
Lesley J Higgins

Photo of Lesley J Higgins

Department of English


Office: Atkinson Building, 544
Phone: (416)736-2100 Ext: 22344
Email: 19higgins55@gmail.com

Lesley Higgins’s research and teaching interests include modernist and Victorian literary culture, gender studies and feminist critique, textual studies, and poetry. She is the author of The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics (New York: Palgrave, 2002) and co-editor of Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire (Greensboro: ELT Press, 2004). For Oxford University Press, she is co-general editor of the nine-volume Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Her edition of Hopkins’s Oxford Essays, 1863-1868 appeared in fall 2006; the Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks, 2015; and the Dublin Notebook (co-edited with Michael Suarez, S.J.), 2014. With David Latham, she is the co-general editor of Oxford UP’s Collected Works of Walter Pater, a ten-volume project supported by a $175,000 SSHRC grant. Her essays can be found in College Literature, English Literature in Transition, Gender in Joyce, Nineteenth-Century Prose, Rethinking Marxism, Southern Review, Victorian Poetry, and Victorian Studies.



Ph.D., Queen’s University
M.A., Queen’s University
B.A., Brock University

Professional Leadership

Modern Language Association
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English
International Hopkins Association
International Walter Pater Society

Research Interests

, English literature, editorial theory and practice, modernism, world literature and modernism

Current Research Projects


    In collaboration with my colleague, Marie-Christine Leps, I am developing a book-length study, of Foucault, Woolf, and Ondaatje.

    See more
Virginia Woolf monograph


    Together with colleague Marie-Christine Leps, I am completing a monograph on Virginia Woolf, Michel Foucault, and Michael Ondaatje.

    See more
"Hopkins's Macabre Imagination"


    My current Hopkins project concerns “Hopkins’s macabre imagination.”

    See more


Gerard Manley Hopkins, Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks, vol. III in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2015. 772 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks, vol. III in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2015. 772 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, The Dublin Notebook, vol. VII in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, co-edited with Michael Suarez, S.J. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2014. 304 pp.


House, Humphry. The Youth of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1868. Ed. Lesley Higgins. Special publication of the Hopkins Quarterly XXXVII, 1-4 (2010). 218 pp.


House, Humphry. The Youth of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1868. Ed. Lesley Higgins. Hopkins Quarterly 37.1‒4 (2010): 1-220.


Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts, co-edited with Dr. Elicia Clements (York). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 260 pp.


Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts, co-edited with Elicia Clements.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 260 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, Oxford Essays and Notes, Volume 4 of The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 368 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, Oxford Essays and Notes, vol. IV in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 368 pp.


The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics. New York: Palgrave / St. Martin’s, 2002. 312 pp.


The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics. New York: Palgrave / St. Martin’s, 2002. 312 pp.


The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics. New York: Palgrave / St. Martin’s, 2002. 312 pp.


Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire, co-edited with Drs. Laurel Brake (University of London) and Carolyn Williams (Rutgers University). Durham, NC: ELT Press, 2002. 380 pp.


Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire, co-edited with Laurel Brake and Carolyn Williams. Durham, NC: ELT Press, 2002. 380 pp


Book Chapters


“Privileging the Later Pater: The Choice of Copy-Text for the Collected Works.” Co-authored with David Latham. Testing New Opinions and Courting New Impressions: New Perspectives on Walter Pater. Ed. Anne-Florence Gillard-Estrada, Martine Lambert-Charbonnier, and Charlotte Ribeyrol. London: Routledge, 2018, 37–50.


“‘Facing Governments’: Imagining World Citizenship with Woolf, Foucault, and Ondaatje.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. Mapping Nations, Locating Citizens: Interdisciplinary Discussions on Nationalism and Identity, ed. Daniel Hambly. Humber Press, 2017, 7–21.


“Introduction. The Aesthetic Life: Thinking Across the Arts and the Senses.” Co-authored with Elicia Clements. In Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 1-10.


“The ‘Necessity’ of Corot and Whistler in Pater’s ‘Network’ of Painters.” In Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 47-67.


“The Incongruous Life of Norman MacKenzie.” In Norman MacKenzie, A Reader’s Guide to Gerard Manley Hopkins.” 2nd ed. Ed. Catherine Phillips. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2008. 273-277.


“‘To prove him with hard questions”: Degrees of answerability in Hopkins’s Writings.” Soundings: Hopkins Studies in Transition. Ed. Cary H. Plotkin. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s UP, 2007. 97-126.


“A ‘thousand solaces’ for the Modern Spirit: Walter Pater’s Religious Discourse.” In Victorian Religious Discourse: New Directions in Criticism. Ed. Jude Nixon. New York: Palgrave, 2004. 189-204.


“Writing subjects of governance– Woolf and Foucault.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Proteus Im Spiegel: Kritische Theorie des Subjekts. Eds. Paul Geyer and Monika Schmitz-Emans. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003. 387-397.


“Following Hopkins.” In Hopkins Variations: Standing round a Waterfall. Ed. Joaquin Kuhn and Joseph Feeney. New York: Fordham UP, 2002. 23-28.


“From Contingency to Essence: Fictions of Identity in Novels and Films.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Virginia Woolf: Turning the Centuries. Ed. Bonnie Kime Scott. New York: Pace UP, 2000. 276-283.


“Hopkins, Gerard Manley.” The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 6th ed. Ed. Margaret Drabble. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. 494-495.


“Mrs Dalloway and Orlando: The Subject of Time and Generic Transactions.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Classics in Film and Fiction. Ed. Deborah Cartmell, I.Q. Hunter, et al. London: Pluto P, 2000. 116-136.


“Pater, Walter Horatio.” The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 6th ed. Ed. Margaret Drabble. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. 769-770.


“‘The Wreck of the Deutschland.’” The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 6th ed. Ed. Margaret Drabble. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. 1117-1118.


“Passport, please: legal, literary, and critical fictions of identity.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Undisciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture. Ed. Kostas Myrsiades and Linda Myrsiades. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. 117-168.


“‘Lovely seaside girls’ or ‘Sweet murderers of men’? Fatal women in Ulysses.” In Gender in Joyce. Ed. Marlene Corcoran and Jolanta Wawrzycka. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1997. 47-61.


“‘Bone-house’ or ‘lovescape’: writing the body in Hopkins’s poetry.” In Rereading Hopkins: Selected New Essays. Ed. Frank Fennell. Victoria: U of Victoria P, 1996. 11-35.


“‘I Think We Are in Rats’ Alley’: Modernism and the ‘Cult of Ugliness.’” In The Force of Vision, I: Dramas of Desire; Visions of Beauty. Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress. Ed. Roseann Runte. Tokyo: International Comparative Literature Association, 1995. 508-517.


“The ‘piecemeal peace’ of Hopkins’s return to Oxford, 1878-1879.” In Gerard Manley Hopkins and Critical Discourse. Georgia State Literary Series. Ed. Eugene Hollahan. Atlanta: AMS Press, 1993. 167-182.


“Essaying ‘W. H. Pater Esq.’: New Perspectives on the Tutor/ Student Relationship Between Pater and Hopkins.” In Pater in the 1990s. Ed. Laurel Brake and Ian Small. Greensboro: ELT Press, 1991. 77-94.


“T. S. Eliot and the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” T.S. Eliot: Essays from “The Southern Review.” Ed. James Olney. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1988. 131-143.


“‘Strange Webs of Melancholy’: Shelleyan echoes in Thomas Hardy’s The Woodlanders.” In Hardy Annual No. 5. In Norman Page. London: Macmillan, 1987. 38-46.


“No time for Pater: the Silenced Other of Masculinist Modernism.” Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire. 37-54.

Book Reviews


Charles Martindale, Stefano Evangelista, and Elizabeth Prettejohn, eds. Pater the Classicist: Classical Scholarship, Reception, and Aestheticism. Classical Review, April 2018.


Catherine Maxwell, Second sight: The Visionary Imagination in Late Victorian Literature. Victorian Studies 52.1 (Autumn 2009): 161-2.


Patrick O’Malley, Catholicism, Sexual Deviance, and Victorian Gothic Culture. Nineteenth-Century Literature 62.3 (December 2007): 421-24.


Patrick O’Malley, Catholicism, Sexual Deviance, and Victorian Gothic Culture. Pater Newsletter (Spring 2007): 3-7.


Elizabeth Prettejohn, ed., After the PreRaphaelites: Art and Aestheticism in Victorian England. Pater Newsletter (Spring 2002): 12-21.


Linda Dowling, Hellenism and Homosexuality in Victorian Oxford. Pater Newsletter (Winter 1996): 14-15.


Margaret Ellsberg, Created to Praise: The Language of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Hopkins Quarterly 20.1-2 (Winter-Spring 1993): 52-57.


Journal Articles


Special Hopkins issue, Victorian Poetry, vol. 56, no. 2, Summer 2018; 206 pp.


Introduction. House, Humphry. The Youth of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1868. Hopkins Quarterly XXXVII, 1-4 (2010): iii-x.


“Walter Pater and the ‘Laws’ of Victorian Iconography.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies (Autumn 2010): 1-12.


“The politics of life after death: Ondaatje’s Ghost.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. Journal of Postcolonial Writing 45.2 (June 2009): 201-212.


“A Walter Pater Webliography.” The Pater Newsletter 53 (Spring 2008): 23-51.


“A ‘Complex, Multiform Creature’ No More: Governmentality Getting Wilde.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. College Literature 35.3 (Summer 2008): 96-119.


“Walter Pater: Painting the Nineteenth Century.” English Literature in Transition 50.4 (Fall 2007): 1-39.


“Publication News: The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” The Hopkins Quarterly 32.1-2 (Winter 2005): 47-51.


“Norman Hugh MacKenzie, 1915-2004: An Incongruous Life.” The Hopkins Quarterly 31.1-4 (Winter-Fall 2004): xv-xix.


“Chameleon” words: gender inflections in Ruskin’s aesthetic and sociological discourses.” The Journal of PreRaphaelite Studies (Fall 2002): 5-32.


“‘To prove him with hard questions’: Answerability in Hopkins’s writings.” Victorian Poetry 39.1 (Spring 2001): 37-68.
Revised and published in The Hopkins Quarterly 31.1-4 (Winter-Fall 2004): 97-126; and Soundings: Hopkins Studies in Transition (2007).


“Rethinking the Exercise of Power: The Case of the Passport v. Mobility Rights.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. Rethinking Marxism 11.4 (1999): 113-127.


“Passport, please: legal, literary, and critical fictions of identity.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. College Literature 25.1 (Winter 1998): 94-138.


“But who is ‘she’?: female subjectivity in Pater’s writings.” Nineteenth-Century Prose 24.2 (Fall 1997): 37-65.


“Hopkins and friends at Oxford: a new perspective.” The Hopkins Quarterly 21.1-2 (Winter-Spring 1994; pub. 1996): 3-22.


“Uncommon lives: Fr. Hopkins and Fr. Bacon.” The Hopkins Quarterly 21.3-4 (Summer-Fall 1994; pub. 1996): 77-96.


“Doubting Pater: religious discourse and the ‘conditions of modern life.’” English Literature in Transition 38.3 (Autumn 1995): 285-303.


“‘She rears herself’: feminist possibilities in Hopkins’s poetry.” Studies 84.334 (Summer 1995): 130-140.


“Jowett and Pater: Trafficking in Platonic Wares.” Victorian Studies 37.1 (Autumn 1993): 43-72.


“Making ‘connections’: medieval master-narratives and Ezra Pound’s fascism.” English Studies in Canada 18.4 (December 1992): 447-460.


“A New Catalogue of the Hopkins Collection at Campion Hall.” The Hopkins Quarterly 18.1-2 (April/July 1991): 9-44.


“Concluding or occluding gestures: how appropriate is Pater’s ‘Conclusion’ to The Renaissance?” Dalhousie Review 69.3 (Fall 1990): 349-356.


“Pastoral meets Melodrama in Hardy’s The Woodlanders.” The Thomas Hardy Journal VI.2 (June 1990): 111-125.


“Fixity versus flux: Gerard Manley Hopkins and the discourse of development.” The New Welsh Review 2.3 (Winter 1989/1990): 25-29.

“Heraclitean Fire and Eucharistic Flame: the poetry of transformation in Hopkins.” The Month CCL.1463 (November 1989): 423-428.


“Hopkins and ‘The Jowler.’” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 31.1 (Spring 1989): 143-167.


“T. S. Eliot and the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” The Southern Review 24.2 (Spring 1988): 291-302.


Conference Papers


“Pater and the ‘laws’ of Victorian iconography” was presented at the annual VSAO (Victorian Studies Association of Ontario) conference, York University, in April 2010. [refereed]


The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins: Ethical Dilemmas, Editorial Responsibilities, and Scholarly Publishing Today” was presented at the annual SHARP (Society for the History of Authors, Reading, and Publishing) conference, University of Toronto, in June 2009. [refereed]


“Editing Hopkins; or, The Search for the Cardinal’s Girlfriend” was presented at the inaugural Symposium of the Victorian Studies Network at York, October 2008. [invited]


“How to write an ‘experience’ text: Woolf and Foucault on ‘sharing knowledge,’” co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps, was presented at the annual Canadian Comparative Literature Association conference, University of British Columbia, in May 2008. [refereed]


“Editing Hopkins” was presented at the International Hopkins Conference, University College, Dublin, in October 2007. [refereed]


“Ondaatje’s explosive aesthetics: when rerouting becomes routing,” co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps, was presented at the “Rerouting the Postcolonial Conference,” University of Northampton, England, in July 2007. [refereed]


“Walter Pater: Painting the 19th Century” was presented at the International Walter Pater Conference, Rutgers University, in July 2006. [refereed]


“Governmentality Gone Wilde: or, when is an ‘individual’ not a ‘sodomite’?,” co-written with Marie-Christine Leps, North American Victorian Studies Association conference, “Victorian Frontiers,” Toronto, October 2004. [refereed]


“Hopkins: Confessing the Flesh,” the keynote address at Hopkins 2004, University of Oxford, September 2004. [invited]


“‘Something so varied and wandering’: the possibilities of a ‘restless’ subjectivity,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, 13th annual Virginia Woolf Conference (Smith College, Massachusetts), June 2003. [refereed]


“Incalculable, not capricious: Whistler’s Japoniste discourse,” Modern Language Association Conference, New York, December 2002. [refereed]


“No time for Pater: the Silenced Other of Masculinist Modernism,” Reading Pater at the Millennium, University of Oxford, July 2000. [refereed]


“Writing subjects of governance– Woolf and Foucault,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, “Critical Theory of the Subject in the 20th Century” Symposium, Universitaet zu Koeln, September 2000. [invited]


“The Subject of Time in Mrs Dalloway and Orlando (Novels and Films),” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, 9th annual Virginia Woolf Conference (University of Delaware), June 1999. [refereed]


“‘To prove him with hard questions’: degrees of answerability in Hopkins’s writings,” First Annual Meeting of the American Hopkins Society, Regis University, Denver, Colorado, March 1999. [refereed]


“Identifying presences: life forms in Woolf’s novels and their films,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, Representing Identities: Biography and Autobiography, the 23rd Annual Colloquium on Modern Literature and Film, West Virginia University, October 1998. [refereed]


“Theory, Writing, History: Foucault and Woolf on governmentality,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, Histories of Theory Conference, University of Western Ontario, in April 1998. [refereed]


“But who is ‘she’: female subjectivity in Pater’s writings,” Third International Pater Conference, “Walter Pater and His Circle,” West Virginia University (Morgantown, West Virginia), August 1996. [refereed]


“Mobile homes: Legal, economic, and governmental implications of ‘mobility rights’ in our times,” co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps, The Changing Languages of Marxism, December 1996, in Amherst, Massachusetts. [invited]


“Doubting Pater: religious discourse and the ‘conditions of modern life,’” Pater Centenary Conference, “Pater and fin de siècle culture,” University of Kent (Canterbury, England), July 1994. [refereed]


“Pater and Plato,” Walter Pater Centenary Colloquium, Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti, Michigan), July 1994. [invited]


“‘She rears herself’ in Hopkins’s poetry: feminist possibilities,” 7th annual International Hopkins Summer School in Monasterevin, Ireland, July 1994. [invited]


“Change for the worse: discourses of devolution in late 19th century British literature,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Montreal, May 1991. [refereed]


Japonisme, gender, and Jimmy: re-viewing Whistler’s paintings,” Canadian Association for American Studies, Vancouver, October 1991. [refereed]


“Medieval master-narratives and the roots of Ezra Pound’s fascism” [revised], ACUTE, the Association of Canadian University Teachers of English, Kingston, May 1991. [refereed]


“‘I think we are in rats’ alley’: modernism and the cult of ugliness,” 13th Congress, International Comparative Literature Association, in Tokyo, in August 1991. [refereed]


“Fatal women and femme fatality in Joyce’s Ulysses,” 4th annual James Joyce Birthday Conference, Miami, Florida, February 1990. [refereed]


“Gender and/in Joyce: mamafesta or woeman’s land?,” 12th International James Joyce Symposium, Monte Carlo, Monaco, June 1990. [invited]


“Medieval master-narratives and the roots of Ezra Pound’s fascism,” YUMARA (York University Medieval and Renaissance Association), March 1990. [refereed]


“Pater and Plato: recoding the text,” Modern Language Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 1990. [refereed]


“‘A man like a city and a woman like a flower’: gendered topographies in modern American poetry,” Canadian Association for American Studies, Montreal, November 1990. [refereed]


“Champion of fixity, prisoner of flux” [a study of Hopkins’s late poetry], Hopkins Centennial Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 1989. [refereed]


“Hopkins: Heraclitean fire and hieratic flame,” Conference on Christianity and Literature, University of Santa Clara, May 1989. [refereed]


“Walter Pater and the Rebirth of History,” YUMARA, March 1989. [refereed]


“Concluding or occluding gestures: how appropriate is Pater’s ‘Conclusion’ to The Renaissance?,” Atlantic University Teachers of English, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 1988. [refereed]


“Essaying Mr. Pater: new perspectives on the tutor/student relationship between Walter Pater and Gerard Hopkins,” International Pater Society conference, Queen’s College, Oxford, June 1988. [refereed]


“He had the experience but changed the meaning: T. S. Eliot reads G. M. Hopkins,” ACUTE, Windsor, Ontario, May 1987. [The same paper was presented at York University in October 1987 as part of the English Department’s Lecture Series.]


“‘Strange Webs of Melancholy’: the form and function of Shelleyan echoes in The Woodlanders,” ACUTE, Montreal, Quebec, May 1985.


Creative Works


Gerard Manley Hopkins:A Life Recollected, 24 pp. June 2010. I curated and wrote the catalogue for an exhibition of artifacts from the Bischoff Research Collection, Foley Library, Gonzaga University, which was prepared for the International Hopkins Conference at Gonzaga University, July 2010.


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/EN2100 6.0 A Poetry LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/EN2100 6.0 A Poetry TUTR

Lesley Higgins’s research and teaching interests include modernist and Victorian literary culture, gender studies and feminist critique, textual studies, and poetry. She is the author of The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics (New York: Palgrave, 2002) and co-editor of Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts (Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire (Greensboro: ELT Press, 2004). For Oxford University Press, she is co-general editor of the nine-volume Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Her edition of Hopkins’s Oxford Essays, 1863-1868 appeared in fall 2006; the Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks, 2015; and the Dublin Notebook (co-edited with Michael Suarez, S.J.), 2014. With David Latham, she is the co-general editor of Oxford UP’s Collected Works of Walter Pater, a ten-volume project supported by a $175,000 SSHRC grant. Her essays can be found in College Literature, English Literature in Transition, Gender in Joyce, Nineteenth-Century Prose, Rethinking Marxism, Southern Review, Victorian Poetry, and Victorian Studies.


Ph.D., Queen’s University
M.A., Queen’s University
B.A., Brock University

Professional Leadership

Modern Language Association
Association of Canadian College and University Teachers of English
International Hopkins Association
International Walter Pater Society

Research Interests

, English literature, editorial theory and practice, modernism, world literature and modernism

Current Research Projects


    In collaboration with my colleague, Marie-Christine Leps, I am developing a book-length study, of Foucault, Woolf, and Ondaatje.

Virginia Woolf monograph


    Together with colleague Marie-Christine Leps, I am completing a monograph on Virginia Woolf, Michel Foucault, and Michael Ondaatje.

"Hopkins's Macabre Imagination"


    My current Hopkins project concerns “Hopkins’s macabre imagination.”

All Publications

Book Chapters


“Privileging the Later Pater: The Choice of Copy-Text for the Collected Works.” Co-authored with David Latham. Testing New Opinions and Courting New Impressions: New Perspectives on Walter Pater. Ed. Anne-Florence Gillard-Estrada, Martine Lambert-Charbonnier, and Charlotte Ribeyrol. London: Routledge, 2018, 37–50.


“‘Facing Governments’: Imagining World Citizenship with Woolf, Foucault, and Ondaatje.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. Mapping Nations, Locating Citizens: Interdisciplinary Discussions on Nationalism and Identity, ed. Daniel Hambly. Humber Press, 2017, 7–21.


“Introduction. The Aesthetic Life: Thinking Across the Arts and the Senses.” Co-authored with Elicia Clements. In Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 1-10.


“The ‘Necessity’ of Corot and Whistler in Pater’s ‘Network’ of Painters.” In Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts (Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010), 47-67.


“The Incongruous Life of Norman MacKenzie.” In Norman MacKenzie, A Reader’s Guide to Gerard Manley Hopkins.” 2nd ed. Ed. Catherine Phillips. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s University Press, 2008. 273-277.


“‘To prove him with hard questions”: Degrees of answerability in Hopkins’s Writings.” Soundings: Hopkins Studies in Transition. Ed. Cary H. Plotkin. Philadelphia: Saint Joseph’s UP, 2007. 97-126.


“A ‘thousand solaces’ for the Modern Spirit: Walter Pater’s Religious Discourse.” In Victorian Religious Discourse: New Directions in Criticism. Ed. Jude Nixon. New York: Palgrave, 2004. 189-204.


“Writing subjects of governance– Woolf and Foucault.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Proteus Im Spiegel: Kritische Theorie des Subjekts. Eds. Paul Geyer and Monika Schmitz-Emans. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2003. 387-397.


“Following Hopkins.” In Hopkins Variations: Standing round a Waterfall. Ed. Joaquin Kuhn and Joseph Feeney. New York: Fordham UP, 2002. 23-28.


“From Contingency to Essence: Fictions of Identity in Novels and Films.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Virginia Woolf: Turning the Centuries. Ed. Bonnie Kime Scott. New York: Pace UP, 2000. 276-283.


“Hopkins, Gerard Manley.” The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 6th ed. Ed. Margaret Drabble. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. 494-495.


“Mrs Dalloway and Orlando: The Subject of Time and Generic Transactions.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Classics in Film and Fiction. Ed. Deborah Cartmell, I.Q. Hunter, et al. London: Pluto P, 2000. 116-136.


“Pater, Walter Horatio.” The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 6th ed. Ed. Margaret Drabble. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. 769-770.


“‘The Wreck of the Deutschland.’” The Oxford Companion to English Literature. 6th ed. Ed. Margaret Drabble. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2000. 1117-1118.


“Passport, please: legal, literary, and critical fictions of identity.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. In Undisciplining Literature: Literature, Law, and Culture. Ed. Kostas Myrsiades and Linda Myrsiades. New York: Peter Lang, 1999. 117-168.


“‘Lovely seaside girls’ or ‘Sweet murderers of men’? Fatal women in Ulysses.” In Gender in Joyce. Ed. Marlene Corcoran and Jolanta Wawrzycka. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1997. 47-61.


“‘Bone-house’ or ‘lovescape’: writing the body in Hopkins’s poetry.” In Rereading Hopkins: Selected New Essays. Ed. Frank Fennell. Victoria: U of Victoria P, 1996. 11-35.


“‘I Think We Are in Rats’ Alley’: Modernism and the ‘Cult of Ugliness.’” In The Force of Vision, I: Dramas of Desire; Visions of Beauty. Proceedings of the XIIIth Congress. Ed. Roseann Runte. Tokyo: International Comparative Literature Association, 1995. 508-517.


“The ‘piecemeal peace’ of Hopkins’s return to Oxford, 1878-1879.” In Gerard Manley Hopkins and Critical Discourse. Georgia State Literary Series. Ed. Eugene Hollahan. Atlanta: AMS Press, 1993. 167-182.


“Essaying ‘W. H. Pater Esq.’: New Perspectives on the Tutor/ Student Relationship Between Pater and Hopkins.” In Pater in the 1990s. Ed. Laurel Brake and Ian Small. Greensboro: ELT Press, 1991. 77-94.


“T. S. Eliot and the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” T.S. Eliot: Essays from “The Southern Review.” Ed. James Olney. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1988. 131-143.


“‘Strange Webs of Melancholy’: Shelleyan echoes in Thomas Hardy’s The Woodlanders.” In Hardy Annual No. 5. In Norman Page. London: Macmillan, 1987. 38-46.


“No time for Pater: the Silenced Other of Masculinist Modernism.” Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire. 37-54.

Book Reviews


Charles Martindale, Stefano Evangelista, and Elizabeth Prettejohn, eds. Pater the Classicist: Classical Scholarship, Reception, and Aestheticism. Classical Review, April 2018.


Catherine Maxwell, Second sight: The Visionary Imagination in Late Victorian Literature. Victorian Studies 52.1 (Autumn 2009): 161-2.


Patrick O’Malley, Catholicism, Sexual Deviance, and Victorian Gothic Culture. Nineteenth-Century Literature 62.3 (December 2007): 421-24.


Patrick O’Malley, Catholicism, Sexual Deviance, and Victorian Gothic Culture. Pater Newsletter (Spring 2007): 3-7.


Elizabeth Prettejohn, ed., After the PreRaphaelites: Art and Aestheticism in Victorian England. Pater Newsletter (Spring 2002): 12-21.


Linda Dowling, Hellenism and Homosexuality in Victorian Oxford. Pater Newsletter (Winter 1996): 14-15.


Margaret Ellsberg, Created to Praise: The Language of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Hopkins Quarterly 20.1-2 (Winter-Spring 1993): 52-57.




Gerard Manley Hopkins, Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks, vol. III in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2015. 772 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, Diaries, Journals, and Notebooks, vol. III in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2015. 772 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, The Dublin Notebook, vol. VII in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins, co-edited with Michael Suarez, S.J. Oxford: Oxford UP, 2014. 304 pp.


House, Humphry. The Youth of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1868. Ed. Lesley Higgins. Special publication of the Hopkins Quarterly XXXVII, 1-4 (2010). 218 pp.


House, Humphry. The Youth of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1868. Ed. Lesley Higgins. Hopkins Quarterly 37.1‒4 (2010): 1-220.


Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts, co-edited with Dr. Elicia Clements (York). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 260 pp.


Victorian Aesthetic Conditions: Pater Across the Arts, co-edited with Elicia Clements.
Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 260 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, Oxford Essays and Notes, Volume 4 of The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 368 pp.


Gerard Manley Hopkins, Oxford Essays and Notes, vol. IV in the Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2006. 368 pp.


The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics. New York: Palgrave / St. Martin’s, 2002. 312 pp.


The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics. New York: Palgrave / St. Martin’s, 2002. 312 pp.


The Modernist Cult of Ugliness: Aesthetic and Gender Politics. New York: Palgrave / St. Martin’s, 2002. 312 pp.


Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire, co-edited with Drs. Laurel Brake (University of London) and Carolyn Williams (Rutgers University). Durham, NC: ELT Press, 2002. 380 pp.


Walter Pater: Transparencies of Desire, co-edited with Laurel Brake and Carolyn Williams. Durham, NC: ELT Press, 2002. 380 pp


Journal Articles


Special Hopkins issue, Victorian Poetry, vol. 56, no. 2, Summer 2018; 206 pp.


Introduction. House, Humphry. The Youth of Gerard Manley Hopkins, 1844-1868. Hopkins Quarterly XXXVII, 1-4 (2010): iii-x.


“Walter Pater and the ‘Laws’ of Victorian Iconography.” Journal of Pre-Raphaelite Studies (Autumn 2010): 1-12.


“The politics of life after death: Ondaatje’s Ghost.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. Journal of Postcolonial Writing 45.2 (June 2009): 201-212.


“A Walter Pater Webliography.” The Pater Newsletter 53 (Spring 2008): 23-51.


“A ‘Complex, Multiform Creature’ No More: Governmentality Getting Wilde.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. College Literature 35.3 (Summer 2008): 96-119.


“Walter Pater: Painting the Nineteenth Century.” English Literature in Transition 50.4 (Fall 2007): 1-39.


“Publication News: The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” The Hopkins Quarterly 32.1-2 (Winter 2005): 47-51.


“Norman Hugh MacKenzie, 1915-2004: An Incongruous Life.” The Hopkins Quarterly 31.1-4 (Winter-Fall 2004): xv-xix.


“Chameleon” words: gender inflections in Ruskin’s aesthetic and sociological discourses.” The Journal of PreRaphaelite Studies (Fall 2002): 5-32.


“‘To prove him with hard questions’: Answerability in Hopkins’s writings.” Victorian Poetry 39.1 (Spring 2001): 37-68.
Revised and published in The Hopkins Quarterly 31.1-4 (Winter-Fall 2004): 97-126; and Soundings: Hopkins Studies in Transition (2007).


“Rethinking the Exercise of Power: The Case of the Passport v. Mobility Rights.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. Rethinking Marxism 11.4 (1999): 113-127.


“Passport, please: legal, literary, and critical fictions of identity.” Co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps. College Literature 25.1 (Winter 1998): 94-138.


“But who is ‘she’?: female subjectivity in Pater’s writings.” Nineteenth-Century Prose 24.2 (Fall 1997): 37-65.


“Hopkins and friends at Oxford: a new perspective.” The Hopkins Quarterly 21.1-2 (Winter-Spring 1994; pub. 1996): 3-22.


“Uncommon lives: Fr. Hopkins and Fr. Bacon.” The Hopkins Quarterly 21.3-4 (Summer-Fall 1994; pub. 1996): 77-96.


“Doubting Pater: religious discourse and the ‘conditions of modern life.’” English Literature in Transition 38.3 (Autumn 1995): 285-303.


“‘She rears herself’: feminist possibilities in Hopkins’s poetry.” Studies 84.334 (Summer 1995): 130-140.


“Jowett and Pater: Trafficking in Platonic Wares.” Victorian Studies 37.1 (Autumn 1993): 43-72.


“Making ‘connections’: medieval master-narratives and Ezra Pound’s fascism.” English Studies in Canada 18.4 (December 1992): 447-460.


“A New Catalogue of the Hopkins Collection at Campion Hall.” The Hopkins Quarterly 18.1-2 (April/July 1991): 9-44.


“Concluding or occluding gestures: how appropriate is Pater’s ‘Conclusion’ to The Renaissance?” Dalhousie Review 69.3 (Fall 1990): 349-356.


“Pastoral meets Melodrama in Hardy’s The Woodlanders.” The Thomas Hardy Journal VI.2 (June 1990): 111-125.


“Fixity versus flux: Gerard Manley Hopkins and the discourse of development.” The New Welsh Review 2.3 (Winter 1989/1990): 25-29.

“Heraclitean Fire and Eucharistic Flame: the poetry of transformation in Hopkins.” The Month CCL.1463 (November 1989): 423-428.


“Hopkins and ‘The Jowler.’” Texas Studies in Literature and Language 31.1 (Spring 1989): 143-167.


“T. S. Eliot and the poetry of Gerard Manley Hopkins.” The Southern Review 24.2 (Spring 1988): 291-302.


Conference Papers


“Pater and the ‘laws’ of Victorian iconography” was presented at the annual VSAO (Victorian Studies Association of Ontario) conference, York University, in April 2010. [refereed]


The Collected Works of Gerard Manley Hopkins: Ethical Dilemmas, Editorial Responsibilities, and Scholarly Publishing Today” was presented at the annual SHARP (Society for the History of Authors, Reading, and Publishing) conference, University of Toronto, in June 2009. [refereed]


“Editing Hopkins; or, The Search for the Cardinal’s Girlfriend” was presented at the inaugural Symposium of the Victorian Studies Network at York, October 2008. [invited]


“How to write an ‘experience’ text: Woolf and Foucault on ‘sharing knowledge,’” co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps, was presented at the annual Canadian Comparative Literature Association conference, University of British Columbia, in May 2008. [refereed]


“Editing Hopkins” was presented at the International Hopkins Conference, University College, Dublin, in October 2007. [refereed]


“Ondaatje’s explosive aesthetics: when rerouting becomes routing,” co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps, was presented at the “Rerouting the Postcolonial Conference,” University of Northampton, England, in July 2007. [refereed]


“Walter Pater: Painting the 19th Century” was presented at the International Walter Pater Conference, Rutgers University, in July 2006. [refereed]


“Governmentality Gone Wilde: or, when is an ‘individual’ not a ‘sodomite’?,” co-written with Marie-Christine Leps, North American Victorian Studies Association conference, “Victorian Frontiers,” Toronto, October 2004. [refereed]


“Hopkins: Confessing the Flesh,” the keynote address at Hopkins 2004, University of Oxford, September 2004. [invited]


“‘Something so varied and wandering’: the possibilities of a ‘restless’ subjectivity,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, 13th annual Virginia Woolf Conference (Smith College, Massachusetts), June 2003. [refereed]


“Incalculable, not capricious: Whistler’s Japoniste discourse,” Modern Language Association Conference, New York, December 2002. [refereed]


“No time for Pater: the Silenced Other of Masculinist Modernism,” Reading Pater at the Millennium, University of Oxford, July 2000. [refereed]


“Writing subjects of governance– Woolf and Foucault,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, “Critical Theory of the Subject in the 20th Century” Symposium, Universitaet zu Koeln, September 2000. [invited]


“The Subject of Time in Mrs Dalloway and Orlando (Novels and Films),” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, 9th annual Virginia Woolf Conference (University of Delaware), June 1999. [refereed]


“‘To prove him with hard questions’: degrees of answerability in Hopkins’s writings,” First Annual Meeting of the American Hopkins Society, Regis University, Denver, Colorado, March 1999. [refereed]


“Identifying presences: life forms in Woolf’s novels and their films,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, Representing Identities: Biography and Autobiography, the 23rd Annual Colloquium on Modern Literature and Film, West Virginia University, October 1998. [refereed]


“Theory, Writing, History: Foucault and Woolf on governmentality,” a joint paper with Marie-Christine Leps, Histories of Theory Conference, University of Western Ontario, in April 1998. [refereed]


“But who is ‘she’: female subjectivity in Pater’s writings,” Third International Pater Conference, “Walter Pater and His Circle,” West Virginia University (Morgantown, West Virginia), August 1996. [refereed]


“Mobile homes: Legal, economic, and governmental implications of ‘mobility rights’ in our times,” co-authored with Marie-Christine Leps, The Changing Languages of Marxism, December 1996, in Amherst, Massachusetts. [invited]


“Doubting Pater: religious discourse and the ‘conditions of modern life,’” Pater Centenary Conference, “Pater and fin de siècle culture,” University of Kent (Canterbury, England), July 1994. [refereed]


“Pater and Plato,” Walter Pater Centenary Colloquium, Eastern Michigan University (Ypsilanti, Michigan), July 1994. [invited]


“‘She rears herself’ in Hopkins’s poetry: feminist possibilities,” 7th annual International Hopkins Summer School in Monasterevin, Ireland, July 1994. [invited]


“Change for the worse: discourses of devolution in late 19th century British literature,” International Association for Philosophy and Literature, Montreal, May 1991. [refereed]


Japonisme, gender, and Jimmy: re-viewing Whistler’s paintings,” Canadian Association for American Studies, Vancouver, October 1991. [refereed]


“Medieval master-narratives and the roots of Ezra Pound’s fascism” [revised], ACUTE, the Association of Canadian University Teachers of English, Kingston, May 1991. [refereed]


“‘I think we are in rats’ alley’: modernism and the cult of ugliness,” 13th Congress, International Comparative Literature Association, in Tokyo, in August 1991. [refereed]


“Fatal women and femme fatality in Joyce’s Ulysses,” 4th annual James Joyce Birthday Conference, Miami, Florida, February 1990. [refereed]


“Gender and/in Joyce: mamafesta or woeman’s land?,” 12th International James Joyce Symposium, Monte Carlo, Monaco, June 1990. [invited]


“Medieval master-narratives and the roots of Ezra Pound’s fascism,” YUMARA (York University Medieval and Renaissance Association), March 1990. [refereed]


“Pater and Plato: recoding the text,” Modern Language Association, Chicago, Illinois, December 1990. [refereed]


“‘A man like a city and a woman like a flower’: gendered topographies in modern American poetry,” Canadian Association for American Studies, Montreal, November 1990. [refereed]


“Champion of fixity, prisoner of flux” [a study of Hopkins’s late poetry], Hopkins Centennial Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, September 1989. [refereed]


“Hopkins: Heraclitean fire and hieratic flame,” Conference on Christianity and Literature, University of Santa Clara, May 1989. [refereed]


“Walter Pater and the Rebirth of History,” YUMARA, March 1989. [refereed]


“Concluding or occluding gestures: how appropriate is Pater’s ‘Conclusion’ to The Renaissance?,” Atlantic University Teachers of English, Halifax, Nova Scotia, October 1988. [refereed]


“Essaying Mr. Pater: new perspectives on the tutor/student relationship between Walter Pater and Gerard Hopkins,” International Pater Society conference, Queen’s College, Oxford, June 1988. [refereed]


“He had the experience but changed the meaning: T. S. Eliot reads G. M. Hopkins,” ACUTE, Windsor, Ontario, May 1987. [The same paper was presented at York University in October 1987 as part of the English Department’s Lecture Series.]


“‘Strange Webs of Melancholy’: the form and function of Shelleyan echoes in The Woodlanders,” ACUTE, Montreal, Quebec, May 1985.


Creative Works


Gerard Manley Hopkins:A Life Recollected, 24 pp. June 2010. I curated and wrote the catalogue for an exhibition of artifacts from the Bischoff Research Collection, Foley Library, Gonzaga University, which was prepared for the International Hopkins Conference at Gonzaga University, July 2010.


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Fall/Winter 2024 AP/EN2100 6.0 A Poetry LECT
Fall/Winter 2024 AP/EN2100 6.0 A Poetry TUTR