
Jay Goulding

Photo of Jay Goulding

Associate Professor

Office: 310 Atkinson Building
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 22334
Email: jay@yorku.ca

Media Requests Welcome
Accepting New Graduate Students

Specializes in Chinese and Japanese philosophy, and hermeneutic phenomenology. He teaches two undergraduate courses, HREQ 3575 6.0 Popular Cultures and Rights, East and West, and HREQ 4651 3.0 Chinese Rights and Virtues in East Asia in Department of Equity Studies. He teaches SPT 6194 3.0 Existential Phenomenology: East Asian Influences, and HUMA/SPT 6231 3.0/6184 3.0 Frankfurt and Freiburg: East/West Dialogues for Social and Political Thought, and Humanities.


Specializes in Chinese and Japanese philosophy, and hermeneutic phenomenology. He teaches two undergraduate courses, HREQ 3575 6.0 Popular Cultures and Rights, East and West, and HREQ 4651 3.0 Chinese Rights and Virtues in East Asia in Department of Equity Studies. He teaches SPT 6194 3.0 Existential Phenomenology: East Asian Influences, and HUMA/SPT 6231 3.0/6184 3.0 Frankfurt and Freiburg: East/West Dialogues for Social and Political Thought, and Humanities.


PhD, York University
MA Sociology, York University`
BA Sociology, McMaster University

Research Interests

, Wang Bi’s 王弼 reconstruction of Laozi’s 老子 Daodejing 道德經, Cheng Chung-ying’s 成中英 ontocosmology and Chinese philosophy, Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist phenomenology,, Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism,, Heidegger’s engagement with Chinese and Japanese philosophy, Motoori Norinaga’s 本居宣長 understanding of Chushingura 忠臣藏 (Treasury of Loyal Retainers)


Goulding, J. 2008 “Cheng Chung-ying’s Onto-cosmology: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Ch. 8 pp. 135-155 in Ng On-cho (ed.) The Imperative of Understanding: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics: A Tribute Volume Dedicated to Professor Chung-ying Cheng, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.


Goulding, J. 2008 China-West Interculture,Toward the Philosophy of World Integration: Essays on Wu Kuang-ming’s Thinking for The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) Series on Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, New York: Global Scholarly Publications 336 pgs.


Goulding, J. 1985 Empire, Aliens and Conquest: A Critique of American Ideology in Star Trek and Other Science Fiction Adventures, Toronto: Sisyphus Press Inc. 95 pgs.


Goulding, J. 1982 The Last Outport: Newfoundland in Crisis, Toronto: Sisyphus Press Inc. 373 pgs.


Book Chapters


Goulding, J. 2008 “Cheng Chung-ying’s Onto-cosmology: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Ch. 8 pp. 135-155 in Ng On-cho (ed.) The Imperative of Understanding: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics: A Tribute Volume Dedicated to Professor Chung-ying Cheng, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.


Goulding, J. 2008 “Wu Kuang-ming and Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Daoism and Phenomenology” Ch. 10 pp. 183-206 in Jay Goulding (ed.) China-West Interculture: Toward the Philosophy of World Integration, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Barbarism and Civilization” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 1, pp. 195-197 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Globalization: Asia” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 3, pp. 941-947 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Religion: East and Southeast Asia” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 5, pp. 2060-2064 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Rorty, Heidegger, Cheng: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, Onto-cosmology” revised version Ch. 13 pp. 263-297 in Pan Derong (ed.) Ontology and Interpretation: A Special Collection of Treatises Honouring Cheng Chung-ying’s 70th Birthday, Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press (in Chinese).


Goulding, J. 2005 “Society” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 5 pp. 2238-2241 editor Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Zen” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 6 pp. 2513-2514 editor Mary Anne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2002 “‘Three Teachings are One’: The Ethical Intertwinings of Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism” Ch. 11 pp. 249-278 in Xinyan Jiang (ed.) The Examined Life - Chinese Perspectives: Essays on Chinese Ethical traditions Binghamton, New York: Global Publications, Binghamton University.


Goulding, J. 2001 “Tokugawa Traces in 21st C. Japan” Ch. 12 pp. 159-174 in Masao Nakamura (ed.) Japan in the Global Age: Cultural, Historical and Political Issues on Asia, Environment, Households and International Communication, Vancouver: The Centre for Japanese Research, University of British Columbia Press.


Book Reviews


Goulding, J. 2008 Postscript (cover) for Ma Peng, Traditional Chinese Painting in Canada Toronto: Toronto South Asian Review (TSAR).


Goulding, J. 2008 Postscript (cover) for Jana S. Rŏsker, Searching for the Way: Theory and Knowledge in Premodern and Modern China, Philosophy Series, The Chinese University Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Goulding, J. “Wagner’s Wangbi Trilogy on the Laozi” China Review International vol. 14, #1, pp. 61-67.


Goulding, J. 2008 “The Artistic Way” in Ma Peng, Traditional Chinese Painting in Canada Toronto: Toronto South Asian Review (TSAR), p. xi.


Goulding, J. 2007 “Zhang Wei’s “Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern Thinkers: A Hermeneutics of Cross-Cultural Understanding” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol 6, #2 pp. 206-209.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Moeller’s Daoism Explained: From The Dream Of The Butterfly To The Fishnet Allegory” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 4, #2 pp. 383-387.


2005 “Perkins’ Leibniz and China: A Commerce of Light” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 5, #1 pp. 183-187.


Goulding, J. 2004 “James Sellmann’s Timing and Rulership in Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals” Journal of Chinese Philosophy vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 305-309.


Goulding, J. 2004 “Neville’s Boston Confucianism” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 4, #1 pp. 193-196.


Goulding, J. 2004 “Zhang Dainian’s Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 3, #2 pp. 262-266.


Goulding, J. 2003 “Wu Kuang-ming’s Chinese Body Thinking: A Cultural Hermeneutic” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 2, #2 pp. 350-353.


Goulding, J. 2002 "Chenyang Li’s The Tao Encounters the West” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 2, #1 pp. 166-171.


Goulding, J. 2002 “New Dimensions of Confucian and Neo-Confucian Philosophy” in Vrinda Dalmiya and Xinyan Jiang (ed.) American Philosophical Association: Newsletter on The Status of Asian/ Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies Spring vol. 1, No. 2 pp. 54-56.


Goulding, J. 1984 “Metaphysics in Midwestern America” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 23, #3 pp. 324-6.


Goulding, J. 1980 “Critical Sociology” Catalyst, #14, pp. 92-94.


Journal Articles


Goulding, J. 2008 China-West Interculture,Toward the Philosophy of World Integration: Essays on Wu Kuang-ming’s Thinking for The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) Series on Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, New York: Global Scholarly Publications 336 pgs.


Goulding, J. 2008 “Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist Phenomenology” International Journal for Field-Being vol. 6, #1 (2007), pp. 1-18.


Goulding, J. 2008 “Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist Phenomenology” International Journal for Field-Being vol. 6, #1 (2007), pp. 1-18.


Goulding, J. (accepted) “Pioneers of Globalization: Tokugawa’s Cross-Cultural Communications” in Ken Coates and Carin Holroyd (eds.) Japan in an Age of Globalization, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.


Goulding, J. 2007 “New Ways Toward Sino-Western Philosophical Dialogues” Journal of Chinese Philosophy Special Issue on “Contemporary Chinese Hermeneutic Philosophy,” Lauren Pfister (ed.), vol. 34, #1, March pp. 99-125.


Goulding, J. 2006 “Crossroads of Experience: Miyazaki Hayao’s Global/Local Nexus” Asian Cinema vol. 17, #2, pp. 114-123.


Goulding, J. 2004 “Xiong Wei: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Gate of Philosophy 哲學門, Beijing University’s Journal of Philosophy Special 90th Anniversary of the Dept. of Philosophy, vol. 5, pp. 116-130.


Goulding, J. 2003 “‘Visceral Manifestation’: Chinese Philosophy and Western Phenomenology” pp. 360-417 in Fang Keli (ed.) Chinese Philosophy and the Trends of the 21st Century Civilization vol. 4 Beijing: Commercial Press Inc.


2002 “Cheng Chung-ying’s New Dimension: Chinese Philosophy and Phenomenology” Journal of Anhui Normal University: Humanities and Social Sciences vol. 30, #3 May pp. 278-281 (in Chinese).


Goulding, J. 1981 with Cary Nederman, “Popular Occultism & Critical Social Theory: Exploring some Themes in Adorno’s Critique of Astrology & the Occult” Sociological Analysis: A Journal in the Sociology of Religion, vol. 4, Winter pp. 325-32.


Conference Papers


Goulding, J. 2005 “Kuki Shuzo and Martin Heidegger: Iki and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” pp. 677-690 in Joseph F. Kess and Helen Lansdowne (eds.) Why Japan Matters! volume 2, Victoria, BC: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria.


Conference Proceedings


Goulding, J. 2004 “Rorty, Heidegger, Cheng: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, Onto-cosmology” pp. 84-103 in Conference Proceedings for Rorty and Chinese Philosophy (see revised version n Book Chapters) Shanghai: East China Normal University and Association of Chinese Philosophers in America


Research Reports


Goulding, J. 2007 “Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC): 20th Annual Conference, and 1st International Conference” in European Association for Japanese Studies Bulletin, pp. 11-12, #76, Dec. Frankfurt: EAJS University of Frankfurt


2006 “Canada: The Soul of Japan Through Anime and Manga” (in Japanese) in Wochi Kochi (“Near and Far”) pp. 27-31, vol. 13, Oct-Nov. Tokyo: Japan Foundation




Goulding, J. (forthcoming) “Hwa Yol Jung’s East Asian Philosophy and Phenomenology” in Jin Young Park (ed.) Comparative Political Theory and Cross-Cultural Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Hwa Yol Jung Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Goulding, J. (forthcoming) “Merleau-Ponty and Asian Philosophy: The Double Walk of Buddhism and Daoism” in Jin Young Park and Gereon Kopf (eds.) Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Goulding, J. (forthcoming) “Moeller’s Philosophy of Daodejing” China Review International. 2008

Goulding, J. (accepted) Visceral Manifestation and the East Asian Communicative Body Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press Inc. (waiting for page proofs) 377 manuscript pgs.

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/HREQ3020 3.0 A Commemoration & Human Rights LECT
Winter 2025 AP/HREQ3963 3.0 M Linguistic Rights LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/HREQ3575 6.0 A Popular Culture & Human Rights LECT

Specializes in Chinese and Japanese philosophy, and hermeneutic phenomenology. He teaches two undergraduate courses, HREQ 3575 6.0 Popular Cultures and Rights, East and West, and HREQ 4651 3.0 Chinese Rights and Virtues in East Asia in Department of Equity Studies. He teaches SPT 6194 3.0 Existential Phenomenology: East Asian Influences, and HUMA/SPT 6231 3.0/6184 3.0 Frankfurt and Freiburg: East/West Dialogues for Social and Political Thought, and Humanities.

Specializes in Chinese and Japanese philosophy, and hermeneutic phenomenology. He teaches two undergraduate courses, HREQ 3575 6.0 Popular Cultures and Rights, East and West, and HREQ 4651 3.0 Chinese Rights and Virtues in East Asia in Department of Equity Studies. He teaches SPT 6194 3.0 Existential Phenomenology: East Asian Influences, and HUMA/SPT 6231 3.0/6184 3.0 Frankfurt and Freiburg: East/West Dialogues for Social and Political Thought, and Humanities.


PhD, York University
MA Sociology, York University`
BA Sociology, McMaster University

Research Interests

, Wang Bi’s 王弼 reconstruction of Laozi’s 老子 Daodejing 道德經, Cheng Chung-ying’s 成中英 ontocosmology and Chinese philosophy, Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist phenomenology,, Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism,, Heidegger’s engagement with Chinese and Japanese philosophy, Motoori Norinaga’s 本居宣長 understanding of Chushingura 忠臣藏 (Treasury of Loyal Retainers)

All Publications

Book Chapters


Goulding, J. 2008 “Cheng Chung-ying’s Onto-cosmology: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Ch. 8 pp. 135-155 in Ng On-cho (ed.) The Imperative of Understanding: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics: A Tribute Volume Dedicated to Professor Chung-ying Cheng, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.


Goulding, J. 2008 “Wu Kuang-ming and Maurice Merleau-Ponty: Daoism and Phenomenology” Ch. 10 pp. 183-206 in Jay Goulding (ed.) China-West Interculture: Toward the Philosophy of World Integration, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Barbarism and Civilization” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 1, pp. 195-197 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Globalization: Asia” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 3, pp. 941-947 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Religion: East and Southeast Asia” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 5, pp. 2060-2064 editor, Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Rorty, Heidegger, Cheng: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, Onto-cosmology” revised version Ch. 13 pp. 263-297 in Pan Derong (ed.) Ontology and Interpretation: A Special Collection of Treatises Honouring Cheng Chung-ying’s 70th Birthday, Shanghai: Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences Press (in Chinese).


Goulding, J. 2005 “Society” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 5 pp. 2238-2241 editor Maryanne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Zen” New Dictionary of the History of Ideas vol. 6 pp. 2513-2514 editor Mary Anne Horowitz New York: Charles’ Scribner’s Sons.


Goulding, J. 2002 “‘Three Teachings are One’: The Ethical Intertwinings of Buddhism, Confucianism and Daoism” Ch. 11 pp. 249-278 in Xinyan Jiang (ed.) The Examined Life - Chinese Perspectives: Essays on Chinese Ethical traditions Binghamton, New York: Global Publications, Binghamton University.


Goulding, J. 2001 “Tokugawa Traces in 21st C. Japan” Ch. 12 pp. 159-174 in Masao Nakamura (ed.) Japan in the Global Age: Cultural, Historical and Political Issues on Asia, Environment, Households and International Communication, Vancouver: The Centre for Japanese Research, University of British Columbia Press.


Book Reviews


Goulding, J. 2008 Postscript (cover) for Ma Peng, Traditional Chinese Painting in Canada Toronto: Toronto South Asian Review (TSAR).


Goulding, J. 2008 Postscript (cover) for Jana S. Rŏsker, Searching for the Way: Theory and Knowledge in Premodern and Modern China, Philosophy Series, The Chinese University Press, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Goulding, J. “Wagner’s Wangbi Trilogy on the Laozi” China Review International vol. 14, #1, pp. 61-67.


Goulding, J. 2008 “The Artistic Way” in Ma Peng, Traditional Chinese Painting in Canada Toronto: Toronto South Asian Review (TSAR), p. xi.


Goulding, J. 2007 “Zhang Wei’s “Heidegger, Rorty, and the Eastern Thinkers: A Hermeneutics of Cross-Cultural Understanding” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol 6, #2 pp. 206-209.


Goulding, J. 2005 “Moeller’s Daoism Explained: From The Dream Of The Butterfly To The Fishnet Allegory” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 4, #2 pp. 383-387.


2005 “Perkins’ Leibniz and China: A Commerce of Light” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 5, #1 pp. 183-187.


Goulding, J. 2004 “James Sellmann’s Timing and Rulership in Master Lü’s Spring and Autumn Annals” Journal of Chinese Philosophy vol. 31, no. 2, pp. 305-309.


Goulding, J. 2004 “Neville’s Boston Confucianism” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 4, #1 pp. 193-196.


Goulding, J. 2004 “Zhang Dainian’s Key Concepts in Chinese Philosophy” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 3, #2 pp. 262-266.


Goulding, J. 2003 “Wu Kuang-ming’s Chinese Body Thinking: A Cultural Hermeneutic” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 2, #2 pp. 350-353.


Goulding, J. 2002 "Chenyang Li’s The Tao Encounters the West” Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy vol. 2, #1 pp. 166-171.


Goulding, J. 2002 “New Dimensions of Confucian and Neo-Confucian Philosophy” in Vrinda Dalmiya and Xinyan Jiang (ed.) American Philosophical Association: Newsletter on The Status of Asian/ Asian American Philosophers and Philosophies Spring vol. 1, No. 2 pp. 54-56.


Goulding, J. 1984 “Metaphysics in Midwestern America” Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, vol. 23, #3 pp. 324-6.


Goulding, J. 1980 “Critical Sociology” Catalyst, #14, pp. 92-94.




Goulding, J. 2008 “Cheng Chung-ying’s Onto-cosmology: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Ch. 8 pp. 135-155 in Ng On-cho (ed.) The Imperative of Understanding: Chinese Philosophy, Comparative Philosophy, and Onto-Hermeneutics: A Tribute Volume Dedicated to Professor Chung-ying Cheng, New York: Global Scholarly Publications.


Goulding, J. 2008 China-West Interculture,Toward the Philosophy of World Integration: Essays on Wu Kuang-ming’s Thinking for The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) Series on Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, New York: Global Scholarly Publications 336 pgs.


Goulding, J. 1985 Empire, Aliens and Conquest: A Critique of American Ideology in Star Trek and Other Science Fiction Adventures, Toronto: Sisyphus Press Inc. 95 pgs.


Goulding, J. 1982 The Last Outport: Newfoundland in Crisis, Toronto: Sisyphus Press Inc. 373 pgs.


Journal Articles


Goulding, J. 2008 China-West Interculture,Toward the Philosophy of World Integration: Essays on Wu Kuang-ming’s Thinking for The Association of Chinese Philosophers in America (ACPA) Series on Chinese and Comparative Philosophy, New York: Global Scholarly Publications 336 pgs.


Goulding, J. 2008 “Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist Phenomenology” International Journal for Field-Being vol. 6, #1 (2007), pp. 1-18.


Goulding, J. 2008 “Hwa Yol Jung’s Daoist Phenomenology” International Journal for Field-Being vol. 6, #1 (2007), pp. 1-18.


Goulding, J. (accepted) “Pioneers of Globalization: Tokugawa’s Cross-Cultural Communications” in Ken Coates and Carin Holroyd (eds.) Japan in an Age of Globalization, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.


Goulding, J. 2007 “New Ways Toward Sino-Western Philosophical Dialogues” Journal of Chinese Philosophy Special Issue on “Contemporary Chinese Hermeneutic Philosophy,” Lauren Pfister (ed.), vol. 34, #1, March pp. 99-125.


Goulding, J. 2006 “Crossroads of Experience: Miyazaki Hayao’s Global/Local Nexus” Asian Cinema vol. 17, #2, pp. 114-123.


Goulding, J. 2004 “Xiong Wei: Chinese Philosophy and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” Gate of Philosophy 哲學門, Beijing University’s Journal of Philosophy Special 90th Anniversary of the Dept. of Philosophy, vol. 5, pp. 116-130.


Goulding, J. 2003 “‘Visceral Manifestation’: Chinese Philosophy and Western Phenomenology” pp. 360-417 in Fang Keli (ed.) Chinese Philosophy and the Trends of the 21st Century Civilization vol. 4 Beijing: Commercial Press Inc.


2002 “Cheng Chung-ying’s New Dimension: Chinese Philosophy and Phenomenology” Journal of Anhui Normal University: Humanities and Social Sciences vol. 30, #3 May pp. 278-281 (in Chinese).


Goulding, J. 1981 with Cary Nederman, “Popular Occultism & Critical Social Theory: Exploring some Themes in Adorno’s Critique of Astrology & the Occult” Sociological Analysis: A Journal in the Sociology of Religion, vol. 4, Winter pp. 325-32.


Conference Papers


Goulding, J. 2005 “Kuki Shuzo and Martin Heidegger: Iki and Hermeneutic Phenomenology” pp. 677-690 in Joseph F. Kess and Helen Lansdowne (eds.) Why Japan Matters! volume 2, Victoria, BC: Centre for Asia-Pacific Initiatives, University of Victoria.


Conference Proceedings


Goulding, J. 2004 “Rorty, Heidegger, Cheng: Pragmatism, Phenomenology, Onto-cosmology” pp. 84-103 in Conference Proceedings for Rorty and Chinese Philosophy (see revised version n Book Chapters) Shanghai: East China Normal University and Association of Chinese Philosophers in America


Research Reports


Goulding, J. 2007 “Japan Studies Association of Canada (JSAC): 20th Annual Conference, and 1st International Conference” in European Association for Japanese Studies Bulletin, pp. 11-12, #76, Dec. Frankfurt: EAJS University of Frankfurt


2006 “Canada: The Soul of Japan Through Anime and Manga” (in Japanese) in Wochi Kochi (“Near and Far”) pp. 27-31, vol. 13, Oct-Nov. Tokyo: Japan Foundation




Goulding, J. (forthcoming) “Hwa Yol Jung’s East Asian Philosophy and Phenomenology” in Jin Young Park (ed.) Comparative Political Theory and Cross-Cultural Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Hwa Yol Jung Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Goulding, J. (forthcoming) “Merleau-Ponty and Asian Philosophy: The Double Walk of Buddhism and Daoism” in Jin Young Park and Gereon Kopf (eds.) Merleau-Ponty and Buddhism Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.

Goulding, J. (forthcoming) “Moeller’s Philosophy of Daodejing” China Review International. 2008

Goulding, J. (accepted) Visceral Manifestation and the East Asian Communicative Body Cresskill, New Jersey: Hampton Press Inc. (waiting for page proofs) 377 manuscript pgs.

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/HREQ3020 3.0 A Commemoration & Human Rights LECT
Winter 2025 AP/HREQ3963 3.0 M Linguistic Rights LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/HREQ3575 6.0 A Popular Culture & Human Rights LECT