
Joanne Magee

Photo of Joanne Magee

School of Administrative Studies
School of Public Policy and Administration

Associate Professor
Undergraduate Program Director, School of Public Policy and Administration
Coordinator, Income Tax Law Courses, School of Administrative Studies

Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 66450 

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Professor Joanne Magee, LLM, MBA, FCPA, FCA, teaches tax law, tax policy and tax planning at York University. Her research interests include personal and small business tax policy, compliance and planning, the delivery of social benefits through the tax system, and improving student learning. Her work has been cited by the Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada in Dean's Knight Income Corp and MacDonald.


Joanne is the co-author (with Jinyan Li and Scott Wilkie) of Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law. She is currently the Undergraduate Program Director of York's School of Public Policy and Administration and the Coordinator of Income Tax Law Courses for the School of Administrative Studies. She is a member of the York University Senate and a past member of its Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee and its Joint Sub-committee on Quality Assurance which she chaired. She has served as a member of CPA Canada's Income Tax Education Committee (2012 to 2019), a Governor of Canadian Tax Foundation (2001 to 2004) and a member of the governing body of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (1994 to 1998). She is a Fellow of CPA Ontario and the Financial Planning Standards Council.


LLM, York University
MBA, University of Toronto
Honours BSc, McMaster University
FCPA, FCA, Ontario

Community Contributions

Member of the Black Creek Financial Action Network since its inception in 2012. Organized and supervised students at income tax return preparation clinics from 1996 to 2020, first with the Canada Revenue Agency and later with CPA Ontario. Until the Covid-19 pandemic, worked with the students to organize in-person York University Tax Return Preparation Clinics staffed by 60 to 80 third and fourth year School of Administrative Studies students to prepare over 300 tax returns and other forms for low-income taxpayers each year.

Research Interests

Education , Social Development and Welfare, Tax Policy, Tax Compliance, Tax Planning, Income Tax Law
  • New College Faculty Support Award - 2018
  • Fellow, Financial Planning Standards Council - 2011
  • Fellow, CPA Ontario - 1997

Current Research Projects

Data analytics and Information Systems (DAIS) and Tax


    Research into the use of technology by taxpayers, advisors and the Canada Revenue Agency to contribute to learning materials on data analytics and information systems (DAIS) competencies that apply to tax.

    See more


Li, J. , Magee, J., Wilkie, J.S., Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law 10th ed.(2022) Toronto: Thomson Carswell.


Magee, J, (ed.) Insight into Canadian Income Tax. (2017-18) Toronto: Thomson Carswell.


Magee, J. (ed.) Understanding Income Tax (2010-11) Toronto: Thomson Carswell.


Journal Articles


Magee, Joanne, Investing in Residential Real Estate, (2016) Vol. 64, No.4, Canadian Tax Journal, 859 – 85


Magee, J., Tax Writeoffs for Investment Losses: Lessons from Cases Involving Victims of Investment Fraud, (2014) Vol. 62, No. 1 Canadian Tax Journal, 221-244.


Magee, J. "Tax Planning for Post-Secondary Education", (2010) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 58, No. 2, 393-416


Magee, J. "Personal Services Businesses". (2010) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 55, No. 1, 160-183


Magee, J. “The Kiddie Tax: Major Changes for Minor Children” (with Maureen Donnelly and Allister Young), (2000) Canadian Tax Journal, 979-1018.


Magee, J.“Tax Planning for Post-Secondary Education”, (1998) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 46, No. 5, 1079-1115


Magee, J. "Real Estate Rental Losses and the Application of the Reasonable Expectation of Profit Test after Tonn v. The Queen", (1996) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 44, No.4,1150-1176


Magee, J. "Repossessions, Foreclosures, and Powers of Sale: Tax Consequences to a Vendor or a Creditor When a Real Estate Venture Fails", (1994) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, 914-932


Magee, J. "Tax Planning for the Disabled and Elderly and Their Caregivers", (1992) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 40, No. 6, 1364-1383


Magee, J. "Employee Benefit Plans Revisited", (1984), Canadian Tax Journal Vol. 32, No. 4, 773-791


Approach to Teaching

My objective as a teacher is to help students understand tax law and tax policy choices from the perspective of the government as well as how taxpayers use the law to do tax planning. I help students learn how to research and analyze tax issues. We look at the statutes as well as the case law and CRA administrative practice. My courses cover current issues in income tax and GST and use practical problems and case studies. Students must be able to use excel (for case study analyses) and powerpoint (for presentations).

Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 GS/PACC5560 3.0 N Taxation and Financial Decision-Making LECT

Professor Joanne Magee, LLM, MBA, FCPA, FCA, teaches tax law, tax policy and tax planning at York University. Her research interests include personal and small business tax policy, compliance and planning, the delivery of social benefits through the tax system, and improving student learning. Her work has been cited by the Canadian courts, including the Supreme Court of Canada in Dean's Knight Income Corp and MacDonald.

Joanne is the co-author (with Jinyan Li and Scott Wilkie) of Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law. She is currently the Undergraduate Program Director of York's School of Public Policy and Administration and the Coordinator of Income Tax Law Courses for the School of Administrative Studies. She is a member of the York University Senate and a past member of its Academic Policy, Planning and Research Committee and its Joint Sub-committee on Quality Assurance which she chaired. She has served as a member of CPA Canada's Income Tax Education Committee (2012 to 2019), a Governor of Canadian Tax Foundation (2001 to 2004) and a member of the governing body of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario (1994 to 1998). She is a Fellow of CPA Ontario and the Financial Planning Standards Council.


LLM, York University
MBA, University of Toronto
Honours BSc, McMaster University
FCPA, FCA, Ontario

Community Contributions

Member of the Black Creek Financial Action Network since its inception in 2012. Organized and supervised students at income tax return preparation clinics from 1996 to 2020, first with the Canada Revenue Agency and later with CPA Ontario. Until the Covid-19 pandemic, worked with the students to organize in-person York University Tax Return Preparation Clinics staffed by 60 to 80 third and fourth year School of Administrative Studies students to prepare over 300 tax returns and other forms for low-income taxpayers each year.

Research Interests

Education , Social Development and Welfare, Tax Policy, Tax Compliance, Tax Planning, Income Tax Law


  • New College Faculty Support Award - 2018
  • Fellow, Financial Planning Standards Council - 2011
  • Fellow, CPA Ontario - 1997

Current Research Projects

Data analytics and Information Systems (DAIS) and Tax


    Research into the use of technology by taxpayers, advisors and the Canada Revenue Agency to contribute to learning materials on data analytics and information systems (DAIS) competencies that apply to tax.

All Publications



Li, J. , Magee, J., Wilkie, J.S., Principles of Canadian Income Tax Law 10th ed.(2022) Toronto: Thomson Carswell.


Magee, J, (ed.) Insight into Canadian Income Tax. (2017-18) Toronto: Thomson Carswell.


Magee, J. (ed.) Understanding Income Tax (2010-11) Toronto: Thomson Carswell.


Journal Articles


Magee, Joanne, Investing in Residential Real Estate, (2016) Vol. 64, No.4, Canadian Tax Journal, 859 – 85


Magee, J., Tax Writeoffs for Investment Losses: Lessons from Cases Involving Victims of Investment Fraud, (2014) Vol. 62, No. 1 Canadian Tax Journal, 221-244.


Magee, J. "Tax Planning for Post-Secondary Education", (2010) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 58, No. 2, 393-416


Magee, J. "Personal Services Businesses". (2010) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 55, No. 1, 160-183


Magee, J. “The Kiddie Tax: Major Changes for Minor Children” (with Maureen Donnelly and Allister Young), (2000) Canadian Tax Journal, 979-1018.


Magee, J.“Tax Planning for Post-Secondary Education”, (1998) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 46, No. 5, 1079-1115


Magee, J. "Real Estate Rental Losses and the Application of the Reasonable Expectation of Profit Test after Tonn v. The Queen", (1996) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 44, No.4,1150-1176


Magee, J. "Repossessions, Foreclosures, and Powers of Sale: Tax Consequences to a Vendor or a Creditor When a Real Estate Venture Fails", (1994) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 42, No. 3, 914-932


Magee, J. "Tax Planning for the Disabled and Elderly and Their Caregivers", (1992) Canadian Tax Journal, Vol. 40, No. 6, 1364-1383


Magee, J. "Employee Benefit Plans Revisited", (1984), Canadian Tax Journal Vol. 32, No. 4, 773-791


Approach to Teaching

My objective as a teacher is to help students understand tax law and tax policy choices from the perspective of the government as well as how taxpayers use the law to do tax planning. I help students learn how to research and analyze tax issues. We look at the statutes as well as the case law and CRA administrative practice. My courses cover current issues in income tax and GST and use practical problems and case studies. Students must be able to use excel (for case study analyses) and powerpoint (for presentations).

Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 GS/PACC5560 3.0 N Taxation and Financial Decision-Making LECT