Jay Rahn
Office: Vanier College, 236
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 66612
Email: jayrahn@yorku.ca
Professor Jay Rahn's teaching and research interests span a wide range of topics in music theory, historical musicology, comparative musicology, and music cognition. His publications include numerous articles and two books: A Family Heritage: The Story and Songs of LaRena Clark, co-authored with Edith Fowke (University of Calgary Press, 1994) and A Theory for All Music: Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of non-Western Forms (University of Toronto Press, 1983). Formerly Editor of the Canadian Journal for Traditional Music, Dr. Rahn has also served as Co-Editor of the Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal.
Ph.D. in Music, Columbia UniversityM.Phil. in Music, Columbia University
M.A. in Music, Columbia University
Mus. Bac. in History & Literature, University of Toronto
Faculty of Fine ArtsResearch Interests
'Simple Forms in Universal Perspective.' Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Music: Essays in Memory of Mieczyslaw Kolinski. Ed. Robert Falck and Timothy Rice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. 38-49 .
with Gaynor Jones. 'Definitions of Popular Music: Recycled.' Breaking the Sound Barrier: A Critical Anthology of the New Music. Ed. Gregory Battcock. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1981. 38-52.
Analytical and Cross-Cultural Studies in World Music. Ed. Michael Tenzer and John Roeder. New York: Oxford University Press. In Journal of Music Theory 57/2 (2013): 419-31.
From ‘Radical Extremism’ to ‘Balanced Copyright’: Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda. Ed. Michael Geist. Toronto: Irwin Law. 2010. In Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin 57/10: pp. A9, cols. B-D; A6, cols. B-E. http://www.cautbulletin.ca/en_article.asp?SectionID=1287&SectionName=Bookshelf&VolID=312&VolumeName=No%2010&VolumeStartDate=12/9/2010&EditionID=32&EditionName=Vol%2057&EditionStartDate=1/14/2010&ArticleID=3170
Canadian Copyright: A Citizens’ Guide. Laura J. Murray and Samuel E. Trosow. Toronto: Between the Lines. In Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin 55/1. http://www.cautbulletin.ca/en_article.asp?SectionID=820&SectionName=Bookshelf&VolID=212&VolumeName=No%205&VolumeStartDate=5/16/2008&EditionID=9&EditionName=Vol%2055&EditionStartDate=1/17/2008&ArticleID=2159
Folk Music, Traditional Music, Ethnomusicology: Canadian Perspectives, Past and Present. Ed. Gordon Smith and Anna Hoefnagels. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. In MUSICultures 34-35 (2007): 134-41.
The Melodic Tradition of Ireland. James R. Cowdery. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press. In Canadian Folklore canadien (Folklore Studies Association of Canada) 13/1:104-06.
Musical Aesthetics: A Historical Reader, vol. 3: The Twentieth Century. Ed. Edward A. Lippman. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press. In Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 48/2: 508-10.
C'était la plus jolie des filles: Répertoire des chansons d'Angélina Paradis-Fraser. Donald Deschênes. Montréal: Les Quinze. In Yearbook for Traditional Music (International Council for Traditional Music) 16: 120-22.
The Folk Music Sourcebook. Comp. Larry Sandberg and Dick Weissman. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. In Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 9: 107.
The Korean-Canadian Folk Song: An Ethnomusicological Study. Bang-Song Song. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada. In Ethnomusicology: Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology 20/1: 151-52.
Ostinatos in Black-Atlantic Traditions: Generic-Specific Similarity and Proximity. Journal of Mathematics and Music—Special Issue: Mathematics of Rhythm, in Memoriam Godfried Toussaint. 183-93.
‘Equiheptatonic’ Tuning in Thai Classical Music: Strict Propriety and Step Sizes. Music & Science 2/1
Interference, Harmonicity, and Well-Formedness: A Response to Omigie et al., ‘Effects of Learning on Dissonance.’ Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS) 8/1-2: 32-34
Roughness and Ratios of One-Step Intervals: A Response to Rytis Ambrazevi?ius, ‘Dissonance/roughness and tonality perception in traditional Schwebungsdiaphonie.’ Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS) 8/1-2: 57-58 http://musicstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ambrazevicius_OPC_JIMS_16081212.pdf
Coordinating Analyses of Tunings with Analyses of Pieces. Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal (AAWM) 5/1: 1-37 http://aawmjournal.com/articles/2016a/Rahn_AAWM_Vol_5_1.pdf
'Response to Mirelman: Orality and Aristoxenus; Pedagogy and Practice' Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal 3/2 (2014): 1-19. http://www.aawmjournal.com/articles/2014b/Rahn_AAWM_Vol_3_2.pdf
‘The Hurrian Pieces, ca. 1350 BCE: Part One—Notation and Analysis.’ Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal 1/1 (2011): 93-151. http://aawmjournal.com/articles/2011a/Rahn_AAWM_Vol_1_1.htm
‘The Hurrian Pieces, ca. 1350 BCE: Part Two—From Numbered Strings to Tuned Strings.’ Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal 1/2 (2011): 204-69. http://aawmjournal.com/
'The University Front.' Our Schools, Our Selves (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives) 14/3 (2005): 105-16.
'Prosody, Performance and Perception: Tempo in LaRena Clark's Ballad Metre Songs.' Canadian Journal for Traditional Music / Revue de musique folklorique canadienne 30 (2004): 64-83.
'"Chinese Harmony" and Contemporary Non-Tonal Music Theory.' Canadian University Music Review 19/2 (1999): 115-24. http://www.cums-smuc.ca/publications/cumr/19-2.html#article11
'Practical Aspects of Marchetto's Tuning.' Music Theory Online:The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory 4/6 (1998). http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/mto.98.4.6/mto.98.4.6.rahn.html
'Turning the Analysis Around: Africa-Derived Rhythms and Europe-Derived Music Theory.' Black Music Research Journal 16/1 (1996): 71-89.
'Perceptual Aspects of Tuning in a Balinese Gamelan Angklung for North American Students.' Canadian University Music Review 16/2 (1996): 1-43. http://www.utoronto.ca/cums/cumr/contents_16-2.html#rahn
'From Similarity to Distance; From Simplicity to Complexity; From Pitches to Intervals; From Description to Causal Explanation.' Music Theory Online: The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory 0/9 (1994). http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/mto.94.0.9/mto.94.0.9.rahn.art
with Austin Clarkson and Karen Pegley. 'Mordecai Sandberg (1897-1973): A Catalogue of the Music.' Musica Judaica: Journal of the American Society for Jewish Music 13 (1994): 18-81.
'An Advance on A Theory for All Music: At-Least-As Predicates for Pitch, Time and Loudness.' Perspectives of New Music 30/1 (1992): 158-83.
'Coordination of Interval Sizes in Seven-Tone Collections.' Journal of Music Theory 35/1-2 (1991): 33-60.
'An Introduction to English-Language Folksong Style (II): Tonality, Modality, Harmony and Intonation in LaRena Clark's Traditional Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 18 (1990): 18-31. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/18/v18art4.html
'An Introduction to English-Language Folksong Style [I]: Metre, Phrasing, Rhythm and Form in LaRena Clark's Traditional Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 17 (1989): 3-18. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/17/v17art2.html
'''M'en revenant de la joli' Rochelle': A Song from ca. 1500 in the Current French Canadian Repertoire.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 16 (1988): 16-31. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/16/v16art3.html
with James R. McKay. 'The Guide-Tone Method: An Approach to Harmonic Dictation.' Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 2/1 (1988): 101-12.
'Music in Theory and Practice: A Behavioral View.' Intégral: The Journal of Applied Musical Thought 1 (1987): 105-26.
'Marchetto's Theory of Commixture and Interruptions.' Music Theory Spectrum: The Journal of the Society for Music Theory 9 (1987): 117-35.
'Guidelines for Harmonizing English-Language Folk Songs [II]: Special Problems.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 15 (1987): 12-24. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/15/v15art3.html
'Guidelines for Harmonizing English-Language Folk Songs [I]: General Considerations.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 14 (1986): 35-48. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/14/v14art5.html
'Asymmetrical Ostinatos in Sub-Saharan Music: Time, Pitch, and Cycles Reconsidered.' In Theory Only: Journal of the Michigan Music Theory Society 9/7 (1986): 23-37.
'Restricted Relational Richness and Musical Analysis.' Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 8/1-2 (1985): 45-53.
'Where is the Melody?' In Theory Only: Journal of the Michigan Music Theory Society 6/6 (1982): 3-19.
'Ockeghem's Three-Section Motet Salve Regina.' Music Theory Spectrum: The Journal of the Society for Music Theory 3 (1981): 117-31.
'Stereotyped Forms in English-Canadian Children's Songs: Historical and Pedagogical Aspects.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 9 (1981): 43-53. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/9/v9art5.html
'Constructs for Modality, ca. 1300-1550.' Canadian Association of University Schools of Music Journal 8/2 (1978): 5-39.
'Evaluating Metrical Interpretations.' Perspectives of New Music 16/2 (1978): 35-49.
'Javanese Pélog Tunings Reconsidered.' Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 10 (1978): 69-82.
'Some Recurrent Features of Scales.' In Theory Only: Journal of the Michigan Music Theory Society 2.11-12 (1977): 43-52. http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=genpub;idno=0641601.0002.011; cc=genpub
'Text Underlay in French Monophonic Song ca. 1500.' Current Musicology 24 (1977): 63-79.
'Text Underlay in Gagnon's Collection of French-Canadian Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 4 (1976): 3-14. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/4/v4art2.html
'Text-Tune Relationships in the Hora Lunga Versions Collected by Bartok.' Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 8 (1976): 89-96.
Prioritizing Rhythmic Analysis: Temporal Organization of ’Are’are Solo Polyphonic Panpipe Pieces. AAWM Special Topics Symposium 2023, CUNY, New York City
Towards an Autochthonous Understanding of Mesopotamian Music. Translations of Underrepresented Languages in Music Theory Session, Society for Music Theory Virtual Meeting, November 4
Reformulating Burmese Harp Tunings. Analytical Approaches to World Music Special Topics Symposium: Computational Approaches to World Music Analysis. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, UK. July 2.
Analyzing Melodies from a Vantage Point of Helical Rhythm. CityMac, Society for Music Analysis, University of London, UK, July 5-7. https://www.city.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/421891/CityMac-2018_abstract-booklet050718.pdf, p. 12
Cyclical Structures in Central Javanese Skeletal Melodies. Fifth International
Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music. Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece
'Clarity, Impurity, and Discant Structure in Mesopotamian Music.' Current Musicology 50th Anniversary Conference, Columbia University, New York City, 2015: http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/28544
'Micro-Structure, Macro-Structure, and Genre in ’Are’are Solo Polyphonic Raft Panpipe Music.' KeeleMAC 2015, Society for Music Analysis, Keele Unversity, Keele, UK.
Pitches and Timbres in the Gamelan Kyai Parijata. ‘Exploring Sonic Design in Asian Traditional Music’ Session, Society for Music Theory Conference, St. Louis, October 29-November 1.
‘Pairs of Interval Classes in Southeast Asian Tunings.’ Third International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music (AAWM). School of Oriental and African Studies, London, U.K. 2014. http://aawmconference.com/aawm2014/abstracts/rahn%20abstract%20rev.pdf
with Galit Blumenthal, Melody Wiseheart et al. ‘Mix 'n' Match: Validating a New Musical Working Memory Task.’ Biennial Meeting, Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). Ryerson University. 2013. http://www.smpc2013.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/08/SMPC-2013_conference-program.pdf , p. 126.
‘Remodeling Southeast Asian Tunings.’ Biennial Meeting, Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). 2013. http://www.smpc2013.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/SMPC 2013_conference-program.pdf , p. 81.
‘Hearing Is Believing: A Non-Numerical Formulation of Aristoxenus’s Tuning.’ Second International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music (AAWM). University of British Columbia, 2012. http://www.aawmconference.com/aawm2012/papers.htm
The Analytical Outlook of A Theory for All Music: Numbers, Measurements, and Perceptible Scale Structure in Thai Classical Music. Annual Conference. Society for Ethnomusicology. New Orleans
‘Perceptually Based Theory in World Music Traditions.’ Annual Meeting, Society for Music Theory (SMT), Minneapolis. 2011. http://societymusictheory.org/events/meeting2011/igactivities
with Linda Moradzadeh and Nicholas Cepeda. ‘Advantages of Complex Working Memory but Not Speed in Musicians Versus Controls.’ Annual Meeting, Association for Psychological Science (APS), Washington, D.C. 2011. http://www.psychologicalscience.org/convention/program_2011/search/viewProgram.cfmAbstract_ID=21931&AbType=&AbAuthor=195890&Subject_ID=&Day_D=all&keyword=
with Linda Moradzadeh and Nicholas Cepeda. ‘The Impact of Musical Training and Bilingualism on Task Switching.’ Annual Convention, Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Toronto. 2011.
'Maximizing Similarity in Pitch and Time Cycles.' Music and Mathematics Workshop. McGill University Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 2010.
'Settling the Oldest Scores: Idiom and Design in the Hurrian Pieces, ca. 1350 BCE.' First International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music (AAWM). University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2010.
'Immediate Background and Responses to Bill C-61.' Joint Plenary Session, Canadian University Music Society (CUMS) and Canadian Association of Music Libraries (CAML). 2009.
'Parity, Proactivity, and Sovereignty in Canadian Music Copyright.' Annual Conference, Canadian Association of Music Libraries (CAML). York University. 2006.
'Shifting, Sliding, and Unfolding Time: Son, Bossa, and Rumba in Three Worlds.' Black Religious Music of the Caribbean. Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College, Chicago. 2005.
'The Analytic Outlook of A Theory for All Music: Bata Drumming in New York City.' Authors’ Colloquium on Bridging Diasporal Sacred Worlds. North Carolina Research Triangle, Raleigh-Durham. 2005.
'Conveying a New Formulation with Old Terms: Marchetto of Padua's Theory of Modal Ranges.' Annual International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University.
'From Drawings by the Blind to Music by the Deaf.' Disability Studies in Music Session, Biennial Joint Meeting of the Society for Music Theory (SMT) and the American Musicological Society (AMS). University of Washington, Seattle. 2004. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/6612
with Xu Xue-Qing. '"Chinese Harmony" and Contemporary Non-Tonal Music Theory.' Annual Conference, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). York University. 1996.
'Recent Developments in "Mainstream" Music Theory and Analysis of African-American Traditions.' African American Music Scholarship of Center for Black Music Research, American Musicological Society, and Society for Music Theory, Joint Annual Conferences of CBMR, AMS, and SMT. New York City. 1995.
'Using Single-Chord Songs in School Music: Prospects for Developing Musicianship and Related Cultural Concerns.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). University of Toronto. 1995.
'A Non-Numerical Predicate of Wide Applicability for Perceived Intervallic Relations.' International Symposium on Music and Mathematics. Bucuresti, Rumania. 1994.
'A Possible Role for Analysis in Behaviorist Performance Pedagogy: Teaching Gamelan on the S.S. Universe, 1992.' Canadian University Music Society (CUMS). Carleton University. 1993.
'Imaginary Entities in a Phenomenal Theory of Music.' Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). U of Pennsylvania. 1993.
'Melodic Types in British-American Traditional Song: Response to Alan Thrasher.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). University of Toronto. 1993.
'Significance and Selection: Possible Interdisciplinary Tools for Ethnomusicology.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Mississippi at Oxford. 1993.
''World Harmony' in Toronto Schools: Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in Mediated Music Education.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). Carleton University. 1993.
'At-Least-As Predicates for Pitch, Time and Loudness: An Advance on A Theory for All Music.' Society for Music Theory (SMT). UC Berkeley. 1990.
'Some Striking Passages in LaRena Clark's Traditional Song Tunes: Elementary Tonal Structures in Repertorial Context.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). University of Calgary. 1990.
'Stability and Change in Laisse-Form Songs.' Niagara Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SMT). York University. 1990.
'The Question of Archaisms in Current French Canadian Traditional Song.' Canadian Folk Music Society (CFMS). Winnipeg. 1989.
'Coordination of Interval Sizes in Seven-Tone Collections.' Society for Music Theory (SMT). U of Maryland, Baltimore. 1988.
'The Reception of Marchetto's Lucidarium: Evidence from the Ars Magistri Marchetti de Padua super Cantum Planum.' American Musicological Society (AMS). U of Maryland, Baltimore. 1988.
'Response to Alan Tormey: Music Theory and Musical Understanding.' American Society for Aesthetics (ASA). Boston University. 1986.
'Relational Richness and Musical Analysis.' Northeast Chapter, American Society for Aesthetics (ASA). University of Connecticut, Storrs. 1985.
with Edith Fowke. 'Musical Aspects of LaRena Clark's Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Society (CFMS). University of Toronto. 1984.
'Absolutist vs Relativist Approaches to Musical Analysis.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). Florida State U, Tallahassee. 1983.
'Asymmetrical Ostinato Patterns in sub-Saharan Music: Time, Pitch and Cycles Reconsidered.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Hawaii, Honolulu. 1981.
'Bartok as Analyst: A Sympathetic View.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Hawaii, Honolulu. 1981.
'Psychological Aspects of Mieczyslaw Kolinski's Work.' Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). University of Toronto. 1981.
'English Canadian Children's Songs: Stylistic Features and Melo-Textual Types.' Annual Meeting of Ontario-Quebec Musicologists (OQM). York University. 1980.
'Pélog Tunings Reconsidered.' Niagara Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). Kent State University. 1978.
'Evaluating Metrical Interpretations.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Texas, Austin. 1977.
'French Monophonic Song, ca 1500: Folk, Popular or Elite?' Niagara Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) State College of New York, Buffalo, NY. 1976.
'French Popular Song, ca. 1500.' Biennial Conference, International Folk Music Council (IFMC). Regensburg, Germany. 1975.
'Polyphony in a Monophonic Source: Paris, Bib. nat., f. fr. 12744.' New England Chapter, American Musicological Society (AMS). Smith College. 1972.
'Renaud in the New World: Aspects of a French Canadian Folk Song.' Northeast Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). Wesleyan University. 1971.
Hearing Is Believing: A Non-Numerical Formulation of Aristoxenus’s Tuning. Second International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music. University of British Columbia: http://www.aawmconference.com/aawm2012/papers.htm
with Zachary Ebin. 'Suzuki Rhythm Mnemonics in Pedagogical Theory and Actual Realization.' Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). University of Washington, Seattle. 2010. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10315/6609/Rahn%26Ebin_ICMPC11.pdf?sequence=1
'Marchetto of Padua’s Theory of Modal Ranges.' Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference on the Arts and Humanities (HICH). 2007. 4098-4109. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10315/6616/Rahn_MarchettoRanges.pdf?sequence=1
with Emmanuel Bigand and Bénédicte Poulin. 'Implicit Learning of Indian Music by Westerners.' Proceedings of the First Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). Graz, Austria. 2004. http://www-gewi.uni-graz.at/staff/parncutt/cim04/CIM04_paper_pdf/ Rahn_Bigand_Poulin_CIM04_proceedings_t.pdf
'Recent Diatonic Theory and Curwen's Tonic Sol-Fa Method: Formal Models for a Kinesic-Harmonic System.' Proceedings of the Third Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). Uppsala Universitet. 7-12 June, 1997. 134-39. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/6610
'The Use of Statistics in Ethnomusicology: A Simple Example.' Proceedings of the First Conference on Ethnomusicology in Canada. Ed. Robert Witmer. Institute for Canadian Music, Toronto. 1990. 37-47.
'Structure, Frequency and Artificiality in South Indian Melas.' Proceedings of the Saint Thyagaraja Music Festivals, Cleveland Ohio, 1978-81. Ed. T. Temple Tuttle. The Greater Cleveland Ethnographic Museum, Cleveland, Ohio. 1981. 109-28. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/6611
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Professor Jay Rahn's teaching and research interests span a wide range of topics in music theory, historical musicology, comparative musicology, and music cognition. His publications include numerous articles and two books: A Family Heritage: The Story and Songs of LaRena Clark, co-authored with Edith Fowke (University of Calgary Press, 1994) and A Theory for All Music: Problems and Solutions in the Analysis of non-Western Forms (University of Toronto Press, 1983). Formerly Editor of the Canadian Journal for Traditional Music, Dr. Rahn has also served as Co-Editor of the Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal.
Ph.D. in Music, Columbia UniversityM.Phil. in Music, Columbia University
M.A. in Music, Columbia University
Mus. Bac. in History & Literature, University of Toronto
Faculty of Fine ArtsResearch Interests
All Publications
'Simple Forms in Universal Perspective.' Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Music: Essays in Memory of Mieczyslaw Kolinski. Ed. Robert Falck and Timothy Rice. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1982. 38-49 .
with Gaynor Jones. 'Definitions of Popular Music: Recycled.' Breaking the Sound Barrier: A Critical Anthology of the New Music. Ed. Gregory Battcock. New York: E.P. Dutton, 1981. 38-52.
Analytical and Cross-Cultural Studies in World Music. Ed. Michael Tenzer and John Roeder. New York: Oxford University Press. In Journal of Music Theory 57/2 (2013): 419-31.
From ‘Radical Extremism’ to ‘Balanced Copyright’: Canadian Copyright and the Digital Agenda. Ed. Michael Geist. Toronto: Irwin Law. 2010. In Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin 57/10: pp. A9, cols. B-D; A6, cols. B-E. http://www.cautbulletin.ca/en_article.asp?SectionID=1287&SectionName=Bookshelf&VolID=312&VolumeName=No%2010&VolumeStartDate=12/9/2010&EditionID=32&EditionName=Vol%2057&EditionStartDate=1/14/2010&ArticleID=3170
Canadian Copyright: A Citizens’ Guide. Laura J. Murray and Samuel E. Trosow. Toronto: Between the Lines. In Canadian Association of University Teachers Bulletin 55/1. http://www.cautbulletin.ca/en_article.asp?SectionID=820&SectionName=Bookshelf&VolID=212&VolumeName=No%205&VolumeStartDate=5/16/2008&EditionID=9&EditionName=Vol%2055&EditionStartDate=1/17/2008&ArticleID=2159
Folk Music, Traditional Music, Ethnomusicology: Canadian Perspectives, Past and Present. Ed. Gordon Smith and Anna Hoefnagels. Newcastle-upon-Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. In MUSICultures 34-35 (2007): 134-41.
The Melodic Tradition of Ireland. James R. Cowdery. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press. In Canadian Folklore canadien (Folklore Studies Association of Canada) 13/1:104-06.
Musical Aesthetics: A Historical Reader, vol. 3: The Twentieth Century. Ed. Edward A. Lippman. Stuyvesant, NY: Pendragon Press. In Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 48/2: 508-10.
C'était la plus jolie des filles: Répertoire des chansons d'Angélina Paradis-Fraser. Donald Deschênes. Montréal: Les Quinze. In Yearbook for Traditional Music (International Council for Traditional Music) 16: 120-22.
The Folk Music Sourcebook. Comp. Larry Sandberg and Dick Weissman. New York, Alfred A. Knopf. In Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 9: 107.
The Korean-Canadian Folk Song: An Ethnomusicological Study. Bang-Song Song. Ottawa: National Museums of Canada. In Ethnomusicology: Journal of the Society for Ethnomusicology 20/1: 151-52.
Ostinatos in Black-Atlantic Traditions: Generic-Specific Similarity and Proximity. Journal of Mathematics and Music—Special Issue: Mathematics of Rhythm, in Memoriam Godfried Toussaint. 183-93.
‘Equiheptatonic’ Tuning in Thai Classical Music: Strict Propriety and Step Sizes. Music & Science 2/1
Interference, Harmonicity, and Well-Formedness: A Response to Omigie et al., ‘Effects of Learning on Dissonance.’ Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS) 8/1-2: 32-34
Roughness and Ratios of One-Step Intervals: A Response to Rytis Ambrazevi?ius, ‘Dissonance/roughness and tonality perception in traditional Schwebungsdiaphonie.’ Journal of Interdisciplinary Music Studies (JIMS) 8/1-2: 57-58 http://musicstudies.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/03/Ambrazevicius_OPC_JIMS_16081212.pdf
Coordinating Analyses of Tunings with Analyses of Pieces. Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal (AAWM) 5/1: 1-37 http://aawmjournal.com/articles/2016a/Rahn_AAWM_Vol_5_1.pdf
'Response to Mirelman: Orality and Aristoxenus; Pedagogy and Practice' Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal 3/2 (2014): 1-19. http://www.aawmjournal.com/articles/2014b/Rahn_AAWM_Vol_3_2.pdf
‘The Hurrian Pieces, ca. 1350 BCE: Part One—Notation and Analysis.’ Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal 1/1 (2011): 93-151. http://aawmjournal.com/articles/2011a/Rahn_AAWM_Vol_1_1.htm
‘The Hurrian Pieces, ca. 1350 BCE: Part Two—From Numbered Strings to Tuned Strings.’ Analytical Approaches to World Music Journal 1/2 (2011): 204-69. http://aawmjournal.com/
'The University Front.' Our Schools, Our Selves (Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives) 14/3 (2005): 105-16.
'Prosody, Performance and Perception: Tempo in LaRena Clark's Ballad Metre Songs.' Canadian Journal for Traditional Music / Revue de musique folklorique canadienne 30 (2004): 64-83.
'"Chinese Harmony" and Contemporary Non-Tonal Music Theory.' Canadian University Music Review 19/2 (1999): 115-24. http://www.cums-smuc.ca/publications/cumr/19-2.html#article11
'Practical Aspects of Marchetto's Tuning.' Music Theory Online:The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory 4/6 (1998). http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/mto.98.4.6/mto.98.4.6.rahn.html
'Turning the Analysis Around: Africa-Derived Rhythms and Europe-Derived Music Theory.' Black Music Research Journal 16/1 (1996): 71-89.
'Perceptual Aspects of Tuning in a Balinese Gamelan Angklung for North American Students.' Canadian University Music Review 16/2 (1996): 1-43. http://www.utoronto.ca/cums/cumr/contents_16-2.html#rahn
'From Similarity to Distance; From Simplicity to Complexity; From Pitches to Intervals; From Description to Causal Explanation.' Music Theory Online: The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory 0/9 (1994). http://www.mtosmt.org/issues/mto.94.0.9/mto.94.0.9.rahn.art
with Austin Clarkson and Karen Pegley. 'Mordecai Sandberg (1897-1973): A Catalogue of the Music.' Musica Judaica: Journal of the American Society for Jewish Music 13 (1994): 18-81.
'An Advance on A Theory for All Music: At-Least-As Predicates for Pitch, Time and Loudness.' Perspectives of New Music 30/1 (1992): 158-83.
'Coordination of Interval Sizes in Seven-Tone Collections.' Journal of Music Theory 35/1-2 (1991): 33-60.
'An Introduction to English-Language Folksong Style (II): Tonality, Modality, Harmony and Intonation in LaRena Clark's Traditional Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 18 (1990): 18-31. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/18/v18art4.html
'An Introduction to English-Language Folksong Style [I]: Metre, Phrasing, Rhythm and Form in LaRena Clark's Traditional Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 17 (1989): 3-18. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/17/v17art2.html
'''M'en revenant de la joli' Rochelle': A Song from ca. 1500 in the Current French Canadian Repertoire.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 16 (1988): 16-31. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/16/v16art3.html
with James R. McKay. 'The Guide-Tone Method: An Approach to Harmonic Dictation.' Journal of Music Theory Pedagogy 2/1 (1988): 101-12.
'Music in Theory and Practice: A Behavioral View.' Intégral: The Journal of Applied Musical Thought 1 (1987): 105-26.
'Marchetto's Theory of Commixture and Interruptions.' Music Theory Spectrum: The Journal of the Society for Music Theory 9 (1987): 117-35.
'Guidelines for Harmonizing English-Language Folk Songs [II]: Special Problems.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 15 (1987): 12-24. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/15/v15art3.html
'Guidelines for Harmonizing English-Language Folk Songs [I]: General Considerations.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 14 (1986): 35-48. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/14/v14art5.html
'Asymmetrical Ostinatos in Sub-Saharan Music: Time, Pitch, and Cycles Reconsidered.' In Theory Only: Journal of the Michigan Music Theory Society 9/7 (1986): 23-37.
'Restricted Relational Richness and Musical Analysis.' Journal of Comparative Literature and Aesthetics 8/1-2 (1985): 45-53.
'Where is the Melody?' In Theory Only: Journal of the Michigan Music Theory Society 6/6 (1982): 3-19.
'Ockeghem's Three-Section Motet Salve Regina.' Music Theory Spectrum: The Journal of the Society for Music Theory 3 (1981): 117-31.
'Stereotyped Forms in English-Canadian Children's Songs: Historical and Pedagogical Aspects.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 9 (1981): 43-53. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/9/v9art5.html
'Constructs for Modality, ca. 1300-1550.' Canadian Association of University Schools of Music Journal 8/2 (1978): 5-39.
'Evaluating Metrical Interpretations.' Perspectives of New Music 16/2 (1978): 35-49.
'Javanese Pélog Tunings Reconsidered.' Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 10 (1978): 69-82.
'Some Recurrent Features of Scales.' In Theory Only: Journal of the Michigan Music Theory Society 2.11-12 (1977): 43-52. http://quod.lib.umich.edu/cgi/t/text/text-idx?c=genpub;idno=0641601.0002.011; cc=genpub
'Text Underlay in French Monophonic Song ca. 1500.' Current Musicology 24 (1977): 63-79.
'Text Underlay in Gagnon's Collection of French-Canadian Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Journal 4 (1976): 3-14. http://cjtm.icaap.org/content/4/v4art2.html
'Text-Tune Relationships in the Hora Lunga Versions Collected by Bartok.' Yearbook of the International Folk Music Council 8 (1976): 89-96.
Prioritizing Rhythmic Analysis: Temporal Organization of ’Are’are Solo Polyphonic Panpipe Pieces. AAWM Special Topics Symposium 2023, CUNY, New York City
Towards an Autochthonous Understanding of Mesopotamian Music. Translations of Underrepresented Languages in Music Theory Session, Society for Music Theory Virtual Meeting, November 4
Reformulating Burmese Harp Tunings. Analytical Approaches to World Music Special Topics Symposium: Computational Approaches to World Music Analysis. Royal Birmingham Conservatoire, Birmingham, UK. July 2.
Analyzing Melodies from a Vantage Point of Helical Rhythm. CityMac, Society for Music Analysis, University of London, UK, July 5-7. https://www.city.ac.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0007/421891/CityMac-2018_abstract-booklet050718.pdf, p. 12
Cyclical Structures in Central Javanese Skeletal Melodies. Fifth International
Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music. Aristotle University of
Thessaloniki, Greece
'Clarity, Impurity, and Discant Structure in Mesopotamian Music.' Current Musicology 50th Anniversary Conference, Columbia University, New York City, 2015: http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/28544
'Micro-Structure, Macro-Structure, and Genre in ’Are’are Solo Polyphonic Raft Panpipe Music.' KeeleMAC 2015, Society for Music Analysis, Keele Unversity, Keele, UK.
Pitches and Timbres in the Gamelan Kyai Parijata. ‘Exploring Sonic Design in Asian Traditional Music’ Session, Society for Music Theory Conference, St. Louis, October 29-November 1.
‘Pairs of Interval Classes in Southeast Asian Tunings.’ Third International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music (AAWM). School of Oriental and African Studies, London, U.K. 2014. http://aawmconference.com/aawm2014/abstracts/rahn%20abstract%20rev.pdf
with Galit Blumenthal, Melody Wiseheart et al. ‘Mix 'n' Match: Validating a New Musical Working Memory Task.’ Biennial Meeting, Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). Ryerson University. 2013. http://www.smpc2013.com/wpcontent/uploads/2012/08/SMPC-2013_conference-program.pdf , p. 126.
‘Remodeling Southeast Asian Tunings.’ Biennial Meeting, Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). 2013. http://www.smpc2013.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/SMPC 2013_conference-program.pdf , p. 81.
‘Hearing Is Believing: A Non-Numerical Formulation of Aristoxenus’s Tuning.’ Second International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music (AAWM). University of British Columbia, 2012. http://www.aawmconference.com/aawm2012/papers.htm
The Analytical Outlook of A Theory for All Music: Numbers, Measurements, and Perceptible Scale Structure in Thai Classical Music. Annual Conference. Society for Ethnomusicology. New Orleans
‘Perceptually Based Theory in World Music Traditions.’ Annual Meeting, Society for Music Theory (SMT), Minneapolis. 2011. http://societymusictheory.org/events/meeting2011/igactivities
with Linda Moradzadeh and Nicholas Cepeda. ‘Advantages of Complex Working Memory but Not Speed in Musicians Versus Controls.’ Annual Meeting, Association for Psychological Science (APS), Washington, D.C. 2011. http://www.psychologicalscience.org/convention/program_2011/search/viewProgram.cfmAbstract_ID=21931&AbType=&AbAuthor=195890&Subject_ID=&Day_D=all&keyword=
with Linda Moradzadeh and Nicholas Cepeda. ‘The Impact of Musical Training and Bilingualism on Task Switching.’ Annual Convention, Canadian Psychological Association (CPA), Toronto. 2011.
'Maximizing Similarity in Pitch and Time Cycles.' Music and Mathematics Workshop. McGill University Bellairs Research Institute, Barbados. 2010.
'Settling the Oldest Scores: Idiom and Design in the Hurrian Pieces, ca. 1350 BCE.' First International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music (AAWM). University of Massachusetts, Amherst. 2010.
'Immediate Background and Responses to Bill C-61.' Joint Plenary Session, Canadian University Music Society (CUMS) and Canadian Association of Music Libraries (CAML). 2009.
'Parity, Proactivity, and Sovereignty in Canadian Music Copyright.' Annual Conference, Canadian Association of Music Libraries (CAML). York University. 2006.
'Shifting, Sliding, and Unfolding Time: Son, Bossa, and Rumba in Three Worlds.' Black Religious Music of the Caribbean. Center for Black Music Research, Columbia College, Chicago. 2005.
'The Analytic Outlook of A Theory for All Music: Bata Drumming in New York City.' Authors’ Colloquium on Bridging Diasporal Sacred Worlds. North Carolina Research Triangle, Raleigh-Durham. 2005.
'Conveying a New Formulation with Old Terms: Marchetto of Padua's Theory of Modal Ranges.' Annual International Congress on Medieval Studies. Western Michigan University.
'From Drawings by the Blind to Music by the Deaf.' Disability Studies in Music Session, Biennial Joint Meeting of the Society for Music Theory (SMT) and the American Musicological Society (AMS). University of Washington, Seattle. 2004. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/6612
with Xu Xue-Qing. '"Chinese Harmony" and Contemporary Non-Tonal Music Theory.' Annual Conference, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). York University. 1996.
'Recent Developments in "Mainstream" Music Theory and Analysis of African-American Traditions.' African American Music Scholarship of Center for Black Music Research, American Musicological Society, and Society for Music Theory, Joint Annual Conferences of CBMR, AMS, and SMT. New York City. 1995.
'Using Single-Chord Songs in School Music: Prospects for Developing Musicianship and Related Cultural Concerns.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). University of Toronto. 1995.
'A Non-Numerical Predicate of Wide Applicability for Perceived Intervallic Relations.' International Symposium on Music and Mathematics. Bucuresti, Rumania. 1994.
'A Possible Role for Analysis in Behaviorist Performance Pedagogy: Teaching Gamelan on the S.S. Universe, 1992.' Canadian University Music Society (CUMS). Carleton University. 1993.
'Imaginary Entities in a Phenomenal Theory of Music.' Society for Music Perception and Cognition (SMPC). U of Pennsylvania. 1993.
'Melodic Types in British-American Traditional Song: Response to Alan Thrasher.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). University of Toronto. 1993.
'Significance and Selection: Possible Interdisciplinary Tools for Ethnomusicology.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Mississippi at Oxford. 1993.
''World Harmony' in Toronto Schools: Issues of Diversity and Inclusion in Mediated Music Education.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). Carleton University. 1993.
'At-Least-As Predicates for Pitch, Time and Loudness: An Advance on A Theory for All Music.' Society for Music Theory (SMT). UC Berkeley. 1990.
'Some Striking Passages in LaRena Clark's Traditional Song Tunes: Elementary Tonal Structures in Repertorial Context.' Canadian Society for Musical Traditions (CSMT). University of Calgary. 1990.
'Stability and Change in Laisse-Form Songs.' Niagara Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SMT). York University. 1990.
'The Question of Archaisms in Current French Canadian Traditional Song.' Canadian Folk Music Society (CFMS). Winnipeg. 1989.
'Coordination of Interval Sizes in Seven-Tone Collections.' Society for Music Theory (SMT). U of Maryland, Baltimore. 1988.
'The Reception of Marchetto's Lucidarium: Evidence from the Ars Magistri Marchetti de Padua super Cantum Planum.' American Musicological Society (AMS). U of Maryland, Baltimore. 1988.
'Response to Alan Tormey: Music Theory and Musical Understanding.' American Society for Aesthetics (ASA). Boston University. 1986.
'Relational Richness and Musical Analysis.' Northeast Chapter, American Society for Aesthetics (ASA). University of Connecticut, Storrs. 1985.
with Edith Fowke. 'Musical Aspects of LaRena Clark's Songs.' Canadian Folk Music Society (CFMS). University of Toronto. 1984.
'Absolutist vs Relativist Approaches to Musical Analysis.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). Florida State U, Tallahassee. 1983.
'Asymmetrical Ostinato Patterns in sub-Saharan Music: Time, Pitch and Cycles Reconsidered.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Hawaii, Honolulu. 1981.
'Bartok as Analyst: A Sympathetic View.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Hawaii, Honolulu. 1981.
'Psychological Aspects of Mieczyslaw Kolinski's Work.' Canadian Psychological Association (CPA). University of Toronto. 1981.
'English Canadian Children's Songs: Stylistic Features and Melo-Textual Types.' Annual Meeting of Ontario-Quebec Musicologists (OQM). York University. 1980.
'Pélog Tunings Reconsidered.' Niagara Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). Kent State University. 1978.
'Evaluating Metrical Interpretations.' Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). U of Texas, Austin. 1977.
'French Monophonic Song, ca 1500: Folk, Popular or Elite?' Niagara Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM) State College of New York, Buffalo, NY. 1976.
'French Popular Song, ca. 1500.' Biennial Conference, International Folk Music Council (IFMC). Regensburg, Germany. 1975.
'Polyphony in a Monophonic Source: Paris, Bib. nat., f. fr. 12744.' New England Chapter, American Musicological Society (AMS). Smith College. 1972.
'Renaud in the New World: Aspects of a French Canadian Folk Song.' Northeast Chapter, Society for Ethnomusicology (SEM). Wesleyan University. 1971.
Hearing Is Believing: A Non-Numerical Formulation of Aristoxenus’s Tuning. Second International Conference on Analytical Approaches to World Music. University of British Columbia: http://www.aawmconference.com/aawm2012/papers.htm
with Zachary Ebin. 'Suzuki Rhythm Mnemonics in Pedagogical Theory and Actual Realization.' Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition (ICMPC). University of Washington, Seattle. 2010. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10315/6609/Rahn%26Ebin_ICMPC11.pdf?sequence=1
'Marchetto of Padua’s Theory of Modal Ranges.' Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Hawaii International Conference on the Arts and Humanities (HICH). 2007. 4098-4109. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/bitstream/handle/10315/6616/Rahn_MarchettoRanges.pdf?sequence=1
with Emmanuel Bigand and Bénédicte Poulin. 'Implicit Learning of Indian Music by Westerners.' Proceedings of the First Conference on Interdisciplinary Musicology, European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). Graz, Austria. 2004. http://www-gewi.uni-graz.at/staff/parncutt/cim04/CIM04_paper_pdf/ Rahn_Bigand_Poulin_CIM04_proceedings_t.pdf
'Recent Diatonic Theory and Curwen's Tonic Sol-Fa Method: Formal Models for a Kinesic-Harmonic System.' Proceedings of the Third Triennial Conference of the European Society for the Cognitive Sciences of Music (ESCOM). Uppsala Universitet. 7-12 June, 1997. 134-39. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/6610
'The Use of Statistics in Ethnomusicology: A Simple Example.' Proceedings of the First Conference on Ethnomusicology in Canada. Ed. Robert Witmer. Institute for Canadian Music, Toronto. 1990. 37-47.
'Structure, Frequency and Artificiality in South Indian Melas.' Proceedings of the Saint Thyagaraja Music Festivals, Cleveland Ohio, 1978-81. Ed. T. Temple Tuttle. The Greater Cleveland Ethnographic Museum, Cleveland, Ohio. 1981. 109-28. http://yorkspace.library.yorku.ca/xmlui/handle/10315/6611
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