
kerry doyle

Photo of kerry  doyle

Associate Professor

Office: Ross Building S359
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 77469
Email: kdoyle@yorku.ca

Media Requests Welcome

Professional Leadership

New Faculty Mentor 2020-2021
CCPS Committee Member 2018-2019
Existere Journal Coordinator 2019
Undergraduate Program Director, Writing Department, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies 2014-2019

Research Interests

Writing , English, Narrative Non-Fiction, Poetry and Poetics

Current Research Projects

    See more
    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2015

    End Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2018

eLearning & General Education Course Design


    The goal of this project was to develop a blended eLearning course to serve as a Humanities General Education course offered through York University's Writing Department. The new blended course reflects the university’s emphasis on enhancing the first year experience through “attention to the development of fundamental and transferable skills including effective communication, critical thinking, research and information literacy, and collaboration” (Building a More Engaged University: Strategic Directions for York University 2010-2020). Our challenge was to determine how online learning technology will best serve the goals of our specific course while enriching the learning experience of our students.

    See more
    Role: Project Lead

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2013

    End Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2014

    Collaborator: Ron Sheese
    Collaborator Institution: York University
    Collaborator Role: Project Advisor

Approach to Teaching

Current Courses:

WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practise [Summer 2016]]

Upcoming Courses:

WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practise [Fall/Winter 2016-2017]

WRIT2100 3.0 A Studies in Non-Fiction [Winter 2016-2017]

WRIT 2100 3.0 A Studies in Non-Fiction 2018
WRIT 4005 3.0 Travel Writing & the Professional Writer: An Ever Changing Landscape

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/PRWR2100 3.0 M Studies in Non-Fiction ONLN
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practice ONLN
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practice TUTR

Professional Leadership

New Faculty Mentor 2020-2021
CCPS Committee Member 2018-2019
Existere Journal Coordinator 2019
Undergraduate Program Director, Writing Department, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies 2014-2019

Research Interests

Writing , English, Narrative Non-Fiction, Poetry and Poetics

Current Research Projects

    Project Type: Funded
    Start Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2015

    End Date:
      Month: Jul   Year: 2018

eLearning & General Education Course Design


    The goal of this project was to develop a blended eLearning course to serve as a Humanities General Education course offered through York University's Writing Department. The new blended course reflects the university’s emphasis on enhancing the first year experience through “attention to the development of fundamental and transferable skills including effective communication, critical thinking, research and information literacy, and collaboration” (Building a More Engaged University: Strategic Directions for York University 2010-2020). Our challenge was to determine how online learning technology will best serve the goals of our specific course while enriching the learning experience of our students.

    Project Type: Funded
    Role: Project Lead

    Start Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2013

    End Date:
      Month: Sep   Year: 2014

    Collaborator: Ron Sheese
    Collaborator Institution: York University
    Collaborator Role: Project Advisor

Approach to Teaching

Current Courses:

WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practise [Summer 2016]]

Upcoming Courses:

WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practise [Fall/Winter 2016-2017]

WRIT2100 3.0 A Studies in Non-Fiction [Winter 2016-2017]

WRIT 2100 3.0 A Studies in Non-Fiction 2018
WRIT 4005 3.0 Travel Writing & the Professional Writer: An Ever Changing Landscape

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Winter 2025 AP/PRWR2100 3.0 M Studies in Non-Fiction ONLN
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practice ONLN
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/WRIT1700 9.0 A Writing: Process and Practice TUTR