Linda Carozza

Dr. Carozza’s academic background is in Argumentation Theory; her current interests have grown and are interdisciplinary in nature. She advocates for emotional arguments. As a mediator her experience informs her argumentation research. Her passion lies in the classroom with students - teaching critical reasoning. Teaching in the MODR program within the Department of Philosophy is a daily reminder of philosophy put into real practice, and one of Dr. Carozza’s greatest joys is receiving emails from students about the usefulness of MODR courses in their personal lives and careers. She is a new co-author of the 6th edition of Good Reasoning Matters! (forthcoming 2023, Oxford University Press).
Having taught in blended and online formats since 2012, Dr. Carozza has formally studied e-learning. She founded an E-learning Community of Practice on campus in 2019 that includes instructors and educational staff from across different faculties at York University. She has several publications on the topic of digital pedagogy.
Philosophy, PhD, York UniversityPhilosophy, MA, University of Windsor
Research Interests
Groarke, L. A., Tindale, C. W., & Carozza, L. (forthcoming 2023). Good reasoning matters! A constructive approach to critical thinking (6th ed.). Broadview Press.
Carozza, L. & Gennaro, S. (2021). Post-pandemic pedagogy: Compassionate and caring
course curriculum in the digital university. In Post-Pandemic Pedagogy: A Paradigm Shift. Ed. J. M. Valenzano III. Lexington Books.
Gilbert, M. A. & Carozza, L. Not arguing logically is not illogical: Other ways of communicating arguments. An interview conducted by Linda Carozza. Argumentation et Analyse du Discours, 2024.
Kim, A. S. N., Carozza, L., & Sandford, A. The importance of quality and quantity: An investigation into the influence of accuracy and frequency of retrieval practice on learning. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3 (2), 2024.
Carozza, L. (2022). Amenable Argumentation Approach: Accommodating Emotional Arguments. Informal Logic, 42(3).
Carozza, L., Kim, A. S. N., Zaki-Azat, J., Pham, S., Liczner, K. (2022). Reflections during a global pandemic: Co-creation of research with student partners. International Journal for Students as Partners special section on Partnership in Fostering Socially-Just Pedagogies.
Carozza, L. & Gennaro, S. (2022). Reflections on best practices for online teaching:
Ethnographies from the front lines. Journal of e-learning Research. DOI: 10.33422/jelr.v1i1.49
Kim, A. S. N., Nairn, B., Popovic, C., Carozza, L., & Balidio, E. (2020). Participation is predictive of individual, but not group, work in the context of a blended general education course. In The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Special Issue on blended and online learning in postsecondary education in Canada, 11(3).
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | TUTR |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | TUTR |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | TUTR |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | ONLN |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | N | Techniques of Persuasion | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/MODR1790 6.0 | A | Reasoning In Everyday Language | LECT |
Dr. Carozza’s academic background is in Argumentation Theory; her current interests have grown and are interdisciplinary in nature. She advocates for emotional arguments. As a mediator her experience informs her argumentation research. Her passion lies in the classroom with students - teaching critical reasoning. Teaching in the MODR program within the Department of Philosophy is a daily reminder of philosophy put into real practice, and one of Dr. Carozza’s greatest joys is receiving emails from students about the usefulness of MODR courses in their personal lives and careers. She is a new co-author of the 6th edition of Good Reasoning Matters! (forthcoming 2023, Oxford University Press).
Having taught in blended and online formats since 2012, Dr. Carozza has formally studied e-learning. She founded an E-learning Community of Practice on campus in 2019 that includes instructors and educational staff from across different faculties at York University. She has several publications on the topic of digital pedagogy.
Philosophy, PhD, York UniversityPhilosophy, MA, University of Windsor
Research Interests
All Publications
Carozza, L. & Gennaro, S. (2021). Post-pandemic pedagogy: Compassionate and caring
course curriculum in the digital university. In Post-Pandemic Pedagogy: A Paradigm Shift. Ed. J. M. Valenzano III. Lexington Books.
Groarke, L. A., Tindale, C. W., & Carozza, L. (forthcoming 2023). Good reasoning matters! A constructive approach to critical thinking (6th ed.). Broadview Press.
Gilbert, M. A. & Carozza, L. Not arguing logically is not illogical: Other ways of communicating arguments. An interview conducted by Linda Carozza. Argumentation et Analyse du Discours, 2024.
Kim, A. S. N., Carozza, L., & Sandford, A. The importance of quality and quantity: An investigation into the influence of accuracy and frequency of retrieval practice on learning. Open Scholarship of Teaching and Learning 3 (2), 2024.
Carozza, L. (2022). Amenable Argumentation Approach: Accommodating Emotional Arguments. Informal Logic, 42(3).
Carozza, L., Kim, A. S. N., Zaki-Azat, J., Pham, S., Liczner, K. (2022). Reflections during a global pandemic: Co-creation of research with student partners. International Journal for Students as Partners special section on Partnership in Fostering Socially-Just Pedagogies.
Carozza, L. & Gennaro, S. (2022). Reflections on best practices for online teaching:
Ethnographies from the front lines. Journal of e-learning Research. DOI: 10.33422/jelr.v1i1.49
Kim, A. S. N., Nairn, B., Popovic, C., Carozza, L., & Balidio, E. (2020). Participation is predictive of individual, but not group, work in the context of a blended general education course. In The Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Special Issue on blended and online learning in postsecondary education in Canada, 11(3).
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | TUTR |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | TUTR |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | TUTR |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | S | Techniques of Persuasion | ONLN |
Winter 2025 | AP/MODR1770 6.0 | N | Techniques of Persuasion | ONLN |
Fall/Winter 2024 | AP/MODR1790 6.0 | A | Reasoning In Everyday Language | LECT |