
PhD, University of TorontoMA, University of Toronto
BA, University of Alberta
Professional Leadership
Master, McLaughlin College, 2004-2009, and 2011-13 Director, Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law Program, 2006-2009 Chair, York University Senate, 2003-2004 Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts, 1997-2000 Co-ordinator, Graduate Diploma in Justice System Administration, 2000–2009, & 2014-15
Community Contributions
Co-Chair, York University Retirees Association, Executive Member, YU-CARE (Centre for Aging Resarch and Education), Executive Member, York Collegium for Practical Ethics, Executive Member, International Justice Partnership
Research Interests
- • University Professorship, conferred at the June 16 York University convocation 2010 - 2010
- Faculty of Arts Fellowship (1995-96) - 1995-96
- Faculty of Arts Student Caucus, Faculty of Arts, created the Ian Greene Award for Teaching Excellence, April, 2007 - 2007
- Award for Teaching Excellence in the Part-time LLM Program, Osgoode Hall Law School, 2007 - 2007
- Faculty of Arts Advising Award (1995) - 1995
- Life Member, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (1992) - 1992
- Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge, England (Jan. - June, 1992) - 1992
- listed in Canadian Who's Who since 1989, and in International Dictionary of Biography since 1992. - 1992
Greene, I. Courts. Canadian Democratic Audit. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006).
Greene, I. Final Appeal: Decision-making in Canadian Courts of Appeal. With Carl Baar, Peter McCormick, George Szablowski and Martin Thomas. (Toronto: Lorimer, 1998) (245 pages plus index; personal contribution: lead author of book and of 6 of 10 chapters.).
Greene, I. Question of Ethics: Canadians Speak Out About Their Politicians. With Maureen Mancuso (lead author), Michael Atkinson, André Blais and Neil Nevitte. Oxford University Press Canada, 1998; Second Edition, 2006. (232 pages; personal contribution: 10%.).
Greene, I. Honest Politics: Seeking Integrity in Canadian Public Life. With David Shugarman. Toronto: Lorimer, 1997. (239 pages plus index; personal contribution: 65% of text.).
Greene, I. Judges and Judging: Inside the Canadian Judicial System. With Peter McCormick. Toronto: Lorimer, 1990. (267 pages plus index; contribution: 1/2).
Greene, I. The Charter of Rights. Toronto: Lorimer, 1989. (250 pages plus index)
Greene, I. A Constitutional Amendment in Canada and the United States,@ Ch. 8 in Stephen L. Newman, Ed., Constitutional Politics in Canada and the United States (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2004, 249-271).
Greene, I. Judicial Independence,@ Jack Rabin, Ed., Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (New York: Dekker, 2002).
Greene, I. Lessons Learned from Two Decades of Program Evaluation in Canada,@ Deitmar Braunig and Peter Eichorn (Eds.), Evaluation and Accounting Standards in Public Management (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002), 44-53.
Greene, I. The Judicial Dimension of Federalism in India and Canada: A Comparative Analysis,@ in Rekha Saxena, Ed., Mapping Canadian Federalism for India (Delhi: Konark Publishers: 2002), 258-278.
Greene, I. Judges and Public Policy: Judicial Independence and Accountability,@ in Gene Ann Smith, Hélène Dumont, Eds., Justice to order : adjustment to changing demands and co ordination issues in the justice system in Canada (Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1999).
Greene, I. Principle Versus Partisanship: The Chrétien Government's Record on Integrity Issues.@ In Gene Swimmer, ed., How Ottawa Spends, 1997-98 (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1997). (20 pages)
Greene, I. Preface.@ In Justice David Marshall, Judicial Conduct and Accountability (Toronto: Carswell, 1995). (9 pages)
Greene, I. The Administration of Justice.@ In Robert Krause & R.H. Wagenberg, Introductory Readings in Canadian Government, 2nd ed. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1994, 322. (22 pages)
Greene, I. A Judges as Leaders,@ in Ron Wagenberg, Richard Price and Maureen Mancuso, Leaders and Leadership in Canadian Politics (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1993). (25 pages)
Greene, I. Are Canadian Judges Independent Enough?@ In F.L. Morton, Law, Politics and the Judicial Process in Canada, 2nd Ed. (Calgary: U of C Press, 1993) . (10 pages)
Greene, I. Allegations of Undue Influence in Canadian Politics.@ In Janet Hiebert, Ed., Political Ethics: A Canadian Perspective. Vol. 12 of Research Studies of the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, 1992, 101. Toronto: Dundurn Press in cooperation with the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, 1992. (64 pages)
Greene, I. The Myths of Legislative and Constitutional Supremacy.@ In David Shugarman and Reginald Whitaker, Eds., Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peterborough: Broadview, 1989. (20 pages)
Baar, Carl and I. Greene. "Judicial Administration," in C. Dunn, Ed., Handbook of Canadian Public Administration (Toronto: Oxford U.P.), Chapter 7.
Greene, I. Review Essay with David Shugarman, “Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities, phase I Report and Phase II Report.” 49 (2) Canadian Public Administration (Summer 2006), 220-232.
Greene, I. Review of Roy Flemming, Tournament of Appeals: Granting Judicial Review in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004), for Justice System Journal, fall, 2005.
Greene, I. Review of O.P. Dwivedi and James Iain Gow, From Bureaucracy to Public Management: The Administrative Culture of the Government of Canada (Broadview, 1999), for Canadian Journal of Public Administration, fall, 2000.
Greene, I. Review of David Beatty, Constitutional Law in Theory and Practice (U of T Press: 1995), for Canadian Journal of Political Science, XXIX:1 (January, 1996).
Greene, I. Review of David Milne, The Canadian Constitution (Lorimer, 1989), for The Canadian Journal of Law and Society, V (1990).
Greene, I. Review of Ian Bushnell, The Captive Court: A Study of the Supreme Court of Canada (McGill-Queen's, 1992), for Canadian Journal of Political Science, XXVII:1 (March, 1994), 159.
Greene, I. "The Tension Among Three Ethics Regimes: Government, House of Commons and Senate," Canadian Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, 2010 (in press in October, 2010)
Greene, I. “Democracy, Judicial Independence and Judicial Selection for Federally-Appointed Judges,” University of New Brunswick Law Journal, 58 (spring 2008).
Greene, I. "The Chrétien Ethics Legacy," Special edition of Review of Constitutional Studies, 2004.
Greene, I. "The Ethics of Innovation and the Development of Innovative Projects," VIII(3) The Innovation Journal, September, 2003.
Greene, I. The Government of Canada Approach to Ethics: The Evolution of Ethical Government,@ With Eleanor D. Glor. Public Integrity, 5, Winter 2002-3, 41-67 (contrubution: second author).
Greene, I. Factors for Success in Participative Community Planning: Lessons from a Case Study in Child Welfare in the Province of Alberta,@ with Peter Gabor. The Innovation Journal, Case Studies, 2002 (14 pages; contribution: co-author, 50%) Also reproduced in The Innovation Journal, Special Issue on Citizen Empowerment, May 15, 2003.
Greene, I. Law, Courts and Democracy in Canada.@ International Social Science Journal, spring, 1997. With Carl Baar and Peter McCormick. (15 pages; contribution: lead author.).
Greene, I. Leave to Appeal and Leave to Commence Judicial Review in Canada's Refugee-Determination System: Is the Process Fair?" With Paul Shaffer. 4(1) 1992 International Journal of Refugee Law, 71. (13 pages; contribution: lead author.)
Greene, I. The Ontario Court of Appeal and Speedy Justice.@ With Carl Baar, Peter McCormick and Martin Thomas. 30(2) (1992) Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 261. (28 pages; contribution: second author.).
Greene, I. Government ethics commissioners: the way of the future?@ 34 Canadian Public Administration (1991), 165. (6 pages)
Greene, I. Public service ethics and office politics. 22 Optimum (1991), 54 (5 pages)
Greene, I. Views from the Inside: Young People's Perceptions of Residential Services. With Peter Gabor. 7 Journal of Child and Youth Care Work (1991), 6. (14 pages; contribution: second author.)
Greene, I. Conflict of Interest and the Constitution. 23 (1990) Canadian Journal of Political Science, 233. (24 pages)
Greene, I. The Doctrine of Judicial Independence of the Supreme Court of Canada.@ 26(1) (1988) Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 177. (30 pages)
Greene, I. The Zuber Report and Court Management.@ 8 (1988) Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 150. (40 pages)
Greene, I. The Young Offenders Act in Alberta: Changes in Services During the First Year.@ With Peter Gabor and Peter McCormick. 54 (1986) The Social Worker, 150. (5 pages; contribution: 1/3).
Greene, I. The Young Offenders Act: The Alberta Youth Court Experience in the First Year.@ With Peter Gabor and Peter McCormick. 5 (1986) Canadian Journal of Family Law, 301. (18 pages; contribution: 1/3).
Greene, I. The Politics of Court Administration in Ontario.@ Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 2 (1982), 124. (28 pages)
Greene, I. “The Potentials for Government Privatization to the Nonprofit Sector,” presented to the International Symposium on Public Sector Management, York University, September 13, 2006.
Greene, I. “Videoconferencing as a Teaching Tool,” presentation to TEL at York Conference, April 25, 2006.
Greene, I. Comparing Ethics Regulation Regimes: Conflict of Interest Regimes in Canada," presented to the International Conference on Governance and Political Ethics, Université de Montréal, May 14 & 15, 2004.
Greene, I. "New Parliament of Canada Ethics Rules," presented to Transparency International Annual Symposium, Toronto, May 13, 2004.
Greene, I. Regulating ethics: How independent should ethics commissioners be?" presented in absentia to "Conflict of Interest in Government" conference, September 17 and 18, 2004, University of Trento, Italy.
Greene, I. Streamlining Bureaucracy: Innovation, NPM, and Current Challenges for Public Administration," presentation to 4th International Public Sector Management Symposium, Giessen, Germany, June 19, 2004.
Greene, I. "The Paradoxes of Power Relations: The Courts and Canadian Democracy," presented at conference entitled "Squaring the Circle: The Courts in a Democratic Canada" held at Mount Allison University, March 15, 2003.
Greene, I. The Charter and National Unity,@ presented at The Charter at Twenty Conference, Osgoode Professional Development Centre, April 13, 2002.
The dialogue between democratic governance and judicial interpretation of the Charter, presented at Human Rights As Global Security: Future Directions for the Charter, A Symposium to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Edmonton, April 26, 2002.
Greene, I. The Ethics of Innovation and the Development of Innovative Projects, presented to the Innovation Workshop, Ottawa, Feb. 9, 2002.
Greene, I. The Ethics of Interviewing: Justice and Authority,@ presented to York Centre for Practical Ethics workshop for Canada Immigration Commission on quality interviewing , Toronto, March 26 and 26, 2002.
Greene, I. The Impact of Social Science Evidence on Supreme Court of Canada Decisions,paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Toronto, May 31, 2002.
Greene, I. The Crucial Work of Courts in Canadian Democracy,@ paper presented to the Canada Today: a Democratic Audit Conference, sponsored by the Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University, and the Canadian Study of Parliament Group, Ottawa, December 1, 2001.
Greene, I. The Judicial Two-Step: Decision-making in Canadian Appeal Courts,@ paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Quebec City, May 27, 2001. With Carl Baar.
Greene, I. Ethical Politics and the Clinton Affair,@ with David Shugarman, in David Shugarman and Paul Rynard, Eds., Cruelty and Deception: The Controversy Over Dirty Hands in Politics. (Peterborough: Broadview, 1999) . (10 pages) Contribution: 40%.
Greene, I. Judges and Public Policy: Judicial Independence and Accountability, Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, October 15, 1998. (As well, this paper was used as a resource for the annual Strategic Issues Meeting for Deputy Ministers, Ottawa, June, 1999.)
Greene, I. Attitudes of Canadian Appellate Judges Toward Criminal Justice Issues,@ presented to the International Penological Association, Havana, Cuba, November 18, 1998.
Greene, I. Why Canadians Want Ethical Politics But Don't Believe It Can Happen, paper prepared for presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association at the University of Ottawa, May 31, 1998.
Greene, I. How Canadian Appeal Court Judges Decide, with Carl Baar and Peter McCormick, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, June 1996. (contribution: lead author.)
Greene, I. Judicial Accountability in Canada.@ In Philip C. Stenning, ed., Accountability For Criminal Justice. (Toronto: U of T Press, 1995) (30 pages)
Greene, I. The Study of Political Ethics in Canada and the United States,@ presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Calgary, 13 June 1994, with Maureen Mancuso and Michael Atkinson. (contribution: third author)
Greene, I. Public Service Ethics: The Internal Dimension, presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Victoria, B.C., 1990.
Greene, I. The Canadian Contribution to Human Rights, presented in absentia at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1989.
Greene, I. The Ontario Court of Appeal and Speedy Justice,@ with Carl Baar, Peter McCormick and Martin Thomas, presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 1989. (contribution: second author)
Greene, I. The Zuber Report and Court Management, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1988.
Greene, I. Conflict of Interest and the Rule of Law, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1987.
Greene, I. The Backgrounds of Judges: The Alberta Aberration, presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 1987.
Greene, I. Legislative Supremacy in Post Charter Canada, presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 1986.
Greene, I. The Issues Behind the Judicial Independence Controversy, presented at The Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1986.
Greene, I. The Perceptions of Young People Receiving Child Welfare Services, with Peter Gabor, presented at First International Child Care Conference, Vancouver, October, 1985. (contribution: co-author)
Greene, I. The Young Offenders Act: The Alberta Experience in the First Year,@ with Peter Gabor and Peter McCormick, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1985. (contribution: 1/3)
Greene, I. The Provincial Judicial Setting: Its Influence on the Attitudes of Courthouse Actors, with Peter McCormick, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1984. (contribution: co-author)
Judicial Independence and Professional Autonomy, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1982.
Greene, I. Presentation to the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on Bill C-2 (Federal Accountability Act regarding Senate ethics legislation), Ottawa, September 18, 2006 (recorded in Hansard).
Greene, I. "The Level of Political Leadership Required to Implement the Gomery and Bellamy Recommendations,” with Brian Grainger, presentation at Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, June 1, 2006.
Greene, I. Presentation to the Senate Committee on Rules, Procedures, and Parliament on Bill C-4 (Senate ethics legislation), Ottawa, March 17, 2004 (recorded in Hansard).
Greene, I. "Effectiveness of Ethics Counselling Systems in Canada, presentation for Roundtable on Regulating Ethics in Politics, Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Halifax, June 1, 2003.
Greene, I. "The Courts and Democracy," presentation for Roundtable on the Canadian Democratic Audit: Challenges and Reforms, Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Halifax, June 1, 2003.
Greene, I. "The impact of the use of social science and historical evidence on Supreme Court of Canada decisions," presented at the Brownbag Research Seminar, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies, York University, April 8, 2003.
Greene, I. Globalization, political ethics and education,@ presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association for General Education and Learning, Toronto, October 25, 1997.
Ian is a Professor Emeritus and University Professor in the School of Public Policy and Administration. Now mostly retired, he taught courses in Canadian public law, the Charter of Rights, court organization and management, and public sector ethics. He is a former Master of McLaughlin College, and the former Director of the Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law program. He serves on the Executive of the York Collegium for Practical Ethics.
Ian is a former Master of McLaughlin College. Now mostly retired, he taught courses in Canadian public law, ethics in the public service, the Charter of Rights, ethics and administrative law, and theoretical perspectives in public law.
He has been coordinator of York's undergraduate program in public policy and administration, as well as the undergraduate director in the political science department. He was an associate dean in the Faculty of Arts from 1997 to 2000. He has been associate director of York's MPA Programme, and co-director of the professional development LLM programme in administrative law.
He is a member of the executive of the Collegium for Practical Ethics, and from 2003 to 2004, he was Chair of the York University Senate.
On the research front, Ian's newest co-authored books are Beverley McLachlin: The Legacy of a Supreme Court Chief Justice (Lorimer, 2919) and Honest Politics Now (Lorimer, 2017). The Charter of Rights and Freedoms, was published by Lorimer in 2014. The book tells the story behind the most important Supreme Court decisions on the Charter and Aboriginal rights. He authored The Courts (UBC Press) in 2006, and was the principal author of Final Appeal, which was published in 1998 and co-authored with Carl Baar, Peter McCormick, George Szablowski and Martin Thomas. The book analyses decision-making in Canadian appeal courts, and is based on interviews with 101 of Canada s appellate court judges, including 8 of the 9 Supreme Court of Canada judges. Ian's co-authored book with David Shugarman, Honest Politics, was published in March, 1997. His other books are The Charter of Rights (1989), and Judges and Judging (1990), with Peter McCormick. As well, he was a member of the research team, led by Prof. Maureen Mancuso at the University of Guelph, which published A Question of Ethics (Oxford) in 1998 (second edition, 2006). Ian is a co-author of a book celebrating the 50th anniversary of the Federal Court, which will be published in 2021.
PhD, University of TorontoMA, University of Toronto
BA, University of Alberta
Professional Leadership
Master, McLaughlin College, 2004-2009, and 2011-13 Director, Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law Program, 2006-2009 Chair, York University Senate, 2003-2004 Associate Dean, Faculty of Arts, 1997-2000 Co-ordinator, Graduate Diploma in Justice System Administration, 2000–2009, & 2014-15
Community Contributions
Co-Chair, York University Retirees Association, Executive Member, YU-CARE (Centre for Aging Resarch and Education), Executive Member, York Collegium for Practical Ethics, Executive Member, International Justice Partnership
Research Interests
- • University Professorship, conferred at the June 16 York University convocation 2010 - 2010
- Faculty of Arts Fellowship (1995-96) - 1995-96
- Faculty of Arts Student Caucus, Faculty of Arts, created the Ian Greene Award for Teaching Excellence, April, 2007 - 2007
- Award for Teaching Excellence in the Part-time LLM Program, Osgoode Hall Law School, 2007 - 2007
- Faculty of Arts Advising Award (1995) - 1995
- Life Member, Clare Hall, University of Cambridge (1992) - 1992
- Visiting Fellow, Clare Hall, Cambridge, England (Jan. - June, 1992) - 1992
- listed in Canadian Who's Who since 1989, and in International Dictionary of Biography since 1992. - 1992
All Publications
Greene, I. A Constitutional Amendment in Canada and the United States,@ Ch. 8 in Stephen L. Newman, Ed., Constitutional Politics in Canada and the United States (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2004, 249-271).
Greene, I. Judicial Independence,@ Jack Rabin, Ed., Encyclopedia of Public Administration and Public Policy (New York: Dekker, 2002).
Greene, I. Lessons Learned from Two Decades of Program Evaluation in Canada,@ Deitmar Braunig and Peter Eichorn (Eds.), Evaluation and Accounting Standards in Public Management (Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002), 44-53.
Greene, I. The Judicial Dimension of Federalism in India and Canada: A Comparative Analysis,@ in Rekha Saxena, Ed., Mapping Canadian Federalism for India (Delhi: Konark Publishers: 2002), 258-278.
Greene, I. Judges and Public Policy: Judicial Independence and Accountability,@ in Gene Ann Smith, Hélène Dumont, Eds., Justice to order : adjustment to changing demands and co ordination issues in the justice system in Canada (Montréal: Éditions Thémis, 1999).
Greene, I. Principle Versus Partisanship: The Chrétien Government's Record on Integrity Issues.@ In Gene Swimmer, ed., How Ottawa Spends, 1997-98 (Ottawa: Carleton University Press, 1997). (20 pages)
Greene, I. Preface.@ In Justice David Marshall, Judicial Conduct and Accountability (Toronto: Carswell, 1995). (9 pages)
Greene, I. The Administration of Justice.@ In Robert Krause & R.H. Wagenberg, Introductory Readings in Canadian Government, 2nd ed. Toronto: Copp Clark Pitman, 1994, 322. (22 pages)
Greene, I. A Judges as Leaders,@ in Ron Wagenberg, Richard Price and Maureen Mancuso, Leaders and Leadership in Canadian Politics (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1993). (25 pages)
Greene, I. Are Canadian Judges Independent Enough?@ In F.L. Morton, Law, Politics and the Judicial Process in Canada, 2nd Ed. (Calgary: U of C Press, 1993) . (10 pages)
Greene, I. Allegations of Undue Influence in Canadian Politics.@ In Janet Hiebert, Ed., Political Ethics: A Canadian Perspective. Vol. 12 of Research Studies of the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, 1992, 101. Toronto: Dundurn Press in cooperation with the Royal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, 1992. (64 pages)
Greene, I. The Myths of Legislative and Constitutional Supremacy.@ In David Shugarman and Reginald Whitaker, Eds., Federalism and Political Community: Essays in Honour of Donald Smiley. Peterborough: Broadview, 1989. (20 pages)
Baar, Carl and I. Greene. "Judicial Administration," in C. Dunn, Ed., Handbook of Canadian Public Administration (Toronto: Oxford U.P.), Chapter 7.
Greene, I. Review Essay with David Shugarman, “Commission of Inquiry into the Sponsorship Program and Advertising Activities, phase I Report and Phase II Report.” 49 (2) Canadian Public Administration (Summer 2006), 220-232.
Greene, I. Review of Roy Flemming, Tournament of Appeals: Granting Judicial Review in Canada (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2004), for Justice System Journal, fall, 2005.
Greene, I. Review of O.P. Dwivedi and James Iain Gow, From Bureaucracy to Public Management: The Administrative Culture of the Government of Canada (Broadview, 1999), for Canadian Journal of Public Administration, fall, 2000.
Greene, I. Review of David Beatty, Constitutional Law in Theory and Practice (U of T Press: 1995), for Canadian Journal of Political Science, XXIX:1 (January, 1996).
Greene, I. Review of David Milne, The Canadian Constitution (Lorimer, 1989), for The Canadian Journal of Law and Society, V (1990).
Greene, I. Review of Ian Bushnell, The Captive Court: A Study of the Supreme Court of Canada (McGill-Queen's, 1992), for Canadian Journal of Political Science, XXVII:1 (March, 1994), 159.
Greene, I. Courts. Canadian Democratic Audit. (Vancouver: UBC Press, 2006).
Greene, I. Final Appeal: Decision-making in Canadian Courts of Appeal. With Carl Baar, Peter McCormick, George Szablowski and Martin Thomas. (Toronto: Lorimer, 1998) (245 pages plus index; personal contribution: lead author of book and of 6 of 10 chapters.).
Greene, I. Question of Ethics: Canadians Speak Out About Their Politicians. With Maureen Mancuso (lead author), Michael Atkinson, André Blais and Neil Nevitte. Oxford University Press Canada, 1998; Second Edition, 2006. (232 pages; personal contribution: 10%.).
Greene, I. Honest Politics: Seeking Integrity in Canadian Public Life. With David Shugarman. Toronto: Lorimer, 1997. (239 pages plus index; personal contribution: 65% of text.).
Greene, I. Judges and Judging: Inside the Canadian Judicial System. With Peter McCormick. Toronto: Lorimer, 1990. (267 pages plus index; contribution: 1/2).
Greene, I. The Charter of Rights. Toronto: Lorimer, 1989. (250 pages plus index)
Greene, I. "The Tension Among Three Ethics Regimes: Government, House of Commons and Senate," Canadian Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law, 2010 (in press in October, 2010)
Greene, I. “Democracy, Judicial Independence and Judicial Selection for Federally-Appointed Judges,” University of New Brunswick Law Journal, 58 (spring 2008).
Greene, I. "The Chrétien Ethics Legacy," Special edition of Review of Constitutional Studies, 2004.
Greene, I. "The Ethics of Innovation and the Development of Innovative Projects," VIII(3) The Innovation Journal, September, 2003.
Greene, I. The Government of Canada Approach to Ethics: The Evolution of Ethical Government,@ With Eleanor D. Glor. Public Integrity, 5, Winter 2002-3, 41-67 (contrubution: second author).
Greene, I. Factors for Success in Participative Community Planning: Lessons from a Case Study in Child Welfare in the Province of Alberta,@ with Peter Gabor. The Innovation Journal, Case Studies, 2002 (14 pages; contribution: co-author, 50%) Also reproduced in The Innovation Journal, Special Issue on Citizen Empowerment, May 15, 2003.
Greene, I. Law, Courts and Democracy in Canada.@ International Social Science Journal, spring, 1997. With Carl Baar and Peter McCormick. (15 pages; contribution: lead author.).
Greene, I. Leave to Appeal and Leave to Commence Judicial Review in Canada's Refugee-Determination System: Is the Process Fair?" With Paul Shaffer. 4(1) 1992 International Journal of Refugee Law, 71. (13 pages; contribution: lead author.)
Greene, I. The Ontario Court of Appeal and Speedy Justice.@ With Carl Baar, Peter McCormick and Martin Thomas. 30(2) (1992) Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 261. (28 pages; contribution: second author.).
Greene, I. Government ethics commissioners: the way of the future?@ 34 Canadian Public Administration (1991), 165. (6 pages)
Greene, I. Public service ethics and office politics. 22 Optimum (1991), 54 (5 pages)
Greene, I. Views from the Inside: Young People's Perceptions of Residential Services. With Peter Gabor. 7 Journal of Child and Youth Care Work (1991), 6. (14 pages; contribution: second author.)
Greene, I. Conflict of Interest and the Constitution. 23 (1990) Canadian Journal of Political Science, 233. (24 pages)
Greene, I. The Doctrine of Judicial Independence of the Supreme Court of Canada.@ 26(1) (1988) Osgoode Hall Law Journal, 177. (30 pages)
Greene, I. The Zuber Report and Court Management.@ 8 (1988) Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 150. (40 pages)
Greene, I. The Young Offenders Act in Alberta: Changes in Services During the First Year.@ With Peter Gabor and Peter McCormick. 54 (1986) The Social Worker, 150. (5 pages; contribution: 1/3).
Greene, I. The Young Offenders Act: The Alberta Youth Court Experience in the First Year.@ With Peter Gabor and Peter McCormick. 5 (1986) Canadian Journal of Family Law, 301. (18 pages; contribution: 1/3).
Greene, I. The Politics of Court Administration in Ontario.@ Windsor Yearbook of Access to Justice, 2 (1982), 124. (28 pages)
Greene, I. “The Potentials for Government Privatization to the Nonprofit Sector,” presented to the International Symposium on Public Sector Management, York University, September 13, 2006.
Greene, I. “Videoconferencing as a Teaching Tool,” presentation to TEL at York Conference, April 25, 2006.
Greene, I. Comparing Ethics Regulation Regimes: Conflict of Interest Regimes in Canada," presented to the International Conference on Governance and Political Ethics, Université de Montréal, May 14 & 15, 2004.
Greene, I. "New Parliament of Canada Ethics Rules," presented to Transparency International Annual Symposium, Toronto, May 13, 2004.
Greene, I. Regulating ethics: How independent should ethics commissioners be?" presented in absentia to "Conflict of Interest in Government" conference, September 17 and 18, 2004, University of Trento, Italy.
Greene, I. Streamlining Bureaucracy: Innovation, NPM, and Current Challenges for Public Administration," presentation to 4th International Public Sector Management Symposium, Giessen, Germany, June 19, 2004.
Greene, I. "The Paradoxes of Power Relations: The Courts and Canadian Democracy," presented at conference entitled "Squaring the Circle: The Courts in a Democratic Canada" held at Mount Allison University, March 15, 2003.
Greene, I. The Charter and National Unity,@ presented at The Charter at Twenty Conference, Osgoode Professional Development Centre, April 13, 2002.
The dialogue between democratic governance and judicial interpretation of the Charter, presented at Human Rights As Global Security: Future Directions for the Charter, A Symposium to Commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Edmonton, April 26, 2002.
Greene, I. The Ethics of Innovation and the Development of Innovative Projects, presented to the Innovation Workshop, Ottawa, Feb. 9, 2002.
Greene, I. The Ethics of Interviewing: Justice and Authority,@ presented to York Centre for Practical Ethics workshop for Canada Immigration Commission on quality interviewing , Toronto, March 26 and 26, 2002.
Greene, I. The Impact of Social Science Evidence on Supreme Court of Canada Decisions,paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Toronto, May 31, 2002.
Greene, I. The Crucial Work of Courts in Canadian Democracy,@ paper presented to the Canada Today: a Democratic Audit Conference, sponsored by the Centre for Canadian Studies, Mount Allison University, and the Canadian Study of Parliament Group, Ottawa, December 1, 2001.
Greene, I. The Judicial Two-Step: Decision-making in Canadian Appeal Courts,@ paper presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Quebec City, May 27, 2001. With Carl Baar.
Greene, I. Ethical Politics and the Clinton Affair,@ with David Shugarman, in David Shugarman and Paul Rynard, Eds., Cruelty and Deception: The Controversy Over Dirty Hands in Politics. (Peterborough: Broadview, 1999) . (10 pages) Contribution: 40%.
Greene, I. Judges and Public Policy: Judicial Independence and Accountability, Canadian Institute for the Administration of Justice Annual Meeting, Saskatoon, October 15, 1998. (As well, this paper was used as a resource for the annual Strategic Issues Meeting for Deputy Ministers, Ottawa, June, 1999.)
Greene, I. Attitudes of Canadian Appellate Judges Toward Criminal Justice Issues,@ presented to the International Penological Association, Havana, Cuba, November 18, 1998.
Greene, I. Why Canadians Want Ethical Politics But Don't Believe It Can Happen, paper prepared for presentation to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association at the University of Ottawa, May 31, 1998.
Greene, I. How Canadian Appeal Court Judges Decide, with Carl Baar and Peter McCormick, Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, June 1996. (contribution: lead author.)
Greene, I. Judicial Accountability in Canada.@ In Philip C. Stenning, ed., Accountability For Criminal Justice. (Toronto: U of T Press, 1995) (30 pages)
Greene, I. The Study of Political Ethics in Canada and the United States,@ presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, University of Calgary, 13 June 1994, with Maureen Mancuso and Michael Atkinson. (contribution: third author)
Greene, I. Public Service Ethics: The Internal Dimension, presented to the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Political Science Association, Victoria, B.C., 1990.
Greene, I. The Canadian Contribution to Human Rights, presented in absentia at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1989.
Greene, I. The Ontario Court of Appeal and Speedy Justice,@ with Carl Baar, Peter McCormick and Martin Thomas, presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 1989. (contribution: second author)
Greene, I. The Zuber Report and Court Management, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1988.
Greene, I. Conflict of Interest and the Rule of Law, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1987.
Greene, I. The Backgrounds of Judges: The Alberta Aberration, presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 1987.
Greene, I. Legislative Supremacy in Post Charter Canada, presented at the Canadian Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, 1986.
Greene, I. The Issues Behind the Judicial Independence Controversy, presented at The Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1986.
Greene, I. The Perceptions of Young People Receiving Child Welfare Services, with Peter Gabor, presented at First International Child Care Conference, Vancouver, October, 1985. (contribution: co-author)
Greene, I. The Young Offenders Act: The Alberta Experience in the First Year,@ with Peter Gabor and Peter McCormick, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1985. (contribution: 1/3)
Greene, I. The Provincial Judicial Setting: Its Influence on the Attitudes of Courthouse Actors, with Peter McCormick, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1984. (contribution: co-author)
Judicial Independence and Professional Autonomy, presented at the Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, 1982.
Greene, I. Presentation to the Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs on Bill C-2 (Federal Accountability Act regarding Senate ethics legislation), Ottawa, September 18, 2006 (recorded in Hansard).
Greene, I. "The Level of Political Leadership Required to Implement the Gomery and Bellamy Recommendations,” with Brian Grainger, presentation at Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, June 1, 2006.
Greene, I. Presentation to the Senate Committee on Rules, Procedures, and Parliament on Bill C-4 (Senate ethics legislation), Ottawa, March 17, 2004 (recorded in Hansard).
Greene, I. "Effectiveness of Ethics Counselling Systems in Canada, presentation for Roundtable on Regulating Ethics in Politics, Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Halifax, June 1, 2003.
Greene, I. "The Courts and Democracy," presentation for Roundtable on the Canadian Democratic Audit: Challenges and Reforms, Canadian Political Science Association Annual Meeting, Halifax, June 1, 2003.
Greene, I. "The impact of the use of social science and historical evidence on Supreme Court of Canada decisions," presented at the Brownbag Research Seminar, Atkinson Faculty of Liberal and Professional Studies, York University, April 8, 2003.
Greene, I. Globalization, political ethics and education,@ presented at the Annual General Meeting of the Association for General Education and Learning, Toronto, October 25, 1997.