
Nancy J Mandell

Photo of Nancy J Mandell


Office: Founders College, 225
Phone: (416) 736-2100 Ext: 66905


Ph.D. (Sociology), Northeastern University
M.A. (Sociology), Carleton University
B. Ed., University of Toronto
B.A. (Honours Sociology), University of Toronto

Research Interests

, Family; Intimacy and Care Work; Aging and Immigrants; Gender and Schooling; Qualitative Methods; Community-Academic Research Partnerships.


2011. Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. (Eds) . Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict, and Change. Toronto: Thompson Nelson. (1st edition 1995 Harcourt Brace 328 pages, 2nd edition 2000 Harcourt Brace 388 pages, 3rd edition 2005 Thompson Nelson 392 pages, 4th edition in press Nelson)


2010. Mandell, N. (Ed) . Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality. 5th edition, Toronto: Pearson, 350 pages.(1995 Prentice Hall 356 pages, 2nd ed. 1998 Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon 296 pages, 3rd ed. 2001 Prentice Hall 310 pages, 4th ed. 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall 326 pages).


2008. Mandell, N., Wilson, S. and Duffy, A. Connection, Compromise and Control: Canadian Women discuss Midlife, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 206 pages.


1999. Crysdale, S., King, A.C., and Mandell, N. On Their Own: Making the Transition from School to Work in the Information Age. Kingston: McGill Queen's University Press, 178 pages.


1989. Duffy, A., Mandell, N. and Pupo, N. Few Choices: Women, Work and Family. Toronto: Garamond, 117 pages.


1988. Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. (Eds) . Reconstructing the Canadian Family: Feminist Perspectives. Toronto: Butterworths, 250 pages


Book Chapters


2011. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. ”Building Bridges Across Sectors: Academic-Community Research Protocol”, pp. in R. Berman (ed), Corridor Talk, Innana Publications.


2011. Mandell, N. and King, K. “Emotional Labour and Feeling Rules in Academic-Community Research Projects”, pp. in R. Berman (ed). Corridor Talk, Innana Press.


2011. Mandell, N. and Wilson, S. “Intergenerational Care Work: Mothering, Grandmothering and Eldercare”, pp. 30-46 in C. Krull and J. Sempruch (Eds). A Life in Balance? Reopening the Family-Work Debate, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.


2010. Mandell, N., Duffy, A. and Wilson, S. “From ‘Little Woman’ to ‘Little Old Lady’: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Aging”, pp. 197-218,In N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 5th edition, Toronto: Pearson, 21 pages


2009. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. "Poverty in Canada." in R.J. Brym (ed.) Society in Question. 6th Edition. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.


2006. Duffy. A., Mandell, N. Wilson, S. “Balancing Work and Caring: Midlife Women Assess their Accommodations” in L. Tepperman and H. Dickinson (Eds). Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, Toronto, Oxford, pp. 222-226.


2006. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “Poverty in Canada” in R. Brym (Ed). Introduction to Sociology, Toronto: Thomson Nelson, pp. 183-210.


2005. Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. “Explaining Family Lives" in N. Mandell and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change, 3rd edition, Toronto: Thompson Nelson, pp. 3-30.


2005. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. “Exploring Limits to Parent’s Involvement in Homework” in R. Sweet. & P. Anisef (Eds). Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 273-288.


2005. Mandell, N. and Momirov, J. “Family Histories” in N. Mandell and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change, 3rd edition, Toronto: Thompson Nelson, pp. 31-63.


2005. Mandell, N. “Making Families: Gender, Economics, Sexuality and Race" in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 4th edition, Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 188-225.


2005. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Parental Involvement in the Creation of Home- Learning Environments” Gender and Class Patterns”, in R. Sweet and P. Anisef (Eds). Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 249-272.


2004. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “Poverty in Canada” in R. Brym (Ed). Introduction to Sociology, Toronto: Thompson Nelson, pp.183-210.


2001. Elliot, P. and Mandell, N. "Feminist Theories" in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 3rd ed., Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 23-48.


2001. Cassidy, B., Lord, R. and Mandell, N. "Silenced and Forgotten Women: Race, Poverty and Disability” in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 3rd ed., Toronto, Prentice-Hall, pp. 75-107.


2001. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “The Growth in Poverty and Social Inequality in Canada: Losing Faith in Social Justice”, in D. Glenday and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Society: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century. Toronto: Oxford University Press, pp. 77-114.


2001 Mandell, N. “Women, Families and Intimate Relations”, in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 3rd ed., Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 193-218.


2000. Mandell, N. and Karaian, L. "Bias in Data Collection" in L. Code (Ed) in Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, London: Routledge (150 words).


2000. Mandell, N. and Momirow, J. "Family Histories". In N. Mandell and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change, 2nd ed. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, pp. 17-48.


2000. Mandell, N. and Rundle, L. "Qualitative Methodologies" in L. Code (Ed). Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, London: Routledge (150 words).


2000. Mandell, N. and Momirov, J. "Women and Work" in L. Code (Ed), Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, London: Routledge (1500 words).


Book Reviews


2005. The Canadian Journal of Sociology 30:3, pp.379-381. Book review of Margaret C. Kechnie. 2003. Organizing Rural Women: The Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario, 1897-1919. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.


Journal Articles


2008. Wilson, S.J., Mandell, N., and Duffy, A. “Discourses of elder care: How midlife Canadian women act and feel in caring for their parents”, Journal of the Association of Research on Mothering, 10, 1, 207-216.


2006. Wilson, L., Wilson, S.J., Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. ‘“She could be anything she wants to be”: Mothers and daughters and feminist identity”, Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering 8, 1/2, 171–9.


2004. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. “Homework: What Works? Who Works? How Effectively?” Polyglossia, Vol. 9, 13-24.


2003. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Homework-as-homework: Mothers' unpaid educational labour”, Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.7-18.


Conference Papers


2011. Mandell, N. “Aging securely in an insecure world”, National Metropolis Conference, Vancouver, March 24.


2010. Mandell, N., Kim, A., Luxton, M., Preston, V., and Robson, K. “Aging Securely: Senior Canadian Immigrants”, International Council for Canadian Studies,: Ageing Societies: The Dynamic of Demographic Change in Canada, Montreal, May 29.


2010. Mandell, N. “Midlife, Economics and Family”, Canadian Sociology Association, Montreal, June 3.


2010. Kim, A. and Mandell, N. “The Impact of Globalization on Women’s Lives: Senior Canadian Immigrant”, Global Studies Conference, Busan, South Korea, Jun 21.


2010. Mandell, N. “’Worked to Death’: Gendered and Racialized Dimensions of Retirement”, Asiatic Research Institute, Korea National University, June 23.


2009. Kim, A., Mandell, N., Luxton, M., Preston, V. and Robson, K. “The economic security of immigrant seniors: framing the questions”, 11th National Metropolis Conference, Calgary, Alberta, March 21.


2009. Hemphill, J., Mandell, N., Robson, K., Preston, V. and Luxton, M. “Worked to death: gendered and racialized dimensions of retirement for later life in Canada”, Canadian Sociology Association, Ottawa, ON., May 30.


2008. Mandell, N., King, K. & Whittington-Walsh, F. “Community-Oriented Research: Opportunities and Challenges”, Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants Conference “Settlement without Boundaries”, Ryerson University, June 26.


2008. Mandell, N. “Qualitative Research Methods: Why Pursue Community-Academic Research Relationships?”, Department of Sociology, Umea University, Umea, Sweden, May 21.


2007. Duffy, A., Mandell, N. and Sue Wilson. “Midlife Women and Paid Employment: The Right Place and the Right Time”, American Sociological Association, New York, August 8.


2006. Carter, C., Duffy, A., Wilson, S. and Mandell, N. “Aging Body: Body Image and Midlife Women”, Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research Conference, Niagara Falls, May 17.


2006. King, K. and Mandell, N. “Community-Academic Research Relationships: Putting in the Time”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, York University, June 2.


2006. King, K. and Mandell, N. “It Takes Time: Feelings Rules and Emotional Labour in Community-Academic Research Partnerships”, Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research Conference, Niagara Falls, May 17.


2006. Sweet, R., Adamuti-Trache, M. and Mandell, N. “Social Class and Intensive Parenting Effects on Children’s School Engagement and Achievement”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, York University, May 31.


2005. Whittington-Walsh, F. King, K. and Mandell, N. “Building Bridges Across Sectors: A Resource to Help Create Community and Academic Research Partnerships”, Canadian Psychology Association, Qualitative Research Section, Ottawa, June 8.


2005. Mandell, N. “Critical Research: Research Inside and Outside the Classroom”, Faculty of Arts Council, Focus on Research, March 10.


2005. Mandell, N. The Importance of Research Inside and Outside the Classroom, Faculty of Arts Council, York University, March 9.


2005. Duffy, A., Mandell, N. and Wilson, S. “Work and Caring: Midlilfe Women”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, University of Western Ontario, June 1.


2004. Blondeau, B., Whittington-Walsh, F. and Mandell, N. “Bridges or Boundaries: The Politics of Identity in Community-based Research”, Crossroads: Critical Issues in Community-Based Research Partnerships, Institute for Community Research, Hartford, Connecticut, June 12, 2004.


2004. Whittington-Walsh, F. and Mandell, N. “Community-Academic Research Partners: Dialogues and Strategies”, Building Bridges Across Sectors: A Resource to Help Build Community and Academic Research Partnerships”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May.


2004. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Engendering Social Capital: Women’s Role in Social Reproduction”, Women’s Studies, Monash University, Australia, March 24.


2004. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. “Protocols to Enhance Community-Academic Research”, Bridging Communities: Community Theory and Practice in a Changing World, Wilfred Laurier University, Brantford Campus, September 30-Oct.2.


2004. Calixte, S., Wilson, S., Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “The Relationship of Mid-Life Canadian Women to Feminist Identity”, National Women’s Studies Association Conference, June 19, Milwaukee, WI.


2003. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. “Building Alliances across Sectors: A Resource to Help Enhance Community and Academic Research Partnerships”, Faculty of Community Services, Ryerson University, Sept. 3.


2003. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. "Building the Home Learning Environment: An Exploration of Time and Resource Constraints on Mothers’ Involvement in Their Children’s Homework”, Canadian Studies Workshop, Asia Pacific University, Kyushu, Japan, November 10.


2003. Wilson, S., Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. “Life Course Analysis of Women’s Economic Worries”, Qualitative Analysis Conference, Ottawa: Carleton University, May 21-24.


2003. Mandell, N. “Mothering in Midlife: A Qualitative Analysis”, Qualitative Analysis Conference, Carleton University, May 21-24.


2003. Mandell, N. “Mothering in Midlife: The Work Continues”, Association for Research on Mothering, Conference on “Mothering and Work/Mothering as Work”, Keynote Presentation, York University, May 3-4.


2002. Mandell, N. “Facilitating Community-Academic Research Partnerships", Keynote Speaker, Building Partnerships for a South Carolina Women’s Well-Being Research and Activism Agenda, University of South Carolina: Women’s Studies Program, February 26.


2002. Mandell, N. “Gender and Achievement: Male Vulnerability in High School” Presentation to Conference on Access to Post-secondary Education: Facts and Gaps, Ottawa, ON: Canadian Policy Research Networks and Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation.


2002. Mandell, N. “The Development of Women’s Studies in Canada”. Invited International Speaker, Inaugural Conference on “Women’s Studies: Critical Methodologies” University of Bologna, April


2001. Mandell, N. “Male Underachievement: Educational Crisis or the Same Old Story?” Invited Speaker to celebrate the opening of the new graduate program in Child and Family Studies, Brock University.


Conference Proceedings


2001. Mandell, N. “Designing Innovative Community-Academic Research Partnerships”, Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, January 12-14.


Research Reports


2007. Sweet, R., Mandell, N., Anisef, P., and Adamuti-Trache, M., “Managing the Home- Learning Environment: Parents, Adolescents and Homework”, Final Report to the Canadian Council on Learning, June 30, pp. 65.


2004. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. and In Collaboration With Disabilities and Physical Differences Initiative, Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women, Intercede: For the Rights of Domestic Workers, Caregivers and Newcomers, North York Women’s Centre, Older Women’s Network, Women and Rural Economic Development, Women and Substance Abuse, Building Bridges Across Sectors: A Resource to Help Create Community and Academic Research Relationships, Working Paper # 33, Toronto: Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS), pp. 1-34.


2003. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. “Homework: Exploring Limits to Parental Involvement” Chapter 11 in Sweet, R. and Anisef, P.(Eds). Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Final Report to HRDC (Canadian Education Savings Grant Division).


2003. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Parental Involvement in the Creation of Home- Learning Environments” Gender and Class Patterns”, Chapter 10 in Sweet, R. and Anisef, P. (2003) Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Final Report to HRDC (Canadian Education Savings Grant Division).


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Summer 2024 AP/SOCI2060 6.0 A Social Interaction and Community ONLN

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/SOCI3860 6.0 A Women, Work and Family LECT


Ph.D. (Sociology), Northeastern University
M.A. (Sociology), Carleton University
B. Ed., University of Toronto
B.A. (Honours Sociology), University of Toronto

Research Interests

, Family; Intimacy and Care Work; Aging and Immigrants; Gender and Schooling; Qualitative Methods; Community-Academic Research Partnerships.

All Publications

Book Chapters


2011. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. ”Building Bridges Across Sectors: Academic-Community Research Protocol”, pp. in R. Berman (ed), Corridor Talk, Innana Publications.


2011. Mandell, N. and King, K. “Emotional Labour and Feeling Rules in Academic-Community Research Projects”, pp. in R. Berman (ed). Corridor Talk, Innana Press.


2011. Mandell, N. and Wilson, S. “Intergenerational Care Work: Mothering, Grandmothering and Eldercare”, pp. 30-46 in C. Krull and J. Sempruch (Eds). A Life in Balance? Reopening the Family-Work Debate, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.


2010. Mandell, N., Duffy, A. and Wilson, S. “From ‘Little Woman’ to ‘Little Old Lady’: Feminist Perspectives on Women and Aging”, pp. 197-218,In N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 5th edition, Toronto: Pearson, 21 pages


2009. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. "Poverty in Canada." in R.J. Brym (ed.) Society in Question. 6th Edition. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.


2006. Duffy. A., Mandell, N. Wilson, S. “Balancing Work and Caring: Midlife Women Assess their Accommodations” in L. Tepperman and H. Dickinson (Eds). Reading Sociology: Canadian Perspectives, Toronto, Oxford, pp. 222-226.


2006. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “Poverty in Canada” in R. Brym (Ed). Introduction to Sociology, Toronto: Thomson Nelson, pp. 183-210.


2005. Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. “Explaining Family Lives" in N. Mandell and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change, 3rd edition, Toronto: Thompson Nelson, pp. 3-30.


2005. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. “Exploring Limits to Parent’s Involvement in Homework” in R. Sweet. & P. Anisef (Eds). Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 273-288.


2005. Mandell, N. and Momirov, J. “Family Histories” in N. Mandell and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change, 3rd edition, Toronto: Thompson Nelson, pp. 31-63.


2005. Mandell, N. “Making Families: Gender, Economics, Sexuality and Race" in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 4th edition, Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 188-225.


2005. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Parental Involvement in the Creation of Home- Learning Environments” Gender and Class Patterns”, in R. Sweet and P. Anisef (Eds). Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 249-272.


2004. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “Poverty in Canada” in R. Brym (Ed). Introduction to Sociology, Toronto: Thompson Nelson, pp.183-210.


2001. Elliot, P. and Mandell, N. "Feminist Theories" in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 3rd ed., Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 23-48.


2001. Cassidy, B., Lord, R. and Mandell, N. "Silenced and Forgotten Women: Race, Poverty and Disability” in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 3rd ed., Toronto, Prentice-Hall, pp. 75-107.


2001. Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “The Growth in Poverty and Social Inequality in Canada: Losing Faith in Social Justice”, in D. Glenday and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Society: Meeting the Challenges of the Twenty-First Century. Toronto: Oxford University Press, pp. 77-114.


2001 Mandell, N. “Women, Families and Intimate Relations”, in N. Mandell (Ed). Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality, 3rd ed., Toronto: Prentice Hall, pp. 193-218.


2000. Mandell, N. and Karaian, L. "Bias in Data Collection" in L. Code (Ed) in Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, London: Routledge (150 words).


2000. Mandell, N. and Momirow, J. "Family Histories". In N. Mandell and A. Duffy (Eds). Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict and Change, 2nd ed. Toronto: Harcourt Brace, pp. 17-48.


2000. Mandell, N. and Rundle, L. "Qualitative Methodologies" in L. Code (Ed). Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, London: Routledge (150 words).


2000. Mandell, N. and Momirov, J. "Women and Work" in L. Code (Ed), Encyclopedia of Feminist Theories, London: Routledge (1500 words).


Book Reviews


2005. The Canadian Journal of Sociology 30:3, pp.379-381. Book review of Margaret C. Kechnie. 2003. Organizing Rural Women: The Federated Women’s Institutes of Ontario, 1897-1919. Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press.




2011. Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. (Eds) . Canadian Families: Diversity, Conflict, and Change. Toronto: Thompson Nelson. (1st edition 1995 Harcourt Brace 328 pages, 2nd edition 2000 Harcourt Brace 388 pages, 3rd edition 2005 Thompson Nelson 392 pages, 4th edition in press Nelson)


2010. Mandell, N. (Ed) . Feminist Issues: Race, Class and Sexuality. 5th edition, Toronto: Pearson, 350 pages.(1995 Prentice Hall 356 pages, 2nd ed. 1998 Prentice Hall Allyn and Bacon 296 pages, 3rd ed. 2001 Prentice Hall 310 pages, 4th ed. 2005 Pearson Prentice Hall 326 pages).


2008. Mandell, N., Wilson, S. and Duffy, A. Connection, Compromise and Control: Canadian Women discuss Midlife, Toronto: Oxford University Press, 206 pages.


1999. Crysdale, S., King, A.C., and Mandell, N. On Their Own: Making the Transition from School to Work in the Information Age. Kingston: McGill Queen's University Press, 178 pages.


1989. Duffy, A., Mandell, N. and Pupo, N. Few Choices: Women, Work and Family. Toronto: Garamond, 117 pages.


1988. Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. (Eds) . Reconstructing the Canadian Family: Feminist Perspectives. Toronto: Butterworths, 250 pages


Journal Articles


2008. Wilson, S.J., Mandell, N., and Duffy, A. “Discourses of elder care: How midlife Canadian women act and feel in caring for their parents”, Journal of the Association of Research on Mothering, 10, 1, 207-216.


2006. Wilson, L., Wilson, S.J., Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. ‘“She could be anything she wants to be”: Mothers and daughters and feminist identity”, Journal of the Association for Research on Mothering 8, 1/2, 171–9.


2004. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. “Homework: What Works? Who Works? How Effectively?” Polyglossia, Vol. 9, 13-24.


2003. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Homework-as-homework: Mothers' unpaid educational labour”, Atlantis: A Women’s Studies Journal, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.7-18.


Conference Papers


2011. Mandell, N. “Aging securely in an insecure world”, National Metropolis Conference, Vancouver, March 24.


2010. Mandell, N., Kim, A., Luxton, M., Preston, V., and Robson, K. “Aging Securely: Senior Canadian Immigrants”, International Council for Canadian Studies,: Ageing Societies: The Dynamic of Demographic Change in Canada, Montreal, May 29.


2010. Mandell, N. “Midlife, Economics and Family”, Canadian Sociology Association, Montreal, June 3.


2010. Kim, A. and Mandell, N. “The Impact of Globalization on Women’s Lives: Senior Canadian Immigrant”, Global Studies Conference, Busan, South Korea, Jun 21.


2010. Mandell, N. “’Worked to Death’: Gendered and Racialized Dimensions of Retirement”, Asiatic Research Institute, Korea National University, June 23.


2009. Kim, A., Mandell, N., Luxton, M., Preston, V. and Robson, K. “The economic security of immigrant seniors: framing the questions”, 11th National Metropolis Conference, Calgary, Alberta, March 21.


2009. Hemphill, J., Mandell, N., Robson, K., Preston, V. and Luxton, M. “Worked to death: gendered and racialized dimensions of retirement for later life in Canada”, Canadian Sociology Association, Ottawa, ON., May 30.


2008. Mandell, N., King, K. & Whittington-Walsh, F. “Community-Oriented Research: Opportunities and Challenges”, Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants Conference “Settlement without Boundaries”, Ryerson University, June 26.


2008. Mandell, N. “Qualitative Research Methods: Why Pursue Community-Academic Research Relationships?”, Department of Sociology, Umea University, Umea, Sweden, May 21.


2007. Duffy, A., Mandell, N. and Sue Wilson. “Midlife Women and Paid Employment: The Right Place and the Right Time”, American Sociological Association, New York, August 8.


2006. Carter, C., Duffy, A., Wilson, S. and Mandell, N. “Aging Body: Body Image and Midlife Women”, Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research Conference, Niagara Falls, May 17.


2006. King, K. and Mandell, N. “Community-Academic Research Relationships: Putting in the Time”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, York University, June 2.


2006. King, K. and Mandell, N. “It Takes Time: Feelings Rules and Emotional Labour in Community-Academic Research Partnerships”, Symbolic Interaction and Ethnographic Research Conference, Niagara Falls, May 17.


2006. Sweet, R., Adamuti-Trache, M. and Mandell, N. “Social Class and Intensive Parenting Effects on Children’s School Engagement and Achievement”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, York University, May 31.


2005. Whittington-Walsh, F. King, K. and Mandell, N. “Building Bridges Across Sectors: A Resource to Help Create Community and Academic Research Partnerships”, Canadian Psychology Association, Qualitative Research Section, Ottawa, June 8.


2005. Mandell, N. “Critical Research: Research Inside and Outside the Classroom”, Faculty of Arts Council, Focus on Research, March 10.


2005. Mandell, N. The Importance of Research Inside and Outside the Classroom, Faculty of Arts Council, York University, March 9.


2005. Duffy, A., Mandell, N. and Wilson, S. “Work and Caring: Midlilfe Women”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, University of Western Ontario, June 1.


2004. Blondeau, B., Whittington-Walsh, F. and Mandell, N. “Bridges or Boundaries: The Politics of Identity in Community-based Research”, Crossroads: Critical Issues in Community-Based Research Partnerships, Institute for Community Research, Hartford, Connecticut, June 12, 2004.


2004. Whittington-Walsh, F. and Mandell, N. “Community-Academic Research Partners: Dialogues and Strategies”, Building Bridges Across Sectors: A Resource to Help Build Community and Academic Research Partnerships”, Canadian Sociology and Anthropology Association, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May.


2004. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Engendering Social Capital: Women’s Role in Social Reproduction”, Women’s Studies, Monash University, Australia, March 24.


2004. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. “Protocols to Enhance Community-Academic Research”, Bridging Communities: Community Theory and Practice in a Changing World, Wilfred Laurier University, Brantford Campus, September 30-Oct.2.


2004. Calixte, S., Wilson, S., Duffy, A. and Mandell, N. “The Relationship of Mid-Life Canadian Women to Feminist Identity”, National Women’s Studies Association Conference, June 19, Milwaukee, WI.


2003. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. “Building Alliances across Sectors: A Resource to Help Enhance Community and Academic Research Partnerships”, Faculty of Community Services, Ryerson University, Sept. 3.


2003. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. "Building the Home Learning Environment: An Exploration of Time and Resource Constraints on Mothers’ Involvement in Their Children’s Homework”, Canadian Studies Workshop, Asia Pacific University, Kyushu, Japan, November 10.


2003. Wilson, S., Mandell, N. and Duffy, A. “Life Course Analysis of Women’s Economic Worries”, Qualitative Analysis Conference, Ottawa: Carleton University, May 21-24.


2003. Mandell, N. “Mothering in Midlife: A Qualitative Analysis”, Qualitative Analysis Conference, Carleton University, May 21-24.


2003. Mandell, N. “Mothering in Midlife: The Work Continues”, Association for Research on Mothering, Conference on “Mothering and Work/Mothering as Work”, Keynote Presentation, York University, May 3-4.


2002. Mandell, N. “Facilitating Community-Academic Research Partnerships", Keynote Speaker, Building Partnerships for a South Carolina Women’s Well-Being Research and Activism Agenda, University of South Carolina: Women’s Studies Program, February 26.


2002. Mandell, N. “Gender and Achievement: Male Vulnerability in High School” Presentation to Conference on Access to Post-secondary Education: Facts and Gaps, Ottawa, ON: Canadian Policy Research Networks and Canada Millennium Scholarship Foundation.


2002. Mandell, N. “The Development of Women’s Studies in Canada”. Invited International Speaker, Inaugural Conference on “Women’s Studies: Critical Methodologies” University of Bologna, April


2001. Mandell, N. “Male Underachievement: Educational Crisis or the Same Old Story?” Invited Speaker to celebrate the opening of the new graduate program in Child and Family Studies, Brock University.


Conference Proceedings


2001. Mandell, N. “Designing Innovative Community-Academic Research Partnerships”, Conference on Interdisciplinary Qualitative Studies, University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia, January 12-14.


Research Reports


2007. Sweet, R., Mandell, N., Anisef, P., and Adamuti-Trache, M., “Managing the Home- Learning Environment: Parents, Adolescents and Homework”, Final Report to the Canadian Council on Learning, June 30, pp. 65.


2004. Mandell, N. and Whittington-Walsh, F. and In Collaboration With Disabilities and Physical Differences Initiative, Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women, Intercede: For the Rights of Domestic Workers, Caregivers and Newcomers, North York Women’s Centre, Older Women’s Network, Women and Rural Economic Development, Women and Substance Abuse, Building Bridges Across Sectors: A Resource to Help Create Community and Academic Research Relationships, Working Paper # 33, Toronto: Joint Centre of Excellence for Research on Immigration and Settlement (CERIS), pp. 1-34.


2003. Sweet, R. and Mandell, N. “Homework: Exploring Limits to Parental Involvement” Chapter 11 in Sweet, R. and Anisef, P.(Eds). Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Final Report to HRDC (Canadian Education Savings Grant Division).


2003. Mandell, N. and Sweet, R. “Parental Involvement in the Creation of Home- Learning Environments” Gender and Class Patterns”, Chapter 10 in Sweet, R. and Anisef, P. (2003) Preparing for Post-Secondary Education: New Roles for Governments and Families. Final Report to HRDC (Canadian Education Savings Grant Division).


Current Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Summer 2024 AP/SOCI2060 6.0 A Social Interaction and Community ONLN

Upcoming Courses

Term Course Number Section Title Type
Fall 2024 AP/SOCI3860 6.0 A Women, Work and Family LECT