Leah F. Vosko, FRSC, is a Professor and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Political Economy of Gender & Work at York University. Her current research examines labour market insecurity/precarious employment, employment standards enforcement, international mobility programs, and deportability among workers laboring transnationally. She is the principal investigator of “Liberating Migrant Labour? International Mobility Programs in Settler-Colonial Context", a SSHRC Partnership Grant; "Divide and Colonize?: The "Core of Indianness" in Labour Law and Policy and its Effects", a SSHRC Insight Development Grant; "Canada's "New" International Mobility Program: Charting Differential Inclusion in the Transformation of Temporary Migrant Labour", a SSHRC Insight Grant; and, the Canada Labour Code-Data Analysis Infrastructure (CLC-DAI), an initiative involving a partnership with the Government of Canada’s Labour Program supported by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Research Fund; and four research and teaching databases – the Gender and Work Database (GWD), the Comparative Perspectives Database (CPD), the Employment Standards Database (ESD) and the CLC-DAI.
Her most recent scholarly books are Transnational Employment Strain in a Global Health Pandemic: Migrant Farmworkers in Canada (Vosko et al. 2023), Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs (University of Toronto Press, 2020), and Disrupting Deportability (Cornell/ILR Press 2019).
PhD, York University
MA Women\\\'s Studies, Simon Fraser University
BA Political Studies, Trent University
Research Interests
Gender Issues
, Political Economy, Labour Rights, Gender Studies, Migration, Citizenship
Current Research Projects
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, John Evans Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Canada Labour Code Data Analysis Infrastructure (CLC-DAI),” Principal Investigator, January 2018
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, John Evans Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Canada Labour Code Data Analysis Infrastructure (CLC-DAI),” Principal Investigator, January 2018
See more
John Evans Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Grant, “Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards for Workers in Precarious Jobs,” Principal Investigator, March 2013
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Grant, “Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards for Workers in Precarious Jobs,” Principal Investigator, March 2013
See more
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Grant,
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Global Employment Standards Database (GESD),” Principal Investigator, January 2012-December 2016
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Global Employment Standards Database (GESD),” Principal Investigator, January 2012-December 2016
See more
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant
Law Commission of Ontario, Research grants to prepare two monographs for Vulnerable Workers Taskforce Co-Investigator with Mary Gellatly, Mark P. Thomas, Eric Tucker and Co-Investigator with Andrea Noack , Summer 2011
Law Commission of Ontario, Research grants to prepare two monographs for Vulnerable Workers Taskforce Co-Investigator with Mary Gellatly, Mark P. Thomas, Eric Tucker and Co-Investigator with Andrea Noack , Summer 2011
See more
Law Commission of Ontario, Research grants
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant, “A New Approach to Labour Market Membership: Canadian Employment Policy in Focus,” Principal Investigator, Spring 2010-2013
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant, “A New Approach to Labour Market Membership: Canadian Employment Policy in Focus,” Principal Investigator, Spring 2010-2013
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Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada Grant, “Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway to Social Inclusion,” Co-Investigator with Robert Latham and Valerie Preston, Fall 2010
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada Grant, “Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway to Social Inclusion,” Co-Investigator with Robert Latham and Valerie Preston, Fall 2010
See more
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Leah F. Vosko, FRSC, is a Professor and a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair in the Political Economy of Gender & Work at York University. Her current research examines labour market insecurity/precarious employment, employment standards enforcement, international mobility programs, and deportability among workers laboring transnationally. She is the principal investigator of “Liberating Migrant Labour? International Mobility Programs in Settler-Colonial Context", a SSHRC Partnership Grant; "Divide and Colonize?: The "Core of Indianness" in Labour Law and Policy and its Effects", a SSHRC Insight Development Grant; "Canada's "New" International Mobility Program: Charting Differential Inclusion in the Transformation of Temporary Migrant Labour", a SSHRC Insight Grant; and, the Canada Labour Code-Data Analysis Infrastructure (CLC-DAI), an initiative involving a partnership with the Government of Canada’s Labour Program supported by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Research Fund; and four research and teaching databases – the Gender and Work Database (GWD), the Comparative Perspectives Database (CPD), the Employment Standards Database (ESD) and the CLC-DAI.
Her most recent scholarly books are Transnational Employment Strain in a Global Health Pandemic: Migrant Farmworkers in Canada (Vosko et al. 2023), Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards Protections for People in Precarious Jobs (University of Toronto Press, 2020), and Disrupting Deportability (Cornell/ILR Press 2019).
PhD, York University
MA Women\\\'s Studies, Simon Fraser University
BA Political Studies, Trent University
Research Interests
Gender Issues
, Political Economy, Labour Rights, Gender Studies, Migration, Citizenship
Current Research Projects
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, John Evans Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Canada Labour Code Data Analysis Infrastructure (CLC-DAI),” Principal Investigator, January 2018
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, John Evans Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Canada Labour Code Data Analysis Infrastructure (CLC-DAI),” Principal Investigator, January 2018
Project Type:
John Evans Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Grant, “Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards for Workers in Precarious Jobs,” Principal Investigator, March 2013
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Grant, “Closing the Enforcement Gap: Improving Employment Standards for Workers in Precarious Jobs,” Principal Investigator, March 2013
Project Type:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Partnership Grant,
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Global Employment Standards Database (GESD),” Principal Investigator, January 2012-December 2016
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant, “Global Employment Standards Database (GESD),” Principal Investigator, January 2012-December 2016
Project Type:
Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Leadership Opportunity Fund Grant
Law Commission of Ontario, Research grants to prepare two monographs for Vulnerable Workers Taskforce Co-Investigator with Mary Gellatly, Mark P. Thomas, Eric Tucker and Co-Investigator with Andrea Noack , Summer 2011
Law Commission of Ontario, Research grants to prepare two monographs for Vulnerable Workers Taskforce Co-Investigator with Mary Gellatly, Mark P. Thomas, Eric Tucker and Co-Investigator with Andrea Noack , Summer 2011
Project Type:
Law Commission of Ontario, Research grants
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant, “A New Approach to Labour Market Membership: Canadian Employment Policy in Focus,” Principal Investigator, Spring 2010-2013
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Standard Research Grant, “A New Approach to Labour Market Membership: Canadian Employment Policy in Focus,” Principal Investigator, Spring 2010-2013
Project Type:
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada Grant, “Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway to Social Inclusion,” Co-Investigator with Robert Latham and Valerie Preston, Fall 2010
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada Grant, “Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway to Social Inclusion,” Co-Investigator with Robert Latham and Valerie Preston, Fall 2010
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
All Publications
Book Chapters
Vosko, Leah F., Noack, Andrea M., King, Adam and Rebecca Hii. (forthcoming). “Precarious Employment and the Security Premium in Canada’s Federally-Regulated Private Sector” in Peters, John and Don Wells (eds.),
Canadian Labour Policy and Politics: Inequality and Alternatives . Ontario: Oxford University Press Canada.
Marsden, Sarah, Eric Tucker and Leah F. Vosko. (forthcoming). "The Trilemma of Canadian Migrant Worker Policy: Facilitating Employer Access while Protecting the Canadian Labour Market and Addressing Migrant Worker Exploitation?" in Dauvergne, Catherine (ed.),
Research Handbook on the Law and Politics of Migration . Edward Elgar Press.
Thomas, Mark P. and Leah F. Vosko (2019). “Canadian Political Economy in the New Millennium, ” in Thomas, Mark P., Leah F. Vosko, Carlo Fanelli and Olena Lyubchenko (eds.),
Change and Continuity: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Vosko, Leah F. (2019). “Feminist Political Economy and Everyday Research on Work and Employment: The Case of the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap” in Thomas, Mark P., Leah F. Vosko, Carlo Fanelli and Olena Lyubchenko (eds.), Change and Continuity: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Vosko, Leah F., Grundy, John and Mark P. Thomas. (2017). “Beyond New Governance: Evaluating New Approaches to Employment Standards Enforcement in Liberal Market Economies,” in Colin Fenwick (ed.),
Regulating for Equitable and Job-Rich Growth. Palgrave/International Labour Organization. International Institute for Labour Studies: ILO, Geneva.
Latham, Robert, Leah F. Vosko, Valerie Preston and Melisa Breton. (2014). “Challenges to Liberating Temporariness: Imagining Alternatives to Permanence as a Pathway for Social Inclusion,” in Vosko, Leah F., Valerie Preston and Robert Latham (eds.),
Liberating Temporariness?: Migration, Work and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity. McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal and Kingston. (shared first authorship between Latham, Vosko and Preston).
Vosko, Leah F. (2012). “The Challenge of Expanding EI Coverage,” in Banting, Keith and Jon Medow (eds.),
Making EI Work: Research from the Mowat Centre Employment Insurance Task Force. Toronto and Montreal: Mowat Centre for Policy Innovation, McGill-Queen’s University Press and Queen’s School of Policy Studies: 57-119
Vosko, Leah F. (2011). “Out of the Shadows? The Non-Binding Multilateral Framework on Migration (2006) and Prospects for Forging Global Labour Market Membership through International Labour Regulation,” in Davidov, Guy and Brian Langille, (eds.),
The Idea of Labour Law. London, Hart Publishing: 365-384
Vosko, Leah F. (2011). “Precarious Employment and the Problem of SER-Centrism: Regulating for ‘Decent Work’.” in Lee, Sangheon and Deirdre McCann, (eds.),
Regulating for Decent Work: New Directions in Labour Market Regulation. Geneva and London: ILO/Palgrave: 57-89.
Vosko, Leah F. and Lisa F. Clark. (2009). “Gendered Precariousness and Social Reproduction in Canada,” in Vosko, Leah F., Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell, (eds.),
Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment. London and New York: Routledge Press: 26-42
Vosko, Leah F., Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell. (2009). “Introduction: Gender and the Concept of Precarious Employment,” in Vosko, Leah F., Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell (eds.),
Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment. London and New York: Routledge Press: 1-25.
Vosko, Leah F. (2009). “Precarious Employment and the Challenges for Employment Policy,” in Cohen, Marjorie and Jane Pulkingham (eds.),
Public Policy for Women in Canada: The State, Income Security, and Labour Market Issues. Toronto: University of Toronto Press: 374-395.
Vosko, Leah F. (2008). “ILO Action on ‘The Scope of the Employment Relationship’: Lessons from Canada on Fostering Social Cohesion,” in O’Brien, Robert (ed.),
Solidarity First: Canadian Workers and Social Cohesion. Vancouver: UBC Press: 169-189.
Vosko, Leah F. (2008). “‘Lifelong Learning’ and Precarious Work: Challenging the Paradigm of Employability Security,” in Livingstone, David, Kiran Mirchandani and Peter Sawchuk (eds.),
The Future of Lifelong Learning and Work: Critical Perspectives. Sense Publishers, Rotterdam: 157-170.
Vosko, Leah F. (2007). “Gendered Labour Market Insecurities: Manifestations of Precarious
Employment in Different Locations,” in Shalla, Vivian and Wallace Clement (eds.),
Work and Labour in Tumultuous Times: Critical Perspectives. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 50-95.
Vosko, Leah F. (2007). “Representing Informal Economy Workers: Emerging Global Strategies and their Lessons for North American Unions,” in Cobble, Dorothy Sue (ed.),
The Sex of Class: Women and America’s New Labour Movements. Ithaca: Cornell University Press: 272-290.
Cranford, Cynthia J., Mary Gellatly, Deena Ladd and Leah F. Vosko. (2006). “Community Unionism and Labour Movement Renewal: Organizing for Fair Employment,” in Kumar, Pradeep and Christopher Schenk (eds.),
Paths to Union Renewal: Canadian Experiences. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press, Garamond Press, and the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives: 237–249.
Cranford, Cynthia J. and Leah F. Vosko. (2006). “Conceptualizing Precarious Employment: Mapping Wage Work across Social Location and Occupational Context,” in Vosko, Leah F. (ed.),
Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 43-66.
Vosko, Leah F. (2006). “Crisis Tendencies in Social Reproduction: The Case of Ontario’s Early Year’s Plan,” in Bezanson, Kate and Meg Luxton (eds.),
Rethinking Social Reproduction: Feminist Political Economy Challenges Neo-liberalism. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 145-172.
Vosko, Leah F. (2006). “Gender, Precarious Work and the International Labour Code: The Ghost in the Closet,” in Fudge, Judy and Rosemary Owens (eds.),
Precarious Work, Women and the New Economy: The Challenge to Legal Norms. Oxford, UK: Hart Publishing: 53-75.
Vosko, Leah F. and Nancy Zukewich. (2006). “Precarious by Choice? Gender and Self-Employment,” in Vosko, Leah F. (ed.),
Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 67-89.
Bernstein, Stephanie, Katherine Lippel, Eric Tucker and Leah F. Vosko. (2006). “Precarious Employment and the Law’s Flaws: Identifying Regulatory Failure and Securing Effective Protection for Workers,” in Vosko, Leah F. (ed.),
Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 203-220.
Cranford, Cynthia J., Tania Das Gupta, Deena Ladd and Leah F. Vosko. (2006). “Thinking through Community Unionism,” in Vosko, Leah F. (ed.),
Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 353-377.
Vosko, Leah F. (2006). “What Is to Be Done? Harnessing Knowledge to Mitigate Precarious Employment,” in Vosko, Leah F. (ed.),
Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 379-388.
Stanford, Jim and Leah F. Vosko. (2004). “Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income,” in Stanford, Jim and Leah F. Vosko (eds.),
Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 3-33.
Vosko, Leah F. (2004). “Standard-Setting at the ILO: The Case of Precarious Employment,” in Kirton, John and Michael J. Trebilcock (eds.),
Hard Choices, Soft Law: Combining Trade, Environment, and Social Cohesion in Global Governance. New York: Ashgate: 139-157.
Clement, Wallace and Leah F. Vosko. (2003). “Changing Canada: Political Economy As Transformation (Introduction).” in Clement, Wallace and Leah F. Vosko (eds.),
Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: xi-xxxii.
Vosko, Leah F. (2003). “Gender Differentiation and the Standard/Non-Standard Employment Distinction in Canada, 1945 to the Present” in Juteau, Danielle (ed.),
Patterns and Processes of Social Differentiation: The Construction of Gender, Age, ‘Race/Ethnicity’ and Locality. University of Toronto Press/University of Montreal Press. French and English: 25-80.
Fudge, Judy and Leah F. Vosko. (2003). “Gendered Paradoxes and the Rise of Contingent Work: Towards a Transformative Feminist Political Economy of the Labour Market.” in Clement, Wallace and Leah F. Vosko (eds.),
Changing Canada: Political Economy as Transformation. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press: 183-213.
Armstrong, Pat, Andrew, Caroline and Leah F. Vosko. (2003). “General Introduction,” in Andrew, Caroline, Armstrong, Pat, Armstrong, Hugh, Clement, Wallace and Leah F. Vosko (eds.),
Studies in Political Economy: Developments in Feminism. Toronto: Women’s Press.
Vosko, Leah F. (2003). “The Pasts (and Futures) of Feminist Political Economy in Canada: Reviving the Debate” in Andrew, Caroline, Armstrong, Pat, Armstrong, Hugh, Clement, Wallace and Leah F. Vosko (eds.),
Studies in Political Economy: Developments in Feminism. Toronto: Women’s Press. *(modified and reprinted from SPE 2002 April)
Vosko, Leah F. (2003). “‘Decent Work’: The Shifting Role of the ILO and the Struggle for Global Social Justice,” in Cohen, Marjorie and Stephen McBride (eds.),
Global Turbulence: Social Activists and State Responses to Globalization. UK: Ashgate 174-191. *(chapter designed for classroom use based on article in Global Social Policy 2002 April).
Vosko, Leah F. (2002). “Mandatory ‘Marriage’ or Obligatory Waged Work: Social Assistance and the Single Mother’s Complex Roles in Wisconsin and Ontario,” in Bashevkin, Sylvia. (ed.)
Women’s Work is Never Done: Comparative Studies in Care-Giving, Employment, And Social Policy Reform. New York, Routledge: 165-199.
Cobble, Dorothy Sue and Leah F. Vosko. (2000). “Historical Perspectives on Representing Workers in ‘Non-Standard’ Employment,” in F. Carre, M.A. Ferber, I. Golden and S.A. Herzenberg (eds.),
Nonstandard Work: The Nature and Challenges of Changing Employment Relations. Champagne, IL: Industrial Relations Research Association: 291-312
Vosko, Leah F. (1999). "Workfare Temporaries: Workfare and the Rise of the Temporary Employment Relationship in Ontario " in Broad, D. (ed.),
Citizens or Consumers: Social Policy in a Market Society. Halifax and Vancouver: Fernwood Press: 55-79 (Reprinted from Canadian Review of Social Policy. November (1998).)
Vosko, Leah F. (1996). "Irregular Workers, New Involuntary Social Exiles: Women and UI Reform." in Pulkingham, J. and G. Ternowetsky (eds.),
Remaking Canadian Social Policy: Social Security in the Late 1990s. Toronto: Fernwood Press: 265-272.
Vosko, Leah F. (1995). "Recreating Dependency: Women and UI Reform." in Drache, D.and A. Ranikin (eds.).
Warm Heart, Cold Country. Toronto: Caledon Press: 213-231.
Vosko, Leah F. et al. (forthcoming).
Closing the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Improving Protections for People in Precarious Jobs. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Thomas, Mark, Leah F. Vosko, Carlo Fanelli and Olena Lyubchenko (eds.). (2019).
Change and Continuity: Rethinking the New Canadian Political Economy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Vosko, Leah F. (2019).
Disrupting Deportability: Transnational Workers Organize. Ithaca: Cornell University Press (ILR imprint).
Vosko, Leah F., Valerie Preston and Robert Latham (eds.). (2014).
Liberating Temporariness?: Migration, Work and Citizenship in an Age of Insecurity. McGill-Queen’s University Press: Montreal and Kingston.
Vosko, Leah F. (2010).
Managing the Margins: Gender, Citizenship and the International Regulation of Precarious Employment. (Politics and Business Series) Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
Vosko, Leah F., Martha MacDonald and Iain Campbell (eds.). (2009).
Gender and the Contours of Precarious Employment. London and New York: Routledge Press (Advances in Feminist Economics Series).
Vosko, Leah F. (ed.). (2006).
Precarious Employment: Understanding Labour Market Insecurity in Canada. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Cranford, Cynthia, Judy Fudge, Eric Tucker and Leah F. Vosko (eds.) .(2005).
Self-Employed Workers Organize: Law, Policy, and Unions. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Stanford, Jim and Leah F. Vosko. (eds). (2004).
Challenging the Market: The Struggle to Regulate Work and Income. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Clement, Wallace and Leah F. Vosko (eds.). (2003).
Changing Canada: The Political Economy of Transformation. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Andrew, Caroline, Pat Armstrong, Hugh Armstrong, Wallace Clement and Leah F. Vosko (eds.). (2003).
Studies in Political Economy: Developments in Feminism. Toronto: Women’s Press
Vosko, Leah F. (2000).
Temporary Work: The Gendered Rise of a Precarious Employment Relationship. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
Vosko, Leah F., Andrea M. Noack and Eric Tucker. (2016). “Employment Standards (‘ES’) Coverage and Enforcement: A scan of employment standards complaints and their resolution under the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (‘ESA’),” Ontario Ministry of Labour Changing Workplaces Review.
Vosko, Leah F., Andrea M. Noack and Mark P. Thomas. (2016). “Employment Standards (‘ES’) Coverage and Enforcement: How far does the Employment Standards Act, 2000 (‘ESA’) extend and what are the gaps in coverage?" Ontario Ministry of Labour Changing Workplaces Review.
Vosko, Leah F., Eric Tucker, Mark P. Thomas and Mary Gellatly. (2012). “New Approaches to Enforcement and Compliance with Labour Regulatory Standards: The Case of Ontario, Canada,” Toronto: Law Commission of Ontario.
Noack, Andrea M. and Leah F. Vosko. (2012). “Precarious Jobs in Ontario: Mapping Dimensions of Labour Market in Security by Workers’ Social Location and Context,” Toronto: Law Commission of Ontario.
Vosko, Leah F. (2011). “The Challenge of Expanding EI Coverage: Charting Exclusions and Partial Exclusions on the Bases of Gender, Immigration Status, Age, and Place of Residence and Exploring Avenues for Inclusive Policy Redesign,” Toronto: Mowat Centre for Public Policy.
Vosko, Leah F. (2004). Confronting the Norm: Gender and the International Regulation of Precarious Work. Ottawa: Law Commission of Canada. http://dsp-psd.pwgsc.gc.ca/Collection/JL2-27-2004E.pdf
Vosko, Leah F. (ed.). (2003). Just Labour: Forum on Precarious Employment. (September)
Fudge, Judy, Eric Tucker and Leah F. Vosko. (2003). “The Legal Concept of Employment: Marginalizing Workers.” Ottawa: The Law Commission of Canada.
Vosko, Leah F. (2002). Rethinking Feminization: Gendered Precariousness in the Canadian Labour Market and the Crisis in Social Reproduction,” a monograph prepared for the Annual Robart’s Lecture, John P. Robarts Centre for Canadian Studies.
Journal Articles
Tucker, Eric, Leah F. Vosko, Rebecca Casey, Mark P. Thomas, John Grundy and Andrea M. Noack (2019). “Carrying Little Sticks: Is there a ‘Deterrence Gap’ in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario, Canada?”
International Journal of Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 35(1) 1-30.
Vosko, Leah F., Eric Tucker and Rebecca M. Casey (2019). "Enforcing Employment Standards for Migrant Agricultural Workers in Ontario: Exposing Underexplored Layers of Vulnerability".
International Journal of Labour Law and Industrial Relations. 35(2) 227-254.
Thomas, Mark P., Leah F. Vosko, Eric Tucker, Mercedes Steedman, Andrea M. Noack, John Grundy, Mary Gellatly and Lisa Leinveer (2019). “The Employment Standards Enforcement Gap and the Overtime Pay Exemption in Ontario.”
Labour/Le travail. Vol. 84, Fall.
Vosko, Leah F., Grundy, John, Casey, Rebecca and Noack, Andrea M. (2018) “A Tattered Quilt: Exemptions and Special Rules under Ontario’s Employment Standards Act (2000)”.
Canadian Employment and Labour Law Journal. 21(2) 267-298.
Vosko, Leah F. (2018). “Legal but Deportable: Institutionalized Deportability and the Limits of Collective Bargaining among Participants in Canada’s Seasonal Agricultural Workers Program.”
ILR Review Special Issue on The Impact of Immigrant Legalization Initiatives: International Perspectives. DOI:10.1177/0019793918756055
Casey, Rebecca, Eric Tucker, Leah F. Vosko and Andrea M. Noack. (2018). “Using tickets in employment standards inspections: Deterrence as effective enforcement in Ontario, Canada?”
Economic and Industrial Relations Review. 29(2) 228-249.
Vosko, Leah F., John Grundy, Mark Thomas, Eric Tucker, Andrea M. Noack, Rebecca Casey, Mary Gellatly and Jennifer Mussell. (2017). “The Compliance Model of Employment Standards Enforcement: An Evidence-based Assessment of its Efficacy in Instances of Wage Theft.”
Industrial Relations Journal. 48 (3) 256-273.
Grundy, John, Andrea M. Noack, Leah F. Vosko and Rebecca Hii. (2017). “The Enforcement of Ontario’s Employment Standards Act: The Impact of Reforms.”
Canadian Public Policy/Analyse de politiques (shared second authorship with Noack, 30%). 43(3) 190-201.
Vosko, Leah F. (2016). “Blacklisting as a Modality of Deportability: Mexico’s Response to Circular Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Pursuit of Collective Bargaining Rights in British Columbia, Canada.”
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 42, 8: 1371-1387.
Vosko, Leah F. (2016). “Blacklisting as a Modality of Deportability: Mexico’s Response to Circular Migrant Agricultural Workers’ Pursuit of Collective Bargaining Rights in British Columbia, Canada.”
Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies. 42, 8: 1371-1387. (first published online November 20, 2015 as DOI: 10.1080/1369183X.2015.1111134)
Vosko, Leah F., John Grundy and Mark Thomas. (2016). “Challenging New Governance: Evaluating New Approaches to Employment Standards Enforcement in Common Law Jurisdictions.”
Economic and Industrial Democracy. 37: 373-398 (first published online September 8, 2014 as doi:10.1177/0143831X14546237)
Tucker, E., Alan Hall, Leah Vosko, Rebecca Hall and Elliot Siemiatycki. (2016). “Making or Administering Law and Policy? Discretion and Judgement in Employment Standards Enforcement in Ontario."
Canadian Journal of Law & Society / La Revue Canadienne Droit et Société. 31 (April), 1: 65-86 (Published online November 23, 2015 as DOI:10.1017/cls.2015.34)
Mirchandani, Kiran, Leah F. Vosko, Urvashi Soni-Sinha, J. Adam Perry, Andrea M. Noack, Rebecca Hall and Mary Gellatly. (2016). “Methodological k/nots: Designing research on the enforcement of labor standards.”
Journal of Mixed Methods Research. June 8, 2016: 1-15 (Published online as DOI: 10.1177/1558689816651793) (equal authorship)
Noack, Andrea, Leah F. Vosko and John Grundy. (2015). “Measuring Employment Standards Violations, Evasion and Erosion using a Telephone Survey.”
Industrial Relations/ Relations Industrielles. (equal first authorship with Noack), 70, 1: 86-109.
Vosko, Leah F. and Mark Thomas. (2014). “Confronting the Employment Standards Enforcement Gap: Exploring the Potential of Union Engagement in Employment Law in Ontario, Canada.”
Journal of Industrial Relations. 56: 631-652.
Vosko, Leah F. (2014). “Tenuously Unionized: Temporary Migrant Workers and the Limits of Formal Mechanisms Designed to Promote Collective Bargaining in British Columbia, Canada.”
Industrial Law Journal. 43(4) December: 451-84.
Vosko, Leah F. (2013). “‘Rights without Remedies’: Enforcing Employment Standards in Ontario by Maximizing Voice among Workers in Precarious Jobs.”
Osgoode Hall Law Journal. 50 (4): 845-873.
Vosko, Leah F. (2013). “National Sovereignty and Transnational Labour: the case of Mexican seasonal agricultural workers in British Columbia, Canada."
Industrial Relations Journal. 56(44): 514–532
Rajkumar, Deepa, Laurel Berkowitz, Leah F. Vosko, Valerie Preston, and Robert Latham. (2012). “At the Temporary-Permanent Divide: How Canada Produces Temporariness and Makes Citizens through its Security, Work, and Settlement Policies.”
Citizenship Studies. 16 (3-4): 483-510. (equal authorship)
Gellatly, Mary, John Grundy, Kiran Mirchandani, Adam Perry, Mark Thomas and Leah F. Vosko. (2011). “‘Modernizing’ Employment Standards? Administrative Efficiency, Market Regulation, and the Production of the Illegitimate Claimant in Ontario, Canada.”
Economic and Labour Relations Review. 22 (2) (July): 81-106.
Vosko, Leah F. (2010). “A New Approach to Regulating Temporary Agency Work in Ontario or Back to the Future?”
Industrial Relations/ Relations Industrielles. 65, 4 (December): 632-653. (This article has been reprinted and translated into Swedish. It appears as: Vosko, Leah F. (2013). “Ett nytt synsätt på reglering av arbete vid bemanningsföretag i Ontario,
ellerTillbaka till framtiden?” Arbetarhistoria. 3-4: 16-26.)
Vosko, Leah F. (2009). “Less than Adequate: Regulating Temporary Agency Work in the EU in the Face of an Internal Market in Services.”
Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy, and Society. (special issue on “Transforming Work”). Electronic copy: April, 1-17; Hard copy 2, 3, November.
Fuller, Sylvia and Leah F. Vosko. (2008). “Temporary Employment and Social Inequality in Canada: Exploring Intersections of Gender, Race and Migration.”
Social Indicators Research. 88 (1) August: 31-50.
Vosko, Leah F. (2008). “Temporary Work in Transnational Labour Regulation: SER Centrism and the Risk of Exacerbating Gendered Precariousness.”
Social Indicators Research. 88 (1) August: 131-145.
Vosko, Leah. F. (2007). “Precarious Part-Time Work in Australia and in Transnational Labour Regulation: The Gendered Limits of SER-Centrism.”
Labour and Industry. 17 (3) April: 99-125.
Fudge, Judy, Eric Tucker, and Leah F. Vosko. (2003). “Changing Boundaries in Employment: Developing a New Platform for Labour Law.”
Canada Labour and Employment Law Journal. 10 (3): 361-39
Fudge, Judy, Tucker, Eric and Leah F. Vosko. (2003) . “Employee or Independent Contractor? Charting the Legal Significance of the Distinction in Canada.”
Canadian Journal of Labour and Employment Law. 10 (2): 193-230.
Cranford, Cynthia, Vosko, Leah F. and Nancy Zukewich. (2003) . “Precarious Employment in the Canadian Labour Market: A Statistical Portrait.”
Just Labour. (September)
Vosko, Leah F., Nancy Zukewick and Cynthia Cranford. (2003). “Precarious Jobs: A New Typology of Employment.”
Perspectives on Labour and Income. Ottawa: Statistics Canada: October: 16-26.
Cranford, Cynthia, Vosko, Leah F. and Nancy Zukewich. (2003). “The Gender of Precariousness in the Canadian Labour Force.”
Industrial Relations. (September)
Vosko, Leah F. (2002) . “‘Decent Work’: The Shifting Role of the ILO and the Struggle for Global Social Justice.”
Global Social Policy. April, 2: 1
Griffin-Cohen, Marjorie, Laurell Ritchie, Michelle Swenarchuk and Leah F. Vosko. (2002). “Globalization: Some Implications and Strategies for Women.”
Canadian Women’s Studies. 21/22 (4/1): 6-14.
Vosko, Leah F. (2002). “The Pasts (and Futures) of Feminism and Political Economy in Canada: Reviving the Debate.”
Studies in Political Economy. Summer: 55-85.
Vosko, Leah F. and David Witwer. (2001). “‘Not a man’s union’: Women in the Teamsters Union During the 1940s and 1950s.”
Journal of Women’s History. 13 (3): (Autumn): 169-92.
Fudge, Judy and Leah F. Vosko. (2001). “By Whose Standards? Re-Regulating the Canadian Labour Market.”
Economic and Industrial Democracy. 22 (3): 327-356.
Fudge, Judy and Leah F. Vosko. (2001). “Gender, Segmentation and the Standard Employment Relationship in Canadian Labour Law and Policy.”
Economic and Industrial Democracy. 22 (2): 271-310.
Vosko, Leah F. (1998). “Regulating Precariousness?: The Temporary Employment Relationship Under the NAFTA and the EC Treaty.”
Relations Industrielles/ Industrial Relations. 53 (1) March: 123-153.
Luxton, Meg and Leah F. Vosko. (1998). “Where Women’s Efforts Count: The 1996 Census Campaign and ‘Family Politics’ in Canada.”
Studies in Political Economy. 56 Summer: 49-82.
Vosko, Leah F. (1998). “Workfare Temporaries: Workfare and the Rise of the Temporary Employment Relationship in Ontario.”
Canadian Review of Social Policy. November: 55-79.
Vosko, Leah F. (1997). “Legitimizing the Triangular Employment Relationship: Emerging International Labour Standards from a Comparative Perspective.”
Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal. Fall: 43-77.
Vosko, Leah F. (1993). “Fabric Friends and Clothing Foes: A Comparative Analysis of Textile and Apparel Industries under the NAFTA.”
Review of Radical Political Economics. New York: Basil Blackwell Publishers, 25 (4): 45-58.
Vosko, Leah F. (1993). "The Last Thread: Analysis of the Apparel Goods Provisions in the North American Free Trade Agreement and the Impact on Women." Ottawa: The Canadian Centre For Policy Alternatives.
Current Courses
Term |
Course Number |
Section |
Title |
Type |
Winter 2025 |
GS/POLS6775 3.0 |
M |
The Political Economy of Work & Welfare |
Fall/Winter 2024 |
GS/POLS6110 6.0 |
A |
Canadian Government and Politics |
Fall/Winter 2024 |
GS/POLS6700 6.0 |
A |
Advanced Studies in Gender and Politics |