Joanne Jones

School of Administrative Studies
Associate Professor
Office: Atkinson College, 213
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30332
Media Requests Welcome
Joanne's current research focuses on audit practice and the impact of regulation, auditor-client negotiations, and auditor ethics. Her research also examines issues related to diversity and inclusion within the accounting profession and she is currently involved with a project that is examining the experiences of professional accountants migrating to Canada. She has a keen interest in improving accounting education and has conducted pedagogical research as well as published several educational cases.
PhD, Schulich School of Business, York UniversityCPA, CA, CPA Ontario
MBA, Memorial University of Newfoundland
BComm, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Professional Leadership
Joanne is an active academic reviewer for several journals and conferences. She currently is an Associate Editor with Accounting Perspectives and has served as an Associate Editor for Issues in Accounting Education.
Community Contributions
- Chair, Academic Relations Committee, Institute of Internal Auditors, Toronto Chapter, 2011- 2012
- Chair, Arthur Child Scholarship Selection Committee, Institute of Internal Auditors, Toronto Chapter, 2009-2010
- National Treasurer, Women’s Legal Education Action Fund, Toronto, 2006-2008
- Treasurer, Youth Without Shelter, Etobicoke, 1994-1998
Research Interests
- Schulich PhD Entrance Scholarship of Merit - 1999-2001
- First Prize, Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Case Competition (with K. Hung and S. Iacobelli) - 2010
- Best Paper Award, Accounting Division, 6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference - 2013
- Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, Strategy Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, 2001 - 2001
Current Research Projects
- Schulich PhD Entrance Scholarship of Merit - 1999-2001
- First Prize, Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Case Competition (with K. Hung and S. Iacobelli) - 2010
- Best Paper Award, Accounting Division, 6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference - 2013
- Best Doctoral Student Paper Award, Strategy Division, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, 2001 - 2001
This project examines the career transitions of internationally trained accountants who have successfully resumed their careers in Canada.
Description:In this study we conducted life history interviews with over 30 accountants from countries all over the world who have immigrated to Canada. We also interviewed several diversity and human resource professionals of several elite employers (Big4 and Financial Services Firms) who are recognized as exemplars for their “good immigrant employment practices.”
Collaborator: Kelly Thomson
Collaborator Institution: York University
Collaborator Role: Principal investigator
Great West Life Foundation
This research project examines how auditors perceive the impact of Auditor Oversight Boards on their reflexive practices and, ultimately, audit quality
Start Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2009
End Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2011
Deloitte/CAAA Research Grant
This study aims to increase our understanding of how to promote the likelihood that students will whistle-blow (during their academic and professional careers).
Start Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2009
End Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2011
Collaborator: Gary Spraakman
Collaborator Institution: School of Administrative Studies
University of Waterloo Centre for Accounting Ethics
This project involves the development of an accounting skills workshops for accounting students to assist them in developing their critical thinking and specific job skills.
- Month: Jul Year: 2009
End Date:
- Month: Jul Year: 2010
Collaborator: Gary Spraakman
Atkinson Teaching Research, Experiments, Engagement and Sharing (TREES) grant
J. Jones and S. Scott, 2012. Cyberbullying in the University Classroom: A Multiplicity of Issues in C. Wankel and L. Wankel (eds.) Misbehavior Online in Higher Education, Emerald Publishing.
J. Jones. 2011. Broadening Your Perspective - Comparing International Financial Reporting Standards and Canadian Accounting Standards for Private Companies (in Chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 14). In P. Kimmel, J. Weygandt, D. Kieso, B. Trenholm, and W. Irving. Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making (5th Canadian Edition). John Wiley and Sons, Canada
Thorne, L. and J. Jones, Oversights and Intentions in R. Kidwell and C. Martin (eds). Managing Organizational Deviance, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2005.
Accountants’ Truth (Matthew Gill, Oxford University Press) Administrative Sciences Quarterly, June 2010.
Iacobelli, S., Scott, S. and Jones, J. (2019) SpinalHeal: Planning the Financial Statement Audit. Accounting Perspectives, 18 (4): 249-258
Jones, J., MacTavish, C., and Schultz, W. (2019) The Effect of Gender and Firm Identification on Auditor Pre-Negotiation Judgments, Advances in Accounting. (44): 49-57.
Sheehan, Norman. Joanne C. Jones, Fred Phillips and Mahendra R. Gujarathi. 2017. Using Design Thinking to Write Cases. Journal of Management Education. Vol 42(1): 135-160.
Thomson, Kelly. and Jones, Joanne C.. 2017. Global Mobility and Precariousness: Implications for Moral Agency in the Accounting Profession. Journal of Business Ethics, 146(4): 747-770.
Thomson, Kelly. and Jones, Joanne C. 2016. Colonials in Camouflage: Metonymy, mimicry and the reproduction of the colonial order in the age of diversity. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 35, 58-75
Thomson, Kelly. and Jones, Joanne C.. 2015. Being and Becoming a Professional Accountant in Canada: Mimicry and menace in the transitions of migrant accountants. Critical Perspectives on International Business. 11(2), 156-172.
Jones. Joanne C., Gary. Spraakman, and Cristobal. Sanchez-Rodriguez. 2014. What’s in it for Me? An Examination of Accounting Students’ Likelihood to Report Faculty Misconduct. Journal of Business Ethics. 123 (4): 645-667.
Jones, J. and S. Iacobelli. 2012. Superior Construction Inc.: An assessment of risks and controls as part of a post-acquisition engagement. Journal of Accounting Education, 30(2) Special Issue on Audit Education.
Jones, Joanne C. 2012. Zoom Snowboards Inc.: Understanding the Impact of Management Decisions on the Audit Plan. Issues in Accounting Education. 27(4): 1193-1213.
Jones. J., S. Iacobelli, and K. Hung, 2011. La Femme Media Inc: Identifying and Managing Audit Engagement Risk Factors. Accounting Perspectives, Vol 10(1): 55-76. Winner of the 2010 Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Case Competition.
Jones, J. and G. Spraakman, 2011. A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self –Interest Rule? Accounting Perspectives, Vol 10(1): 1-22.
L. Thorne, D. Massey and J. Jones, 2004. An Investigation of Social influence: Explaining the Effect of Group Discussion on Consensus in Auditors’ Ethical Reasoning, Business Ethics Quarterly, 14(3): 525-552.
Jones, J., D. Massey, and L. Thorne, 2003. Auditors’ Ethical Reasoning: Insights from Past Research and Implications for the Future. Journal of Accounting Literature, Vol 22: 45-103.
J. Jones and S. Iacobelli. 2012. Superior Construction: An Internal Audit Post-Acquisition Engagement. American Accounting Association Mid-Year Audit Conference, Savannah, Georgia.
Jones, J., Zoom Snowboards Inc.: Understanding the Impact of Management Decisions on the Audit Plan. American Accounting Association Annual Audit Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January, 2011.
Jones, J. and G. Spraakman, A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self-Interest Rule? Concurrent Session, American Accounting Association Annual Conference, Aug 2010, San Francisco.
Jones, J. and G. Spraakman, A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self-Interest Rule?, Concurrent Session, Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, May 2010, Vancouver.
Jones, J. Understanding Auditor Negotiations through the Lens of Social Identity: The Effects of Gender and Firm Identification, Concurrent Session, Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, August 2010.
J. Jones. 2009. Understanding Auditor Negotiations through the Lens of Social Identity: The Effects of Gender and Firm Identification. Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Montreal and American Accounting Association Annual Conference.
J. Jones and G. Spraakman. 2009. A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self Interest Rule? American Accounting Association Teaching and Learning Web-based Conference, Ethics and the Financial Crisis Workshop Hosted by The Canadian Business Ethics Research Network and The University of Toronto Centre for Ethics, and American Accounting Association, Professionalism and Ethics Symposium
Chung, J., J. Jones, J., P. Puri, and L. Thorne, Auditors’ Liability: Settling in the Shadows. Concurrent Session, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, 2005, Toronto and York University New Researchers Symposium,
J.Chung,J. Jones, P. Puri.and L. Thorne. 2005. Auditors’ Liability: Settling in the Shadows Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Toronto and York University New Researchers Symposium,
Jones, J. “The Auditor-Client Relationship and Auditor Independence” American Accounting Association, Professionalism and Ethics Symposium, Honolulu, August 2003.
Jones, J., D. Massey, and L. Thorne. "A Review and Synthesis of the Empirical Research on the Ethical Dimension of Accountant's Professional Judgment." American Accounting Association, Professionalism and Ethics Symposium, San Antonio, August 2002 and Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Montreal, May 2002.
Jones, J. Presenter. "Firm-NGO Alliances - A Stakeholder Perspective", Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, London, 2001. Published in the Proceedings. Received Best Student Paper Award, Strategy Division.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/ADMS4553 3.0 | N | Auditing: Advanced Topics | BLEN |
Winter 2025 | GS/PACC5550 3.0 | N | Issues in the Practice of Assurance | LECT |
Joanne's current research focuses on audit practice and the impact of regulation, auditor-client negotiations, and auditor ethics. Her research also examines issues related to diversity and inclusion within the accounting profession and she is currently involved with a project that is examining the experiences of professional accountants migrating to Canada. She has a keen interest in improving accounting education and has conducted pedagogical research as well as published several educational cases.
PhD, Schulich School of Business, York UniversityCPA, CA, CPA Ontario
MBA, Memorial University of Newfoundland
BComm, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Professional Leadership
Joanne is an active academic reviewer for several journals and conferences. She currently is an Associate Editor with Accounting Perspectives and has served as an Associate Editor for Issues in Accounting Education.
Community Contributions
- Chair, Academic Relations Committee, Institute of Internal Auditors, Toronto Chapter, 2011- 2012
- Chair, Arthur Child Scholarship Selection Committee, Institute of Internal Auditors, Toronto Chapter, 2009-2010
- National Treasurer, Women’s Legal Education Action Fund, Toronto, 2006-2008
- Treasurer, Youth Without Shelter, Etobicoke, 1994-1998
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
This project examines the career transitions of internationally trained accountants who have successfully resumed their careers in Canada.
Description:In this study we conducted life history interviews with over 30 accountants from countries all over the world who have immigrated to Canada. We also interviewed several diversity and human resource professionals of several elite employers (Big4 and Financial Services Firms) who are recognized as exemplars for their “good immigrant employment practices.”
Project Type: FundedRole: Co-investigator
Collaborator: Kelly Thomson
Collaborator Institution: York University
Collaborator Role: Principal investigator
Great West Life Foundation
This research project examines how auditors perceive the impact of Auditor Oversight Boards on their reflexive practices and, ultimately, audit quality
Project Type: FundedRole: Principal Investigator
Start Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2009
End Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2011
Deloitte/CAAA Research Grant
This study aims to increase our understanding of how to promote the likelihood that students will whistle-blow (during their academic and professional careers).
Project Type: FundedRole: Principal Investigator
Start Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2009
End Date:
- Month: Jun Year: 2011
Collaborator: Gary Spraakman
Collaborator Institution: School of Administrative Studies
University of Waterloo Centre for Accounting Ethics
This project involves the development of an accounting skills workshops for accounting students to assist them in developing their critical thinking and specific job skills.
Project Type: FundedStart Date:
- Month: Jul Year: 2009
End Date:
- Month: Jul Year: 2010
Collaborator: Gary Spraakman
Atkinson Teaching Research, Experiments, Engagement and Sharing (TREES) grant
All Publications
J. Jones and S. Scott, 2012. Cyberbullying in the University Classroom: A Multiplicity of Issues in C. Wankel and L. Wankel (eds.) Misbehavior Online in Higher Education, Emerald Publishing.
J. Jones. 2011. Broadening Your Perspective - Comparing International Financial Reporting Standards and Canadian Accounting Standards for Private Companies (in Chapters 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, and 14). In P. Kimmel, J. Weygandt, D. Kieso, B. Trenholm, and W. Irving. Financial Accounting: Tools for Business Decision Making (5th Canadian Edition). John Wiley and Sons, Canada
Thorne, L. and J. Jones, Oversights and Intentions in R. Kidwell and C. Martin (eds). Managing Organizational Deviance, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications, 2005.
Accountants’ Truth (Matthew Gill, Oxford University Press) Administrative Sciences Quarterly, June 2010.
Iacobelli, S., Scott, S. and Jones, J. (2019) SpinalHeal: Planning the Financial Statement Audit. Accounting Perspectives, 18 (4): 249-258
Jones, J., MacTavish, C., and Schultz, W. (2019) The Effect of Gender and Firm Identification on Auditor Pre-Negotiation Judgments, Advances in Accounting. (44): 49-57.
Sheehan, Norman. Joanne C. Jones, Fred Phillips and Mahendra R. Gujarathi. 2017. Using Design Thinking to Write Cases. Journal of Management Education. Vol 42(1): 135-160.
Thomson, Kelly. and Jones, Joanne C.. 2017. Global Mobility and Precariousness: Implications for Moral Agency in the Accounting Profession. Journal of Business Ethics, 146(4): 747-770.
Thomson, Kelly. and Jones, Joanne C. 2016. Colonials in Camouflage: Metonymy, mimicry and the reproduction of the colonial order in the age of diversity. Critical Perspectives on Accounting. 35, 58-75
Thomson, Kelly. and Jones, Joanne C.. 2015. Being and Becoming a Professional Accountant in Canada: Mimicry and menace in the transitions of migrant accountants. Critical Perspectives on International Business. 11(2), 156-172.
Jones. Joanne C., Gary. Spraakman, and Cristobal. Sanchez-Rodriguez. 2014. What’s in it for Me? An Examination of Accounting Students’ Likelihood to Report Faculty Misconduct. Journal of Business Ethics. 123 (4): 645-667.
Jones, J. and S. Iacobelli. 2012. Superior Construction Inc.: An assessment of risks and controls as part of a post-acquisition engagement. Journal of Accounting Education, 30(2) Special Issue on Audit Education.
Jones, Joanne C. 2012. Zoom Snowboards Inc.: Understanding the Impact of Management Decisions on the Audit Plan. Issues in Accounting Education. 27(4): 1193-1213.
Jones. J., S. Iacobelli, and K. Hung, 2011. La Femme Media Inc: Identifying and Managing Audit Engagement Risk Factors. Accounting Perspectives, Vol 10(1): 55-76. Winner of the 2010 Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Case Competition.
Jones, J. and G. Spraakman, 2011. A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self –Interest Rule? Accounting Perspectives, Vol 10(1): 1-22.
L. Thorne, D. Massey and J. Jones, 2004. An Investigation of Social influence: Explaining the Effect of Group Discussion on Consensus in Auditors’ Ethical Reasoning, Business Ethics Quarterly, 14(3): 525-552.
Jones, J., D. Massey, and L. Thorne, 2003. Auditors’ Ethical Reasoning: Insights from Past Research and Implications for the Future. Journal of Accounting Literature, Vol 22: 45-103.
J. Jones and S. Iacobelli. 2012. Superior Construction: An Internal Audit Post-Acquisition Engagement. American Accounting Association Mid-Year Audit Conference, Savannah, Georgia.
Jones, J., Zoom Snowboards Inc.: Understanding the Impact of Management Decisions on the Audit Plan. American Accounting Association Annual Audit Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, January, 2011.
Jones, J. and G. Spraakman, A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self-Interest Rule? Concurrent Session, American Accounting Association Annual Conference, Aug 2010, San Francisco.
Jones, J. and G. Spraakman, A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self-Interest Rule?, Concurrent Session, Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, May 2010, Vancouver.
Jones, J. Understanding Auditor Negotiations through the Lens of Social Identity: The Effects of Gender and Firm Identification, Concurrent Session, Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, August 2010.
J. Jones. 2009. Understanding Auditor Negotiations through the Lens of Social Identity: The Effects of Gender and Firm Identification. Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Montreal and American Accounting Association Annual Conference.
J. Jones and G. Spraakman. 2009. A Case of Academic Misconduct: Does Self Interest Rule? American Accounting Association Teaching and Learning Web-based Conference, Ethics and the Financial Crisis Workshop Hosted by The Canadian Business Ethics Research Network and The University of Toronto Centre for Ethics, and American Accounting Association, Professionalism and Ethics Symposium
Chung, J., J. Jones, J., P. Puri, and L. Thorne, Auditors’ Liability: Settling in the Shadows. Concurrent Session, Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Annual Conference, 2005, Toronto and York University New Researchers Symposium,
J.Chung,J. Jones, P. Puri.and L. Thorne. 2005. Auditors’ Liability: Settling in the Shadows Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, Toronto and York University New Researchers Symposium,
Jones, J. “The Auditor-Client Relationship and Auditor Independence” American Accounting Association, Professionalism and Ethics Symposium, Honolulu, August 2003.
Jones, J., D. Massey, and L. Thorne. "A Review and Synthesis of the Empirical Research on the Ethical Dimension of Accountant's Professional Judgment." American Accounting Association, Professionalism and Ethics Symposium, San Antonio, August 2002 and Canadian Academic Accounting Association Annual Conference, Montreal, May 2002.
Jones, J. Presenter. "Firm-NGO Alliances - A Stakeholder Perspective", Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, London, 2001. Published in the Proceedings. Received Best Student Paper Award, Strategy Division.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/ADMS4553 3.0 | N | Auditing: Advanced Topics | BLEN |
Winter 2025 | GS/PACC5550 3.0 | N | Issues in the Practice of Assurance | LECT |