
Leah F. Vosko

Photo of Leah F.  Vosko

Department of Politics

Canada Research Chair in the Political Economy of Gender & Work (Tier 1)

Office: Kaneff Tower, 618
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 33157
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Leah F. Vosko, FRSC, is a Professor and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Political Economy of Gender & Work at York University. Her current research examines labour market insecurity/precarious employment, employment standards enforcement, international mobility programs, and deportability among workers laboring transnationally. She is the principal investigator of “Liberating Migrant Labour? International Mobility Programs in Settler-Colonial Context", a SSHRC Partnership Grant; "Divide and Colonize?: The "Core of Indianness" in Labour Law and Policy and its Effects", a SSHRC Insight Development Grant; "Canada's "New" International Mobility Program: Charting Differential Inclusion in the Transformation of Temporary Migrant Labour", a SSHRC Insight Grant; and, the Canada Labour Code-Data Analysis Infrastructure (CLC-DAI), an initiative involving a partnership with the Government of Canada’s Labour Program supported by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Research Fund; and four research and teaching databases – the Gender and Work Database (GWD), the Comparative Perspectives Database (CPD), the Employment Standards Database (ESD) and the CLC-DAI.

Her most recent scholarly books are Transnational Employment Strain in a Global Health Pandemic: Migrant Farmworkers in Canada (Vosko et al. 2023), Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs (University of Toronto Press, 2020), and Disrupting Deportability (Cornell/ILR Press 2019).



PhD, York University
MA Women\\\'s Studies, Simon Fraser University
BA Political Studies, Trent University

Research Interests

Gender Issues , Political Economy, Labour Rights, Gender Studies, Migration, Citizenship