
James W E Sheptycki

Department of Social Science

Professor Emeritus
Criminology (CRIM)
On Sabbatical through June 2023

Office: 034 McLaughlin College
Phone: 416 736 2100 Ext: 53726
Email: jshep@yorku.ca

His special research expertise revolves around issues of transnational crime and policing. He has written on a variety of substantive criminological topics including domestic violence, serial killers, money laundering, drugs, public order policing, organized crime, police accountability, intelligence-led policing, witness protection, risk and insecurity. He is currently engaged in research concerning ‘guns, crime and social order’.



Postdoctoral Fellow, Edinburgh University, School of Law
Ph.D., London School of Economics
M.A., Essex University
B.A., University of Saskatchewan, International Studies

Research Interests

Crime , Policy, Social Science/Criminology


Crafting Transnational Policing, with Andrew Goldsmith, (Oxford : Hart, 2007)


En quête de police transnationale, (Brussles : De Boek & Larcier, 2005)


Transnational and Comparative Criminology, with Ali Wardak, (London : Routledge-Cavendish, 2004)


In Search of Transnational Policing (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003)


Issues in Transnational Policing (London: Routledge, 2000)


Innovations in Policing Domestic Violence, (Aldershot: Ashgate 1993)


Book Chapters


‘The Constabulary Ethic Reconsidered’ in International Police Co-operation; emerging issues, theory and practice Frederick Lemieux (ed.), Cullhompton UK: Willan Press 2010, pp. 298-319


‘Policing, Intelligence Theory and the new Human Security Paradigm’ in Intelligence Theory; Key Questions and Debates, P. Gill, S. Marin and M. Phythian (eds.) 2008 London: Routledge, Chapt. 10 pp. 166-185


‘Police Ethnography in the House of Serious Organized Crime’ in Transformations of Policing, A. Henry and D.J. Smith (eds.) Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007 pp. 51-79


‘Reflections on the relationship between transnational policing and organized crime’ in Punishment, Places and Perpetrators; developments in criminology and criminal justice research, Gerben Bruinsma, Henk Effers and Jan de Keijser (eds.) Devon: Willan Publishing, (2004) pp. 138-152


‘Setting the Strategic Agenda’ (with Jerry Ratcliffe, Temple University, Philadelphia) in Strategic Thinking in Criminal Intelligence, Annadale NSW: The Federation Press, 2004, pp. 194-210


‘Against Transnational Organized Crime’ in Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption, Margaret Beare (ed.) Toronto: Toronto University Press 2003, pp 120-144


‘Global law enforcement as a protection racket; some sceptical notes on transnational organised crime as an object of global governance’ in Transnational Organised Crime; perspectives on global security A. Edwards and P. Gill (eds.), London: Routledge 2003, pp. 42-59


‘Criminal Justice System Reponses to Organised Crime in the UK’ in Organized Crime; a catalyst in the Europeanisation of National Police and Prosecution Agencies?, M. den Boer (ed.), Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration, 2002, pp. 507-559


‘European Policing Routes; an essay on transnationalisation, policing and the information revolution’ in Public Safety in Europe, H. Bruisma and J. G .A. van der Vijver (eds.) Twente: Twente Police Institute, 1999, pp. 221-242


'Deconstructing the 'Domestic Violence "Incident"' in Offenders and Victims; Theory and Practice, S. Walklate and D. Waddington (eds.) Selected Papers of the 1991 BCC, Published by ISTD, London


'The New Conservatism' in The Politics of Work in the West H. Dickenson and B. Russell (eds.) Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Social Research Unit 1985


Journal Articles


‘Guns, Crime and Social Order; A Canadian Perspective’ Criminology and Criminal Justice (Special Issue, editors Adam Edwards and James Sheptycki) 2009, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 307-336


‘Preface: Guns Crime and Social Order’ (with Adam Edwards) Criminology and Criminal Justice (Special Issue, editors Adam Edwards and James Sheptycki) 2009, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 259-264


‘Third Wave Criminology; guns, crime and social order’ (with Adam Edwards) Criminology and Criminal Justice (Special Issue, editors Adam Edwards and James Sheptycki) 2009, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 379-397


‘Transnationalisation, Orientalism and Crime’, Asian Journal of Criminology, April 2008 Vol. 3 pp. 13-35


‘Criminology and the Transnational Condition; a contribution to political sociology’ in International Political Sociology, Vol. 1 No. 3, (2007) pp. 391-405


‘High Policing in the Security Control Society’, Policing Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007) pp. 70-79


‘Transnational Crime and Transnational Policing’ Sociological Compass Vol. 1 (1 (2007): 10.1111/j.1751-9020.2007.00022.x


‘International trends in the facilitation of witness co-operation in organized crime cases’ (with N. Fyfe) in The European Journal of Criminology (2006) Vol. 3 No. 3 pp. 319-355


‘Policing Political Protest When Politics Go Global; Comparing Public Order Policing in Canada and Bolivia’ in Policing and Society 2005 Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 327-352
? published in translation: ‘Actuación Policial Frente a una Protesta Política, Cuando la Política se Vuelve Global, Comparación de la Actuación Policial para Mantener el Orden Público en Canadá y Bolivia' en Revista del Centro de Investigaciones Penales y Criminológicas edición del año 2006, signada con el Nº 25
? published in translation: ‘Polizei und politische Gewalt in Bolivien: Neue Entwicklungen globaler Politik?’ in Kontrollierte Urbanität; Zur Neoliberalisierung städtischer Sicherheitspolitik, Volker Eick, Jens Sambale, and Eric Töpfer (eds.) Berlin: Transcript-Verlag, (2007) pp. 351-375


‘From Detection to Disruption: Intelligence and the Changing Logics of Police Crime Control in the United Kingdom’ (with Martin Innes) in the International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 14, 2004, pp. 1-24


‘Organizational pathologies in police intelligence systems; some contributions to the lexicon of intelligence-led policing’ in The European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 1 No. 3 2004, pp. 307-332


‘The Accountability of Transnational Policing Institutions: The Strange Case of Interpol’ The Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 19 No. 1 2004 pp. 107-134
? re-published in Global Criminology and Criminal Justice, N. Larsen and R. Smandych (eds.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press Chapter 11


‘The Governance of Organised Crime in Canada’ The Canadian Journal of Sociology Vol. 28 No. 3, 2003, pp. 489-517


‘Accountability Across the Policing Field: Towards a General Cartography of Accountability for Post-Modern Policing’, Policing and Society Special Issue on Police Accountability in Europe (Guest Editor Monica den Boer), 2002, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 323-338


‘La probléme de la responsabilité et de l’action policiere sous tous ses aspects, Pout une cartographie général de las responsbilité en matiere de police à l’ére post-moderne’; Cultures et Conflits, No. 48 Hiver 2002 pp. 81-108


‘Patrolling the New European (In)security Field; organisational dilemmas and operational solutions for policing the internal borders of Europe,' European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 2001, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 144-158


'Political Culture and Structures of Social Control: Police Related Scandal in Low Countries in Comparative Perspective' Policing and Society, 1999, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 1-32
? an earlier version of this was published under the title ‘Strong Police for a Weak State: Reflections on Police-Related Scandal in the Low Countries’ in 60 Maasl Recht en 1 maal wijn; Liber Amicorum, Prof. Dr. Jean Van Houtte, Amersfoort: Acco, 1999


'Police Co-operation in the English Channel Region 1968-1996', European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 1998, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 216-236)


'Policing, Postmodernity and Transnationalisation' British Journal of Criminology, 1998, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 485-503
? reprinted in Governable Places; readings on governmentality and crime control, R. Smandych (ed.) Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1999, pp. 215-238


'Reflections on the Transnationalisation of Policing; The Case of the RCMP and Serial Killers' (International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 1998, Vol. 26, pp. 17-34
? reprinted in Contemporary Issues in Canadian Policing (S. Nancco ed.) Mississauga: Canadian Educators’ Press
? an earlier version of this paper was published under the title: ‘Upholding the Boundaries of Order; The Mounties, Serial Sex Crime and the Transnational Pursuit of Serial Killers’, 1997, The British Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 257-272


'The Global Cops Cometh; Reflections on Transnationalisation, Knowledge Work and Police Subculture', British Journal of Sociology, 1998, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 57-74


'Faire la police dans la Manche: l'évolution de la co-opération transfrontalière 1968-1996' Cultures et Conflits, Édition Spécial: Contrôles: Frontières-Indentités Les enjeux autour de l'immigration et de l'asile, 1997, Vol. 26/27 eté-automne pp. 93-123


'Insecurity, Risk Suppression and Segregation; Some Reflections on Policing in the Transnational Age' Theoretical Criminology, 1997, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 303-316


'An Evaluation of the Craigmillar Youth Challenge' (with B. Monaghan and A. Karabinas) The Howard Journal May, 1996 Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 113-130


'Law Enforcement, Justice and Democracy in the Transnational Arena', International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 1996, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp.61-75


'Transnational Policing and the Makings of a Postmodern State', British Journal of Criminology, 1995, Vol. 35 No. 4 Autumn, pp. 613-635


'Innovations in Policing Domestic Violence in London England', Policing and Society, 1991 Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 117-37


'Using the State to Change Society, the example of domestic violence' The Journal of Human Justice, 1991, Vol.3 No.1 pp. 47-66


Professional Journal Articles


‘Police’ entry for the Encyclopedia of Law and Society, Thousand Oaks: Sage Reference (2007)


‘Det vakande ögat – kontrollsamhällets paradoxer’ in Framtider: Institutet för Framtidsstudier No 4 2006, pp. 14-19


‘Transnational Policing’ in The Canadian Review of Policing Research, No. 2, 2005 Athabasca University and Dalhousie University: International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, pp. 114-125


‘Editorial Reflections on Policing, ‘Paramilitarisation’ and Scholarship on Policing’ Policing and Society, 2000, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 117-124


‘Policing and Human Rights; An Introduction’, Policing and Society, 2000, Vol. 10 No. 1 Special Issue on Policing and Human Rights, pp. 1-10


‘Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control’ C. Norris, J. Moran and G. Armstrong (eds.) Policing and Society, 2000, Vol 9. No. 4, pp. 429-434


‘Editorial Refections on ‘Intelligence Led Policing’ Policing and Society, 2000, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.311-314


‘Extraterritorial Law Enforcement’, ‘Marxist Criminologies’, ‘Self Policing’, ‘Transnational Organised Crime’, ‘Transnational Policing’, Contributions to The Dictionary of Criminology: J. Muncie and E. McLaughlin (eds.) London: Sage, 2000) pps.: 114-16; 170-72; 256-57; 305-06; & 306-08 respectively


‘The social construction of serial killers; a review of the scholarly literature’ British Journal of Criminology, 1999, Vol. 39 No. 2, pp. 322-328


‘Police Work: The Social Organization of Policing’ P. K. Manning and ‘Policing the Risk Society’ R. V. Ericson and K. D. Haggerty, British Journal of Criminology, 1998 Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 521-525


'Folk Devils and Eurocops' Criminal Justice Matters, No. 27, Spring 1997, pp. 8-10


'Straight to the Point; Angles on Giving Up Crime', J. Leibrich, British Journal of New Zealand Studies, December, 1997, pp.


'Transnationalism, Crime Control and the European State System; a Review of the Literature', International Criminal Justice Review, 1997, Vol. 7, pp. 130-140


Review Essay of 'Criminal Justice in Europe', P. Fennell, N. Jörg and B.Swart (eds.) and 'Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and North America', K. Kangaspunta (ed.) Howard Journal, 1995, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 108-112


'International Police Co-operation; a Review of the Scholarly Literature' British Journal of Criminology Vol. 35 No. 2 1995 pp. 302-307


'Rapacious Bluebeards and Chivalrous Knights; a sociolinguistic view of policing woman battering' Edinburgh: New Waverley Papers, Politics Series 95/3 June 1995, ISBN 0902957 07 4 25 pages


'It Looks Different From The Outside' Policing Vol. 10 No. 2 Summer, 1994 pp. 125-133


'The Bookworm's Metaphors of Violence' Achilles Heel (Spring 1994)


'Serial Killing; a Review of the Scholarly Literature' British Journal of Criminology Vol. 33, 1993 No. 1 pp. 103-108


'Chaos; an old concept with a new life' The Critical Criminologist Vol. 4 No.4 Winter 1991


'Reflections on Policing Divided Societies' Policing and Society Vol. 11 No. 3/4, Special Issue on Policing in Northern Ireland, pp. 235-241

Research Reports


'Annotated Bibliography and Analytical Review of Organized Crime Literature’ (with Norm Taylor, Margaret Beare & Carlo Morselli) Public Safety Canada, 2009


‘Facilitating Witness Co-operation in Organised Crime Cases; an international review’ (with Nick Fyfe) Home Office On-line Publication, available at; http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs05/rdsolr2705.pdf


‘Review of the Influence of Strategic Intelligence on Organised Crime Policy and Practice’, Home Office Police and Reducing Crime Unit, (Confidential Version, embargoed for publication under the Official Secrets Act, 2002)


‘Review of the influence of strategic intelligence on organized crime policy and practice’; London: Home Office Special Interest Paper No. 14, (2002) (48 pages)


‘UK Country Report’ in Controlling Organised Crime: Organisational Changes in the Law Enforcement and Prosecution Services of the EU Member States, M. den Boer and P. Doelle (eds.) Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration (June 2000, 98/FAL/145, Chapter 14 pps. 1-38


‘Written Evidence to the House of Lords Committee of Inquiry into Police Use of Databases in Europe’ with M. Colvin on Behalf of Justice, May, 2000 House of Lords Select Committee on The European Communities 23rd Report Session 1998-1999, London: The Stationary Office HL Paper 120


‘A Content Analysis of Case Files from the European Liaison Unit; an ESRC-Funded Research Project'’ Embargoed for Publication under the Official Secrets Act, 1998


'A Case Study of the European Liaison Unit at Dover in Kent' Nuffield Foundation, 44th Annual Report, 1994 p. 33


His special research expertise revolves around issues of transnational crime and policing. He has written on a variety of substantive criminological topics including domestic violence, serial killers, money laundering, drugs, public order policing, organized crime, police accountability, intelligence-led policing, witness protection, risk and insecurity. He is currently engaged in research concerning ‘guns, crime and social order’.


Postdoctoral Fellow, Edinburgh University, School of Law
Ph.D., London School of Economics
M.A., Essex University
B.A., University of Saskatchewan, International Studies

Research Interests

Crime , Policy, Social Science/Criminology

All Publications

Book Chapters


‘The Constabulary Ethic Reconsidered’ in International Police Co-operation; emerging issues, theory and practice Frederick Lemieux (ed.), Cullhompton UK: Willan Press 2010, pp. 298-319


‘Policing, Intelligence Theory and the new Human Security Paradigm’ in Intelligence Theory; Key Questions and Debates, P. Gill, S. Marin and M. Phythian (eds.) 2008 London: Routledge, Chapt. 10 pp. 166-185


‘Police Ethnography in the House of Serious Organized Crime’ in Transformations of Policing, A. Henry and D.J. Smith (eds.) Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007 pp. 51-79


‘Reflections on the relationship between transnational policing and organized crime’ in Punishment, Places and Perpetrators; developments in criminology and criminal justice research, Gerben Bruinsma, Henk Effers and Jan de Keijser (eds.) Devon: Willan Publishing, (2004) pp. 138-152


‘Setting the Strategic Agenda’ (with Jerry Ratcliffe, Temple University, Philadelphia) in Strategic Thinking in Criminal Intelligence, Annadale NSW: The Federation Press, 2004, pp. 194-210


‘Against Transnational Organized Crime’ in Critical Reflections on Transnational Organized Crime, Money Laundering and Corruption, Margaret Beare (ed.) Toronto: Toronto University Press 2003, pp 120-144


‘Global law enforcement as a protection racket; some sceptical notes on transnational organised crime as an object of global governance’ in Transnational Organised Crime; perspectives on global security A. Edwards and P. Gill (eds.), London: Routledge 2003, pp. 42-59


‘Criminal Justice System Reponses to Organised Crime in the UK’ in Organized Crime; a catalyst in the Europeanisation of National Police and Prosecution Agencies?, M. den Boer (ed.), Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration, 2002, pp. 507-559


‘European Policing Routes; an essay on transnationalisation, policing and the information revolution’ in Public Safety in Europe, H. Bruisma and J. G .A. van der Vijver (eds.) Twente: Twente Police Institute, 1999, pp. 221-242


'Deconstructing the 'Domestic Violence "Incident"' in Offenders and Victims; Theory and Practice, S. Walklate and D. Waddington (eds.) Selected Papers of the 1991 BCC, Published by ISTD, London


'The New Conservatism' in The Politics of Work in the West H. Dickenson and B. Russell (eds.) Saskatoon: University of Saskatchewan Social Research Unit 1985




Crafting Transnational Policing, with Andrew Goldsmith, (Oxford : Hart, 2007)


En quête de police transnationale, (Brussles : De Boek & Larcier, 2005)


Transnational and Comparative Criminology, with Ali Wardak, (London : Routledge-Cavendish, 2004)


In Search of Transnational Policing (Aldershot: Ashgate, 2003)


Issues in Transnational Policing (London: Routledge, 2000)


Innovations in Policing Domestic Violence, (Aldershot: Ashgate 1993)


Journal Articles


‘Guns, Crime and Social Order; A Canadian Perspective’ Criminology and Criminal Justice (Special Issue, editors Adam Edwards and James Sheptycki) 2009, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 307-336


‘Preface: Guns Crime and Social Order’ (with Adam Edwards) Criminology and Criminal Justice (Special Issue, editors Adam Edwards and James Sheptycki) 2009, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 259-264


‘Third Wave Criminology; guns, crime and social order’ (with Adam Edwards) Criminology and Criminal Justice (Special Issue, editors Adam Edwards and James Sheptycki) 2009, Vol. 9 No. 3, pp. 379-397


‘Transnationalisation, Orientalism and Crime’, Asian Journal of Criminology, April 2008 Vol. 3 pp. 13-35


‘Criminology and the Transnational Condition; a contribution to political sociology’ in International Political Sociology, Vol. 1 No. 3, (2007) pp. 391-405


‘High Policing in the Security Control Society’, Policing Vol. 1 No. 1 (2007) pp. 70-79


‘Transnational Crime and Transnational Policing’ Sociological Compass Vol. 1 (1 (2007): 10.1111/j.1751-9020.2007.00022.x


‘International trends in the facilitation of witness co-operation in organized crime cases’ (with N. Fyfe) in The European Journal of Criminology (2006) Vol. 3 No. 3 pp. 319-355


‘Policing Political Protest When Politics Go Global; Comparing Public Order Policing in Canada and Bolivia’ in Policing and Society 2005 Vol. 15 No. 3, pp. 327-352
? published in translation: ‘Actuación Policial Frente a una Protesta Política, Cuando la Política se Vuelve Global, Comparación de la Actuación Policial para Mantener el Orden Público en Canadá y Bolivia' en Revista del Centro de Investigaciones Penales y Criminológicas edición del año 2006, signada con el Nº 25
? published in translation: ‘Polizei und politische Gewalt in Bolivien: Neue Entwicklungen globaler Politik?’ in Kontrollierte Urbanität; Zur Neoliberalisierung städtischer Sicherheitspolitik, Volker Eick, Jens Sambale, and Eric Töpfer (eds.) Berlin: Transcript-Verlag, (2007) pp. 351-375


‘From Detection to Disruption: Intelligence and the Changing Logics of Police Crime Control in the United Kingdom’ (with Martin Innes) in the International Criminal Justice Review, Vol. 14, 2004, pp. 1-24


‘Organizational pathologies in police intelligence systems; some contributions to the lexicon of intelligence-led policing’ in The European Journal of Criminology, Vol. 1 No. 3 2004, pp. 307-332


‘The Accountability of Transnational Policing Institutions: The Strange Case of Interpol’ The Canadian Journal of Law and Society, Vol. 19 No. 1 2004 pp. 107-134
? re-published in Global Criminology and Criminal Justice, N. Larsen and R. Smandych (eds.) Toronto: University of Toronto Press Chapter 11


‘The Governance of Organised Crime in Canada’ The Canadian Journal of Sociology Vol. 28 No. 3, 2003, pp. 489-517


‘Accountability Across the Policing Field: Towards a General Cartography of Accountability for Post-Modern Policing’, Policing and Society Special Issue on Police Accountability in Europe (Guest Editor Monica den Boer), 2002, Vol. 12 No. 4, pp. 323-338


‘La probléme de la responsabilité et de l’action policiere sous tous ses aspects, Pout une cartographie général de las responsbilité en matiere de police à l’ére post-moderne’; Cultures et Conflits, No. 48 Hiver 2002 pp. 81-108


‘Patrolling the New European (In)security Field; organisational dilemmas and operational solutions for policing the internal borders of Europe,' European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 2001, Vol. 10 No. 2, pp. 144-158


'Political Culture and Structures of Social Control: Police Related Scandal in Low Countries in Comparative Perspective' Policing and Society, 1999, Vol. 9 No. 1, pp. 1-32
? an earlier version of this was published under the title ‘Strong Police for a Weak State: Reflections on Police-Related Scandal in the Low Countries’ in 60 Maasl Recht en 1 maal wijn; Liber Amicorum, Prof. Dr. Jean Van Houtte, Amersfoort: Acco, 1999


'Police Co-operation in the English Channel Region 1968-1996', European Journal of Crime, Criminal Law and Criminal Justice, 1998, Vol. 6 No. 3, pp. 216-236)


'Policing, Postmodernity and Transnationalisation' British Journal of Criminology, 1998, Vol. 38 No. 3, pp. 485-503
? reprinted in Governable Places; readings on governmentality and crime control, R. Smandych (ed.) Aldershot: Dartmouth, 1999, pp. 215-238


'Reflections on the Transnationalisation of Policing; The Case of the RCMP and Serial Killers' (International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 1998, Vol. 26, pp. 17-34
? reprinted in Contemporary Issues in Canadian Policing (S. Nancco ed.) Mississauga: Canadian Educators’ Press
? an earlier version of this paper was published under the title: ‘Upholding the Boundaries of Order; The Mounties, Serial Sex Crime and the Transnational Pursuit of Serial Killers’, 1997, The British Journal of Canadian Studies, Vol. 12 No. 2, pp. 257-272


'The Global Cops Cometh; Reflections on Transnationalisation, Knowledge Work and Police Subculture', British Journal of Sociology, 1998, Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 57-74


'Faire la police dans la Manche: l'évolution de la co-opération transfrontalière 1968-1996' Cultures et Conflits, Édition Spécial: Contrôles: Frontières-Indentités Les enjeux autour de l'immigration et de l'asile, 1997, Vol. 26/27 eté-automne pp. 93-123


'Insecurity, Risk Suppression and Segregation; Some Reflections on Policing in the Transnational Age' Theoretical Criminology, 1997, Vol. 1 No. 3, pp. 303-316


'An Evaluation of the Craigmillar Youth Challenge' (with B. Monaghan and A. Karabinas) The Howard Journal May, 1996 Vol. 35 No. 2, pp. 113-130


'Law Enforcement, Justice and Democracy in the Transnational Arena', International Journal of the Sociology of Law, 1996, Vol. 24 No. 1, pp.61-75


'Transnational Policing and the Makings of a Postmodern State', British Journal of Criminology, 1995, Vol. 35 No. 4 Autumn, pp. 613-635


'Innovations in Policing Domestic Violence in London England', Policing and Society, 1991 Vol. 2 No. 2 pp. 117-37


'Using the State to Change Society, the example of domestic violence' The Journal of Human Justice, 1991, Vol.3 No.1 pp. 47-66


Professional Journal Articles


‘Police’ entry for the Encyclopedia of Law and Society, Thousand Oaks: Sage Reference (2007)


‘Det vakande ögat – kontrollsamhällets paradoxer’ in Framtider: Institutet för Framtidsstudier No 4 2006, pp. 14-19


‘Transnational Policing’ in The Canadian Review of Policing Research, No. 2, 2005 Athabasca University and Dalhousie University: International Consortium for the Advancement of Academic Publication, pp. 114-125


‘Editorial Reflections on Policing, ‘Paramilitarisation’ and Scholarship on Policing’ Policing and Society, 2000, Vol. 9, No. 2, pp. 117-124


‘Policing and Human Rights; An Introduction’, Policing and Society, 2000, Vol. 10 No. 1 Special Issue on Policing and Human Rights, pp. 1-10


‘Surveillance, Closed Circuit Television and Social Control’ C. Norris, J. Moran and G. Armstrong (eds.) Policing and Society, 2000, Vol 9. No. 4, pp. 429-434


‘Editorial Refections on ‘Intelligence Led Policing’ Policing and Society, 2000, Vol. 9, No. 4, pp.311-314


‘Extraterritorial Law Enforcement’, ‘Marxist Criminologies’, ‘Self Policing’, ‘Transnational Organised Crime’, ‘Transnational Policing’, Contributions to The Dictionary of Criminology: J. Muncie and E. McLaughlin (eds.) London: Sage, 2000) pps.: 114-16; 170-72; 256-57; 305-06; & 306-08 respectively


‘The social construction of serial killers; a review of the scholarly literature’ British Journal of Criminology, 1999, Vol. 39 No. 2, pp. 322-328


‘Police Work: The Social Organization of Policing’ P. K. Manning and ‘Policing the Risk Society’ R. V. Ericson and K. D. Haggerty, British Journal of Criminology, 1998 Vol. 38, No. 3, pp. 521-525


'Folk Devils and Eurocops' Criminal Justice Matters, No. 27, Spring 1997, pp. 8-10


'Straight to the Point; Angles on Giving Up Crime', J. Leibrich, British Journal of New Zealand Studies, December, 1997, pp.


'Transnationalism, Crime Control and the European State System; a Review of the Literature', International Criminal Justice Review, 1997, Vol. 7, pp. 130-140


Review Essay of 'Criminal Justice in Europe', P. Fennell, N. Jörg and B.Swart (eds.) and 'Crime and Criminal Justice in Europe and North America', K. Kangaspunta (ed.) Howard Journal, 1995, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 108-112


'International Police Co-operation; a Review of the Scholarly Literature' British Journal of Criminology Vol. 35 No. 2 1995 pp. 302-307


'Rapacious Bluebeards and Chivalrous Knights; a sociolinguistic view of policing woman battering' Edinburgh: New Waverley Papers, Politics Series 95/3 June 1995, ISBN 0902957 07 4 25 pages


'It Looks Different From The Outside' Policing Vol. 10 No. 2 Summer, 1994 pp. 125-133


'The Bookworm's Metaphors of Violence' Achilles Heel (Spring 1994)


'Serial Killing; a Review of the Scholarly Literature' British Journal of Criminology Vol. 33, 1993 No. 1 pp. 103-108


'Chaos; an old concept with a new life' The Critical Criminologist Vol. 4 No.4 Winter 1991


'Reflections on Policing Divided Societies' Policing and Society Vol. 11 No. 3/4, Special Issue on Policing in Northern Ireland, pp. 235-241

Research Reports


'Annotated Bibliography and Analytical Review of Organized Crime Literature’ (with Norm Taylor, Margaret Beare & Carlo Morselli) Public Safety Canada, 2009


‘Facilitating Witness Co-operation in Organised Crime Cases; an international review’ (with Nick Fyfe) Home Office On-line Publication, available at; http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/rds/pdfs05/rdsolr2705.pdf


‘Review of the Influence of Strategic Intelligence on Organised Crime Policy and Practice’, Home Office Police and Reducing Crime Unit, (Confidential Version, embargoed for publication under the Official Secrets Act, 2002)


‘Review of the influence of strategic intelligence on organized crime policy and practice’; London: Home Office Special Interest Paper No. 14, (2002) (48 pages)


‘UK Country Report’ in Controlling Organised Crime: Organisational Changes in the Law Enforcement and Prosecution Services of the EU Member States, M. den Boer and P. Doelle (eds.) Maastricht: European Institute of Public Administration (June 2000, 98/FAL/145, Chapter 14 pps. 1-38


‘Written Evidence to the House of Lords Committee of Inquiry into Police Use of Databases in Europe’ with M. Colvin on Behalf of Justice, May, 2000 House of Lords Select Committee on The European Communities 23rd Report Session 1998-1999, London: The Stationary Office HL Paper 120


‘A Content Analysis of Case Files from the European Liaison Unit; an ESRC-Funded Research Project'’ Embargoed for Publication under the Official Secrets Act, 1998


'A Case Study of the European Liaison Unit at Dover in Kent' Nuffield Foundation, 44th Annual Report, 1994 p. 33