Kamala Kempadoo is Professor in the Department of Social Science, withe graduate appointments in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies, Political Science, Social and Political Thought, and Development Studies. She is a former director of the Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought at York University. She is the 2021/2022 Cogut Visiting Professor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Brown University.
Areas of specialization: transnational and Caribbean feminisms, critical anti-trafficking discourses, Sex Work studies, Black radical and feminist thought, and gender and development.
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Colorado-Boulder
MA. Black Studies, Ohio State University
Doctorandus (Drs) Social Science, (Race and Ethnic Studies major, Cultural Anthropology and Social Psychology minors), University of Amsterdam
Candidandus (BA) Sociology, University of Amsterdam
Professional Leadership
Interim Director, Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought, York University, 2021.
Director, Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought, York University, 2006-2009.
Officer, Race, Gender and Class Committee, American Sociological Association, 2001 -2004.
Head, Centre for Gender and Development Studies - Mona Unit, University of the West Indies, Jamaica, 2000 - 2001.
Community Contributions
2012 - present: Coordinator, faculty and student exchange in Caribbean gender and women's studies between York University, the University of Guyana and the Anton de Kom University of Suriname.
2007 – 2011: Research coordinating team, “ Building Responsive Policy: Gender, Sexual Culture and HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean” United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) -Caribbean Office.
2000 - 2005: Working Group on Research Methodology, Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW), Bangkok, Thailand.
1989 - 2005: Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA).
1985 - 1991: Board of directors. Flamboyant Foundation - Black and Migrant Women's Resource Center - Amsterdam.
Research Interests
Gender Issues, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Black Studies, Human Trafficking Discourses, Sex work studies
Lifetime Achievement Award, Caribbean Studies Association - 2018
York Research Leader, York University - 2018
Distinguished Scientific Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality - 2017
Norway Research Council Visiting Fellowship, University of Bergen - 2010
“Walk the Talk Award” for feminist activism, University of Colorado - 1999
Kempadoo, Kamala and Halimah A.F DeShong, eds. Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality. Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers, 2021
Kempadoo, Kamala with Jyoti Sanghera and Bandana Pattanaik, eds. Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. 2005/Second edition 2012.
Kempadoo Kamala. Sexing the Caribbean: Gender, Race and Sexual Labour. New York; Routledge, 2004.
Kempadoo, Kamala ed. Sun, Sex and Gold: Tourism and Sex Work in the Caribbean. Boulder, Colo: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. 1999.
Kempadoo, Kamala and Jo Doezema, eds. Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance and Redefinition. New York: Routledge. 1998.
Book Chapters
“Abolitionism, Criminal Justice and Transnational Feminism” Introduction to the second edition of Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2012: vii-xlii
“The Anti-trafficking Juggernaut Rolls On.” Conclusion to the second edition of Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2012: 249 -260.
“Centering Praxis in Policies and Studies of Caribbean Sexuality” in From Risk to Vulnerability: Power, Culture and Gender in the Spread of HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean. Eds. Christine Barrow, Marjan de Bruin and Robert Carr. Kingston: UWIHARP and Ian Randle Publishers, 2009: 179-191.
“Sex Work Migration and Human Trafficking: Problems and Possibilities” in Intra-Caribbean Migration and the Conflict Nexus, eds. Taryn Lesser et al., Ottawa: Human Rights Internet, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration, Association of Caribbean States, and The University of the West Indies, 2006: 167–185.
“Victims and Agents of Crime: The New Crusade Against Trafficking” In Global Lockdown : Race, Gender and the Prison Industrial Complex, ed. Julia Sudbury. New York: Routledge, 2005, 35-55. (Reprinted in Gender and Development (Critical Concepts in Development Studies) , edited by Janet D. Momsen. Routledge, 2008, Vol 4, ch. 64)
“Prostitution and Sex Work Studies.” In Companion to Gender Studies, edited by Philomena Essed, Audrey Kobayashi, and David Theo Goldberg. Blackwell Publishers, 2004: 255-265.
“Theorizing Sexual Relations in the Caribbean: Prostitution and the Problem of the ‘Exotic.’” In Confronting Power, Theorizing Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in the Caribbean, edited by Eudine Barriteau. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2003.
"Negotiating Cultures: A 'Dogla' Perspective." In Matikor: The Politics of Identity for Indo-Caribbean Women ed. Roseanne Kanhai. University of the West Indies, School of Continuing Education, 1999: 103-113.
“Anti-Racisties Feminisme: aantekeningen vanuit een zwarte/ migranten vrouwen perspectief." (Anti-Racist Feminism: notes from a black/migrant woman's perspective). In Feminisme in de Recycling Green Left Coalition: Amsterdam. October 1991:35-44
"Naar een Non-Racisties Vrouwenvakscholing." (Toward a non-racist education for women) In: Hoe Kom Je Van B Naar A: Handreikingen voor Traject Ontwikkeling ten behoeve van Allochtone Vrouwen. VEM-Bureau Werkgelegenheid, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment: The Hague. 1991.
"Racism and Anti-Racism at the University of Amsterdam." In: Naar een Anti-Racistische Universiteit: Een Reader. Student Unions TSV, CRES, ASVA, VISA: Amsterdam. May 1991: 27-38.
Journal Articles
Kempadoo, Kamala. “Towards a Decolonization of Sexual Economic Praxis in the Caribbean.” The Scholar & Feminist Online Barnard Center for Research on Women. (Feb 2020).
Kempadoo, Kamala. “’Bound Coolies’ and Other Indentured Workers in the Caribbean: Implications for Debates about Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.” Anti-Trafficking Review 9 (Sept 2017): 48-63.
Kempadoo, Kamala. “The War on Humans: Anti-trafficking in the Caribbean.” Social and Economic Studies. Vol. 65, No 4. (Dec 2016)
Kempadoo, Kamala. “The Modern-day White (Wo)Man’s Burden: Trends in Anti-trafficking and Anti-slavery Campaigns” Journal of Human Trafficking 1.1 (Apr 2015): 8-20.
Kamala Kempadoo and Halimah DeShong. “Caribbean Feminist Research Methods for Gender and Sexuality Studies: An editorial note.” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Issue 7. Eds. Kamala Kempadoo, Halimah DeShong and Charmaine Crawford. (Dec 2013) :1-6. http://sta.uwi.edu/crgs/index.asp
“Red Thread’s Research: An interview with Andaiye” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Issue 7. Eds. Kamala Kempadoo, Halimah DeShong and Charmaine Crawford. (Dec 2013) : 1-17. http://sta.uwi.edu/crgs/index.asp
“Caribbean Sexuality: Mapping the Field” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Issue 3 (Nov 2009). Open access online journal: http://sta.uwi.edu/crgs/november2009/journals/Kempadoo.pdf (previously published in Oso:Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek en het Caraïbisch Gebied (Journal for Surinamese and Caribbean Studies, KLTV Leiden) Vol 27: no 1 (April 2008): 28-51)
“Mudando o debate sobre o tráfico de mulheres” (Shifting the Debate on the Traffic of Women) “Cadernos Pagu (Journal of the Centre for Gender Studies, UNICAMP, Brazil) Vol. 25,( 2005): 55-78.
“The War on Human Trafficking in the Caribbean” Race and Class Vol. 49. no 2 ( 2007):79-84
“Sexuality in the Caribbean: Theory and Research” (with an emphasis on the Anglophone Caribbean)” Social and Economic Studies (University of the West Indies,- Jamaica ) Vol. 52.no 3 (September 2003): 59-88.
“Free-lancers, Temporary Wives and Beachboys: Researching Sex Work in the Caribbean” Feminist Review No. 67 (Spring 2001): 39-63
“Women of Color and the Global Sex Trade: Transnational Feminist Perspectives.” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism Vol.1. no 3 (Spring 2001): 28-51.
“'Sandom's' and Other Exotic Women: Prostitution and Race in the Caribbean." Race and Reason. Journal of the Institute for African-American Studies, Columbia University. (October 1996) : 48-54. (Reprinted in In Dispatches from the Ebony Tower: Intellectuals Confront the African American Experience ed. Manning Marable. Columbia University Press, 2000: 75-89.)
"Slavery or Work? Reconceptualizing Third World Prostitution" Positions. East Asia Cultures Critique 7.1. (Summer 1999) : 225-236
"Dominicanas en Curazao: Mitos y Realidades" (Dominican Women in Curacao: Myths and Realities) Género y Sociedad 4 1 (May-August 1996): 102-130",Dominicanas en Curazao: Mitos y Realidades (Dominican Women in Curacao: Myths and Realities"
"Prostitution, Marginality and Empowerment: Caribbean Women in the Sex Trade." Beyond Law 5.14 (March 1996): 69-84
"Een Vergelijking tussen Vormen van Positieve Actie: 1945 en 1988" (A Comparison of Forms of Positive Action: 1945 and 1988). In: Sophia and Co, Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies (A journal of Women’s Studies) Nijmegen 3 (1988): 25-35.
Loewenthal, Troetje and Kamala Kempadoo. "Verbroken verbindingen; kritiek op een etnies-feministies visie." (Disconnections: critique of an ethnic-feminist perspective). In: Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies (Journal of Women’s Studies) 25. (1986) : 76-84.
Professional Journal Articles
Kempadoo, Kamala, ed. “Countering Human Trafficking.” Special Issue of Social and Economic Studies. Vol.
65, No 4. (Dec 2016)
Kempadoo, Kamala, Halimah DeShong and Charmaine Crawford , eds. “Caribbean Feminist Research Methods for Gender and Sexuality Studies” Special issue of the Caribbean Review of Gender Studies 7 (Dec 2013)
Conference Papers
“Saving the World from ‘Sex Trafficking:’ Three Contemporary Campaigns.“ Charles Phelps Taft Lecture, University of Cincinnati. October 25, 2013
Migration and Sex Work: Navigating Closed Borders.” Keynote address for the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) conference Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance Kingston University UK, held at the Senate House, University of London. September 12-13, 2013.
“Engendering the University: Reflections from within the Academy.” Keynote address for the Institute for Women, Gender and Development Studies symposium Gender as an analytic instrument for research, policy and planning. Anton de Kom University, Suriname, March 6, 213.
Future Directions in the Canadian Debate,” Presentation at the workshop Critical Perspectives on Canadian Anti-trafficking Policy, Ryerson University, Toronto. Nov 30 - Dec 2, 2012.
With Tracy Locke “Star-Gazing: Examining Appropriation in Hollywood Celeb-Activist Trends” for the conference Feminism and the Politics of Appropriation Women and Gender’s Institute at the University of Toronto, November 11-12, 2011.
“Three different perspectives on sex trafficking: the abolitionist, criminal justice and transnational feminist.” For the symposium Racializing Sexual Economies: Sex Trade, Trafficking, and the Political Agency of People of Color & Indigenous People, Center for Race and Gender, University of California-Berkeley, November 8, 2011.
“The Need for Research on Caribbean Sexual and Gender Cultures.” For the UNWomen Regional symposium Building Responsive Policy: Gender, Sexual Culture and HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean, Port-of Spain, Trinidad, May 24-25, 2011.
“HIV and Violence in Sexual-Economic Transactions: Everyday and Structural Problems.” Presented at the Caribbean Studies Association 35th annual conference. Barbados, May 24-28 2010.
“Collaborations Between the Ivory Tower and the Brothel: Fighting for Sex Workers’ Rights” Presentation on the panel “Reflections on the Politics of Social Movement Research: The Challenge of Theorizing Praxis” Caribbean Studies Association 31st annual conference. Port-of-Spain Trinidad, May 29-June 2, 2006.
“Sex, Gifts, Money and Health: Sexual Economic Transactions and Implications for HIV/AIDS,” at the conference Gender, Sexuality and the Implications for Substance Use and HIV/AIDS . Centre for Gender and Development Studies, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad. March 11-13, 2004.
“The Global War on Trafficking” at the conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), University of the West Indies-Cave Hill, Barbados, June 27-29, 2003.
“Trading Sex Across Borders: Regional and International Migrations,” at the VIIIth Conference of Caribbean Economists, Diaspora, Migration and the Global Caribbean Economy. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. November 13-15, 2003.
“Hegemonic Constructions of Caribbean Heterosexuality and Some of the Challenges.” Paper presented at the conference “Recentreing Caribbean Feminisms.”Centre for Gender and Development Studies University of the West Indies,-Cave Hill, Barbados. June 17-18, 2002.
“Gender, Race and Sex: Tourism in the Caribbean,” at the conference Women on Threshold of the Twenty-first Century. University of Havana, Cuba October 25-29,1999.
“International Trends in Policy and Law on Sex Tourism,” at the international conference Global Outlook on Gender Issues. Bangkok, Thailand, January 7-10, 1999.
“Caribbean Prostitutes: Sex Worker or Whore?,” at the American Anthropological Association 97th annual meeting. Philadelphia, PA December 2-6, 1998.
“Redefining the Global Sex Trade,” at the 93rd annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco CA, August 21-25, 1998.
"Slavery or Work: Reconceptualizing Third World Prostitution." Paper presented at the Gender and Development in Asia conference, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 27-29, 1997.
Research Reports
Kempadoo, Kamala with Oonya Kempadoo, Althea Perkins and Andy Taitt. ‘Whoring,’‘Boopsing,’ and Other Business: A Situational Analysis of Sex Work and the Sex Industry in the CARICOM. UNAIDS Caribbean Regional Support Team. pp. 142.
Kempadoo, Kamala. Prostitution, Sex Work and Transactional Sex in the English, Dutch and French-Speaking Caribbean: A Literature Review of Definitions, Laws and Research. PANCAP/CARICOM 2009. pp. 104. http://pancap.org/docs/World_Bank_Studies/Prostitution_Sex_Work_and_Transactional_Sex_Report.pdf
Kempadoo, Kamala with Andy Taitt. Gender, Sexuality and Implications for HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean. A Review of Literature and Programmes. UNIFEM-Caribbean Office and IDRC-Ottawa, 2006. pp. 55.
Kempadoo, Kamala and Leith Dunn. Factors that Shape the Initiation of Early Sexual Activity Among Adolescent Boys and Girls: A Study in Three Communities in Jamaica. Report to UNICEF and UNFPA. University of the West Indies, Nov. 2001. http://www.unicef.org/french/evaldatabase/JAM_2001_804.pdf.
Kempadoo, Kamala (coordinator), Olatz Landa, Shakira Maxwell and Nicola Smith. Gender, Peace and Development: A Research Report on the Northern Caribbean. Report to UNESCO. University of the West Indies, July 2001. pp.80
Kempadoo, Kamala and Cynthia Mellon eds. The Sex Trade in the Caribbean. University of Colorado/ CAFRA/ILSA, December 1998. pp. 291
Azize Vargas, Yamila and Kamala Kempadoo. Tráfico de Mujers para Prostitución, Trabajo Doméstico y Matrimonio (Trafficking in Women for Prostitution, Domestic Work and Marriage). STV/GAATW. December 1996. pp. 44. Prepared for the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women.
Anti-Racistische Vrouwenvakscholing: Een Voorbeeld in Amsterdam (Anti-Racist Education for Women: A Model in Amsterdam) VIA: Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 44
In the Name of Emancipation; some aspects of the impact of positive action on black and migrant women's work in Amsterdam Centre for Race and Ethnic Studies Working Paper series, no.7. University of Amsterdam. March 1988. pp.30.
Kempadoo, Kamala and Darya Davydova, eds. From Bleeding Hearts to Critical Thinking: Exploring the Issue of Human Trafficking. Toronto: Centre for Feminist Research, York University, 2012.
Kamala Kempadoo is Professor in the Department of Social Science, withe graduate appointments in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies, Political Science, Social and Political Thought, and Development Studies. She is a former director of the Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought at York University. She is the 2021/2022 Cogut Visiting Professor in Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Brown University.
Areas of specialization: transnational and Caribbean feminisms, critical anti-trafficking discourses, Sex Work studies, Black radical and feminist thought, and gender and development.
Ph.D. Sociology, University of Colorado-Boulder
MA. Black Studies, Ohio State University
Doctorandus (Drs) Social Science, (Race and Ethnic Studies major, Cultural Anthropology and Social Psychology minors), University of Amsterdam
Candidandus (BA) Sociology, University of Amsterdam
Professional Leadership
Interim Director, Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought, York University, 2021.
Director, Graduate Program in Social and Political Thought, York University, 2006-2009.
Officer, Race, Gender and Class Committee, American Sociological Association, 2001 -2004.
Head, Centre for Gender and Development Studies - Mona Unit, University of the West Indies, Jamaica, 2000 - 2001.
Community Contributions
2012 - present: Coordinator, faculty and student exchange in Caribbean gender and women's studies between York University, the University of Guyana and the Anton de Kom University of Suriname.
2007 – 2011: Research coordinating team, “ Building Responsive Policy: Gender, Sexual Culture and HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean” United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) -Caribbean Office.
2000 - 2005: Working Group on Research Methodology, Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women (GAATW), Bangkok, Thailand.
1989 - 2005: Caribbean Association for Feminist Research and Action (CAFRA).
1985 - 1991: Board of directors. Flamboyant Foundation - Black and Migrant Women's Resource Center - Amsterdam.
Research Interests
Gender Issues, Latin American and Caribbean Studies, Black Studies, Human Trafficking Discourses, Sex work studies
Lifetime Achievement Award, Caribbean Studies Association - 2018
York Research Leader, York University - 2018
Distinguished Scientific Award, Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality - 2017
Norway Research Council Visiting Fellowship, University of Bergen - 2010
“Walk the Talk Award” for feminist activism, University of Colorado - 1999
Rockefeller Research Fellowship - 1994
All Publications
Book Chapters
“Abolitionism, Criminal Justice and Transnational Feminism” Introduction to the second edition of Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2012: vii-xlii
“The Anti-trafficking Juggernaut Rolls On.” Conclusion to the second edition of Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers, 2012: 249 -260.
“Centering Praxis in Policies and Studies of Caribbean Sexuality” in From Risk to Vulnerability: Power, Culture and Gender in the Spread of HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean. Eds. Christine Barrow, Marjan de Bruin and Robert Carr. Kingston: UWIHARP and Ian Randle Publishers, 2009: 179-191.
“Sex Work Migration and Human Trafficking: Problems and Possibilities” in Intra-Caribbean Migration and the Conflict Nexus, eds. Taryn Lesser et al., Ottawa: Human Rights Internet, in collaboration with the International Organization for Migration, Association of Caribbean States, and The University of the West Indies, 2006: 167–185.
“Victims and Agents of Crime: The New Crusade Against Trafficking” In Global Lockdown : Race, Gender and the Prison Industrial Complex, ed. Julia Sudbury. New York: Routledge, 2005, 35-55. (Reprinted in Gender and Development (Critical Concepts in Development Studies) , edited by Janet D. Momsen. Routledge, 2008, Vol 4, ch. 64)
“Prostitution and Sex Work Studies.” In Companion to Gender Studies, edited by Philomena Essed, Audrey Kobayashi, and David Theo Goldberg. Blackwell Publishers, 2004: 255-265.
“Theorizing Sexual Relations in the Caribbean: Prostitution and the Problem of the ‘Exotic.’” In Confronting Power, Theorizing Gender: Interdisciplinary Perspectives in the Caribbean, edited by Eudine Barriteau. Kingston: University of the West Indies Press, 2003.
"Negotiating Cultures: A 'Dogla' Perspective." In Matikor: The Politics of Identity for Indo-Caribbean Women ed. Roseanne Kanhai. University of the West Indies, School of Continuing Education, 1999: 103-113.
“Anti-Racisties Feminisme: aantekeningen vanuit een zwarte/ migranten vrouwen perspectief." (Anti-Racist Feminism: notes from a black/migrant woman's perspective). In Feminisme in de Recycling Green Left Coalition: Amsterdam. October 1991:35-44
"Naar een Non-Racisties Vrouwenvakscholing." (Toward a non-racist education for women) In: Hoe Kom Je Van B Naar A: Handreikingen voor Traject Ontwikkeling ten behoeve van Allochtone Vrouwen. VEM-Bureau Werkgelegenheid, Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment: The Hague. 1991.
"Racism and Anti-Racism at the University of Amsterdam." In: Naar een Anti-Racistische Universiteit: Een Reader. Student Unions TSV, CRES, ASVA, VISA: Amsterdam. May 1991: 27-38.
Kempadoo, Kamala and Halimah A.F DeShong, eds. Methodologies in Caribbean Research on Gender and Sexuality. Kingston, Ian Randle Publishers, 2021
Kempadoo, Kamala with Jyoti Sanghera and Bandana Pattanaik, eds. Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights. Boulder: Paradigm Publishers. 2005/Second edition 2012.
Kempadoo Kamala. Sexing the Caribbean: Gender, Race and Sexual Labour. New York; Routledge, 2004.
Kempadoo, Kamala ed. Sun, Sex and Gold: Tourism and Sex Work in the Caribbean. Boulder, Colo: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers. 1999.
Kempadoo, Kamala and Jo Doezema, eds. Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance and Redefinition. New York: Routledge. 1998.
Journal Articles
Kempadoo, Kamala. “Towards a Decolonization of Sexual Economic Praxis in the Caribbean.” The Scholar & Feminist Online Barnard Center for Research on Women. (Feb 2020).
Kempadoo, Kamala. “’Bound Coolies’ and Other Indentured Workers in the Caribbean: Implications for Debates about Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery.” Anti-Trafficking Review 9 (Sept 2017): 48-63.
Kempadoo, Kamala. “The War on Humans: Anti-trafficking in the Caribbean.” Social and Economic Studies. Vol. 65, No 4. (Dec 2016)
Kempadoo, Kamala. “The Modern-day White (Wo)Man’s Burden: Trends in Anti-trafficking and Anti-slavery Campaigns” Journal of Human Trafficking 1.1 (Apr 2015): 8-20.
Kamala Kempadoo and Halimah DeShong. “Caribbean Feminist Research Methods for Gender and Sexuality Studies: An editorial note.” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Issue 7. Eds. Kamala Kempadoo, Halimah DeShong and Charmaine Crawford. (Dec 2013) :1-6. http://sta.uwi.edu/crgs/index.asp
“Red Thread’s Research: An interview with Andaiye” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Issue 7. Eds. Kamala Kempadoo, Halimah DeShong and Charmaine Crawford. (Dec 2013) : 1-17. http://sta.uwi.edu/crgs/index.asp
“Caribbean Sexuality: Mapping the Field” Caribbean Review of Gender Studies Issue 3 (Nov 2009). Open access online journal: http://sta.uwi.edu/crgs/november2009/journals/Kempadoo.pdf (previously published in Oso:Tijdschrift voor Surinamistiek en het Caraïbisch Gebied (Journal for Surinamese and Caribbean Studies, KLTV Leiden) Vol 27: no 1 (April 2008): 28-51)
“Mudando o debate sobre o tráfico de mulheres” (Shifting the Debate on the Traffic of Women) “Cadernos Pagu (Journal of the Centre for Gender Studies, UNICAMP, Brazil) Vol. 25,( 2005): 55-78.
“The War on Human Trafficking in the Caribbean” Race and Class Vol. 49. no 2 ( 2007):79-84
“Sexuality in the Caribbean: Theory and Research” (with an emphasis on the Anglophone Caribbean)” Social and Economic Studies (University of the West Indies,- Jamaica ) Vol. 52.no 3 (September 2003): 59-88.
“Free-lancers, Temporary Wives and Beachboys: Researching Sex Work in the Caribbean” Feminist Review No. 67 (Spring 2001): 39-63
“Women of Color and the Global Sex Trade: Transnational Feminist Perspectives.” Meridians: Feminism, Race, Transnationalism Vol.1. no 3 (Spring 2001): 28-51.
“'Sandom's' and Other Exotic Women: Prostitution and Race in the Caribbean." Race and Reason. Journal of the Institute for African-American Studies, Columbia University. (October 1996) : 48-54. (Reprinted in In Dispatches from the Ebony Tower: Intellectuals Confront the African American Experience ed. Manning Marable. Columbia University Press, 2000: 75-89.)
"Slavery or Work? Reconceptualizing Third World Prostitution" Positions. East Asia Cultures Critique 7.1. (Summer 1999) : 225-236
"Dominicanas en Curazao: Mitos y Realidades" (Dominican Women in Curacao: Myths and Realities) Género y Sociedad 4 1 (May-August 1996): 102-130",Dominicanas en Curazao: Mitos y Realidades (Dominican Women in Curacao: Myths and Realities"
"Prostitution, Marginality and Empowerment: Caribbean Women in the Sex Trade." Beyond Law 5.14 (March 1996): 69-84
"Een Vergelijking tussen Vormen van Positieve Actie: 1945 en 1988" (A Comparison of Forms of Positive Action: 1945 and 1988). In: Sophia and Co, Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies (A journal of Women’s Studies) Nijmegen 3 (1988): 25-35.
Loewenthal, Troetje and Kamala Kempadoo. "Verbroken verbindingen; kritiek op een etnies-feministies visie." (Disconnections: critique of an ethnic-feminist perspective). In: Tijdschrift voor Vrouwenstudies (Journal of Women’s Studies) 25. (1986) : 76-84.
Professional Journal Articles
Kempadoo, Kamala, ed. “Countering Human Trafficking.” Special Issue of Social and Economic Studies. Vol.
65, No 4. (Dec 2016)
Kempadoo, Kamala, Halimah DeShong and Charmaine Crawford , eds. “Caribbean Feminist Research Methods for Gender and Sexuality Studies” Special issue of the Caribbean Review of Gender Studies 7 (Dec 2013)
Conference Papers
“Saving the World from ‘Sex Trafficking:’ Three Contemporary Campaigns.“ Charles Phelps Taft Lecture, University of Cincinnati. October 25, 2013
Migration and Sex Work: Navigating Closed Borders.” Keynote address for the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) conference Comparing European Prostitution Policies: Understanding Scales and Cultures of Governance Kingston University UK, held at the Senate House, University of London. September 12-13, 2013.
“Engendering the University: Reflections from within the Academy.” Keynote address for the Institute for Women, Gender and Development Studies symposium Gender as an analytic instrument for research, policy and planning. Anton de Kom University, Suriname, March 6, 213.
Future Directions in the Canadian Debate,” Presentation at the workshop Critical Perspectives on Canadian Anti-trafficking Policy, Ryerson University, Toronto. Nov 30 - Dec 2, 2012.
With Tracy Locke “Star-Gazing: Examining Appropriation in Hollywood Celeb-Activist Trends” for the conference Feminism and the Politics of Appropriation Women and Gender’s Institute at the University of Toronto, November 11-12, 2011.
“Three different perspectives on sex trafficking: the abolitionist, criminal justice and transnational feminist.” For the symposium Racializing Sexual Economies: Sex Trade, Trafficking, and the Political Agency of People of Color & Indigenous People, Center for Race and Gender, University of California-Berkeley, November 8, 2011.
“The Need for Research on Caribbean Sexual and Gender Cultures.” For the UNWomen Regional symposium Building Responsive Policy: Gender, Sexual Culture and HIV and AIDS in the Caribbean, Port-of Spain, Trinidad, May 24-25, 2011.
“HIV and Violence in Sexual-Economic Transactions: Everyday and Structural Problems.” Presented at the Caribbean Studies Association 35th annual conference. Barbados, May 24-28 2010.
“Collaborations Between the Ivory Tower and the Brothel: Fighting for Sex Workers’ Rights” Presentation on the panel “Reflections on the Politics of Social Movement Research: The Challenge of Theorizing Praxis” Caribbean Studies Association 31st annual conference. Port-of-Spain Trinidad, May 29-June 2, 2006.
“Sex, Gifts, Money and Health: Sexual Economic Transactions and Implications for HIV/AIDS,” at the conference Gender, Sexuality and the Implications for Substance Use and HIV/AIDS . Centre for Gender and Development Studies, University of the West Indies, St. Augustine, Trinidad. March 11-13, 2004.
“The Global War on Trafficking” at the conference of the International Association for Feminist Economics (IAFFE), University of the West Indies-Cave Hill, Barbados, June 27-29, 2003.
“Trading Sex Across Borders: Regional and International Migrations,” at the VIIIth Conference of Caribbean Economists, Diaspora, Migration and the Global Caribbean Economy. Port-au-Prince, Haiti. November 13-15, 2003.
“Hegemonic Constructions of Caribbean Heterosexuality and Some of the Challenges.” Paper presented at the conference “Recentreing Caribbean Feminisms.”Centre for Gender and Development Studies University of the West Indies,-Cave Hill, Barbados. June 17-18, 2002.
“Gender, Race and Sex: Tourism in the Caribbean,” at the conference Women on Threshold of the Twenty-first Century. University of Havana, Cuba October 25-29,1999.
“International Trends in Policy and Law on Sex Tourism,” at the international conference Global Outlook on Gender Issues. Bangkok, Thailand, January 7-10, 1999.
“Caribbean Prostitutes: Sex Worker or Whore?,” at the American Anthropological Association 97th annual meeting. Philadelphia, PA December 2-6, 1998.
“Redefining the Global Sex Trade,” at the 93rd annual meeting of the American Sociological Association, San Francisco CA, August 21-25, 1998.
"Slavery or Work: Reconceptualizing Third World Prostitution." Paper presented at the Gender and Development in Asia conference, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, November 27-29, 1997.
Research Reports
Kempadoo, Kamala with Oonya Kempadoo, Althea Perkins and Andy Taitt. ‘Whoring,’‘Boopsing,’ and Other Business: A Situational Analysis of Sex Work and the Sex Industry in the CARICOM. UNAIDS Caribbean Regional Support Team. pp. 142.
Kempadoo, Kamala. Prostitution, Sex Work and Transactional Sex in the English, Dutch and French-Speaking Caribbean: A Literature Review of Definitions, Laws and Research. PANCAP/CARICOM 2009. pp. 104. http://pancap.org/docs/World_Bank_Studies/Prostitution_Sex_Work_and_Transactional_Sex_Report.pdf
Kempadoo, Kamala with Andy Taitt. Gender, Sexuality and Implications for HIV/AIDS in the Caribbean. A Review of Literature and Programmes. UNIFEM-Caribbean Office and IDRC-Ottawa, 2006. pp. 55.
Kempadoo, Kamala and Leith Dunn. Factors that Shape the Initiation of Early Sexual Activity Among Adolescent Boys and Girls: A Study in Three Communities in Jamaica. Report to UNICEF and UNFPA. University of the West Indies, Nov. 2001. http://www.unicef.org/french/evaldatabase/JAM_2001_804.pdf.
Kempadoo, Kamala (coordinator), Olatz Landa, Shakira Maxwell and Nicola Smith. Gender, Peace and Development: A Research Report on the Northern Caribbean. Report to UNESCO. University of the West Indies, July 2001. pp.80
Kempadoo, Kamala and Cynthia Mellon eds. The Sex Trade in the Caribbean. University of Colorado/ CAFRA/ILSA, December 1998. pp. 291
Azize Vargas, Yamila and Kamala Kempadoo. Tráfico de Mujers para Prostitución, Trabajo Doméstico y Matrimonio (Trafficking in Women for Prostitution, Domestic Work and Marriage). STV/GAATW. December 1996. pp. 44. Prepared for the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women.
Anti-Racistische Vrouwenvakscholing: Een Voorbeeld in Amsterdam (Anti-Racist Education for Women: A Model in Amsterdam) VIA: Amsterdam. 1991. pp. 44
In the Name of Emancipation; some aspects of the impact of positive action on black and migrant women's work in Amsterdam Centre for Race and Ethnic Studies Working Paper series, no.7. University of Amsterdam. March 1988. pp.30.
Kempadoo, Kamala and Darya Davydova, eds. From Bleeding Hearts to Critical Thinking: Exploring the Issue of Human Trafficking. Toronto: Centre for Feminist Research, York University, 2012.