
Livy Visano

Photo of Livy Visano

Undergraduate Program Director (UPD)

Office: Room 318 Atkinson Building
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 66317
Primary website:

My research confronts contradictions inherent in liberal democratic states especially in the treatment of human rights and concomitant issues of culture (re issues of fundamental inequality). Various publications provide a critical reading of the social justice as a site of inquiry within comparative and historical contexts of political economy, cultural reproductions and hegemonic state practices.


By interrogating accommodative and challenging discourses that discipline the constitution and contributions of extant human rights practices and policies, my research trajectory investigated the prospects and challenges of differing perspectives ranging from the more normative traditions to an appreciation of "praxis". Law and culture as sets of texts, narratives of inequality and as moments of morality are contrasted. These foci are situated within public discourses (local) and hegemonic struggles (global), ie within the layering of state interventive practices, notably the behaviour of law (conscience and convenience; “doing good” and doing justice), materialist ideologies, significant interactions, social organizations of privilege. The notions of subjectivity, common-sense, and ideologized agencies are juxtaposed conceptually against the articulation of certain "truths" within well protected structures and concealed historical trends. Resistance and struggle as generic features of capital have also examined in different contemporary contexts of identity and power. My current research continues to explore the significance of recognition, representation and regulation in reference to the intersections of identity, institutions and ideology. How, for example, do discrepant discourses and political practices create ideologically appropriate “subjects? What is the capacity of law to transcend its neo liberal, modernist and economic exchanges based on privileged forms of social and cultural interaction? In terms of critical hermeneutics, how does one interpret relations that constitute and are constituted by the dynamics of powerful horizons? That is, how does law form and inform identities in relation to conflicting social narratives of the self and subjectivity? Where are rights in the prevailing binaries (public/ public domains) and neo liberal hybridities of civil society? Given the intersubjective constitution of juridic relations, how is the narrative of law textually mediated in hegemonic articulations and coercive experiences? How do we examine the instantially situated discoursal practices and forms of language? Essentially how does the nature of justice shape and is shaped by the quality of inequality? How does culture mediate the differential impact of law on human rights and inequality?


PhD Sociology, University of Toronto (Dep't of Sociology)
MA Criminology, University of Toronto (Centre of Criminology)
BA Hon. Social and Philosophical Studies, University of Toronto (St George Campus)

Professional Leadership


Community Contributions


Research Interests

Human Rights , Law and Justice, Impact of Ideology on Institutions and Identity, Social Inequality and Research Methods, Youth, Human Rights, Critical Legal Studies,Youth and Justice, Social Inequalities


Social Justice and Human Rights (with Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press (265pp) two printings (2013).


Violated & Silenced: Gendering Criminal “Justice” (with N. Couto) Toronto: APF Press, (547 pp).


Cultural Contradictions of Delinquency: Youth Gambling in Canada (with Reza Barmaki) Toronto: APF Press, (233 pp


What do they Know? Youth, Crime and Culture deSitter Toronto (378pp) (2nd printing).


Law and Justice: A Critical Inquiry APF Press. Toronto (401pp)


Teaching Controversy (with L. Jakubowski) Fernwood Press. Halifax. (250 pp)


Crime and Culture: Refining the Traditions. Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (328 p)


Canadian Penology: Advanced Perspectives and Research. (with K. McCormick) Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (460pp)


Understanding Policing (with K. McCormick) Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (705pp)


This Idle Trade. VitaSana Books. Concord, Ont. (389 pages


Deviant Designations: Crime, Law and Deviance in Canada (with T. Fleming). (490pp) Butterworth. Toronto. (reprinted 1987)


Book Chapters


“Servitude of the certitude in the 9/11 hauntology: a case study of (in)securities in cyber ‘security’”. In C. Colaguori (ed) Security, Life and Death: Governmentality and Biopower in the Post-9/11 Era Toronto: deSitter Press. (June)


“Impact of Ideologies in Institutionalizing Injustice: The Pathology of Pathologizing” pp 46. In Social Justice and Human Rights (eds. L. Visano & Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press.


“Status as the Signified Locus of Injustice” (with M. Jacobs). pp1-16. In Social Justice and Human Rights (eds. L. Visano & Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press.


“Whose Refuge?” In M. Jacobs (ed) Trauma, Dislocation and Human Rights Toronto: APF Publishers. (September)


“What’s Wrong with Rights?” In M. Jacobs (ed) Trauma, Dislocation and Human Rights Toronto: APF Publishers. (September)


“Professions and the Individual: The Impact of Culture in the Control of Careers”, The Professionalization of Work M. Jacobs and S. Bosanac (eds) 5pp Toronto: deSitter Press 23pp.


“The impact of colour in “correcting” youths: a programme of action”.(with W. Crichlow), Racism, Culture and Law: Critical Readings ed. by Dr R. Barmaki APF Press. Toronto. (26pp


“Instrumentalism as the ideology of discipline: the impact of technology on corrections”. (with K. McCormick) Racism, Culture and Law: Critical Readings edited by Dr R. Barmaki APF Press. Toronto. (20pp)


“Adversarial Justice” in Gregg Barak (ed) Battleground: Criminal Justice Greenwood Publ . 18pp


"The Social in Justice as Social Injustice”. M. Jacobs (ed) Justice, Health and Culture Toronto: Thomson Nelson; reprinted in M. Jacobs (ed) Critical Readings In Health Toronto APF 2008, 16pp


"Class Enriching the Classroom: the 'radical' as rooted pedagogic strengths". In S. Muzzatti and V. Samarco (eds) Working Class Academics - reflections from the wrong side of the tracks Lanham, Md.: Roman and Littlefield.


“The Social Organization of Internet Policing: From Pornography to Terrorism” In C. Orban and J. Hodgson (eds) Public Policing in the 21st Century: Comparative Issues and Dilemmas Criminal Justice Press (with Abbee Corb-Cinotti)


“A Critique of the Cultures of Control: A Case Study of Cyber Rape”. In J. Hodgson and D. Kelly (eds) Sexual Violence NY Criminal Justice Press NY. 2002 reprinted from “A Critique of the Cultures of Control: A Case Study of Cyber Rape”. In J. Hodgson and D. Kelly (eds) Sexual Violence Praeger: Wesport Conn. (pp 51-71)


“Labelling and Symbolic Interaction Theories” In J. Mitchell Miller (ed) The Encyclopedia of Criminology (with D.Baker) NY: Routledge.


“The Impact of Whiteness on the Culture of Law: from theory to practice”. In C. Levine- Rasky (ed.) Working Through Whiteness SUNY Press. (pp 209-237)


“Community-Based Corrections”. In J. Winterdyk (ed.) Corrections in Canada: Social Reactions to Crime Toronto: Prentice-Hall (pp 296-322).


"Culture and Control at the Crossroads: A Case Study of Local Squeegee Kids as Subversive Subjects” (with C. MacArthur and S. McMahon). In S. McMahon (ed.) Women, Crime and Culture Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. (pp 231-252)


“Bram Stoker’s Dracula as a Critical Ethnography: A Critique of Mediated Moralities and Mysterious Mythologies”. In C. Davison (ed.) Bram Stoker’s Dracula, London/Toronto: Dundurn Press. (pp 331-350)


Book Reviews


Jeff Ferrell et al “Cultural Criminology Unleashed”, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. July, 48(4).[Invited]


Jeffrey Ian Ross, “The Dynamics of Political Crime” in Criminal Justice Review volume 31 issue 2 : 175-177 [Invited].


J. Ross, Cutting The Edge: Current Perspectives in Radical/ Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice, Canadian Journal of Sociology November/ December [Invited].


Journal Articles


“Degrees Of Freedom: The Applied Degree As The Pedagogy Of Praxis, Dialectics Of Discipline And The Primacy Of Partnerships”, College Quarterly, Summer Volume 7 Number 3. (23pp)


“The Role of Law in the Rule of Economics: a Critical Study of Ghana’s Labour Laws” (with N.Bastine) Journal of Asian and African Studies Volume 38, Issue 1.


Law and the Culture of Capital: A Critical Perspective on Labour’s Right to Associate in Developing Societies” (with N.Bastine) Journal of Developing Societies.1, January 2vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1-22(22)


“War on Drugs: From The Politics of Punishment to the Prospects of Peacekeeping” Addictions: An International Research Journal vol. 1 (Fall): 81-95.


“Crime As A Commodity: Police Use of Informers” Journal of Human Justice (Autumn), vol. 2 no. 1: 105-114.


“The Socialization of Street Kids”, Sociological Studies of Child Development, vol. 3: 139-161


“Equality and Multiculturalism” (with R. Doyle) Journal of Law and Social Policy, vol. 3 (Jan.): 21-35


Conference Papers


“The Hermeneutics of Youth Crime: From an Ontology of Conformity to a Metaphysics of Resistance”, San Francisco, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November .


“Ideologizing Race, Rationalizing Racism and Racializing Space: Carceral Connections”. Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 26.


“Youth Crime as Conformity: Criminological Obfuscations and the Ontology of Resistance”, Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 28.


“Logic of multiculturalism as rationalized neoliberalism” Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 28.


“Transformative Teaching Transitions as Stages of Subversion and Pedagogies of Praxis: from tethered triangles, cynical cycles to connecting circles”, Teaching and Learning Symposium on Talking Transitions, The Lougheed Teaching and Learning Centre of Excellence at Huntington University, Sudbury, May 2.Keynote Address


“ (In)Securities in Cyber ‘Security’”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November 20.


“Hermeneutics as Anarchic Criminology”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 17.


“Trauma of Dislocation: Refuge in Multicultural Canada”, Canadian Sociology Association, University of Waterloo (Congress) Tuesday, May 29.


“Beyond the Slogans: prospects for authentic community- university engagement”. Engage 2012: Contemporary Communities Conference, University of Guelph, March 17. Keynote


(Dis) Order and the Anarchism of Hermeneutics”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Toronto, March 05.


“Cultural Contradictions of Delinquency: Youth Gambling in Canada”, 3rd Annual At-risk Youth & the Law Conference, Durham College, Oshawa, workshop leader and keynote workshop speaker March 30.


“Conformity and the War on Terror: locating the ideological - institutional nexus” Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Concordia University, June 01, 2010 (invited by session chair W. Crichlow)


“Legal Hermeneutics and Anarchic Criminologies: Justice in Action”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, March 14.


“Towards a critical cultural theory of criminological curriculum” and “Ontological Hermeneutics and Anarchic Epistemologies .” Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Toronto, Oct 3-4.


“Courting Opinion: The Differential Impact of the Media on the Administration of Criminal Justice”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, March 14.


Institutionalizing the Informal: the Impact of Ideology on "Criminal" Identities ” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (read by Dr D. Baker) Los Angeles, November .


“Ontonomology: The Rootedness of Canadian Critical Criminology”, Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Toronto, April 10.


“Crime as Conformity: Youth Resistance and Peacekeeping” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology”, Nashville, November 19.


"The Impact of the Media on Delinquency: Preliminary findings of a cross sectional study" Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, March .


“Reclaiming the Community and Securing the Social” International Outlook Conference on Human Security, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, November 10 -12.


Cool Cultures and Mediocre Messages: Differential Impact of the Media on Delinquency”.55nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, November 20.


“Mediated Moralities” Summer School of Cultural Studies, Morality and Narratives, Summer School of Cultural Studies, Network Cultural Studies and Research Unit for Contemporary Culture, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla Finland May 20 .(Previous invited speakers G. Spivak, S. Hall)


Conference Proceedings


“The Applied Degree as the Pedagogy of Praxis, Dialectics of Discipline and the Primacy of Partnerships" Report of the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on The Applied Degree, Applied Degree Conference, CAATS.


“The Culture of Connectedness” Report of the Proceedings of the 1st Tapestry of Teaching Conference”, Georgian College, Keynote Address Nov 4, (14pp).


Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/HREQ4450 6.0 A Advanced Theories of Rights & Equity SEMR

My research confronts contradictions inherent in liberal democratic states especially in the treatment of human rights and concomitant issues of culture (re issues of fundamental inequality). Various publications provide a critical reading of the social justice as a site of inquiry within comparative and historical contexts of political economy, cultural reproductions and hegemonic state practices.

By interrogating accommodative and challenging discourses that discipline the constitution and contributions of extant human rights practices and policies, my research trajectory investigated the prospects and challenges of differing perspectives ranging from the more normative traditions to an appreciation of "praxis". Law and culture as sets of texts, narratives of inequality and as moments of morality are contrasted. These foci are situated within public discourses (local) and hegemonic struggles (global), ie within the layering of state interventive practices, notably the behaviour of law (conscience and convenience; “doing good” and doing justice), materialist ideologies, significant interactions, social organizations of privilege. The notions of subjectivity, common-sense, and ideologized agencies are juxtaposed conceptually against the articulation of certain "truths" within well protected structures and concealed historical trends. Resistance and struggle as generic features of capital have also examined in different contemporary contexts of identity and power. My current research continues to explore the significance of recognition, representation and regulation in reference to the intersections of identity, institutions and ideology. How, for example, do discrepant discourses and political practices create ideologically appropriate “subjects? What is the capacity of law to transcend its neo liberal, modernist and economic exchanges based on privileged forms of social and cultural interaction? In terms of critical hermeneutics, how does one interpret relations that constitute and are constituted by the dynamics of powerful horizons? That is, how does law form and inform identities in relation to conflicting social narratives of the self and subjectivity? Where are rights in the prevailing binaries (public/ public domains) and neo liberal hybridities of civil society? Given the intersubjective constitution of juridic relations, how is the narrative of law textually mediated in hegemonic articulations and coercive experiences? How do we examine the instantially situated discoursal practices and forms of language? Essentially how does the nature of justice shape and is shaped by the quality of inequality? How does culture mediate the differential impact of law on human rights and inequality?


PhD Sociology, University of Toronto (Dep't of Sociology)
MA Criminology, University of Toronto (Centre of Criminology)
BA Hon. Social and Philosophical Studies, University of Toronto (St George Campus)

Professional Leadership


Community Contributions


Research Interests

Human Rights , Law and Justice, Impact of Ideology on Institutions and Identity, Social Inequality and Research Methods, Youth, Human Rights, Critical Legal Studies,Youth and Justice, Social Inequalities

All Publications

Book Chapters


“Servitude of the certitude in the 9/11 hauntology: a case study of (in)securities in cyber ‘security’”. In C. Colaguori (ed) Security, Life and Death: Governmentality and Biopower in the Post-9/11 Era Toronto: deSitter Press. (June)


“Impact of Ideologies in Institutionalizing Injustice: The Pathology of Pathologizing” pp 46. In Social Justice and Human Rights (eds. L. Visano & Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press.


“Status as the Signified Locus of Injustice” (with M. Jacobs). pp1-16. In Social Justice and Human Rights (eds. L. Visano & Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press.


“Whose Refuge?” In M. Jacobs (ed) Trauma, Dislocation and Human Rights Toronto: APF Publishers. (September)


“What’s Wrong with Rights?” In M. Jacobs (ed) Trauma, Dislocation and Human Rights Toronto: APF Publishers. (September)


“Professions and the Individual: The Impact of Culture in the Control of Careers”, The Professionalization of Work M. Jacobs and S. Bosanac (eds) 5pp Toronto: deSitter Press 23pp.


“The impact of colour in “correcting” youths: a programme of action”.(with W. Crichlow), Racism, Culture and Law: Critical Readings ed. by Dr R. Barmaki APF Press. Toronto. (26pp


“Instrumentalism as the ideology of discipline: the impact of technology on corrections”. (with K. McCormick) Racism, Culture and Law: Critical Readings edited by Dr R. Barmaki APF Press. Toronto. (20pp)


“Adversarial Justice” in Gregg Barak (ed) Battleground: Criminal Justice Greenwood Publ . 18pp


"The Social in Justice as Social Injustice”. M. Jacobs (ed) Justice, Health and Culture Toronto: Thomson Nelson; reprinted in M. Jacobs (ed) Critical Readings In Health Toronto APF 2008, 16pp


"Class Enriching the Classroom: the 'radical' as rooted pedagogic strengths". In S. Muzzatti and V. Samarco (eds) Working Class Academics - reflections from the wrong side of the tracks Lanham, Md.: Roman and Littlefield.


“The Social Organization of Internet Policing: From Pornography to Terrorism” In C. Orban and J. Hodgson (eds) Public Policing in the 21st Century: Comparative Issues and Dilemmas Criminal Justice Press (with Abbee Corb-Cinotti)


“A Critique of the Cultures of Control: A Case Study of Cyber Rape”. In J. Hodgson and D. Kelly (eds) Sexual Violence NY Criminal Justice Press NY. 2002 reprinted from “A Critique of the Cultures of Control: A Case Study of Cyber Rape”. In J. Hodgson and D. Kelly (eds) Sexual Violence Praeger: Wesport Conn. (pp 51-71)


“Labelling and Symbolic Interaction Theories” In J. Mitchell Miller (ed) The Encyclopedia of Criminology (with D.Baker) NY: Routledge.


“The Impact of Whiteness on the Culture of Law: from theory to practice”. In C. Levine- Rasky (ed.) Working Through Whiteness SUNY Press. (pp 209-237)


“Community-Based Corrections”. In J. Winterdyk (ed.) Corrections in Canada: Social Reactions to Crime Toronto: Prentice-Hall (pp 296-322).


"Culture and Control at the Crossroads: A Case Study of Local Squeegee Kids as Subversive Subjects” (with C. MacArthur and S. McMahon). In S. McMahon (ed.) Women, Crime and Culture Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press. (pp 231-252)


“Bram Stoker’s Dracula as a Critical Ethnography: A Critique of Mediated Moralities and Mysterious Mythologies”. In C. Davison (ed.) Bram Stoker’s Dracula, London/Toronto: Dundurn Press. (pp 331-350)


Book Reviews


Jeff Ferrell et al “Cultural Criminology Unleashed”, Canadian Journal of Criminology and Criminal Justice. July, 48(4).[Invited]


Jeffrey Ian Ross, “The Dynamics of Political Crime” in Criminal Justice Review volume 31 issue 2 : 175-177 [Invited].


J. Ross, Cutting The Edge: Current Perspectives in Radical/ Critical Criminology and Criminal Justice, Canadian Journal of Sociology November/ December [Invited].




Social Justice and Human Rights (with Merle A. Jacobs). Toronto: APF Press (265pp) two printings (2013).


Violated & Silenced: Gendering Criminal “Justice” (with N. Couto) Toronto: APF Press, (547 pp).


Cultural Contradictions of Delinquency: Youth Gambling in Canada (with Reza Barmaki) Toronto: APF Press, (233 pp


What do they Know? Youth, Crime and Culture deSitter Toronto (378pp) (2nd printing).


Law and Justice: A Critical Inquiry APF Press. Toronto (401pp)


Teaching Controversy (with L. Jakubowski) Fernwood Press. Halifax. (250 pp)


Crime and Culture: Refining the Traditions. Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (328 p)


Canadian Penology: Advanced Perspectives and Research. (with K. McCormick) Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (460pp)


Understanding Policing (with K. McCormick) Canadian Scholars’ Press. Toronto. (705pp)


This Idle Trade. VitaSana Books. Concord, Ont. (389 pages


Deviant Designations: Crime, Law and Deviance in Canada (with T. Fleming). (490pp) Butterworth. Toronto. (reprinted 1987)


Journal Articles


“Degrees Of Freedom: The Applied Degree As The Pedagogy Of Praxis, Dialectics Of Discipline And The Primacy Of Partnerships”, College Quarterly, Summer Volume 7 Number 3. (23pp)


“The Role of Law in the Rule of Economics: a Critical Study of Ghana’s Labour Laws” (with N.Bastine) Journal of Asian and African Studies Volume 38, Issue 1.


Law and the Culture of Capital: A Critical Perspective on Labour’s Right to Associate in Developing Societies” (with N.Bastine) Journal of Developing Societies.1, January 2vol. 18, no. 1, pp. 1-22(22)


“War on Drugs: From The Politics of Punishment to the Prospects of Peacekeeping” Addictions: An International Research Journal vol. 1 (Fall): 81-95.


“Crime As A Commodity: Police Use of Informers” Journal of Human Justice (Autumn), vol. 2 no. 1: 105-114.


“The Socialization of Street Kids”, Sociological Studies of Child Development, vol. 3: 139-161


“Equality and Multiculturalism” (with R. Doyle) Journal of Law and Social Policy, vol. 3 (Jan.): 21-35


Conference Papers


“The Hermeneutics of Youth Crime: From an Ontology of Conformity to a Metaphysics of Resistance”, San Francisco, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, November .


“Ideologizing Race, Rationalizing Racism and Racializing Space: Carceral Connections”. Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 26.


“Youth Crime as Conformity: Criminological Obfuscations and the Ontology of Resistance”, Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 28.


“Logic of multiculturalism as rationalized neoliberalism” Canadian Sociology Association, Brock University, May 28.


“Transformative Teaching Transitions as Stages of Subversion and Pedagogies of Praxis: from tethered triangles, cynical cycles to connecting circles”, Teaching and Learning Symposium on Talking Transitions, The Lougheed Teaching and Learning Centre of Excellence at Huntington University, Sudbury, May 2.Keynote Address


“ (In)Securities in Cyber ‘Security’”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, November 20.


“Hermeneutics as Anarchic Criminology”, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Chicago, November 17.


“Trauma of Dislocation: Refuge in Multicultural Canada”, Canadian Sociology Association, University of Waterloo (Congress) Tuesday, May 29.


“Beyond the Slogans: prospects for authentic community- university engagement”. Engage 2012: Contemporary Communities Conference, University of Guelph, March 17. Keynote


(Dis) Order and the Anarchism of Hermeneutics”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Toronto, March 05.


“Cultural Contradictions of Delinquency: Youth Gambling in Canada”, 3rd Annual At-risk Youth & the Law Conference, Durham College, Oshawa, workshop leader and keynote workshop speaker March 30.


“Conformity and the War on Terror: locating the ideological - institutional nexus” Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Concordia University, June 01, 2010 (invited by session chair W. Crichlow)


“Legal Hermeneutics and Anarchic Criminologies: Justice in Action”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Boston, March 14.


“Towards a critical cultural theory of criminological curriculum” and “Ontological Hermeneutics and Anarchic Epistemologies .” Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Toronto, Oct 3-4.


“Courting Opinion: The Differential Impact of the Media on the Administration of Criminal Justice”, Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Seattle, March 14.


Institutionalizing the Informal: the Impact of Ideology on "Criminal" Identities ” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology (read by Dr D. Baker) Los Angeles, November .


“Ontonomology: The Rootedness of Canadian Critical Criminology”, Annual Meeting, Canadian Society of Criminology, Toronto, April 10.


“Crime as Conformity: Youth Resistance and Peacekeeping” Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology”, Nashville, November 19.


"The Impact of the Media on Delinquency: Preliminary findings of a cross sectional study" Annual Meeting of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences, Las Vegas, March .


“Reclaiming the Community and Securing the Social” International Outlook Conference on Human Security, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand, November 10 -12.


Cool Cultures and Mediocre Messages: Differential Impact of the Media on Delinquency”.55nd Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology, Denver, November 20.


“Mediated Moralities” Summer School of Cultural Studies, Morality and Narratives, Summer School of Cultural Studies, Network Cultural Studies and Research Unit for Contemporary Culture, University of Jyvaskyla, Jyvaskyla Finland May 20 .(Previous invited speakers G. Spivak, S. Hall)


Conference Proceedings


“The Applied Degree as the Pedagogy of Praxis, Dialectics of Discipline and the Primacy of Partnerships" Report of the Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on The Applied Degree, Applied Degree Conference, CAATS.


“The Culture of Connectedness” Report of the Proceedings of the 1st Tapestry of Teaching Conference”, Georgian College, Keynote Address Nov 4, (14pp).


Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/HREQ4450 6.0 A Advanced Theories of Rights & Equity SEMR