Marina Erechtchoukova

School of Information Technology
Associate Professor
Office: 3045 Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building (DB)
(Formerly known as Technology Enhanced
Learning Building)
Phone: 416-736-2100 Ext: 30307
Accepting New Graduate Students
Professor Erechtchoukova's research is in the fields of data-driven and model-driven decision support in environmental sustainability, application of machine learning techniques to water resources management, simulation modeling of complex systems, data modeling and database development for semistructured data, text mining, optimization of environmental monitoring and optimization of scheduling systems.
Current research projects are devoted to developing hybrid framework for hydrological predictions, sustainability appraisal, text mining of on-line educational resources, and healthcare scheduling systems.
Professor Erechtchoukova’s research focuses on application of information technology to sustainable environmental resource assessment and management. It includes investigation and development of modern approaches to optimization of environmental monitoring, simulation modeling of water quality for environmental assessment, environmental assessment under uncertainty. Her interests include data-driven decision support for environmental sustainability, data modeling and database development for semistructured data, simulation modeling of complex systems and information systems development.
Professor Erechtchoukova teaches upper- and lower-level Information Technology courses including introductory courses and specialized ones: ITEC1010, ITEC3220, ITEC4220, and ITEC4000.
Ph. D., Rostov State UniversityProfessional Leadership
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Secretary 2014 - present
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Board Member 2012 - present
New College, York University, Interim College Head 2017-2018
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
The goal is to develop a framework for selecting online course materials that are compliant with both Ontario curriculum standards and recognized pedagogical theories using text mining techniques. The project is aimed at helping students to achieve high levels of understanding of the covered materials.
- Month: Feb Year: 2016
Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Grant)
Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Grant)
Junior Faculty Fund
Minor Research Grant (York Internal Grant)
Minor Research Grant
Minor Research Grant
Accumulated volumes of data on water quantity and quality coupled with meteorological data make data-driven analyses of water related problems an effective decision support tool for water resources management. The project is aimed at developing a framework for water resource assessment and management based on machine learning techniques. The framework relies on data which are routinely collected on stream watershed and become available to users almost in real time regime, e.g. water level or precipitation. The study will enhance the methodology and will form a basis for knowledge transfer activities by providing scientifically valid recommendations for improving black box models which can be integrated into early warning systems and used by local authorities for flood management, particularly, in watershed with rapidly changing land use.
Description:The study is conducted on black box models developed following a methodology for short-term hydrological predictions in small watersheds. The methodology utilizes supervised machine learning algorithms and data on streams and watersheds routinely collected by Conservation Authorities.
Collaborator Institution: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Erechtchoukova, M. G., Khaiter, P. A., Golinska, P. (Eds.), 2013. Sustainability Appraisal: Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Techniques for Environmental Performance Evaluation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN: 978-3-642-32080-4.
Khaiter P, Erechtchoukova M., 2017. Designing a software tool for environmental modelling and decision making in managing of biological invasion cases. In: Hrebicek J, Denzer R, Schimak G. Environmental Software Systems, ISESS2017, pp. 209-222.
Erechtchoukova M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2013. Assessing environmental impact in Environmental information systems: measurements and monitoring. In: Golinska, P. (Ed.) Ecoproduction and Logistics. Emerging trends and business practices, Part 3, pp. 261-276, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23553-5_15 ISBN 978-3-642-23552-8
Erechtchoukova M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2011 A Model-Driven Approach to Uncertainty Reduction in Environmental Data. In: Golinska P, Fertsch M, Marx-Gomez J (Eds.) “Information Technology in Environmental Engineering. New Trends and Challenges”. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 107-122.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Chen, S.Y., Khaiter, P.A., 2010. “Investigation of Environmental Monitoring Designs for Corporate Management Information Systems”. – In: Teuteberg, F. & Marx Gomez, J. (Eds.) Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems: Advancements and Trends. IGI Publishing. (to appear)
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2007. “Exploratory Simulations with Sparse Data in Investigation of Aquatic Ecosystems”. – In: Scarpati O.E. & Jones, A.J (Eds.) Environmental change and rational water use. Orientación Gráfica Editora S. R. L., Buenos Aires, Argentina, p. 261-269. ISBN: 978-987-9260-46-3
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2005. “Uncertainty Transformation in Ecological Simulation Models”. In Zerger, A. and Argent, R.M. (eds.) MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2005, pp. 2477-2483. ISBN: 0-9758400-2-9.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2018. Conceptualizing an environmental software modeling framework for sustainable management using UML. Journal of Environmental Informatics, DOI:10.3808/jei.201800400
Erechtchopukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2017. The effect of data granularity on prediction of extreme hydrological events in highly urbanized watersheds: A supervised classification approach. Environmental Modelling and Software, V. 96, pp. 232-238.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., Saffarpour, S., 2016. Short-term predictions of hydrological events on an urbanized watershed using supervised classification. Water Resources Management, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-016-1423-6.
Alexandrov, G.A., Ames, D., Bellocchi, G., Bruen, M., Crout, N., Erechtchoukova, M., Hildebrandt, A., Hoffman, F., Jackisch, C., Khaiter, P., Mannina, G., Matsunaga, T., Purucker, S.T., Rivington, M., Samaniego, L., 2011. Technical assessment and evaluation of environmental models and software: Letter to the Editor. Environmental Modelling and Software 26(3), pp. 328-336.
Khaiter, P.A. and Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. A Modelling Framework for Integrated Sustainable Forest Management. The International Forestry Review. V.12(5), p. 164.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. “Model Aggregation and Simplification in Sustainable Environmental Management”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 6, Issue 1, pp. 227-242.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2010. “Selecting Water Quality Parameters for Sustainable Water Resource Management”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 6, Issue 1, pp. 187-202.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. “Simulating the Hydrological Service of Forest for Sustainable Watershed Management”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 6, Issue 3, pp. 227-240.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2008. “Quantifying Model Uncertainty in Environmental Impact Assessment”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. V. 4, Issue 6, pp. 65 – 72.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2007. “Data-Model Issues in Environmental Impact Assessment”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. V. 3, Issue 6, pp. 149-156.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2007. “Environmental Assessment of Anthropogenic Impact through the Patterns of Ecosystem Reactions”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 3, Issue 4, pp. 181-190.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2004. “Data Organization for Efficient Water Quality Assessment Based on Data Collected by a Stationary Monitoring System”. In: Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2004. World Scientific Publishing, Vol. 1, pp. 684-691.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2014. Environmental Software Development with UML. In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 2014. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 1289-1296. ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2
Erechtchoukova, M.G, Khaiter, P.A., 2014. Sustainability Indicators for Water Resource
Assessment: Compatibility and Data Requirements. In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 2014. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 948-954. ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2
Erechtchoukova, M.G, Khaiter, P.A., 2013. Cost estimates in cost-effectiveness analysis of water quality monitoring systems. In Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. and Boland J. (Eds) MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2013, pp. 2938–2944. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-3-1
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2013. Ecosystem services in environmental
sustainability: a formalized process using UML. In Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. and Boland J. (eds) MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2013, pp. 1805–1811. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-3-1
Erechtchoukova, M.G. and Khaiter, P.A. 2012. Model-driven approach to optimization of monitoring designs for multiple water quality parameters. In R. Seppelt, A.A.Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.)/ 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (to appear).
Khaiter, P.A. and Erechtchoukova, M.G. 2012. Quantitative assessment of natural and anthropogenic factors in forest carbon sequestration. In R. Seppelt, A.A.Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.)/ 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (to appear).
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2011. Metamodelling in sustainable environmental management. In: Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S. (Eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 2170-2176. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-1-7.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2011. Application of optimization techniques to water quality monitoring designs. In: Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S. (Eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 2078-2084. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-1-7.
Khaiter P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. “A Model-Based Quantitative Assessment of Ecosystem Services in the Scenarios of Environmental Management”. In David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.)/ 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5 – July 2010, Ottawa, Canada. pp. 272-279. ISBN: 978-88-9035-741-1.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2010. Complexity Reduction in Environmental Models Using Cascading Simulation Framework. In David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds)/ 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5 – July 2010, Ottawa, Canada. pp. 2445 – 2446. ISBN: 978-88-9035-741-1
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2010. “Efficiency Criteria for Water Quality Monitoring”. In David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.)/ 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5 – July 2010, Ottawa, Canada. pp. 1380-1389. ISBN: 978-88-9035-741-1.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Chen, S.Y., Khaiter, P.A., 2009. “Application of Optimization Algorithms for the Improvement of Water Quality Monitoring Systems” – In: Athanasiadis, I.N., Mitkas, P.A., Rizzoli, A.E., Marx Gomez, J. (Eds.) “Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering” Proc. of the 4th International ICSC Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, May 28-29, 2009. Springer. pp. 176-188. ISBN:978-3-540-88350-0.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2009. “Investigation of Monitoring Designs for Water Quality Assessment”. In B. Anderssen et al. (Eds.) /18th IMACS World Congress - MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation/, 13-17 July 2009, Cairns, Australia. pp. 3612-3618. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Khaiter P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2009. “The notion of stability in mathematics, biology, ecology and environmental sustainability”. In B. Anderssen et al. (Eds.) /18th IMACS World Congress - MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation/, 13-17 July 2009, Cairns, Australia. pp. 2265-2271. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2008. Role of Models for Building an Efficient Monitoring Design. In: Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Javier Béjar, Joaquim Comas, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Giorgio Guariso (Eds.) Proc. of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, July 2008. pp. 528-535. ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2008. “Ecosystem Stability in Integrated Catchment Management”, In: Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Javier Béjar, Joaquim Comas, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Giorgio Guariso (Eds.) Proc. of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, July 2008. pp. 703-710. ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2008. “Incorporating Uncertainty Evaluation into Sustainable Decision Support Framework”. In Proc.: 9th Int. Conf. Economic and organizational aspects in design and application of information systems. Kislovodsk, December 19-23, 2007. RSEA, Rostov-on-Don, pp. 194-197.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2007. From complex to simple in environmental simulation modeling. In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (Eds.) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2069 - 2075. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2007. “Uncertainty reduction in modelling of chemical load in streams”. In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (Eds.) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2445 - 2451. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2006. “Efficient Approach to evaluation of Ecological Model Uncertainty”. In: Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2006. In: Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2006. Research Publishing, Vol. 2, pp. 1301-1308. ISBN 81-903170-3-2.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2005. “Mapping environmental assessment tasks into data mining problems”. In Proc.: 8th Int. Conf. Economic and organizational aspects in design and application of information systems. Kislovodsk, Russia, November 2005, pp. 319-323. ISBN: 5-7972-1068-1.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/ITEC3220 3.0 | N | Using and Designing Database Systems | BLEN |
Winter 2025 | AP/ITEC4220 3.0 | M | Database Management Systems | LECT |
Professor Erechtchoukova's research is in the fields of data-driven and model-driven decision support in environmental sustainability, application of machine learning techniques to water resources management, simulation modeling of complex systems, data modeling and database development for semistructured data, text mining, optimization of environmental monitoring and optimization of scheduling systems.
Current research projects are devoted to developing hybrid framework for hydrological predictions, sustainability appraisal, text mining of on-line educational resources, and healthcare scheduling systems.
Professor Erechtchoukova’s research focuses on application of information technology to sustainable environmental resource assessment and management. It includes investigation and development of modern approaches to optimization of environmental monitoring, simulation modeling of water quality for environmental assessment, environmental assessment under uncertainty. Her interests include data-driven decision support for environmental sustainability, data modeling and database development for semistructured data, simulation modeling of complex systems and information systems development.
Professor Erechtchoukova teaches upper- and lower-level Information Technology courses including introductory courses and specialized ones: ITEC1010, ITEC3220, ITEC4220, and ITEC4000.
Ph. D., Rostov State UniversityProfessional Leadership
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Secretary 2014 - present
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Board Member 2012 - present
New College, York University, Interim College Head 2017-2018
Research Interests
Current Research Projects
The goal is to develop a framework for selecting online course materials that are compliant with both Ontario curriculum standards and recognized pedagogical theories using text mining techniques. The project is aimed at helping students to achieve high levels of understanding of the covered materials.
Project Type: FundedStart Date:
- Month: Feb Year: 2016
Project Type:
Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Grant)
Project Type:
Junior Faculty Fund (York Internal Grant)
Project Type:
Junior Faculty Fund
Project Type:
Minor Research Grant (York Internal Grant)
Project Type:
Minor Research Grant
Project Type:
Minor Research Grant
Accumulated volumes of data on water quantity and quality coupled with meteorological data make data-driven analyses of water related problems an effective decision support tool for water resources management. The project is aimed at developing a framework for water resource assessment and management based on machine learning techniques. The framework relies on data which are routinely collected on stream watershed and become available to users almost in real time regime, e.g. water level or precipitation. The study will enhance the methodology and will form a basis for knowledge transfer activities by providing scientifically valid recommendations for improving black box models which can be integrated into early warning systems and used by local authorities for flood management, particularly, in watershed with rapidly changing land use.
Description:The study is conducted on black box models developed following a methodology for short-term hydrological predictions in small watersheds. The methodology utilizes supervised machine learning algorithms and data on streams and watersheds routinely collected by Conservation Authorities.
Project Type: FundedRole: The project is an integral part of an ongoing research program on developing quantitative techniques for sustainable water resource management at the watershed level.
Collaborator Institution: Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
All Publications
Khaiter P, Erechtchoukova M., 2017. Designing a software tool for environmental modelling and decision making in managing of biological invasion cases. In: Hrebicek J, Denzer R, Schimak G. Environmental Software Systems, ISESS2017, pp. 209-222.
Erechtchoukova M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2013. Assessing environmental impact in Environmental information systems: measurements and monitoring. In: Golinska, P. (Ed.) Ecoproduction and Logistics. Emerging trends and business practices, Part 3, pp. 261-276, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23553-5_15 ISBN 978-3-642-23552-8
Erechtchoukova M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2011 A Model-Driven Approach to Uncertainty Reduction in Environmental Data. In: Golinska P, Fertsch M, Marx-Gomez J (Eds.) “Information Technology in Environmental Engineering. New Trends and Challenges”. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 107-122.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Chen, S.Y., Khaiter, P.A., 2010. “Investigation of Environmental Monitoring Designs for Corporate Management Information Systems”. – In: Teuteberg, F. & Marx Gomez, J. (Eds.) Corporate Environmental Management Information Systems: Advancements and Trends. IGI Publishing. (to appear)
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2007. “Exploratory Simulations with Sparse Data in Investigation of Aquatic Ecosystems”. – In: Scarpati O.E. & Jones, A.J (Eds.) Environmental change and rational water use. Orientación Gráfica Editora S. R. L., Buenos Aires, Argentina, p. 261-269. ISBN: 978-987-9260-46-3
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2005. “Uncertainty Transformation in Ecological Simulation Models”. In Zerger, A. and Argent, R.M. (eds.) MODSIM 2005 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2005, pp. 2477-2483. ISBN: 0-9758400-2-9.
Erechtchoukova, M. G., Khaiter, P. A., Golinska, P. (Eds.), 2013. Sustainability Appraisal: Quantitative Methods and Mathematical Techniques for Environmental Performance Evaluation. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. ISBN: 978-3-642-32080-4.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2018. Conceptualizing an environmental software modeling framework for sustainable management using UML. Journal of Environmental Informatics, DOI:10.3808/jei.201800400
Erechtchopukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2017. The effect of data granularity on prediction of extreme hydrological events in highly urbanized watersheds: A supervised classification approach. Environmental Modelling and Software, V. 96, pp. 232-238.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., Saffarpour, S., 2016. Short-term predictions of hydrological events on an urbanized watershed using supervised classification. Water Resources Management, DOI: 10.1007/s11269-016-1423-6.
Alexandrov, G.A., Ames, D., Bellocchi, G., Bruen, M., Crout, N., Erechtchoukova, M., Hildebrandt, A., Hoffman, F., Jackisch, C., Khaiter, P., Mannina, G., Matsunaga, T., Purucker, S.T., Rivington, M., Samaniego, L., 2011. Technical assessment and evaluation of environmental models and software: Letter to the Editor. Environmental Modelling and Software 26(3), pp. 328-336.
Khaiter, P.A. and Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. A Modelling Framework for Integrated Sustainable Forest Management. The International Forestry Review. V.12(5), p. 164.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. “Model Aggregation and Simplification in Sustainable Environmental Management”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 6, Issue 1, pp. 227-242.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2010. “Selecting Water Quality Parameters for Sustainable Water Resource Management”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 6, Issue 1, pp. 187-202.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. “Simulating the Hydrological Service of Forest for Sustainable Watershed Management”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 6, Issue 3, pp. 227-240.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2008. “Quantifying Model Uncertainty in Environmental Impact Assessment”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. V. 4, Issue 6, pp. 65 – 72.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2007. “Data-Model Issues in Environmental Impact Assessment”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability. V. 3, Issue 6, pp. 149-156.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2007. “Environmental Assessment of Anthropogenic Impact through the Patterns of Ecosystem Reactions”. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V. 3, Issue 4, pp. 181-190.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter, P.A., 2004. “Data Organization for Efficient Water Quality Assessment Based on Data Collected by a Stationary Monitoring System”. In: Proc. of the 6th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2004. World Scientific Publishing, Vol. 1, pp. 684-691.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2014. Environmental Software Development with UML. In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 2014. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 1289-1296. ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2
Erechtchoukova, M.G, Khaiter, P.A., 2014. Sustainability Indicators for Water Resource
Assessment: Compatibility and Data Requirements. In: Ames, D.P., Quinn, N.W.T., Rizzoli, A.E. (Eds.), 2014. Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, June 15-19, San Diego, California, USA, pp. 948-954. ISBN: 978-88-9035-744-2
Erechtchoukova, M.G, Khaiter, P.A., 2013. Cost estimates in cost-effectiveness analysis of water quality monitoring systems. In Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. and Boland J. (Eds) MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2013, pp. 2938–2944. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-3-1
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2013. Ecosystem services in environmental
sustainability: a formalized process using UML. In Piantadosi, J., Anderssen, R.S. and Boland J. (eds) MODSIM2013, 20th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2013, pp. 1805–1811. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-3-1
Erechtchoukova, M.G. and Khaiter, P.A. 2012. Model-driven approach to optimization of monitoring designs for multiple water quality parameters. In R. Seppelt, A.A.Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.)/ 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (to appear).
Khaiter, P.A. and Erechtchoukova, M.G. 2012. Quantitative assessment of natural and anthropogenic factors in forest carbon sequestration. In R. Seppelt, A.A.Voinov, S. Lange, D. Bankamp (Eds.)/ 2012 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Managing Resources of a Limited Planet, Sixth Biennial Meeting, Leipzig, Germany (to appear).
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2011. Metamodelling in sustainable environmental management. In: Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S. (Eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 2170-2176. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-1-7.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2011. Application of optimization techniques to water quality monitoring designs. In: Chan, F., Marinova, D. and Anderssen, R.S. (Eds) MODSIM2011, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2011, pp. 2078-2084. ISBN: 978-0-9872143-1-7.
Khaiter P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2010. “A Model-Based Quantitative Assessment of Ecosystem Services in the Scenarios of Environmental Management”. In David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.)/ 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5 – July 2010, Ottawa, Canada. pp. 272-279. ISBN: 978-88-9035-741-1.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2010. Complexity Reduction in Environmental Models Using Cascading Simulation Framework. In David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds)/ 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5 – July 2010, Ottawa, Canada. pp. 2445 – 2446. ISBN: 978-88-9035-741-1
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2010. “Efficiency Criteria for Water Quality Monitoring”. In David A. Swayne, Wanhong Yang, A. A. Voinov, A. Rizzoli, T. Filatova (Eds.)/ 2010 International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software Modelling for Environment’s Sake, Fifth Biennial Meeting, 5 – July 2010, Ottawa, Canada. pp. 1380-1389. ISBN: 978-88-9035-741-1.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Chen, S.Y., Khaiter, P.A., 2009. “Application of Optimization Algorithms for the Improvement of Water Quality Monitoring Systems” – In: Athanasiadis, I.N., Mitkas, P.A., Rizzoli, A.E., Marx Gomez, J. (Eds.) “Information Technologies in Environmental Engineering” Proc. of the 4th International ICSC Symposium Thessaloniki, Greece, May 28-29, 2009. Springer. pp. 176-188. ISBN:978-3-540-88350-0.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2009. “Investigation of Monitoring Designs for Water Quality Assessment”. In B. Anderssen et al. (Eds.) /18th IMACS World Congress - MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation/, 13-17 July 2009, Cairns, Australia. pp. 3612-3618. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Khaiter P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2009. “The notion of stability in mathematics, biology, ecology and environmental sustainability”. In B. Anderssen et al. (Eds.) /18th IMACS World Congress - MODSIM09 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation/, 13-17 July 2009, Cairns, Australia. pp. 2265-2271. ISBN: 978-0-9758400-7-8.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2008. Role of Models for Building an Efficient Monitoring Design. In: Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Javier Béjar, Joaquim Comas, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Giorgio Guariso (Eds.) Proc. of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, July 2008. pp. 528-535. ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2008. “Ecosystem Stability in Integrated Catchment Management”, In: Miquel Sànchez-Marrè, Javier Béjar, Joaquim Comas, Andrea E. Rizzoli, Giorgio Guariso (Eds.) Proc. of the iEMSs Fourth Biennial Meeting: International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software (iEMSs 2008). International Environmental Modelling and Software Society, Barcelona, Catalonia, July 2008. pp. 703-710. ISBN: 978-84-7653-074-0
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2008. “Incorporating Uncertainty Evaluation into Sustainable Decision Support Framework”. In Proc.: 9th Int. Conf. Economic and organizational aspects in design and application of information systems. Kislovodsk, December 19-23, 2007. RSEA, Rostov-on-Don, pp. 194-197.
Khaiter, P.A., Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2007. From complex to simple in environmental simulation modeling. In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (Eds.) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2069 - 2075. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., Khaiter P.A., 2007. “Uncertainty reduction in modelling of chemical load in streams”. In Oxley, L. and Kulasiri, D. (Eds.) MODSIM 2007 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation. Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand, December 2007, pp. 2445 - 2451. ISBN : 978-0-9758400-4-7.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2006. “Efficient Approach to evaluation of Ecological Model Uncertainty”. In: Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2006. In: Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Hydroinformatics 2006. Research Publishing, Vol. 2, pp. 1301-1308. ISBN 81-903170-3-2.
Erechtchoukova, M.G., 2005. “Mapping environmental assessment tasks into data mining problems”. In Proc.: 8th Int. Conf. Economic and organizational aspects in design and application of information systems. Kislovodsk, Russia, November 2005, pp. 319-323. ISBN: 5-7972-1068-1.
Current Courses
Term | Course Number | Section | Title | Type |
Winter 2025 | AP/ITEC3220 3.0 | N | Using and Designing Database Systems | BLEN |
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