
J. Barry Smith

Photo of J. Barry Smith

Department of Economics


Office: Vari Hall, 1075
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 20584
Email: jbsmith@yorku.ca

I am a Professor in the Department of Economics at York University. I hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Western Ontario. My research interests are in econometrics, environmental economics, and labour economics.



Ph.D., University of Western
M.A., University of Western
B.A. (Hons.), York University

Professional Leadership

1. Co-Chair, Great Lakes Fishery Commission Task Group on Economic Valuation, 1989-1993.

2. Contributing Editor, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, 1992-.1996.

3. Secretary Treasurer and Member of the Board of Governors, The Biosphere Foundation, 1992-2000.

Research Interests

, Economics
  • Dean's Teaching Excellence Award 1995 - 1995
Book Chapters


Smith, J. Barry and J. Racine (1999), “Nonparametric Analysis of Growth in Replenishable Resource Stocks”, in R. Carter-Hill and T. Fomby (eds.), Advances in Econometrics: Applying Kernel and Nonparametric Estimation to Economics Topics, North Holland, Volume 14, 309-327.


Brewlaw, Jon A. and Barry Smith (1998), “Measuring Change when Quantity is Constrained”, in J. Creedy (e.d.), Measuring Welfare Changes, Edward Elgar. (Reprint of journal paper 19)


Stelcner, Morton, Smith, J. Barry, Breslaw, Jon A. and Georges Monette (1992), “Labor Force Behavior and Earnings of Brazilian Women and Men, 1980”, in, George Psacharopoulos and Tzannatos Zatiris (eds.), Women's Employment and Pay in Latin America, Volume 2, Case Studies, Latin American Division, The World Bank, Washington D.C., pp. 39-88.


Smith, J. Barry and Morton Stelcner (1992), “Modelling Economic Behaviour in the Informal Retail Sector of Peru”, (The World Bank).


Journal Articles


Cater, Bruce, Lew, Byron. and Barry Smith (2008). “A theory of tenure-track contracts.” Education Economics, Volume 16, Issue 2, 203-218.


Chak, P.M., Madras, N. and B. Smith (2005) “Semi-nonparametric estimation with Bernstein polynomials.” Economics Letters, 89, 153-156.


Cater, B. and J. Barry Smith (1999) “Inferring Disability from Post-Injury Employment Duration” Applied Economics Letters, 6, 747-751.


Smith J. Barry and Jon A. Breslaw (1995) “A Simple and Efficient Method for Estimating the Magnitude and Precision of Welfare Changes.” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10, 313-327.
Abstract: In this article we propose a simple and efficient method of estimating welfare measures in an n-equation system. We also estimate the variance of these measures. The accuracy and convergence properties of our approach are studied: the algorithm converges quadratically. This is a distinct improvement over the Vartia algorithm which converges linearly. We demonstrate the method by evaluating the welfare consequences of price changes in the provision of health care. The GAUSS code, which is very short, is included.
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Breslaw, Jon A. and J. Barry Smith (1995), “Measuring Welfare Changes when Quantity is Constrained”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13, No. 1, 1-9.


Rahman, A.H., Gandhi, D. and J. Barry Smith (1994), “Industrial Land Value and Asset Size: Theory and Evidence”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 11(2), 177-180.


Plourde, Charles and J. Barry Smith (1993), “Reply”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, 73-76.


Plourde, Charles and J. Barry Smith (1990c), “Crop Sharing in the Fishery and Industry Equilibrium”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol 6, No. 3, 179-194.

Katz, E. and J. Barry Smith, (1990b), “On the Social Costs of Rent Seeking Versus the Social Costs of Production Flexibility”, Public Choice, 66, 67-77.

Smith, J. Barry and S. Weber (1990a), “Leadership and Expenditures in Rent Seeking Models”, Public Choice, 65, 257-266.
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Smith, J. Barry and S. Weber (1989a), “Rent Seeking Behaviour of Retaliating Agents”, Public Choice, 61, 153-166.
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Smith, J. Barry and S. Weber (1988b), “Contemporaneous Externalities, Rational Expectations and Equilibrium Production Functions in Natural Resource Models”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 17, 155-170.
Abstract: This paper examines traditional approaches to modeling production processes in resource industries and finds that they are often incomplete with respect to desired properties and restrictions. A new notion of equilibrium production functions is introduced in which explicit account is taken of the recognised interdependence of firms involved in extraction. The results are quite encouraging. In particular, the resultant model of production has the ex ante desired technical, externality, mass balance, aggregation, and heterogeneity properties. As well, it provides useful insights for empirical research. Finally, this new approach with its explicit recognition of the interdependence of firms has the potential for providing new directions into the analysis of industry equilibrium and regulation of resource industries.
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Katz, E. and J. Barry Smith (1988b), “Rent Seeking and Optimal Regulation in Replenishible Resource Industries”, Public Choice, 59, 25-36.
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Smith, J. Barry and M. Stelcner (1988a), “Labour Supply of Married Women in Canada: 1980”, Canadian Journal of Economics, XXI, No. 4, 857-870.

Smith, J. Barry (1986), “Stochastic Steady-State Replenishable Resource Management Policies”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 155-168.


Smith, J. Barry and W.A. Sims (1985), “The Impact of Environmental Regulation Upon Productivity Growth”, Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 16, No.3, Autumn, 410-423.
Abstract: This article presents an econometric analysis of the productivity impact of pollution charges on firms in the Canadian brewing industry. We estimate a translog cost function that allows for differences between regulated and unregulated plants. Productivity is measured by the standard residual method. The empirical work, which is based on plant level data from a single industry, suggests that pollution charges have a negative impact on productivity growth. This, however, is not necessarily undesirable, since accompanying these costs are definite benefits in terms of a cleaner environment.
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Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1984b), “Duality and A-J Regulated Cost Functions: A Reply and Extensions”, Land Economics, Vol. 60, No. 2, 222-227.

Smith, J. Barry (1984a), “A Discrete Model of Replenishable Resource Management Under Uncertainty”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 1, No. 3, 283-308.
Abstract: This paper partially extends the replenishable resource management literature to the case of uncertainty. Stochastic resource dynamics are defined, studied and estimated. The results of this study suggest that the misallocation of resources into the northern lobster fishery has been greater than was previously believed. While aggregate stochastic influences are small in the lobster fishery, the dynamics of whales appear to be significantly affected by stochastic influences.
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Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1983b), “Some Encouraging Firm-Level Evidence for Duality Theory”, L'Actualité Economique, 59, No. 2, 222-227.

Irvine, I. and J. Barry Smith (1983a), “The Estimation of Local Government Expenditure Responses to Inter-Governmental Transfers”, Review of Economics and Statistics, LXV, No. 3, 534-536.
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Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1982b), “Efficiency, Equity and Regulation: An Optimal Pricing Model of Bell Canada”, Canadian Journal of Economics, XV, No. 4, 634-648.

Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1982a), “The Restrictiveness of Flexible Functional Forms and the Measurement of Regulatory Constraint”, Land Economics, Vol. 58, 4, 553-559.

Smith, J. Barry (1980), “Replenishable Resource Management Under Uncertainty”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 7, 209-219.


Conference Proceedings


Rahman, A.H., Gandhi, D. and J. Barry Smith (1990), “Industrial Land Value and Asset Size: Theory and Evidence”, in T. Chamberlain (ed.), Finance, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Vol. 11, Part 1, 169-179.


Research Reports


“A Hedonic Travel Cost Model of Saskatchewan's Sport Fishery”, Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg, 1992, (with Brenda Leith).


“Labor Force Behavior and Earnings of Brazilian Women and Men”, The World Bank, Washington, 1990-1991, (with Morton Stelcner, Jon A. Breslaw, and Georges Monette).

“Modelling Economic Behaviour in the Informal Retail Sector of Peru”, The World Bank, Washington, 1989-1990, (with Morton Stelcner).



Miles, S. and B. Smith (2010) “Can Investors Benefit from Using Trading Rules Evolved by Genetic Programming? A Test of the Adaptive Efficiency of U.S. Stock Markets with Margin Trading Allowed”, Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics, Springer, (forthcoming chapter)


Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/ECON1530 3.0 D Introductory Mathematical Economics I LECT
Fall 2024 AP/ECON1530 3.0 F Introductory Mathematical Economics I LECT
Winter 2025 AP/ECON1540 3.0 N Introductory Mathematical Economics II LECT
Winter 2025 AP/ECON1540 3.0 P Introductory Mathematical Economics II LECT

I am a Professor in the Department of Economics at York University. I hold a PhD in Economics from the University of Western Ontario. My research interests are in econometrics, environmental economics, and labour economics.


Ph.D., University of Western
M.A., University of Western
B.A. (Hons.), York University

Professional Leadership

1. Co-Chair, Great Lakes Fishery Commission Task Group on Economic Valuation, 1989-1993.

2. Contributing Editor, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, 1992-.1996.

3. Secretary Treasurer and Member of the Board of Governors, The Biosphere Foundation, 1992-2000.

Research Interests

, Economics


  • Dean's Teaching Excellence Award 1995 - 1995

All Publications

Book Chapters


Smith, J. Barry and J. Racine (1999), “Nonparametric Analysis of Growth in Replenishable Resource Stocks”, in R. Carter-Hill and T. Fomby (eds.), Advances in Econometrics: Applying Kernel and Nonparametric Estimation to Economics Topics, North Holland, Volume 14, 309-327.


Brewlaw, Jon A. and Barry Smith (1998), “Measuring Change when Quantity is Constrained”, in J. Creedy (e.d.), Measuring Welfare Changes, Edward Elgar. (Reprint of journal paper 19)


Stelcner, Morton, Smith, J. Barry, Breslaw, Jon A. and Georges Monette (1992), “Labor Force Behavior and Earnings of Brazilian Women and Men, 1980”, in, George Psacharopoulos and Tzannatos Zatiris (eds.), Women's Employment and Pay in Latin America, Volume 2, Case Studies, Latin American Division, The World Bank, Washington D.C., pp. 39-88.


Smith, J. Barry and Morton Stelcner (1992), “Modelling Economic Behaviour in the Informal Retail Sector of Peru”, (The World Bank).


Journal Articles


Cater, Bruce, Lew, Byron. and Barry Smith (2008). “A theory of tenure-track contracts.” Education Economics, Volume 16, Issue 2, 203-218.


Chak, P.M., Madras, N. and B. Smith (2005) “Semi-nonparametric estimation with Bernstein polynomials.” Economics Letters, 89, 153-156.


Cater, B. and J. Barry Smith (1999) “Inferring Disability from Post-Injury Employment Duration” Applied Economics Letters, 6, 747-751.


Smith J. Barry and Jon A. Breslaw (1995) “A Simple and Efficient Method for Estimating the Magnitude and Precision of Welfare Changes.” Journal of Applied Econometrics, 10, 313-327.
Abstract: In this article we propose a simple and efficient method of estimating welfare measures in an n-equation system. We also estimate the variance of these measures. The accuracy and convergence properties of our approach are studied: the algorithm converges quadratically. This is a distinct improvement over the Vartia algorithm which converges linearly. We demonstrate the method by evaluating the welfare consequences of price changes in the provision of health care. The GAUSS code, which is very short, is included.
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Breslaw, Jon A. and J. Barry Smith (1995), “Measuring Welfare Changes when Quantity is Constrained”, Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 13, No. 1, 1-9.


Rahman, A.H., Gandhi, D. and J. Barry Smith (1994), “Industrial Land Value and Asset Size: Theory and Evidence”, Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 11(2), 177-180.


Plourde, Charles and J. Barry Smith (1993), “Reply”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1, 73-76.


Plourde, Charles and J. Barry Smith (1990c), “Crop Sharing in the Fishery and Industry Equilibrium”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol 6, No. 3, 179-194.

Katz, E. and J. Barry Smith, (1990b), “On the Social Costs of Rent Seeking Versus the Social Costs of Production Flexibility”, Public Choice, 66, 67-77.

Smith, J. Barry and S. Weber (1990a), “Leadership and Expenditures in Rent Seeking Models”, Public Choice, 65, 257-266.
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Smith, J. Barry and S. Weber (1989a), “Rent Seeking Behaviour of Retaliating Agents”, Public Choice, 61, 153-166.
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Smith, J. Barry and S. Weber (1988b), “Contemporaneous Externalities, Rational Expectations and Equilibrium Production Functions in Natural Resource Models”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 17, 155-170.
Abstract: This paper examines traditional approaches to modeling production processes in resource industries and finds that they are often incomplete with respect to desired properties and restrictions. A new notion of equilibrium production functions is introduced in which explicit account is taken of the recognised interdependence of firms involved in extraction. The results are quite encouraging. In particular, the resultant model of production has the ex ante desired technical, externality, mass balance, aggregation, and heterogeneity properties. As well, it provides useful insights for empirical research. Finally, this new approach with its explicit recognition of the interdependence of firms has the potential for providing new directions into the analysis of industry equilibrium and regulation of resource industries.
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Katz, E. and J. Barry Smith (1988b), “Rent Seeking and Optimal Regulation in Replenishible Resource Industries”, Public Choice, 59, 25-36.
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Smith, J. Barry and M. Stelcner (1988a), “Labour Supply of Married Women in Canada: 1980”, Canadian Journal of Economics, XXI, No. 4, 857-870.

Smith, J. Barry (1986), “Stochastic Steady-State Replenishable Resource Management Policies”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 3, No. 2, 155-168.


Smith, J. Barry and W.A. Sims (1985), “The Impact of Environmental Regulation Upon Productivity Growth”, Rand Journal of Economics, Vol. 16, No.3, Autumn, 410-423.
Abstract: This article presents an econometric analysis of the productivity impact of pollution charges on firms in the Canadian brewing industry. We estimate a translog cost function that allows for differences between regulated and unregulated plants. Productivity is measured by the standard residual method. The empirical work, which is based on plant level data from a single industry, suggests that pollution charges have a negative impact on productivity growth. This, however, is not necessarily undesirable, since accompanying these costs are definite benefits in terms of a cleaner environment.
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Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1984b), “Duality and A-J Regulated Cost Functions: A Reply and Extensions”, Land Economics, Vol. 60, No. 2, 222-227.

Smith, J. Barry (1984a), “A Discrete Model of Replenishable Resource Management Under Uncertainty”, Journal of Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 1, No. 3, 283-308.
Abstract: This paper partially extends the replenishable resource management literature to the case of uncertainty. Stochastic resource dynamics are defined, studied and estimated. The results of this study suggest that the misallocation of resources into the northern lobster fishery has been greater than was previously believed. While aggregate stochastic influences are small in the lobster fishery, the dynamics of whales appear to be significantly affected by stochastic influences.
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Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1983b), “Some Encouraging Firm-Level Evidence for Duality Theory”, L'Actualité Economique, 59, No. 2, 222-227.

Irvine, I. and J. Barry Smith (1983a), “The Estimation of Local Government Expenditure Responses to Inter-Governmental Transfers”, Review of Economics and Statistics, LXV, No. 3, 534-536.
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Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1982b), “Efficiency, Equity and Regulation: An Optimal Pricing Model of Bell Canada”, Canadian Journal of Economics, XV, No. 4, 634-648.

Breslaw, J. and J. Barry Smith (1982a), “The Restrictiveness of Flexible Functional Forms and the Measurement of Regulatory Constraint”, Land Economics, Vol. 58, 4, 553-559.

Smith, J. Barry (1980), “Replenishable Resource Management Under Uncertainty”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 7, 209-219.


Conference Proceedings


Rahman, A.H., Gandhi, D. and J. Barry Smith (1990), “Industrial Land Value and Asset Size: Theory and Evidence”, in T. Chamberlain (ed.), Finance, Proceedings of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Vol. 11, Part 1, 169-179.


Research Reports


“A Hedonic Travel Cost Model of Saskatchewan's Sport Fishery”, Canada Department of Fisheries and Oceans, Winnipeg, 1992, (with Brenda Leith).


“Labor Force Behavior and Earnings of Brazilian Women and Men”, The World Bank, Washington, 1990-1991, (with Morton Stelcner, Jon A. Breslaw, and Georges Monette).

“Modelling Economic Behaviour in the Informal Retail Sector of Peru”, The World Bank, Washington, 1989-1990, (with Morton Stelcner).



Miles, S. and B. Smith (2010) “Can Investors Benefit from Using Trading Rules Evolved by Genetic Programming? A Test of the Adaptive Efficiency of U.S. Stock Markets with Margin Trading Allowed”, Computational Methods in Economic Dynamics, Springer, (forthcoming chapter)


Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/ECON1530 3.0 D Introductory Mathematical Economics I LECT
Fall 2024 AP/ECON1530 3.0 F Introductory Mathematical Economics I LECT
Winter 2025 AP/ECON1540 3.0 N Introductory Mathematical Economics II LECT
Winter 2025 AP/ECON1540 3.0 P Introductory Mathematical Economics II LECT