
Julia Richardson

Photo of Julia Richardson

School of Administrative Studies
School of Human Resource Management

Associate Professor

Office: Atkinson College, 234
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 33821
Email: jrichard@yorku.ca

Dr. Richardson currently has three main areas of research interest: internationally mobile professionals; flexible/remote work practices and the careers of ex-athletes/sportspeople. Her interest in internationally mobile professionals focuses on the implications of moving between countries for career advancement and for family relationships - especially for dual career couples. Her work on flexible and remote work practices examines the impact of such practices on individual performance, life balance and career opportunities and advancement. This research also explores 'best practices' for managers with responsibility for overseeing the performance of remote working teams. Dr. Richardson has also just recently started developing a project exploring the career experiences of ex-athletes/professional sportspeople. This latest project aims to look at why some people pursue a career in professional sports and what happens when they are no longer able to compete. For example, it will explore the idea of sports as a 'calling'. This project will involve a cross-national collaboration with scholars in New Zealand.


Dr. Richardson has conducted extensive research on internationally mobile professionals including those who have pursued careers in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, New Zealand and Canada. She is currently exploring the implications of international mobility for mining professionals as part of a joint international project with Dr. Steve McKenna. As part of this project she is also looking at the careers of women in the mining industry and the extent to which their international experience impacts on their career opportunities and experiences. Dr. Richardson has also been working with Dr. Jelena Zikic, another colleague in the School of HRM, on a study examining the experiences of international medical professionals and international information technology professionals in Canada. Dr. Richardson's interest in flexible work practices focuses on the implications of remote working for individual and organizational performance and work-life balance. She has recently conducted a large-scale cost-benefit analysis of flexible work practices in Canada as well as a qualitative study of flexible work arrangements in a hi-tech multinational company, also in Canada. Her book 'New Ways of Organizing Work' co-edited with Dr. Clare Kelliher from Cranfield University in the UK provides an insight into changing work practices in Asia, North America, Europe and Australia and the implications for individual and organizational performance. Dr. Richardson's latest project exploring the careers of professional athletes will explore why people might pursue a career in sport, what the influences on in this particular career choice and, just as importantly, what happens when they are no longer able to compete - what opportunities are available to them? She is hoping that this study will evolve into an international collaboration with scholars in New Zealand to allow for a comparison between Canadian and New Zealand athletes. Dr. Richardson has published extensively including articles in the following journals: British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Career Development International, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, Personnel Review, Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies, amongst others. She has also published numerous book chapters and two books. Dr. Richardson has extensive professional experience in UK, Japan, Indonesia, the Middle East, New Zealand and Singapore and is currently Associate Editor for the International Journal of Management Reviews and for Career Development International. She was awarded her PhD from the University of Otago in New Zealand and is currently teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Organizational Behaviour, Qualitative Research Methods and Career Management at York University. She also teaches graduate courses in Career Management and Qualitative Research Methods and was recently a visiting professor teaching Organizational Leadership on the University of Otago's MBA Programme in New Zealand.


PhD, Otago, New Zealand
MA, Manchester, UK

Research Interests

Management , Human Resources, Expatriation, Flexible Work Practices, Management

Current Research Projects

    See more
    Minor Research Grant
The impact of international mobility in the global mining industry


    This study is based on interviews with Canadian mining engineers and geologists currently working in the United Arab Emirates and Western Australia. It explores the impact of international mobility on their career development and personal lives, focusing especially on why they decided to move to the respective countries, their experiences of adjustment and the impact of professional networks on career advancement in the industry. The study has been funded by a SSHRC initiative for international research.

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    See more
    Junior Faculty Fund

    See more
    Junior Faculty Fund

    See more
    Minor Research Grant

    See more

    See more
    ATK Fellowship
International Faculty in Canadian Universities: Recruitment, Retention and Management

    See more
    SSHRC INE Skills Research Initiative

    See more
    ATK Fellowship
Investigating the experiences of international academics at six Universities across Canada

    See more
    Collaborator: with K.McBey & S.McKenna
Investigating the experiences of employees engaging in flexible work practices

    See more
A multimethod study of the management and prevention of medical errors in Canadian hospitals

    See more
    Collaborator: Y.Chuang, L.Ginsburgh, P Norton, D. Tregunno, W. Berta & P.Ng

    See more


Kelliher, C. & Richardson, J. Edited Book, New ways of organizing work: Developments, perspectives and experiences, Routledge, October, 2011, 184pp


Richardson, J. The independent expatriate: academics abroad, VDM Publishers, 2008, 249pp


Book Chapters


Richardson, J. Case Study Research on Expatriates, invited (peer-reviewed) book chapter for Research Handbook of Expatriates edited by Jan Selmer and Yvonne McNulty, published by Edward Elgar, 2016


2. Richardson, J. McKenna, S., Dickie, C & Kelliher, C. “Integrating the work-life interface during expatriation: A case study of expatriate mining professionals’, pp.11-28, in Suutari, V. and Makela, L. Work and Personal Life Interface in an International Careers Context¸ Springer (2015)


Richardson, J. & Kelliher, C. ‘Managing visibility for career sustainability: A study of remote workers’ pp.116-130 in De Vos, A. and Van der Heijden, B. Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers, Edward Elgar, (2015)


Richardson, J., McKenna, S. & Dickie, C. “They look at you oddly”: A study of women mining engineers’, pp.333-367 in Hutchings, K. and Michailova, S. (Eds) Women in International Management, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, (2014)


Manroop, L. & Richardson, J. ‘Using social media for job search: Evidence from generation Y job seekers’, pp.167-180 in Bondarouk, T. & Olivas-Lujan, M. (Eds) Social Media and Management, Advanced Series in Management, Emerald Publishing, (2013)


Richardson, J. McKenna, S. C. Dickie, C & N. De Gama. ‘The organizational self-initiated expatriate: A case study of a professional services firm, pp. 59-87 in Haslberger, A. and Vaiman, V. (Eds) Managing talent of self-initiated expatriates: A neglected source of the global talent flow, forthcoming, Palgrave-Macmillan, (2013)


Koyuncu, B. & Richardson, J. ‘Understanding the career experiences of professionals working in Turkey’, in Y. Baruch and Reis, C (Eds) Critical Approaches to Career Management, Taylor & Francis, December, 2012


Richardson, J. Flexwork in Canada: Coping with Dis-Ease in Kelliher, C. & Richardson, J. (Eds) ‘New Ways of Organizing Work: Development, Perspectives and Experiences’, Routledge, October, 2011, 184pp


McKenna, S., and Richardson, J. Education in a One-Party ‘Democracy’, pp. 223-237 in Hill, D (Ed.), The Rich World and the Impoverishment of Education: Diminishing Democracy, Equity and Workers Rights, Routledge, New York, 2009


Richardson, J. McBey, K. & McKenna, S. Internationalizing Canadian Universities: Where do International Faculty Fit in? pp. 277-296 in R. Trilokekar, G.A. Jones & A. Shubert (Eds) Canada’s Universities Go Global, Lorimer, 2009


Gephardt, R. & Richardson, J. “Qualitative Research Methods in HRM”, pp 29-52 in M. Harris A Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New York, 2007


Richardson, J. ‘Expatriate Academics in a Globalized Era: The Beginnings of an Untold Story’, pp 125 – 150 in Y.A. Debrah and I.G. Smith Work and Employment in a Globalized Era. An Asia Pacific Focus, London: Frank Cass, 2001.


Journal Articles


Manroop, L. & Richardson, J. ‘Job search: a review and agenda’, International Journal of Management Reviews, 18(2), 2016, pp.206-227.


Zikic, J. & Richardson, J. ‘What happens when you can’t do who you are: responses to major career and professional identity threats’ Human Relations, 69(1), 2016, pp.139-168


Kotlyar, I., Karakowsky, L. and Richardson, J. ‘Learning to lead from outsiders: The value of career communities as a source of external peer coaching’, Journal of Management Development, 34(10), 2015, pp.1262.


E.Lysova, J. Richardson, S.Khapova, ‘Change-supportive employee behavior: A career identity explanation’, accepted for publication in Career Development International, 20(1), 2015.pp.38-62.


Richardson, J. & McKenna, S. Towards an understanding of social networks among organizational self-initiated expatriates: a qualitative case study of a professional services firm, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(19), 2014, pp.2627-2643


Doherty, N., Richardson, J. & Thorn, K. Self-initiated expatriates and self-initiated expatriation: Clarification of the research stream, Career Development International, 2013,(18)1 97-112


Richardson, J. & Arthur, M.B. Just three stories: The career lessons behind Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address, Journal of Business Management,19(1) , 2013, pp45-58


Doherty, N., Richardson, J. & Thorn, K. Self-initiated expatriates and self-initiated expatriation: Clarification of the research stream, Career Development International, 18(1), 2013, pp.97-112


Richardson, J. & McKenna, S. Space, spatiality and flexible work practices, British Journal of Management, available on line March, 2013


McKenna, S., Richardson, J., & Manroop, L. Alternative paradigms and the study and practice of performance management and evaluation, Human Resource Management Review, 21 (2), 2011, pp148 – 157


Richardson, J., Managing Flexworkers: Holding on and Letting Go, Journal of Management Development, 29 (2) 2010, pp137-147


Richardson, J., ‘Managing Flexworkers: Holding on and Letting Go’, Journal of Management Development, 29 (2) 2010, pp137-147


Richardson, J. ‘Geographical Flexibility – A Cautionary Note’, British Journal of Management, 20, 2009, pp 160-170.


Richardson, J., ‘The Manager and the Teleworker: An Interpretive Interactionist Perspective’, Management Revue, 20(1) 2009, pp 34-52


Richardson, J., McBey, K. & McKenna, S. ‘Integrating Realistic Job Previews and Realistic Living Conditions Previews: Realistic Recruitment for Internationally Mobile Knowledge Workers’, Personnel Review, 2008, 37, 5, pp 490.


McKenna, S., Singh, P. & Richardson, J. The Drunkard’s Search : Looking for HRM in all the Wrong Places, Management International Review, 1, 2008, pp 115-135


Maute, M. & Richardson, J. 'Rural and Remote Health Care Reform in Canada'. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, 6, 2007.


Maute, M. & Richardson, J. 'Rural and Remote Health Care Reform in Canada'. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, 2007, 6.


Richardson, J. & Zikic, J. ‘The Darker Side of International Academic Careers’ Career Development International, 12 (2), 2007, pp 164-186.


McKenna, S., & Richardson, J. ‘The Increasing Complexity of the Internationally Mobile Profession: Issues for Research and Practice’, Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal, 14(4), 2007, pp307-320.


Zikic, J. & Richardson, J. Unlocking Careers Following Job Loss: Sensemaking and Career Exploration of Older Workers. A Canadian Perspective. The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 24, 2007, pp 58-73.


Maute, M., Ng, A. & Richardson, J. Canadian Attitudes About Health Care, Reform and Willingness to Pay for Governance/Accountability, Accessibility and Quality Reforms, International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management in Organizations, 5, 2006, pp107-114.


Richardson, J. & McKenna, S. Exploring Relationships with Home and Host Countries: A Study of Self-Directed Expatriates. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 13 (1) 2006, pp 6-22.


Richardson, J. International Mobility: Family Matters, Personnel Review, 35(4), 2006,pp 469-486.


Richardson, J. & Mallon M. Self-Directed Expatriation: Career Interrupted?, International Careers, Special Edition, Journal of World Business, 40, 2005, pp 409-420.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. International Experience and Academic Careers: What do Academics Have to Say? Personnel Review 32(6), 2003, pp 774-795.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Managing in the New Zealand Health Service: The Interpretation of Experience, Journal of Health Organization and Management 17(2), 2003, pp 74-87.


Richardson, J. Expatriate Academics in a Globalized Era: The Beginnings of an Untold Story. Asia Pacific Business Review, Special Issue edited by Y.A. Debrah and I.G. Smith. 7(1), 2000, pp 125-150.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Leaving and Experiencing: Why Academics Expatriate and How they Experience Expatriation’. Career Development International, 7(2), 2002, pp 67-78.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Metaphorical ‘Types’ and Human Resource Management: Self-Selecting Expatriates. Journal of Industrial and Workplace Training (32) 6, November 2000, pp 209-218.


Richardson, J. Some Preliminary Thoughts on Using the Literature on Expatriate Managers as a Framework for Understanding the Experiences of Expatriate Academics, Management Research News, 2000, pp 67-69.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Business Values, Management and Conflict Handling; Issues in Contemporary Singapore, Journal of Management Development 14 (4), 1995, pp 56-70.


Conference Papers


Richardson, J. & Leybourne, S. Approaches to Revision and Resubmission: Understanding and Challenging the Status Quo, Professional Development Workshop, HR Division of the Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, 11-16 August, 2006.




McKenna, S., Richardson, J., Singh, P. & Xu, J.J. ‘Negotiating and Resisting HRM: A Chinese Case Study’, International Journal of Human Resources Management, forthcoming, 2010


Richardson, J. McBey, K. & McKenna, S. Internationalizing Canadian Universities: Where do International Faculty Fit in? in R. Trilokekar, The Internationalization of Higher Education, forthcoming, 2007


Approach to Teaching

Dr. Richardson is currently teaching several courses at graduate (Masters and Doctorate) and undergraduate level. She has taught career management on the SHRM's Masters in HRM program, exploring themes relating to career choice, organizational approaches to talent management such as 'hi-potential programs', professional networks and career opportunities, managing 'career capital' and international careers. She also teaches qualitative research methods on the SHRM's doctoral program where students are required to design and execute their own qualitative study. Her undergraduate teaching includes organizational behavior (2nd year course), career management (4th year course) and qualitative research methods (4th year course). Dr. Richardson's approach to teaching is centered on encouraging student engagement with course content so that they can appreciate both the theoretical and practical application of the respective subject be it career management, organizational behavior or qualitative research methods. There is a strong experiential component to all of her courses where students are actively involved in designing their own projects and conducting interviews on the respective topic.

Dr. Richardson currently has three main areas of research interest: internationally mobile professionals; flexible/remote work practices and the careers of ex-athletes/sportspeople. Her interest in internationally mobile professionals focuses on the implications of moving between countries for career advancement and for family relationships - especially for dual career couples. Her work on flexible and remote work practices examines the impact of such practices on individual performance, life balance and career opportunities and advancement. This research also explores 'best practices' for managers with responsibility for overseeing the performance of remote working teams. Dr. Richardson has also just recently started developing a project exploring the career experiences of ex-athletes/professional sportspeople. This latest project aims to look at why some people pursue a career in professional sports and what happens when they are no longer able to compete. For example, it will explore the idea of sports as a 'calling'. This project will involve a cross-national collaboration with scholars in New Zealand.

Dr. Richardson has conducted extensive research on internationally mobile professionals including those who have pursued careers in Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Singapore, New Zealand and Canada. She is currently exploring the implications of international mobility for mining professionals as part of a joint international project with Dr. Steve McKenna. As part of this project she is also looking at the careers of women in the mining industry and the extent to which their international experience impacts on their career opportunities and experiences. Dr. Richardson has also been working with Dr. Jelena Zikic, another colleague in the School of HRM, on a study examining the experiences of international medical professionals and international information technology professionals in Canada. Dr. Richardson's interest in flexible work practices focuses on the implications of remote working for individual and organizational performance and work-life balance. She has recently conducted a large-scale cost-benefit analysis of flexible work practices in Canada as well as a qualitative study of flexible work arrangements in a hi-tech multinational company, also in Canada. Her book 'New Ways of Organizing Work' co-edited with Dr. Clare Kelliher from Cranfield University in the UK provides an insight into changing work practices in Asia, North America, Europe and Australia and the implications for individual and organizational performance. Dr. Richardson's latest project exploring the careers of professional athletes will explore why people might pursue a career in sport, what the influences on in this particular career choice and, just as importantly, what happens when they are no longer able to compete - what opportunities are available to them? She is hoping that this study will evolve into an international collaboration with scholars in New Zealand to allow for a comparison between Canadian and New Zealand athletes. Dr. Richardson has published extensively including articles in the following journals: British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, Management International Review, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Career Development International, International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management, Personnel Review, Canadian Journal of Administrative Studies, amongst others. She has also published numerous book chapters and two books. Dr. Richardson has extensive professional experience in UK, Japan, Indonesia, the Middle East, New Zealand and Singapore and is currently Associate Editor for the International Journal of Management Reviews and for Career Development International. She was awarded her PhD from the University of Otago in New Zealand and is currently teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses in Organizational Behaviour, Qualitative Research Methods and Career Management at York University. She also teaches graduate courses in Career Management and Qualitative Research Methods and was recently a visiting professor teaching Organizational Leadership on the University of Otago's MBA Programme in New Zealand.


PhD, Otago, New Zealand
MA, Manchester, UK

Research Interests

Management , Human Resources, Expatriation, Flexible Work Practices, Management

Current Research Projects

    Project Type: Funded
    Minor Research Grant
The impact of international mobility in the global mining industry


    This study is based on interviews with Canadian mining engineers and geologists currently working in the United Arab Emirates and Western Australia. It explores the impact of international mobility on their career development and personal lives, focusing especially on why they decided to move to the respective countries, their experiences of adjustment and the impact of professional networks on career advancement in the industry. The study has been funded by a SSHRC initiative for international research.

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty Fund

    Project Type: Funded
    Junior Faculty Fund

    Project Type: Funded
    Minor Research Grant

    Project Type: Funded

    Project Type: Funded
    ATK Fellowship
International Faculty in Canadian Universities: Recruitment, Retention and Management

    Project Type: Funded
    SSHRC INE Skills Research Initiative

    Project Type: Funded
    ATK Fellowship
Investigating the experiences of international academics at six Universities across Canada

    Collaborator: with K.McBey & S.McKenna
Investigating the experiences of employees engaging in flexible work practices

A multimethod study of the management and prevention of medical errors in Canadian hospitals

    Collaborator: Y.Chuang, L.Ginsburgh, P Norton, D. Tregunno, W. Berta & P.Ng

All Publications

Book Chapters


Richardson, J. Case Study Research on Expatriates, invited (peer-reviewed) book chapter for Research Handbook of Expatriates edited by Jan Selmer and Yvonne McNulty, published by Edward Elgar, 2016


2. Richardson, J. McKenna, S., Dickie, C & Kelliher, C. “Integrating the work-life interface during expatriation: A case study of expatriate mining professionals’, pp.11-28, in Suutari, V. and Makela, L. Work and Personal Life Interface in an International Careers Context¸ Springer (2015)


Richardson, J. & Kelliher, C. ‘Managing visibility for career sustainability: A study of remote workers’ pp.116-130 in De Vos, A. and Van der Heijden, B. Handbook of Research on Sustainable Careers, Edward Elgar, (2015)


Richardson, J., McKenna, S. & Dickie, C. “They look at you oddly”: A study of women mining engineers’, pp.333-367 in Hutchings, K. and Michailova, S. (Eds) Women in International Management, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, (2014)


Manroop, L. & Richardson, J. ‘Using social media for job search: Evidence from generation Y job seekers’, pp.167-180 in Bondarouk, T. & Olivas-Lujan, M. (Eds) Social Media and Management, Advanced Series in Management, Emerald Publishing, (2013)


Richardson, J. McKenna, S. C. Dickie, C & N. De Gama. ‘The organizational self-initiated expatriate: A case study of a professional services firm, pp. 59-87 in Haslberger, A. and Vaiman, V. (Eds) Managing talent of self-initiated expatriates: A neglected source of the global talent flow, forthcoming, Palgrave-Macmillan, (2013)


Koyuncu, B. & Richardson, J. ‘Understanding the career experiences of professionals working in Turkey’, in Y. Baruch and Reis, C (Eds) Critical Approaches to Career Management, Taylor & Francis, December, 2012


Richardson, J. Flexwork in Canada: Coping with Dis-Ease in Kelliher, C. & Richardson, J. (Eds) ‘New Ways of Organizing Work: Development, Perspectives and Experiences’, Routledge, October, 2011, 184pp


McKenna, S., and Richardson, J. Education in a One-Party ‘Democracy’, pp. 223-237 in Hill, D (Ed.), The Rich World and the Impoverishment of Education: Diminishing Democracy, Equity and Workers Rights, Routledge, New York, 2009


Richardson, J. McBey, K. & McKenna, S. Internationalizing Canadian Universities: Where do International Faculty Fit in? pp. 277-296 in R. Trilokekar, G.A. Jones & A. Shubert (Eds) Canada’s Universities Go Global, Lorimer, 2009


Gephardt, R. & Richardson, J. “Qualitative Research Methods in HRM”, pp 29-52 in M. Harris A Handbook of Research in International Human Resource Management, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, New York, 2007


Richardson, J. ‘Expatriate Academics in a Globalized Era: The Beginnings of an Untold Story’, pp 125 – 150 in Y.A. Debrah and I.G. Smith Work and Employment in a Globalized Era. An Asia Pacific Focus, London: Frank Cass, 2001.




Kelliher, C. & Richardson, J. Edited Book, New ways of organizing work: Developments, perspectives and experiences, Routledge, October, 2011, 184pp


Richardson, J. The independent expatriate: academics abroad, VDM Publishers, 2008, 249pp


Journal Articles


Manroop, L. & Richardson, J. ‘Job search: a review and agenda’, International Journal of Management Reviews, 18(2), 2016, pp.206-227.


Zikic, J. & Richardson, J. ‘What happens when you can’t do who you are: responses to major career and professional identity threats’ Human Relations, 69(1), 2016, pp.139-168


Kotlyar, I., Karakowsky, L. and Richardson, J. ‘Learning to lead from outsiders: The value of career communities as a source of external peer coaching’, Journal of Management Development, 34(10), 2015, pp.1262.


E.Lysova, J. Richardson, S.Khapova, ‘Change-supportive employee behavior: A career identity explanation’, accepted for publication in Career Development International, 20(1), 2015.pp.38-62.


Richardson, J. & McKenna, S. Towards an understanding of social networks among organizational self-initiated expatriates: a qualitative case study of a professional services firm, International Journal of Human Resource Management, 25(19), 2014, pp.2627-2643


Doherty, N., Richardson, J. & Thorn, K. Self-initiated expatriates and self-initiated expatriation: Clarification of the research stream, Career Development International, 2013,(18)1 97-112


Richardson, J. & Arthur, M.B. Just three stories: The career lessons behind Steve Jobs’ Stanford Commencement Address, Journal of Business Management,19(1) , 2013, pp45-58


Doherty, N., Richardson, J. & Thorn, K. Self-initiated expatriates and self-initiated expatriation: Clarification of the research stream, Career Development International, 18(1), 2013, pp.97-112


Richardson, J. & McKenna, S. Space, spatiality and flexible work practices, British Journal of Management, available on line March, 2013


McKenna, S., Richardson, J., & Manroop, L. Alternative paradigms and the study and practice of performance management and evaluation, Human Resource Management Review, 21 (2), 2011, pp148 – 157


Richardson, J., Managing Flexworkers: Holding on and Letting Go, Journal of Management Development, 29 (2) 2010, pp137-147


Richardson, J., ‘Managing Flexworkers: Holding on and Letting Go’, Journal of Management Development, 29 (2) 2010, pp137-147


Richardson, J. ‘Geographical Flexibility – A Cautionary Note’, British Journal of Management, 20, 2009, pp 160-170.


Richardson, J., ‘The Manager and the Teleworker: An Interpretive Interactionist Perspective’, Management Revue, 20(1) 2009, pp 34-52


Richardson, J., McBey, K. & McKenna, S. ‘Integrating Realistic Job Previews and Realistic Living Conditions Previews: Realistic Recruitment for Internationally Mobile Knowledge Workers’, Personnel Review, 2008, 37, 5, pp 490.


McKenna, S., Singh, P. & Richardson, J. The Drunkard’s Search : Looking for HRM in all the Wrong Places, Management International Review, 1, 2008, pp 115-135


Maute, M. & Richardson, J. 'Rural and Remote Health Care Reform in Canada'. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, 6, 2007.


Maute, M. & Richardson, J. 'Rural and Remote Health Care Reform in Canada'. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture & Change Management, 2007, 6.


Richardson, J. & Zikic, J. ‘The Darker Side of International Academic Careers’ Career Development International, 12 (2), 2007, pp 164-186.


McKenna, S., & Richardson, J. ‘The Increasing Complexity of the Internationally Mobile Profession: Issues for Research and Practice’, Cross Cultural Management: an International Journal, 14(4), 2007, pp307-320.


Zikic, J. & Richardson, J. Unlocking Careers Following Job Loss: Sensemaking and Career Exploration of Older Workers. A Canadian Perspective. The Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 24, 2007, pp 58-73.


Maute, M., Ng, A. & Richardson, J. Canadian Attitudes About Health Care, Reform and Willingness to Pay for Governance/Accountability, Accessibility and Quality Reforms, International Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Change Management in Organizations, 5, 2006, pp107-114.


Richardson, J. & McKenna, S. Exploring Relationships with Home and Host Countries: A Study of Self-Directed Expatriates. Cross Cultural Management: An International Journal, 13 (1) 2006, pp 6-22.


Richardson, J. International Mobility: Family Matters, Personnel Review, 35(4), 2006,pp 469-486.


Richardson, J. & Mallon M. Self-Directed Expatriation: Career Interrupted?, International Careers, Special Edition, Journal of World Business, 40, 2005, pp 409-420.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. International Experience and Academic Careers: What do Academics Have to Say? Personnel Review 32(6), 2003, pp 774-795.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Managing in the New Zealand Health Service: The Interpretation of Experience, Journal of Health Organization and Management 17(2), 2003, pp 74-87.


Richardson, J. Expatriate Academics in a Globalized Era: The Beginnings of an Untold Story. Asia Pacific Business Review, Special Issue edited by Y.A. Debrah and I.G. Smith. 7(1), 2000, pp 125-150.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Leaving and Experiencing: Why Academics Expatriate and How they Experience Expatriation’. Career Development International, 7(2), 2002, pp 67-78.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Metaphorical ‘Types’ and Human Resource Management: Self-Selecting Expatriates. Journal of Industrial and Workplace Training (32) 6, November 2000, pp 209-218.


Richardson, J. Some Preliminary Thoughts on Using the Literature on Expatriate Managers as a Framework for Understanding the Experiences of Expatriate Academics, Management Research News, 2000, pp 67-69.


Richardson, J. and McKenna, S. Business Values, Management and Conflict Handling; Issues in Contemporary Singapore, Journal of Management Development 14 (4), 1995, pp 56-70.


Conference Papers


Richardson, J. & Leybourne, S. Approaches to Revision and Resubmission: Understanding and Challenging the Status Quo, Professional Development Workshop, HR Division of the Academy of Management Conference, Atlanta, 11-16 August, 2006.




McKenna, S., Richardson, J., Singh, P. & Xu, J.J. ‘Negotiating and Resisting HRM: A Chinese Case Study’, International Journal of Human Resources Management, forthcoming, 2010


Richardson, J. McBey, K. & McKenna, S. Internationalizing Canadian Universities: Where do International Faculty Fit in? in R. Trilokekar, The Internationalization of Higher Education, forthcoming, 2007


Approach to Teaching

Dr. Richardson is currently teaching several courses at graduate (Masters and Doctorate) and undergraduate level. She has taught career management on the SHRM's Masters in HRM program, exploring themes relating to career choice, organizational approaches to talent management such as 'hi-potential programs', professional networks and career opportunities, managing 'career capital' and international careers. She also teaches qualitative research methods on the SHRM's doctoral program where students are required to design and execute their own qualitative study. Her undergraduate teaching includes organizational behavior (2nd year course), career management (4th year course) and qualitative research methods (4th year course). Dr. Richardson's approach to teaching is centered on encouraging student engagement with course content so that they can appreciate both the theoretical and practical application of the respective subject be it career management, organizational behavior or qualitative research methods. There is a strong experiential component to all of her courses where students are actively involved in designing their own projects and conducting interviews on the respective topic.