
Lorne Foster

Photo of Lorne Foster

School of Public Policy and Administration

Director, Institute for Social Research (ISR)
York Research Chair in Black Canadian Studies & Human Rights (Tier 1)

Office: 5054 Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Bldg.
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 44661
Email: lfoster@yorku.ca
Primary website: http://www.yorku.ca/lfoster
Secondary website: Institute for Social Research (ISR)

Attached CV

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Lorne Foster is Professor, School of Public Policy & Administration (SPPA). He holds the York Research Chair in Black Canadian Studies & Human Rights (Tier 1). As the Director of the Institute for Social Research (ISR), Dr. Foster oversees the leading university-based survey research centre in Canada. He is past Academic Director, Statistics Canada Research Data Centre (RDC); and the inaugural Chair, Race Inclusion and Supportive Environments (RISE). In his university service, he is currently the Chair of the Community Safety Council (CSC); and is a member of the President’s Advisory Committee on Human Rights (PACHR). Dr. Foster is also the Director of the Diversity & Human Rights Certificate (DHRC), which he established in partnership with the Human Resources Professional Association (HRPA). This initiative is the first academic-industry partnership sponsored by a regulatory organization.


Today, as a member of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies (LA&PS), Dr. Foster’s work on public policy formation and scholarship on the human rights approach to inclusive organizational change ranks among the best in its field and has consistently opened doors to new scholarly explorations through a synergistic laboratory of academic-industry collaborations. His pedagogical achievements include curricular selection as an original and active member of the Black Canadian Studies Certificate, introducing a more diverse curriculum to the University’s multicultural student body. In 2019, he was honoured with the creation of the eponymous graduate studies Foster-Greene Award for Excellence in Public Policy, Administration and Law — “the commemorative MPPAL Alumni Award named after the program’s two inaugural Directors — Professors Ian Greene and Lorne Foster — who were instrumental to the program’s success.”

A critical part of Dr. Foster’s work is public engagement and building relationships beyond the traditional scope of academia, with the mission of informing public debate, equity policies, and inclusive practice. His major knowledge mobilization research initiatives in the last 10 years include:

(1) In 2023, he served as an External Expert Consultant for the Office of Equity and Anti-Racism Initiative and the Government of Nova Scotia under the authority of the Dismantling Racism and Hate Act, 2022 — assisting in the development of the province’s first Race Data Standard as well as the procedural regulations for the collection, use, and management of race-related data in Nova Scotia.

(2) In 2022, he became the Principal Investigator for York Regional Police Service (YRPS). “Anti-Racism Training" (2022–2024) York Regional Police Service and York Regional Police Services Board.

(3) In 2022, he served as Principal Investigator for York Regional Police Service (YRPS). “Racialized Community Relationship Development Project.” York Regional Police Service and York Regional Police Services Board.

(4) In 2021, he served an External Expert Consultant for the Toronto Police Service (TPS) Race and Identity-Based Data Collection Strategy (2021–2022) — reviewing the TPS’ Use of Force data and practices.

(5) In 2021, he became the Co-Principal Investigator for the Peel Regional Police (PRP) Human Rights-Based Race Data Collection Strategy (2021–2024) — examining the full range of Peel police-civilian interactions, for the fifth largest jurisdiction in Canada.

(6) In 2019, he became Principal Investigator of a major SSHRC Partnership Development Grant (2019–2022) grant for a project on “Blackness in Canada” — research examining Black Canadian identity, practice, and experiences with the intent to build networks aimed at equity policy development, implementation and outcomes.

(7) He also served as the Co-Principal Investigator for the Ottawa Police Service (OPS) Traffic Stop Race-Based Data Collection Project (2016–2019) — comparative research analysis of three years of race data collected by Ottawa Police following his landmark 2013–2015 “racial profiling” study in Ottawa.

(8) In 2018, he co-led a whole-of-government review of the Discrimination and Harassment Prevention (WDHP) Program and the Respectful Workplace Policy (RWP) for the Cabinet Office, Ontario Public Service.

(9) In 2017–2018, he was one of three expert consultants for the Anti-Racism Directorate (ARD) and the Government of Ontario on the Anti-Racism Act, 2017 — assisting in the development of the province’s first Race Data Standard as well as the procedural regulations for the collection, use, and management of race-related data in Ontario.

(10) In 2017–2018, Dr. Foster was an expert consultant for the Independent Street Check (Carding) Review conducted by the Honourable Mr. Justice Michael H. Tulloch.

(11) In 2017, he also co-led human rights training for all Principals and Managers in the York Region District School Board (YRDSB) — the province’s third largest school board, with an enrollment of over 122,000 students.

(12) In 2016, he was the co-lead academic organizer for the Racial Profiling Policy Dialogue, in partnership with the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) and the Institute for Social Research (ISR).

(13) In 2015–2016, he was the Co-Principal Investigator for the Windsor Police Service’ (WPS) “Human Rights Evaluation Project,” conducting a human rights review and assessment of all WPS policies.

(14) From 2013–2016, he led the York University Research Team in conducting the Ottawa Police Service’ (OPS) Traffic Stop Race Data Collection Project (TSRDCP), the largest race-based data collection study in Canadian policing history.

(15) In 2010–2016, Dr. Foster was a Canada Research Team Member for the SSHRC Major Collaborative Research Initiative Asia Pacific Dispute Resolution Project, housed at the Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia (2003–2016) — centred on the dynamic relationship between international trade and human rights law in Pacific Rim countries.

(16) In 2010–2011, he was the co-lead academic organizer for the first Canada-China Forum on International Labour Relations and Employment Standards, in Beijing China.

(17) In 2010, he also partnered with the OHRC and Canadian Race Relations Foundation (CRRF) in conjunction with Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination (locally called CCMARD) — to develop and publish an inventory of “best practice” tools that is now used as a standard for municipalities to combat racism across the province.

(18) In 2009–2012, he was the co-lead academic organizer for the Competing Human Rights Dialogue in partnership with the OHRC, which culminated in the development of the first competing rights policy by any commission in the world.

His current research focus is on human rights and public policy linkages as they relate to the areas of race and ethnicity.


Ph.D. Sociology, York University

Professional Leadership

• Director, Institute for Social Research • Director, Diversity & Human Rights Certificate • Chair, Community Safety Council • Director, Master of Public Policy, Administration and Law, 2009–2013 • Adjunct Scholar, Multicultural History Society of Ontario, U of T • Member, Institute of Public Administration of Canada (IPAC) • Fellow of McLaughlin College, York University • Affiliate Member, CERIS — The Ontario Metropolis Centre • Affiliated Faculty, Centre For Refugee Studies • Member, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association • Member, Centre for Public Policy and Law • Member, Centre for Practical Ethics

Community Contributions

Adjudication Panel — Morley S. Wolfe Anti-Racism Youth Book Competition from 2006 to 2008. The youth book awards are an annual event sponsored by Toronto Residents in Partnership promoting anti-racism and anti-discrimination in public schools.

African Cultural Advisory Board, Toronto Zoo from 2005 to 2010. The Advisory Board provides community overview for the African Cultural Program at Canada’s premier zoo, known for its interactive education, conservation activities, and unique wildlife experience. The Board’s mandate is to inspire people through cultural expression to live in ways that promote the well-being of the natural world.

Multiculturalism in Action Youth Project from 2004 to 2008. Multiculturalism in Action is an acclaimed education program for public schools that is designed to teach school children aged 6 to 12 about issues relating to multiculturalism and tolerance through puppetry. The success of the project, in the initial pilot project for the Toronto District School Board, has led to the development of national outreach.

Ethno-Racial Coalition and Social Action Committee (ERCSA) from 2003 to 2005. ERCSA is a multi-ethnic and multi-racial organization dedicated to the enhancement of multiculturalism and economic inclusion in society and community capacity building. ERCSA is engaged in public education forums, business mentoring, and youth leadership development projects in minority and inner-city communities.

Canadians Against Slavery and Torture (CAST) from 2003 to 2013. CAST is a community coalition and campaign that is dedicated to public education. CAST acts as political lobby against the existence of slavery in the Sudan and torture in the global society.

Toronto Residents in Partnership (TRIP) from 2002 to 2010. TRIP is a not-for-profit corporation (successor to the North York Committee on Community, Race and Ethnic Relations), mandated to promote racial harmony and understanding through programs in the areas of community development, education, and police services.

Director for the Concerned Kids Charities of Toronto (Communication through Puppetry) from 2002 to 2006. As a member of the Board of Directors, I oversee the organizational commitment to public awareness and education for primary and secondary school children in various anti-discrimination programs.

Blacks & Jews in Dialogue (BJD) of the League for Human Rights from 1999 to 2004. The League for Human Rights was a finalist for the 2001 Canadian Race Relations Foundation Award of Excellence. BJD’s goal is to build community partnerships and to strengthen existing alliances within communities. Its mandate is to promote better understanding of cultural diversity, particularly among youth. It also provides a manual containing models of programming for Black and Jewish communities across the country, which can be adapted for other joint community dialogues and initiatives.

Taking Action Against Hate Project, League for Human Rights from 2001 to 2004. I help conduct public education and awareness workshops for school districts, law enforcement organizations, and community and professional associations focusing on hate and hate crimes in a human rights context. I have also been instrumental in launching a training manual entitled “Taking Action Against Hate” that has become a standard resource for governmental and non-governmental organizations in the field of anti-discrimination work.

Member, Urban Alliance on Race Relations (UARR) from 1986 to 2000. The UARR is a non-profit charitable organization consisting of and engaged in seminars and conferences on race relations concerns. The UARR works with Boards of Education to develop and implement policies and programs, and it works with police to improve relations with minority racial communities.

Research Interests

Multiculturalism , Race and Racism, Political Economy, Youth, Public Policy Analysis, Public Policy Formation & Human Rights